scotianostra · 5 months
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April 22nd 2005 saw the death of the sculptor and artist Eduardo Paolozzi
Paolozzi’s Italian parents ran a small ice cream parlour in Leith, in June 1940, when Italy declared war Eduardo was interned (along with most other Italian men in Britain).During Eduardo’s three-month internment at Saughton prison his father, grandfather and uncle, who had also been detained, were among the 446 Italians who drowned when the ship carrying them to Canada, the Arandora Star, was sunk by a German U-boat.
There is little online about his internment and you wouldn’t have condemned him if he decided to leave Scotland after his release, the words of a Proclaimer’s song always springs to mind when I read about Eduardo Paolozzi, and other Scots=Italians:
Joseph D'Angelo dreams of the days
When Italian kids in the Grassmarket played
We burned out his shop when the boys went to war
But auld Joe's a big man and he forgave all
By the time Eduardo was released it was 1943 and he began attending Edinburgh College of Art before moving to London and feigned madness to secure his release from army duties in order that he could study sculpture at the Slade School of Fine Art from 1944 to 1947.
Paolozzi is widely considered to be one of the first Pop artists and created many collages including the famous ‘I was a rich man’s plaything’ in 1947, which was the first artwork to feature the word ‘Pop’ in it.
After a spell in Paris he returned to London and moved into a studio in Chelsea and by the 1950s was establishing himself as a surrealist artist through a series of screen-prints, pioneering the technique in which each print can have a separate colourway, predating Warhol’s famous prints of the same nature by four years.
In 1968 Paolozzi taught sculpture and ceramics at the University of California, Berkeley. He worked in Berlin from 1974, and was Professor at the Fachhochschule in Cologne from 1977 to 1981. He also later taught at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich.
Paolozzi might have spent many years away from his home town of Edinburgh but didn’t forget it, he donated a great deal of work to the Scottish National Gallery, who have since displayed a reconstruction of his studio and a large body of his work in the Dean Gallery.
If you have wandered around Edinburgh and visited St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral you will have come across Eduardo Paolozzi statues, “Manuscript of Monte Cassino” which comprises a giant foot and matching hand and ankle. The work was a gift to the city by entrepreneur Tom Farmer, the work is found outside St Mary’s RC Cathedral, I like how the area there has three pieces of art, on the left at Picardy Place you can enjoy a statue of Sherlock Holmes, and on the right you have two giant Giraffes outside the Omni Centre made of scrap metal.
Eduardo Paolozzi suffered a serious stroke in 2001 and he died in a hospital in London in April 2005.
The pics I have chosn are all held by The National Gallery of Scotland, if you like his work you will find loads of it on their website, over 12 hundred are tagged in his name. https://www.nationalgalleries.org/search?search=eduardo%20paolozzi
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The Sarbari Roy Chowdhury Festival of Music 2024: A Tribute by Various Musicians on his 91st Birth Anniversary
Sarbari Roy Chowdhury, the great sculptor whose works married the academic sensibility and realism of classical eastern or oriental art forms , with the modern abstraction and cubism of the west, whose interest in classical music poured directly into his works, as if the stone, clay or wood are entangled with the frequencies of music, not just as a idea or thought but supra-physically in a deeper…
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a-s-levynn · 11 months
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remember the modeling clay i've been mentioning? now he needs a day or so to dry out so he can be lathered in paint
just to give some context why he isn't that detailed (the paint will help with that hopefully), he's a smol boi
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onceuponaladye · 4 months
Tonight’s mood: looking at sculptures that defy all manners of physics instead of going to bed as per usual
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When you were feasting, I studied the blade.
When you were having premarital sex, I mastered the mysteries of Aetherius.
While you wasted your days at the face scupltor in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated inner strength.
And now that Tamriel is burning and the Daedra pour through their gates you have the audacity to come to me for help?
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orlissa · 1 year
I just want you to know that there is a Hungarian scupltor, Mihály Kolodko, who places miniature “guerilla” sculptures all aound Budapest, and he just made a new one in celebration of Garfield’s 45th birthday
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wild-magick-child · 2 years
The Witch's Art of Enchantment
I practice a Craft rarely discussed in modern Pagan communities or written about in books. In fact, the very mention of it evokes fear and hatred in many people. I'm an Enchanter. Enchantment is the art of manipulation through gesture, gaze, and glamour. It quite literally manipulates people: influences them to do something. Don't look at me like that! Do you honestly believe successful people got where they are just by being a good person? No! They put the 'fluence on their audience to sway them to their side. Nature is not all sunshine and rainbows, so neither is my Craft. During the Witch Trials & when we were being hunted like animals by those who hated us we had to defend ourselves. Witches' original Craft had to do with influencing people, casting glamours, Shapeshifting, & mesmerizing others.
It is atmospheric, it is the magic of ambience of shade and hue and tone.
Enchantment is at the very heart of Elfin magic. It is the key to Elfin and the Way of the Elves. The term Enchanter comes from the word "chant," which indicates the rhythmic interaction of a sound that intrigues and captivates, which is hypnotic and entrancing yet thrilling and enlivening at the same time. The enchanted are not dominated nor zombified as one might think of the hypnotic process but rather aroused and sweep away by the awakening of feelings and possibilities long dormant. Enchanters may do this in numerous ways, by the use of their voice, by music, by their dress and costume.
We "chant" by repeating the process continually... that is we are ever interested or pursuing our interests. - The Silver Elves
I particularly specialize in Mesmerism, further specializing in Shapeshifting & Personality Enchantment (aka Numenism).
All of life is composed of energy fields "formed" in varying ways. The Elfin Mesmerist has learned how to shift these waves creating transformations in the world and individuals around them. Mesmerists, while affecting all planes of being, functions particularly on the etheric planes, which are the energetic aspect of the physical plane. It is from that plane that they create waves that wash through and re-orient the connected bodies. Mesmerists speak to people through the light beaming from their eyes. They can affect others consciousness without the recipients knowing how it happens. They can caress a person without touching their physical body, massage them and realign their energy fields, removing blockages and getting their energy to flow freely. - The Silver Elves
Shapeshifters have the ability to change their form at will. In the most dramatic sense they could turn into a bird or a wolf, etc. but usually their transformations are much more subtle and thus even more illusive. They are ultimate actors, changing their appearance, their posture, their aura in a few brief moments. They can appear to be others , they can appear to be no one at all, utterly unnoticable. In the forest you could not distinguish them from the trees and leaves, in the city they can be so average that they melt into a crowd with ease. They are the needle in the hay stack.
This cameleon ability of the Elfin Shapeshifter is not merely a superficial alternation of their physical appearance for as the Shapeshifter becomes more and more adept they can transmutate the underlying energy of their being creating changes that affect not only thems'elves but also those who come in contact with them. -The Silver Elves
Personality Enchantment (Numenism)
Numena or Teraphim are household or localize spirits. They guide, protect and aid those residing in a specific area, working from the astral and etheric planes of being. They find physical form often in statures or objects dedicated to them, which become their solid material body and their temple, so to speak. The Numenist is an artist, writer, scupltor and/or magician of such power that their creations take on a life of their own. To be a Numenist is to hold great magical power and thus it is best to use that power wisely... creating vehicles and drawing down spirits (invocation and evocation) who will benefit us all. - the Silver Elves
Personality Enchantments are spells which bring inanimate objects to life. It is to imbue things with consciousness to the point they become sentient. I do this with my music & songs. They become so full of life that they develop a personality and become living things. This is known as Animation Magick.
Enchantment is essentially the Magick of Mood: tone, setting, ambiance, & resonance. Enchanters are known for creating resonance between people, places, and objects. We can create magickal items such as Wands/Staves, athamés, cauldrons, etc by creating a resonance between the person and the object, and empowering the object with that ambiance. To empower the atmosphere with such energy is Glamourye. So, it's not all about manipulating or influencing people, but that is where it started.
Enchantment: the Witch's Art of Manipulation through Gesture, Gaze, and Glamour by Peter Paddock
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taffy-yippee · 1 year
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MC clay sheep hehehehhehehehe I amn scupltor
(Will post the painted version when the clay dries 👍👍👍)
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fatalflawsy · 5 months
Small Sketches of Ranger and new oc Alnasl!
Decided to try out a slight redesign on Ranger
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I have no clear idea what Alnasl’s uniform would look like yet so I’m dropping there’s here.
Anyways I have small facts about Ranger and Alnasl:
- Ranger loves annoying the shit outta Alnasl because of his Boy Scout attitude calling him “Al” pushes his buttons a lot so he does it constantly.
- Alnasl has shitty time management because most of his time is spent either hunting for the colony or making sure Ranger doesn’t somehow fuck shit up while he’s gone or annoy the wrong people (cough Scupltor, Shepard, Ecliptica cough) unintentionally or otherwise
- Both are 19 but Ranger is definitely older
- As much as Ranger dislikes Al getting in his way, he does respect the guy and is his only friend
- Alnasl has the same level of respect towards Ranger and even with his attitude is willing to bend some rules to get him out of trouble.
- Ranger’s jacket came from a hunt he went on, and the jacket was a lovely souvenir
Marble Sky Comic by @somerandomdudelmao
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the11tailed · 5 months
[Recorder Click]
THE ARCHIVIST: You promised, Sculptor.
THE SCULPTOR: I did, so fine, my dear Archivist, my story.
THE ARCHIVIST: Hold on, let me do my thing.
Statement of The Sculptor regarding how they became. Statement taken directly from subject the second day of the fifth month, 3415. Statement begins:
THE SCUPLTOR: I don’t remember my parents. Not their faces, their names or what they sounded like, but I did know that I loved them very much. I wanted to do well in school, to make them proud of me. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was in middle school. I was lucky my parents were so willing to take steps necessary to help me. I went to the college nearby to study computer programming. Hated every minute of it. Stuck with it, though, finished, got my degree and immediately went to an Art College near me. Once I got my BFA, Bachelors in the Fine Arts, I managed to land a sculpting gig at a statue garden.
The guy who ran it was simply called Clay. I always thought that was funny. His name was Clay and he worked with clay.
[The Sculptor sighs]
I worked there for almost two years. I would later learn that that was the same amount of time people had been going missing in the nearby towns. I never really thought too hard about how…lifelike Clay made those statues. I just thought he was really good.
One day, he said we were going on a road trip, for inspiration. We loaded into a van with our tools. I asked about the clay. He said there was some at the place we were going.
We drove for almost three hours. Then he pulled into a clean-looking and well-managed house with pristine green lawns and a tall white fence.
We were buzzed in without fanfare. Clay turned the van into the driveway, parked and got out. I followed, confused and uncertain. I grabbed my tools and followed him inside.
He opened the door without being allowed in.
The first thing I noticed was the man sat in the armchair. He was old and frail, and he stared off into the garden without a word.
Clay walked over to him and crouched down, whispering something into his ear.
The old man rose up and walked to the center of the room, standing so still in made my hair stand on end. Clay gestured me forward and I walked.
He showed me how to…push away the folds of skin, how to push it back, smooth it. It was so easy and so…fun. I helped him shape and change that old man until a man that couldn’t be older than 20 stood in his place.
He smiled big and wide, and a chill went down my spine. He thanked Clay for his help and turned to me.
“A fine apprentice you have, he praised,”
As we left, he asked me if I liked it. I said yes and that I wanted more. He smiled in the same uncanny way that that old man had.
He taught me more and more. It was fun at first, shaping flesh like clay, molding them to look how I wanted, but it grew dull. I hated just working with human flesh. I wanted more.
I asked Clay.
He asked me what I wanted to do.
I asked him if I could make the next one as un-human like as I could.
He told me he would have to get an unwilling one. The willing always wanted to look a certain way.
He asked if I had a gender preference. I said male. Male creatures of the animal kingdom are far more colorful than their female counterparts.
The man he brought was young, maybe 19-20 years old. He showed him to me in the back of a car. The boy’s wrists were duct taped behind him and there was a cloth gag in his mouth. He looked scared and for some reason, that made me smile. When his fear seemed to deepen, I knew that I now bore the same smiles of my mentor.
We brought him to the study and stood him in the middle of the room. Clay sat to watch as I worked.
I removed the tape and the gag and looked him over. The clothes had to go, but I let him keep his underwear. I never liked the look of dicks. They looked like diseased worms.
He was so scared as I began to work. I first broke all the bones of his feet. I wanted to see what a human would look like with digitigrade. It took some work and using the foot of a dog to finally get it right. Had to start over a few times. Once I got the hang of it, the other foot was easy.
Once that was done, I added fur. All the way to the knee. If he could have screamed, I knew he would have. I did his fingers next. I bent the bone, tore out his nails and replaced them. I think he was crying at that point, but I was too focused on my work.
I wanted to turn him into a sort of werewolf. Just to see if I could. I did, too. Wasn’t as great as some of my newer works, but it was good for my first attempt.
Clay was so fucking proud of me.
It was too.
Then Clay had to leave, his mentor called him away to some unknown island that has never and will never exist.
The ritual failed, my mentor killed himself for the failure, but I was still hear.
My god screamed a lamented its failure. I whispered a promise to bring it more madness, so it would heal.
I kidnapped over a hundred people in my lifetime. I turned them into monstrosities beyond human comprehension and I kept them alive and conscious in Clay-no my garden. I drove them insane until the only being they served was mine. I used them to keep people out of my garden.
And then…I was killed by a hunter. Not the best way to go, I’m afraid. I melted into clay. I was nothing. Then my little Glyptikí came to me. She brought me back, and with me, some of my humanity. The Spiral let me keep some memories, the Traveler shieled me somewhat from The Spiral. I like it that way. Glyptikí and I traveled for a while before we met you and Hunter. Everything else we’ve done together, so there isn’t much to add.
THE ARCHIVIST: Yes, thank you for the statement, Sculptor.
THE SCULPTOR: Anytime, old friend.
THE ARCHIVIST: Statement ends.
[Recorder clicks]
Little something from my d2/TMA fusion au
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notforthebin · 1 year
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Scupltor/ visual artist - really interested in the figures she produces and their simplicity - marking note to come back to and look into artist****
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bts-hyperfixation · 1 year
I used to change that picture every couple of months but just that one hasn't been out done yet or the Jungkook might manage with his album. We have to wait and see 🤷🏼‍♀️
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heleenrombout · 2 years
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Beautiful exposition @MuseumVoorlinden from the British sculptor Antony Gormley In a very inspiring Ted Talk from 2014, he talks about 'Making space'. The space that exists within us and without us. Such an inspiring exhibition about this essence of our being (and the essence of my work as an interior architect.) It made me so happy to just sit for a quit some time in the ’drawing’ /sculpture Clearing VIII. Being inside this 8 km three-dimensional drawing s just fantastic! To observe the visitors entering and becoming part of it is wonderful. Go see it and experience it! (And congratulations on your birthday today sir Gormley!) #museumvoorlinden #gormley #antonygormley #ground #scupltor #overtheearth #lead #clearing #museum #architecture #visualdiary #space #light #interiorarchitecture #inspiration #chasinglight #interiorarchitect #contemporaryphotography #artphotography #walls #architecturephotography #interior #art #color #spaces #artphotography #Photooftheday #architecturephotography #interior #art #light #spaces #visualdiary #fujixpro2 (bij Museum Voorlinden) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch47mHno_fe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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timothybrownjr13 · 2 years
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Number 25 on my Queer Icons Pride Project is Leonardo da Vinci Born 1452 in the Republic of Florence Leonardo was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect. While his fame initially rested on his achievements as a painter, he also became known for his notebooks, in which he made drawings and notes on a variety of subjects, including anatomy, astronomy, botany, cartography, painting, and paleontology. Leonardo is identified as one of the greatest painters in the history of art and is often credited as the founder of the High Renaissance. The Mona Lisa, is his best known work and often regarded as the world's most famous painting. The Last Supper is the most reproduced religious painting of all time and his Vitruvian Man drawing is also regarded as a cultural icon. In 2017, Salvator Mundi, attributed in whole or part to Leonardo, was sold at auction for US$450.3 million, setting a new record for the most expensive painting ever sold at public auction. Much of Leonardo's personal and private life remain hidden, but what evidence there is, states his most intimate relationships were perhaps with his pupils Salaì and Melzi. Melzi, writing to inform Leonardo's brothers of his death, described Leonardo's feelings for his pupils as both loving and passionate. It has been claimed since the 16th century that these relationships were of a sexual or erotic nature. Court records of 1476, when he was aged twenty-four, show that Leonardo and three other young men were charged with sodomy in an incident involving a well-known male prostitute.  Leonardo has inspired me as an artist since I first began taking art seriously. His work really is frustratingly exceptional, from his thin layering to his experimentation with materials. I often wonder what he would've accomplished had he been given another lifetime. @leonardo_davinci_ #leonardodavinci #davinci #reinassance #painter #italy #florence #lgbt #pride2022 #prideproject #queerartist #gayillustration #monalisa #vitruvianman #scupltor #art #artist #drawing #pencildrawing #prismacolor #portrait (at Turlock, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfOkxrvrDIq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scotianostra · 4 years
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On March 7th 1924 Sculptor and artist Sir Eduardo Paolozzi was born in Leith, the eldest son of Italian immigrants, who ran an ice cream parlour.
Paolozzi had always shown a talent for drawing and pursued this by attending Edinburgh College of Art in 1943. He then moved to London and feigned madness to secure his release from army duties in order that he could study sculpture at the Slade School of Fine Art.
Paolozzi is widely considered to be one of the first Pop artists and created many collages including the famous ‘I was a rich man’s plaything’ in 1947, which was the first artwork to feature the word ‘Pop’ in it.
Paolozzi began producing silk-screen prints in the 1950s. He pioneered the technique in which each print can have a separate colourway, predating Warhol’s famous prints of the same nature by four years.
When Italy declared war in 1940, his father was interned as an enemy alien. So was Paolozzi; he spent three months in Saughton jail, Edinburgh, while his father and grandfather were transported to Canada on the Arandora Star. The ship was sunk by a German U-Boat and they drowned.
From 1952-4 Paolozzi co-founded ‘The Independent Group’ in London, who paved the way for UK Pop Art. He was also one of the few British artists to become internationally recognised immediately after the war and certainly the most famous Scot.
  Paolozzi taught art at Hamburg College of Art where one of his students was fellow Scot, Stuart Sutcliffe, often quoted as "The Fifth Beatle" Sutcliffe died in the city in 1962, aged just 21.
He donated a great deal of work to the Scottish National Gallery, who have since displayed a reconstruction of his studio and a large body of his work in their Dean Gallery, The Gallery of Modern art.
Eduardo Paolozzi made numerous contributions to public art, designing and creating sculptures and mosaics for British and German spaces including the colourful mosaics in Tottenham Court Road Tube station, the cast iron sculpture ‘Piscator’ in Euston
  Square and of course the Manuscript of Monte Cassino comprises of a giant foot, seen in pic three,  and matching hand and ankle, which were returned to their original position outside St Mary's RC Cathedral at the end of York Place, Edinburgh, while tram works were being carried out last year.
  Eduardo Paolozzi suffered a near fatal stroke in 2001 and spent the last years of his life confined to a wheelchair, he passed away in April 2005 in a hospital in London.
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