#cw lolita
maketeaa · 1 month
i've read lolita at age 14, at age 17, and am reading it again at 20, and it is so harrowing in such different ways at each age. because while i could look at it at fourteen and think 'wow this is fucked up' and look at it at 17 and think 'wow this is more fucked up than i remembered' at 20 i just want to cry and cry and cry and cry and cry
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nuzzle · 3 months
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zkyeline · 1 year
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spin it 'til you whip it into a cream baby 🥳
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txttletale · 2 years
[pouring myself a drink from a fancy pitcher] so like it’s simplifying to the point of uselessness to say ‘reading comprehension’ is why people say shit like ‘lolita is problematic!’ because clearly the salient points to consider what aren’t they comprehending and why? and i think it probably lies in an unwillingness to approach critically the cultural understanding of ‘the child predator’ as someone that exists wholly outside society, someone who is an obviously deviant Other that enters from the fringes in order to commit terrible crimes--and so when nabokov puts those crimes into the person of a well-spoken, well-read, ‘respectable’ family man, they respond by saying ’well, this must be a favorable portrayal of child abuse, putting its justifications in the mouth of someone so authoritative and respectable is obviously apologetics’--because they’re unable or unwilling to critically confront the actual idea presented here, that ‘the child predator’ exists within society and is in fact often enabled and abetted by society.
humbert anchoring his attraction to children in the mythology and literature of the Western Canon says, ‘this is embedded in our culture, these are not the acts of an Otherized interloper’--but if you cannot put yourself at a critical distance and dispel the myth of that interloper of course you will read that and say ‘well since all these things are self-evidently good and cannot be the sites of violence, tying humbert to them is nabokov inviting this deviant external evil into the fold of what’s good and accepted’. when of course the call has been coming from inside the house! the entire time!
[i take a sip of my drink--fruity, airy, with hints of earth] so yeah ig to talk seriously about the dynamics of abuse we need to divorce ourselves entirely from the discursive fiction of the ‘child abuser’ as a marginal figure so that we can honestly assess how abuse can be reproduced in the key pillars of our culture and society. but that’s hard so let’s all keep arguing about a vague notion of ‘reading comprehension’ until the earth explodes amen brother [i pour you a drikn from my pitcher and it’s just room temperature coca cola]
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togamicchi · 3 months
err are millitary lolita pixels possible...,, i love mililoli
I HOPE THESE ARE OKAY :3 cw for guns
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fangzgore · 11 months
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kiochisato · 17 days
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𐙚 ⵧ Robin graphics ☆ ⵧ rq by @mischiefesse ! no f / o unl me plz ♡ rb & cr to use ...⠀click me !
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hentaigutz · 7 months
Aye, I'm new to the guro/gore scene and want to know your opinion on food cannibalism? Like when they turn the body into food? I love that shyt.
i say yummy (* ´ ﹃`*)
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mitchelf-citadel · 8 months
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Sea Maid
A generational curse is an empty threat if you plan to die alone, with the sounds of the sea in your ears.
Original - Heavily inspired by Bloodborne and various Junji Ito manga, zoom in for some extra details!
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pokemonlolitaproject · 2 months
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Our next coord is inspired by Pokemon #127 Pinsir
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nuzzle · 3 months
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bunnyfeffy · 1 month
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-Me and My Daddy
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He is mine to spoil me, and I am his to be ruined
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Pr*shippers really be like 'Purity Culture is so funny,like just look at all these medias with canon problematic ships!!!' and then the examples they use are like.Lolita(Humbert is an unreliable narrator who's so self-obsessed he victim blames his own stepdaughter who's life he ruined because she was 'irresisteble' and Dolores is played as an extremely tragic victim).Flowers in the Attic(a horror story where the Dollanganger family's incest is potrayed as what traumatized all of them and unwanted).Labyrinth(Jareth is the villain and Sarah never shows any signs of liking him back).Hades and Persephone(the beginner myth was Hymn to Demeter,which is about how women in ancient greece had no power to protect their daughters from older men and how it's bad and Persephone is miserable the whole time,including struggling against Hades' kidnapping and descriptions of her being a little girl).Batman and Robin(there is no evidence from og comics writers that they intended it the dynamic/archetype/trope as a pedestary metaphor and fan spectulation dosen't count because they're not the ones actually writing comics and Devin Grayson has apologized for her misenterpretations and said she wished she'd never written them and that it was fucked up on her part to).Game of Thrones is a popular one too but George R.R Martin is a raging racist and misogynist who employs propaganda and caricatures all over his books and with other badly written and especially positively potrayed examples,this is almost always the same case!!!!Historically and to this day the elements in 'dark romance' are used as punishments for poc and women and woc most of all,including trans ones and just trans people in general and disabled people and every minority fullstop!!!They are objectively not morally neutral and you have to be a really cruel and self-righteous perdon to ignore that!Fandom history dosen't erase real history.Fiction is not reality but pr*shippers care more about fictional people than real people and that's why they're bad.You're the bad guys in stories too for a reason and your lack of media comprehension is not the fault of your sociatel structurer 'lessers'
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fangzgore · 5 months
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mymlody · 1 year
for any egl community members and lolita fashion wearers, just letting you know that tumblr user meowshmelo / faintingangels is a radfem/TERF who has sent gore and transphobic rhetoric to transfem lolitas and brags about it
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i would recommend just blocking and not interacting whatsoever because any sort of conversation with them will probably just enable their innate Radfem Persecution Complex 
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heckyeahponyscans · 1 year
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With the Tokitae aka Lolita in the news so much, I'd like to take a minute to remember a different orca: Hugo.
He was caught in Puget Sound, Washington, and sold to Miami Seaquarium. As small as Tokitae's tank is now, Hugo was initially in an even smaller one. After Tokitae was sold to Seaquarium both orcas were moved to a slightly larger tank, the one Tokitae swims in today. Upon purchasing her, Miami Seaquarium changed Tokitae's name to Lolita, after the heroine in the famous novel. You know--the novel where the middle-aged narrator lusts after a twelve year old. Because Tokitae was so much smaller / younger than Hugo and the theme park wanted them to mate--get it?? Yikes.
Anyway. Hugo repeatedly banged his head against the side of his tank. At one point he cracked the viewing wall and nearly severed his rostrum (the tip of his nose), which had to be surgically reattached. In 1980 he died of a brain aneurysm. The image above shows his lifeless body being lifted out of his tank. Miami Seaquarium dumped him at the city landfill.
You won't find any memorials to Hugo at the Seaquarium; they would prefer that you forget him. But I haven't forgotten you, Hugo. Unhappy soul trying to reach the sea.
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