#newsies lodging house
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military-newsboys · 2 days ago
Jack: Could you not ‘Albert’ this into a situation worse than it already is? Albert: I’m sorry, but did you just use my name as a fucking verb?
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old-timmy · 7 days ago
Modern Newsies HC’s for my AU Part: 2
They each have their own labeled drawers in the bathroom with their name written on a piece of tape thats suck right above the handle. They keep their medication, their toothbrush, deodorant, chapstick, etc. Any toiletries you wouldn’t normally share go in your own drawer. Everything else like lotion, maybe toothpaste, possibly hair care stuff, shaving cream, anything you would probably leave on your counter. They also have designated cabinets for like medical supplies, extra towels, toilet paper, tissues, blah blah blah. The bathroom is set up the same way it is in the movie minus the barrels Snipeshooter is like using as a bathtub. Because they don’t have showers in the movie I’m expanding the bathroom so there can be showers in there. So right next to the four stalls will be four curtain showers, one of them having a handicap bar and seat for Crutchy. The only bathtubs they have is in a room I’m calling the sick/guest room that will be talked about in the next update.
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military-newsboys · 2 months ago
This is such a major part for so many reasons.
A. They let themselves be angry at him. They are not scared, not afraid of Jack.
For all they know he scabbed- but they still trust him enough to be angry. He is their brother, and while they don't understand why he did what he did, they still know he would never try and hurt them.
B. Jack doesn't want to crush their hopes and scare them.
He could easily just say "hey threatened to hurt you guys & Crutchie, I am doing this for you" but he doesn't. The newsies finally have some hope, finally have a sense of WORTH, he can't bring himself to take it away from them.
its common sense jack has the biggest heart and it doesnt take much to see that BUT the fact that he allowed those kids to be angry with him for scabbing and didnt blame them at all really solidifies that for me. he has done Everything for them to keep them warm, fed & sheltered for a Long time and the second he scabbed they flipped out on him like hes never made a single sacrifice. no one questioned that he was acting strange. and still he was okay with that.
when he was talking to the scabs he dealt with them with patience. he talked to them. he understood where they came from. no one even attempted to have the same energy for him. and he was okay with that.
someone please give jack his flowers (and some therapy)
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geonij31 · 1 month ago
Hey Newsies Fandom, LETS TALK LODGING HOUSES (by someone who wrote a 13 page essay on them for a university class)
I’ve recently delved into the world of Newsies Fanfiction and I’ve been going a little crazy over some of the representation of the Lodging House so I thought I’d offer up some FACTS regarding some things I’ve seen. For this I’m going to focus on the N°9 Duane Street Lodging-House.
(If you want a basic idea without doing too much research or reading this post, just go watch the 1992 Newsies, it’s not perfectly accurate but it’s close enough.)
THE LAYOUT: the lodging house itself was 6-7 floors. The first floor was rented out to shops like some apartment buildings.
Floor 2: The second floor consisted of a large dining-room “where nearly two hundred boys can sit down at table” (Campbell et al, 1897, 122), as well as a kitchen, laundry room, store-room, servant’s room and living quarters for the lodging’s superintendent and their family.
Floor 3: The third floor contained the school-room as well as washrooms, leaving the two top floors for the dormitories.
Floor 4-5: Each dormitory was “furnished with from fifty to one hundred beds” (Campbell et al, 1897) with spring mattresses and plenty of comforters. There were also “private rooms” which were squared spaces quartered off by curtains for privacy. These beds, though more expensive, were almost ALWAYS filled.
A couple different sources mention the lodging house having a gymnasium (with a trapeze) but they can’t seem to agree exactly where the gymnasium was. My guess is it was on the 6th floor as mentioned in an article by The Journal. The attic was used as extra space for the winters when the dormitories were full.
COSTS: lodging was 6 CENTS (or 10 for a “private room”) and meals (breakfast and dinner) were the same price. Boys could have as many helpings of a mean as they wanted! Without paying extra! From what I could tell they didn’t serve lunch because the afternoon paper came out around noon and most boys just picked up something while they were out so they wouldn’t miss a prime selling time.
(Don’t forget that most papers cost 1¢ for customers so a newsie would only have to sell 6 papers to stay the night or get a meal)
AMENITIES: THEY. HAD. SHOWERS. They had access to both hot and cold water and free towels. Boys were expected to wash up after entering the lodging house. Also, as mentioned, there was a laundry room. From my understanding it was most often used to clean the sheets of the beds which were used every day, but there were also boys said to be around helping with chores, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were also able to wash their clothes there when they wanted.
There was also a free clothes ‘closet’ with donated clothing for boys to access. It seemed most boys chose not to make use of it out of pride, but it didn’t go UNUSED. When a kid really needed stuff they would give it to them.
SCHOOLING: boys staying at the lodging house who did not receive a pass to stay out late were expected to attend the night school held there from 7:30-9. During the day the lodging house also held trades classes and other such courses for those who couldn’t attend a full day of school for whatever reason.
There’s so much more but that’s the basics of it and some of the stuff I’ve seen people get wrong (both in fanfics AND here on Tumblr) I’ve added photos from the Lodging house as well as some links of interest for those who want to go do their own research.
Campbell, H., Knox, T. W., & Byrnes, T. (1897). NEW YORK NEWSBOYS-- WHO THEY ARE, WHERE THEY COME FROM, AND HOW THEY LIVE-- THE WAIFS AND STRAYS OF A GREAT CITY. In Darkness and Daylight; or Lights and Shadows of New York Life; A Pictoral Record of Personal Experiences by Day and Night in the Great Metropolis (pp. 111–138). essay, Hartford, Conn. The Hartford Publishing Company. Retrieved November 23, 2024, from https://archive.org/details/darknessdaylight00campuoft/page/137/mode/1up.
Riis, J. A. (1890). How The Other Half Lives. Charles Scribner’s Sons. November 23, 2024, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/45502/45502-h/45502-h.htm#Page_82
^Chapter XVII: The Street Arab
Riis, J. A. (1908). The Children of the Poor. Charles Scribner’s Sons. November 23, 2024, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/32609/32609-h/32609-h.htm#Page_122
^Chapter XIV: The Outcast and the Homeless
Smallest saving bank in the world. (1896, February 16). The Journal, pp. 19–19. Retrieved November 23, 2024, from https://www.loc.gov/resource/sn84031792/1896-02-16/ed-1/?q=Great+Depression&sp=19&st=image&r=-0.421,0.085,1.842,1.398,0.
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papes-and-capes · 22 days ago
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At the lodging house, the newsies have a system—each of them cuts a small slit in the side of their mattress to stash away their few prized possessions. They may spend most of their time swiping and hiding each other’s stuff just for the fun of it, but there’s an unspoken rule: if it’s tucked away in a mattress, it’s off-limits. That’s where Jack keeps Michael’s bandana on the rare occasions he’s seen without it, safely hidden away. Everyone knows better than to mess with it—some things just aren’t for playing around.
I’d love to hear some interaction if you have ideas for what your favorite Newsies keeps in his bed!
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military-newsboys · 10 months ago
My baby brother got freaked out about earthquakes yesterday and we had the same conversation over dinner. He is 10 years old, and we have another hassle who is 15.
10: but what are we gonna do if there's gonna be a big earthquake??
15: die
Me: Stop that. We'll be fine, We'll just go down to the bomb shelter
Mom: I think we are supposed to go outside tho
15: we live in the middle of the city, if we go out we'll get crushed
Me: no one is getting crushed.
10: But my friend said there's going to be a big earthquake soon
Mom: maybe, but we'll just go down to the bomb shelter
15: also scientists can predict big earthquakes now
Me: No they can't
15: sure they can
Mom: no they cant
15: they do
Mom: nope
10: will we have enough notice to fly to another country?
Mom: no, but we'll have enough time to get to the bomb shelter
15: we will
Me: we won't. open Google for fucks sake
10: but what if I trip down the stairs while we are runing
Me: then I'll carry you, same way I carry you when there are missiles during the night.
15: or you can take the lift
Mom: you can't take the lift during an earthquake.
10: but what if the building will collapse on the shelter
Mom: it's prepared to keep 20 people safe for over a week in case there's an infiltration. We'll be fine
15: also there's another exit in case the building collapses. It's really cool.
10: but nobody will find us
Me: sure they will. We have a lot if units who are trained to pull people out of shelters when the missiles hit, an earthquake is no different
10: really?
Me: really. It's one of the best squads in the world, US soldiers come to train with the 669 unit all the time
15: The US is not that impressive.
Me: what do you have against the US
15: nothing I'm just saying they don't compare to the 669
Me: I wanted to be in the 669
15: but you are a loser so they didn't want you
10: yeah
Me: hey!
Mom: are you sure we are not supposed to go outside? Like to the garden
15: what Garden are you talking about we live in the middle of the city. Closest thing we have to a garden is the fake plant near the window
Mom: it's not fake
15: well then it's dying because I haven't watered it
10: so if there's a big earthquake are we going to die
Me: sweetheart, the entire country is built to withstand missiles attacks. From Iran. We will be just fine.
15: are we supposed to go to a high place?
Mom: no that's tsunami
15: an earthquake usually comes with tsunamis
10: are we going to die in a tsunami?
Me: oh for fucks sake.
During a Tornado Warning:
Les: What do we do if the tornado hits us?
Spot: Uh, what do we do if the tornado hit us? I'm not sure, maybe get blown away by it?!
Race: No, no, you hide under a doorway.
Katherine: No, no, no. That's an earthquake.
Davey: Actually, they say you're not supposed to do that anymore.
Albert: Who cares what they say not to do for something that's not happening.
Jack: They say that you should go towards the eye of the storm.
Spot: Where’s the eye of the storm, Jack?
Jack: I don’t know…
Spot: That’s what I thought.
Crutchie: Tell someone you trust.
Jack: No Crutchie, that's only if the tornado's molesting you.
Race: Okay, this is just a drill! Everyone grab a clutch buddy!
(Race grabs onto Spot)
Spot: Oh, get off me! No!
Race: Hold on to me!
Spot: Get off me!
Race: I am saving your life!
Spot: I don’t wanna be saved by you!
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above-the-foldd · 11 months ago
Albert: Who ate my powdered donuts?
Finch: Wasn’t me.
Jojo: Not me.
Race, with half of his face covered in powdered sugar: Yeah guys, who ate the donuts?
Les, from across the room: DONUTS?! CAN I HAVE ONE?!
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chaosfairy18 · 9 months ago
Really underappreciated character
I mean he really seems to care for the boys and probably does this job for a long time, looking over some things they do and even lying to Snyder, as shown in the movie.
For me he is also German which is only because "kloppen" is a dialect or slang word for "fighting". So a bit similar to "soaking" in Newsies. Maybe he was a boxer in his youth, I would find that very fun. The word is also similar to "klopfen" though which means "to knock" and probably also in a few other languages that have similar words.
I'd like to believe Kloppman is just out here feeling sorry for the boys and wanting to help them but also knows there are limits. He has done that so long, he knows that some cases he can't help, no matter how much he tries.
Some of them die, some of them land in prison, some of them run. But he always has an open door for strays that just need someone on their side to get on their feet again.
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noxexistant · 2 years ago
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he’s got the zoomies
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romanthroughthefield · 1 year ago
the trans masc urge to be in the opening scene of 92sies
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military-newsboys · 3 months ago
Spot: Are you a newspaper? Jack: No, why? Spot: Because there’s a new issue with you every fucking day.
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local-ginger-snap · 8 months ago
Cookin' lasa . . . lasagne, 'cause apparently boxin' somebody straight in the jaw is illegal.
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glitter-ink · 1 year ago
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no. 61 poplar street re-imagined interior. the structure of the brooklyn newsboys’ lodging house closely resembled that of the CAS’s lodging houses in manhattan. it provided cost-effective accommodations, including beds, meals, washrooms, a gymnasium, an in-house school, a superintendent, & similar amenities. in addition to its designation as the newsboys’ lodging house or newsboys’ home, an 1899 article calls it the children’s home and the working boys’ home.
the building was situated on the northern side of poplar street, west of the block’s center, bordered by henry and hicks streets. positioned 2 blocks south of the entrance to the brooklyn bridge (brooklyn heights).
for more details, check out nineduane.queensity.com. it’s a lovely resource on the lodging houses for any newsies-writing!
- images created by midjourney.
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geonij31 · 26 days ago
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Random parts from my Newsies fic I’m writing which takes place between 1916-1920’s
It’s from the perspective of my OC Mouth and idk if anyone would find it interesting besides me.
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make-friends-with-the-rats · 3 months ago
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In December of 1899, the halls of 9 Duane Street Lodging House echoed with the voices of newsies. This was the 30th annual holiday feast held for the newsboys and their guests. Kid Blink, among others, gave toasts and speeches, including one entitled "The Strike, When We Licked", no doubt celebrating their successful strike from the summer. The newsies were served a generous feast of turkey, boiled ham, celery, mashed potatoes, turnips, tea, bread and butter, and -- the newsies favorite -- pies.
[sources: 1, 2, 3, 4]
This year, to celebrate the 155th anniversary of the first annual Duane Street holiday feast, I have put together a list of prompts for the first annual Duane Street December. Happy Holidays!
tag: #duane street december
(transcribed list under the cut)
NEWSIES Duane Street December
First Snow
Favorite Character
Irving Hall/Medda's Theatre
Holiday Decorations
Kid Blink
Boots Arbus
Best Friends
Cold Feet
Our Man Denton
Little Newsies
The Jacobs Family
Something Unexpected
Snowball Fight
Jack Kelly
Little Brother
Bad Luck
Patrick's Mother
Turkey and Pie/The Duane Street Dinner
Gift Giving
Improvin' The Truth
New Years Eve, 1899
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