#data science tips
vinooshiya · 9 months
Key Study Areas For Data Science Beginners : A Simple Guide
Greetings, eager minds! If you’ve found yourself intrigued by the fascinating world of studying data science, you’re in for an enlightening journey. Let’s unravel the intricacies of what delving into data science studies entails, simplifying it with insights from the Best Data Science Training Institute in Bangalore.
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Data Science Basics: Definition and Key Study Areas
Data science is the utilization of scientific methods to extract insights from diverse data types, ranging from numbers and text to images and videos. The data can be categorized as structured (organized in tables) or unstructured (comprising text documents or images). Key areas of study include:
Statistics and Mathematics: Crucial for effective data analysis.
Programming Languages: Proficiency in Python and R is common.
Data Manipulation and Cleaning: Important for preparing data for analysis.
Data Exploration and Visualization: Utilizing tools like Matplotlib and Seaborn.
Machine Learning: Involves creating prediction and classification models.
Big Data Technologies: Handling large volumes of data using tools like Hadoop.
Database Management: Efficient storage and retrieval using SQL and NoSQL databases.
Data Ethics and Privacy: Considerations for responsible data handling.
Feature Engineering: Optimizing input features to enhance model performance.
Model Evaluation and Deployment: Assessing and deploying machine learning models.
Communication and Presentation: Effectively conveying findings to non-technical audiences.
Continuous Learning: Staying updated with evolving data science tools and techniques.
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Data Scientist’s Journey:
Formal Education: For a comprehensive understanding of data science, consider enrolling in a Data Science course in Bangalore. Such courses offer certifications and job placement opportunities, available both online and offline.
Hands-On Projects: Apply acquired knowledge in practical scenarios to gain real-world experience.
In conclusion, the study of data science is an exhilarating adventure marked by continuous learning, exploration, and an unending pursuit of knowledge. Whether you’re passionate about unraveling the mysteries concealed in data or shaping a future driven by insights, the journey of a data scientist is one of perpetual discovery. Are you ready to embark on your data adventure? The world of data science eagerly awaits your exploration!
I trust I’ve addressed your queries successfully. If not, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. I am always open to learning more.
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learnelle · 2 years
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Day Ten - I created this blog right before starting my data science degree as a way to keep me accountable for my studies. Needless to say, I didn’t achieve this goal as I dropped out. However, that doesn’t matter! I now have a visual diary of my entire adult life in France ?! That also features my journey of falling in love with psychology/linguistics! And also!! I have a safe space filled with such lovely people~ Wow I feel so lucky!! ♡
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sage-thephdstudent · 1 year
I’ve just enrolled in an undergrad class at my university in data science / coding. It is the first time I’ve done any kind coding. It’s also been almost four years since I was in undergrad myself, so I’m pretty nervous for the exam.
Does anyone have any study tips, particularly for data science / coding, which they would be willing to share? This topic is so different from anything I’ve ever done before I’m feeling pretty out of my depth.
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edystcareer · 2 years
In this Weather App Session Using Python, "Aneeq Dholakia," co-founder of Edyst, teaches attendees about
1. Fetching weather data from the internet .
2. Accessing any specific location's real-time weather data.
3. Finding the most stable city based on its weather.
Check Out Latest On Board - Edyst Data Science Internship!!
Join Now! Data Science Internship: Real Estate Price Prediction Data Science Internship: Diabetes Prediction Data Science Internship: TV Sales Prediction These are all the documents you will get apart from skills and knowledge by completing any of the above internship:
Internship joining letter (as soon as you join the internship).
Internship evaluation report as per AICTE approved guidelines (as soon as you finish the internship).
Internship experience letter (as soon as you finish the internship).
Click the link above to find out more about the Edyst Data Science Internship Program.
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stringeddoll · 2 years
Hi studyblr!
Ive wanted to join for such a long time it's unreal. Allof you have inspired me for so long!
Im meo and my subjects are accounting, economics, business and info ( basically the basics of python and SQL for data science ).
I'm in 12th grade and my age is within the range 16-17. I live in Asia ( won't specify where ) .
These are photos from yesterday if you will ignore my messy desk.
My interests lie in classical literature, scientific horror, coding, the science of learning and uh vocaloid lol.
Note: I have a study Twitter it's @/meowsonyou !
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onon-100 · 1 month
IT and Non IT Training in Nepal
If you are ready to build your career in IT and Non-IT training, enroll in any of various training in Nepal!
According to my research, I found best HR training provided by UpSkills Nepal with many different IT and Non It courses!
Most Of top Non IT courses are:
Digital marketing training in Nepal
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SEO training in Nepal
Accounting training in Nepal
Graphics design training in Nepal
Diploma in digital marketing in Nepal
Most important IT courses are:
Cybersecurity courses in Nepal
Data science traning in Nepal
AI training in Nepal
DevOps training in Nepal
Python traning in Nepal
UI/UX training in Nepal
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saidatascience · 2 months
Data Visualization Tips: Creating Impactful and Informative Visuals
In the era of big data, the ability to convert complex datasets into simple, striking visualizations is essential. Effective data visualization not only simplifies data understanding but also allows for faster data-driven decision-making. In this article, we will look at several key recommendations for big data visualization tips and techniques, based on insights from Sai Data Science.
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Recognize the audience Before getting into the technical details, it’s critical to understand who your target audience is. Are they data scientists who understand statistical intricacies, or are they corporate executives seeking top-level insights? Tailoring your visualization to your audience’s demands guarantees that your message is presented properly.
Choose the Right Type of Visualization Different types of data require different types of visualizations. Here are some common visualization types and their ideal use cases:
- Bar Charts: Great for comparing quantities across different categories. - Line Graphs: Ideal for showing trends over time. - Pie Charts: Useful for illustrating parts of a whole, though they should be used sparingly due to readability issues. - Scatter Plots: Perfect for showing relationships between two variables. - Heat Maps: Excellent for displaying data density and variations across two dimensions. Choosing the right visualization type is crucial for clarity and impact.
3. Simplify Complex Data: Consistency in colour schemes can help distinguish between different data sets and highlight important information; however, using too many colours can be distracting. Stick to a few colours and use them consistently. Additionally, consider colorblind-friendly palettes to make your visuals accessible to a wider audience.
4. Employ Color Wisely: Color is a powerful tool in data visualization, but it must be used wisely. Focus on the most relevant information to simplify complex data. Limit the number of variables and use clear, concise labels to avoid clutter. Highlight important data points and trends that you want your audience to notice.
5. Leverage Interactivity Interactive visualizations help make big data easier to understand and more engaging. Tools like Tableau, Power BI, and D3.js let users explore data by themselves. Features like zoom, filters, and hover effects create a more dynamic and insightful data experience.
6. Focus on Data Integrity Keeping data accurate and up-to-date is crucial for trustworthy visualizations. Wrong or misleading visuals can cause bad decisions. Always double-check your data sources and get experts to validate your visualizations.
7. Tell a Story Good data visualization is about telling a story. Start with the context and why the data matters. Present your findings in a clear order, highlighting key insights. End with actionable recommendations based on your data.
8. Utilize Annotations Annotations like text boxes, arrows, and labels can highlight important information in your visualizations. They help guide the audience and make sure they understand the key points.
9. Optimize for Different Devices Ensure your visualizations look good on any device, from desktops to smartphones. Tools like Tableau and Power BI offer features that adapt to different screen sizes. Test your visuals on various devices to keep them clear and impactful.
10. Iterate and Improve Creating great visualizations is an ongoing process. Gather feedback and use it to improve your visuals. Regularly update your visualizations to keep them relevant and effective as new data comes in. Continuous improvement is essential.
Conclusion Creating clear and impactful visualizations in the world of big data is a valuable skill. By understanding your audience, choosing the right visualization type, simplifying complex data, using colour wisely, making use of interactivity, ensuring data integrity, telling a story, using annotations, optimizing for different devices, and continuously improving, you can create visuals that effectively convey your message and drive data-based decisions.
For more insights and expert tips on big data visualization, visit our website.
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juliebowie · 3 months
Your Guide To SQL Interview Questions for Data Analyst
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A Data Analyst collects, processes, and analyses data to help companies make informed decisions. SQL is crucial because it allows analysts to efficiently retrieve and manipulate data from databases. 
This article will help you prepare for SQL interview questions for Data Analyst positions. You'll find common questions, detailed answers, and practical tips to excel in your interview. 
Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skills, this guide will provide valuable insights and boost your confidence in tackling SQL interview questions for Data Analyst roles.
Importance Of SQL Skills In Data Analysis Roles
Understanding SQL is crucial for Data Analysts because it enables them to retrieve, manipulate, and manage large datasets efficiently. SQL skills are essential for accurate Data Analysis, generating insights, and making informed decisions. Let's explore why SQL is so important in Data Analysis roles.
Role Of SQL In Data Retrieval, Manipulation, and Management
SQL, or Structured Query Language, is the backbone of database management. It allows Data Analysts to pull data from databases (retrieval), change this data (manipulation), and organise it effectively (management). 
Using SQL, analysts can quickly find specific data points, update records, or even delete unnecessary information. This capability is essential for maintaining clean and accurate datasets.
Common Tasks That Data Analysts Perform Using SQL
Data Analysts use SQL to perform various tasks. They often write queries to extract specific data from databases, which helps them answer business questions and generate reports. 
Analysts use SQL to clean and prepare data by removing duplicates and correcting errors. They also use it to join data from multiple tables, enabling a comprehensive analysis. These tasks are fundamental in ensuring data accuracy and relevance.
Examples Of How SQL Skills Can Solve Real-World Data Problems
SQL skills help solve many real-world problems. For instance, a retail company might use SQL to analyse sales data and identify the best-selling products. A marketing analyst could use SQL to segment customers based on purchase history, enabling targeted marketing campaigns. 
SQL can also help detect patterns and trends, such as identifying peak shopping times or understanding customer preferences, which are critical for strategic decision-making.
Why Employers Value SQL Proficiency in Data Analysts
Employers highly value SQL skills because they ensure Data Analysts can work independently with large datasets. Proficiency in SQL means an analyst can extract meaningful insights without relying on other technical teams. This capability speeds up decision-making and problem-solving processes, making the business more agile and responsive.
Additionally, SQL skills often indicate logical, solid thinking and attention to detail, which are highly desirable qualities in any data-focused role.
Basic SQL Interview Questions
Employers often ask basic questions in SQL interviews for Data Analyst positions to gauge your understanding of fundamental SQL concepts. These questions test your ability to write and understand simple SQL queries, essential for any Data Analyst role. Here are some common basic SQL interview questions, along with their answers:
How Do You Retrieve Data From A Single Table?
Answer: Use the `SELECT` statement to retrieve data from a table. For example, `SELECT * FROM employees;` retrieves all columns from the "employees" table.
What Is A Primary Key?
Answer: A primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a table. It ensures that no two rows have the same key value. For example, in an "employees" table, the employee ID can be the primary key.
How Do You Filter Records In SQL?
Answer: Use the `WHERE` clause to filter records. For example, `SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department = 'Sales';` retrieves all employees in the Sales department.
What Is The Difference Between `WHERE` And `HAVING` Clauses?
Answer: The `WHERE` clause filters rows before grouping, while the `HAVING` clause filters groups after the `GROUP BY` operation. For example, `SELECT department, COUNT(*) FROM employees GROUP BY department HAVING COUNT(*) > 10;` filters departments with more than ten employees.
How Do You Sort Data in SQL?
Answer: Use the `ORDER BY` clause to sort data. For example, `SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC;` sorts employees by salary in descending order.
How Do You Insert Data Into A Table?
Answer: Use the `INSERT INTO` statement. For example, `INSERT INTO employees (name, department, salary) VALUES ('John Doe', 'Marketing', 60000);` adds a new employee to the "employees" table.
How Do You Update Data In A Table?
Answer: Use the `UPDATE` statement. For example, `UPDATE employees SET salary = 65000 WHERE name = 'John Doe';` updates John Doe's salary.
How Do You Delete Data From A Table?
Answer: Use the `DELETE` statement. For example, `DELETE FROM employees WHERE name = 'John Doe';` removes John Doe's record from the "employees" table.
What Is A Foreign Key?
Answer: A foreign key is a field in one table that uniquely identifies a row in another table. It establishes a link between the two tables. For example, a "department_id" in the "employees" table that references the "departments" table.
How Do You Use The `LIKE` Operator?
Answer: SQL's `LIKE` operator is used for pattern matching. For example, `SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name LIKE 'J%';` retrieves all employees whose names start with 'J'.
Must Read: 
How to drop a database in SQL server?
Advanced SQL Interview Questions
In this section, we delve into more complex aspects of SQL that you might encounter during a Data Analyst interview. Advanced SQL questions test your deep understanding of database systems and ability to handle intricate data queries. Here are ten advanced SQL questions and their answers to help you prepare effectively.
What Is The Difference Between INNER JOIN And OUTER JOIN?
Answer: An INNER JOIN returns rows when there is a match in both tables. An OUTER JOIN returns all rows from one table and the matched rows from the other. If there is no match, the result is NULL on the side where there is no match.
How Do You Use A Window Function In SQL?
Answer: A window function calculates across a set of table rows related to the current row. For example, to calculate the running total of salaries:
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 Explain The Use Of CTE (Common Table Expressions) In SQL.
Answer: A CTE allows you to define a temporary result set that you can reference within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. It is defined using the WITH clause:
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 What Are Indexes, And How Do They Improve Query Performance?
Answer: Indexes are database objects that improve the speed of data retrieval operations on a table. They work like the index in a book, allowing the database engine to find data quickly without scanning the entire table.
How Do You Find The Second-highest Salary In A Table?
Answer: You can use a subquery for this:
What Is A Subquery, And When Would You Use One?
Answer: A subquery is a query nested inside another query. You use it when you need to filter results based on the result of another query:
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Explain The Use Of GROUP BY And HAVING Clauses.
Answer: GROUP BY groups rows sharing a property so that aggregate functions can be applied to each group. HAVING filters groups based on aggregate properties:
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How Do You Optimise A Slow Query?
Answer: To optimise a slow query, you can:
Use indexes to speed up data retrieval.
Avoid SELECT * by specifying only necessary columns.
Break down complex queries into simpler parts.
Analyse query execution plans to identify bottlenecks.
Describe A Scenario Where You Would Use A LEFT JOIN.
Answer: Use a LEFT JOIN when you need all records from the left table and the matched records from the right table. For example, to find all customers and their orders, even if some customers have no orders:
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What Is A Stored Procedure, And How Do You Create One?
Answer: A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code you can reuse. It encapsulates SQL queries and logic in a single function:
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These advanced SQL questions and answers will help you demonstrate your proficiency and problem-solving skills during your Data Analyst interview.
Practical Problem-Solving Scenarios SQL Questions
In SQL interviews for Data Analyst roles, you’ll often face questions that test your ability to solve real-world problems using SQL. These questions go beyond basic commands and require you to think critically and apply your knowledge to complex scenarios. Here are ten practical SQL questions with answers to help you prepare.
How Would You Find Duplicate Records In A Table Named `Employees` Based On The `Email` Column?
Write A Query To Find The Second Highest Salary In A Table Named `Salaries`.
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How Do You Handle NULL Values In SQL When Calculating The Total Salary In The `Employees` Table?
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Create A Query To Join The `Employees` Table And `Departments` Table On The `Department_id` And Calculate The Total Salary Per Department.
How Do You Find Employees Who Do Not Belong To Any Department?
Write A Query To Retrieve The Top 3 Highest-paid Employees From The `Employees` Table.
How Do You Find Employees Who Joined In The Last Year?
Calculate The Average Salary Of Employees In The `Employees` Table, Excluding Those With A Wage Below 3000.
Update The Salary By 10% For Employees In The `Employees` Table Who Work In The 'Sales' Department.
Delete Records Of Employees Who Have Not Been Active For The Past 5 years.
These questions cover a range of scenarios you might encounter in an SQL interview. Practice these to enhance your problem-solving skills and better prepare for your interview.
Tips for Excelling in SQL Interviews
Understanding how to excel in SQL interviews is crucial for aspiring data professionals, as it showcases technical expertise and problem-solving skills and enhances job prospects in a competitive industry. Excelling in SQL interviews requires preparation and practice. Here are some tips to help you stand out and perform your best.
Best Practices for Preparing for SQL Interviews
Preparation is critical to success in SQL interviews. Start by reviewing the basics of SQL, including common commands and functions. Practice writing queries to solve various problems. 
Ensure you understand different types of joins, subqueries, and aggregate functions. Mock interviews can also be helpful. They simulate the real interview environment and help you get comfortable answering questions under pressure.
Resources for Improving SQL Skills
Knowing about resources for improving SQL skills enhances data management proficiency and boosts career prospects. It also facilitates complex Data Analysis and empowers you to handle large datasets efficiently. There are many resources available to help you improve your SQL skills. Here are a few:
Books: "SQL For Dummies" by Allen G. Taylor is a great start. "Learning SQL" by Alan Beaulieu is another excellent resource.
Online Courses: Many websites offer comprehensive SQL courses. Explore platforms that provide interactive SQL exercises.
Practice Websites: LeetCode, HackerRank, and SQLZoo offer practice problems that range from beginner to advanced levels. Regularly solving these problems will help reinforce your knowledge and improve your problem-solving skills.
Importance of Understanding Business Context and Data Interpretation
Understanding the business context is crucial in addition to technical skills. Employers want to know that you can interpret data and provide meaningful insights. 
Familiarise yourself with the business domain relevant to the job you are applying for. Practice explaining your SQL queries and the insights they provide in simple terms. This will show that you can communicate effectively with non-technical stakeholders.
Tips for Writing Clean and Efficient SQL Code
Knowing tips for writing clean and efficient SQL code ensures better performance, maintainability, and readability. It also leads to optimised database operations and easier collaboration among developers. Writing clean and efficient SQL code is essential in interviews. Follow these tips:
Use Clear and Descriptive Names: Use meaningful names for tables, columns, and aliases. This will make your queries more straightforward to read and understand.
Format Your Code: Use indentation and line breaks to organise your query. It improves readability and helps you spot errors more easily.
Optimise Your Queries: Use indexing, limit the use of subqueries, and avoid unnecessary columns in your SELECT statements. Efficient queries run faster and use fewer resources.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid During the Interview
Knowing common interview pitfalls is crucial to present your best self and avoid mistakes. It further increases your chances of securing the job you desire. Preparation is key. Here's how you can avoid some common mistakes during the interview: 
Not Reading the Question Carefully: Ensure you understand the interviewer's question before writing your query.
Overcomplicating the Solution: Start with a simple solution and build on it if necessary. Avoid adding unnecessary complexity.
Ignoring Edge Cases: Consider edge cases and test your queries with different datasets. It shows that you think critically about your solutions.
By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared to excel in your SQL interviews. Practice regularly, use available resources, and focus on clear, efficient coding. Understanding the business context and avoiding common pitfalls will help you stand out as a strong candidate.
Read Further: 
Advanced SQL Tips and Tricks for Data Analysts.
Preparing for SQL interviews is vital for aspiring Data Analysts. Understanding SQL fundamentals, practising query writing, and solving real-world problems are essential. 
Enhance your skills using resources such as books, online courses, and practice websites. Focus on writing clean, efficient code and interpreting data within a business context. 
Avoid common pitfalls by reading questions carefully and considering edge cases. By following these guidelines, you can excel in your SQL interviews and secure a successful career as a Data Analyst.
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vinooshiya · 9 months
The Right Path To Become A Data Scientist : A Beginner Guide
Embarking on the journey to become a data scientist may seem like entering a mysterious world, but fear not! Here’s a guide to illuminate your path, featuring the renowned ACTE Technologies Best Data Science Course. Let’s break down the steps to become a data scientist in simpler terms:
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Step 1: Lay the Foundation Start by understanding the basics.
Data Awareness: Learn about different types of data like numbers, text, and images. Know the difference between structured and unstructured data.
Tool Mastery: Get familiar with programming languages like Python or R, as they’ll be your coding companions in the data science world.
Step 2: Develop Your Magical Toolkit Dive into foundational elements that make you a data wizard.
Math Mastery: You don’t need to be a math genius, but having a good understanding of statistics, linear algebra, and calculus will enhance your analytical skills.
Step 3: Master the Art of Machine Learning Machine learning is your trusty sidekick in making sense of data.
Understanding Machine Learning: Think of it as a wise mentor guiding your analytical endeavors.
Key Concepts: Get to know supervised and unsupervised learning, regression, classification — these are the tools for predictive analytics.
Step 4: Taming Big Data Enter the world of big data, where vast amounts of information await your expertise.
Big Data Principles: Understand the three Vs — Volume, Velocity, and Variety.
Tools: Get familiar with Hadoop and Spark, your allies in navigating big data challenges.
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Step 5: Real-World Applications Test your skills in practical projects.
Individual Projects: Start small projects aligned with your interests, applying your skills in real-world scenarios.
Kaggle Competitions: Join these competitive arenas to strengthen and validate your skills.
Step 6: Never Stop Learning In the ever-evolving landscape of data science, continuous learning is key.
Literature Exploration: Dive into blogs and books to gain insights from seasoned practitioners.
Enroll in Courses: ACTE Technologies offers a comprehensive Data Science course in Bangalore, covering programming, statistical analysis, and machine learning. The course provides certifications and job placement opportunities, a valuable step in your journey.
Step 7: Join the Data Science Community Networking and collaboration are crucial for growth.
Networking: Engage with fellow learners on platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow.
Your journey to becoming a data scientist involves learning, exploration, and practical application. With a solid foundation, continuous curiosity, and a reliable companion like the ACTE Technologies course, you’re on your way to mastering the art of data science. May your path be filled with discovery and success!
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johnsonrob · 7 months
What are percentiles and probabilites?
I'm just back from an extended summer break - highly recommended - so i'm going to try picking up the blogs again. To kick things off here's a little explainer.
I’m just back from an extended summer break – highly recommended – and so i’m going to try picking up the blogs again. To kick things off here’s a little explainer. One thing I am often asked in my work is what is a ‘percentile’ and what is a ‘probability’ and how do they differ, so for my first blog back I thought i’d make it a short one that I can point people to the next time they ask…
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kids-worldfun · 10 months
The Tech Goldmine: Unleashing the Secrets to the Highest Earning Tech Jobs
Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital world, technology has become an integral part of our lives. From smartphones and laptops to artificial intelligence and virtual reality, the tech industry continues to evolve and innovate at an unprecedented rate. With this rapid growth comes a wealth of job opportunities, particularly in the highest earning tech jobs. In this article, we will explore…
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markcraft3636 · 10 months
What is ServiceNow |Introduction | User Interface| Application & Filter Navigation | Complete Course
ServiceNow is planned with intelligent systems to speed up the work process by providing solutions to amorphous work patterns. Each employee, customer, and machine in the enterprise is related to ServiceNow, allowing us to make requests on a single cloud platform. Various divisions working with the requests can assign, prioritize, correlate, get down to root cause issues, gain real‑time insights, and drive action. This workflow process helps the employees to work better, and this would eventually improve the service levels. ServiceNow provides cloud services for the entire enterprise. This module consists User Interface and Navigation. The Objective of this module is to make beginners learn how to navigate to applications and modules in ServiceNow, using the Application and Filter Navigators. To Create views and filters for a table list and to update record using online editing.
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udemycoursefree · 11 months
Data Analyst Salaries in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide
Data analyst play a pivotal role in organizations, translating raw data into actionable insights. In the ever-expanding realm of data analysis, professionals who wield the power of data to make informed business decisions are in high demand. As we step into 2023, let’s take a closer look at the salaries of data analysts and how they have evolved in recent years.
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healthylifewithus · 11 months
Complete Excel, AI and Data Science mega bundle.
Unlock Your Full Potential with Our 100-Hour Masterclass: The Ultimate Guide to Excel, Python, and AI.
Why Choose This Course? In today’s competitive job market, mastering a range of technical skills is more important than ever. Our 100-hour comprehensive course is designed to equip you with in-demand capabilities in Excel, Python, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), providing you with the toolkit you need to excel in the digital age.
To read more click here &lt;<
Become an Excel Pro Delve deep into the intricacies of Excel functions, formulae, and data visualization techniques. Whether you’re dealing with basic tasks or complex financial models, this course will make you an Excel wizard capable of tackling any challenge.
Automate Your Workflow with Python Scripting in Python doesn’t just mean writing code; it means reclaiming your time. Automate everyday tasks, interact with software applications, and boost your productivity exponentially.
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Turn Ideas into Apps Discover the potential of Amazon Honeycode to create custom apps tailored to your needs. Whether it’s for data management, content tracking, or inventory — transform your creative concepts into practical solutions.
Be Your Own Financial Analyst Unlock the financial functionalities of Excel to manage and analyze business data. Create Profit and Loss statements, balance sheets, and conduct forecasting with ease, equipping you to make data-driven decisions.
Embark on an AI Journey Step into the future with AI and machine learning. Learn to build advanced models, understand neural networks, and employ TensorFlow. Turn big data into actionable insights and predictive models.
Master Stock Prediction Gain an edge in the market by leveraging machine learning for stock prediction. Learn to spot trends, uncover hidden patterns, and make smarter investment decisions.
Who Is This Course For? Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned professional looking to upskill, this course offers a broad and deep understanding of Excel, Python, and AI, preparing you for an ever-changing work environment.
Invest in Your Future This isn’t just a course; it’s a game-changer for your career. Enroll now and set yourself on a path to technological mastery and unparalleled career growth.
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vlruso · 1 year
Prompt Engineering Tips a Neural Network How-To and Other Recent Must-Reads
📢 Prompt Engineering Tips, a Neural Network How-To, and Other Recent Must-Reads Feeling that autumn energy? Our authors have been busy learning, experimenting, and launching exciting new projects. 🍂📚 Check out these ten standout articles from Towards Data Science – Medium that have been creating a buzz in our community. From program simulation techniques to building neural networks from scratch, these must-reads cover cutting-edge topics you don't want to miss. 💡 Read more here: [Link to the blog post](https://ift.tt/io0tgy4) And don't worry, we've got the action items covered too! We've identified tasks for each article's author to further explore and dive deeper into these fascinating subjects. See the full list of action items in the blog post. Keep up with the latest insights and join the conversation. Let's keep learning and growing together! #TowardsDataScience #MustReads #NeuralNetworks #PromptEngineering #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning List of Useful Links: AI Scrum Bot - ask about AI scrum and agile Our Telegram @itinai Twitter -  @itinaicom
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avinasharma · 1 year
Data Science Courses after 12th: A Comprehensive Guide 
Discover the perfect Data Science course after 12th with our comprehensive guide. Unlock a world of opportunities through our tailored curriculum. Master essential skills for a successful career with a Data Science course after 12th.
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