ʚїɞ - "Since we're through the busy holiday season, can I propose a new one?"
"National Fern Day. It can be a day for giving people named Fern sweets and head pats."
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i hate fern's tumblr tag. it's like 90% the most obvious ai art ever conceived and it's always dressing her up in fanservicey outfits. burn the whole thing.
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ʚїɞ - Fern hadn't spent much time at churches herself. She stopped in at them with her master when they visited new villages, but usually because their healing spells and expertise were so helpful. They didn't have a priest between the three of them that could heal their wounds during their travels, so it was basically a necessity. The mage held her own beliefs, but considering her adoptive father was a priest she had been taught things like prayer.
And so she practiced prayer when she deemed it necessary.
The mention of Marcille had led to Falin becoming very expressive. So much so that Fern's mouth opened slightly in awe for a time. She had no issues with this, as the expressiveness helped her understand what she was trying to say. "Right. She has a staff with a circle at the top, and there's plant life sprouting from it." In kind, Fern used her own arms to convey how big the staff was. They were definitely talking about the same person then.
Nature seemed to be a topic that excited the cleric too. "Maybe not specifically bugs, though I have no issue with them, but I enjoy nature as well. My master and I travel across the continent back home. Usually by foot, sometimes by carriage. But I feel most at peace when we're moving between villages."
"A church...? No, not really!" Had she been to church? Maybe when she was a kid, but it was more in line with her simply being able to heal. She pushes those thoughts aside, however, to listen to Fern talk, leaning forward and nodding to show her interest. Maybe too much, but she wasn't entirely sure. But her intense focus and any questions about licenses had to wait, because:
"Yes! Marcille is my very best friend. Marcille Donato, right? She's about this tall," putting a hand out, she levels it at Marcille's height. Of course she remembered how tall Marcille was.
She couldn't help but grin, "Well, I guess that sort of makes us friends, then. If your Master is my best friend's friend." Some kind of transitive property, but more excitement at the prospect of Marcille both being here and having made other friends.
Humming happily, she nods at the question in turn, "It's not anything especially profound. I enjoy looking for bugs, life thriving despite it. And lately I've taken to adventuring more often by myself."
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ʚїɞ - "I see. While my world is unlike this one, it's populous. Humans live in villages, or under the protection of lords and militias so that they aren't killed by demons." Mages and warriors were special exceptions that composed adventuring parties. Fern often thought about how if she had never met Heiter and learned magic, she likely would have lived in a small village by herself her entire life.
Based on what Mira had said, she couldn't imagine living such a lonely life. But maybe it wasn't that lonely if there was nothing there to in the first place? Was loneliness a learned feeling, or was it something everyone could feel from birth?
The mage gently took the book that was pointed to her and looked through the pages. "Truthfully, there are plenty of tomes in this library I cannot read. The ones in the more modern city libraries are all written in the same language, but only a selection of the ones here are written in a text I can parse. But this likely isn't a spell book based on how the writing is formatted."
Mira hums out softly when Fern speaks about having to rely on technology, glancing away for a moment to look around the Library they where in. It was a fair point, she herself never had to deal with such things until she was on Adam's ship or here in the city. Upon being asked if there are others like her, Mira looks back to Fern.

"I can only think of three times I came across others like me while I was guiding souls, but, during each time neither of us stopped really beyond us looking at one another in acknowledgment."
Upon hearing more of magic and special books being mentioned, she's looking towards one of the books she was trying to read before she's holding it out to Fern.
"Is this one of said books? I was fairly curious why I could not make much sense of it."
#guidingstarmira#guidingstarmira ʚїɞ 01#aside from what's happened in the anime they've had like#1 date and it was hardly a date asdfg#good thing i never expect canon ships in mfrps so i can pursue other things
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ʚїɞ - "This was almost reminiscent of the world back home..."
"Up until the part where everything is made out of candy." She's sulking.
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ʚїɞ - A stalker. Fern supposed that was an adequate term. It hadn't shown itself, but it wasn't missing. Its presence could be felt as if there was a pair of eyes glued to them at all times. Assuming it even had eyes, anyways. "Ideally we survive the first meeting." That was the risk they had to take. How did the creature fare against defense magic? It probably wasn't familiar with it, at any rate.
She listened to her master's explanation of the objects that were arranged in the room. So that was a firearm? She couldn't have even imagined based on a glance. Could it be that Frieren had been studying weapons in Spirale? The sudden usage of the gun took her by surprised. She had noticed it was there?
"Tch." Fern sought to follow up with Zoltraak, but lowered her staff after hearing it had moved closer to the window. A more dangerous place to hit than directly above, because a crack in the window would mean their end. "It's smarter than I thought. But I have a hunch it isn't intelligent enough to understand our language based on the state of this room."
Even after taking some time to flip through the journal, Frieren found that the logs weren't very notable, but the brief descriptions of the monster could help. As her apprentice tries to think of tactical advantages, the mage herself starts rummaging around the room for anything else useful. "We'll only know how much of a disadvantage we're at when we finally meet our stalker," Who she could hear moving around in the vents above again, probably thanks to the noise she was making but it didn't come down to greet them just yet.
As for the tools, she can't say that she's overly familiar with any, but she knows the names of at least a few. "We're probably better off with magic, but I'm certain these guns shoot lasers...and the blades are made from the same energy. The rest just seem like mechanical tools." she picks one up, fumbling around with the gun before she points it up toward the vent and shoots.
Thankfully, nothing comes down, but there's a sharp hiss that follows soon afterward from what can only be assumed to be from the alien itself. "Tsk...missed. My aim could be better." But she had figured it wouldn't be that easy either.
#collectspells#collectspells ʚїɞ 05#event ʚїɞ down you go#hopefully we don't roll into an alien's mouth
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ʚїɞ - Hearing Mira admit that she came from "the void of space" just made Fern blink quietly for a moment. She wasn't really sure how to react to that information. If they had met prior to her coming to the city, she likely would have thought it was impossible. But she knew better now. "Difficult to adjust in some ways. Adjusting to a culture that relies on technology you don't understand can definitely be hard."
She thought back to the "void of space" comment again. "I can't fathom what it would be like in space, but are there others like you?" It was a roundabout way of expressing concern that Mira might have been alone.
It would explain some things.
"Mhm. Magic can do pretty much anything, but you also can't just create your own. You need to learn either from a teacher or through special books."
Mira listens closely as Fern describes where she was from, and it's a strange thing to think about. While Mira wasn't all to familiar with the name of things due to her time in space, she knew things like those existed even if she hadn't placed the item to the name, but to not have them at all? It just goes to show how well souls could adapt to anything. It was fascinating in a way.
"You're world sounds highly different then if you do not have any of those things. I'm sure my world has them, but names of things elude me since I lived in the void of space and just recently fell to Earth. ..Was it hard adjusting to this area?"
Mira nods when Fern tells her the name of the bakery, filling it away in her head as she makes sure to give Fern ample room to sit besides her. They used magic to... Fight demons and yet also.. Clean clothes??
"Such a thing is that versatility? Given how different they sound from one another?"
#guidingstarmira#guidingstarmira ʚїɞ 01#slow burn is the only kind of romance for her in general asdfg
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ʚїɞ - "Hm. In a way. I didn't find it very scary, but I'm sure someone with a personality that was more prone to worry in the same situation would have had a harder time." Sometimes she felt fortunate to be the way that she was, even if it caused friction with people who didn't understand her at times.
Being open to a quick adjustment was probably the right plan of action. Fern didn't often think back to what she might do differently if she had to redo her first day in the city, but it probably would have involved buying more groceries. There were so many new foods here.
"Is there anything you want to learn about in particular? I'm not familiar with the technology here, but if its about locations or amenities I might be able to help. I've been here for roughly a year after all."
"I can't imagine how weird it must've been for you."
The modern world wasn't exactly anything new for Rapi but she could understand how strange it was to someone who didn't have a single prior experience with it. And no less have to go about it by being dragged to a completely different world too. A flash of that bad luck must've felt pretty awful...

"Though that is my plan. A lot of this place does remind me of where I come from. But there's obviously some differences..." For starters no Raptures. A world that she and every other Nikke was striving for potentially realized. Something many might not even realize was a far off reality for them.
"...Of course I also want to learn about what this place has as well. Especially if I'm going to be stuck here for awhile."
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ʚїɞ - "Do you think I'd tell you if I did?" Fern's guard might have been down for a moment, but she was quick to repel Nicolette's attempt at ribbing. The answer was yes, at times. The fact that she had to ask meant that she had never noticed it, giving the mage a little bit of wiggle room to bite back.
Her purple eyes blinked several times as she thought about Nicolette's question. "Honestly, undergarments aren't as advanced in my world than here. We have things akin to them, but comfort is prioritized over style." She felt the need to infodump first. "But no. No one would ever see anyways, so I don't especially care."
Difference in background probably shaped their differing opinions.
Rather than agree to take a peek, Fern just placed a hand on Nicolette's shoulder like she was offering an apology. "Master made me learn a spell to see through people's clothing and I don't even use that."
The sidelong smile she offered her companion was hard to miss, eyes narrowing like a cat playing with a mouse as she asked, ❝ do I ever make you blush, Fernie? ❞ The very idea seemed flattering more than anything. Nicolette found her friend rather pretty despite the mage's apparent lack of interest in her own appearance.
❝ Speaking of things to blush about— I think you really underestimate what a good pair of panties can do. Comfort is a must, but more importantly... don't you think there's something fun about wearing a sexy secret that only you know about? ❞ The differences between her and the mage were obvious, but it still managed to fascinate her when their contrasting ways of thought collided.
What a strange picture they must make, walking beside one another.
Nicolette gravitated further into the store without prompting, lingering near a dressed mannequin with a rather flattering green cloak. ❝ I'll show you mine, if you want an example— here, try this, ❞ casual invitation to view her undergarments offered, Nicolette pulled the article from the display and held it up in front of Fern's body with a discerning eye.
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the best offense is a good defense
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ʚїɞ - "Likely to market it, yes. I think saying "dough with hazelnut" isn't a phrasing that rolls off the tongue very well." If all they had to do was give it the shape of a beaver's tail to call it as such, then she supposed it wasn't that big of a deal. Such culinary practices could be observed even back home in bars and restaurants, though maybe not on such a creative scale.
Having been in the city for roughly a year now, she'd caught on to some tells when people were new. Visible confusion, clear signs that someone was lost, unfamiliarity with otherwise common terminology. As someone who had been through that herself, she thought it was only right to help where she could.
"The concept of a "movie" was entirely foreign to me when I first arrived here, much less homes having electricity and lights." She added as a way to add some perspective about just how different their own arrivals had been. "It can be pretty shocking when you first arrive, but over time you'll get used to it."
"So they just called it that to give it a unique name. Interesting..." Though she did wonder what all of that had to do with an actual tail to begin with. Maybe they just thought it sounded cute and marketable enough to anyone who wanted it. While it didn't interest her too much she knew a select few individuals who would be head over heels to try one had they been dragged here.
Although maybe it was for the best they stayed back home. A food massacre was the last thing Rapi wanted to clean up.
"You'd be right though, I only recently arrived here. Judging from some of the others I've met I think I made the safe assumption that I'll be meeting plenty of people that could never come where I'm from." Rapi said coming from a place where she seen it all. But even then said "home" probably held plenty of more surprises on top of this city.

"It's definitely a more unique experience that's for sure. Not to offend you. The idea of a mage would probably only pop up in movies or comics, never right in front of us."
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ʚїɞ - "Ah... I can relate, actually." Plenty of people found the city to be familiar at least on some level. Fern had never fallen into that category. "The world I come from isn't anything like this one. We didn't have vehicles, computers, or even buildings that tower so high in the sky. I suppose forts and castles were the closest thing..." In a way, she felt like she'd found a kindred spirit. Most people weren't in that boat with her.
"The name of the store is Ofiuco's Coffee & Treats. I believe this ward has one close to the housing area." Probably because Cotes was so "fantasy".
Not wanting to expend any more of her mana, she ended up sitting beside Mira. "Mhm. We use magic to fight demons and protect ourselves, but it has a number of practical uses as well. Cleaning clothes instantly, for example."
Mira's eyebrows knit slightly when she's asking about a phone, and then she's remember that small device that was similar to Adam's that he would use to have conversations with. She did have one, but she didn't know fully how to work it, so it was left back in the room she had in her housing.
"Not on me, I do not fully understand how to make use of it, so I have left it in the housing that was provided for me, but I have a good memory, so I'll be able to remember the place if you speak it's name."

Mage? Staff? Spells? These are words she's hear before, Rich had spoken them in an off rant about something, but it was something she never got to dive further into.
"So you cannot naturally fly..." Mira says softly as she moves to sit on top of the bookshelf she was hovering over. "I imagine it allows for other things correct? If I am understanding it's nature correctly."
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ʚїɞ - The metallic interior of the space station made evading attention difficult. There was no telling just how sensitive the monster's hearing was, but each step upon the floor made a pretty notable sound. Even though Fern was trying her best to be light-footed, well... Actually, that gave her an idea. Levitation. She began to float using flying magic. "If we fly we can limit the sound we make."
Then the only risks would be speaking and bumping into things. Well, those and that fact that the monster probably had eyes to see them with.
Fern didn't know what to make of her master's own suggestion, though. "I find the chances that it is "birdlike" to be very low. It likely would not be able to move through the vents if it had wings." They wouldn't be catching it like a Stille during the exams. They hadn't really seen much of the creature, but its presence could definitely be felt.
"We are at a fairly significant disadvantage in these circumstances. If any equipment here would be of use, I'm not sure how to use it." They came from a fantasy world. Fern herself had never even imagined the possibility of going to space before coming to Spirale. "Do any of the tools appear familiar to you?"
Being dropped into some sort of abandoned space station wasn't the weirdest thing that had happened to her, but the suddenness of it all was a bit jarring. Fern was cautious as usual, taking care to carefully inspect their surroundings. Frieren, on the other hand, behaved as she always did: with some caution but noticeably less so than her apprentice. "Not exactly, so we'll just have to be careful when concentrating our mana into smaller blasts." Which isn't very reassuring, but with both of their expertise, Frieren wasn't too worried.
Frieren ducks into a room, waving for Fern to follow and inside, there isn't much. A bunch of strewn cabinets along with files, various broken test tubes, and bloodied walls. What piques her interest though, is the journal that sat on one of the work desks. Inside it were a few entries of detailed logs, ending off with a warning about the creature they'd be sure to meet soon.
"You don't suppose it's birdlike, do you? That'd make things much easier. I have a spell for that." she questions, still reading through the journal.
#collectspells#collectspells ʚїɞ 06#event ʚїɞ down you go#we're going to survive this like ripley and her cat
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🌸 - to place a flower crown on your muse’s head .
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🌸 - to place a flower crown on your muse’s head . @guidingstarmira
ʚїɞ - Fern had been surprised to find a weight suddenly placed onto her head. Brightly coloured flowers were noticed when she looked up but she didn't know where they had come from until she turned around. "Oh." It made sense that she hadn't heard footsteps.
It was Mira.
"Did you make this for me? I suppose I don't accessorize very often... I have a friend here who I believe thinks I dress rather plainly." Was wearing a black cloak over a white dress not fashionable enough? "Do you have more flowers? Let me make one for you too."
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🌡 How neat! Built-in clinical thermometer! Its visor even displays the precise number! though uh. are you doing alright
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🌡 - to check your muse’s temperature . @corporatevalue
ʚїɞ - Funnily enough, Fern had encountered a drone like this before. She was a friend who had ended up redesigned as a denizen of that world back when everyone's worlds were jumbled, but it was enough for the feverish young woman to feel comfortable when the sight might have alarmed her otherwise.
"Truthfully? No. It came on so suddenly, and I still have a ways to go to get home. I can't fly in this condition either." Her illness must have been obvious, but she really could barely stand up straight. "You're a drone, right? You don't need to really... worry... about me..." And she passed out while propping herself against the wall.
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misc action memes
the one sending in the prompt is the one comitting the action . [ add * for role reversal ! ]
🤚 - to offer your muse a hand in dance . 🤕 - to dress your muse’s wound . 🎀 - to braid / brush your muse’s hair . 🗡️ - to point a weapon at your muse . 👑 - to bow down before your muse . ☀️ - to kiss your muse’s hand . 🧋 - to offer your muse a drink . 💎 - to try to steal something from your muse . 🚬 - to light your muse’s cigarette . 🙄 - for my muse to roll their eyes at yours . 💐- to gift a bouquet of flowers . 😴 - to fall asleep on your muse . 🧥 - to warm your muse by wrapping them in a coat / blanket . 🌻 - for my muse to suddenly hold your muse’s hand . ❗️ - for my muse to hold your muse’s chin as a way of getting attention . 🔔 - for my muse to wake yours from a nightmare . 🎁 - for my muse to cup your muse’s face with their hands . ⭐️ - for my muse to stargaze with yours . 💍 - for my muse to tie a piece of jewelry around your muse’s neck or wrist . ❤️ - for my muse to kiss yours on the forehead . 👋 - for my muse to tug at your muse’s sleeve for attention . 🥱 - for my muse to yawn loudly . 🌸 - to place a flower crown on your muse’s head . 🦁 - to snarl / growl at your muse . 🤝 - for my muse to reach out their hand for a handshake . 💥 - to push your muse aside . 🖕 - for my muse to flash their middle finger at your muse . 🌹 - for my muse to blush . 🌼 - to give your muse a piggyback . 🌾 - for my muse to catch yours from falling / fainting . 🟠 - for my muse to pace back and forth . 🤺 - to challenge your muse to a sparring match . 🩹 - to trace your muse’s scars . 👁 - to glare at your muse . ✨ - for your muse to catch mine shirtless . 🎵 - for my muse to catch yours singing in secret . 💧 - for my muse to wipe away your muse’s tears . 🧽 - to wipe / clean blood off your muse . 😢 - for my muse to be caught crying . 💪 - for my muse to flex their muscles . ✊ - for my muse to hit yours . 😶🌫️ - to be caught hiding from something . 🧍 - to block your muse’s path . 🌡 - to check your muse’s temperature . 🪦 - to see yours by a grave . 🚶 - to go on a long walk together . ⚡ - to take shelter from a storm together . 👀 - to be caught staring at your muse . 🪴 - for your muse to lean on my muse for support . 🧨 - to pin your muse against the wall . ⚔️ - to fight against enemies together . 🪞 - to catch my muse trying to compose themselves in front of a mirror . 🤫 - for my muse to place a finger to their lips, shushing your muse . 👞 - for my muse to help yours get dressed . 🤗 - to hug your muse . 🩸 - to approach your muse soaked in blood . 🛡️ - for my muse to protect yours from harm . ☃️ - to build a snowman together .
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Generate ten headcanons for your muse and then either accept ✔ or reject ✖ them.
Fern cringes at their middle school yearbook photos. ✖ Fern did not attend school, her world does not have a normal school system, and photography isn't a thing.
Fern could easily survive The Hunger Games. ✔ Considering no one else in The Hunger Games can use magic, I'd say so.
Fern uses two-in-one shampoo and conditioner. ✔ In Isola, anyways.
Fern cries while watching Disney movies. ✖ Queen never cry.
It would not take much for Fern to turn evil. ✖ She was raised well.
Fern forgets to eat sometimes. ✖ This is the one thing she would never forget to do.
Fern sings in the shower. ✔ If you hear her, no you don't.
Fern would buy clothes from the soup store. ✔ Does it matter where you get them if the price is right?
Fern is a switch. ✔ She'd prefer to top, though.
Fern almost drank the lethal dosage of caffeine once. ✔ She comes from a fantasy world so a "lethal dose" to her is like a single specialty drink from Ofiubucks.
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