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Heyyyyyyy love! I came across Steve x Reader : A payment story, and was reading them and love every bits of mob Steve and fiery reader! Just out of curiosity, I couldn’t find chapter 11 of the story, I tried used the tag to search, but could not locate them either. Could you perhaps help me with this? Maybe you can find me the link for chapter 11? Thanks love! Xx
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Hi! Hope you’re having a wonderful day! I saw your response to a nonnie’s ask, and you mentioned that you’re currently working on other writing projects and also planning to rewrite some stories. If you don’t mind sharing, what are you working on at the moment? And which stories are you thinking of rewriting? Would love to hear more! Thank you! xx
I’m working on a lot of original stuff, I’d like to get another one published which is my pop star x hockey player one called Five for Fighting, that’s in the editing stage. I need to finish editing the next one in the into the woods grouping, I published the first one last year.
As for stuff on here, I have Naja Returns, one that I’m not going to share yet because I want it done but it’s a Steve Rogers AU. As for rewrites I think next on the list is Good Golly Miss Molly.
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Hello! Just out or curiosity, is Lady Death one shot fic or a series? If it’s one shot - could we get more of them? Pretty please 😍😍 I love them so so much - it just so sweet and I love how love reader and steve is! And she will do anything to protect him, and he as well!
This is a one shot and I’m not sure I’ll be revisiting them any time soon. I’m so glad you love them but I’m working on other stuff and want to do a rewrite of a couple stories so I don’t see myself hitting this one.
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A Thousand Words

You’re a photo journalist during the Battle of New York. When you get in a bit over your head you’re saved by a Super Soldier. He doesn’t appreciate the fact that you don’t follow orders, but at the end of the day you’ve got a job to do.
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Naja Returns: 2
When you get Cassie back to the safe house you switch out the plates on the car, just in case. Then, slipping out of the garage you pull your phone out of your pocket and find Bucky’s number. Taking a deep breath you press his name then put the phone to your ear.
“Hi Doll.”
“Bucky.” You’re a bit embarrassed to admit that you sound breathless when you say his name.
“You somewhere safe?”
“Yea.” You assure him, it warms your heart that he’s asked. “Why are you in New York?”
“Never really left. I got a place in Brooklyn after everything that went down with you.”
“Oh.” He, never left?
“Can we meet up somewhere? I feel like we have a lot to talk about and I’d rather do it face to face.”
“You can come here. Just, make sure you’re not followed.”
“Your client is okay with that?”
“I trust you and she trusts me.” I tell him and Bucky is quiet for a moment.
“I, thank you.” You’re surprised that he seems surprised by this information. He did save your life once after all.
“I’ll send you my address.”
“Is this your new number?”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a few.” He promises and after you hang up you send him the address. Cassie is in the bedroom when his car pulls up.
“Hey Cassie. Bucky is here do you wanna hang with us or in your room?”
“I’ll stay in my room if that’s okay? He’s such a big man.”
“Whatever makes you more comfortable. I’ll keep him in the living room.”
“Thank you. For everything.” You can’t help but give her a little smile, Cassie is a sweetheart and you hate what he’s done to her. The knock at the door doesn’t surprise you, it’s two quick taps, not loud but loud enough to hear across the house. When you pull the door open Bucky moves into the house.
“Hi.” He says not looking at you but instead glancing around the room. “Where is Cassie?”
“In her room. She doesn’t need to be here does she?”
“No.” He stares at you for a moment. “It’s really nice to see you Tori.”
“You too Bucky.” This is kind of awkward, you don’t know how to react. The last time you saw him you were running away from him after killing several men. “Do you want to sit down?” He sinks onto the couch then looks over at you on the armchair.
“So, you’ve put yourself on the map with some dangerous men.”
“Not the first time. Won’t be the last.” You tell him with a little shrug.
“Probably true.” He rests his elbows on his knees, “but Sam thinks these ones are dirty. So these ones have a badge and probably a vendetta.”
“Great.” You deadpan and he gives you a little smile. “Thanks for the heads up.”
“I want to hire you.”
“I’m a little busy Bucky.”
“I know. I have a plan for that too.”
“That you came up with in less than an hour?” You ask with raised brows and he chuckles.
“The plan started to come together the second I saw you.” You lean back in your chair waiting for him to continue. “I could put Natasha on your client. She’s the best female I have. We’ll keep the same agreement you have with her and we’ll stay on her until you’re satisfied that the job is done.”
“They know me now.”
“So did I.” He says locking eyes with you. “Tori. My team isn’t built for surveillance and evidence gathering. You took down an entire team of assassins by yourself in less than twelve hours. I got an up close and personal look at how you work and I’m still not sure how you did it.”
“I have to talk to Cassie about this. I won’t just abandon her to someone she doesn’t trust.”
“Understandable. I can have Nat come over?”
“I want to talk to Cassie first. Before anyone comes over.”
“Okay.” He agrees, “would you ever consider actually joining Nomad?”
“No.” Bucky laughs softly at your immediate response, and you’re glad that you didn’t offend him. “No offense but I’m better working on my own.”
“I wasn’t offended. It would just offer you some extra protection if something were to happen.”
“If I kill someone.”
“I’ve only killed one guy and that was because he started it.” You tell him, in your defense he did start it. He’d started the shooting the second he’d laid eyes on you, you’d just finished the shooting. Bucky grins at you,
“Just give it a thought Doll? Please?” You nod and he leans back against the couch.
“How have you been?” He asks,
“I’ve been okay. Keeping busy, trying to make sure that I don’t slip back into bad habits.”
“Do you know how easy it would be for me to just, get rid of these men and not bring them to the police?”
“I’d like to think it would give you some pause after six years.”
“You’d think.” You agree but he’s wrong. Sometimes it’s so easy to imagine how you’d take care of the shit heads before you met Bucky.
“And you’ve really been okay?”
“Yea. I have steady work, I feel like I’m making a positive difference. It’s, nice.”
“Good. Are you,” he shifts in his seat, “are you seeing anyone?”
“No. Hard to date someone when I have to lie to them about my past.”
“Oh, right.” He rubs the back of his neck, “sorry. This is kinda weird right?” You can’t help but laugh,
“Yea it’s kinda weird.” You affirm and he leans back in the chair.
“Why did you run from me?”
“Because, I couldn’t be the person you wanted me to be and being around you when I couldn’t do that was too hard.”
“So you ran from me?”
“And my past. At least a little.” You admit, Bucky nods his head.
“I can understand that. Do you want to go talk to Cassie so I can fill you in on my plan?”
“Yea, it might be a tough sell.” You tell him before standing and heading to the room where Cassie is hanging out.
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@connie326 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @killcomet @wonderlandfandomkingdom @abschaffer2 @sass-masterkittenmama
#avengers#bucky barnes au#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes#buckybarnes#bucky x reader#Naja story#avengers au
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Naja Returns
It’s been six years. Six years since you killed King Cobra and started over.
Your first protection job had been a young mother who was trying to get away from an abusive ex. He’d broken his restraining order and when he’d tried to kill her you’d swooped in and kicked his ass then dumped him on the doorstep of a police station. You’d had a steady stream of clients since then, people that needed your help, not big wigs who could afford protection like Bucky.
You haven’t lost a client yet and you’d only killed one guy, he was a child molester so you honestly didn’t feel bad.
“Are you sure about this?” Your client, a young woman named Cassie asks.
“You’re being stalked, he’s already attacked you once. This is the right move.” You tell her leading her into the police station with a gentle arm around her shoulders. You’re focused on Cassie when a body comes up behind you, they reach for you. You grab their wrist and twist their arm behind their back before you even know what you’re doing.
“Let me guess,” a familiar voice says, “you’ve got brothers.”
“Bucky?” You breathe before dropping his arm, “oh my god I’m so sorry!”
“Never thought I’d see you inside a police station.”
“Bucky, this is my client Cassie. We’re here to file a police report.”
“So you did it. Protection for the underdogs.” He sounds proud of you, a slow smile crossing his face.
“Yea. Cassie do you want me to come with you?”
“No.” She says quickly and you look at her, her face has paled. You follow her gaze and see the man she’s staring at. He comes stalking over and you see her shrink back and you step in front of her.
“Can I help you ladies?”
“No. We want to talk to the captain.” You tell him and he laughs.
“You don’t get to make that demand. Let me help you out.”
“I’m sorry. Did you not hear me say no?” You ask raising your voice to draw attention. Cassie is holding onto the back of your shirt and the man glares at you.
“That’s not possible.”
“Hey Quill?” Bucky calls and a man with light brown hair looks over, “Can you get Captain Wilson please?” The other man turns his glare onto Bucky.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Name’s James Barnes. Captain Wilson is one of my best friends, what I don’t know is who you are. And I know all the Sargents in this precinct.” He says shoving his hands in his pockets. The other man goes to make a run for it but you’re ready for him. You kick him in the hip as he tries skirt you for Cassie and it throws him off balance enough for you to flip him onto his back knocking the wind out of him.
“You bitch.” He snarls drawing his gun but you’re faster than he is and shoot him with a taser. The gun clatters out of his hand and to the ground where Bucky steps on it and slides it over to a waiting cop.
“Ma’am. You’re under arrest for assault. Please put the taser down.”
“Bucky can you please go into the side pocket of my bag?” You ask calmly unhooking the taser and putting it on the counter next to you. Bucky does as you ask and when he pulls out a card in a holder he reads it and grins.
“She’s personal protection boys.” He says passing the card to one of the officers.
“Tori that’s him.” Cassie whispers into your ear. Bucky’s head whips toward you in surprise. You’d kept using the nickname of Tori, just changing your legal name to Torrance instead of Victoria.
“Great. So you’re going to want to arrest this guy.” You tell the cop coming for you, “Charges are, stalking, harassment, sexual assault, breaking a restraining order and I guess you can add impersonating a police officer to the list.”
“Ma’am please turn around and put your hands behind your back.”
“No.” Bucky repeats, “She’s one of mine.” He says it so smoothly that you almost believe him.
“The card says Snake Eyes Security.” Officer Quill says looking skeptically at Bucky, “I thought you were Nomad Soldiers.”
“I am. She’s under our umbrella as her own company.”
“Prove it.”
“I don’t have to prove shit to you.”
“What are you charging me with?” You ask and the officer blinks at you.
“Assault and unlawful weapon?”
“It was self defense and I have a license for that taser as well as the gun that’s in my car. Besides, if you did your job then I wouldn’t have to do it for you.” You tell him and Bucky drops his face into his hand.
“Doll.” He grumbles and your heart races, he hasn’t called you that in so long that you can’t help the hope that raises in you.
“Excuse me?” Officer Quill says turning slightly red.
“She has been stalked, harassed and almost killed by that piece of shit and when she tried to report him you told her he hadn’t done anything so you couldn’t do anything.”
“Because legally we can’t.” He snaps taking a step toward you.
“So what does she have to do? End up dead? Give me a fucking break!” You cry and Bucky steps between you and the cop.
“Tori.” Bucky rumbles and you fold your arms over your chest.
“Fine. We’re leaving but if he bothers her again I’m using my gun.”
“That makes it premeditated murder!” Officer Quill cries and you stare at him,
“I never said I was going to kill him! I said I was going to use my gun! Those are very different things.”
“Tori, go. I’ve got this.” Bucky says before turning toward you and murmuring, “my number is the same. I know you changed yours because I’ve tried to find you using it.” You look up at him in surprise, “Yea. I’ve been looking. Now, go.” You nod and loop your arm through Cassie’s, leading her out of the station.
“Okay, so that didn’t go exactly how I was hoping it would.” You tell her, “but, the fact that he was there impersonating a cop will get him jail time at least.”
“How did you know that man?” She asks softly. “The nice one.”
“Bucky and I have worked together before.”
“So you don’t work for him?”
“No. But he knows me and my history, I trust him.”
“Okay. If you trust him then so do I.” Cassie says as you get back into your car. Her trust in you is astonishing, especially after that little police station fiasco that just happened. You never deleted Bucky’s number, how could you when you still cared enough about him to have an alert about his company so you can make sure he’s being safe. You’ll call him once you’ve got Cassie safely hidden away again.
Tag list:
@connie326 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @killcomet @wonderlandfandomkingdom @abschaffer2 @sass-masterkittenmama
#bucky barnes au#bucky barnes x reader#james bucky barnes#naja returns story#avengers#bucky barnes#imagine Bucky Barnes#Bucky Barnes x reader au
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Dr. Jones

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The Librarian
“I’m no good for you Doll.” He’d growled, his rough demeanor usually would have been enough to scare you away. But you’d seen him enough, and the types of books he checked out of the library, to know better.
“What if I don’t care?” You ask softly, brushing some of his hair back off of his forehead.
“It’s not safe. Now that Stark knows about you he could come after you.”
“Wouldn’t that be breaking the rules?”
“Bikers aren’t exactly known for following rules Doll.”
“But their your rules.” You protest and he laughs softly.
“I know, they’re more of guidelines. We’re not supposed to go after spouses, boyfriends or girlfriends but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.”
“But Clint has Nat and Wanda has Vision.”
“They’re not the leaders of the gang Sweetheart.” You drop your head to his broad shoulder groaning softly. You’d never meant to fall for the leader of the Howlies. The first time you’d seen him at the library you hadn’t even known he was in the Howlies, let alone its leader. It wasn’t until the summer, when he’d come in wearing a tight blue shirt that clung to his muscles like a second skin, that you’d seen the tattoo.
“Steve please don’t ask me to walk away. Please don’t ask me to pretend that I don’t want this. That I don’t want you.” You whisper, keeping your forehead on his shoulder. “My life has been so much better since you came into it.”
“Doll, I can’t risk you gettin’ hurt.”
“But it’s not your decision alone.” You argue, you’ve got a sick feeling in your stomach you’re not going to win this one. You lift your head from his shoulder to look down at where his rough fingers are intertwined with your smaller, softer ones. “Steve.” You choke out before he tips your head and presses his lips to yours. It’s the most bittersweet goodbye you’ve ever had.
“I love you doll.”
“I love you too.” He stands then, you cling to his hand until the last second and when you can’t hold on any longer you let your hands drop into your laps and you sob.
It’s been three days.
The longest three days of your life. You should have known something was up when the three men walked in. The first had black hair, brown eyes and neatly trimmed facial hair. The second, an African American man, with short hair and a slight limp. The final man seemed to be far too young to be involved in whatever these two were up to.
“Hello gorgeous.” The first man purred as he leaned against the counter. Completely invading your space. You took a step back and stood up straight, lifting your chin slightly, you weren’t going to be intimidated by him or his friends.
“Can I help you find something today?”
“Yea. Your boyfriend. Rogers.”
“We’re not dating.”
“Oh really? Then why has he had protection posted outside this building all week?” Protection? You hadn’t noticed any protection.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Besides, if there was someone out there why are you in here?”
“Distracted them with some visitors.” He sneers. Your heart sinks, the only people that Steve would trust to protect you would be himself, Sam, or Bucky.
“If you hurt them-”
“What are you gonna do sweetheart? Give me a paper cut?” The African American man snarks.
“Revoke our library cards?” The first man chimes in. His companions snicker while the youngest of the three checks his phone. You glare at the men, then pick up a book to put away. You’re not going to be intimidated these two.
“Where’s Rogers?” The first man sneers rounding the counter.
“You’re not supposed to be back here.” You tell him, taking a step away from him.
“If you won’t give me Rogers then I’ll take you until I get him.” You’re not sure what possess you but you’re not letting him take you anywhere. You swing the thick book at him, it connects with his arm with a solid thump. You both look at one another, the surprise evident on both of your faces.
You recover first and swing the heavy book again. Turning it at the last second to use the book’s hard spine instead of the cover. He manages to block a couple of the hits but when you start kicking too he doesn’t stand much of a chance.
“Mr. Stark we gotta go!” The kid calls from the door as you give the African American man a solid whack with the book. He’d jumped into the fray but somehow you were managing to hold your own.
That’s when he comes in. Looking pissed as hell.
“Stark!” He roars and for a second your heart leaps into your throat. Bucky’s got the kid by the back of the neck, and Sam has already hopped the counter to deal with Stark’s right hand, you think his name is Rhody. With one final whack of the book you manage to dodge Stark and scurry gratefully behind Steve.
“I told you he’d come.” Stark smirks.
“And you agreed to leave her alone.” Steve growls.
“They’re more like guidelines.”
“So I can go harass Pepper?”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Stark sneers and you look up at Steve in surprise.
“Then you leave her alone.” Steve growls, one of his hands wrapping around your wrist as he tucks you further behind him.
“We’ve got business to discuss.”
“Then you come to me. Not her.”
“I figured you’d be a bit more agreeable with her around.”
“You were wrong.” Stark folds his arms across his chest. “Buck, Sam, take Stark and his friends back to the bar. I’ll be there shortly to discuss whatever business Stark thinks we have.” Bucky nods then shoots you a wink, and you get a gap toothed smile from Sam before the two lead Stark and his gang away. It’s not until the five of them are out the door that Steve turns to you.
“Doll? You okay?”
“I don’t know. I’m still processing it all.”
“He didn’t hurt you did he?”
“No. I think I did more damage with that book.”
“I’m so sorry Doll.” He says gently cupping your cheek with one of his rough hands. Your heart jumps. You don’t want him to leave.
“You know how you can make it up to me?”
“Hmm?” He hums, his thumb brushing against your jaw.
“I’d like to date you again. These last three days have sucked.” Steve chuckles lowly and you continue, “Besides, you broke up with me to keep me safe and that clearly didn’t work.”
“I never wanted to break up with you in the first place.” He admits, “Stark had threatened you. I thought it would be enough to protect you if I broke up with you.”
“Then why did you have protection out there all week?”
“Just in case.” You scowl up at him and he laughs before pressing his lips to yours. “I’m sorry darlin’. But since distancing myself from you didn’t do shit I’d love to pick up where we left off.”
“I’d like that.” You whisper and he laughs softly before kissing you again.
“Come on Doll.” He says taking your hand. You’d follow him anywhere.
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You can’t reach the fucking bulb.
It started flickering two days ago. Since you were the biggest bookworm in the house you were, apparently, the only one who’d noticed the flickering light in the library. You’re not usually one to use your powers, especially since you’re still not very good with them and the rest of the Avengers don’t even know they exist. The fact that you can’t reach the flickering light actually tempts you to use your powers. Instead you sigh and tug one of the heavy tables to a bookshelf.
Placing a chair on top of the table you climb up onto the seat then carefully standing on it you climb up one of the tall bookshelves. You take a deep breath before standing and reaching for the light, just before you touch it you feel the heat and yank your hand away. You pull your sleeve over your hand and unscrew the bulb careful to keep the fabric between your hand and the hot glass of the light.
“What are you doing?” Bucky cries from the doorway startling you.
“Ah!” You yelp as you loose your balance and go tumbling to the floor. You put your hands out to brace yourself and your powers take over levitating you off of the ground about a foot. You’re hovering that foot off the ground when you remember that Bucky is in the room. You panic and hit the floor with a thud.
“Are you okay?” A worried Bucky says rounding the corner of the bookshelf. You nod, the wind knocked from your lungs. “Can you move?”
“I’m fine Buck.” You say after sucking in a few lungfuls of air. “I just had the wind knocked from me.” You stand slowly and he looks at you in concern.
“You just fell fifteen feet.”
“I’m fine.”
“How?” He asks.
“What?” You say innocently.
“How are you okay? I heard the bulb break and then nothing. Then you hit the ground. You hit it too soft. Did you grab the bookshelf?”
“No, the bulb fell before I did.” He doesn’t look like he believes you but let’s it slide.
“What were you doing up there?”
“A bulb was flickering and it was driving me crazy.” You admit with a small laugh.
“Next time ask for help okay?” He says shoving the table back into place with no effort.
“Fine.” You huff before dropping back into your chair and opening your book again. “Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y. we have some broken glass in the library.” You say to the AI.
“A bot is on its way miss.” The AI responds.
“Thank you.” You start to read again, one of your free fingers twisting a hair around it then your thumb absentmindedly runs across the smooth surface. You don’t even notice that you do it anymore.
It’s been a half hour since your fall when Bucky snaps his book shut with a loud huff. You glance up at him in surprise and are surprised by the look of irritation on his face. “Can I help you?” You ask.
“Why did it take you so long to hit the floor?” He demands. You were hoping he’d let it go. Guess not.
“It didn’t.” You deny then go back to your book. At least until he seizes your arm, yanks you to your feet then throws you over his shoulder.
“Bucky! What are you doing?” You cry from your now upside down position.
“You’re lying to me and I want to know why.” He carries you’d swiftly out of the room and toward, you think, the gym. Sure enough you get to the gym and Bucky brings you to the top of one of the small towers Clint had set up to practice shooting from. Bucky sets you down. Looks you dead in the eye then shoves you off the tower.
“Ahh!” You scream as you fall away from him. Your hands go behind you and a surge of energy flows through you and halts you once again a few feet from the ground.
“I knew it.” Bucky says from above you before grabbing a rope and swinging down. “You’re enhanced. Why don’t you ever use your powers?”
“I don’t really know how they work.” You admit.
“Let me help you.” He offers kindly and you laugh.
“After that? No way in hell.” You turn away from him and head for the door.
“Where are you going?”
“To find Wanda. Hopefully she won’t try to kill me in the attempt to figure out my powers.” He stops you with a hand on your wrist.
“I’d never let you have hit the floor doll.”
“There’s a quick release net.” He says with a shrug and a small smile.
“Ass hole.”
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Hi! Binge Reader from before here 🤗 I just read Alternate & the link for 13 leads to 14 & the link for 15 leads to 16….found them easily by searching ur page so just an FYI when u get a chance 🫣
Wow I super hate this little hellsite sometimes. I don’t even know how that would happen! Thanks for letting me know!
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Hi!!! I love ur writing!!! I’m on a binge of it all 🤗 😍
Did u ever finish L’Artiste? It says in progress on ur master list but I was hoping maybe that just wasn’t up to date 🫣 Hope this isn’t a bother! Thank u!
It ABSOLUTELY isn’t up to date. I honestly don’t even know where it was going last time I wrote it so that’s gonna have to be where I start 😂
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Space Witch
You love being out in the middle of the darkness, floating in the abyss of the stars and watching, just watching as the universe pulses around you. That’s exactly what you’re doing, sitting on a piece of space junk floating along outside of Dakkam your feet hanging over the side.
And then she came out nowhere, nearly knocking you off the space junk. She makes a big loop, at least you think they’re a she, and comes flying back toward you.
“Are you okay?” She asks stopping in front of you.
“Yea. Who are you?”
“I’m Carol. Carol Danvers. Who are you?”
“The Witch.” You tell her simply, that’s what most people in the solar system call you. “How are you doing this?”
“Flying around out here in just that little suit. Where is your engine?”
“I am the engine. A power cell exploded and gave me my powers, they’re nearly endless.”
“Oh! You’re the explosion I saw on Terra in the 80’s aren’t you?”
“That you saw? What do you mean?” You scoot over and pat the space junk next to you and she drops down.
“Do you know anything about me?” Carol shakes her head. “So basically I’m the Cosmos witch, I keep things from getting too chaotic and watch over this part of the galaxy. I read the stars and they tell me the past, present and future. They shift and change everyday based off of decisions that people make but for the big things, they usually stay the same. They told me to be here today, I wasn’t sure why until now.”
“So you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen but suggestions?”
“I’m trying to stop the Kree war, will you help me?” She asks earnestly and you can’t help the smile that crosses your face.
“It’s be my pleasure. This war has gone on for far too long, caused too many to lose too much.”
“How do I get in touch with you?” You take your crystal off of your neck then pass it to her. She puts it on and tucks it under her uniform.
“Just hold it tightly in your hand. I’ll know.”
This arrangement works out well for both of you. You read the stars and predict where exactly Carol needs to be and she can be the driving force clearing the Supreme Intelligence. You like Carol too, she’s nice to hang out with and her stories are always interesting.
You’re listening to a story one day, hanging out with Carol and her Flerkin on her ship when suddenly your vision goes white.
“Coz? You okay?” Carol’s voice sounds a million miles away. You’re watching events unfold, ones that you’d hoped never would because of your work with Carol. The battle rages, gods, Titans, magic wielders, and mortals are battling.
It’s an explosion of activity and you can’t tear your eyes from it. Then he snaps. You grasp Carol’s arm as your vision comes back and stare at her, your heart in your throat. If she vanishes you’re screwed. A beeper starts going. She looks at the communication panel on her arm and swears.
“Fury.” She says, her voice grim.
“Terra. We need to get to Terra.” You gasp and she furrows her brow.
“You want to come with? You never stray far from the center of the universe.”
“I need to come with. It’s where I’m meant to be.”
It takes three days in Carol’s ship to get you there but she takes you to Terra. She doesn’t let you into the place where Fury’s beeper is going off from until she clears it. Once she does she gives her crystal a squeeze and you transport yourself to her.
“Holy shit.” One of the men swears a blonde with ocean blue eyes. You must be startling for a mortal to see with your auroral hair, sparkling skin, and black eyes.
“I’m The Witch of the Cosmos. I’ve come to help right the wrong that has been done.”
“First things first,” a woman with blonde hair says, “how do we know we can trust you.”
“Cosmos?” Another blonde man asks, this one is battle worn, heartbroken and has two different colored eyes. Thor.
“Your Majesty.”
“I am not worthy of the title.”
“Young King. You are worthy. The only one who doubts is you.” You soothe as he kneels at your feet. “Stand. Please stand. I have come to help.” Thor does as you ask, “Tell me how to help.” You tell him looking up at him.
“Steve?” He questions never looking away from you.
“Can you find Stark?” The first man asks and you nod.
“Just a moment.”
You find him quickly. Getting Carol there is going to take some time though. He’s several days out and moving in the wrong direction. But she finds him, and another, and brings them home. You know that the work is only beginning.
Thanos thinks he’s won.
The stars disagree.
And the stars are never wrong.
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@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thinkwritexpress-official @thesassmisstress @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @silverkitten547 @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @eloblokistoner @yourfellowangel @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @reinyrei
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Pixie Sprite Witch: 2
He looks so sad. So broken. So lonely. You watch him for days, finally breaking into his home one night.
But honestly can I be considered breaking in if you belong there?
“What are you doing here?” His voice is low in the darkness and it startles you so badly that you nearly fall out of the air.
“I’m your pixie sprite.”
“More like a figment of my imagination. You should go where you belong.”
“I belong here.” You insist, landing softly on the floor in front of him. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to understand me.” He stares down at you.
“Go away.”
“Stubborn little shit huh?” He murmurs and you sit down, criss cross on his knee. “You remind me of my friend Steve.”
“Where is Steve?”
“New York.”
“So why are you here all alone then?” You ask and he looks down at you with a raised eyebrow.
“You’re awful comfortable for someone I could crush with two fingers.”
“Could, but won’t.” You counter and he stares at you in the darkness for a moment.
“Yea, I won’t.” He agrees. You sit together so quietly for so long that you almost think he’s fallen asleep when he says, “so, what’s your name?”
“I don’t have one yet. You get to name me.”
“Why me?”
“Because you’re my hero. The one that I’ve been given to take care of, to fight beside and to die with.”
“To die with?”
“Yes. When you die, so will I.” He looks horrified and you give him a little smile, “don’t worry hero. I’ve been alive for millennia waiting for you.”
“Oh.” He studies you for a moment, “do I have to decide now?”
“Okay.” He stares down at you, you look back memorizing his face. A straight nose, shocking blue eyes, a little bit of stubble on his cheeks and chin, dark hair falls to his shoulders and there’s a haunted look in his eyes.
Your poor hero.
You spend time with him over the next few days just watching, easing his nightmares, then things go sideways. A bomb goes off, killing a king and Bucky, your hero is blamed for it.
A man breaks into your home,
“It wasn’t me.” Bucky says, you perched on his shoulder, “I’ve had Soturi with me this whole time. Do you see a pixie in that video?”
“No but she could’ve been hiding.” You fold your arms over your chest and scowl at him.
“It wasn’t me.”
“Steve. It wasn’t me.”
“Why would someone try to frame you?”
“Bucky!” You cry, “they’re coming!” He pulls off his glove to reveal his metal hand and you know this isn’t going to be pretty. But no matter what, you’re going to be at his side.
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@andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @killcomet @abschaffer2 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @sass-masterkittenmama
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Pixie Sprite Witch
You’ve been waiting for a long time, nearly a century for your human but now she’s finally here and ready for you. You’d taken the long trip to New York City and were currently perched outside the window.
Hopefully your new leader wouldn’t notice your soft glow as you watch her. You see a man talking to her, his voice soft and his kind eyes. She looks panicked, like a caged animal but it’s not him that is the threat. He seems to be a friend, so you keep watching.
Another man comes in, a suit and tie on, his brown hair is thinning and he says something to the first man who gives your leader a reassuring smile before the two leave. She sits down and you use some magic to unlock, the window clicks and her head snaps up. Green eyes slide over and when you wave they widen.
“What the hell?” She mutters as you squeeze through the opening that you’ve made then fly over to her.
“Hello. Can you understand me?” You asks as you hover in front of her.
“Yes. Are you a fairy?”
“No. I’m a pixie. And you’re my hero.” The woman snorts.
“I’m no ones hero. That’s why I’m here. Locked in this cell by a man who was supposed to kill me. I suppose they still will.” You gasp loudly, outrage filling you.
“They won’t kill you hero! I won’t let them.” The woman laughs humorlessly.
“Thanks Little Pixie but I don’t think you’re going to be much of a match against them.”
“Is that what you’d like to name me?”
“You get to name me. I don’t have a name.”
“Why don’t you let your actual hero do that? It’s sure not me.”
“If it wasn’t you, you wouldn’t be able to understand me.” You tell her landing softly on her leg. “What is your name?”
“Natalia.” She whispers and you smile up at her.
“That’s beautiful. Now, you can think about what to call me.”
“Okay.” She says like she doesn’t quite believe you. You sit down, crossing your legs and stare up at her. She stares back. The two of you studying one another in silence. She’s got full lips, a small nose and auburn hair that falls in loose curls. Her green eyes are intense, not like the forest but more like an emerald.
There’s a sound at the door and her gaze snaps from yours.
“Hide.” She whispers and you follow her order diving into her hair to hide behind her neck.
“Well, well,” the booming voice says, “The Black Widow. Or do you prefer Natalia, or Natalie, or Natasha?” She stays quiet. “That’s fine. Clint thinks that you can be flipped. I think you’re beyond hope and that I should lock you away in a cell for the rest of your life.” Natalia stiffens at the thought. You could break her out. “How do I know you’re not gonna betray us?”
“He would have already killed me.” She says, her voice full of venom, you peer around her neck to get a look at the other voice but can only see his torso. He’s in all black, a gun on his side, his hands resting on either hip.
“You’re not redeemable.” He sneers and before you know what you’re doing you’ve shot out from behind Natalia’s hair and directly into his face.
“How dare you! How dare you say something like that to my Natalia! My hero! She is too redeemable! And she’s better than you will ever know! She has a pixie! You don’t do you? No! Because you’ll never ever be as good as her! Not ever!” You yell at him, fully aware that he won’t be able to understand you but you’re so angry you don’t care.
“What the hell. You have a pixie? How?” The man asks, his one uncovered eye wide in surprise as he looks from you to her.
Should blind you in this eye too.” You grumble and Natalia chuckles.
“Come on Spitfire.” You tilt your head and give her a questioning smile, “Yea, that’s your name.” You fly smugly back to her and plop yourself down on her shoulder, your magic crackling around you both.
“Seems I was wrong about you.” The man says, “welcome to the team Agent Romanoff.”
You fight by her side for years. From drug dealers to aliens then against the purple monster who makes half of the world vanish. You’re with her through the time travel and when she and Clint fight one another to sacrifice themselves you don’t stop her. Though you could. When she begs him to let her go you shock his hand, causing his grip to falter. You dive onto her chest, close your eyes and sacrifice yourself with her.
Your hero
Tag list:
@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thinkwritexpress-official @thesassmisstress @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @silverkitten547 @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @eloblokistoner @yourfellowangel @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @reinyrei
Don’t blame me. The story made me do it.
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