#daniel the cherub
herproblem · 6 months
Interview with the vampire is literally my favourite show and all I ask
Is it be bold and fully go there with these two. The audience is as sick and twisted as the vampires and yes we want to see him fuck that old man!
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nightcolorz · 2 years
I always laugh a little bit I see fan content/metas/etc centering around the Devil’s Minion chapter that frame Daniel as if he’s the hapless victim of Armand’s insane whims cause like, he does not deserve that much dignity lmao. This man was kidnapped for days and stalked for years by a murderous otherworldly creature and instead of reacting to this with huh, I don’t know, absolute terror and misery, he instead decides that said creature is so irresistibly gorgeous and perfect that he must spend eternity with him. This requires no manipulation on Armand’s part, he simply behaves as his usual insane self and since Daniel is a bit fucked up actually he decides he finds said insanity unbelievably attractive. Daniel canonically envies and is turned on by Armand’s status as an inhuman predator. Like please, he probably found Armand’s blender explorations sexy as fuck.
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once-delight · 2 months
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POV your manic vampire nightmare stalker boyfriend wakes you in the middle of the night to throw you something he calls a “blender party”.
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slutforpringles · 4 months
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cutie 💓
Sunday | Imola | Kym Illman
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modernmutiny · 3 months
As someone who read the books and is only barely into the tv fandom, scrolling through and seeing people's reactions to the AMC Interview With The Vampire is wildly entertaining
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tymniemniej · 11 months
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i hope this hasn't been done before lol
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rnainframe · 2 months
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limonmelon · 2 months
armandaniel reclist
Because I really have to start putting these somewhere and because I need everyone to read these and give them the love they deserve:
outcast of all this night by gaypiratedivorce - "After a month in Dubai, Daniel Molloy is back home and miraculously alive, eager to get to work on his first draft. The vampire Armand has other plans." first in an insanely good (and complete!) series.
two truths and a liar by andrealyn - "Facing down the press junket for his book, Daniel Molloy is prepared to hype up his hit novel. He's less prepared to have Armand crash the tour to play bodyguard and doting assistant and he's definitely not ready to have his secrets spilled on a world stage because Armand wants to play games. The longer he sticks around to torment Daniel as he chases him across the country, the longer he stays. So, who's really winning this game?"
to the edge of the earth by andrealyn (you can tell I love her Daniel voice) - "There's nowhere that Armand can run where Daniel won't find him. Using the Talamasca's information, his own dogged determination, and eternity sprawling ahead of them, Daniel's going to find his maker and figure out why Armand keeps running. When he catches him (and he will), he's going to prove that it's going to be the two of them, forever, and that he's going to love Armand the way no one has before."
and then what? by andrealyn - "The droning hum of Louis' boredom is going to drive Armand mad. Instead of accepting it, Armand seeks out the kaleidoscope chaos that is Daniel Molloy's mind to learn why he's so special, so fascinating, so interesting. Every city he finds him in, he learns more before he makes Daniel forget. Every city, Armand grows a little more addicted. And every city, Armand does something he's not supposed to do -- falls a little more in love and eager to give Daniel the memories of who they are together."
his thoughts were red thoughts by spqr - "Daniel’s barely thirty; he can’t fathom one century, let alone five. It’s probably a wonder Armand doesn’t spend his time skulking in a cave somewhere, muttering to himself, covered in the blood and muck of his innocent human victims."
care and keeping by katplanet - "Louis shakes his head. “And now he's got you stepping on him.” Daniel picks his drink up and necks the last half of it. “I have not,” he says, “stepped on him, as of yet.” “But you want to.” “I think so?” Daniel puts the empty glass back on the table and scoots it out of their immediate limb radius. “I think I could want to. I want to want to.” “There you go,” Louis says, “tell him that. That'll set the mood.”" With some really great Louis/Daniel friends who love each other and also fuck too.
Endearments by Nothing_But_Paisley - "Daniel never compared him to a Botticelli angel or a Bernini cherub, never called him a demon or an imp. Such images scarcely existed within that wonderfully secular modern brain of his. Daniel was entirely a creature of the flesh."
open up your skull, i'll be there by typefortydeductions - "He shakes his wrist free and brings it to his mouth, licking up the trail of blood, his eyes never leaving Armand’s. He turns, and walks away, and spends a restless night in his own bed with his dick half-hard and the memory of Armand’s blood and Armand’s hands and Armand’s final whispered words before he upped and left Daniel sprawled newborn on the floor." this series floored me it's so good please read it.
mystic seaport is that way by exastris_scientia - "Daniel should really get more sleep and stop getting himself into these situations..." this series has it's boot on my throat. written pre-Season 2.
bend your dream with the road | VOTE TO END OTW RACISM by meronicavars - "Daniel is asleep dreaming of his own unreliable recollection of Louis at Polynesian Mary's all those years ago and Armand wants to dive into his dream and wrench Louis out, shake him until he realizes that Daniel is his, Daniel has always been his. Isn’t this something Louis should know? That Daniel was his gift to Armand. Why must you torture me with his presence? He wants to ask. Why would you bring him here if not to punish me?" also part of great series and written pre-Season 2.
the man who wasn't there by obstra - ""I just couldn't bear to lose you and Louis in one day.” Armand is looking away from Daniel now and picking more ferociously at the edge of his sleeve, like he's avoiding something big. He's almost afraid to ask, somehow he can tell this is going somewhere significant “Why would losing me be the same as losing Louis Armand? Just some kid you met decades ago in San Francisco, tortured a little bit then threw aside? Explain to me why. Does this have anything to do with the fact that my memory of the 70s has more holes in it than swiss cheese? I thought it was just drugs but I also thought San Francisco was just drugs and look how that turned out.”"
a haunting just for company by valkyrisms - ""I know what a breakup looks like," Daniel says. "The better question is, why are you coming to me about it? I'm the one who broke up your little sham." "This is what humans do, don't they?" Armand asks, letting his voice drop. "Crashing on their friends' couches when there's a blip in their romances?""
Simplicity by WendigoDreaming - "Daniel's memory is a gaping hole morphing slowly into the shape of Armand." also part of an ongoing series!
The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning by trinityofone - "He should have left when he had the chance. But he wanted to see how it ended. His mistake. Because the story wasn’t done with him. All at once it was grabbing him by the throat. (A version of Daniel's turning featuring visions, sex, and sexy visions.)"
forever's gonna start tonight by trinityofone (actually just read all their IWTV fic thank you) - "I’ve lost my mind, Daniel thinks, still lavishing kisses to the chest of the creature that killed him. He says the next part out loud: “I fucking hate you. And you hate me. So something is making us do this.” “I don’t hate you,” Armand pants. “You mean nothing to me. Don't stop.”"
more to come!
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pucksandpower · 10 months
is there a possibility of a part two on the mv1 vegas wedding, perhaps how they might have church wedding ? 🥹🥹 it was just so sickly sweet, i cant get enough of it 🤧🫶
There is definitely a possibility of a part two (though this is a little shorter than my usual work so we can also just call it a second epilogue)
Read part one here: What Happens in Vegas
You stand in front of the floor length mirror, smoothing your hands over the flowing white dress. Today you’re finally getting the real wedding you missed out on during that wild night in Vegas.
A pair of tiny hands suddenly grab at the tulle skirts of your dress. You look down to see your flower girl and daughter, two-year-old Vega, grinning up at you.
“Mama pwetty!” She declares. You scoop her up and kiss her cherub cheek.
“Why thank you, my love! But not as pretty as you in your special dress.”
Vega giggles and squirms to be put down so she can toddle around in her poufy flower girl outfit. You take a deep breath, heart swelling with love for your family.
A knock at the door announces your father’s arrival. “Knock knock! Ready to go become Mrs. Verstappen again?”
You take Vega’s hand and turn to your dad with a radiant smile. “Absolutely. How do I look?”
Your father presses a hand to his heart. “Oh honey ... you look absolutely beautiful. Max is going to bawl his eyes out.”
You laugh, feeling a few happy tears prick your own eyes. “Let’s just hope that Daniel doesn’t mess up his lines too badly. Did you see the Elvis costume he was begging to wear?”
Your father chuckles. “Don’t worry, I talked him into a normal tux. He promised to be on his most professional behavior as officiant today.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” you joke. “Really though, thank you for standing by me through all the craziness these past few years. I’m so glad we’re finally doing this for real.”
He pulls you into a careful hug so as not to wrinkle your dress. “I’m just so happy for you and Max. Now come on, let’s get you married again!”
The ceremony is being held outside at a gorgeous vineyard, rows of vines dripping with grapes serving as the perfect backdrop. Your heartbeat quickens as the music swells and Vega heads down the aisle, haphazardly tossing rose petals from her little basket.
Then it’s your turn.
On your father’s arm, you glide towards the floral archway where a nervous but beaming Max waits. The love shining from his eyes when he sees you takes your breath away all over again.
Daniel stands at his side looking polished in his suit, though his hair maintains its signature wild curls. He winks at you as you take your place across from Max beneath the arch.
“Family and friends,” Daniel begins, “we are gathered here today to witness the renewal of vows between Y/N and Max. Their first wedding may have been, shall we say, unconventional—”
“You mean drunk and hasty!” Someone calls out. Laughter ripples through the guests.
Daniel grins. “Yes, thank you Lando. But today we celebrate Y/N and Max formalizing their union after three wonderful years of marriage.”
He turns to Max. “Do you, Max, reaffirm your vow to love and cherish Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife, in plenty and want, in joy and sorrow, so long as you both shall live?”
Max gazes into your eyes. “I do, absolutely.”
Daniel repeats the question to you. You blink back joyful tears. “I do, with all my heart.”
“Wonderful!” Daniel says. “Now, the couple has prepared their own vows to share today.”
He gestures to Max, who clears his throat and takes both your hands in his.
“Y/N, that crazy night in Vegas, I never could have imagined where it would lead us. The past two years as your husband have been the best of my life. Every day with you and our daughter is a gift.”
Max’s voice cracks with emotion. “You are my rock, my inspiration, my very best friend. Thank you for taking a chance on me then and choosing to recommit to our partnership today.”
He dabs at his eyes as Daniel prompts you for your vows. You have to take a steadying breath around the balloon of love swelling in your chest.
“Max, what can I say? You’ve turned this reckless whim into the love story of a lifetime. Being your wife and mother of your child are the greatest honors I could imagine.”
You squeeze his hands, voice thick with feeling. “You challenge me, support me, and make me laugh and love more than I ever thought possible every single day. I vow to keep racing into the future with you by my side.”
There’s not a dry eye left as Daniel concludes the ceremony. “By the power vested in me by BecomeAnOfficiantIn20Minutes dot com, I now pronounce you man and wife … again!”
Max sweeps you into a deep kiss as your loved ones erupt into cheers. Vega toddles up to tug on your dress, wanting in on the family hug. You scoop her up and press kisses all over her face as Max wraps his arms around you both.
It’s a perfect moment.
The reception is a joyful and hilarious blur. At one point Max pulls you aside, nodding to where Vega is passed out in her godfather Christian’s arms after tiring herself out dancing.
“Can you believe we made that perfect little girl together?” Max murmurs.
You shake your head wonderingly. “She’s the best surprise to come out of that crazy night.”
Max kisses your temple. “I would marry you a hundred more times if it means I got to relive this journey with you over and over.”
You lean into him contentedly. However unorthodox the start of your relationship was, you’ve built an incredible life together.
And it’s only just beginning.
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) Daniel Brühl as Baron Helmut Zemo
I just love the juxtaposition of a nice guy with a cherubic face playing a mischievous baddie. The police uniform makes it even better!
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satoshy12 · 2 years
Constantine and the Cherub"?"
John Constantine sat in the House of Mystery, next to him was a baby cradle, and he poured himself a glass of whiskey. It had been a busy night so far, but he knew that could change in an instant if the child woke up. And the demonologist, is ready to take a break, even just this tiny one. 
As he returned home, he found the infant who owned a part of his soul, and John had no idea who’s backing the tiny infant. 
But he was aware that it must be a fairly powerful person because he had sold his soul to numerous, related beings. Additionally, he had sensed the being that had seen to his needs be done before departing.
And somehow Danny is involved, prompting John to be instructed in the letter to keep the child, whose name is Daniel, safe. As stated in the warning, if a vampire, robot, or a flock of green vultures tries to kidnap Danny, just send them away. It doesn't matter where they go as long as the baby doesn't see them.
He observed that Danny's appearance would change when he sneezed; at the time, he was just a baby with black hair, not white hair. John believes he can handle it as long as it doesn't happen in front of others.
As he took a sip of his drink, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Zatanna. He hesitated for a moment before answering. He knew that when she called, it usually meant trouble. 
"John, we need you at the Watch Tower," she said as soon as he picked up. "There's something big going on."
John sighed. He knew he couldn't ignore the call. As much as he tried to distance himself from the superhero world, he knew that they would not leave him alone.
"I'll be there," he tried to whisper and not wake up the infant, and put down his glass. "What's the situation?"
Zatanna filled him in on the details as he made himself ready to get a Zeta-beam to the Watch Tower. It seemed that a powerful artifact had appeared in a city and had cased chaos. The Justice League had already taken it with them, but they needed John's expertise to know how to deal with the situation.
John's mind raced as he tried to think of a plan. He couldn't leave Danny alone, but he also couldn't ignore them otherwise they would come. He decided to bring the baby with him, hoping that the Watch Tower would be a safe place for the child. Put on his coat, and took Danny in his arm, and got Zeta-beamed. 
As he arrived at the Watch Tower, John was greeted by the rest of the Justice League. He could sense their surprise when they saw the baby in his arms, but they didn't say anything. 
John quickly looked at the artifact as Danny started to wake up .
Bruce asked, "Why do you have an infant with you?"
John:" You have no idea, i am struck with him, after I returned home he was inside my house. A note telling me to take care of him and... he owns a part of my soul."
Wally began to chuckle like Hal: "John Constantine, The Hellblaser lost his soul to a baby; I can't wait to see the faces of your foes and other allies! Hahahaha!"
Dinah moved cautiously toward Danny "Who is adorable?" You are a little cherub, indeed." Danny looked around and saw he was in space, which made his already adorable disposition even cuter. He also slightly twitched his little nose.
The Heroes grinned as they saw the baby's happiness as John showed him the window and Dinah promised John she would take good care of him. He will discuss what they discovered while it.
John quickly realized that the Thermos was a prison that they could open and seal in the same way. As they were able to use the Thermos to trap the creatures, the bottom did not lie, but who would construct such a prison?
A few seconds later, he just heard a yell: "John!!"
John:"Oh, no." 
They noticed Dinah returning in a sprint: "This child is not typical; his dark black hair has vanished, and he has changed his appearance. He now sports a white hair halo! Nothing brief but cute! He appears even cuter when he is dimly glowing!"
Clark Kent:" May I ask what you think he is, Constantine? He's not a human, is he?"
 "Well, all I know is that he is not malicious." John: "I have no notion what he is."
He observes the heroes' glares at him.
John explained it to them: " Buggers, I'm referring to his species, not his personality! I don't even know what to think what race it can be, Hell. Feel free to think of name for his race as i was not able to find a existing one, he can be just a new species. Please refrain from using the terms similiar sounding to Cambion or Demon."
Dinah: "He is a little Cherub, then. Yes You are, you are, you are. I'm going to go give him food since you will be preoccupied with this."
A select group of Heroes without any knowledge of magic remained with her to spend time with young Danny when Dinah departed. Only John, Zatanna, and Batman remain in the rear.
"Okay, Who will tell her," John said as he blinked his eyes, and saw Black Canary leave.
Zatanna: "Don't you dare."
Yes i have the sneeze idea form Lauch Dragon Ball just Google biblically accurate angels Cherubim
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nightcolorz · 24 days
So you seem to be the Armand expert and I have a few questions!
So what are the clear differences between like the book and movie and show Armand like what facets of the characters remain and which facets changed?
Also which aspects of each interpretation do you like? (Like what show Armand difference do you like) and which aspects of book Armand do you wish they would include in a future season? (Hope I’m making sense!)
AHH TY!!! (Being called an Armand expert is my favorite thing lmao)
I assume when in comes to book vs show vs movie u are asking me to talk about the changes of the character that r less superficially obvious (so u don’t expect me to just list height and age and ethnicity differences and be done with it lol). But either way, to start out, book Armand is Ukrainian, 5’6, ginger, cherub like, was turned into a vampire at 17. Show Armand is Indian, 6’0, lean and muscular, turned into a vampire at 27. Movie Armand is Antonio banderas, lmao.
I think the change that most significantly alters the adaptations of Armand from book Armand is the age change. In the books Armand being turned into a vampire as a teenager is essential to everything about him, backstory and personality wise. To keep Armand the same while aging him up you have to do a lot of substitutions that justify why he is like that that don’t include “he has the mind of a teenager”. What they do with show Armand is kind of like, imagine if there was an adaptation where the writers wanted Claudia to have a similar core conflict as she did in the books but she was aged up to be turned into a vampire when she was an adult. How do u keep the essence of the tragedy that way?? And the what the show does is, it justifies Armand being 27 by in some ways reducing his maturity and prolonging his trauma so that a similar affect to being mentally a child comes about anyway. Show Armand isnt physically a child like book Armand is, but bcus of his trauma he thinks like one. Instead of an adult trapped in the body and mind of a child he’s a child stumbling around in the body of an adult, which is rlly interesting. With this, I get the impression that book armand is more mature, self reliant, and well rounded than show Armand is. Which is funny considering he’s the 17 yr old lmaoo. But rlly, book Armand’s emotional problems and his stunted growth come from outside factors, it’s almost like a psychical disability in a way. Show Armand isnt psychically stunted, so to make the character conflict work he is just extra emotionally stunted. So he’s less functioning, in a weird way, then book Armand.
book Armand is also an angrier character then show Armand. Book Armand has mountains of betrayal and hurt and anger stored in his 5’6 ass body. He has that teen boy spite streak, yknow. Book Armand is very psychically violent and confrontational. The way he preforms violence is often very methodical, he’s the ripping wings of a butterfly type. Show Armand has some of these traits, but his violent tendencies are seemingly more controlled than book Armand, who is genuinely unhinged. Show Armand has a stronger reign over his behavior and acts out of anger less often. He is more so just looking to survive than to kill and maim. I think one of the most book Armand scenes in the show was definitely Armand torturing Daniel in episode 5. Violent torture coming from a strange place of childlike curiosity and betrayal is a big thing with Armand throughout the book series.
But despite the violence, book Armand is genuinely more mature then show Armand. He’s more confident, self reliant, and adult by the 80s than show Armand is in 2020. While show Armand has been living with Louis for 77 yrs and hasn’t experienced life ever when he’s not clinging to someone else, book Armand is able to rebuild himself and develop into a functioning independent person. I do think show Armand will become more and more like book Armand as the show progresses, however.
movie Armand is a different character entirely lmao. He’s basically just Armand in the first book taken out of context and played by antonio banderas. He has as much individual character as an audio book narrator lmao. His lack of backstory and older casting that alienates Armand from his core traits and motives makes it hard for me to see him as anything but a watered down extension of book Armand lol.
my favorite part of show Armand is Assad’s wet cat performance, lol. I love how they keep Armand’s book backstory broadly the same and flesh out and add parts that make it more interesting. And I love how they made Armand a person of color, that is probably my favorite change made in the show in general. I love that book Armand is a teenager, and it’s a shame that I’ll never see an adaptation exploring what that means for his character, but I’m happy with how amc is re inventing the material to be just as interesting. I hope they start to include the nuances of book Armand introduced in queen of the damned (aka: the autism). The revelation that Armand is oddly whimsical, earnestly curious, and fascinated with being a part of human society is what I think is essential to humanizing and endearing him to the audience.
ty for the ask!
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wonyushi · 18 days
౨ৎ 𝓓𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝓜𝐘 𝓐𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 ⸝⸝ T. YUSHI ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
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𝓼ynopsis. Joining the ranks of Wish Academy’s cupids was Sayu’s ultimate dream for the coming school year. However, vacant 𝗌𝗉𝗈𝗍𝗌 𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗅𝗂𝗆𝗂𝗍𝖾𝖽, and she she was not the only angel eyeing the love-bow-shooting job. OR. in which Sayu navigates life as a hopeful-trainee cupid, while avoiding the misconduct that the neighbouring devils of Tartarus Hall were wreaking upon them.
meet the cast. angel!yushi 𝒙 angel!fem-oc
genre. angel / cupid au. non-idol. social media au. boarding school au. romance. comedy. love triangle. one-sided rivals to friends to lovers. calm x chaotic. inspired by nct wish’s whole cupid concept.
featuring. jungwon & ni-ki of ENHYPEN. gyuvin of ZB1. hanni & danielle of NEWJEANS. NCT WISH. and more…
warnings. main girl / f!oc has a set name, personality and background (only read if comfy! ><). slight suggestive / kys jokes. profanities. lore inaccuracies (they act human at times). occasionally ooc (to fit the plotlines, some idols casted may act differently from their real-world counterparts). more to be added…
status. ongoing ( started : 04 / 09 / 2024 ) … // updates are not fixed but will be pushed out whenever i can — will be striving for at the very least, three chapters per week!
taglist. open! 🎀
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yuyu’s message! — hii fellow yushi enjoyers (or whoever just stumbled upon this) >< this is in no way my first time writing at all but it is my very first work published on this account and it’s my way of contributing more love for wishies on tumblr! i hope you’ll enjoy, even if it’s not perfect ^^ (ignore all timestamps please!)
now playing.. — ANGELS ( chase atlantic ) ‣ heaven and back ( chase atlantic ) ‣ guilty as sin? ( taylor swift ) ‣ the alchemy ( taylor swift ) ‣ angel baby ( troye sivan ) ‣ tell me, will we survive? ( pryvt )
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⌗cherubs ⌗cupids ⌗tartarus
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one. cupid society
two. class of the year
three. god forbid
four. siblings or dating?
five. 345-6789
six. extra sprinkles
seven. tartarus hall(?)
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© wonyushi .ᐟ.ᐟ 2024
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onboardsorasora · 27 days
Has enchanted daniel been given stroopwafels??? Is max spoiling him with the Dutch desserts???
Oh!!!!! This is a lovely idea
He tries them when they go to visit Vic and Tom after the baby is born. Sophie suggests they go walk around the nearby town for a little, have some childless time and sends them off while ignoring their protests.
Daniel smells the shop before he sees it, his eyes widen because it smells amazing. He doesn't realize he's veering off their path until Max grabs his hands
"whats that smell?"
Max looks around because what? But he takes a big sniff and goes "oh".
"it's stroopwafels."
"stroopwafels. It's a pastry."
"stroopwafels... It smells amazing." Daniel's mouth is watering. They go into the store and Daniel all but melts at the sweet caramelly wall they walk into. Max handles the order and Daniel sits at a table excitedly. He looked at the flat circular pastry as Max hands it to him. It's warm and it smells sooooo good. He sniffs it directly before biting it.
The sound that left his mouth had Max's eyes widening in shock. The cherub tattoo swoons before laying down as if drunk.
Daniel has a drunken smile on his face as he nibbles the pastry.
Max orders four more.
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Aralim "Thrones" Talon Abraxas
The ‘thrones,’ also known as ‘ophanim,’ are a class of angels. They are described as enormous, interconnecting wheels with countless eyes all over them. According to legend, they have many wings and faces, which stand for their all-pervasive vision and knowledge. They are creatures that function as the actual chariots of God driven by the cherubs.
The term “Throne” is not merely a title but a testament to the grandeur and responsibility of these angels. Derived from the Greek word “thrones,” it signifies a seat of power and authority. Their primary role is to uphold and support God’s throne, ensuring its stability amidst the cosmic chaos.
Various Christian theological writings have hierarchized angels. The most influential Christian hierarchy of angels was proposed by Pseudo-Dionysius in his work De Coelesti Hierarchia. He referred to the thrones described in the Old Testament as the third rank in the first realm, with the other two higher ranks being the Cherubim and Seraphim.
Abilities and powers The thrones have a unique role; they contemplate God’s power and justice. This task, or rather a privilege, is one that could span eternity and still not get old. God’s power and justice are so infinite that the angels could never tire of contemplating it. These wills belong to God’s throne and represent God’s all-seeing wisdom.
They are the place where God sits and makes his judgments. So, it makes sense that the prophet Daniel also says that these angels are carriers of the throne of God. And that is where they get their name. As they are living symbols of God’s justice and supreme authority, they are some of the most powerful angels in existence.
Symbolism The unique shape of the Orphanum evokes a variety of interpretations and symbols:
Interconnectedness: Wheels within wheels reflect the intricate interconnectedness of existence and symbolize the unity of all creation.
Eternal Movement: Their cyclical movement represents the endless creation, destruction and rebirth cycle.
Sacred Movement: The Orphanum embodies the concept of sacred movement and transformation, illustrating the eternal movement of celestial energies that shape reality.
What do Thrones angels do They act as counselors to the angels below them. Here is a closer look at how the ordering works:
The thrones receive illumination from God and, in turn, enlighten the lower choirs of angels about what is to be done. Their duty is to communicate to the lower angels, not actually carry out the action themselves.
They are different from the cherubim because the cherubim are enlightened about divine things. At the same time, the thrones are enlightened about created things.
Angels are the avenue, so to speak, of communication between God and every lesser being, and their primary lesson to us is that peace comes not from the world but from following the will of God.
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