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Seen above: A Gilded, non-elemental Cyclops Warrior icon from the Cave of Gold
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rjalker · 5 months
the cute spore creature that was in my dream. was created on a ship that was stranded in space and they needed someone who would be able to do something specific that no one else could do to fix the ship.
also, Aqua was there, but she was also Tarzan, and there was some plot with some dragon-person twins who were cursed in some way I couldn't figure out. I think their father was some evil scientist and he was trying to kill them because something to do with a virus. idk. they became allergic to teach other which they found out when one of them almost fell off a building and the other grabbed them and then their hand started going numb. Possibly their evil father had imbued them with parts of a virus to destroy the world and now felt bad. so his solution was to murder them. Sir Lancelot was also there somehow. it was a very discombobulated dream.
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[ID: A simple digital drawing with the colors going outside the lines, showing three drawings of a quadrupedal alien with a single large eye on its small round head, with an acid green rim around the eye, and the iris seafoam green. The alien has a pink and purple body with small purple speckles, and its legs have a gradient of acid green around the knee, to seafoam at the foot area. One drawing shows it from the side, one shows it turning its large eye to smile at the camera, indicated by a smiley face next to it, and one shows a larger version of the eye from the side. End ID.]
I forget what its name was, I think it started with an A.
Had no "feet" because the person making it ran out of DNA points lol.
around the size of a....medium sized dog? Larger than a cat but not too big.
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owlkhemy · 2 years
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a-roguish-gambit · 4 months
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My gecko Boba tea likes watching x men evolution. Her favorite character is Scott. She scratches at the screen whenever he appears. She sometimes does it for rogue too but only during the intro.
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nachosforfree · 2 months
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i thought about my human bill's face scar for a little too long
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dick-helmet-magneto · 6 months
Cyclops: I can't believe you talked us into this Storm: It's very irresponsible. Iceman: Shame on you. Erik: I don't like any of you...except maybe Pietro. Pietro: Yesss!
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k0t3x-n3t · 25 days
Okay, but can we talk abt the fact that in My Goodbye, Athena tells Odysseus "I'm not looking for a friend", but on SEVERAL occasions in the Wisdom Saga she refers to him, not only to other people but to Odysseus himself, as "my friend" ??
No ?? Just me crying over this ?? Okay
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fawnnbinary · 5 months
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Snajis with blonde facial hair from last night,,,, so pretty
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amberdoesthings73 · 2 months
instead of sitting down and trying to figure out my redesigns and lore and story i’m drawing this. angel & cherri (my cherri bomb design is gonna look very different methinks)
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unofskylanderspages · 9 months
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Ocu Shocks are scrapped Cyclopses enemies in an early version of Skylanders: SuperChargers. They would attack the Skylander in an also early version of Spell Punk Library, using their spears and being helped by Electroclopses, similar to Coldspear Cyclopses. It is unknown why these enemies were removed, and the only proof of their existence is a video of HUD testing from 2014 with their introduction video and 3D models in portfolios.
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xmencovered · 1 year
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Amazing Heroes #12 / Published: January 1, 1982 / Artist: Paul Smith
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Scott was mad cocky in that first episode and tbh I was like he can get it.
First time in my life I've ever thought that lol but damn
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a-roguish-gambit · 3 months
Me: I need to work on shit
My ADHD brain: what if there was an x men evolution abbridged series but the running gag of the series was that the school isn't actually there for them to train their mutant powers it's all a front to hide the actual stupid AF parody premise: mutants have queer awakenings so mind blowing they can cause literal explosions of mutant powers so it's best to keep these kids in a state of the art facility that's mutant proof so they can all have their gay awakenings in peace and safety. None of these kids know yet they are queer, but all mutants are according to charles so its just a matter of time. Storm, Wolverine, and Charles are constantly having arguments over whether or not to let the kids know. Cerebro is actually a mutant gaydar and short circuts scanning kurt cause he is 36 flavors of queer. Charles started the school because Magneto's gay awakening was so powerful it caused Charles to be paralyzed. Logan caused the great Chicago fire with his. Scott finds out about all this from mystique and is convinced that he is the first totally straight mutant (hes not hes bi af) and keeps ignoring obvious signs he’s bi.
Me: what the fuck brain. I'm trying to do commissions. Why do you shit post on me like this
ADHD brain: Gambit's actual power in this abbridged series is causing lgbt awakenings and that's how he actually causes explosions.
Me: that's it I'm subjecting the rest of the internet to this bullshit.
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adowbaldwin · 6 months
Ive not yet watched Xmen97 but if Magneto and Charles are not in a openly gay relationship then idk what ill do because who the fuck else calls Magento Magnus and Charles oldest friend and enemy idk i just have alot of feelings and if Henry George Edward James Hanover-Stuart Fox and Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz can do it so can those two
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zombvibes · 1 year
ngl to you i always thought sweet sounded like claptrap from borderlands…
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dick-helmet-magneto · 2 years
Poll 1 Poll 2
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