#davey x crutchie
military-newsboys · 1 month
Albert: ‘They’ll never find the body’ is such a boring threat, a better threat would be ‘they’ll never stop finding the body’
Crutchie, bored: Or just say ‘they’ll be finding parts of you for at least 4 months, and you’ll still be alive for 3 of them’
Race: Now that’s a threat!
Davey, covering Les’s ears: *horrified silence*
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reaganroo · 3 months
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hi guys
i was told to put my au here so
tell me if you want more because i have some locked and loaded
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bwaybby09 · 5 months
During a Tornado Warning:
Les: What do we do if the tornado hits us?
Spot: Uh, what do we do if the tornado hit us? I'm not sure, maybe get blown away by it?!
Race: No, no, you hide under a doorway.
Katherine: No, no, no. That's an earthquake.
Davey: Actually, they say you're not supposed to do that anymore.
Albert: Who cares what they say not to do for something that's not happening.
Jack: They say that you should go towards the eye of the storm.
Spot: Where’s the eye of the storm, Jack?
Jack: I don’t know…
Spot: That’s what I thought.
Crutchie: Tell someone you trust.
Jack: No Crutchie, that's only if the tornado's molesting you.
Race: Okay, this is just a drill! Everyone grab a clutch buddy!
(Race grabs onto Spot)
Spot: Oh, get off me! No!
Race: Hold on to me!
Spot: Get off me!
Race: I am saving your life!
Spot: I don’t wanna be saved by you!
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newsiesficchallenges · 7 months
Day Three of Crutchie Supremacy!
Happy Day Three! We are celebrating today with an incorrect quotes!
davey, sprinting into the room: CRUTCHIE CRUTCHIE
crutchie, nearly falling off of his bed in surprise: WHAT
davey, stopping right in front of him: JACK LIKES ME BACK. HE LIKES LIKES ME TOO
crutchie, over this shit: you come into MY room, screaming at ME, for THIS BULLSHIT. ARE YOU STUPID, MAN? WE ALREADY KNEW THAT. I TOLD YOU THAT. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU-
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Jack: *drunk* If you water water, it grows.  Davey: ...What.   Crutchie: He’s got a point
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knockoff-conlon · 1 month
80's newsies!!
and it's your typical shitty coming of age story. it follows jack and his group of friends (race, albert, crutchie, finch, tommy boy, and katherine) in high school. they get a new kid at their school and race immediately asks him to go to the arcade with their friend group. race introduces him to everyone.
davey meets jack. is a little enamored by him. tries to hide it because being gay in the 80s in high school was interesting. jack doesn't understand that he's allowed to be gay/bi and doesn't realize that's what he feels for davey. they fall in love through the course of the story. but they have a huge falling out when davey kisses him for the first time cause jack freaks the fuck out and shoves him away, yelling that's he's not a fag. they get back together though after race punches jack in the face and makes him go after davey again. then they're gay together.
race meanwhile meets a jock, spot, who looks all bitchy and mean but is really nice and doesn't mind the fact that race shoves a camera in everyone's face, no matter who they are. race hangs out with spot a lot and learns all about him and his life. race will sometimes blow off his friends to go to spot's house. they fall in love too but they only get together at the very end when race invites spot to his and his friends' grad party they're holding for themselves. they kiss there and the story is pretty much over at that point.
albert is already with finch at the beginning of the story. that's a large part of the reason jack realizes he's gay. they're publicly out at school and albert has multiple times beat the shit out of people for going after him or finch.
katherine is a year older than everyone and already in uni. she gets an open ending. she moves in with sarah as friends for her second year of university and sarah's third. they have lots of tension but they don't get together during the course of the story itself.
crutchie stays the ho we all know bro is and he goes to uni as a fuck boy. he's very respectful toward women, he just likes sex. (get it crutchie, living his best life out there, isn't he???)
tommy boy moves away for university at the end and gives crutchie a little kiss on the cheek as he leaves. crutchie has a gay awakening but he does not in fact make a move on tommy boy before the story ends.
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theaterkidlament · 9 months
Personal Newsie Headcannon
Davey is so adamant on getting Crutchie back because he knows he’s something super important to Jack. Davey was already head over heels for Jack while for Jack (as he sings “Someone Like You”) realizes that Davey is someone who he wants to be with.
That’s also why I think Jack mentions how much more smart David is while talking to Katherine. I heavily believe that Jack and David fell in love during the show.
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Jack: I'm so tired. I can't do this. 
Crutchie: Quick, get the emergency supply!
Race: *drags Davey in and pushes him infront of Jack*
Davey: *smiles*
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 1 year
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how to get better at acknowledge and being okay with saying you’re disabled via projection, a guide by me
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Newsies as potential song titles part two (the sequel nobody asked for)
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military-newsboys · 2 months
Jack: That building is, like, 5 Davey away and we're at least 14 Davey high. Davey: Please don't use me as a system of measurement.
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A pair of shears, a gift of life
Part 1 of my trans Davey series, 'my courage, found'
Next >
Dedicated to @orcaofmyheart99 thanks for getting me into newsies ☺️
This is bad. Very bad. Hair lays scattered around Davey’s feet, long, dark, locks strewn on the dirty wooden planks. Davey’s heart beats loudly inside, an overwhelming pounding that drowns out the sound of the evening crowd rushing around. It’s dark in the cramped room Davey’s in, a small oil lamp casting a warm glow, enough for Davey to see a reflection in the small mirror. Davey swallows down the hysterical laugh that threatens to spill out, shaking hands grip the cold sewing shears, reaching up and snipping off another long strand of hair. An excitement that Davey has never felt before begins to stir inside, mixing with the lingering fear, growing with each cut. Davey finishes cropping the hair, short, shorter than it’s ever been, a few inches at most, roughly shaped into some sort of style, it doesn’t matter if it’s a mess, to Davey it’s perfect.
Looking up into the mirror Davey stares and it’s as if Davey’s underwater. Everything except the reflection in the mirror, is worlds away. Every noise except the hammering heartbeats and shallow, panicked breathing, fades. Carefully Davey reaches up and runs a hand through the hair. A smile creeps onto the reflection and the excitement, joy, the indescribable feeling that convinced Davey to partake in such an act bubbles up and overflows. So, the grin grows, giggles nearly jumping out, and Davey pushes the other hand through the hair, again and again. Each time the joy gets so much larger, spilling out in dizzying breaths as Davey frantically rakes through the hair. With a deep breath Davey looks directly into the mirror and whispers the words that have been locked inside.
“Hello, I’m David” He murmurs quietly “I am a man. I am a brother, a son.” His heartbeats wildly and he continues.
“Hello, this is David, he’s my friend, this is his sister and his brother. He lives with his parents and goes to school.” His grin has morphed into something near crazy and he lets loose a muffled giggle. The excitement inside is full force and he turns to the other items he gathered, held in a tight bundle of fabric. Unwrapping the contents with shaky hands, he carefully lays out each item, hands catching on the thick wool of the vest and smooth satin tie. Hastily Davey pulls off the skirts and shirt he was wearing, undoing the corset he so violently hated and reached for the shears once again. A quick idea spurring him to slice through his underskirt, thin fabric pooling into long ribbons which he wound tightly around his chest. He takes a sharp breath in when he glances in the mirror, hand jumping to his chest which is now flattened near completely. Heartbeat speeding up, he turns and pulls on the clothes, relieved that the boots he normally wore don’t standout against his outfit. Shoving the cap, he swiped from his father, onto his head he turns to the mirror and chokes back the lump in his throat. A pain sweet and aching fills his heart, and he quickly wipes the tears that have gathered in his eyes. Shoving the cut hair, shears, and his old clothes into the fabric, he bundles it together and stashes it inside a dresser drawer.
His heart is soaring as he climbs down the fire escape, finally grateful for his room having an easy access outside. He finds himself wandering down the street like a newborn foal. His limbs feel awkward and heavy, and he trips a few times before he turns and leans on the side of a building, catching his breath and mind. The night air has settled in around the city, stagnant and heavy, holding a heady sort of promise. People stroll up and down the street, talking loudly amongst themselves, rushing around in their own world. The excitement that had fueled him so far seems to have faded into a swirl of worry and Davey tries to rally himself. No one knows what he is, no one can tell. He looks like a boy, short hair and dressed as one. As long as he doesn’t speak, he’ll be fine, he will get to live the life he’s always wanted, even if only for this evening. So, he squares his shoulders and sets his jaw, imitating the other men that are milling around and prances out into the world as his true self.
Davey tries not to spend too much time in the same area he lives, paranoia eating at him as he hurries toward the bowery. His heartbeat is still frantic and his breathes still too shallow, but he feels lighter once he is far enough away. Everything is still busy, if not more so, and Davey finds himself wandering into a theater, intrigued by the lit sign above signaling that there was a free show being held tonight. Entering the theater turns out to get him into some sort of trouble as he is gruffly steered toward backstage the moment an old, balding man spies him. He thinks about protesting but snaps his mouth shut once he remembers the sound of his voice, reluctantly letting the man push him into a large back room. When he looks around, he sees that it’s full of different set pieces and theater props, paint cans are haphazardly stacked in the corners, and most surprisingly that the room is occupied. A few boys around his age are sitting grouped around a large canvas talking while another boy paints.
“Reminds ‘em ta enter through da alley, Jack. We don’t needa infestation a’ newsies in the theater” The man grunts out and then somehow disappears. Before Davey can even begin to try and escape, the boys look over and see him.
“He ain’t a newsie” One of the boys says around a cigar, that oddly looks unlit.
“Yeah, who’se the hell are yea?” Another one asks.
Davey’s heart is beating much too fast, and he swallows down the shaky fear that’s starting to grow. He can figure a way out of this, he has to. So, he pulls himself up and stares directly at them, unafraid, unyielding, and gestures to his mouth in an attempt to show he can’t speak.
“Can you’se speak?” The painter questions. Davey shakes his head.
“Well, how’s the hells are we ‘sposed ta figa out who’se ya is?”
“Race shuddup!” the boy on the ground whispers harshly to the one with the cigar, Race. The painter steps around the others and approaches Davey where he is still standing, awkwardly.
“Sorry ‘bouts that guy, he can’t see nothin’ well and us newsies always endup meetin’ here. I’m Jack, that there is Crutchie” the blond boy gins and waves “an’ Race.” The other boy gestures a greeting with his cigar and sticks it back in his mouth.
Jack reaches out his hand and Davey takes it. His heart is tripping over itself, but a small sliver of satisfaction curls up inside when he shakes Jack’s hand as if he has been doing so his whole life.
“You’se welcome ‘ta stay with us, I’m just abouts to finish up the scene” Jack says gesturing toward the others and Davey feels himself nod before he can realize what he just agreed to.
“Are’s ya from the Bowery?” Crutchie asks when Davey settles himself on the cloth next to the other boys. He shakes his head. Jack has gone back to painting, but Davey can feel him stealing glances every so often.
“Whaddabouts Brooklyn?” says Race. Davey shakes his head again.
“Race here ‘ll do anythin’ ta go ta Brooklyn, won’t he Jack?” Davey sees Jack grin.
“How’s that goin’ for you’se, Race? Have ya heard back from Spot yet?” Jack inquires, Davey can feel a smile starting to grow on his own face and he looks at Race.
“Shuddup Jack! It ain’t like that, he’s gots his own life, unlike you’se” Race exclaims loudly, Crutchie and Jack laugh and Davey relaxes into the teasing, enjoying the casual, brotherly way they were treating each other.
“Ohs c’mon. You says it ain’t like that but who’se spents alls last Sataday with Spot instead a’ sellin’ papes?” Crutchie pesters and Race blushes and ducks his head, scowling around his cigar. Davey looks up and catches Jack looking at him. Jack grins and gestures in a way to imply something very lewd and Davey blushes and must force himself not to actually laugh at the action.
“I was sellin’ with Spot” comes Race’s meek reply
“Oh, so’s he lets you’se sell there but no one else?” Jack asks. Race gives up on his friends and turns to face Davey, ignoring the other boys’ laughter.
“Can you’se spell with ya fingers? I knows a bit but nothin’ good” he asks. Davey shakes his head, feeling a bit bad for lying about being mute but this evening is going so much better than he would have ever thought possible, so he bites his tongue.
“How’se come? Are you’se able to speak an’ just won’t?” Davey nods at that, twisting slightly to undo the pressure on his chest.
“Aw mans, I’d love ta here ‘bouts who you’se is” Jack says sitting down next to Davey, having finished whatever he was painting.
“It’s fine if ya don’t wanna, we don’ts care too much” Crutchie assures him. Davey shakes his head, and they leave it at that.
And so, for that evening Davey lets his whole life and other identity fade away. He grins wildly at the boys’ banter and teasing, letting himself be jostled and good-naturedly slapped. Finds himself playing some sort of game with the others that involves hand smacking and bets. The earlier excitement, the one that began with cutting his hair, wholly returns as he finds himself being backed by both Jack and Race when he attempts to play against Crutchie. And his heart leaps when he wins and they throw their arms around him, cheering and laughing as they parade him around the room. It’s everything he’s ever wanted and more.
Eventually he waves goodbye after being told that he can find the others there every Thursday, and he makes his way back home. Cursing how late it is, he carefully climbs back up the fire escape and rolls himself into bed, smile firmly affixed to his face. With a sigh he undresses and unbinds himself, fear rolling back into his gut, mixing with the happiness he’s feeling. He runs his hand through his hair, the thing that started this whole adventure, something he had wanted to cut, to change, for so long until he had finally broken and gave in. Wanting to be a boy at least for just one night, to live the world as one for just a moment, had lived in Davey’s mind for so long. And for so long he had run his mind around, wondering what name he would use and what he would look like. Nothing he imagined came close to tonight and dread sinks deep, deep, into his bones at the thought of returning to his old life.
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
*sighs* anyone got any newsies fics or hcs they would love to see? someone (@crystallizedtwilight) (whom I adore and respect very much but also- what the fuck, bro) dragged me back into this fandom kicking and screaming with their lovely art and now I have the strongest urge to write something, but we’re tired children with zero creativity to our names, so.
headcanons? aus? the tiniest fragments of an idea?
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newsiesficchallenges · 3 months
Did you know that your happy chemicals in your brain go up when you read and write fanfiction? According to actual, empirical, scientific evidence, when you consume media that brings you enjoyment, and participate in it, your mind and mental health get better. It’s magical. And, hey, wouldn’t it be really cool if there was a way that you could participate in reading and writing Newsies-focused fanfiction? OH WAIT-
Sign up for the 2024 Newsies Gift Exchange here!!!
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inkwell-illustrations · 11 months
Jack: [sadly sighs] Jack: I miss Davey... Crutchie: he's been gone for literally three minutes.
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orcaofmyheart99 · 3 months
Gay Awakening
Notes: I think I already posted this story but just posting it again just in case.
Davey had always been focused on school and his family. He had always felt a sense of responsibility and duty. The free time he had was spent on studying history. Davey had never thought much about dating. He had gone out on a few dates with a few different girls from school but nothing ever went anywhere. It just didn’t really feel right to Davey although he couldn’t explain exactly why that was. 
Davey’s father got into an accident while at work. This forced him and Les to go out and become Newsies until his father would be able to go back to work. 
Davey was a bit nervous on his first day. He got even more nervous when he met him. He was just a little shorter than Davey was with twinkling eyes and a dazzling smile. His younger brother seemed to know this boy “That’s Jack Kelly” Les explained.
“This is my brother David” Les introduced him to the boy
“Nice to meet you Davey” Jack greeted with a genuine smile.
Davey felt butterflies in his stomach. Something which he had never experienced before. 
Jack offered to sell with him and Les that day. Davey went home that night with a distant smile on his face and a lightness to his steps. He felt happy in a way he had never felt before. 
The next day Davey made sure to sell again with Jack. There was something intoxicating about him.
A young woman came walking along. Jack put on his charm to sell to her. Davey felt a small twitch of what was most likely jealousy towards the young woman. To his surprise she wittingly turned Jack down which made him seem even more interested in her. That night Jack felt a little heavier. He told himself that it shouldn’t matter. Jack was straight and so was Davey. He probably only felt butterflies because it was just a whole new experience. Everyone seemed pretty in awe of Jack. 
A few weeks passed and Davey got to know Jack more. And the more he got to know him, the more Davey liked Jack. Maybe Jack had caused Davey to have some sort of gay awakening? 
Jack asked Davey one afternoon for some advice “I am going on a date tonight. Got any ideas on where I should take her?” 
Davey was caught off guard. 
“That girl you were trying to sell to the other day?” 
“Yeah. We are going out tonight. You seem like the romantic type. So any ideas?” 
Davey felt a pain in his stomach. His mouth suddenly felt dry.
“Uhh umm not really. Sorry.” Davey stuttered and walked away. He grabbed Les’s hand muttering that they had to get going, citing that they would be late for dinner. 
Jack was left feeling confused. He ended up taking the girl out to the theater at which they had a good time and enjoyed each other's company. 
Jack tried to rectify the situation with Davey. Davey had been avoiding him since he asked for advice. Choosing to sell by himself instead of Jack which was strange. 
“Davey you seem to be avoiding me” Jack commented as the Newsies lined up. 
“I’ve been busy” Davey said, not meeting his eyes. 
“I’m not sure if I overstepped something the other day by asking for advice for a date. But I am sorry if that made you feel weird at all” Jack tried to apologize.
“Why the hell would that make me feel weird?” Davey snapped looking directly into Jack’s shimmering blue eyes.  
Jack looked taken aback by this tone of voice from Davey who was usually very soft spoken. 
“Why would I care who you date or where you go on dates Jack? It’s not like I’m into you or anything! Just leave me out of it ok?!” Davey stormed off in a huff stuffing his papes into his bag. 
Jack was left speechless. Why was Davey acting like this? And what did he mean that he wasn’t into him? Jack thought that was a very strange thing to say. 
That night Jack couldn’t sleep. Davey’s words kept spinning over and over in his head. He finally propped himself up and looked around to see if Crutchie was awake.
“Hey Crutchie you there? Jack mumbled.
“Yeah I’m ere Jack. Can’t sleep?” Crutchie muttered back. 
“I just keep thinking about what Dave said. I thought it was fine when I asked for his advice about my date with Katherine. I thought he would be happy to help out his friend. Guess I was wrong. I am just mostly surprised about how he spoke to me today. I really didn’t mean to offend him or anything.” Jack said, sounding a bit sad.
Crutchie let out a small laugh
“What’s so funny?” Jack demanded.
“It’s just that Jack. As much as you are charming you can often be a bit oblivious. Davey obviously likes you. Hell, I would say he is in love with you. Have you noticed the way he looks at you? How he hangs on your every word? How he has to sell with you everyday? How he has to stand close to you?”
Jack was quiet.
“No, I guess I didn’t. If he really is into me I would understand how me asking about where to go on a date would make him upset. What can I do to make it up to him?” Jack asked.
“Honestly, I would give him some space right now. He probably has a lot to process and figure out.” Crutchie advised.
Jack gave a sigh of defeat. 
“Alright. I will” Jack gave in.
For the next few days Jack let Davey have his space. He didn’t want to lose Davey as a friend so he let him be. Giving a polite nod and smile when they interacted. About a week later Jack was selling his last paper Davey approached him in a cautious and nervous manner.
“Gotta a sec Jack?” Davey asked.
Jack looked surprised that Davey was talking to him. 
“Sure. What’s up?” 
“I, uhh, I wanted to umm apologize for how I spoke to you the other day. I was upset and took it out on you wrongly. You are my friend and I am truly sorry about how I treated you. Friends help each other out and I should have helped you on your date place.” 
“Davey, don’t worry about it. I understand I’ve been in your position before.” 
Davey’s eyebrows knit together. 
“What do you mean by my position?” 
shit , shit shit. Jack thought. Why did I say that? 
“Ummm I just mean like. Helping friends out with dating stuff when you know umm you, you know. 
Davey’s brow furrowed further. 
Jack fiddled with his hat in his hands. He took a deep breath, trying to imagine Crutchie’s advice. Crutchie would probably tell him to be truthful. 
Jack quickly said 
“When you like a friend in more than a friend way, then the friend you like is going on a date and you want to be going on a date with that person.”
Davey stood there, mouth slightly open. 
“Unless I’m wrong?” Jack asked nervously. 
“No, you aren’t wrong. I do like you. Like more than a friend” Davey said looking down at his feet. 
“I thought I was straight until I met you.” Davey said now looking into Jack’s eyes and moving closer. 
“Hell, Jack, every time I am near you I lose my breath. I forget how to walk. My mind goes blank. Jack, no one has ever made me feel the way you do.” 
For a change Jack felt nervous. Davey stepped even closer to him. 
“I know this is a long shot and I know that you are dating that girl, but I really like you. If you ever want to go out with me I am here. Just know that.”
Jack felt his face flush 
“Actually Dave. I am not seeing that girl anymore. After Crutchie provided some insight I realized that she wasn’t the one I wanted to go out with.” 
“Really?” Davey whispered. Hope beginning to fill his heart.
“Really” Jack responded. 
Before he knew what he was doing, Davey was kissing Jack. Jack pulled Davey in closer, wrapping his arms around him.     
“So, you wanna go out on a date with me?” Davey asked, smiling.
“For sure” Jack responded, grabbing his hand. 
The news traveled quickly to the other newsies. Everyone was very happy for them. 
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