#dear lord they killed him
thefirstknife · 24 days
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They're destroying him live in 4k help
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thepersonperson · 22 days
There is something so aroace about how Sukuna’s disconnect from traditional love leads to him developing the most unhinged methods of flirting.
Why on earth does Sukuna think courtship is wearing the skin of a loved one while mauling them to death. How the fudge was Gojo supposed to interpret that as affection.
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amaranthsynthesis · 7 months
I love your Durge and his relationship with the Gort. ;_; You have fed this hungry soul with your wonderful art and meta. I have to ask, because I didn't see it anywhere: what does Gortash make of Sceleritas? Sceleritas is Ballard's stressball, his buddy, his little guy, but what does Ballard's boyfriend think about the creepy little imp that follows him everywhere?
AHH I'M GLAD, they make me insane and sharing it is the only way to recover
I actually need to draw or write more of gortash and sceleritas interacting bc they are cooperatively nuts. the easy answer is that there is a mutual loathing between the two of them; this is also true! Gortash thinks Sceleritas is a freaky little weirdo who has too much influence on Ballard's internal mindscape. Scleritas thinks Gortash is a heretical lying little harlot who has too much influence on Ballard's internal mindscape. Ballard has the least patience for both of them when they're bitching about the other--Sceleritas trying to get him to ditch Gortash is the leading cause of imp murder in the last decade, but the first time Gortash does more than verbal violence in Sceleritas' direction (he sees Ballard stab the guy like twice a week SURELY it's fine) Ballard breaks his arm in two places.
The additional answer, that is extremely funny also, is that they have a begrudging alliance where they drink wine and bitch whenever Ballard and Orin get into knock down, drag out fights. They throw a wrench in Gortash and Ballard's plans, they wreak ABSOLUTE havoc on the Temple of Bhaal's schedule and liturgical calendar, and Sceleritas can and has drunk Gortash under the table on multiple occasions. Gortash, of course, handles this very badly, and keeps thinking that next time surely he will do better. He does not! Sceleritas Fel is tiny but he is a demonic alcoholic and he is not going down easy.
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moe-broey · 6 months
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Also EXTREMELY FUNNY ALFONSE MOMENT LMFAOOOOOO LIKE. I literally said out loud "Oh he's not doing that." And he. Sure didn't! 🧍
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hamartia-grander · 9 months
My professor took off a point from one of my scripts because I labelled a character as Nonbinary, and he claims I should've left the gender description blank because "it's not necessary for this character", as if "nonbinary" is a placeholder for "I don't care what gender" I am actually going to tear him to shreds
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hufflepotato-18 · 2 years
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harwin being held back by four men and criston all bloody and beaten. poetic cinema.
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impishtubist · 1 year
AU where Harry doesn’t die at Godric’s Hollow - but Voldemort isn’t defeated, either. Sirius arrives to find Voldemort in possession of his baby godson and refusing to give him up (b/c, shit, that’s one powerful baby, and Voldy wants to harness that power!). 
No one knows that Sirius isn’t the traitor. It’s easy enough to explain to the remaining DEs - all Voldy has to say is that he’s the only one who knows that Sirius was working for him, and they’d all believe him. Voldy blackmails Sirius into playing along. He’ll keep Harry at his, idk, lair or whatever, but Sirius can also live there and raise Harry IF he goes along with the ruse that he was the Secret Keeper who betrayed the Potters and IF he allows Voldy to spirit Harry away whenever he wants to study him/his magic.
So now Sirius is pretending to be a Death Eater, has to allow the whole world (including Remus) think he’s a traitor, has to keep himself from murdering Wormtail (unless Wormy is off living as a rat somewhere??), and has to keep Harry safe while secretly trying to figure out how tf to get them out of this situation.
idk is this anything
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ghost-proofbaby · 6 months
Not to indulge the BG3 " brain rot " but.... can we see what your tav looks like? Maybe hear a little bit about them? Sorry I'm just also on a BG3 kick right now
sure! don't apologize for that <3
this is my first tav, for my only currently completed playthrough. named her seraphina, she was a wild magic sorcerer elf and she romanced astarion, and she was 100% a goody two shoes. not to flex or anything. always gonna hold a special place in my heart. kinda sad i don't have more screenshots of her. also, i went through this playthrough without any mods!
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and then my current playthrough is actually my first durge! i've made a couple so far (my bad), but this is going to be a redeemed/resisting the urges playthrough. her name is aruna, and she's also romancing astarion (what a shocker). she's a storm sorcerer elf you can tell i have a preferred class and race huh. i also caught the wonderful lil sideye exchanged during the gur encounter between her and astarion which i laughed at for a good five minutes. so far, this playthrough has been 100x more chaotic, and is definitely giving her and astarion sharing a brain cell (the blood of lathander quest is still a sensitive topic for our dear pale elf womp womp). she's simply bhaal's god's favorite princess with her crew of scary dog privilege while she fights the voices. (and yes, this playthrough i am using mods. sue me.)
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i also have two bard durge playthroughs (one as a tiefling, one as a half-elf), and one of them in a multiplayer campaign with my friend in which uh.... we're gonna do full on evil ! wish me luck !
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kdrama-movies-more · 8 months
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Oh c'mon
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Not thrwice!!!!
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theood · 2 months
Just heard a Taz: balance song. It will take nothing to kick me back into Taz
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theodore-spankoffski · 5 months
do you wanna make out.
eh, why not?
[ ted starts making out with the anon. he pulls back after a while, smirking. ]
not bad!
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bayleaf-2 · 2 years
Happy to report that I am going to be So Normal about Lyra for the next couple days because today’s session was Wild.
Gonna be thinking about/planning a speech all week cause (in terms that people out of context can understand) we’ve been more or less abandoned by a party member and I. Lyra is gonna be is heartbroken.
God this might be the point where I start making a playlist for them lmao
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awek-s · 8 months
my mom keeps calling me by my abusive brother's name and like the first time i was offended and let it go but was obviously offended -- the 4th time im starting to want to be a little bit dead about it
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boostrific · 10 months
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thursdayg1rl · 10 months
ok just wasted my break getting sucked into reading trb from the first adansey fight and leaving mentally ill annotations instead of finishing the episode i was on so im just going to have to keep doing more physics now
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craycraybluejay · 11 months
I have this terrible terrible feeling every time Homelander looks at that fucking baby. I'm like. Just waiting tensely for when he decides to laser eye a fuckihg BABY
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