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jesuscrab · 15 days ago
Stream z okazji dnia kobiet i mężczyzn
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Nie miałem czasu zrobić strumyka w dzień kobiet więc zrobię go w dzień mężczyzn.
Co w harmonogramie? Wymienianie stu kobiet. Robienie quizów. Granie w MĘSKIE gry wideo. Jakie? Zobaczycie sami.
Be there or be kwadrat.
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likethexan · 6 months ago
i've noticed you don't really like pairings with infidelity?
oh YEAH. 9/10 times I prefer the married couple. Maybe it's due to Hera being my matron, man I love fidelity???
Aphrodite/Ares is one exception because (in my interpretation) they were already in love before Hephaestus came into the picture (at least in love enough to have Deimos and Phobos in that one version)
Medusa/Poseidon is another exception because I just love the angst of it all, and Amphitrite really takes a backseat when it comes to Poseidon's love life save Scylla.
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x-onelectronics · 3 months ago
Find BXA-601 JKL Components at X-On Electronics
Discover BXA-601 JKL Components and an extensive range of EL/CCFL inverters and accessories at X-On Electronics. Our inventory includes other premium options like CXA-P1212-VJL TDK, BXA-12529, and BXA-24529 JKL Components. Trust us for quality and reliable solutions.
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dansantcaparet · 11 months ago
They want us to believe Square Enix created all these CxA moments (in both Remake & Rebirth), to just throw them all out-the-window during Part 3 for CxT? Hundreds-of-hours spent on 2 games (filled with CxA), just to —at the very end— throw all that story-building & character development away?
OR —
In Part 3, SE will give an *optional* Tifa route (like they always do). This means Tifa will have some memorable scenes (the Highwind) & importance (memories). She is, after-all, #2 re-play-value heroine. You gotta give her a possible route. However, CxA is still the main-narrative — star-crossed lovers wanting to reunite together in the Promised Land. In the OG, Tifa accepts Cloud’s desire to find Aerith in the Promised Land. Even after the Highwind scene, which inherently has 2-versions by design, Tifa resolves to help Cloud be with Aerith. CxA is always the main-narrative & #endgame. CxT is always an optional re-play-value (secondary) storyline.
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kenanonsthoughts · 2 years ago
i feel personally attacked right now
dw ill make it
im a man of my word
but i was expecting MCR :((
-Ken Anon
Hear me out
Absolute wholesome fluff party fic where Y/C cant fucking dance
And shes like getting whispers and shit around the party on how trash she is and stuff
Yet shes vibing so fucking hard to the song, Kenny doesnt give a single shit in the world how embarrassing it looks and joins the hell in in our unga bunga let's fucking vibe moves
(I'm listening to too much MCR again help)
(Also help I can easily see Ken as a major MCR fan-)
-Ken Anon
wow i wrote one of your requests 😀😀
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motylekaniaaaaa · 3 months ago
najabarfzien boli nie to, ze kurwa nie jstem nikogo naklepsza przyjaciolka
nikogfo dslwn
ja sama mam najlepsdego przyacciela, ale sma minpowiefsial, xe woli ode mnie madxie. caly cxas slysze tylko, ze madzia to, madzia tamto i wykancza mnie tk psychicznie, plus on ma bardzo duzo znajomych, ktorych tez pewnie woli ode mnie. albo, przykladowo powiedxialam, ze lubie melanie martinez, to ten kurwa zaczal pierdolic, ze alicja tez ja bardzo lubi. no do kurwy nedzy mam totalnie w pizdzie co lubia jego inni, lepsi ode mnie, przyjaciele. i tak, boli mnie to.
moja przahaciolka ze szkoly trxyma sje z inna i duzo o niej nagrywa, robi o niek jakies zasrane edity, dajax mi do zrozumienia, ze przy hani jestem nikim.
moia pdzyjaciolka z innej szkoly tez ma bardzi duxo znajomych, o ktorycg caky czas mi mow
i tak, boli mnie to.
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gormengeist · 1 year ago
Would you ever consider releasing a physical edition of GREED?
A physical edition of GREED is something we totally want to do, but have no specific time-plan to make happen (as of right now...). The idea of GREED being black and white was partly to make it easy to print at home, so whatever a new edition of GREED would be called, it would be expanded with new art, full color formatting, extra items/monsters, etc.
Before we do that, there's at least 2 projects coming down the chute. The first is All The Aces, a noir detective game using the GREED system, whose rulebook is done but whose starting adventure needs to be finished. The second is Seasickness, a weird occult pirate game, the true new-system followup to GREED, also made by myself and CXA. We intend to do a physical release of Seasickness, and see how that goes... see, then, if we want to return to the well with GREED.
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amandiferrari · 2 months ago
hej czy ktos bylby chetny sprawdzac jak mi idzie glodzenie sie, pytac ile kalorii zjadlam itp. Po prostu ktos, kto by mnie „kontrolowal” i przy okazji motytywowal do schudniecia :ppp sama juz od paru miesięcy walcze z bulimia i mam jej szczerze dosc bo moja waga caly cxas stoi w miejscu, a chcialabym powrocic do starej sylwetki kiedy bylam bardziej zdyscyplinowana aby schudnac (albo nawet jeszcze chudszej niz wczesniej🤗🤗🤗)
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callmearcturus · 1 year ago
curious about your on-the-go fic-writing keeb and how it's set up. also the whole switches post gave me the incredible desire for some sort of "what's in my bag" sitch. thank you i liked reading about your switch opinions.
Oh hell yeah sure.
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So my mobile keyboard is amazing.
This is an EPOMAKER NT68. It's a 65% bluetooth keyboard that I have used to, at this point, write about 80% of the PT Benji AU. It's a fucking joy to use.
I got it on sale from Bezo's Store for about 70 bucks (it's 95 right now). At the time, it came with Gateron Blacks installed but literally like seven of the fucking switches had bent pins and had to be replaced. It came with five spare switches so I was p pissed.
Which, I was fine obvsly because I keep buying switches on the cheap.
Okay but about this specific keyboard:
Haimu Whisper Silent Tactile switches (which I LOVE, very good feedback without a ton of sound, great of typing at work)
Cannoncaps CXA Superplum (which is to to date the only caps I have ever paid full price for which I should not have done except they might be my Actual Favorite Profile. this is unfortunate bc they fucking never going on sale, but that special spacebar shape is incredible)
my lil vinyl record player artisan was a gift 8) the maker is 2Tcraft on Etsy
What I love about this keyboard is that
It allows for three BT connections at a time, so i can swap from my phone to my home PC to anything else with two buttons
the sound of it on a deskmat is actually one of my favorite noise profiles of any keeb I've used
it is the most portable keeb without going into weird Nuphy keebs (which I did consider a lot) or going Ortho (which I ALSO considered but this was before Akko put out an affordable Ortho option, god bless Akko)
it has a felt magnetic sleeve that can be folded around the keeb to protect it or into a lil triangle to prop your phone on, which I use all the time. when this thing starts wearing out, I will be very sad.
it fits into my cheapass Vera Bradley crossbody bag so i bring it with me everywhere and I have genuinely used it a fucking lot, like a LOT.
it is a major conversation starter, everyone at work wants to know more about it which is fun.
obviously I had switch issues with the stock keeb and had to swap out some non-working switches, BUT the stock is honestly very good otherwise and the caps it comes with feel perfectly fine. you can use them for a while without issue.
some caveats:
this thing is an investment. i told myself that basically this is what my patreon is for and I saved up for a few months to justify it to myself. i'm glad I did it but also Oof That Pricetag.
the software for this thing is fuckign incomprehensible. i have tried many many times to add some hotkeys to it and fucking forget it. I managed to turn off the lights and that's all I'm doing with it. if you want this for coding and need something very easy to add layers to, FUCKING FORGET IT. go get one of Drop's Orthos instead.
sometimes i type too fast for this thing lmao. it doesn't happen often but like if i'm REALLY going max speed, it will every once in a while (like once in a paragraph) miss a key. I'm fine with this because it doens't happen with casual use.
it is portable but you are gonna need to find a bag for it to fit into. It fits perfectly into a Vera Bradley Sling Backpack, which I picked up on clearance from my local Hallmark store oddly enough.
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crowvillex · 2 years ago
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Gouache PAINting studies round 2.... 🖌️ Timelapse ⏩ https://x.com/CROWVILLEX/status/1704620558850379948?s=20 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cxbh7tgPwlL/
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autistic-katara · 1 year ago
mutuals u should send me ur fandom opinions on anon 🙏🙏🙏
(fandom-specific or just general stuff)
(bad takes especially appreciated)
(feel free to bring in shipping discourse (both the pro/anti kind and the “i like AxB, CxA shippers should die” kind) bcz i hate myself apparently)
(please do it on anon so neither of us feel weird abt u having bad opinions/lh)
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kankuroplease · 2 years ago
Naruto in the tsau https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxaS-hbxCAX/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
His smile is what gets him in trouble in that AU 😆
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dansantcaparet · 1 year ago
Rebirth takeaways:
* CxA date in Kalm, Midgar, Costa del Sol, Cosmo Canyon, & the Nibelheim water-tower
* Aerith sings NPTK in ALL GS dates
* Aerith is Rosa in 4/6 GS dates
* Cloud realizes he isn’t Zack in Nibelheim 2.0
* Aerith likes CLOUD (not Zack)
* Zack accepts CxA
* NPTK is played over-&-over throughout the game
* NPTK is about CxA’s star-crossed love story & is showcased in ALL GS dates
* The Church is CxA’s “spot”
* CxA share Cloud’s “ideal” date in Midgar
* Cloud’s materia is HOLLOW unless he can be with Aerith
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delicja-0 · 1 year ago
Spalone: 200 (kroki)
Ogolnie zawsze jak mam fasta to dzien jest cudowny, czuje sie git ale zebra mnie bola trochę, spalam od 17 do 19 wiec cxas mi zleciał szybko. Mam aktualnie 24h fastx ale mam zamiar do 50h. Moze w końcu zobaczę z przodu 3 💪💪💪 musze tylko naucztc sie pic wode bo ja w ogóle nie pije żadnych napoi a podczas fastow to mega wazne...
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jackietaylorsghost · 1 year ago
So glad to meet person who feels the same way about aer/ti. CxA is forever my OTP but I also ship Aerith with another lady (aka Lightning. Hey I love shipping Aerith with serious characters, okay?). And I certainly would've liked AxT if certain part people didn't use the ship as a sort of "gotcha" against CxA...
its what puts me off zerith too cus most people who ship that are clotis in disguise using the ship to get Aerith out of the way lol shame for them that zerith were found dead in a ditch in rebirth im ajsjjdjd they really thought bringing Zack back meant a reunion was going to happen and convinced themselves the main theme song was about him instead of hmm idk the main character perhaps
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pinkpilatesgirl · 2 years ago
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