Like moths to a flame...
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
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{event’s up and while i do have other replies to get to (apologies for the delay you know things be whack...) i will be having jeritza participate. it should go without saying that he’ll be siding with the null, always one to pick an opportune moment to get in some kills. unfortunately he doesn’t have any abilities to gain back and no real weapon... but he will make do (’:
i’m gonna shoot this out as a starter call that’s capped at 2, and ofc anyone that wants to plot over that cap is welcome to hmu in IMs!}
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
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Keep reading
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
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bold what applies.       italicize what sometimes applies.     repost don’t reblog.
i.   DRACULA.    cold to the touch.  flickering candles.  cold breath upon your neck.  billowing white gowns.  midnight strolls.  pearl trimmed bands. indulging in your deepest desires. the fall from grace. the fear of outsiders.   bloodstained sheets. dark imaginations.  something lurking in the shadows.  the urge to run away. glowing eyes in the darkness.  the scent of garlic.  preying on the weak.  the power to both bring and take life.
ii.    THE   PICTURE   OF   DORIAN  GRAY.    old bookshelves. kisses on the hand. a devotion to the finer things in life.  prizing youth and beauty above all. paying the ultimate price. the pursuit of pleasure.  blood red sins painted over in white snow.  a drug-induced stupor. breaking the heart of the one you love.  losing what’s left of your humanity.
iii.   FRANKENSTEIN.  frantic sketches.  the stench of something rotten.  unorthodox beliefs.  a scream from the woods.  candles burning out. dangerous knowledge.  contemplating existence.  the crunch of leaves.  the chill of winter in your bones. dark ambitions. prometheus reborn. the contrast between life and death.
iv.   THE   COUNT   OF   MONTE   CRISTO.  false accusations.  taking justice into your own hands. divine justice. elaborate schemes. playing upon others’ weaknesses.  the solitude of the ocean.  an ever-changing identity. dissatisfaction in your life. an alienation from humanity.  escaping from prison.
TAGGED BY: stolen TAGGING: lmao take it
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
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1. Aggressive - pursuing one’s aims and interests forcefully, sometimes unduly so 2. Aloof - not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant 3. Arrogant - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities 4. Belligerent - hostile and aggressive 5. Big-headed - conceited or arrogant 6. Bitchy - malicious or unpleasant 7. Boastful - showing excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities 8. Bone-idle - lazy 9. Boring - not interesting; tedious 10. Bossy - fond of giving people orders; domineering
11. Callous - showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others 12. Cantankerous - bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative 13. Careless - not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors 14. Changeable - irregular; inconstant 15. Clinging - overly dependent on someone emotionally 16. Compulsive - resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge, especially one that is against one’s conscious wishes 17. Conservative - a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics 18. Cowardly - lacking courage 19. Crass - lacking sensitivity, refinement, or intelligence 20. Cruel - willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it 21. Cunning - having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion 22. Cynical - believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity 23. Deceitful - guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others 24. Detached - separate or disconnected 25. Dishonest - behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way. 26. Dogmatic - inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true 27. Domineering - assert one’s will over another in an arrogant way 28. Fastidious - very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail 29. Finicky - fussy about one’s needs or requirements 30. Foolish - lacking good sense or judgement; unwise 31. Foolhardy - recklessly bold or rash 32. Fussy - fastidious about one’s needs or requirements; hard to please 33. Greedy - having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power 34. Grumpy - bad-tempered and irritable 35. Gullible - easily persuaded to believe something; credulous 36. Harsh - cruel or severe 37. Impatient - having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked 38. Impolite - not having or showing good manners; rude 39. Impulsive - acting or done without forethought 40. Inconsiderate - thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others 41. Inconsistent - not compatible or in keeping with 42. Indecisive - not having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively 43. Indiscreet - having, showing, or proceeding from too great a readiness to reveal things that should remain secret or private 44. Inflexible - unwilling to change or compromise 45. Interfering - tending to interfere in other people’s affairs 46. Intolerant - not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one’s own 47. Irresponsible - not showing a proper sense of responsibility 48. Jealous - feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages 49. Lazy - unwilling to work or use energy 50. Machiavellian - cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics 51. Materialistic - excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented 52. Mean - one who makes no effort to understand or empathize with others 53. Miserly - of or characteristic of a miser 54. Moody - given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness 55. Narrow-minded - not willing to listen to or tolerate other people’s views; prejudiced 56. Nasty - behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way 57. Naughty - disobedient; badly behaved 58. Nervous - easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung 59. Obsessive - a person who is affected by an obsession 60. Obstinate - stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so 61. Overcritical - inclined to find fault too readily 62. Overemotional - having feelings that are too easily excited and displayed 63. Parsimonious - unwilling to spend money or use resources (on herself); stingy or frugal 64. Patronizing - apparently kind or helpful but betraying a feeling of superiority; condescending 65. Perverse - showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences 66. Pessimistic - tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen 67. Pompous - affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important 68. Possessive - demanding someone’s total attention and love 69. Pusillanimous - showing a lack of courage or determination; timid 70. Quarrelsome - given to or characterized by quarreling 71. Quick-tempered - easily made angry 72. Resentful - feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly 73. Rude - offensively impolite or ill-mannered 74. Ruthless - having or showing no pity or compassion for others 75. Sarcastic - marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt 76. Secretive - inclined to conceal feelings and intentions or not to disclose information 77. Selfish - lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure 78. Self-centered - preoccupied with oneself and one’s affairs 79. Self-indulgent - characterized by doing or tending to do exactly what one wants, especially when this involves pleasure or idleness 80. Silly - having or showing a lack of common sense or judgement; absurd and foolish 81. Sly - having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature 82. Sneaky - furtive; sly 83. Stingy - unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous 84. Stubborn - having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so 85. Stupid - having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense 86. Superficial - not having or showing any depth of character or understanding 87. Tacky - showing poor taste and quality 88. Tactless - having or showing a lack of adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues 89. Timid - showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened 90. Touchy - oversensitive and irritable 91. Thoughtless - not showing consideration for the needs of other people 92. Truculent - eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant 93. Unkind - inconsiderate and harsh to others 94. Unpredictable - behaving in a way that is not easily predicted 95. Unreliable - not able to be relied upon 96. Untidy - not inclined to keep one’s possessions or appearance neat and in order 97. Untrustworthy - not able to be relied on as honest or truthful 98. Vague - thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way 99. Vain - having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth 100. Vengeful - seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury. 101. Vulgar - lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined 102. Weak-willed - lacking the ability to resist influence or to restrain one’s own impulses; irresolute  
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
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“Why must there seem to be a festival of sorts for everything...” The crowds of people for this ‘Springtide Festival’ were... not to his liking.
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
@deathlyknighted​ // x
Objectively, Edelgard recognizes (and indeed, has always recognized) the need for Jeritza. The Death Knight, the man who could slay so many in his wake; there’s a thousand bloody reasons that Edelgard needed him on her side, and a lot of them were purely selfish. She never got the chance to get to know him, admittedly, though she’s always grown attached to those close to her (and, he was close to her, even if he wasn’t a fellow classmate). 
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Seeing him here, in Spirale – well, that’s not so much a shock with how many other familiar faces she’s seen. She won’t ignore him: that was never an option. Instead, she comes up beside him, her eyes on the space between where they stand before she looks up at him. “Jeritza,” she greets. She’s uncertain how to approach him now that she’s standing here, next to him. He was never one for pleasantries, and Edelgard doesn’t want to dishonor their past by forcing them on him. She oscillates between ‘you’re looking well’ and ‘how have you been?’ to finally settling on something relevant to his interests.
“There are a few stray cats I’ve seen in this part of town. Have you had the chance to feed them?”
People rarely approached him. And he was fine with that---he didn’t like interacting with them just as much as they wanted to avoid them. But in this city, people were more willing to do such a thing. Which left less of a surprise when it occurred now, used to some stranger coming up beside him to speak, though he tried to pay them no mind.
Though this time the voice captured his attention, and he turned to look down at Edelgard beside him. He wasn’t used to her speaking to him so casually, that was for certain. As much as he owed her for what she had done for him, and as much as he was ever loyal to her cause, he never saw the two of them as very close. Not that he saw himself close to anyone---as he avoided that---but definitely not enough that casualties as this were normal. Staring at her for a moment, he quickly moved to bow, the momentary shock wearing off enough to remember formalities.
“Your majesty...” He spoke, straightening back up and tilting his head to the side a bit.
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“I have been able to feed them... I recently took in one as well that had dug it’s claws into Dorothea’s dress. They are quite friendly... But... How long have you been within this city? I can’t say I have seen even a glance of you before now.”
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
{ 👑 } CLOSED UP TIGHT, A RATHER OPPOSING individual to Gangrel’s sensibilities. There’s no appreciation, not even acknowledgement. He flips through his menu, somewhat indignant. You do a good deed, and where does it get you? His presence is a DEMANDING one. A petulant child who craves attention.
STILL, IT ISN’T AS IF HE was expecting much from the taciturn stranger. ❝Well, there’s other foods and drinks and you can order it to go …❞ He huffs, somewhat thankful for the now sudden presence of a waitress. He takes his order with somewhat of a FORCED smile.
❝I SUPPOSE I’LL START WITH THE mundane, legal reason. Boring, I know, But I don’t know you, guy.❞ He wheezes, thankful, somewhat that the stranger takes some initiative despite his SEEMINGLY introverted reason. ❝The powers that be grant them back if you’re around a while. Depends on the individual, but a few months of socialising USUALLY does the trick. Not too reliable eh?❞
He again chooses to say nothing, not bothering with the subject of food anymore. Eyes watching the waitress as the other man’s order was taken, he simply shook his head when she looked at him to see if he wanted anything himself. Looking back over at the other when she left, he gave all attention to him once more.
Shrugging gently at the comment of being unknown, he realized he hadn’t even given the other man his name. Though he doubted it mattered at this point and frankly, the other never learning who he was was tempting, it was probably still best to exchange names. "I apologize... I forgot to introduce myself earlier. I am Jeritza von Hrym, thank you again for helping me with procuring a weapon.”
When told the most legal way to get one though, he frowned. He’d been around this city for a while---yet still hadn’t received anything. Perhaps it was due to the second part...
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“I am not one for socializing.” That was more than evident by now, surely. “It is better I do not be close with others... Is that the only means legally to acquiring one?”
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
Had she done something wrong? Had something she’d done, something she’d said or some way she’d acted, had it driven him away? They had been having such a nice time together- dare she consider it a date? And yet, now she was alone, trying her hardest to stifle her tears on some bench.
Absolutely alone.
Nier gives a little start at the sound of a voice nearby her, and looks up to see a man looming over her. Perhaps she’s not the right person to be asking this question, as there’s not much she finds scary anymore.
Shaking her head, Nier wipes her eyes with the sleeves of her robes. “S-scary…? Y-you just look like a regular human to me… You’re not scary at all…”
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Maybe there’s something she doesn’t know, but Nier has seen her own crewmates look far more intimidating than this man. Many of them are well over seven feet tall, after all. She shakes her head again, giving a deep sigh. “A-are people telling you you look scary…? That’s so cruel… S-some people called me a monster before, a-and I don’t… I-”
Those memories are more than enough to make Nier burst into tears once more. “H-how could they something like that?” she cries. “I-I just wanted to be loved, I didn’t-”
Choking back sobs, Nier presses her hands to her eyes until her tears stop flowing. She looks up to the man, tears still flowing down her cheeks as she reaches out to him. “D-do I look like a monster to you…?”
Oh. This girl had been crying. Perhaps it was not the best time to be bothering her---he was never very good with consoling others.
Before he could take back anything he said or excuse himself though, she had already answered his question and even started asking her own. Stuck in place, he tries to figure out what to do about this situation. This wasn’t what he was expecting at all. He should never have started trying to speak to people. That was very evident now.
"I... do not mind being called scary, normally, but people have simply been avoiding me without interacting...” Was it the right thing to do to keep speaking on his situation when she was in tears? He was certain that it wasn’t the right move. What would his sister do in these sorts of situations?
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When she reached out to him, he stiffened up a bit, still trying to process how to properly console a crying girl and not just get up and walk away---especially when there was a tugging in his mind to not do such a thing. Staying stock still for a moment, he eventually reaches out carefully and takes her hands to squeeze gently. Hugging was not an option, even if he was certain that was what his sister would do, so this was the next best thing.
“You do not look like a monster...” She didn’t. It wasn’t just words to comfort her with. He’d seen many monsters, particularly in the mirror. She looked nothing more than an upset girl. “Whoever said such is quite cruel... I am sorry for their words.”
Was he doing this right? He couldn’t tell, and he still wished he wasn’t doing this at all.
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
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“It’s a surprise to find people around here from our own homes. I’ve already come across some from the Empire, and others from the Kingdom and Alliance. Yet despite everything, the meets have been pretty peaceful compare to what was going on.” It isn’t as if Caspar wanted the war to continue within this island. It was a time of peace for now. Who knows if it’ll be the same once everyone were to acquire their own weapons. He wouldn’t make the first move, unless it was for a specific reason.
Though it was great to hear the other agree to his proposal. A good training session was always a great way to pass the time. A good way to see what flaws one may have, and practice until the time comes around. “Great! I knew there was no way you could have said no. And don’t worry, I’ve actually trained at this spot indoors with the Professor and found a small open area close by all the weights. I still want to hone my skills with axes, so that’ll be my weapon of choice.” The grin never cease from the warrior’s expression as he began to lead the way. “And luckily it’s not far from here. So how long have you been in this place?”
“Is that so...”
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Peaceful re-connections... That wasn’t something that really held his interest. But the idea that those from the Kingdom he hadn’t seen were also here... Well, he wouldn’t believe such until he saw it himself. There was no use in getting hopes up over nothing.
Besides, his focus was better suited on the task at hand of training.
His brows furrowed for a moment at the idea he wouldn’t have refused the suggestion, but well... Caspar wasn’t wrong at that. The idea he was so easy to read though, was a bit frustrating. Still, he listened to the other and followed when he began to walk. As much as he disliked the amount of chatter going on, at the least he knew that Caspar could very easily entertain himself with going on and on with little input.
“Does this place have proper weapons to train with,” it was a long shot, but he could hope. The wooden lance he carried around was little use to him, even in training. “...I have been here for a few months now. Though I have seen few people from home.”
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
As much as she liked cute pets, Dorothea didn’t have that particularly on the mind today. She had seen them around, sure, but she hadn’t had the time to stop and pet them, give them her undivided attention. For now, she wanted to find a nice place to practice her singing, someplace secluded preferably. Someplace where they wouldn’t mind her increasing in volume, practicing her range. 
It just so happened, at the time, that she paused away the busy walkway, debating about the places available. It was.. hard to think about what she did to practice before the war. And after the war, all that came out were sorrowful lamentations.
Ah.. The war.
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She almost doesn’t notice the cat threading its claws through her dress until…. –– RIP!
Her eyes widen as she look behind her, threads of her favorite red dress hanging around the hands of a rather defenseless cat. And the person holding the cat? The only thing Dorothea could do at this point is stare. .. It was a lot to take in at the moment. The silence? Deafening. 
❝ … ❞
Staring up at Dorothea as the silence hung over them both, Jeritza eventually looked away to back down at the cat in his hands, and the tear in the other’s dress. It wasn’t a terribly huge tear. It was able to be mended---probably. Not that he had any experience in that. And he wasn’t sure if she did either. So perhaps that was a lost cause.
Carefully removing the cat’s claws from the dress, he finally stood up properly, cat still in his arms as he now looked down at Dorothea. He was pretty sure turning around and walking away was not an option anymore. As much as he would like to do that, and avoid the rest of this interaction.
“My apologies,” he finally speaks, bowing his head a bit. “I did not mean for your dress to be ripped... I misjudged how stuck the cat’s claws were in your dress.”
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Pausing for a moment, he shifted the position he was holding the cat in. “...I believe the tear can be mended, but I’m unable to do such a thing myself. I am... willing to help replace the dress if need be.” Though he would prefer not to, if he was being honest.
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
➷ ◞  @deathlyknighted  ❫  sc
       ooh, isn’t that jeritza? she thinks to herself, watching him from a safe distance. he’s not wearing that scary death knight mask of his at the moment which probably makes him less terrifying. actually, looking at him right now, jeritza sure looks rather calm. bernadetta sure acted weird around him last time, talking about kindred spirits and all that nonsense that he did not really care for… which was totally embarassing. perhaps he forgot about it, she really hoped so. what he is doing now? she follows him further along the street to see him stopping for some food, it looked rather sweet? “wow, is that ice cream? does it enjoy sweets? that’s surprising!” she speaks to herself with a hushed tone within her voice. 
       it’s just strange following him around like this, maybe bernadetta should say something to him. he won’t be mad about her following him if she doesn’t tell him, she could just casually walk by… yeah. “man, i’m kind of glad that i found a few people i recognize throughout this place… you especially surprising, jeritza.” she eyes the cold treat in his hands there afterwards. “i didn’t know you liked sweet things… is that perhaps a secret of yours?!”
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In truth, he’d noticed her following him a while back. But knowing the girl, it was best he didn’t say anything about such---she would probably skitter off somewhere all while yelling apologies. Not only would that be a great annoyance in general, it also felt cruel in a way given that she had wound up feeling comfortable around him to a degree. Something he still didn’t really understand, but did not question. So instead of turning to her, Jeritza simply waited until Bernadetta approached him herself.
“Is it that much of a surprise to find me here.” Perhaps it was. But in his eyes he figured everyone from back home was here in some capacity, they just had yet to be found.
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Looking down at the ice cream in his hands, he gave a shrug. “I would not call it a secret...” Though he would also never openly admit to indulging in such a treat without being seen. “But I do enjoy them, yes. Are you still trying to find secrets from me?”
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
ringrelic replied to your post: Had he not checked the calendar today, he would...
how do you feel about birthday… fights though? it’s kinda like birthday beats, except you have duels
birthday fights are the only acceptable recognition of his birthday from now on
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
Had he not checked the calendar today, he would have missed it. It wasn’t exactly something he thought much of nor cared to make a deal of, particularly after years of it being nothing to celebrate. He was fairly certain he hadn’t celebrated since being left alone at house Bartels.
That train of thought ended quickly as it wasn’t going to lead anywhere good. Instead, he focused on looking for a bakery, heading into the first one that he saw. While he looked out of place inside, he didn’t plan to stay long contemplating choices. He simply pointed at the first cake slice he saw and ordered it. Normally he opted for ice cream anyway. It was simply the faint memories he clung to that had him switching out the sweet for the day.
Taking the boxed treat with him, he walked to a nearby park to sit down with it. Sitting for a moment, he simply observed the people walking around, going about their day. Birthdays were never something special. He didn’t get the deal others put into them, but it was perhaps because he hadn’t been close enough to others in so long that he couldn’t understand the thought process. Or perhaps it was because he didn’t see himself as anything to be celebrated in the first place.
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Letting out a sigh, he looked back down at the box and stared for a moment before opening it up and taking a bite of the cake. It was not the same as the memory he had of his mother’s cakes, but it would do.
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
{ 👑 } HE HAS HIS SECRETS, GANGREL CAN tell. Antsy? Oh quite, he’s familiar with that term. A tilt of his head, wondering for a moment if the pale man standing opposite is more familiar than he initially thought. ❝I think the proper thing to say is that if you need to let something off your chest, you SHOULD.❞ Shoulders roll, palms raised up. ❝But I’m not prying, tough guy. I like my privacy too.❞
GANGREL RAISES A BROW WHEN THEY sit. ❝You can get something for yourself too, I promise I’m not going to ENGORGE myself.❞ The stranger doesn’t seem to lack a stomach of his own. Gangrel looks over his menu. ❝They got CUTE cakes~❞
THE FORMER KING CHUCKLES TO HIMSELF. In a sense, a rowdier tavern could have been a better pick, and in most areas of the island, perhaps it is. But, well, he’s not in the mood for piss poor ale or being tossed around like a PARTICULARLY mangy ragdoll. ❝Eh, the owner is afraid of the law. No one here would snitch on us without repercussions. Besides, NOT EVERYTHING I have to tell you is illegal. I’m certainly not sneaking you a sword under the table or anything like that —-❞
Eyes narrowing at the suggestion of letting something off his chest, he stayed silent. There was no way that was happening, and even the idea of it was off putting. He also didn’t appreciate the mention of the cakes on the menu, brow twitching a bit at it.
“I’m not particularly hungry...” It wasn’t exactly a lie, he wasn’t in the mood to eat. And the idea of letting himself be indulgent and himself in front of a stranger turned him off from the thought entirely.
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When he spoke about the owner of the establishment, Jeritza simply gave a ‘hmm’ in response. He’d have to remember that for another time---it might come in handy. Though unlikely. After sitting for a moment in silence, he figured the other was waiting for him to give a more proper response. “...So how exactly am I supposed to be going about getting a weapon.”
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
While this city was vast, it was evident after a few months being in it that no matter how many people occupied this place it would be impossible to avoid those that came from back home. For one reason or another they simply all found each other---whether that was luck or not depended on who the person was. In most cases, Jeritza was indifferent to those who he spotted. Being one to not make bonds he didn’t really have many he sought out, and he had no strong feelings towards those that were on opposite ends of the war.
This run in, however, would be one he counted as unlucky.
Standing in front of Hubert, his gaze was fixed into a glare and mouth drawn to a frown. It didn’t matter how long they had known one another, or that they held the same loyalties to Edelgard herself, the other man still managed to aggravate him consistently. Purposefully too, he was quite sure. It was irritating.
“Hubert,” while he tried to speak with indifference, the annoyance evident in his face managed to seep it’s way in anyway. “Here I thought I had been lucky enough that you would not be here... But it seems not.”
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
word prompts compilation
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention
[ wake ] for your muse to wake mine
[ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket
[ lift ] for your muse to give mine a hand stepping up or over something etc.
[ kiss ]  for your muse to come up to mine and kiss them without warning
[ run ] for your muse to run their fingers through mine’s hair
[ braid ] for your muse to braid mine’s hair
[ embrace ]  for your muse to hold mine
[ smile ] for your muse to smile at mine from across the room
[ wave ] for your muse to gesture to mine to come closer
[ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger
[ touch ] for your muse to rest their forehead against mine’s
[ weep ]  for your muse to catch mine crying
[ eat ] for your muse to offer mine food
[ hit ] for your muse to attack mine
[ love ] for your muse to touch mine as a show of affection or reassurance
[ nap ] for your muse to fall asleep against mine
[ rest ] for your muse to rest their head in mine’s lap
[ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring
[ seduce ] for your muse to touch mine sexually
[ help ] for your muse to lean on mine for support
[ give ] for your muse to offer mine their arm
[ entwine ] for your muse to hold mine’s hand
[ laugh ] for your muse to laugh at something mine did
[ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine
[ sit ] for your muse to pull mine into their lap
[ yell ] for your muse to calm mine down
[ cry ] for your muse to wipe mine’s tears away
[ dream ] for my muse to share dream with yours
[ nightmare ] for your muse to wake mine from a nightmare
[ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation
[ fix ] for your muse to treat mine’s injury
[ sacrifice ] for your muse to get hurt protecting mine
[ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger
[ taste ] for your muse to cook for mine
[ sing ] for your muse to sing to mine 
[ goodbye ] for my muse kissing and/or hugging your muse goodbye
[ secrets ]   my  muse  sharing/confiding  a secret
[ bloody ]   for your  muse  coming  to  my  muse  with  blood  stains 
[ drunk ]   your  muse  takes  care  of my very drunk muse 
[ bed ]  my  muse wakes up in  the  same bed as your muse with little  recollection  of  the  night  before
[ scream ]   my  muse  hears  your  muse  scream  and  runs  to  them
[ trail ]   my  muse  watches  as  your  muse  traces  one  of  my  muses  scars,  asking  them  about  it
[ piggyback ]   my  muse  gives  yours  a  piggyback  ride
[ jump ]   my  muse  holding  yours  up  by  their  thighs
[ carry ]   my  muse  carries  your  muse  to  their  house
[ lighter ]   my  muse  pulls  out  a  lighter  and  lights  it  for  your  muse  to  use  to  light  their  cigarette
[ shot ] my  muse  gets  shot  and  struggles  to  your  muses for aid
[ wound ] my  muse  patches  and  bandages  a  wound  your  muse  has  gotten
[ fight ]   my  muse  stops  your  muse  from  getting  into  a  physical  fight  with  someone  else
[ arrest ]   your  muse  finds  my  muse  arrested  in  cuffs  
[ hospital ]   my  muse  awakens  in  a  hospital,  finding  your  muse  by  their  side,  asking  what  happened
[ betrayal ] my  muse  finds  out  that  your  muse  has  betrayed  them and  confronts  them  about  it
[ nude ] my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  accidentally  seeing  them  naked
[ karaoke ]  for our muses to sing together
[ wet ]   your muse  strips  down  to  their  under  garments  and  runs  into  the  water,  motioning  for my muse  to  join  them
[ crawl ]  for  your  muse  to  crawl  into  bed  with  mine .
[ flower ]  for  your  muse  to  offer  my  muse  their  favourite  flower
[ gift ]  for  my  muse  to  surprise  your muse  with  a  gift
[ homemade gift ]  for  my  muse  to  make  your muse  a  gift
[ bestow ] for your muse to give my muse a gift, bought or handmade ( bonus if you add what it is )
[ serenade ]  for  my  muse  to  sing  to  your  muse
[ caress ]  for  your  muse  to  gently  run  their  hand  down  my  muse’s  face
[ caught ]  for  your  muse  to  catch  my  muse  wearing  their  shirt .
[ love letter ]  for  your  muse  to  give  my  muse  a  love  letter  they  wrote  for  them
[ boop ]  for  your  muse  to  boop  my  muse  on  the  nose
[ date ]  for  my muse  to  ask  your  muse  to  go  on  a  date
[ confess ]  for my muse  to  confess  their  feelings  to  your  muse
[ sleepy ]  for  my muse  to  slowly  fall  alseep  on  your muse
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deathlyknighted · 5 years ago
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“some people are worth breaking rules for. clearly you feel the same, as you started it.”
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“Hm... You are not wrong. Though I can’t say I planned to acknowledge any set rules of this fake holiday in the first place.”
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