#dcau talia
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celticcatgirl2 · 2 months ago
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Talia Here In This Scene:
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satoshy12 · 8 months ago
Damian was always trying to kill Danny when he was a kid, and Danny didn't want to break his weaker siblings, which he would do, having once broken his bones fighting Damian and holding back.
Damian was in a way the runt between the two siblings. Because he was also weaker and his tricks didn't work all the times against Danny. But Ra saw his grandson wanted to see the World, and won't hurt Damian.
So Ra sent Danny on a "secret" mission and told him: "Go and have fun, when you grow up you will join us anyway". And as Danny would live a very long time, and when he found out he was going around as the Phantom, Ra knew one thing. He does not need an heir, looks like he will be a ghost after death, and his grandson seems to be living like a Vandal now.
And yes Ra forgot to tell Talia that Danny was alive, so she thought he died on a mission.
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spocks-husband · 2 months ago
I think that we as a fandom really don't talk about Talia Al Ghul's daddy issues enough. She INVENTED having daddy issues. She's had daddy issues for the past several fucking centuries. Can you imagine the poetry she's written about her dad over the years? My god. Jason Todd, eat your heart out-- THAT woman is THE SYMBOL of having a messy, fucked up relationship with your dad in the DC universe and you can NOT tell me otherwise.
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I'm gonna preface this with saying I know nothing about the Arabic language okay but I just thought of this scenarios and it's so funny
Could y'all imagine after Jason returns to Gotham and back into the fold and a time after Damian is also officially robin talia just shows up to spend time with her sons and to see how they are
And durring this she takes one look at Jason and just starts speaking to him in Arabic and Jason just stares at her wide eyed and has to try to remember all the lessons she taught him and knowing damn well she'll hand him his ass if she learns he did not keep up with the lessons and so he just kinda fumbles through the language and Talia just straight up grabs him by the ear drags him to the nearest private study in the manor and on the way she passes by Damian and also grabs him by the ear all the while cursing. In Arabic in a mom voice who's both disappointed and annoyed with her grown son.. Damian tries to struggle out of Talia's grip but one glare from her has him stopping in his tracks and allowing her to drag him along as well, once they get into the study Talia basically sits both boys down for an impromptu Arabic language lesson and they spend a few hours jogging Jason's memory in the language and then she starts checking over both boys ensuring they're both healthy and okay and ensuring that Bruce hasn't allowed her sons. Anywhere near that clown freak that seems to always be running a muck around Gotham...
Eventually Alfred pops in and brings everyone tea and cookies and asks Talia if she'll be staying with them for the night she declines and said she'll only be staying for dinner ..
Eventually they just start to catch up because to Talia Jason is also her son in fact she's the one that found him and brought him to the league to help him remember who he was and work through some of the trauma with him, she asks him about weather hell attend college or some kind of schooling, or if he'll continue work as a vigilante like his father, Jason is reluctant to answer Talia sees this riffles his hair and sensing he's uneasy she moves on to Damian and asks him how hes doing living with his father and living as a regular boy outside of the league Damian immediately starts telling Talia about all the animals he's been helping around Gotham, and his aspirations to be a doctor and work in medicine, also how stupid all his peers are and how frustrated he is that father keeps treating him as a childhood as if he wasn't running his own missions and team within the league and never once got caught, talia simply tells him that she and Bruce have very different ways of parenting and training and the reason she sent him to be with Bruce was because she thinks that it's what is best for him it'll provide him with a better much happier life than the league would at this time in his age and it's. Important for him to socialize and learn to work with people his own age and interact with civilians, she also tells him the working in medicine is something that seems to run in the family and gives him her blessing for his career choices..
Much later before dinner Jason pulls Talia aside and starts telling her about the fight he's had with Bruce where he yet again chose joker over his own son this time he was nearly tortured by joker and almost lost his life, and he doesn't know how to deal with it anymore Talia at this point wants to hand Bruce his ass but she doesn't let that on instead she offers to allow Jason to return to her and the league to get a break away from Gotham and he can sharpen some of his skills..
Though quietly she's just planning on killing joker and she honestly puts out a hit on him within the league because she's tired of her sons getting threatened by a mad man and if they're father won't do anything about it she will
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renta-bat · 2 months ago
Deathstroke calling Bruce “sperm donor” when talking to Damian is insane
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rainnyydaysworld · 10 months ago
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Since Damian was born in an artificial womb, he wasn't covered in his mother's blood like most newborns. Instead he was covered in the blood of another woman who showed more motherly concern than Talia.
- someone from Pinterest
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lilithmymind · 4 months ago
It's always hilarious to me how big companies are so scared of making some big character queer. Let's take for example DC and Batman especially. We all see that tension with literally every male character, they cannot keep pushing Batman to date women he saw only a few minutes from afar and don't even characterize love interest probably(RIP Selina and Talia, I wish you were characterized right and not like bed-warmers or rapists), yet there's NO example where he officially dated men, only 10383020 hints on that. And this is so stupid because they have official queer characters and couples like Harley, Ivy, Tim and yada yada yada, but once it comes to Batman they scares the fuck off as If not 99% of the fan-base will agree what Batman should be bisexual, even the ones who ship Batman with women will agree what he should date men too. And that happens with so much popular franchises or media and it makes no sense at all.
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batglare101 · 8 months ago
could you do a warrior cats design for talia? maybe even ra’s?
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42. Talia
here she is! I'll do her father sometime
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zedreh · 11 months ago
You know, looking back at old issues from before Grant Morrison's run (both in mainline-canon and out), I just want to say that I really like Talia as one of Bruce's main loves. The pages below come from Batman Adventures Vol. 1 #13, in which a priceless statue was stolen from Ra's and so Bruce goes with Talia to Paris to get it back. Before they start searching, they have time to go sightseeing together.
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After their time is cut short, they go looking, and they fall into a trap set by an old rival of Ra's who bought the statue, who then locks them in a burning hut.
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Of course, they get out, take down every one, and get the statue, after which Batman let's on that he knew the statue itself isn't what's valuable.
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There's just so much about them that works so well. I'd go into it more, but I think these pages speak for themself.
Also, I like this one panel of them greeting each other.
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crow-aeris · 5 months ago
I have a big question: What does Ra's want with damian??? Like, I could've sworn i heard some ppl talking abt how ra's wanted to take over damian's consciousness, but when i looked into it- there wasn't anything concrete? there was another website that talked about how ra's wanted to create a "perfect world" and instill bruce or damian as the king? like, there were so many contradictions, and I want to figure it out for a fic
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celticcatgirl2 · 2 months ago
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“…and YES the cowl stays ON during sex….”
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satoshy12 · 9 months ago
Damian turned to his family, a smile playing on his lips. "My niece missed me, so she's coming to visit."
Jason's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, what?"
Damian nodded. "Yes, my niece."
Bruce, feeling slightly overwhelmed, asked, "Since when do you have a niece?"
Damian explained, "Since my sister Athanasia al Ghul married Ellia's father Daniel Fenton. She's my step-niece."
Bruce shook his head in disbelief. "Sister! What else did Talia hide from me?"
Damian reassured him, "It's not that bad. She's not involved with the League. Once you tell Grandfather you want to leave, you can leave. You just ran away and didn't tell Grandfather you wanted to go."
Dick:" That isn't the problem Dami... When would she be here?"
Damian:" Maybe today or Tomorrow."
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elegantwizardtree · 6 months ago
Like how I’m tired of the batcat relationship (pls bring back Talia or literally someone else for Bruce’s romance partner) I’m tired of the Jean/scott/logan love triangle- please bring in Ororo x Logan for the new xmen plans marvel. I am begging you!
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spocks-husband · 2 months ago
It's probably really obvious based on how I write them, but I'm obsessed with the idea of Bruce and Talia being each other's first loves.
Bruce is a young man, still a teenager, barely out of his childhood. He's spent every day since the death of his parents in this horrible downward spiral of pain and darkness and revenge-- until, toward the end of his training, while he's working so hard to channel all his rage into something that can be harnessed for good (he hopes). He begins training with the League Of Shadows and he meets this girl and she's beautiful. She's gorgeous and intelligent and graceful, and she fights with a sword better than anyone he's ever seen. He's a little intimidated by the idea of having her father as an in-law but for this girl he'd press his luck. She likes her chai with extra spice and when it's just the two of them she laughs like the sun and she has these perfect uneven dimples that make his heart jump into his throat. Her hair is so silky and long he can't help but touch it and her eyes are a sparkling shade of sage and she tells him quietly how she wants to see the world through eyes that are not her father's. Bruce has never been in love before, he didn't even believe in it until now, but here he is, and he loves her more than anything.
Talia is a young woman who spends her time wishing and wanting and yearning for that which she can never have. She loves her father-- how can she not, he's all she's ever known-- but she's hungry for a chance to look out at the world he describes with such bitterness, to look at it with her own eyes and make her own judgements of its people. One day, this goofy looking American boy with shaggy black hair and the tensest muscles she's ever seen arrives at their compound to train, and he's beautiful. He's handsome and thoughtful and full of this terrible, agonized darkness that she wants so badly to drain from his soul. She teaches him massage techniques because he's incapable of relaxing his body in the slightest, and he lets her sleep against his chest on warm afternoons when her father is away. She knows deep down that they're never really alone-- there's always someone watching them, she is the Daughter Of The Demon's Head, afterall. She cherishes her time with him, though, because it's all that she possibly can do, because she's only ever heard of this feeling in myths and storybooks-- Talia has never been in love before, she didn't even believe in it until now, but here she is, and she loves him more than anything.
But of course, nothing good can stay forever, he has his destiny and she has hers-- but as the years go by they constantly seem to find each other, over and over again... And every time they do, he sees that girl with the dimples and the silky hair, and she sees that boy with the tense brow and that burning determination, and they both think--
'Good God, what happened to us?'
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damianwaynesutilitybelt · 11 months ago
Now DCAU is on my mind
Really reminds me how pissed off I am they just wrote as the "bad mother. "
Listen Bruce isn't a terrible horrible father and some people like to write him as. He's trying his best. Damian is better off in Gotham then with the League.
But the whole idea of putting Bruce's and Talia's parenting together annoys me very much they both adore Damian and try to do the best they can for him. But they've also both hurt him
Remember Damian has as many daddy issues as he does mummy issues.
Damian needs but also wants them both in his life.
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dc-vs-marvel-tournament · 1 year ago
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Submitted by @celestialseawitch-ff and @airasilver
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