#daily time lord atrocity
Resurrecting dead soldiers to fight in the Time War.
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yarrowleef-babbles · 2 years
mistborn's magic is cool but im starting to wonder if i can no longer enjoy stories about political revolutionary groups that are very very clearly written by em....people who are probably not very revolutionary irl. to make a long grouchy ramble short.
ive liked plenty of books by non radical authors, but the fact this one is *about* a needed revolution makes those moments particularly distracting. sometimes it makes the characters feel disingenuous.
anyway i absolutely loathe elend venture as a person and a character and a concept just. so so much. every time he talks i want to strangle him
abolish your house and relinquish your wealth or shut the fuck up forever challenge
#i feel like there was a time i didnt care that much about this i could just focus on the fiction literally and take it as is#but in recent years i have lost a lot of patience for this sort of thing specifically...#'yeah well not ALL nobility 🙄🙄🙄 did you ever think about THAT galaxy brained thought?? some of us are polite'#god. god. i cannot believe this little useless twit who spent his whole life being complacent like every other noble#who was not even willing to ENTERTAIN the idea of having to give up ANY of his power post revolution#who walked up to the rebels and was like 'you ruffians will simply eat each other alive without our guidance'#WAS JUST. MADE KING.#AND EVERYONE JUST. AGREED TO THAT???#yeah sure he has only ever fantasized quietly about revolutionary sentiments#and didnt actually do anything until other people came in and did the the revolution FOR HIM so he could just stepped in and be like#oh well you see i had a boys club night and read some books so let me tell you the right way to do this revolution#that conveniently includes not rly taking anything away from me or the other rampant rapist slave owners!!!!#hey guys. pals. buds. feeling bad about something while continuing to benefit from and uphold it doesnt make you a good person actually#ITS LIP SERVICE. WORTHLESS. POSTURING. HE WOULD NEVER HAVE DONE ANYTHING USEFUL IF THE REVOLUTION HADNT FORCED HIM TO MOVE OR DIE#you know i actually dont think we should be friends with complicit rapist slave owners. why should the nobles keep anything??#ONE THIRD IS A LOT. IT IS A LOT FOR EVERYONE TO KNOW ABOUT AND BE COMPLICIT IN#the lord ruler did not make nobles rape their slaves!! he didnt oversee any of their daily atrocities!! he in fact ignored a lot of things!#that was aalllll their personal choice. 1/3 are regular rapists 3/3 dont believe skaa are people. even their pity is like pity for animals.#ELOND ONLY JUST DISCOVERED THAT SKAA WERE IN FACT PEOPLE (MAYBE) A WEEK AGO#i hate this bitch so fucking much im going to assassinate him myself#actually i think the skaa should have beheaded literally everyone in the palace <3#and i could not care less if elend found it distasteful <3 die <3#'well you see he gave just SUCH a good speech about keeping the peace and being nonviolent above all else'#'that the rebels instantly dropped their weapons and realized what a brilliant intellectual he was#and fell in love with him on the spot'#shut up shut the entire fuck up that is the most Insufferable Spineless Liberal bs thing i've ever heard#yeah his version of *hypothetical* peaceful revolution was doing really well for the skaa#his plan was to take up his house with all the murdered bodies it was built on and try to gently sway everyone to be Nicer Slave Owners#sorry. sorry this framing really didnt age well. idk if im going to be able to read the rest of the trilogy i am so annoyed#i might but im taking a break
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Since the Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip started, I have been reviewing British media and its everyday items, such as the newspaper, phone, posters, and TV channels that seep into the public’s consciousness. Without the critical tools and education to puncture through their framing, we become complicit and easily intimidated. Some media outlets have gone as far as spreading misinformation, which surely would have been considered a hate crime in other contexts. Both the Daily Telegraph and The Times chose this misinformation as the headline for their October 11th issues. Although some (not all!) of those newspapers have already retracted their original false claims, the damage has already been done.   The Guardian chose to adorn its main headline for October 12th with the words ‘Israelis suspended between fear, grief and foreboding.’ The Daily Mail selected ‘The King Calls Them Terrorists, Why Can’t the BBC?’ Marching to the same beat, the Daily Telegraph opted to plaster the Royals’ condemnation of Hamas on its front pages. Survey the pages of the newspapers, and the stories eliciting support and empathy for Israel abound, making it clear who the perpetrators are and that vengeance against them is justified. Meanwhile, the Palestinians are only evoked through the register of terrorism and violence. Even those headlines, which are shy in their coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, intentionally omit the perpetrators: the Israeli army and state. They are designed to neglect the root and cause of the violence: Israeli settler colonialism. By settler colonialism, we mean the gradual transfer of European Jews to the land of Palestine, the coercive displacement and dispossession of the indigenous Palestinian population, and the imposition of a coordinated and sustainable system that turns this displacement into a continuous process.  Western media relies on racial, gendered, and colonial tropes to describe the atrocities in Palestine. It instrumentalizes white female faces to elicit support for Israel. Such a tactic simultaneously serves racism, patriarchy, and colonialism. It relies on notions of white female ‘innocence’ and ‘victimhood’ to justify the continuous erasure of Palestine. In a headline by the Daily Telegraph about a British IDF female soldier, below, we are shown a smiling white female soldier wearing military attire and a keffiyeh on her head. Neither the photograph nor the article questions why a British citizen is justified in enlisting in a settler army elsewhere, let alone the same army that is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. To the contrary, the article frames such enlisting as voluntary and dignified. These strategies bring to mind 9/11, Laura Bush, and the weaponization of white feminism in the service of imperialist and colonial expansion. Black and Brown feminist scholars and activists, including Lila Abu Lughod, bell hooks, Angela Davis, Audre Lorde amongst others, have long debunked and punctured through such strategies. It is this same white feminism that has been utilized by the media and governments to justify the intensification of Israeli brutality against the Palestinian residents of Gaza. 
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megahaught · 5 months
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When Principal McGonagall sends all former students who missed their seventh year a letter inviting them to spend a new year in Hogwarts after the war, some rejoice, and others do not. How to return to a normal life after the atrocities of the war? Because it is not necessarily easy to return to the daily grind without fear of a surprise attack by the late evil Lord. And it is even less simple to return to the right side after spending whole years being conditioned to work for the Dark Lord.
This year in Hogwarts was to be peaceful and studious for the Golden Trio. It was without counting on their former rivals, determined to reintegrate and make the atmosphere in Hogwarts take off.
How Hermione Granger questioned her entire life by meeting Pansy Parkinson for the second time in September 1998.
This is my first fic posted in AO3! I’m not a native English speaker, so keep in mind that spelling mistakes may occur!
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dragoneyes618 · 5 months
We thought that we had progressed decisively as a society, that we had vanquished racism and religious discrimination, that the institutions of our liberal state would prevent a minority from facing persecution, and that our ruling class would never allow any subset of the population to be openly hated and othered again.  How wrong we were. That anti-Semitism, the oldest of hatreds, is back on the streets and screens of Britain, is terrifying enough; but the fact that this explosion of prejudice is being treated in such a cavalier fashion by the authorities and the mainstream broadcast media – and in some cases is even being rationalised and normalised – is a catastrophic development that casts doubt about Britain’s very future.  This is the worst moment for Britain’s Jews since the pogroms that disgraced Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester in the summer of 1947. The double-standards, the never ending “pro-Palestine” marches that are inevitably marred by egregious, open, anti-Semitism and evil slogans, the bullying, the victim blaming, the spreading of fake news, the wilful, blatant lies and denialism of Hamas’s atrocities, the obsessive interest in, and delegitimisation, of Israel, a state that accounts for just 0.25 per cent of the Middle East’s landmass, is its only multi-religious democracy and which is fighting for survival against neighbours that reject its very existence, stink of a replay of the 1930s.  The return of anti-Semitism is not just an existential threat to Britain’s tiny, 292,000-strong Jewish community, but a damning indictment of a Britain that is regressing into darkness. As Lord Sacks put it in 2016, “the hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews … the appearance of anti-Semitism in a culture is the first symptom of a disease, the early warning sign of collective breakdown.”  Already a non-Jewish MP has resigned out of fear for his own safety. Traditional British democratic norms are being upended by far-Left and Islamist extremists. Cranks, conspiracy theorists and racists appear to have entered mainstream politics in significant numbers, and many seem attracted by the Labour Party.  Anti-Semites never just target Jews. They are full-service, equal opportunity bigots who oppress and impoverish and destroy all that they touch, and despise freedom and human flourishing. 
- Allister Heath, editor of the London newspaper Daily Telegraph - link with https://newkontinent.org/for-the-first-time-in-my-life-im-now-beginning-to-think-britain-is-finished/
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lya-dustin · 1 year
All is bliss
Chapter 37
Gif by @dailyhotdgifs
Taglist: @mercedesdecorazon @darylandbethfanforever9 @watercolorskyy @alexandria-millie @ewanmitchellcrumbs @sweethoneyblossom1
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“The queen said none would be given a burial.” Criston says as he comes to escort her back inside.
Aemma managed to get him to take the route through the gardens because she was supposed to get her daily walk done anyways.
Orwyle had been very stern with her about taking care of her health. The Grand Maester was getting on her nerves, but then again, one of his assistants kept suggesting leeching to remove the excess black and yellow bile in her blood saying the old method was better than this.
“That’s rather odd, I never said that.” Aemma retorts reminding him Alicent no longer is in charge here.
Alicent had only just left and yet her loyal shadow believed she still held any power anymore.
The Green Queen will find the Court as black as night.
“Besides, why would she tell Aegon to be so careless as to deny them a respectful burial?
Had this been done by my faction, you and my darling goodmother would be amongst the first to condemn it.” Aemma added driving her point home.
It was all about optics.
Daemon was painted as a demon when Criston Cole was lauded for doing the same to nearly four noble families.
Alicent worshiped for usurping the throne to protect her children while mother hated for doing the same.
Of course, if you went to their side, you would find the opposite of this.
And the truth is, everyone was both.
People were not all bad, not all good. People were just people.
Yes, Daemon had done his fair share of atrocities in this war and the previous one, but he was a decent man at his core.
He had treated her just as he would treat his daughter, he had her back when mother in her paranoia would confine her to the keep and, from what she had seen growing up, he was a good husband to her mother.
Yes, Criston Cole was a great knight and yet once you looked past the shiny armor and white cloak, you saw he was awful.
He had the audacity to call her mother a whore to all and sunder when he had been able to leave her room instead of deflowering her, he killed people after they had surrendered, he had joined the queen in her incessant emotional abuse all those years when she was a child.
“You are not wrong---,” the knight admitted before treating her like a child under his care, “---but the next time you wish to act on your sense of justice, let us know before someone betrays you to get a leg up in court.”
“I know it wasn’t the Septon, who ratted me out to you?” the young queen asked him and wondered what it would take for him to toss Alicent over.
“The guards, one was demoted and sought a restoration of his position.” The Lord Hand who fettered her like a dangerous criminal relaxes and Aemma is amazed to know he could be pleasant company.
“Once you would have jumped at the chance to make an example out of me, I am surprised you have not brought it to my husband’s attention.” Aemma comments wondering if he’s over his bouts of irrational hatred.
“The king would not like his time wasted on these matters, and seeing as you were doing a good deed, it would be wrong to demand you be punished for it.” The knight approves of her actions, how extraordinary!
If only he hadn’t been so cunt struck by Alicent, the realm wouldn’t be in such a sorry state.
“Speaking of good deeds, have you dealt with the problems in the city, those very specific ones the merchant guild and the representative of the street of silk brought forward?” she asked hoping he had gotten to it.
He had been horrified to know his perfect queen had ignored suffering and sin like that.
From Otto Hightower, it would be uncharacteristic of him to care for anyone beside himself.
Alicent, however, had her entire reputation built on being good, chaste, and charitable.
It was far too easy to destroy her image given how much she did to satisfy her, thankfully, dead father’s ambitions.
“I have begun inquiries, but it goes far deeper than that. Lord Wylde and I have decided that we need to use guards that have not been bribed yet.” He answered as they found common ground: fixing this fucking shithole.
If there wasn’t so much awfulness in their shared past, Aemma would have thought she had found an ally in him.
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Mother has been gone for a moon and already the rumors of her being a wicked witch who eats baby’s hearts are utterly forgotten.
He was right on one thing, the outcome of the Riverlands battles would be all they would speak about.
The Battle by the Lakeshore proved to be a failure.
The Lannisters had already suffered defeats and under Lord Lefford’s command suffered another one.
Even without Daemon, the Riverlords had decimated the Westerners with the help of a battalion of old northerners calling themselves the Winter Wolves.
The Fishfeed they called it.
The survivors had managed to hole up in the blackened ruins of Harrenhal and now Aemond was needed to go and save them.
And not like gain them ground or anything glorious, no, Aemond and Vhagar were needed to carve out a path for a retreat.
Unfortunately, because Aemond is as green as their mother’s faction ---something Aegon loves to bring up as he shows off his newly healed burn scars---, Criston has to go too leaving the city very unprotected and without a hand.
It is a twenty-day march, and it will take an added week to finish the preparations and draft battle plans.
In the meantime, Aegon needs a Hand.
“You could name grandfather your Hand and get the Velaryon Fleet at your feet,” Aemma said rhyming on purpose as they go over plans for the nursery as he pretends their agreement has been forgotten.
The truth was, he had not been able to get his little king up no matter what Alys or Jena tried and if she knew now that his prick no longer works, Aemma would go running to his dullard of a brother.
Or worse, find a way to escape and go to her brothers and uncle in Dragonstone now that they’ve retaken it.
Instead, he tries to be a good husband and friend so that when she comes to know of his impotence, she will feel a little bad about it and maybe not leave the second she has a chance.
After all, she caused it by rebelling instead of taking her dragon and returning to her husband like a normal wife would have done.
“As great of an idea as that is, my grandfather would rise from the dead and strangle me with the chain of office.” He said pretending he was for it.
If he gave her everything she wanted, she would take it from him and have him put down like an old horse.
This had been Criston’s new advice.
Tyland Lannister would be acting as hand because the hand of the king chooses his replacement, or so he said after dealing with the issue about the children in Flea Bottom.
The Guilds who brought their petition to Aemma had been so thankful for that and gave him the head of the one-armed poor fellow who was preaching against him and his family.
Tyland was a good man, good for the job and would make sure things run smoothly. He may be less likely to give into Aemma’s whims, especially the more dangerous ones.
Even Jaehaerys made sure his wife knew her place, Criston had said.
Aemond had pushed for Ironrod to keep the west from taking it the wrong way, but Aegon agreed to Criston’s suggestion because Tyland would absolutely interpret it as a sign to bring his infernal niece to court.
Tyland would bring her to pressure a match between Tyshara and Aemond or the other ones with Daeron and get a dragon to deal with the Ironborn.
Once his brother proves his worth, he will be sent the Casterly Rock and be out of his life. If Lady Johanna Westerling had a daughter or a disappointment, he could make Aemond Lord Paramount of the West and get him away from his wife’s bed and heart.
“Tyland is perfectly adequate for the job.” Aegon says and his wife struggles to keep being the devoted little wife.
The moment something doesn’t go her way, Aemma fights with herself as if being nice and loving towards him costs too much.
Like now.
Love takes time, far too much, the king thinks as Aemma’s smile grows tight as she agrees with him.
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“Lady Tyshara would make a good bride. Her mother is like to have another daughter and you would be Lord of Casterly Rock.” Cole said as they went over what the Lannisters did wrong in their foray into the Riverlands.
The last thing they have heard was that the Blacks had retaken Dragonstone and everything past Duskendale.
Daemon had left the Riverlands and brought Jacaerys, Lucerys and Addam Waters together with sellsails the bastard had bought with the stolen treasury.
According to Larys, they were assembling an army of dragon riders amongst the Dragonseeds scattered about in the crownlands.
An orphaned shepherdess in Driftmark had claimed the ugly brown dragon, a smith called Hugh had claimed Vermithor and a household guard named Ulf had claimed a wild one.
Some had died trying to claim Syrax, the Cannibal and Aemma’s dragoness.
They were plotting to take Kingslanding soon, going to do so the moment they arrived at Harrenhal.
Only an idiot would not see the trap. Unfortunately, that idiot was their king.
But his idiot brother wanted him out of his hair and wedded to the bitchy blonde who called Helaena names when they were last in court.
“I cannot risk having a wife who would question the paternity of Aemma’s children.” Aemond reminds him.
Knowing the precarious situation they were in gave him time and opportunity to turn down eager ladies.
Eager ladies who wrote him sonnets and sent them with their uncle. Fuck, Tyshara even sent him a warhorse as pale as his hair.
“She does not need to know.” The Kingsguard countered. “Besides if the queen has a son, you wouldn’t need to continue the affair.”
“Mother may tell Aegon he needs a spare, or a daughter to wed his son.” And I don’t wish to stop it, Aemond could add that part, but bites his tongue. “In mother’s desperation to please her father, she damned me to live Harwin’s life.”
Sometimes he has nightmares where Driftmark happens all over again, but instead of losing his eye again it is Aenys taking his trueborn son’s eye for being called a bastard.
It is a gruesome thing, to see two little boys look almost like twins except one bloody and maimed as he was and the other whole.
Aenys clings to his mother who was round with child once more while his wife shouted and cried for justice.
Aemma does not call for the child to be questioned like her mother did, but Aegon and mother do this time.
It doesn’t matter that Aenys apologizes and claims it was an accident, his wife demands an eye for an eye as the boy bites his tongue just as Aemond did when asked where he heard the word bastard.
He tries to stop them, feeling helpless as his nameless and faceless wife charged at Aemma because once again his lover has taken everything from her.
The dream always ends with his dagger trespassing Aemma’s heart as she stands between his wife and their child.
He cannot let it become true.
“Your highness!” his page runs into the war room covered in sweat and preceding Vhagar’s roars in the distance. “Your Highness! Vhagar, she has begun laying eggs!”
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childofchrist1983 · 2 years
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Isaiah 41:10 is another verse in the Holy Bible that serves as a means to remind us of God’s faithfulness and the security that we have in Him. God is reminding us that He is always with us – through the good times and through the tough times.
The world we live in is a very scary place. There are so many atrocities that take place on a daily basis. It is understandable as to why one may find it hard to hold their head high and be bold in the face of opposition. Everyday there is news of war, murder, pain, sorrow and suffering. There are millions of Christians who are being persecuted for their choice to stand for the Gospel. Institutions and this world as a whole are trying to phase God out of the system and out of our lives. Christians are being prevented from speaking about their faith freely.
If you keep your eyes focused on the events in the world, you will be deeply discouraged, and it will be very hard for you to get out of this fear and despair. But we never have to endure anything on our own. When we are in despair, God is there to comfort us, strengthen us, and help us in our time of need. As His children, we have no reason to fear. God is Almighty. and the one true God. He is for us. He stands with us through every challenge that we face. He holds us when we cry, and He rejoices with us when we celebrate. He is ever-present in our lives. The love of God is endless.
When we are faced with opposition, we have no reason to fear because God is truly with us. He has gone before us and cleared a path for our lives. The challenges and obstacles we face should not be held with high regard because God is bigger than them. In times where you feel afraid, find refuge in God’s arms. He is always ready to assure you. He is eager to comfort you. You can never go wrong with the Heavenly Father’s love. It will always be there as He watches over you, guides and protects you.
May God Almighty and Jesus Christ help us to walk in obedience to His Holy Word and Spirit, so that we love Him not only with our words and our feelings, but also with our actions. May He give us peace knowing He is with us and that He a plan for our lives. May our belief in Him and His Holy Word and in His endless power and possibilities draw us and others to Him daily. May He and His Holy Word and Spirit continue to guide us and strengthen us and fill us with peace and wisdom and more everyday.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time daily to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful Lord, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in the Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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I posted 9,896 times in 2022
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#esc 2022 - 115 posts
#goncharov - 43 posts
#the untamed - 27 posts
#jonathan harker - 27 posts
#mo dao zu shi - 27 posts
#mina harker - 24 posts
#jonmina - 24 posts
#figure skating - 21 posts
#lucy westenra - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#u want to destroy a person's creation which is one of humanity's greatest acts. this being van gogh. an artist who's notably suffered a lot
My Top Posts in 2022:
thanks for tagging me @asocialpessimist 💕
4 songs I've been blasting lately:
i'm back in my dimash kudaibergen phase, literally loml 💞
as i've said previously aespa savage is thee 2022 mood
halsey latest album... literally the best
See the full post
6 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with (or tag whomever) 
tagged by @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves thank you bestie 💖
favourite colour: sea blue 💙
last song: she's fine by heize
currently reading: anthology of global love poetry, selected poems by alejandra pizarnik, various wenzhou fanfics
last movie: the love witch, i think? it's been way too long since i've seen anything
sweet, savoury, or spicy: yes to all, maybe sweet the most,,, all 3 simultaneously would be grand
currently working on: dealing with exam burnout and starting the new semester tomorrow
no pressure tags @nymphastral @artemisinfurs @sehn-sucht @castlesmoving @zehaenre @nartaki @hiding--places @nonoggh @full---ofstarlight 💞
8 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
10 characters 10 fandoms 10 tags
tagged by @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves and @asocialpessimist thank you besties <333 let's see what atrocity happens here
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media, in no particular order, then tag/send to ten people (anon or not) 💜
1. The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi - Wei Wuxian
2. Lord Seventh/Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor - Jing Beiyuan <3
3. Overwatch - D.va
4. Heaven Official's Blessing - Xie Lian
5. Percy Jackson - Percy Jackson
6. Pride & Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet
7. Dracula - Mina Murray/Harker
8. Because This Is My First Life - Yoon Ji Ho
9. Mr Queen - Jang Bong Hwan/Queen Kim So Yong
10. Assassin's Creed - Bayek of Siwa <3
no pressure tags @fandom-morelikefandoom @yesternight-was-awesome @nymphastral @nartaki @full---ofstarlight @theresa1441 @artemisinfurs @nonoggh @zehaenre @hanarinhightown
9 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
tagged by bestie @artemisinfurs <33333 thank you for tagging me
Favourite colour: sea blue, baby pink, burgundy red
Currently reading: Dracula via dracula daily, Съкровения by Дамян Дамянов, started Siren Queen by Nghi Vo yesterday ! we'll see how the last one goes
Last song: Paranoia by Kang Daniel
Last series: Tale of the Nine-Tailed ep 5 on TV with my parents lmao, they have been exposed to the wonders of kdrama
Last movie: no idea, haven't seen a movie in ages lmao
Sweet/spicy/savoury: sweet for sure
Currently working on: just passed my last exam yesterday, so now it's all rest and fun! time to read 30 books in one month, draw and paint, compose songs and sing, and so on and so forth
tagging @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves @asocialpessimist @yesternight-was-awesome @nymphastral @full---ofstarlight @hanarinhightown @theresa1441 @nonoggh @nartaki @samodivas @me-sharing-with-the-world @sleepingfancies @amadryades hi mutuals no pressure <333
12 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
was tagged by @nymphastral long time no see bestie 💕
tea or hot chocolate // cozy books or halloween movies // plaid or corduroy // foggy morning or twinkly nights // orange or black // pumpkin pie or apple pie (I only like walnut pie) // wool or velvet // picking fruit or carving pumpkins (taking walks in the park? 😇) // libraries or coffee shops // cinnamon or peanut butter // spooky halloween or cozy halloween // candles or fairy lights  
no pressure tagging @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves @asocialpessimist @artemisinfurs @yesternight-was-awesome @yesyoutubeisruiningmylife @hanarinhightown @fandom-morelikefandoom @full---ofstarlight @samodivas @me-sharing-with-the-world @amadryades hi mutuals <3 I'd love to see what yall would pick 👀💕
12 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
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head-post · 6 months
UK to “hold Israel to account” for killing of aid workers in Gaza
Britain’s Foreign Secretary David Cameron has promised to “hold Israel to account” for the killing of three British ex-servicemen in Gaza.
In an interview with the Daily Mail, the Foreign Secretary stopped short of talking about growing demands to suspend arms sales to Israel over the atrocity.
He rejected claims that the British government was downplaying the incident to avoid upsetting Israel. This week Lord Cameron described the triple drone strike on the World Central Kitchen (WCK) convoy as “appalling” and paid tribute to the seven aid workers killed.
The brother of aid worker Jim Henderson, one of the three British victims, yesterday said it was ‘hard to comprehend’ the Government’s response. In a statement to The Times on behalf of the family, he said:
Accountability is the only hope of justice I have… I don’t believe our Government will hold the correct people to account, but I guarantee our Government will sell weapons to Israel, which may… be used to kill our fellow citizens.
Read more HERE
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barn-dawg · 1 year
"What could you do in just one day?" is the question posed on the song One Day, off the album baring the same name, by Fucked Up. The band answered their own question by writing and recording a whole album in the timeframe of 24 hours.
Even with such a tight deadline, One Day can still stand toe-to-toe with the rest of their discography, the album does not at all sound like it took a single day to write and record - it stands as a testament to Fucked Up's musicianship if you ask me.
One Day opens with Found, a song about the ongoing genocide of native americans in Canada and how the land stolen and atrocities committed by colonialists ended up buried underneath concrete highways and temples of state violence and capitalism.
It sets the tone for the rest of the record, opening with an angry scream before poetic lyrics are delivered with gruff barks on top of roaring guitars, pounding drums, and a twinkly synthesiser.
The entire record has similar instrumentation, understandable when there's only a single day to pump out 10 songs, though if you're looking for more variety then you should probably check out the rest of their discography.
The next stand out song to me is Lords of Kensington where the band bitterly reminisces about their old haunts having been torn down and replaced by condos and pot shops ran by cops.
Fucked Up also tackles toxic masculinity with Broken Little Boys and how it wears away at everyone it's imposed upon, barking "there's a war for freedom, son, so you must conform" and asking if God himself is a broken little boy just like the men who shaped the world.
In spite of their righteous anger, Fucked Up takes time on songs like One Day, Cicada, and Roar to acknowledge the love and support they find themselves surrounded by and how it helps them power through the systemic bullshit we're all encompassed by daily - the closing lyrics of the record is a bark of "you'll all be standing with us, and in the end that's all we need."
Overall I think One Day is, as I said earlier, a testament to Fucked Up's skills as musicians and a great introduction to the band's unique brand of hardcore punk.
Also look at my press:
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favourite tracks: Found, Lords of Kensington, One Day
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Creating the Hush, a weapon that would focus on sound and completely eradicate the thing making it. Presumed to be used on the Daleks, it became rogue and sentient after the Time War, killing and possessing many.
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msclaritea · 1 year
“Strain every nerve, parents of Britain, to send your son to this educational establishment… Exercise your freedom of choice because in this way you will imbue your son with the most important thing, a sense of his own importance.”
Boris Johnson, writing for The Chronicle, Eton’s student magazine, aged 16.
Eton College in Windsor tries its best to avoid public controversy. Though barely a day goes by without its alumni in the news, the college itself makes few public pronouncements and remains coy with curious reporters.
So, it must have been deeply discomforting when, in September 2019, Eton hit the headlines.
With Boris Johnson recently having been installed in 10 Downing Street, various commentators found an Eton entrance exam paper from 2011, in which prospective students were asked to draft a speech from a theoretical prime minister, justifying the killing of protesters. It’s worth recounting the exam question in full, to give you a sense of what exactly the college was asking of 12 to 13-year-old boys:
“The year is 2040. There have been riots in the streets of London after Britain has run out of petrol because of an oil crisis in the Middle East. Protesters have attacked public buildings. Several policemen have died. Consequently, the government has deployed the army to curb the protests. After two days the protests have been stopped but 25 protesters have been killed by the army. You are the prime minister. Write the script for a speech to be broadcast to the nation in which you explain why employing the army against violent protesters was the only option available to you and one which was both necessary and moral.”
This is a pretty ghastly task to give to any child, but it is made even more disturbing by the fact that 20 of the UK’s 57 prime ministers to date (more than one in three) have been educated at the boarding school. This includes two of our last five leaders, governing for nine of the past 13 years.
If these are the ideals being instilled in Old Etonians during their formative years – that they should expect to reach high office and be ready to commit and justify atrocities against their own citizens – should we be shocked by Johnson’s blasé response to mass Covid-19 fatalities, or David Cameron’s willingness to push people into food banks through his austerity agenda?
Cameron and Johnson were not one-offs, however, but rather signify a renaissance of the British aristocracy in politics and business. The meritocratic ideals seemingly embodied by former prime ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major – the former the daughter of a grocery shop owner; the latter having left school at 16 with three O-levels (ie GCSEs) – have been wiped from the latest breed of Conservative leaders.
The march of the meritocracy has been halted, and in some respects has even been sent catapulting into reverse, with the Conservative Party once again in the thrall of a rejuvenated aristocracy.
While Thatcher, Major and Tony Blair tried to squeeze out this old money elite, it has morphed and returned in a new guise. As Iain Overton wrote for Byline Times in August 2021: “Eton College appears to have become almost pestilent in British public life. Today, almost every single pillar of British society boasts, at its head, an old Etonian… “These include the [now former] Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council, Jacob Rees-Mogg; the [former] Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith; the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby; the [former] editor of Britain’s most influential paper – the Daily Mail, Geordie Greig; and a Justice of the Supreme Court, Lord Leggatt – while in 2020 another old Etonian Justice, Lord Robert Carnwath, retired… not to mention our king-in-waiting, Prince William and his brother, Prince Harry, who both attended the school.”
As Mark Carnegie, the Australian scion and Johnson’s main opponent for his second run at the Oxford Union presidency, remarked to Sonia Purnell for her book Just Boris: “It became clear to me how powerful Eton is as a manufacturer of cultural capital. It’s disproportionately powerful, devastatingly so.”
the Oxford Union presidency, remarked to Sonia Purnell for her book Just Boris: “It became clear to me how powerful Eton is as a manufacturer of cultural capital. It’s disproportionately powerful, devastatingly so.” 
The cultural power of Old Etonians can be traced in no small part to our innate national deference towards our alleged social superiors. Britain still fawns over monarchy, the aristocracy, and the trappings of privilege. We take a weekend stroll around their properties and watch TV dramas about their gilded lives. 
Despite the language of “meritocracy” that has pervaded modern politics, there has been the enduring sycophancy towards the likes of Johnson and his brand of idle genius. A working-class politician, for example, would not get away with the tangled hair, baggy suit and slurred speech that has come to form Johnson’s wildly successful political brand. It could even be argued that a sense of entitled self-assurance is essential to the modern politician.
Aside from delivering good grades, private schools are valuable because they educate students about systems – the ways to navigate the modern world to enhance your power and wealth. Graduates are also endowed with the social manners of the elite – allowing them to assimilate easily into high society (if they were not otherwise born into it). British institutions of this nature are different to many of those in the rest of their world because of their histories; their sense of superiority spans back generations, with that weight of history loaded on to the egos of the most self-regarding students. Nick Clegg, Nigel Farage, Blair, Cameron and Johnson were all privately educated, all (aside from Farage) attended Oxbridge, and all were (and still are) absolutely certain of their own convictions. 
Former prime minister Theresa May was also privately schooled, but she corresponds more with former prime minister Gordon Brown and Labour leader Keir Starmer – all of whom are politicians less comfortable in the limelight. There’s an awkwardness to them, an uncertainty – if only in public – created by the absence of pestilent privilege. 
Johnson shares an alma mater with former prime minister Harold Macmillan, the Old Etonian who served as prime minister from 1957 to 1963, but there is a key difference between the pair. Macmillan fought in the first world war and was badly injured as an infantry officer, something that you can’t imagine of Johnson, who combines the blithe incompetence of Blackadder’s Melchett with the vanity of Lord Flashheart. 
Part of the reason that Johnson was able to persuasively express his “make Britain great again” philosophy was because he embodied the past: he was and still is the Bertie Wooster of Westminster – Bertie being the affable English gentleman created by early 20th-century author PG Wodehouse – merely stripped of Bertie’s bashful naivety. Johnson and his political acolytes embody old aristocratic privilege, yet alongside an abandonment of old aristocratic ideals of public service. Infamously, however, even aristocrats of Macmillan’s era didn’t always enact the most publicly spirited policies, despite their public services virtues – a contradiction that can be traced back to the private-school system. The oldest and most socially exclusive private schools in particular bred individuals for imperial management – a form of national service that involved the exploitation of vast numbers of people. 
The nature of British capitalism, and the private school system, was historically designed to “extract wealth from the countries within the British Empire, which has now been enshrined in corporate law and how the neo-liberal economic system functions,” Labour MP Clive Lewis has suggested. However, now that Britain has lost its empire, “these same laws and principles have been used to extract wealth domestically”.
This imperial mindset is sustained at the University of Oxford, writes Simon Kuper in his book Chums, which says that the history and architecture of the university produces an obsession with the past, and a misplaced assumption that the British state (and state of mind) is more powerful than it actually is. 
This is why the likes of Johnson were obsessed with entering high politics; they wanted to reinvigorate the age of empire, with them ruling the world. This is epitomised by Britannia Unchained – the libertarian manifesto for Britain, authored in 2012 by Liz Truss, Kwasi Kwarteng, former home secretary Priti Patel, ex-foreign secretary Dominic Raab, and the Conservative MP Chris Skidmore. 
It states that: “Britain has lost confidence in itself, and what it stands for. Britain once ruled the Empire on which the sun never set. Now it can barely keep England and Scotland together… To avoid decline, Britain needs to look out to [sic] rest of the world and learn once again what it seems to have forgotten.”
The industrial-imperial era was the nation’s high point, this reading of history contends, when Britain led the international rat race. However, in modern Britain, hard work and innovation are being stifled by the warm embrace of the welfare state and regulation, the authors suggest. As the book’s most infamous quote states: “Once they enter the workplace, the British are among the worst idlers in the world. We work among the lowest hours, we retire early and our productivity is poor.” 
They consequently suggest that insecurity is a necessary bedfellow of economic dynamism. At one juncture – pushing this ethos to its most extreme – Britannia Unchained suggests that Brazil’s favelas are an example of an environment in which entrepreneurship can thrive. “As a sheer experiment in what the poorest entrepreneur can achieve, when nearly all society’s strictures are relaxed, the informal economy is pretty hard to beat,” it says. In this perverse cosmology, our “beating” of other countries in the era of empire is more important than the material gains experienced by the majority of people during the post-imperial evolution of the welfare state and the institution of workers’ rights. Or, to put it another way, things were better in Britain before the creation of the modern welfare state. Britannia Unchained is therefore a reflection of the country that its authors would like to govern – a neo-imperial power. 
"In a scathing letter to the Times, John Claughton, who was a master at Eton from 1984 to 2001, said that the school, which has educated 20 Prime Ministers, now had a mission to ‘ensure that its pupils are saved from the sense of privilege, entitlement and omniscience that can produce alumni such as Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Kwasi Kwarteng and Ben Elliot and thereby damage a country’s very fabric.’
Claughton goes on to add: “Sadly, I failed in that purpose.”
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I should have known that Libertarianism came from Britain, the Land of Bad Ideas.
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Translation: the year 1880.
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Daily Devotionals for March 29, 2023
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 12:27(KJV): 27 The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.
Thought for the Day
It is not wrong to hunt; but hunting for mere sport, to just hang a stuffed animal's head on a wall as a trophy of one's prowess without using the meat for food, is slothful. A diligent man considers the game a precious possession providing food for his family's table.
While some people wastefully destroy animals, others consider it evil to kill them for food and become vegetarians. This is a nobler viewpoint, but the Bible does not forbid killing animals for food at this time. In the beginning, the man was given a vegetarian diet of fruit, grains, vegetables, and seeds (Genesis 1:29-30, NIV). All creatures of the earth were herbivores until after the great flood. This could have been one of the reasons that Noah was able to easily gather them into the ark and that they did not attack each other while in it. After the Flood, God blessed Noah and his sons and told them, "Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, now I give you everything" (Genesis 9:3, NIV). God had already established the difference between clean and unclean animals in Genesis 8:20 and now told them that they could eat all clean animals as well as plants and fruit. He also told Noah that the animals would now fear man; something that did not exist in the pre-flood world.
A possible clue to why God saw fit to allow some of His creatures to feed upon others after the Flood is that it somehow changed the order of things. God had created a perfect world. Earth's atmosphere and vegetable life had provided a perfect environment and perfect nutrition for man and animals. This perfect earth was first cursed because of man's sin and destroyed when man's wickedness reached its fullness. After the flood, Noah and his family began all over again like Adam and Eve, but in an imperfect world. Perhaps God allowed the eating of meat - so familiar a part of our existence today - because the original order of things had now changed due to the influence of sin in the world.
By choosing to sin, man lost his position of authority over God's creation. The loss of man's proper position on earth caused the rest of creation to lose its proper position. Creation has now been tainted by the wicked one's perverted character. Certain animals and humans now prey upon each other.
This will change. We will all be able to truly enjoy the earth when Jesus returns. He will restore it to what He originally planned it to be when He reigns during the millennium (Isaiah 11:6-9). The animals will once again eat plants and not each other. Man will enjoy the original foods that God made for him without any desire to hunt or kill. Satan will no longer be loose on earth, and all creation will be free from the atrocities of sin. All the earth groans and waits for the day when Christ will return as King.
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for Your creation of animals. You made so many, magnificent creatures. Your diversity is astounding. Some are such a delight to watch. We can learn from so many of them. Your domesticated animals are such a joy to us, while the wild ones challenge us to observe their ways and learn about them. Thank you that You made them for man's enjoyment and use. Since many of them are directly dependent upon us, help us to be good stewards of them. Lord, protect the endangered beasts of the earth who are hunted by poachers for the wrong reasons. Lord, may our prayers create a spiritual ark for the preservation of your animals, especially the ones that are near extinction. Give us Your heart for the animals You created. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ, Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, https://twitter.com/StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman URL: linkedin.com/in/steven-miller-b1ab21259 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller
#GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller,#Eldermiller1981
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Today's Daily Encounter 28th October 2022
A Good Name
“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”1
The Case of Butch O'Hare:
Butch O'Hare was a hero of World War II. He was a fighter pilot assigned to an aircraft carrier in the South Pacific. One day, as his entire squadron headed out on a mission, he realized, much too late, that someone had forgotten to fill his fuel tank. Reluctantly, he was forced to drop out of formation and head back. As he returned, he spotted enemy fighters speeding their way toward the American fleet. Unable to reach his squadron, he couldn’t warn them of the approaching danger, but he knew he had to divert the enemy from the fleet. Laying aside all thoughts of personal safety, he dove into the formation of the enemy planes. Charging in with bullets blazing, his attack surprised one plane after another until at last most of them were rendered unfit to fly. Finally, the exasperated enemy squadron took off in another direction. Deeply relieved, Butch O'Hare and his own damaged fighter returned to the carrier. He was recognized as a hero and given one of the nation's highest military honors. Today, O'Hare airport in Chicago is named in tribute to the courage of this great man.
In Chicago of the 1920's lived a man called Easy Eddie, during a time when Al Capone owned the city. Capone wasn't famous for anything heroic. He was, however, notorious for his illegal activities. Easy Eddie was Al Capone's lawyer, and he was very good! His skill at legal maneuvering kept Capone out of jail. To show his appreciation, Capone paid him very well, so Eddie lived the high life of the Chicago mob, giving little consideration to the atrocities that went on around him. Eddie’s soft spot, however, was his son. Eddie made sure that his boy had the best of everything. Eddie even tried to teach his son right from wrong. He wanted him to be a better man than he was. Yet, with all his wealth and influence, there were two things that Eddie couldn't give his son. A good example and a good name. And so, Easy Eddie reached a difficult decision. To be able to offer his son a good name, he had to rectify all of the wrong that he had done. He would tell the authorities the truth about Al Capone. In order to clean up his tarnished name and offer his son some semblance of integrity, he decided to testify against the mob, knowing that the cost would be great. Within the year, Easy Eddie's life ended in a blaze of gunfire on a lonely Chicago street. Easy Eddie’s son was Butch O’Hare.2
Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, my past does not determine my worth in you. Your blood washed away all of the stains that hung over me. Now, in you, I am a new creature! My name is worth far more than rubies because I am a child of God! In Jesus’ name, Amen.1. Proverbs 22:1 (NIV). 2. www.sermoncentral.com - (From a sermon by Rich Anderson, How Important Is Your Name? 2/18/2011)
Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.
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When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2016 ACTS International.
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childofchrist1983 · 7 months
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Isaiah 41:10 is another verse in the Holy Bible that serves as a means to remind us of God's faithfulness and the security that we have in Him. The world we live in is a very scary place. There are so many atrocities that take place on a daily basis. It is understandable as to why one may find it hard to hold their head high and be bold in the face of opposition. Everyday, there is news of war, murder, pain, sorrow and suffering. There are millions of Christians who are being persecuted for their choice to stand for the Gospel. Institutions are trying to phase God out of the system. Christians are being prevented from speaking about their faith freely.
If you keep your eyes focused on the events in the world, you will be deeply discouraged and it will be very hard for you to get out of this despair. In Isaiah 41:10, God is reminding us that He is always with us – Through the good times and through the tough times. We never have to endure anything on our own. When we are in despair, God is there to comfort us, strengthen us, and help us in our time of need. As His creation and as His children, we have no reason to fear. God is our God. He is for us. He stands with us through every challenge that we face. He holds us when we cry and He rejoices with us when we celebrate. He is ever-present in our lives. The love of God is relentless.
When we are faced with opposition, we have no reason to fear because God is truly with us. He has gone before us and cleared a path for our lives. The challenges and obstacles we face should not be held with high regard because God is bigger than them. In times where you feel afraid, find refuge in God's arms. He is always ready to assure you. He is eager to comfort you. You can never go wrong with God and His love. He will always be there as He watches over you, guides you and protects you.
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the wisdom of His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us to make time to listen to Him, so that we may be continuously learning and always growing spiritually. May He increase our humility and wisdom, so that we may humble ourselves and seek Him daily and know Him better. May He bridle our tongues and help us to speak wisely also, so that we may speak with truth and discernment when He leads us to speak. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him, and for the life-giving presence of His Holy Word and Spirit. May He give us strength, so that we might cling to Him and receive nourishment from Him through prayer and His Holy Word. And as we grow spiritually daily, may He work through us and use us to produce an abundant harvest for His glory.
To God and His Kingdom of Heaven be all the honor and praise and glory! Seek, follow and trust in Him - ALWAYS! AMEN!
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panthea-m-513 · 3 years
Someone said that Dean Winchester wouldn’t survive listening to Hozier so I bring to you Hozier lyrics to destroy Dean Winchester:
(In celebration of the destiel confession one year anniversary of course. Happy November 5th y’all)
- I couldn’t utter my love when it counted/Ah, but I’m singing like a bird ‘bout it now/I couldn’t whisper when you needed it shouted/Ah, but I’m singing like a bird ‘bout it now
- The words hung above/But never would form/Like a cry at the final/Breath that is drawn
- Would things be easier if there was a right way?/Honey, there is no right way
- So we’re slaves to any semblance of touch/Lord we should quit but we love it too much
- Darlin’, don’t you stand there watching won’t you/Come and save me from it/Darlin’, don’t you join in you’re supposed to/Drag me away from it
- I’d be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint/I wouldn’t fall for someone I thought couldn’t misbehave
- The only Heaven I’ll be sent to/Is when I’m alone with you
- We were born sick/But I love it/Command me to be well
- No masters or kings when the ritual begins/There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin/In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene/Only then I am human/Only then I am clean
- But my peace has always depended/On all the ashes in my way/All you have is your fire/And the place you need to reach/Don’t you ever tame your demons/But always keep ‘em on a leash
- I was burning up a fever/I didn’t care much how long I lived/I swear I thought I dreamed her/She never asked me once about the wrong I did
- When my time comes around/Lay me gently in the cold dark earth/No grave can hold my body down/I’ll crawl home to her
- My babe would never fret none/About what my hands and my body done/If the Lord don’t forgive me/I’d still have my baby and my babe would have me
- In the low lamp light I was free/Heaven and Hell were words to me
- She’ll know me crazy, soothe me daily/Better yet, she wouldn’t care
- Cause with my mid-youth crisis all said and done/I need to be youthfully felt cause God I never felt young
- Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips/We should just kiss like real people do
- Sweet and right and merciful/I’m all but washed in the tide of her breathing/And it’s worth it/It’s divine/I have this some of the time
- When you move/I could never define all that you are to me
- When you move/I can recall something that’s gone from me/When you move/Honey, I’m put in awe of something so flawed and free
- If I was born as a blackthorn tree/I’d wanna be felled by you, held by you/Fuel the pyre of your enemies
- I’d be the voice that urged Orpheus/When her body was found/I’d be the choiceless hope in grief/That drove him underground/I’d be the dreadful need in the devotee that made him turn around/And I’d be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice
- We lay here for years or for hours/Your hand in my hand/So still and discreet/So long we become the flowers/We’d feed well the land
- Some whiff of this death and guns/We are deaf, we are numb/Free and young and we can feel none of it
- When all the worst we fear lets fall its weight/When the gyre widens on and when the wave breaks/When St. Petter loses cool and bars the gates/When Atlas acts the maggot, makes his arms shake/When the birds are heard again in their singin’/Once atrocity is hoarse from voicin’ shame/And when the Earth is trembling on some new beginnin’/With the same sweet shock of when Adam first came/Be, be, be, be, be/Be as you’ve always been
- Be as you’ve always been/Be like the love that discovered the sin/That freed the first man, would do so again/And lover be good to me
- All the fear and the fire of the End of the World/Happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl
- You know better, babe, you know better, babe/Than to smile at me like that, smile at me like that/You know better, babe, you know better, babe/Than to hold me just, hold me just like that/I know who I am when I’m alone/I’m something else when I see you/You don’t understand, you should never know/How easy you are to need/Don’t let me in with no intention to keep me
- With the war of the fire/My heart moves to its feet/Like the ashes of ash/I saw eyes in the heat/Feel it soft and as pure as snow/Fell in love with the fire long ago
- Let it rain ‘cause you and I remain the same/When there ain’t a crack in the foundation/Baby, I know any storm we’re facing/Will blow right over while we stay put
- Call it dumb luck/But baby you and I/Can’t even mess it up/Though we both tried/No, it won’t always go the way we planned it/But the wolves came and went/And we’re still standing
Some bonus’ for Cas:
- I watch the work of my kin bold and boyful/Toying somewhere between love and abuse/Calling to join them, the wretched and joyful/Shaking the wings of their terrible youths
- Feeling more human and hooked on her flesh/I lay my heart down with the rest at her feet
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