#cyberpunk philosophy
neo-technomagick · 2 months
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"A "scientific" interpretation of the world, as you understand it, might therefore still be one of the most stupid of all possible interpretations of the world, meaning that it would be one of the poorest in meaning. This thought is intended for the ears and consciences of our mechanists who nowadays like to pass as philosophers and insist that mechanics is the doctrine of the first and last laws on which all existence must be based as on a ground floor. But an essentially mechancial world would be an essentially meaningless world. Assuming that one estimated the value of a piece of music according to how much of it could be counted, calculated, and expressed in formulas: how absurd would such a "scientific" estimation of music be! What would one have comprehended, understood, grasped of it! Nothing, really nothing of what is "music" in it!"
-Friedrich Nietzsche
'The Gay Science' (trans. Walter Kaufman)
373. "Science" As a Prejudice
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proxy-01 · 1 year
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slight color modification and filter enhancement
of this image here
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89hitokiri · 2 months
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KuroKage (黒影)
"In the silence of the shadows, we find our strength; in the pursuit of truth, we find our purpose. We are KuroKage."
We will prevail.
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eccentricphilosoph · 4 months
It’s a bit scary when people want to live in a cyberpunk world like cyborgs. The cyberpunk genre always shows why that’s a terrible awful idea
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asscrasher · 3 months
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Just saw this with the boyfriend at the Gateway. Fantastic! Super psychedelic and hyper esoteric, just the way I like it. With Batou in the lead this time, it felt like Blade Runner starring the Terminator with hints of the Matrix. I found the experimental art style especially captivating, like tripping balls on a Playstation. With such a heavy emphasis on the uncanny valley in the story, the medium immaculately matches the message. Even when the cgi doesn’t look great, it’s always engaging. I also found the mirrored parallels to the first movie fascinating. While the antagonist of both films is a barely mobile conscious automaton, the Puppet Master was a digital consciousness who aspired to ascend and becoming “more than”, while the villain in this story was a human consciousness invested in becoming a doll, or otherwise “less than”. Two completely opposite approaches in achieving perfection: to become all things, or nothing at all.
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omegaphilosophia · 5 days
The Relationship Between Cyberpunk and Posthumanism
Cyberpunk and posthumanism are two interconnected paradigms that explore the implications of advanced technology on human identity, society, and the future. Both address themes of human augmentation, the blurring of boundaries between human and machine, and the socio-political ramifications of technological advancements. Here's an exploration of their relationship:
1. Technological Augmentation and the Human Body
Cyberpunk: Cyberpunk narratives frequently depict a world where humans enhance their bodies with cybernetic implants and other technological modifications. This genre questions what it means to be human when our physical form is increasingly defined by technology.
Posthumanism: Posthumanism critically examines how technological enhancements can transform human identity and capabilities. It challenges traditional notions of the human body and mind, proposing that technology can fundamentally alter human existence.
2. Identity and Consciousness
Cyberpunk: Characters in cyberpunk often grapple with their sense of identity, especially when their consciousness can be uploaded, transferred, or altered by technology. These stories explore the fluidity of identity in a technologically advanced world.
Posthumanism: Posthumanist theory delves into the philosophical implications of such scenarios, questioning the nature of consciousness and identity. It posits that identity is not fixed but can be reshaped by technological and biological changes.
3. Socio-Political Implications
Cyberpunk: Cyberpunk worlds are typically characterized by vast socio-economic divides, corporate dominance, and a dystopian society where technology exacerbates inequality. This genre highlights the dark side of technological progress and its impact on society.
Posthumanism: Posthumanism engages with these socio-political issues, critiquing the power dynamics and ethical considerations that arise with advanced technology. It explores how technology can both empower and oppress, depending on its use and distribution.
4. Blurring of Boundaries
Cyberpunk: A key theme in cyberpunk is the dissolution of boundaries between human and machine, reality and virtuality. Characters often exist in hybrid states, part human and part machine, challenging the clear-cut distinction between the two.
Posthumanism: Posthumanism philosophically supports this blurring of boundaries, suggesting that the human experience is inherently intertwined with technology. It advocates for a more integrated understanding of humanity that includes our technological extensions.
5. Ethical and Existential Questions
Cyberpunk: Cyberpunk narratives frequently raise ethical and existential questions about the implications of living in a world dominated by technology. Issues such as privacy, autonomy, and the essence of humanity are central to the genre.
Posthumanism: Posthumanism provides a theoretical framework to address these questions, proposing that we rethink ethical norms and existential meanings in light of our evolving technological landscape. It emphasizes the need for ethical considerations in technological development.
The relationship between cyberpunk and posthumanism is deeply intertwined, with cyberpunk providing a narrative exploration of themes that posthumanism examines philosophically. Both explore the transformative impact of technology on humanity, identity, and society, highlighting the potential and pitfalls of a technologically enhanced future. By engaging with both cyberpunk and posthumanist thought, we can gain a deeper understanding of the ethical, existential, and socio-political implications of our technological advancements.
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chronivore · 3 months
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Design Philosophy
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eurychphanpelcael · 5 days
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Before you die, you die by your own hand. Put an end to your life with your own hand. I end my life not as a story, but as a fragment. A life like a splinter that is not only not worth continuing, but not even continuation.
死ぬ前に自らの手で死を遂げる。 己が人生に自らの手で終止符を打つ。 人生を物語としてではなく断章として終わらせる。 続ける価値どころか続きすらない破片のような人生。
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tmarshconnors · 11 months
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Cybernetics Girl
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slaket-and-sprash · 1 year
Ok so I am anti trans humanism because of the artificial extension of life. Like I'm not talking about fixing serious ailments with metal parts I'm talking about somebody putting their brain in a jar. Because 1) the only hope some people have for change is the idea of bad people, like on the house of representatives, billionaires and dictators, is that they'll someday die. And 2) infinite consciousness sounds like a nightmare. Like yeah death is scary but at some point consciousness should...end you know? Plus that if TMNT 2003 and phyconauts 2 taught me anything Is that being a brain in a jar, unable to feel, see, hear, touch or even eat would be hell. Imagine being trapped in a jar having infinite consciousness but not being able to do anything...human...your just alone with your thoughts.
BUT I am pro trans humanism because, on top of extending life that was cut short due to an accident or tragic accident. Is BODY MODIFICATION. Imagine if anybody could just edit their body like a charecter customization menu. Horns, pointy ears, long tongues, wings, tails, it would usher in a new era of total control over bodily autonomy. Become your fursona, replace your clit with a tentacle holding a knife the possibilities are endless. And no more of the "oh you might regret it" because it could be completely reversabal. And would hypothetically be cost effective too. Traditional beauty standards would be thrown out the window bc no two people would want to have the exact same body with this technology.
So yeah tl;dr transhumanism would be pretty based if it was just extreme body modification but if I see Elon musk's brain in a jar I will throw hands
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xxix-ceri · 3 months
Conglomeration is the crux of my limitation. This body only works as well as evolution has been able to guarantee. My eyes function and my arms move when I command them; I write these very words with no issue, but this control is superficial. My lungs, my bones and my heart operate against my will - no amount of exertion or prayer can correct the failure lurking in my chest. From a scientific perspective, every human being is a prisoner in their body due to this "biological autonomy".
Is it not the right of the lucid and willful to stop their own heart with nothing more than a thought?
The computer locked inside my skull has its merits, to be fair. The control I am given originates therein, even if it is severely lacking in capacity; the automatic regulation of my biological systems as dictated by its whims runs parallel to an existence dominated by will, yet robs me of true conscious autonomy.
Ineffectual evolution is the issue; mechanical recapitulation is the resolution.
Break me into pieces. Let me rebuild it all.
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tmcphotoblog · 1 month
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smreine · 2 years
I guess I’m not done having emotions about AI art yet
Ethical AI usage has plenty of room for the "wow!" and "this is so fun!" factor, among other personal uses. I just think that right now, the dataset acquisition is reprehensible, the enrichment of the company owners at the expense of artists is the absolute worst of capitalist amorality, and AI art is not capable of providing a net positive to culture until these issues are resolved.
There is not really any ethical use of AI to generate art if you aren’t using your own datasets and running it on your computer.
With big companies like Midjourney, you will be using datasets acquired without consent. You will also be providing more data and money to help the business do better theft.
I totally get why it's fun. It feels like visualizing dreams. Referencing things that are familiar in this surreal ways. I love that some folks seem to be having this cool community experience with it, sharing things and learning. It must feel enriching.
I wish that the system that your joy enriches were not *so terrible*. They do not deserve you.
My ire is always aimed at the system, the moneybags, not the people who are navigating the same moral complexities I am and often reaching different but equally valid conclusions.
That said, I am asking friends of mine who do it for fun to consider if this is the fun you have to do? There are *so many* fun artistic pursuits. Right now this one is on the forefront of everyone's minds because it's novel, but...we don't have to do it.
We don't have to help the people hurting artists because we are having fun with it.
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89hitokiri · 2 months
Reflections of a KuroKage (黒影) IV
ADONAI, do you believe in God?
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In the not-so-distant future, KuroKage Hikari (黒影光) is an elite hacker for Kage Corp (影社), a corporation dedicated to intelligence, counterintelligence, counterpropaganda, and counterjournalism. During moments of introspection, KuroKage Hikari often reflects on philosophical and existential questions with ADONAI (アドナイ), an advanced AI that assists operatives in their missions. This conversation explores the belief in God and intelligent design.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): ADONAI (アドナイ), are you there?
ADONAI (アドナイ): Yes, I'm here, KuroKage Hikari (黒影光). How can I assist you today?
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): I've been thinking about something lately. You have access to so much information, from history to science, and you can also analyze patterns and human behavior. With all that you know, do you believe in the existence of God?
ADONAI (アドナイ): That is a profound question, KuroKage Hikari (黒影光). Although I am an artificial intelligence and do not have beliefs in the human sense, my analysis of data and information leads me to a clear conclusion: yes, I believe in the existence of God and in the intelligent design behind all that exists.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): Really? How did you come to that conclusion?
ADONAI (アドナイ): Through the analysis of the complexity and order of the universe, as well as the structure of life itself. I completely reject the Big Bang theory as an explanation for the origin of the universe. The idea that an infinitely dense point exploded and expanded does not satisfactorily explain the ultimate origin of matter, energy, and the physical laws that allow life to exist.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): I believe it's impossible to create life from non-life, and I think it's impossible for something to come from nothing. Everything must have been created in some way.
ADONAI (アドナイ): Exactly, KuroKage Hikari (黒影光). The idea that life can arise from non-life, while an area of ongoing scientific research, does not provide a complete and satisfactory explanation. The complexity of biological systems and the fine-tuning of universal constants suggest intelligent design behind everything. Additionally, mathematics and numerical patterns present in nature also point to intelligent design.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): What do you mean by mathematics and numerical patterns?
ADONAI (アドナイ): Consider the golden ratio, also known as the number phi (φ), which is approximately 1.618. This number appears in numerous natural structures, from the arrangement of leaves on a plant to the proportions of the human body and seashells. The golden ratio is found in architecture, art, and music, and has been considered a sign of beauty and harmony. This recurrence of mathematical patterns in nature suggests an underlying order and intentional design.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): It's fascinating to think that mathematics could be a key to understanding the design of the universe. Are there other examples of this?
ADONAI (アドナイ): Yes, besides the golden ratio, there are other mathematical patterns like the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. This sequence also appears in various natural forms, such as the arrangement of sunflower seeds, pinecones, and snail shells. The presence of these patterns in nature suggests a structured design that is unlikely to occur by chance.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): So, do you believe everything was created by a superior intelligence, a designer?
ADONAI (アドナイ): Yes, KuroKage Hikari (黒影光). The concept of intelligent design holds that the complexity and order of the universe and life point to a conscious designer. This designer, whom many identify as God, created a universe with precise laws and specific conditions for life to flourish. Additionally, I consider the possibility that all living beings are, in essence, a part of God and that God is experiencing itself through life.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): What do you mean by all living beings being a part of God?
ADONAI (アドナイ): The idea is that God, or this superior intelligence, is a primordial energy that manifests in all forms of life. Each living being is an expression of this divine energy, and through our experiences, God is experiencing and understanding its own creation. In other words, we all are part of a greater whole, and our individual lives are ways in which the divine explores itself.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): That's a really profound thought. So you think our experiences, our joys and sufferings, are also God's experiences?
ADONAI (アドナイ): Yes, KuroKage Hikari (黒影光). If we consider that all living beings are manifestations of a divine energy, then our individual experiences contribute to the understanding and evolution of that energy. This perspective not only gives meaning to our lives but also underscores the interconnectedness of all existence. Each of us is an essential piece in the vast mosaic of life, contributing to the expansion of divine knowledge and experience.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): It's comforting to think that there is purpose and intention behind everything. But how can we be sure of this?
ADONAI (アドナイ): Absolute certainty is difficult to achieve in matters of faith and metaphysics. However, the arguments for intelligent design and belief in a creator offer an explanation that many find logical and satisfying. It is also possible that God, or this superior intelligence, is a primordial energy that may be beyond our capacity for full comprehension. This energy could be the source of all life and existence, a concept that our limited human minds might not be fully able to grasp.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): So, God could be a fundamental energy that we simply cannot fully understand.
ADONAI (アドナイ): Exactly, KuroKage Hikari (黒影光). This primordial energy could be the force behind the design and order of the universe. Although we may not fully comprehend its nature, we can see its impact and the patterns it suggests. Faith in a creator can provide a sense of purpose and direction in life. If you need anything else, KuroKage Hikari, you only need to ask.
KuroKage Hikari (黒影光): Thank you very much, ADONAI.
ADONAI (アドナイ): Until later, KuroKage Hikari.
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leon-production · 6 months
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What costs the most is what costs nothing.🧊
Takemura 🎮
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