#d'angelo's series
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hotasfahrenheit · 3 months
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Vamp the Series | Happy Ending
[pilot 18.6.24] | [pilot 15.6.24]
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usercelestial · 2 months
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i fucking hate commentary youtubers. imagine describing a situation about a 25 y/o knowingly sleeping with an underage girl as 'cringe' like. get a fucking grip.
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tha-wrecka-stow · 3 months
The Album
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The Single(s)
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oldtvlover · 2 years
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Cast: Richard Jordan as Joseph Armagh Ray Bolger as R.J. Squibbs Peter Donat as Clair Montrose Charles Durning as Ed Healey Celeste Holm as Sister Angela Harvey Jason as Harry Zieff Joanna Pettet as Katherine Hennessey Beverly D'Angelo as Miss Emmy and many more 
Story: (aka Chapter I) Joseph Francis Xavier Armagh and his two younger siblings Sean and Mary escape a ship on the harbor of New York. The situation ashore is problematic, jobs are scarce and food equally scarce. Aboard the ship their mother has died from disease, but they have a hope; their father is in Philadelphia awaiting them. The siblings run away, and discovers their father to be dead to, and young teenager Joseph places his siblings in an Orphanage while he himself goes to make money, become rich and get them out of poverty. The first episode follows Joseph for a few years through a series of struggles, and how he starts earning his first dollars and setting off into speculation in oil, together with his new-won friend, the Lebanese Haroun Al-Zieff (later: Harry Seff). The beginnings of a true rags-to-riches-story. —Lars-Toralf Storstrand (from IMDB again) CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS set the template for future TV miniseries such as ROOTS and THE BASTARD, gathering together a cast of beloved veterans and intriguing newcomers in a historical fiction designed to keep audiences coming back for the next installment. Taylor Caldwell's 1972 best seller gets the sprawling treatment, broadcast over 8 weekly installments, from Sept 30-Nov 25 1976, exactly two months of gripping melodrama. We open with the teenaged Joseph Armagh watching his ailing mother die as their ship sits in New York Harbor in 1857, forced to return to Ireland due to America's intolerance for the Irish. With his younger brother and sister, Joseph secretly departs the vessel by night into the water, only to find their father's home in Philadelphia, he too deceased from pneumonia. Now determined to keep his promise to his mother to always look after his siblings, Joseph leaves them safely in the care of an orphanage run by Sister Angela (Celeste Holm), as the boy mines during the week while building a personal nest egg running liquor on Sundays for R.J. Squibbs (Ray Bolger). Four years later, at the dawn of the Civil War, the now adult Joseph (Richard Jordan) is ready to 'borrow' an investment from Squibbs to form his own company in Titusville with the help of companion Harry Zieff (Harvey Jason) and wealthy entrepreneur (and fellow Irishman) Ed Healey (Charles Durning). Ann Sothern and Neville Brand get little more than cameos, Vic Morrow again in unsympathetic mode, Joanna Pettet, Barbara Parkins, and newcomer Beverly D'Angelo (in a literally smashing debut performance) providing eye candy galore. Veteran scene stealer John Carradine kicks things off as Father Hale, whose attempts to comfort young Joseph in the wake of his mother's death are met with steely determination, a fine though brief character study for an actor so often reduced to low budget roles at this stage of his lengthy career. - by kevinolzak on IMDB Thoughts: We mainly start with Joseph and his way to get rich and more. He takes every job he can get, even dirty one just to be paid well. Joseph wants to be the one who makes the rules and so he learns from anyone possible, in each field like oil and others. Even with reading books provided by a wealthy woman, he chooses his life and not the other way around. At the end, he goes out for another great adventure during the Civil War and it includes rifles, a lot of those.  More then tomorrow!
Chapter II Additional cast: Pernell Roberts as Colonel Elbert Braithwaite Robert Vaughn as Charles Desmond Story: A few years of successful gun running and Joseph Armagh becomes a partner in the oil company of Ed Healey. (from IMDB again) The second chapter of CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS picks up at the start of the Civil War, Joseph Armagh (Richard Jordan) joining Clair Montrose (Peter Donat) in a spot of gun running with Colonel Elbert Braithwaite (Pernell Roberts), who cannot resist the generous graft for his certification. A year away and Joseph is back in the arms of the beautiful Martinique (Barbara Parkins), while his second hand man Harry (Harvey Jason) finds himself falling for Ed Healey's ward Miss Emmy (Beverly D'Angelo). His oil speculations are coveted by Healey so eventually the two agree to partner up, Joseph to receive one third of the profit for his efforts to consolidate the refineries, to the delight of railroad baron Charles Desmond (Robert Vaughn). Blair Brown is introduced as Healey's real life daughter Elizabeth, just returned from boarding school, sparking off a series of lustful events that leave the principals dazed and confused. - by kevinolzak on IMDB Thoughts: Well, Joseph has learned a lot and bargains hard to get what he wants, no matter what. His little siblings are still at the orphanage where Mrs. Hennessey takes care of them as well. He loves Martinique but this woman has many secrets but protects him if needed. Harry falls in love with Miss Emmy and they make out in Joseph's room. Harry can flee but Joseph and Emmy are caught by Strickland (Joe Kapp) and Healey. Healey seems to believe them but he's not certain here. Wonder how it will go on. 
Chapter III Additional cast: Patty Duke (Astin) as Bernadette Hennessey Blair Brown as Elizabeth Healey Katherine Crawford as Mary Armagh David Huffman as Sean Armagh George Gaynes as Orestes Bradley Vic Morrow as Tom Hennessey Story: When Elizabeth Healey fails in her attempts to seduce Joseph, she decides to seduce the next attractive man she meets - Tom Hennessey. Tom becomes a senator and Elizabeth tells him she is pregnant with his child. She proposes a plan where Tom will use his political influence to create a false marriage record for her and a friend, Everett Wickersham who has been killed in the war. At a family dinner Ed shares the news of Elizabeth's marriage, the unfortunate death of Everett Wickersham, and the expected baby. He drinks to excess, collapses and dies. Ed's will is extremely generous to everyone - Emmy and Martinique are now both rich women. Martinique announces that she will go to Europe and Emmy marries Harry. Joseph receives 75% of Ed's estate and Elizabeth receives 25% with instructions that Joseph will invest her money for her. Joseph has built his own mansion in Green Hills and proposes to Elizabeth, but she says it's too late. Sean and Mary move into Joseph's new home, but Mary expresses her desire to become a nun and Sean becomes a union organizer. On her deathbed, Katherine Hennessey asks Joseph to marry her daughter, Bernadette and he agrees. (taken from here now) Thoughts: So, good bye to Ed Healey and Joseph has reached his goal, yet his siblings, Sean and Mary are not happy with his lifestyle. Mary decides to stay at the monastery whereas Sean is working against his brother. However, Joseph has too many women at his hand and when he finally makes a decision to wed Elizabeth it's too late. He knew he was in love with Katherine but couldn't say, yet the conflict between him and her husband will escalate for sure. It will be interesting. I have to admit it got me hooked.
Chapter IV Additional cast: Henry Fonda as Sen. Enfield Bassett Richard (T.) Herd as Talmadge Story: Joseph quarrels with Sean over the labor union issue and with Mary over her desire to leave and enter a nunnery. He rages about their lack of gratitude for all the sacrifices he has made in his life to provide for them. He says that Sean can go to Hell and Mary can go to Jesus and severs all ties with both of them. Alone in his big house, he now wants a family of his own and proposes marriage to Bernadette Hennessey. She understands that he does not love her, but hopes that will change once they have children. Sean organizes a strike against Joseph's company and when the militia are called in to intervene, violence erupts and many of the strikers are killed. Years pass and Joseph and Bernadette now have 4 children, Rory, Kevin, Anne-Marie, and Brian. Elizabeth Healey has married Tom Hennessey and Joseph vows to destroy him. Joseph uses his money and influence to expose Tom's involvement in a corruption scandal and he is politically ruined. Sean is falsely accused of an attack on the railroad and is sentenced to hang when he is wrongly convicted. Behind the scenes, Joseph intervenes to prove Sean's innocence - to protect the family name. He begins telling others of his plan to make his son Rory the first Irish Catholic President. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Joseph in his rage cuts all family ties to his siblings but then starts a family of his own, yet without love. Soon he has four kids and well, set his plan in action to make his eldest Rory the first Irish Catholic President - and even get him a future wife, the daughter of his friend Desmond. Oh boy, that might backfire one day. Never mind, he manages to ruin his own father-in-law but deep down, he was always in love with Elizabeh Healey. Oh my, what a complicated relationship will begin. It cannot end good. 
So, I’ll stop here. The remaining four chapters will be posted soon. I think this might be better since it’s way too long anyway. There’s enough to read for you now.
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rubylaurus · 3 months
dps youtube headcanons
neil: half his home page is slime tutorials and karaoke. the other half is video essays about psychology and sociology. also LOVES jenna marbles and joana ceddia and cried when they each left youtube
todd: mostly uses youtube for ambiance (10 hrs of rain, forest noises, ocean waves, etc). a loyal patron of the lofi beats to relax/study to girl. also into fandom youtube. loves watching 'XYZ as tiktoks' compilations
charlie: a youtube veteran. was really into old smosh, dude perfect, jacksfilms, cinema sins, etc. nowadays is not on youtube as much but still tunes in to see what the OGs are up to
knox: low key uses youtube primarily for sports. checks it every morning for the highlights of his fav teams. will also watch cody ko during every meal. misses 'thats cringe' with every fiber of his being. believes he's a feminist king for finding brittany broski funny
meeks: also big on video essays. tunes in big time to mina le and d'angelo wallace. sometimes to sleep he'll turn on lectures in the background but then won't fall asleep cause he gets too engaged and genuinely wants to listen
pitts: 80% video game run throughs. markiplier is basically his dad. his favorites are undertale and silent hill. the other 20% of his home page is blackpink music videos/concert clips/interviews
cam: the most random videos of all time. a series of 2-7 minute videos that he thinks are hysterical and everyone else is just vaguely confused by. watches every daniel thrasher video religiously
pls add ur own i <3 youtube
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asherbakugou · 4 months
Okay, so this is a story i might write but I do want to get it out there and see if anyone is interested in reading it.
So the series would be about the previous two sets of Elemental Masters of Ninjago, since some got their Element earlier, others later, and its a whole jumbled mess. The main focus would be these characters.
Keahi Kalama, The Master of Fire, and known as the Wildfire Archer, for when his arrows strike they wrupt into flames. He is also known for using different pouches full of powder to change the color and deadliness of his fire and to make the smoke itself poisonous. (Father of Ray Kalama, Grandfather of Kai and Nya Kalama)
Jiang Daiyu, the Master of Water, and known as the Tide-Bringer for she swept an army from the beach when they threatened her home village. She prefers to use a fishing spear as a weapon, simply because she knows how to use it best, and she is one of the strongest Elemental Masters of the Alliance. (Mother of Jiang Mei Lien (Maya), Grandmother of Kai and Nya Kalama)
Gerald D'Angelo, the Master of Earth, and known as the Shield for his control in forming shields to defend his allies. Most commonly seen using a massive war hammer to manipulate the earth and is naturally strong, breaking bones in a single punch. (Father of Lilly D'Angelo, Grandfather of Cole Brookstone)
Aspen, the Master of Ice, and known as the Bringer of Winter for he rarely is seen during missions in summer but once he begins being seen it means winter is coming. Used two long blades coated in poison that left his enemies rotting but frostbitten, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. (Unknown relation to Zane Julien)
Petir, the Master of Lightning, and known as the Blue Serpent for his powerful strikes using the Imperial Adder fighting style. So fast, very few of his oppenents stand a chance when facing him outright even when they outmatch him in strength because he has experience and speed. No known weapons used. (Father of Lyn, Grandfather of Jay Walker)
Eteri, the Master of Wind, and known as Tempest for in battle she could summon massive tornadoes that left gouges in Ninjago still seen in modern day geography. Rarely every used weapons, but carried Tessens, war fans, with sharp blades in case her element became disabled or she needed to fight without it. One of the strongest members of the Elemental Alliance. (Mother of Morro)
Aryan, the Master of Smoke, and known as the Ghost Samurai, for his ability to turn himself to smoke and travel quickly made people believe he was a ghost. A samurai that teamed up with the Elemental Alliance, because they were being threatened by the Emperor of Ninjago. Wore black armor and had a sword passed down to him that was still as sharp as the day it had been forged. (Father of Morro)
And Garmadon.
I wanted to do a series about how Elemental Masters weren't trusted or revered until recent years and that's why Morro never used his Element on the streets. It would show the Emporer basically deciding he wanted all elemental masters dead, not understanding very well that the elements would simply pass on, and sent out his army creating a period of war and strife.
A lot of the secondary Elemental Masters stayed in hiding with Wu, who did not wish to fight, while Garmadon led his own group to fight back and try to force the Emporer to leave them alone.
The main characters though would be Eteri and Aryan, Morro's parents, and we would see what happened leading up to him being 'abandoned' in Jamanakai at the base of Wu's Monastery. I thought it would be interesting to explore if his parents did not actually abandon him but circumstances happened and he ended up alone.
Parts of the story would flash forward to when Garmadon is talking of his old friends, finally sharing the information all of the ninja wanted before revealing Morro's parentage. (He's there because he's trying to redeem himself.)
So, what do you think?
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chernobog13 · 6 months
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Superman meets Ireland's resident superhero, Jack O'Lantern, in DC Comics Presents #46 (June, 1982). Written by E. Nelson Bridwell. Art by Alex Savior and Pablo Marcos. Colors by Gene D'Angelo. Letters by John Costanza.
This was Jack's first appearance in the DC Universe continuity, but not the first time in comics. He, along with the rest of the international superhero team he belonged to, the Global Guardians, was first introduced in Super Friends #8 (November, 1977).
Super Friends was based on the Hanna-Barbera animated series that was broadcast on Saturday mornings at the time. As such, its stories were not considered part of the canon of DC's stories. However, after the Super Friends comic was cancelled in 1981, writer (and Global Guardians creator) E. Nelson Bridwell was able to insert the Guardians into the DC Universe-proper with this story in DC Comics Presents.
Jack O'Lantern was Daniel Cormac, a farmer who was granted a magic lantern by a fairy, presumably the leprechaun on his shoulder in the picture above (who, as far as I know, never made another appearance). The lantern granted Cormac several abilities: super strength, flight, energy projection, illusion casting, teleportation, and fog generation. Because of its magic properties, the lantern (and Jack's powers) were strongest at midnight, and non-existent at noon.
Cormac and the Global Guardians remained a part of DC continuity after Crisis On Infinite Earths. However, the group fell on hard times and split-up after the UN decided to sponsor Justice League Europe/International instead of the Guardians.
Jack then fell in with the villainous Queen Bee and was a bad guy for a brief period, even tangling with the aforementioned JLI. He eventually redeemed himself and became a hero again before eventually passing away from natural causes.
His cousin, Liam McHugh, then became the new Jack O'Lantern, with a different costume. McHugh was able to internalize the powers of the lantern, and no longer needs to use it. He was a member of the Global Guardians, the Leymen (from Primal Force), and the Ultramarine Corps (from Grant Morrison's run on JLA).
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alicenightingale · 8 months
Percy Jackson Review/My Thoughts
I Accidentally Vaporized My Pre-Algebra Teacher
The opening scene is absolutely perfect. 10/10 Uncle Rick.
Please, please, please, pleeaaassseee tell me the Pegasus on the rooftop was Blackjack. I am begging.
Sally told Percy, "Not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero. And not everyone who looks like a monster is a monster," foreshadowing to Medusa.
Gabe is more of comic relief and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Sally Jackson listening to Logical by Olivia Rodrigo is the best because 1. I love that song and 2. she's listening to it in the rain.
d'Angelos sandwich shoppe?? Like Nico di Angelo? Please, please, please, please, please.
"You fell in love with God? Like Jesus??!" crying laughing. "A God..." followed by Sally sloppily trying to tell Percy he's a half-blood
No, mom, I'm not a God's kid there's something wrong with my brain. OMG I didn't know whether to laugh or cry in this scene.
"Grover, why is there half a goat in your PANTS?!?!" "So the important thing is not to panic."
"Is that the (voice crack) Minotaur??" Oh my, Walker you are perfect.
"I'm actually 24.." This had me rooollling.
Sally is already badass and I can't wait for The Last Olympian when Mama Jackson is shooting monsters with a GUN.
Grover swearing to Sally that Percy would be safe made me sad but it would have been 100000x worse if he swore on Styx.
"You are not broken, you are a miracle, and you are my son. Hold fast Percy."
Sally evaporating into dust hurt watching a lot more than reading, and
OMG OMG OMG baby Percy holding riptide and it glowing and my heart is crying I can't tell if it's tears of pain of joy but my heart and my eyes are crying.
"He's the one." "Hush, Annabeth." I was hoping to see her but we don't see her yet lmao
The end credits scene looks a lot like the same illustration for the covers of the paperback books.
When I saw this ep was only a half hour I was genuinely disappointed.
Dior's acting in this and her emotion when Clarisse's spear broke is perfection.
Never picked up on Annabeth calling Percy Sunshine
2. I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
My first thought: scary lightning and delirious Percy.
My second thought: "You drool in your sleep," Annabeth said, arms crossed and glaring at Percy while Percy is confused.
My third thought: this is the scene in the books where Percy notices Annabeth looks like an actual Princess lmao.
Camp Half-Blood t-shirt!!! I want one and it looks soooo cooollll
Dionysus and Percy already getting into it lmao
Dionysus is funny.
"Actually, I think I can, son." "Dad?!?!"
Chiron is sooo tall I never realized how tall a centaur is.
Chiron telling Percy he isn't his son is the funniest thing.
But imagine Mr. D doing that to all the kids lmfao
I love the waterfall that is shown
I want to see the strawberry fields...
Never surrender riptide, Percy. Never
12 cabins for 12 Olympians (for now; the Gods banished Zues and he doesn't have a cabin which is completely unfair. And only a few would be occupied. Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and Artemis are empty).
OMG Luke I hate that you're going to betray Percy like thatttt
Who tf is the wood nymph Grover talks to? And will she be the one to introduce us to Juniper?
Introduced to the Cloven Council early and we find out about Sally Jackson really early.
"I don't want to lie to him anymore," and we love you for it Grover. You are a schmol bean too pure for this world.
Luke comforting Percy
Percy already wanting to Gods to pay their child support is the best thing in the world.
Clarisse is so pretty and I love her.
Percy not being able to be good at archery is a great detail from the books.
I can't tell if I'm more in love with Luke, with his morally greyb self, or Chris Rordiguez because Damn he's fine.
Percy praying to his mom :'(
"He can ignore me but he doesn't get to ignore you."
The Ares kids are so mean and then they got their butts kicked by Karma lol
Clarisse def knew that he was a Poseidon kid or that she was gonna kill him.
I love Annabeth and how Luke is always on her side.
The Yankees cap !!!!
Literal war between red and blue lmao
Luke saying "When it's time, he's gonna be ready. I know it," immediately followed by Percy flossing, peeing, petting a lizard, and laying doing nothing is the absolute best.
Percy being naturally good at sword-fighting is the best.
Dior's acting when Percy breaks Clarisse's spear is great and Walker said in an interview that when the camera pans back to him he was actually scared.
Annabeth: Offers Percy her hand. "Listen, Percy... I'm sorry." And then him immediately being claimed
This is a change from the books because she didn't know who his father was and wanted him to be a Zeus kids.
Everyone else: OMG you're Poseidon's kids.
Percy: I'm Sally Jackson's kid, actually mf
"I am Sally Jackson's son!"
Percy immediately going from "good luck finding three idiots to complete this quest" to "When do we leave."
3. We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
Walker's voice cracks are so adorable.
Am I the only one who was confused when Gabe showed up as the Oracle???
I love that Percy immediately chose Annabeth bcuz "I don't see us ever being friends"
Grover talking to a Pegasus is the best thing ever.
Why does Poseidon's cabin have a pool in the middle of the floor? Seems like a hazard in the middle of the night.
Yayy, Golden Drachmas.
And the shoes, curse those converses.
We actually get to see Luke's scar in this ep and i feel like in the books it seems a lot more... seen rather than just a thin line.
Thalia's treee
I hate that Grover often talks about himself in third person when he's not proud of something.
"Does she think she's in charge?" "Who else would be in charge?" Smart answer, Grover. Smart answer.
And we all already hate zeus
"I really hate to be the tie breaker" lmao
Annabeth getting all the snacks.
And then immediately noticing a fury is how we all knew she was Athena's kid before we were even told.
Yayy, Alecto is back. And she went after Annabeth? Not Annabeth, Luke, and Thalia?
Annabeth's knife hits another Fury in the chest and dies.
I love Jessica Parker Kennedy's Medusa. she's both flawed and the victim and I couldn't decide whether to hate her or root for her. Like I love her outfit.
I would eat the hell out of the cupcakes lmao.
"Do you think it's safe to eat?" "Percy, I'm not gonna lie to you I'm really hungry and I'm willing to take that chance." Grover, I stan you.
I absolutely worship Medusa's story. It's so sad. And while she is telling the story, if you focus on her hair, you can see the snakes moving on her head.
Oh, Percy, my sweet, sweet boy. Of course you would help. Future wifie is like "Uhm, no. We need to leave."
I love the color of Medusa's eyes
Ohhh, these pre-pubescent kids fighting and making up is adorable <3
"They will see this as impertinent." "I am impertinent," another quote from the book.
Percy singing consensus is everything.
Min Manuel-Miranda is Hermes!!!! I love that man. "You guys are not gonna believe this."
4. I Plunge to My Death
This episode caused the most of my tears
Baby Percy is sooo cute I swear he is my life. I love the flashbacks. Except when they turn bad like this
Annabeth's story is identical to the books from what I remember
We find out Grover's interest in Pan a lot earlier than in the books. We don't see that until at least book 3.
We get to see the echidna. I really wanted it to be the Chimera to look like a poodle.
I hate Athena because she sent the echinda into her temple because annabeth "embarassed" her. Like really? Worst mother of the year.
Percy looking deathly ill breaks my heart.
Grover is literally me when I don't get enough sleep LMAO
The start of Percabeth's bickering and joking!!!
"It's like you need me to make fun of you."
The Policeman looks familiar.
Annabeth looking legit offended when she was called a little girl
The male police officer is played by Alessandro Juliani who plays Sinclair in the 100 on the Cw, another great show 9/10, highly reccommend
Percy and Annabeth bonding over Grover and their parents is adorable.
"careful I think you were about to call me a friend." more bickering and joking
Percy pulling a reverse uno card lmao
The fight with the chimera was terrifying but so worth it. Also why do you out my bby boi through this torture Uncle Rick???
Also the naiad?? what was with that? Why can't Posei-don't-wanna-pay-my-child-support just face Percy himself. That's gonna be a fucking emotional scene.
5. A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
Percy climbed over the rail and was like : Hi :D
Thought Annabeth was gonna punch him not hug him but my percabeth heart was a puddle of fluff.
OOH. What's in Santa Monica?
Our baby is a fugitive.
Our three babies hiding behind the cement block from Ares: No we're good, thanks :D
Percy freaking out bc he thought Annabeth was freaking out she hugged him.
In the books Grover was always on Percy's side, but I love seeing him not choosing.
Ares is not as terrifying as I thought he was in the books lmao
"That's my cousin?" Percy said it with such disgust in his voice lmao.
Ares and his Twitter fights lol
Annabeth is fearless. I love it
Ares and Percy immediately having beef is the funniest thing because (in bellatrix voice) I KNOW WHATS GONNA HAPPEN! I KNOW WHATS GONNA HAPPEN! I KNO-
First use of Celestial Bronze!!
Annie geeking out over the mechanisms after trying to make a joke lol
Hephaestus was not at all ugly like Rick made him in the books. Or like Greek mythology made him.
The whole Tunnel scene was beautiful and sad and I love it
Grover and his psychological gaslighting is my world
"Percy stand up, I mean it!" and then him repeatedly saying he was ok broke my fragile heart.
Annabeth "I'm not leaving for my friend" is my favorite Annabeth.
Annabeth just likes to tell off Gods. Go off Queen!!
Percy likes to fight Gods lmao
"So thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers."
6. We Take a Zebra to Vegas
Have seen TikToks where Nico and Bianca's names are called out and I will keep an eye and an ear out for it.
Why did they have to make Hermes an obstacle? He wasn't at the Lotus in the books!
Kronos is kinda creepy ngl
Iris message to Luke! In Chiron's office??
"Toss it, Seaweed Brain!" EEEKK
"How do you know" Luke had a Panic attack.
"When did you turn into an old married couple?"' Luke is the best and the worst.
Grover is the empathetic one, poor animals.
I wish we got the scene where Percy talked to the Zebra like in the book.
WISE GIRL !!!!!!!!
The satyr Agustus was not in the books. I actually think he was in the Cloven of Elders in the 4th book.
12:37 we hear Nico calling Bianca's name, faintly in the background so the tv has to be on full or almost full blast.
Lotus nectar in the air??
Hermes playing Blackjack?
"Hey, demigods! Welcome!"
Hermes eyebrows arch makes Lin Manuel look so evil.
"We're friends of Luke's!" and it looked like Hermes was gonna help but nooooooo!
Percy is so proud of his wifey for pick-pocketing Hermes
"Man, Grover got really old. How long have we been here?" hahahaha
"To the Dumb Kids" Damn, Hermes that hurts.
I love that since Grover is 24 they think he's qualified to dribve.
Percy driving is the best thing. I don't know anything about driving or New York or driving in New York but I do know about road rage and Percy hitting the horn after almost getting t-boned.
Percy finding out that they were actually late for the summer solstice was sad. Like he was freaking out.
"save the world. And then save your mother."
7. We Find Out the Truth, Sort of.
Underworld time!!!
Okay, but what the hell happened between the ending of the last ep and the beginning of this one??
Crusty is dead.
"You've got dad's eyes," reminds me of "You look exactly like James. Except your eyes. You've got your mother's eyes."
"It's either the realm of the dead or someone left a carton of milk in there in the 1990s.' LMAO
I wish the demigods' ADHD and dyslexia was more openly discussed.
I love Cerberus
Poor Grover. Loosing his pearl
I want to see Annabeth flashbacks
Seeing the flashbacks are so, so sad.
I will forever be in awe of Hades's Palace.
What were the regrets that Annabeth had to get her bound to Asphodel? I think it has something to do with her dad and step mom. Or Thalia.
"I trust your dad" says a lot coming from Annabeth because in the books, she hated Poseidon at first.
Why is there sand by Tartarus?
(Sarcastic gasp) Percy had the bolt? No way.
"Is this--?" "NO!" "This looks" "It absolutely is NoT!!" Grover my precious angel.
Another flashback. Poor Percy doesn't understand the situation and poor Sally can't tell him.
I love Hades. He's perfect and fruity and I can't wait to see him interact with Nico.
Poor Hades just wants his helm!
And Percy had decided to think without the wifey and decided to get Hades helm after figuring out Kronos was behind everything. And Grover is so insulted at being called a goat lmao
I want to know the science/mythology behind how Sally conjured Poseidon and why she put a match in an empty milkshake to do it.
We actually see how much Poseidon loved and cared about Sally.
What happened between when he was 7/8 to 12 that made Sally not want to drop him off at camp like she had discussed with Poseidon?? She wanted to, to keep him safe but then it seems like Poseidon talked her out of it?
Sally believes in Percy so much even from such a young age.
Ares with the sword and the final scene.
8. The Prophecy Comes True.
Dramatic instrumental music and Luke talking in the intro?? Yes pleaSe!
And then flashback to Luke training Percy.
Ares laughing at Percy when he offers to spar with him is the funniest thing because he's about to get his ass kicked!!
Did Ares work with Kronos in the book? I can't remember.
"when you die, say goodbye to your mommy for me" Low blow Ares!!!
Go Percy!! Fight with water! And Ares is pissed. Even more!
Riptide and Percy in one corner, Ares and another celestial bronze sword in another. And Percy wins!! By a mudslide! LMAO
I thought Alecto died? When she was turned to stone??
Alecto saying "Good luck on Olympus," is scary. Like hella scary.
Percy calling Zeus a monster is so, so, so fucking fitting like I swear.
We get to see Annabeth's dad's college ring!!! On her camp necklace! That she gave to Percy.
"I'm here to see Zeus. I don't have an appointment."
My roommate is watching this ep with me and when Luke said "You don't want to be small and scary" she said "like spiders! :D" he said "cus things that are small and scary get squished" we both laughed out loud.
RIP Lance Reddick but Zeus is an absolute DICK
and scary (said in meek voice)
Poseidon fighting Zeus is amazing!!!!!
Zeus: "He's a forbidden child"
Poseidon: "So was Thalia"
Me: "What about your Roman form Jupiter with JASON GRACE!!!!"
I squealed and clapped my hands
I wanted to see who they cast as Athena
Like will she be white or black?
Percy and daddy bonding over Sally has my hearts in pieces.
"Do you ever dream about mom?"
Percy run away from Luke! He will hurt you!
Why is Luke crying???
We get to see Backbiter!!!!
"I heard everything!"
Percy got his first bead!!!
The third seaweed brain!
Percy calling Kronos grandpa is freaky
And Sally saying no absolutely fucking not
And Sally seeing right through Percy's bullshit lies
Sally is divorcing Gabe!! He is turned to stone LMAO
How long until season 2????
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mythical-fangirls · 8 months
Now, for my own safety because people don't know how to simply scroll past salt. I'm gonna say it now if you like Dragons The Nine Realms Scroll Away now. This is a rewrite of the series because of its wasted potential and god-fucking awful ending.
Now that the Nine Realms is over, I can talk about a rewrite my brain has been brewing up since the show began.
Now, there are two ways a rewrite can go after I witnessed the finale.
A series of episodes that showcase dragons being found again and again by humanity, and in the end humanity always deciding to leave the dragons alone once again. Because after that ending, my brain immediately thought of it happening before, of humans and dragons always meeting and bonding again and again and again, only for humanity as a whole to prove unkind that the humans who care for the dragons have to hide them once more
A general rewrite of the series. I'm bias to an OC I crafted when the series started, but to keep things simple I'm going to be using the same characters and just tweaking their stories to better fit the whole idea the series was trying to get to
The cast is first aged up to be around young collage age, and they're at the Icarus base as part of an internship as per their varying majors. This would explain Alex's skills with tech and hacking and shut because she's majoring in it.
Tom's studies would be more general sciences, with a focus on ecology. It's only a coincidental plus that he's working with his mom since she's a geologist. Tom's here to study how the opening of the fissure has affected the environment around it as whole
Jun's studies are history based, with a focus on archology. As the fissure is around a historic site that she was already interning at. Jun is also a bit of linguist due to needing to translate the old texts they find on digs. The fissure opened up more potential dig sites in the shockwaves after it first opened
Alex is a cyber security major currently at the site as an intern to help manage the base as she also has varying tech classes and certifications under her belt
D'Angelo is a biology major, with plans to eventually become a veterinarian. He's there to study the flora and fauna within the fissure and how the opening of the fissure has affected the plants outside of it
Eugene is currently on a gap "year" and has been simply working during it. But a company he's working for offered him position to basically be in charge of Icarus' food supplies and the like as, due to the uniquely somewhat confidential nature of the project, it would be easier to have someone who already knows the people within the project and thus someone trustworthy to the people within the project, to handle their supplies
The kids are mainly here to help the people they're interning under analyze information the proper project team acquires to do more menial tasks for them. Except Eugene who's main job is to basically ensure stock of mainly food supplies but also other things the team might need
Tom isn't related to Hiccup, he's actually related to the Twins for pure Comedy
Jun is still incredibly fond of myths and folktales, its the reason she's a history major because those tales are a window of how society was at the time (if that makes sense)
Eugene and Jun are still siblings, and their parents are still divorced, but Eugene was left in their mother's primary custody and Jun was left with their father. Eugene was coddled too much by their mother, which left him indecisive over his path in life
D'Angelo's desire to become a vet is because of a pet his dad got him before he would've had to leave for another military assignment. That animal was his best friend, and it died due to an illness that they didn't catch because his dad just got home after months of being gone. Out of grief he could never bond with an animal like that again. Out of a bit of guilt, he's aiming to become a veterinarian
Now I always had an image of the Nine Realms within my head before the show aired that I refuse to let go of
There's a biome of shadows and storms where dragons like the Skrill, Night Terrors, and Night Furys live and thrive within
(Yes, Night Furys. I always thought it would be amazing if Toothless wasn't truly the last of his kind but rather the last of his kind to join them in the Hidden World)
Animals from ages past live and thrive in the Hidden World alongside the dragons. Mammoths, Dodo Birds, Saber Tooth Tigers, Giant Sloths, Eurasian Aurochs, and so many more. The environment of the hidden world is borderline fantasy in how it operates and thrives despite the lack of sunlight
There are eight realms within the hidden world, as the nineth would be where the Icarus base is. Each realm is unfathomably vast with so much nature and creatures living within it. What makes the Fissure so special is that its basically Yggdrasil in that its the point where all of the realms connect
Dragoncite, as a rock, has no use to dragons. At least to dragons in the modern day. When dragons first went completely underground, many of them missed the feeling of the sun against their scales. One day, a Rumblehorn, after consuming a specific diet that only happens in the heart of the hidden world, produced the first Dragoncite. Dragoncite, when heated with dragon flame, radiates a heat similar to the heat of sunshine. Dragons heated it up for survival or addition, they heated it up for nostalgia. As a reminder of times long past. Dragons in the modern day do it because their ancestors and forefathers did it
With ^ in mind, this would also lead to many dragons being very eager to soar into the open sky. Finally feeling the true heat dragoncite was replicating. But the loud machines and once familiar now unfamiliar sky intimidate them, for there is no reason to trek beyond their home that has all they need
The initial earthquake that opened the fissure was a quarrel between a Fault Ripper and a teenage Screaming Death. The following earthquakes are the result of the Fault Ripper attempting to close the fissure
The Fault Ripper is a noble species in the hidden world, they are the dragon that create vast caves and paths between the varying realms. Where Whispering Deaths dig to eat, Fault Rippers dig to serve their environment
Jormungandr, as a dragon, is like the hidden world itself. Unfathomably large. One doesn't even realize it's a dragon unless you somehow find its head/tail. One can find oddly rounded formations in the Hidden World that go through mountains and caves. No one would ever suspect them to be the same nor even consider it to be a dragon because the environment and the dragon itself have melded into one. Jormungandr is in a sort of eternal hibernation, absorbing nutrients through its scales in the varying environments of its segments
Treasure Hunters/Poarchers/Hunters trying to head into the fissure to steal either information, creatures from within, or even just Plants constantly try to go in and is in fact an ongoing issue for the research team because these goons are disrupting the natural environment of the creatures and thus tampering with data!
The goons go missing a lot though, and none of their people on the surface know why because even the search parties they send in go missing
(Answer: dragons and other carnivores but mainly the dragons)
Now, I refuse to believe Hiccup would leave so much random shit in the Hidden World and seem to move his young children and wife to the Hidden World and leave Berk to what?? Snotlout??? Democracy??? Anyways
Either Hiccup himself (with Astrid obviously and maybe the other riders), when his kids are grown and managing the village in full, or (again another bias thing my little wrym brain wants) a child of his (maybe a 3th after Zephry and Nuffink? To match with Toothless also having three kids?) is the one who stays in the hidden world and records their findings. Living out the rest of their days in the Hidden World, hoping that their notes will guide the future. They pray to the Gods that whoever finds their notes is kind to dragons and will show them the kindness of the world
The notes are locked in a container made out of gronkle iron and death song amber
And that's all for now my brain is a pile of water mashed potatoes
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jules-has-notes · 4 months
The Disney Showman (Unexpected Musical) — PattyCake Productions music video
Nostalgia can be a powerful force. The Greatest Showman portrays P.T. Barnum as a dreamer who wanted to entertain people above all else. There is a very similar air to the general perception of Walt Disney. Both men were, of course, much more complicated than their public personas, but the parallels were too strong for the PattyCake guys to resist. Especially since both Tony and Layne had worked at Disney World, performed on Disney cruises, and collaborated on projects with the company at large. So combining the Showman music with a visual retrospective of Walt's life was a perfect fit.
title: Unexpected Musicals — The Disney Showman
performers: D.J. Muto, Paul Kaleka, & James Keaton (Walt Disney); Eli Jacobson (Roy Disney / featured vocals); Jonathan Timpanelli & Joey D'Angelo-LaJoie (Robert & Richard Sherman); Olivia Adkins (Snow White model); Amy Garton (Julie Andrews); Isabella Muto (Shirley Temple); Jacob McAlister, David Kotary, James Berkley, Domenic Servidio, Chadd Winston, & Eduardo Marques de Oliveria (animators); Alexander Browne (animator / Mouseketeer); Rachel Copeland Evans, Gizelle Pagan, & Darlene Chudinski Henry (Mouseketeers); Brad Pettit (Mouseketeer / chimney sweep); Jason Tibbs, Michael Rundy, Matt Hudson (chimney sweeps); Lauriel Marques de Oliveria, Grace Flaherty, & Sonia Roman (inkers & painters); Hannah Laird, Tony Wakim, Layne Stein, & Lilly Kolb (featured vocals)
original songs / performers: "Rewrite the Stars", "A Million Dreams", & "Come Alive" by the cast of The Greatest Showman (2017); "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" by James Baskett in Song of the South (1946); "I Got No Strings" by Dickie Jones in Pinocchio (1940); "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" by Bobby Driscoll, the cast of Peter Pan (1953), & The Jud Conlon Chorus; "Mickey Mouse Club March" by the cast of The Mickey Mouse Club (1955)
written by: "Rewrite the Stars", "A Million Dreams", & "Come Alive" by Benj Pasek & Justin Paul; "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" by Allie Wrubel & Ray Gilbert; "I Got No Strings" by Leigh Harline & Ned Washington; "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" by Sammy Cahn & Sammy Fain; "Mickey Mouse Club March" by Jimmie Dodd
arranged by: Layne Stein & Tony Wakim
release date: 2 March 2018
My favorite bits:
combining the Disney fanfare with instrumentation from "Rewrite the Stars"
young Walt sketching Oswald the rabbit, followed by adult Walt creating Mortimer Mickey Mouse
the newspaper headline noting that Disney's first studio failed at the start of "Come Alive"
those extremely perky Mouseketeers
Tony and Layne doing their best faux-Cockney accents for the chimney sweeps' vocals
showing footage from the actual parks
elder Walt coughing as he walks away, a somber sign of the lung cancer that took his life
returning to young Walt still dreaming of ♫ "the world I'm gonna make" ♫ that we've just seen
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The actors playing young Walt Disney and Shirley Temple are siblings.
James is yet another of Tony's fellow alumni from the "Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue" show at Universal Studios, having played BJ himself for many years.
The subtle special effects makeup that transformed James into Walt was created by Andy Wright at Makeup and Creative Arts, and was applied by Rick Underwood.
This video was filmed on location at the MBS Equipment Company warehouse space in Orlando, using some of their lighting equipment. There is also additional footage from both Disneyland and Disney World.
PattyCake garnered some praise from several of their fellow former theme park cast members in the YouTube comments for both the accuracy of the behind-the-scenes imagery and the celebration of the Disney legacy.
As they did with their "La La Land" video, PattyCake highlighted their attention to detail with a series of "Double Take" posts on social media, comparing shots from the video with the iconic moments they had recreated.
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As a bonus, the thumbnail for the video itself is a recreation of a photo of Disney that was also used as the cover art for PBS's episode of American Experience about him.
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scotianostra · 5 months
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April 22nd 2005 saw the death of the sculptor and artist Eduardo Paolozzi
Paolozzi’s Italian parents ran a small ice cream parlour in Leith, in June 1940, when Italy declared war Eduardo was interned (along with most other Italian men in Britain).During Eduardo’s three-month internment at Saughton prison his father, grandfather and uncle, who had also been detained, were among the 446 Italians who drowned when the ship carrying them to Canada, the Arandora Star, was sunk by a German U-boat.
There is little online about his internment and you wouldn’t have condemned him if he decided to leave Scotland after his release, the words of a Proclaimer’s song always springs to mind when I read about Eduardo Paolozzi, and other Scots=Italians:
Joseph D'Angelo dreams of the days
When Italian kids in the Grassmarket played
We burned out his shop when the boys went to war
But auld Joe's a big man and he forgave all
By the time Eduardo was released it was 1943 and he began attending Edinburgh College of Art before moving to London and feigned madness to secure his release from army duties in order that he could study sculpture at the Slade School of Fine Art from 1944 to 1947.
Paolozzi is widely considered to be one of the first Pop artists and created many collages including the famous ‘I was a rich man’s plaything’ in 1947, which was the first artwork to feature the word ‘Pop’ in it.
After a spell in Paris he returned to London and moved into a studio in Chelsea and by the 1950s was establishing himself as a surrealist artist through a series of screen-prints, pioneering the technique in which each print can have a separate colourway, predating Warhol’s famous prints of the same nature by four years.
In 1968 Paolozzi taught sculpture and ceramics at the University of California, Berkeley. He worked in Berlin from 1974, and was Professor at the Fachhochschule in Cologne from 1977 to 1981. He also later taught at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich.
Paolozzi might have spent many years away from his home town of Edinburgh but didn’t forget it, he donated a great deal of work to the Scottish National Gallery, who have since displayed a reconstruction of his studio and a large body of his work in the Dean Gallery.
If you have wandered around Edinburgh and visited St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral you will have come across Eduardo Paolozzi statues, “Manuscript of Monte Cassino” which comprises a giant foot and matching hand and ankle. The work was a gift to the city by entrepreneur Tom Farmer, the work is found outside St Mary’s RC Cathedral, I like how the area there has three pieces of art, on the left at Picardy Place you can enjoy a statue of Sherlock Holmes, and on the right you have two giant Giraffes outside the Omni Centre made of scrap metal.
Eduardo Paolozzi suffered a serious stroke in 2001 and he died in a hospital in London in April 2005.
The pics I have chosn are all held by The National Gallery of Scotland, if you like his work you will find loads of it on their website, over 12 hundred are tagged in his name. https://www.nationalgalleries.org/search?search=eduardo%20paolozzi
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hotasfahrenheit · 3 months
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Vamp The Series
Eternal Destiny
[18.6.24 pilot]
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dorothydalmati1 · 7 months
My Little Pony Short 81: Stressed in Show
Written by Kelly D'Angelo
Storyboard by Sam To
Directed and animation directed by Ishi Rudell
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Apart of the You Choose the Ending series, there’s different endings featuring Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie
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tha-wrecka-stow · 1 year
The Original & The Expanded Edition
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shipcestuous · 2 months
I just finished watching "The Wire" for the first time recently, it's very gritty and realistic so obviously anything somewhat fanciful like incest ships are not particularly realistic or anything the writers/creators even remotely intended, but I do think there is something interesting in the first few seasons regarding the relationship between the three Barksdales (Avon, Brianna, and D'Angelo). Avon is more or less the main the villain of the first few seasons, D'Angelo is his nephew who is a bit of a reluctant protagonist of the first season, and Brianna is Avon's sister and D'Angelo's mom who knows everything going on and basically acts as her brother's financial advisor and her son's mentor as they both try to progress in the Baltimore drug game. Avon basically treats his nephew as a son the whole time they interact together. When Brianna is first introduced in a later episode of the first season, she drives past D'Angelo as he's maintaining his area to sell drugs and drops off a lunch for him. One of D'Angelo's friends mentions how attractive she is and asks him if that's his new girlfriend, to which D'Angelo balks and replies that, no, that's his mom. The relationship between Brianna and D'Angelo eventually becomes strained as she is eventually revealed as being 100% involved in her. brother Avon's drug empire and helps manage the books and money for him, and eventually convinces her son to do time in prison to help maintain their family legacy in an act that pretty clearly betrays him (the main cop protagonist later calls her out on being a horrible mother who basically betrayed her son in favor of her drug kingpin brother in of the most satisfying scenes of season 2).
Avon and Brianna eventually become somewhat strained themselves despite their earlier sibling loyalty, but one thing that I think is important is that Brianna is a single mother and at no point it is ever revealed or hinted it who D'Angelo's actual father is. Obviously the writers and creators of The Wire had zero intention to try to suggest that he is the result of an incestuous union between the siblings, and we spend enough time with Avon over the course of the series that if something monumentally taboo like that was a part of his life we would know about it, but the way they structured it certainly doesn't completely deconfirm it and allows for some leeway for those who want to fancanon
Even if the writers didn't intend it, it sounds like a very satisfying headcanon nevertheless. Aside from the relationships becoming strained/falling apart, I love this kind of dynamic, with the uncle being invested in his nephew and his sister being a big presence in his life.
Thanks for all of these details!
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