#david hoope
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Made several different batches of... these?? (What do you even call these things) a while ago. Here are some of my favourites
#i’ve also posted these on tiktok so if you’ve seen them before that’s why#death note#light yagami#matt#mail jeevas#watari#quillsh wammy#touta matsuda#kiyomi takada#near#nate river#mello#mihael keehl#jack neylon#kal snyder#shuichi aizawa#hideki ide#l#l lawliet#lawlight#roger ruvie#roillsh#beyond birthday#death note another note#labb murder cases#misa amane#lawlightmane#david hoope#teru mikami#WOW that’s a lot of tags
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i wanted to make a point about the fact that if we ship soichello we should also consider mello/the literal U.S. president for mere fun, but i was looking through the online manga scans and i have noticed that at some point mello says "you didn't get to be president by luck". VERY sad, because i grew up with the official italian translation that says "non sarai mica diventato presidente per la tua bella faccia, no?" which translates to "you didn't get to become president thanks to your pretty face, did you?". italian mello doesn't hesitate
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You can take your time with this, but how would a wholly genderbent deathnote be?
You can take your time with this, but how would a wholly genderbent deathnote be?
A wholly genderbent death note?
I must admit ,anon -I took my time with this, because the scope of that is a little intimidating. Also Eclipse has been busy with work and Baldur's Gate 3, and hasn't had much energy to brainstorm. Thank you for your patience.
To start with, the gender politics of this world are very different, as a lot of people in important positions have become female.
Higuchi, is head of the technological development of the Yotsuba group at age 32, in 2004. He's canonically obsessed with gaining social status, power, and wealth, and is implied to not be as competent as his colleague's. If it were just him swapping genders that would carry unfortunate implications, but the rest of the group heads were male, are also gender swapped, so now she's power climbing ambitious hate-sink, I guess. Just like before.
Would Demegawa still be a sensationalist media director of a TV station in a gender swap? Maybe not if it was just him being swapped. That story would probably her being a lacky who made it higher (quite possibly to Kira Deaths in the industry) who is running the station in part two, someone who reached too high and fell to Kira like all others.
The director of the FBI Stev(i)e Mason, is female, and so is most of the American FBI, with Misora standing out. Actually, in this AU would Penber have still told her fiance to stay in the kitchen and quit his job in order to marry her? Is she still reluctant to marry him? If so, that certainly carries implications about gender roles in this world.
But let's say things are different and Penber is less of a sexist jerk, and Misora had to tie up some loose ends on a previous job, before Rae dies. Misora is still one of the bigger threats to Light in series, and had to be taken down quickly for the story to work. It would certainly up the stakes if that coincidence was taken out, but keeping them there and playing multi person chess would be a lot harder.
The SPK of America, and the police of Japan are now full of ladies. It turns Lady Lights' desire from controversial to expected again.
On the flipside, crime is also made up of ladies, such as Mello's Mafia, Misa's stalker, and independents such as Otoharada.
It's starting to feel kind of like Barbieland, as there is a noticeably higher number of named male characters then Female in the universe of Death Note. Like really, off the top of my head I can think of 13 named female characters in death note, and I'm including characters like Misa's friend Yoshi.
In this gender swapped Death Note, by 2009, there is something that hasn't happened in reality in the states. There is a Madame President, and Vice president. Mrs Roger is so done with Watari, she never wanted to spend this much time around children and here she is running an orphanage filled with them. I'm going to assume Linda is still into art.
In a world where Watari was the only one gender swapped, I would wonder if Watari's past as an inventor was a bit like L being the world famous detective that no one sees. I also wonder about her backstory having her well trained in espionage, and marksmanship. Watari was born in 1933 (anime), which is in the range of world war 2, but would make her a young child when it started and ended. Does this mean that in the Death Note universe World War 2 lasted longer, or did England get up to orphan spy training programs, that later inspired Watari to create orphan detective programs. Wait, is this becoming a kind of crossover with Gallagher girls? After all, just because Watari founded a school in England, didn't mean she was from there. Also transfers were a thing. Or could have been. That's fun.
I'd say Watari would have to be a lot louder to get such a rep as L's handler. After all, stupid people still exist even when you have a rep. I wonder if she used disguise to help? Of course, thats in a solo, and this is about everyone.
Aiber and Wedy
Wedy is L's profesional cat burglar and survalance expert. In story she mostly looks cool, installs some bugs to evesdrop, and rides a motorcycle.
Aiber gets more to characterize himself and stand out. Aiber is L's professional con-man, and social infiltrator, said to be able to blend in with varied types of social groups. L has enough evidence to land Aiber in lifetime prison, and has saved Aiber's life a couple of times. Its also said (in how to read) that he is multilingual, often assumes fake identidies, and gets his biggest thrills from swindling and living on the edge. Basically. He sounds a bit like a male Black Widow, with less combat training, and tramatic backstory… presumably. Hmmm, also less brainwashing
L trusts Aiber enough to use one of the other detective names he stole, and play the roll of Eraldo Coil. I can't say if Aiber is playing the roll of L playing Coil, or original coil. He also, has a family, and heavily dislikes guns.
For the most part, they are pretty typecast by their character designs if it were a story about any of them individually, there's more space for extrapolation, but in large groups it becomes a norm. Female Aiber could be interesting to explore as an individual. Actually, so could male. Same with Watari, or any of them really, by any writer who decides to get really invested in it.
Still, in fanwork, you have to consider the conservation of the ship of Theseus. At what point in replacing the parts do you have a new ship? Is it when the first nail is replaced? The fifth? The planks? The entire boat? Is it still the same boat after all that change? Likewise, you can never be the same person you were at eleven, or even two years ago. You have grown, your body has changed old cells out for new ones, and most importantly you have had experiences that filter your thoughts into directions that filter your perceptions.
At what point in changing a character do they become an OC committing identity fraud? What core traits are important to keeping a character”in character”, even when you change the experiences that filter their perception of the world? What changes with gender, and what stays the same?
Gender is a big factor in the face we present to the world. It has expectations with it. And the expectations of gender in Japanese culture are different then the ones in the west. Japanese culture is collectivist, and group cohesion is placed higher than the west's individual needs. There is also a shame culture in the east, in contrast to the west's guilt culture. Confucius vs Christian values. There are benefits and pitfalls to both worldviews.
It's not something anyone would know their first time watching eastern media, but with learning more about these cultural aspects, one can look back to characters they didn't previously understand the motives of in a new light.
Time is also a factor. The culture and expectations adults today grew up with, are different from the ones they would have experienced 20 years ago, for all that there have been things that stayed the same?
I should also get into Honne and Tatemae. Tatemae is whats expected by society and required according to one's position and circumstances. The Honne is one's true feelings and desires, which may be contrary to society's expectations and is often kept hidden except with one's closest friends.
It ties in with Japanese Confucianism Beliefs, of human centered virtues for harmonious and peaceful society. Essentially, in Japanese culture Public failure and disapproval of others are seen as a source of shame and reduced social standing, so direct confrontation is something they wish to avoid. The traditional social norm then is to minimize discord, not doing so might be seen as insulting or aggressive.
I feel a good example can be seen in this quote from this article.
“A Belgian friend of mine once kindly told a Japanese librarian that the English travel guides had been misplaced in the “History” section. The woman immediately started apologizing almost hysterically, bowing, hiding her face in her hands and looking so distressed that my Belgium friend started apologizing frantically as well, and left as fast as she could after putting the books back where they belonged. A Japanese student, had he or she noticed the mistake, would probably have took it upon himself or herself to silently put the books back into the right place, and nobody but a foreigner would have casually and publicly proclaimed something was wrong, thus unintentionally shaming the librarian and embarrassing themselves in the process.”
Not to say that we don't have social masks as well in the west. We do. But because its not talked about to keep social cohesion, you often don't realize you have been angering someone to the point hurt and resentment and grudges towards you has built up until things escalate.
Politeness is something that keeps society together. We have scripts for interacting with others to keep things even keel. We have rules that we all follow to more or less get along with other people. This is true of any lasting society.
We all expect other people to follow the rules, and make exceptions for those we consider close to us.
Perhaps that paints Light's killing of criminals with more context. These people did not follow the rules for harmonious society. Light told Rem to find someone selfish and cruel enough to be willing to use the Death Note, while being dumb enough to not spread out his corporate killings. She found Higuchi. Nobody likes him. His collages instantly pin him as Kira. He's a victim no one would have any qualms about dying if it were not for the Kira case.
Lights dream for the Millennium Kingdom-I mean- new world, consist of kind hearted people he deems fit to live in it. He claims that once the world as a whole changes people will become kinder as a whole. He starts with criminals, then plans to move to immoral people, and harassers, and has later plans to kill people who refuse to contribute to the good of society, or lazy people as he put them. I have to wonder whether Light living through “The Lost Decade” had any influence on his thoughts here?
He's basing who should live in the world he wishes to build on those who can follow the rules (both said and unsaid) of society he knows. And he is using the rules of Japanese Justice to enforce them.
The Phoenix Wright games are not a bad place to start understanding Japanese Justice. Japan has a 99.8% conviction rate in cases that go to trial. For all we make jokes about the confetti that comes down when Pheonix wins a case, with those numbers, winning a case as a Defense Attorney is rare, and worthy of celebration.
While no real trial that I am aware of has needed to cross examine a parrot, Japan's “hostage justice” means a long uphill battle for an acquittal.
On Japanese Justice
Japan also practices Capitol Punishment and the death penalty.
To Light, narcissist, son of a police officer, and good Japanese student, this is probably what everyone is secretly wanting but could never do. But he can. And will do it for them. And if not, well they will come around when they see how much better it is, his way. He just needs time to change the world.
But back to a point, of sorts, Eclipse and I try to keep a balance of sorts between what we know of Japanese culture, and fun headcanons. We certainly go into cracky territory (no regrets about Cat Misa here), but I also don't see a lot of reasons that most of the character traits with the other characters need to change with Gender, when gender is not the only factor that make up their persona. What we see of most of the other characters are what are culturally or socially expected of them. We don't see their Honne, just their Tatemae.
I'm going to end this with another Lady Virgilia video about Persona 5, this one about Socialcultural context. P5 is very on the nose apt with its gameplay mechanic about removing their mask to send their will of rebellion out to fight.
#kyousuke higuchi#always a diffrent gender#random k#Hitoshi Demegawa#Steve Mason#naomi misora#raye penber#death note#gender swap#talk about gender#kurou otoharada#death note linda#roger ruvie#death note roger#death note watari#david hoope#George Sairas#quillish wammy#gallagher girls#wedy death note#aiber death note#merrie kenwood#tierry morrello#the thin line between an OC and a canon character with little characterization#japanese culture#honne and tatemae#social masks#justice#phoenix wright#japanese justice
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Hey, you know how they call Trump followers and MAGA a "Death Cult"?
This. This is why.

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I can’t believe they cut this arc out of the anime 😔
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Newsie: Hoop
Hoop wears a bright orange pinstriped shirt under a two tone vest, a dark brown Newsie cap and an olive scarf around his neck. He's also a fan of the rope for carrying papes.
He's friends with Snap, Tumbler and Sprinkles (no relation to Snap, Crackle and Pop).
Hoop listens intently to David's knowledge about the strike.
The next day, he rushes excitedly to Newsie Square with his gear because it's Newsie play day.
Behind Les and Flipper sword-fighting, and behind David swinging his arms, and behind Sprinkles and Snipeshooter stick-fighting, is Hoop absorbed in his favourite sport, hoop rolling.
The aim of Hoop rolling is to keep the hoop moving along the ground in an upright position guided by an object such as a stick and not have it fall over.

A dozen men compete in a fierce hoop rolling competition. Hoop aspires to join such a competition one day and make it to the big league.
And now Hoop's guided his hoop right in front of the camera. See if you can spot Boots trying to balance on a small rolling barrel (and almost falling!) And then there's Kid Blink in the back feeling Mush up. Mush is constantly in various states of undress, he always leaves his suspenders hanging around his waist even when wearing a vest, ironically the only time he (briefly) has one of them on is when he's not wearing a shirt.
Without his hoop by his side, Hoop turns himself into a human hoop by spinning around like he's on a turntable.
Even though Hoop might not be the best Newsie dancer, he still enthusiastically joins in with the singing,
the skipping
and the praying.
On his path to becoming a hoop rolling champion, he knows that there will be high times and hard times ahead.
But sometimes the living will be sweet.
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*comes back to tungle covered in blood* hi beloveds
#goodness GRACIOUS BESTIES#i feel like#ofmd s2 wrapped#and then i haven't known peace since <3 JSKLDJS#LIKE GENUINELY#THINGS HAVE BEEN SO SO //SO// INSANE SINCE OCTOBER 26TH#AND FOR WHAT#FOR //WHAT//#work has been the most insane workload wise since i've started this role#i've had to jump through legal hoops/copyright hoops/fistfight adobe--ALSO for work#my car battery died on me a few days after the finale#annnnnd then today i had a nonrepairable flat tire <3 PFFFF#LIKE UM#UMMMM???#*crawls through djenks' window* david. hey david. hey#can you do a girl (gn) a solid and just drop s3 right in my lap#because i feel like s2 wrapped and then a singularity opened and spacetime distorted idk </3#i'm going to need them back in my life so all feels Balanced once more ya feel#...ANYWAY LMAO#the way i've been ~*~lurking~*~ and the way i nearly fell tf out over those rhys/taika pictures like are we kidding#SO I WILL BE SLOWLY CATCHING BACK UP AS MY ENERGY SLOWLY INCHES BACK HSDKJLS
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Episode 701: Welcome home the prodigal
We begin the part of Dark Shadows set in the year 1897 with an episode featuring a glittering script, a strong cast, and a hopeless director. Henry Kaplan’s visual style consisted of little more than one closeup after another. The first real scene in the episode introduces us to Sandor and Magda Rákóczi, a Romani couple who live in the Old House on the estate of Collinwood. They bicker while…
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#barnabas collins#beth chavez#bram stoker#brownface#dark shadows#dark shadows before i die#david selby#directors#dracula#edith collins#first time not the last#genuinely good episode#Grayson Hall#gypsies#henry kaplan#intentional comedy#isabella hoopes#magda rákóczi#makeup#mrs acilius#oscar wilde#picture of dorian gray#quentin collins#sam hall#sandor rákóczi#scrying#tarot#terrayne crawford#terry crawford#thayer david
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This Month In History - October Part 2
This month there’s so many pop culture landmark anniversaries to the point where I needed to do a 3 parts. Here is part 2 of what I celebrate this month in history:
Oct. 11, 1974: Texas Chainsaw Massacre opens
In Oct. 1974, one of the scariest low-budget horror movies ever was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2014 after attending a 40th anniversary screening. Happy 50th TCSM!
Oct. 11, 2019: El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie premiere
In Oct. 2019, the sequel to Breaking Bad about Jessie Pinkman's epilogue premiered on Netflix. Following the phenomenal anti-hero TV series Breaking Bad (AMC 2008-2013) and being released during the run of the prequel Better Call Saul (AMC 2015-2022), creator Vince Gilligan unleashed this made-for-TV movie (that got a limited theatrical release and AMC broadcast in addition to Netflix) that follows Jesse after Breaking Bad's finale. Much like some of the best episodes of Breaking Bad, it was complete with the trademark set pieces and “how will he get out of this” moments! Happy 5th EC!
Oct. 14, 1994: Pulp Fiction and Hoop Dreams both open
In October 1994, Quentin Tarantino’s Magnum Opus was released. Still a shot of cinematic adrenaline to the heart! Here is my piece I wrote in 2014.
On the exact same day as Pulp Fiction's opening, Steve James' documentary Hoop Dreams was released. The doc following two teens in Chicago and their dream of becoming pro basketball players was nine years in the making. Whenever you see a list of the best documentaries of all time, this is either #1 on the list or in the Top 5. I would have to agree! You don't even need to be a sports fan to find yourself fully on-board with this. James has swing it out of the park many times since, but after re-watching it with the commentary on the Criterion edition, I realize this is his magnum opus!
Happy 30th Pulp Fiction and Hoop Dreams!
Oct. 15, 1999: Fight Club opens
In Oct. 1999, David Fincher powderkeg of a movie was released. Here is my piece I wrote in 2014. This is Jack wishing Fight Club a Happy 25th!
Oct. 19, 1984: Stop Making Sense opens
In Oct. 1984, one of the all-time greatest concert films ever made was released. Jonathan Demme in his prime captured the Talking Heads in their prime as they performed over the course of 4 nights in Hollywood. In 2015, I was at Noise Pop with my V66 documentary and I caught a special anniversary screening of Stop Making Sense on the big screen with excellent sound system and the whole audience was dancing the whole time. In 2023, I attended the IMAX re-release and the satellite TIFF reunion of the Talking Heads. Earlier this month I saw it again at the Brattle! It is still the Gold Standard of concert movies and one of Demme’s best docs. Happy 40th Stop Making Sense!
Oct. 19, 1994: Clerks opens
In Oct. 1994, Kevin Smith's micro-budget indie comedy was released. It was a highly influential film on my, that "I can do this" kind of movie. Here is my piece I wrote in 2014. And here is my interview with stars Brian O'Halloran and Jeff Anderson from 2022. Happy 30th Clerks!
#this month in history#texas chainsaw massacre#el camino#breaking bad#pulp fiction#hoop dreams#fight club#stop making sense#talking heads#clerks#tobe hooper#vince gilligan#quentin tarantino#steve james#david fincher#jonathan demme#kevin smith#film geek#tv#1974#2019#1994#1999#1984
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Speaking of that specific fan translation, I just want to bring up that in it Mello calls the president good looking lmao

#i doubt that this is a particularly accurate translation#but i’m choosing to take this as yet another sign that mello being into older men is real and true and canon#death note#mello#mihael keehl#david hoope
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Gary Payton x David Robinson x Nike Basketball Commercial
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Working on Knitwear Club is fun, but not when you spend nearly a week trying to straighten out a character's dumbest fucking decisions and most convoluted fucking schemes.
Still, learning about the history of presidential impeachments was fun!
#Knitwear Club#Donald Trump#David Hoope#impeachment#Andrew Johnson was a hoot and a half#writing#only minor minor spoilers
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August-September anniversary/birthday posts
Here's a list of anniversaries of media (mainly cartoons) and birthdays of people (mainly voice actors) that I have missed out. The sources for some of the images will be linked in the image itself.
Happy 25th birthday, Jackie Lastra! (Birthdate: August 14, 1998)
Favorite roles: Xiangling from Genshin Impact, Nika Aoi from Beyblade Burst Turbo, and Kei from AMAIM Warrior at the Borderline.
Other known roles: Melty Q. Melromarc from The Rising of the Shield Hero, Io from Granblue Fantasy: The Animation and Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Fubuki Kitakaze from Maesetsu!
Happy 30th anniversary, Power Rangers! (Premiere date: August 28, 1993)
The Power Rangers franchise has been a part of my childhood since I got exposed to it through Samurai, even though its source material, Super Sentai, is better in my opinion.
Happy 5th anniversary, Total DramaRama! (Premiere date: September 1st, 2018)
Though this spin-off of the Total Drama franchise is very controversial, Its still one of my favorite shows in that series for its off-the-walls humor
Happy 10th anniversary, Uncle Grandpa! (Premiere date: September 1st, 2013)
Despite its initial rocky reception, many have warmed up to the show for its comedy, absurdness, and its titular character being credited as the "survivor" of the HBO Max (now called Max) purge.
Happy posthumous 50th birthday, Jason David Frank! (Birthdate: September 4th, 1973)
Though JDF is no longer with us, his legacy and likeliness will forever be a part of us. May he rest in peace.
Happy 25th anniversary, Oggy and The Cockroaches! (Premiere date: September 6, 1998)
One of my favorite French cartoons when I was younger, having a formula akin to Tom and Jerry but with the title character winning most of the time. Truly a classic from Xilam.
And finally, I present you 20th anniversary of Hoops & Yoyo!
(yes I know the actual release date for the cards is September 11th, but I really don't want to be insensitive during that day)
Initially starting as Hallmark greeting cards before becoming a web cartoon and eventually a franchise, Hoops & Yoyo has been a personal favorite to some due to its simplistic artstyle, the titular characters plus Piddles being adorable creatures with lovable personalities, and its vibrant setting. I have to admit, Bob Holt and Mike Adair really deserve the appreciation they got when creating this line of cards.
#total dramarama#oggy and the cockroaches#power rangers#genshin impact#hoops and yoyo#jason david frank#jackie lastra#power rangers 30th anniversary#uncle grandpa#beyblade burst turbo#amaim warrior at the borderline#the rising of the shield hero#granblue fantasy#maesetsu
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Hoop Skirts -- David Millar --1860s Know your Merchant
The Ottawa Citizen Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Sat, Oct 10, 1925Page 2 As the hoop became a symbol of “lower-class (specifically, female lower-class) pretensions to gentility,” they created even more of a stir. Hoops had sly sexual connotations, too. They were easily upset to reveal a woman’s naked form, lending a sense of titillation to fully-clothed affairs. The hoop skirt only lasted for…
#1800s#crinolines#david millar#Fashion#genealogy#hoop skirts#millar#Ottawa#retail#sparks street#sussex street#womens fashion
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Me at 6:00 am today while walking down the hallway: “I need a pair of some big bodacious hoops.”
This is what happens when your very young mom teaches you the statement “big hoops for big occasions.”
I’m very proud of this.
Also, my “big occasion” is that I’m playing clarinet during my school’s pep rally today.
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