#cw mention of spiders
One of the wildest things about having ADHD is when you actually remember to take your meds, but OOPS! You just hyperfocused on the wrong thing for two hours when you needed/wanted to do something else. Because you were having a conversation with someone about a thing, or you had a tab open. Or you remembered a thing you had wanted to look up, that should have been a quick google search, but now you're waist deep in reading material about it...
Besties, I've been scrolling through various pictures and info about different kinds of spiders and moths for a solid two hours.
Because a daddy long legs decided to move into my room, and I was concerned about its well-being because I hadn't seen it move at all in a while. And looking into that made me go, "Hm... I like moths."
... Anyway, barring any other rabbit holes I might trip into, I'm hoping to write more today.
And I was right. It was a kind of sphinx moth.
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porcelaintoybox23 · 1 year
One of the darkest aspects of atsv is how Gwen was groomed. When Jess and Miguel took her in, I got "vibes," so to speak. The trailers obviously didn't help, but those painted Miguel in a bad light, unlike Jess.
Gwen, a 15-16 year old, goes with these two in the heat of a tense moment. I don't think anyone had ill intentions, but that doesn't negate the results.
I was shocked when we learned that Gwen hadn't gone home in months. Jess and Miguel become her whole world and take on the roles of her parental figures. In this time, she has become emotionally dependent on them and their approval. Gwen is scared to disappoint them. She's threatened with being returned to her dimension with no support, a place where last anyone saw, her father was trying to arrest her for murder.
Jess uses Gwen's admiration and dependence to manipulate her. She knows Gwen fears letting her down. She goes from being smiley and supportive to blunt and cold.
Gwen is scared. Whether they intended to or not, Miguel and Jess essentially groomed and emotionally abused her. The second she justifiably makes a mistake or just acts like a normal teen who lacks interpersonal relationships, they send her home.
At any point did they try to help Gwen reconcile with her dad? What did they tell her so she'd be fine with her father dying?
I know the dictionary definition is more of a nsfw nature, but I do believe it can occur in just a manipulative manner. They took in a vulnerable child, manipulated her, and threw her out.
Her whole arc reads like a kid disowned for coming out.
Note: I'm a black woman. It's not my job to make you guys feel comfortable with a clearly uncomfortable topic. Complain to the studio who wrote the film. I no longer argue with people who assume the worst of my posts or misinterpret what I painstakingly try to clarify. I don't care. It's my post, and I shall delete and block whoever I want. I'm not the government.
Like it or not, Jess and Miguel, grown adults, take a child with them. They are responsible for her. That is how that works. POC aren't free from criticism. POC can be evil to white women. This is a fictional movie, bitch to the studio who made them the obvious bad guys.
Thank you 😊
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spectra-bear · 1 year
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Behold! The spit!!!
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
I'm doing it! I'm writing a request! :D
(Ik you're suuuuppperrr busy I'm so sorry you can take as long as you want I'm in no rush you're so sweeet and literally a lifesaver cause every time I read your posts, I get infused with the energy of 2 million Suns)
So I was thinking about a oneshot where r is waiting for Hobie to come backstage after one of his performances and this know it all groupie type guy is like, really giving her a hard time and he won't listen to anything she says he just sucks or wtv. Then Hobie comes out like, total golden retriever all giddy and happy to see r and the other guy is just baffled. Dunno it's kinda silly and based off of a post I saw a while back presenting the idea of it.
Thank you for requesting! Sorry for the wait, I hope you still like it ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, cw food mentions, FLUFF
As the band closes their last song, the crowd cheers and hollers at them. Hobie, all pumped up and sweaty, bows to the audience. The colourful stage light illuminates his features well, lighting up all of his perfection; from how sweat clings to his cheeks, sliding down to his chiseled clavicle. His piercings shine brightly under the warm light, the cherry red guitar in his ringed hand acts as a beacon to the rowdy crowd. Yuri goads them on, arms riling up the crowd for an encore. Turning the clapping and screaming to thunderous applause and screeches.
You're situated along the side of the stage, and on the other side of the bannister where the crowd is currently starting the largest mosh pit you've ever seen. You crane your neck up to the stage, unintentionally meeting with Hobie's hazel eyes that were already turned towards you.
He confidently winks in your direction, a few people behind you screeches like a wild banshee. They don't know the wink was for you and for you only. You wink back, more bashful than the one he threw at you. It's your little signal, a signal that you and Hobie made when he's about to finish his set so you could wait for him backstage where he always runs towards you with his arms wide, grinning triumphantly and embracing you until you're breathless. You're familiar with his affectionate winks, but that doesn't mean you're used to them. He always catches you off guard with them, loving the way your eyes widen with your hand flying to your chest as if he just jumpscared you. Truthfully, you wouldn't have it any other way.
“Fine,” Hobie reluctantly cuts off your little staring contest with the silent promise of being by your side the moment the band finishes this one song. His lips press on the mic, eyes roaming around the packed stadium. “you lot better be fuckin' ready.” An immediate wave of whistles and yells echo around.
With his guitar riff starting back again, lights turning red and acting as the band's spotlight, you walk towards the event bouncers. Once they see your v.i.p ID they let you through the doors and into backstage.
Passing by the snack table placed by the event organizers, you stumble back to it. You then take an armful of water bottles for the entire band, and then you take a single black and white cookie just for Yuri and her sweet tooth.
Arms full, you wait by the side with the perfect view of the band playing with their whole heart. Hobie jumps on an amplifier and backflips off it. Your heart almost fell into your stomach when you thought he couldn't land on his feet. But of course he did, Hobie practically backflips off the bed every morning (not really he’s a grumpy riser) so it's only natural that he lands on his feet like an experienced gymnast.
Yuri and the others jam together in harmony, Ned belts out while James looks like he wants to crowd surf from the look in his eye. You hope he doesn't, not after what happened last time.
“Cool t-shirt.” A voice suddenly says next to you.
“Thanks.” You glance at the tall stranger while you adjust your hold on the water bottles and cookie.
“It's vintage isn't it? I know from the crude design.” You furrow your brows at the comment, especially that you and the entire band stayed up late to finish an entire sack full of the handmade shirts. “It's from their first album, right?” The man raises a brow, like he's questioning your knowledge.
You flick your eyes down to his own shirt, it's a recent one, definitely better than what you have on but it doesn't share the same amount of sentimentality. “Yeah, I know, I was there.”
“Right.” He scoffs, you take a step away from him, turning your attention back to Hobie, who's still not done with the last song. “Of course you were there.” Your jaw tightens, annoyed at best but you're not willing to leave backstage just because of him. “If you were there, you'd know that the shirt was technically designed for their second album. Not the first.”
You turn your head sharply, “you're right, it was.” Smiling, your eyes tell otherwise. “But it was made for the first album because the band couldn't be arsed to make another design for the second one so the second release of the shirts were in a bigger quantity. Hence the misunderstanding that it was for the second album instead.” You finish off your sentence with a smirk.
“Yeah, sure, lady.” He scoffs, unconvinced. “You probably can't name a single song from that album.” He makes another annoying entitled scoff “As if you were actually there—”
“There's our girl!” Yuri appears behind you while you basically throw daggers at the man with your stare. She clasps your shoulder, nudging you happily. “Ooh, cookie! Thanks, babe!” Yanking the snack from your hand, pecking your cheek, she spares the fan a glance then quickly makes her way to the green room to rest before the meet and greet.
“Where's our cookie?” James pouts, feigning a frown.
“I've got some water for you, Jamesy.” You almost forget about the fan gawking and aweing next to you.
“It's not the same though!” And yet, James still takes the bottle from your hand, patting your shoulder as thanks.
Ned clicks his tongue and shakes his head, following James, he takes his share, walking backwards and still teasing you with a disapproving face. “The sheer favoritism!” To add to his so-called discontent, he slams the doors of the greenroom. You're sure that you even heard a muffled, “give me that fucking cookie!” from him.
Before you come looking for your favourite guitarist, Hobie appears from behind you, arms snaking along your middle to wrap you in his anticipated hug. “How's our number one fan?” You lean back, smiling up at him, not minding how his sweat now sticks to your back. You meet with his eyes as he pecks your temple with a resounding smack of his lips. You can see the adrenaline waning off him in waves as he carefully puts more of his weight on you without making you fall from the increased weight. You find yourself giggling more and more, already forgetting about the intrusion.
“I'm good. Hi.” He expects that reply from you, not from the man across from you. “I'm your biggest fan, Hobie!” Holding up a trembling hand to shake Hobie's hand, you seethe in place.
“Thanks, mate.” Hobie, being polite, shakes his hand. “But if you were the biggest fan, you'd know that this shirt…” he pats your stomach, hand lingering there. “was lovingly made by my girl for the first album.”
He's had his fair share of people like him, he takes their words in stride, but the moment someone does it to you, he'll be sure to fight back. He's convinced that if you weren't interrupted you'd be wiping the floor with the rude fan’s face by proving him wrong. Or literally wiping his face down on the ground if need be.
You grin wider as you see colour drain from the fan's face. “I ordered shawarma for everyone.” You provide the biggest slap to the rude fan by ignoring him. “I hid the biggest portion for you.”
Hobie chuckles into your shoulder before taking your hand and leading you away without another word to the strange fan. “And everyone says Yuri's your favourite.”
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Fun fact, one of my hardcore boundaries with my deities is not to send me spiders. I'm terrified of them. My brain perceives a spider in the vicinity as a threat to my life, fight or flight kicks in, I will probably cry, the whole nine yards. I don't care how associated they are with spiders, I feel unsafe around spiders.
I saw that Loki, at least to enough people to worry me, is associated with spiders. IMMEDIATELY I was on guard. Loki was very insistent that he would NEVER, the goal is never to make me feel unsafe.
Cue two nights after Loki's first appearance to me, I have a dream in which the main "plot" is a spider. It was barely even a nightmare, I wasn't SCARED it was just a pain in the ass. I remember this dream halfway through the day, start laughing because Loki found a loophole, and get a very distinct "see? Your fears can't hurt you. They can even be funny."
I can't even be mad, because that was smart. And yes, very funny.
Cut to last night; my dream is general messy weird dream shit, but what sticks out is a spider that's completely irrelevant. out of place. On a segment of "wall" that shouldn't even be there, in the middle of a big room, and it interrupts the "scene" completely. Instead of freaking out I grab the arm of my friend and say "spider," and just move us away and leave it be. Progress. Not a real spider, I'd still cry if a real one was involved, but undeniable progress in my subconscious.
Loki is very pleased with himself. I am entertained.
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comic-art-showcase · 8 months
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Spider-Man by John Amor
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mamaspidershit · 16 days
[Maria drunkenly wanders around the house and Clint is drunkenly giggling] Natasha, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the world, Peter. Peter, going to his room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
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all-0f-the-above · 8 days
the superhero's parallel to the hero's journey is one of an almost unbreakable curse: someone is harmed or killed while you are unable to stop it. you spend the next part of your life learning how to stop exactly that, promising yourself it won't happen again. you think to yourself, "if only I had been more prepared the first time, then I could have stopped it."
except defusing bombs isn't the issue. the person planting them is.
betrayal can't be anticipated: that's what makes it a betrayal.
and it's impossible to predict every single time someone will need life saving medical care.
still, you fantasize, "if I had the knowledge I have now, things would be different." and you save others from the same situation. time and time again. but still you ache. you didn't do it all those years ago. it haunts your every triumph.
it's not until you look in from the outside. the exact same thing happens to someone else this time, and you weren't able to stop it.
as you're beating yourself up for it and desperately trying to control the damage that's been done, you see someone sitting off to the side. they are alone and wrapped in a blanket. when you talk to them, you are shocked to hear that they blame themselves.
"What?!" you exclaim, "it wasn't your responsibility to stop this- you couldn't have known! it's on the shoulders of the perpetrators and people like me, who couldn't make it in time."
they are inconsolable. "from now on," they say, "I won't be so naive, and I will do everything I can to stop this from happening again."
you know when a battle is lost, so all you can do is nod and step away. back to your own business.
but it makes you terribly sad for someone to lose their innocence in such a way. to blame themselves for the consequences of someone else's evil. to never again see the world as a hopeful place: just a mosaic of fulfilled and missed opportunities.
and your story, the hero's story, will be tragic as long as you continue without looking inward.
it is only by considering your own beliefs that you are free of the vicious cycle:
sometimes, there is no happy ending, no clever way out. sometimes, awful things happen and there is nothing we can do about it. all we can do is pick ourselves off the ground, movement by excruciating movement, and hold our heads high. we continue. because it is worth it. not because you can "fix" things now. not because you will do things "right" this time. but because you deserve a good life. a life after the bad things. a joyful life.
this is when when you, the hero, finally realize that you're living a triumph. that even after something tragic happens, your life is not a tragedy.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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off to behead some fascists!! wanna come with?
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owostrich · 3 months
recently watched this video [content warning for the vid: spiders (it's not a required watch for this post dontworry)] about color and how jumping spiders perceive color different from us humans and. of course my autism brain immediately started making connections to ISAT cuz like!! ISAT doesn't have color it was wished away!! but this brings up the question of like, how the color went away. did humans and only humans simply forget how to see color? did all animals forget how to see color?? did the world forget how to display it??? it brings up interesting questions about evolution in ISAT imo! like. a lot of small animals IRL use bright colors like red in order to tell predators they're toxic/poisonous, or to confuse them (because according to the aforementioned video the color red can confuse some species of jumping spiders by creating a depth illusion essentially), or for mating purposes. but if all animals forgot how to see color, or the world forgot how to display it, that would no longer be an evolutionary advantage, they'd just be like another shade of grey. so maybe some animals would instead evolve to display bright white, or evolve to simply be darker shades to hide, because color is no longer a factor. so maybe in certain fics/aus/whatever where siffrin breaking the universe Brings Back Colors, they'd find that a lot of species actually evolved to be black and/or white and/or grey due to the wish that removed color from the equation, depending on how far back the wish occurred (i think it was a long time ago cuz iirc ingame it's said the idea of color was only recently rediscovered?). or maybe the color would come back in ways different from our universe, like maybe tomatoes would turn fckn purple or something instead of red idk.
anyways sorry i just needed to get The Autism out of my system for a bit i'm done now /lh
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demonboyhalo · 9 months
if you missed the OG post talking abt the sol de janeiro cream that (ALLEGEDLY) gets spiders turnt (its the Mazda 6 of creams) here's all the context u need for this poll:
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #140
FRIDAY has news alerts set up for Spider-Man. This doesn't change during the blip, even though the kid is gone
One day, there's breaking news that Spider-Man is standing on the roof of some extremely tall building. This is during the blip, and no one has seen him in years.
No one has seen Iron Man either, which is why it's so crazy that he's suddenly shooting through the sky
When Tony arrives, he discovers that in fact his kid has NOT spontaneously un-dusted. It's actually just a civilian dressed as Spider-Man. It becomes clear the person was planning to commit suicide. The costume was for courage.
Even with his heart breaking from the false alarm, Tony talks the person down. He says that Spider-Man, too, lost almost his entire family. That he was still the best person Tony knew. At some point, when the person mentions losing a child in the blip, Tony says he understands how they feel.
Once the person has agreed not to jump and calmed down, they realize how unusual the situation is, remembering suddenly that Tony Stark hasn't been seen in public since the snap. They ask Tony, mostly just wondering out loud: why now?
Tony's eyes go to the suit for just long enough for the person to realize. They recall what he'd said about losing a child, and they realize with horror the emotional hell they just unleashed on Iron Man
When they start to stumble out an apology, though, Tony waves them off. He says that Spider-Man would love the idea that he was still helping people, even without being there. And he would love that in some way he'd gotten Tony back out there and helping people too.
Before they part ways, Tony asks the person to consider the suit a symbol of the courage to keep going, not to give up
The person responds, "you too."
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
hey i was wondering if you could write a fic about the reader teaching Hobie how to roller skate?? It’s so oddly specific but i can imagine him just struggling with it and it’s funny to me. Plus my dream date is to teach someone how to roller skate 😭. Thank you so much. Also please remember to take breaks and rest. I lysm and appreciate all the effort you put into ever story ❤️
What a cute prompt! Thank you for requesting!! And I will!! You're too sweet ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.2 k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (except for a mention of Hobie being tall and brief mention of clothes), cw food mention, set in Hobie's 70s dimension, FLUFF
Being a part of the spider society has numerous Perks— Free therapy if you're willing to wait months for a single appointment. The cafeteria providing three meals a day to starving spider people from all walks of life, (and dimensions) not to mention the unmatched camaraderie with your fellow spiders. That alone makes all the jet lag from traveling through dozens of multiverses, and all the aches and pains that comes with being bitten by a radioactive spider. But, there is one thing that trumps all of those perks, and that's hopping to your partner's dimension for a not-so-quick date at the roller rink.
Hobie didn't take much convincing, especially after showing him your timeline appropriate outfit to him. His dimension is practically stuck in the 70s, filled with groovy psychedelic colours from the top to bottom. And of course there's the leather jackets that you've grown accustomed to just by being with Hobie. Hell, you especially love those leather pieces like the one you're wearing now. You went all out with your outfit, researching the trends back then with a splash of punk looks that had Hobie almost melting the second you stepped out of the portal. You fit in, to say the least. But after all the research and countless hours in the library just scouring for history books and life in the 70s, they don't compare actually being there and seeing it with your own eyes.
A glorious disco ball hangs in the ceiling, twinkling lights dancing around the funky, swirly and fluffy walls of the roller rink. Everywhere you look there's a burst of colours, and there's no lack of laughter ringing above iconic disco music you've heard before.
Smiling, you sit on a bench, eyes turned upwards at the sparkling lights twirling around the whole place. Hobie kneels before you, insisting to tie your rollerblades for you, citing that if it's not done well you could fall over and smash your face on the polished granite. You of course don't refuse, loving how much he dotes on you when there's no mission to rush to or a certain Spiderman breathing down his neck.
Patting your foot, Hobie calls your name above the blaring music. “How's the weather up there, lovie?”
You tilt your head, chin tucked on your clavicle, admiring how handsome he looks under disco lights with his piercings and eyes shining. “How long have you been waiting to say that to someone, huh, tall guy?”
He takes your unlaced rollerblade, pushing it in your socked foot and then propping it up on his knee. He's smiling all through it, happy to indulge you even for a quick moment without anyone to kick or web up. “Believe it or not, I've said it a few times.”
You fake a gasp, and he chuckles at your antics while he ties a ribbon. “Someone is taller than you?! I thought that was impossible!”
“You're impossible.” Hobie's hand remains on your ankle, hand rising up to cup your knee, thumb drawing circles around your tights. Leaning up, he holds your hip with his free hand, pushing you down gently to meet him halfway; which you gladly let him guide you.
Beaming, you peck his nose and the space between his brows. Earning a soft chuckle from him. “Says the one kneeling before me.”
“Which makes my comment correct.” He follows suit, kissing where your Cupid's bow lies before standing up shakily on his rollerblades. (That he hides with his nonchalance.) “C’mon, let's get this over with before I change my mind.”
Taking his helping hand, you pull yourself up, effortlessly standing on the wheels. “It's not too bad, I promise. Even little kids get it right after a few tries.”
He raises a pierced brow. “Those little kids aren't as tall as me and don't have a reputation to keep.”
You poke his side, “I've seen you backflip off of Rhino's head. Roller skates are nothing compared to that. Besides, no one you know is here to see you fall flat on your ass.”
“You won't film it like last time we went ice skatin’?” He can't help but ogle you under the light and amidst the bright colours.
Leading him towards the rink, you hold his hand, slowly inching your way inside. “I promise I won't take videos this time.” He huffs in reply as you guide him to the shiny floors. “It was for personal use anyway.” You mumble to yourself.
Hobie immediately holds onto the railings next to him the second his feet leaves the carpeted floors and onto granite. His knees are bent and shaking while he tries to keep his balance on the wheels. “Love, why'd you let go?!”
Giggling, you reach for him with open arms, rolling towards him. “I didn't! You did!”
Panic spreads through him unlike all the times he has fought countless villains as his rollerblades smack loudly on the floors as his feet skidaddles in place, struggling to even stand up. After reaching for you, your six foot three baby holds onto you like a life raft. Long arms grasping with none of the cool nonchalance he usually exhibits.
“Do you want me to get a training cart for you—?”
“No, I've got this.” Hobie straightens up, hand holding on to your jean pocket as if he wasn't whining a few seconds ago.
“Oh okay—”
“Don't let me go this time.”
“I won't, Hobs. Maybe try moving your legs?” Smiling, you roll around the rink as he uses you as his personal guide while he barely moves his stiff legs.
His eyes roam around the rink where people of all ages whizz past him without a care. He looks over to you with a new found determination. If those children who are barely five years old can skate like they own the place, he too can do it. “What do I do now?”
You don't laugh or giggle at him, instead, you help and support him throughout the lesson like you promised him when you suggested the date. Hobie picked up on the skill real quick, quicker than he did for ice skating. Maybe the music helped him, or maybe he really wanted to impress you this time instead of the ‘baby deer learning how to walk’ he exhibited earlier.
After a while he's already skating around you. A bit wobbly but his form makes up for it. Hobie thanks his spider senses and balance for not stumbling and crashing into another person.
You're all tired out after the exercise. Head placed on his shoulder, arms looped around his middle as he's the one guiding you this time while you two skate mindlessly on the shiny floors as the skating rink dies down for the night. He blows air in your ear, waking you up.
“Thank you.” Hobie affectionately pecks your brow, you hum in content. “You've got some patience in you, love.”
“Nope, you're just a fast learner. And you're welcome, thank you for indulging me.”
“You chose well.” His eyes smile, hand splayed over the small of your back. “Next time it's my turn to pick the place.”
“What do you have in mind?” Tilting away, your hand snakes up from his back to his nape, kneading softly.
“It's a secret, innit. For now,” he skids to a stop, hand still holding on to you. “you need to see some food that your dimension hasn't seen in decades.”
Your eyes widens, gasping. “So much food that shouldn't be in jell-o.” You're already unlacing your rollerblades.
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year
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Spider-Verse by Francesco Tomaselli
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vaniloqu3nce · 2 years
Headcanon: Enid doesn’t believe in killing criminals so Spider-Wolf is always saving criminals from Black-Cat, and it pisses Wednesday off. She’s tried to kill Spider-Wolf multiple times for interfering.
Bonus: A fight scene between Spider-Wolf and Wednesday with too much tension. Enid would never hurt Wednesday so she holds back and that pisses Wednesday off more. Wednesday doesn’t understand why Spider-Wolf constantly wants to assist her but takes it as a personal challenge to handle everything by herself. When it ends, Wednesday has a silver knife at Spider-Wolf’s neck and Spider-Wolf just stands there with her hands up. She says some goofy one liner and Wednesday is so done and is like “You are a moron.” Enid is smiling so brightly under the mask and the criminals they’re supposed to be turning in are like “Um are you two going to keep flirting or...” Wednesday promptly knocks them out ofc without killing them...begrudgingly.
Spider-Wolf always tries to get Black-Cat to high five her when they’ve turned criminals into the authorities.
“We did it!”
“There is no we.”
“We make such a good team.”
“There is no we and there is no team.”
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Dragon Age Official Cookbook Update
So the roll out is a little all over the place, but we got an updated cover: Left is the updated and right is the old cover.
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[Source - Simon and Schuster] [Source - Insight Editions]
There are also six sample recipes on Amazon, at least for America.
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