#cuz this series is kinda special to me
thatrobotkid · 11 months
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On this day, 20 years ago, the RJ episodes, “House Party” and “School Newspaper”, premiered at 11:00pm on the 5th night of the new “Fridays”
Fun Facts:
The newspaper in the title for “School Newspaper” has a headline of a robot invading a school, and said robot is RJ. This is a reference to how creator, Greg Miller, jokingly said that the show would end with RJ taking over “Terminator” style
In the scene in “School Newspaper” where Principal Madman is in the teachers lounge, Mr. Mitchell (Sickness) and Mrs. Kavendash (Scantron Love), make non-speaking cameos
When RJ breaks into the school at night in “School Newspaper”, he references “Dick Tracy”, a detective character from old 1930s comics. He even dawns a stereotypical detective get-up.
In “House Party”, RJ reveals his middle, and full, name. His middle being “Electro”, and his full name being “Robot Electro Jones”
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ellethespaceunicorn · 7 months
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest, Chapter Seven
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Chapter Seven: Marked By The Wolf
Rating: Mature, 18+, Minors – DNI
Pairing: Werewolf!Walter Marshall x Reader
Word Count: ~4.8K (ya waited extra-long; ya get an extra-long chapter)
Series Summary: You live in a small town called Claw Creek, surrounded by a deep, dark forest. Since you were a kid, an urban legend of the creature in the woods has been told. If the distant howls at night and mutilated livestock are anything to go by, you fear the stories to be true.
Chapter Summary: It’s the night of the full moon. The plan? Invite Sy over to the cabin to keep an eye on him in case he shifts. WCGW? 
Warnings: verbal fight, angst
A/N: Thank you for being patient with me, guys! And I see y’all reblogging the masterlist for the series. And I thank you so much for keeping this story alive! A special thank you to @peyton-warren for being my lovely beta and soundboard for this. Cuz ya girl was struggling with this chapter for many moons.
Dividers by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Over the next day or so, you get to know Jace. You’d learned his full first name, but “only ko’u makuahine calls me Jason”. Growing up in Hawaii shaped the man he is today, and he misses home a lot. But with Walter in his pack, and being Faye’s godfather, he’s made his own little family.
For a while, it seems like he may be flirting with you. But that quickly fades into something else. You’re only mildly upset when he refers to you as kaikuahine. Firstly, because you had no idea what it meant. Secondly, because when you found out it meant ‘sister’, you had to remind yourself that you have a perfectly great werewolf boyfriend of your own already.
‘Calm down, girl,’ you thought, thinking of your eager beaver.
Walter notices the way your demeanor changes and takes your hand, leading you upstairs. Your confusion only amuses Jace, who seems to know something you don’t. Once you make it into Walter’s bedroom, you are spun against the door. He attacks your neck, licking and nipping at the sensitive flesh until you tangle your fingers in his chestnut curls. Your mind reels, wondering what’s gotten into him.
And then it hits you.
Oh, this is too good. That’s twice tonight that he’s been struck with jealousy. Earlier with Sy’s thirst trap and now with your flirtatious nature. You are beyond flattered, but you refuse to let this man get too far gone. With your hand in his hair, you tighten your fingers and pry him from your neck.
Once his face is in front of yours, you notice his wild eyes where black replaces blue. He looks ready to eat you, and as much as you would like that, you decide to try and calm the beast within.
“Walter, baby? I need you to calm down for a sec,” you beg, both hands tangling in his hair to soothe his soul, “Come on back to me, baby.”
Blinking once, then twice, his eyes finally focus on you, and the trance is gone. His giant paws rush to your face and then to the tender skin of your neck where his teeth were grazing. He winces when you grimace at the feel of his thumb on your sore flesh.
“Pup, I am so sorry. I don’t know what got into me. I was−”
“Jealous?” you supply, already knowing what this was.
“I can’t help it. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. It’s jealousy, sure. But it feels deeper than that. I felt the need to mark you as mine. You’re sort of a natural flirt, you know that?” he probes, a soft smile on his face.
“Well, I mean, I can see that. I guess I’ve never really thought about it. No one has ever brought it up,” you explain, looking back on all the times that men thought you were flirting with them but were just being nice. 
“Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to make sure that Jace knew you were taken. He has an effect on women,” he expresses, “But it seems he only sees you as a sister, so I don’t have to worry about you two riding off into the sunset, now do I?” 
“Wow, that was kinda bitchy. But also, incredibly hot that you thought I could be influenced by another big pretty werewolf,” you tease, leaning up on your tippy toes to place a kiss on the end of his nose before pushing back from the door so you could open it and leave.
“You think he’s pretty?” Walter shouts after you.
You laugh, swiftly jogging down the stairs to find an equally amused Jace sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table, perfectly at home.
Trying to keep yourself from feeling embarrassed, you plop down next to him on the couch. While you are snuggling into his side, he chuckles and jokes that you should watch out for “the big, bad wolf”. Just as the words leave his mouth, Walter appears on the other side of you, having leapt over the couch. You’re officially squeezed in between the two large wolves, and you suddenly feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
Between the warmth radiating from both men, the way they commented on the Forged in Fire episode playing in the background, and the long day finally catching up with you, you had no choice but to fall asleep. You remember leaning your head against Jace’s beefy shoulder after he splayed both arms along the back of the couch. At some point during the night, you awake to find yourself sprawled across both of their laps. Your head is in Walter’s lap and your blanket-covered feet are shoved under Jace’s thigh.
The television screen asking if you’re still watching illuminates the faces of the snoring wolves at either side of you. Walter’s hand on your shoulder twitches as he feels you shifting. Shuffling your ankles, Jace sleepily readjusts to give you room before lowering his thigh back over your feet. All of this was done while they were asleep as if it was second nature to want to keep you safe and warm.
And you weren’t going to complain about being in a literal wolf pile. Instead, you snuggle into your blanket and let yourself drift off again.
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When you awaken, the mid-morning sun is flooding through the windows. You’re still on the couch, but no longer surrounded by your wolf-shaped furnaces. Getting up from the couch, you wrap the blanket around your shoulders and go in search of coffee. 
Shuffling into the kitchen, you brush past where Walter is plating some waffles. You make it to the coffee machine and pour yourself a cup, adding in your sugar and cream and stirring it until it hits that perfect shade. Taking that first sip is nirvana. As the temperature of the hot beverage slides down your throat, you are warmed from the inside out. Now, you can officially say you have woken up.
You turn around to lean against the counter and are surprised to see both wolves looking at you and smiling. “What?”
“Oh, nothing. Just we were trying to get your attention, but I see Walter was right about you loving java. You have your priorities straight, is all,” Jace winks at you before sipping his coffee.
Walter chuckles and shoves a plateful of waffles, bacon, and eggs to one of the empty seats and nods for you to eat. “Don’t worry, Pup. I think it’s cute that you need your morning fuel before intelligent social interaction.”
“Thanks, Wolfie,” you hum, leaning in to peck him on the cheek before sitting down to tuck into your plate.
“And the nicknames are elevating my sugar levels as we speak,” Jace teases, expertly catching the waffle that Walter throws his way.
“Look, Jace and I have an idea. We just need you to put the pieces in motion,” Walter begins, explaining the plan to you while you eat. You stayed mostly silent, letting him lay everything out.
Jace pops in here and there with a few tweaks when he sees you start to feel a bit overwhelmed, “If at any time you feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate. We’re there in case anything happens.”
“I guess I have a call to make. Oh, and do you fellas think you can go grocery shopping? I need a few things if I wanna make sure I have enough to feed all of you,” you lament, factoring in that Sy used to eat you out of house and home on multiple occasions. Might as well have too much than too little. You give Wolfie and Jace your shopping list and head upstairs to shower and make a very important phone call.
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Early evening rolls in and you are relishing the smell of your pot roast with vegetables simmering as it permeates the first floor of the house. Wolfie has been at your side for most of the afternoon and even now because you’ve been like a chicken with your head cut off, anxious nerves making you fuss over every little thing. 
And he couldn’t blame you for being on high alert. He did ask you to invite over your ex-fiancé during a full moon, under the guise of getting together for a football game, so that he and Jace could find out if Sy is a werewolf. ‘A simple plan,’ said no one in this situation.
Olivia was invited over to help you set up and possibly help you with cooking. But alas, fair Olivia has found her Prince Charming in Jace. And just as Walter said, he does have an effect on women. You have to stop and giggle to yourself as she throws her head back in laughter and touches his arm, her signature move. Great, those two can swoon each other all night while you try and keep the peace between a wolf and a hard place.
The roast was not going to cook any faster with you standing over the crock pot, so you step away from the kitchen and join the others as they sit in the living room. Jace and Liv sit on the couch as Walter sits in one of the loungers. Just as you sit down to rest your bones in the other chair, you notice the guys exchanging a look. 
You hear the rumble of Sy’s old pickup and your heart drops into your stomach. You shoot up from your seat and adjust your turtleneck dress that hugs your body like a glove before walking to the front door. You step outside as Sy is pulling into the driveway. Swallowing your apprehension, you walk across the lawn to meet him. 
Smiling as he exits his truck, Sy wraps you up in a bear hug. When he lifts you off the ground, you squeak, and he just laughs before putting you back down. You get a whiff of him, and you feel an instant urge to bury your nose in his neck, or his perfectly trimmed beard. Fighting that urge, you playfully swat at Sy’s meaty, flannel-clad bicep and try not to stare at his veiny forearms. 
The man always had great arms; you would have complimented him on them once upon a time. But that was a long time ago, and even though you wanted to devour him where he stood, you weren’t about to let him know that. His head was big enough without you adding your horniness to it.
He steps to the truck bed and reaches a hand in to pick up a case of your favorite beer. He seems pretty pleased with himself and not at all nervous about meeting your new boyfriend. You should’ve known better than to think he would miss the opportunity to annoy your current beau.
You lead him inside where he immediately sniffs the air and exclaims, “Oh, my God! Please tell me that is your pot roast.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks and nervously reply, “Um, yeah. It’s probably just about done if you want some.”
“If I want some? Of course, it’s my favorite meal,” Sy earnestly comments, and you can’t help but bashfully thank him.
A throat is cleared, and Walter appears at your side, planting a nuzzling kiss on your neck as he snakes an arm around you, making you giggle. 
“Walter, this is Sy. Sy, this is Walter, my boyfriend,” you introduce them, smiling to yourself as they offer a hand for a handshake and exchange pleasantries.
“Pleasure ta meetcha, Walter.” “Likewise, Sy.” 
They were still shaking each other’s hands until you realized they were having a staring contest. 
“Seriously?!” you gripe, equally mad at both of them, “You’re both grown men, right?” You push through their still-joined hands and go into the kitchen.
Olivia rises from the couch and admonishes them as well, “Good going, guys,” as she follows you into the kitchen.
“What?” they say in unison, looking at the only other man in the room. Jace shakes his head, looking between the two of them and taking a pull off his beer.
Walter walks into the kitchen, already apologizing as he approaches where you are sitting at the table. He takes your hand in his and holds it against his chest. It’s less what he says, and more of how he says it. He sounds genuine and he means every word. You peck him on the cheek, forgiving him. Olivia makes sure to tease you about how cute you two are.
Sy saunters in once Walter exits, placing the case of beer on the kitchen counter before opening it, removing two bottles, and handing one to you. Clinking the neck of his bottle against yours, he uncaps his and takes and takes a long pull. Taking a long look at you, he leans back and surveys your level of anger, trying to assess exactly how mad you are.
“Walter seems nice,” he starts in that fatherly tone that always gets a smile out of you. 
You shake your head and laugh despite yourself wanting to be mad at him. “You know, he actually is very nice. Just give him a chance to surprise you before you hate his guts, ok? That’s all I ask.”
“Oh, is that all? Easy peasy lemon squeezy,” he grumbles, pouting for a second. “Look, I’ll be on my best behavior like Church on Sunday if I can get some of that pot roast.” He turns those blue topaz eyes on you, and you’re putty in his hands, suddenly wishing Liv wasn’t in the room to watch that little moment. 
You rise from your seat, dishing out some of the roast and potatoes and carrots onto a plate for Sy, and place it in front of him. You light up when he closes his eyes at the first bite. His groan of satisfaction is more than enough to signal that you did a great job. But the pat he gives your knee is so warm and so intimate that your muscles instantly react to his touch, wishing it lingered for a second more.
“Liv, can Sy and I have a second to talk?” you plead, hoping that she would give you some space.
“Sure. I’ll just go back to fawning over Jace. He’s so pretty I wanna cry,” she professes, patting your shoulder as she exits the kitchen.
Your eyes follow Olivia as she leaves, and then they snap back to where Sy is sitting smiling at you. And you know this particular smile well. 
“Sy, why are you smiling at me like that? You said you would be on your best behavior and that smile is not your best behavior,” you sigh, rolling your eyes, “I know that smile got me to do a lot of things back in the day.”
“A lot of fun things come to mind,” he murmurs, bringing his beer up to his lips to drain before rising to get another and lean on the counter, “But that is not why I’m here tonight. Don’t worry, I’m only here to make sure my favorite girl’s being taken care of. I will be a perfect gentleman, even to yer old man.”
Rising from your seat, you finally open your beer and stand next to him. Taking a sip, you bump his shoulder with yours. “One question I have for you. Why did you agree to come over? I mean, you could have hung up the phone or cursed me out when I asked you over to spend time with me. At my boyfriend’s cabin. In the woods. Just saying that now makes me wonder what was going through your head.”
“Not gonna lie, I loved seeing you the other day. Even though you weren’t exactly pleased to see me, you still told me to be careful out there in the woods. Look, I like having you in my life. If that means I have you as a friend, it’s much better than not having you at all,” he confesses, and your world shatters around you when you look up into his eyes and see his sincerity.
You open your mouth to speak but the words won’t take shape and you’re left looking for the answer in his face. The eyes you got lost in a million times before. The lips you kissed every chance you got. Standing this close, you can breathe each other’s breath. If you only stood on your tippy-toes and leaned in, you’d be right−
“Am I interrupting something?” Olivia’s voice snaps you back to reality and you put some space between you and Sy. She walks in between you two to grab another beer. She gives Sy a look before turning her attention to you, “Your boyfriend’s wondering where you are, bee-tee-dubs.” She throws out her arm, gesturing for you to lead the way back to the living room instead of finishing your conversation. You miss her giving Sy another pointed stare before following you out.
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The night goes on as planned, at first. You all watch a college football game, Walter’s alma mater vs their rivals, who just happen to be Sy’s alma mater. You and Sy met after college, and he mentioned having played lacrosse, but he’s never shown interest in football. Until tonight, of course.
It’s been a long time since you and Sy spent time together, but you know his temperament. And he’s off. He doesn’t look like himself either, as if he’s covering up something. With the way that Walter and Jace keep sharing looks, you see he is on their radar as well.
Olivia and Jace occupy the two loungers, so you are sitting in between Walter and Sy on the couch. How lucky! You’re in the perfect spot to listen to Sy rooting loudly for his team and making snide comments all because he doesn’t wanna sit next to you and your new boyfriend. 
Walter, on the other hand, is quiet for the most part but trembling with anger. He’s letting Sy get to him, and you can’t stand it anymore. You’re suddenly jealous of Olivia who fell asleep halfway into the game.
You unwrap yourself from around Walter and turn to Sy. “Kitchen. Now.”
He doesn’t answer and mutely follows you, taken aback when you turn on him once you’re both in the kitchen.
“What the hell are you doing? You are being such an ass. I’m trying to hold out an olive branch, but you are not meeting me in the middle, Sy,” you snap, feeling like you could spit fire.
“And why did you even invite me? To parade your new man all over me? I thought maybe we could try and be friends, but now I see all you wanna do is remind me that I wasn’t good enough for you,” Sy erupts, his voice booming and full of rage. 
“That’s not fair,” you gasp.
“All’s fair in love, Bug,” he cautions, sweat starting to drip down his forehead, “Look, I’m gonna go before either of us says something we’ll regret.” He turns and storms out of the kitchen before you can step any closer to him, but you are on his tail when he steps out of the front door.
You reach him, putting your hand on his shoulder as you try to stop him. He turns back to you, his eyes closed in a pained expression. His skin is flushed as he rips open his flannel, making it easier for you to see his Adonis belt just above his jeans. The bite mark is nowhere to be seen, having already healed. When he starts to hyperventilate, you try to soothe him by calling his name. Fast as lightning, Walter appears between you and Sy.
“Sy, you have to try and stay calm. You aren’t making this easy on yourself. Let it happen,” Walter holds his hands out, showing he means no harm as he tries to step closer to Sy. Walter starts to shift after removing his sweater and jeans.
“Back off, man,” Sy warns, feeling like he could explode with the heat beneath his skin.
“You can do this, just open your eyes,” Walter replies, before his mouth becomes a snout and talking is impossible.
But when Sy finally opens his eyes, they start to glow. His neck twists at a freakish angle, the sounds of bones crunching has you terrified. Reddish-brown fur sprouts out of his skin as his hands stretch into clawed paws. His confused screams are horrifying. Jace’s booming voice is talking over his cries, talking him through the transformation. 
Doubling over, Sy grunts in agony as he falls on all fours. Letting out a howl, his jeans fall away as he transforms for the first time. You scream, taking a step back when he sniffs the air and he takes one step toward you. 
Sy paces back and forth in front of Walter, seeming to weigh his options. Walter’s wolf form stands an inch or two taller than Sy as he puts distance between you and the new wolf.
Just as the tension is insurmountable, a throat is cleared, and you all look to see Jace standing in the driveway. Nonchalant, but his eyes keenly take in the scene in front of him as he nods at Walter. Olivia is at Jace’s side, dumbfounded by what she is witnessing. When she notices that rumbling sound coming from Jace is him growling, she throws away fear in place of curiosity.
The two wolves are kicking dust up with their feet, squaring off until Jace steps a bit closer to back up his brother. Sy had a chance of maybe beating Walter. But a new wolf up against two bonded brother wolves? No way in hell. 
You step in between the three of them. Holding out your hands, you plead with them not to fight. Walter’s nose nudges at your legs and he huffs in Sy’s face. Walter shifts back, picking up his jeans to put back on, and crossing his arms across his massive chest.
Walter and Jace move closer to Sy as he snarls at them until he sees you, clinging to Olivia. Tears fall from your eyes and something inside of Sy breaks. Looking to you, he can see the fear on your face and you wonder if that is what causes him to want to shift back into human form. The two brothers talk Sy down, telling him how to return to human form.
Once his bones have settled and the whining howls stop, Sy is in the fetal position on the lawn. Shivering, sweaty, and scared. His clothes are ruined, but you think you remember seeing a blanket in the truck bed earlier. You ask Olivia to get the blanket while you caress Sy’s face. 
Once the blanket is around his middle, you accept help from Walter to lift him up. Sy uses his last ounce of energy to push Walter away. 
Coming back to himself, Sy refocuses his anger on Walter. “This has nothing to do with you. Gonna need you to step aside,” Sy fumes, cranky from the changes he doesn’t understand he’s going through.
“That’s just not gonna happen. Maybe if you weren’t trying to move in on what’s mine, I’d be sorry for what I’ve done,” Walter seethes, “After all, I’m the one that bit you.”
You and Sy are both in a state of shock but for different reasons. Sy just found out werewolves are real, and your boyfriend just referred to you as “what’s his'. 
“You did this to me?” Sy’s rage peaks.
“Hey, hey. Focus on my voice, come back. You don’t wanna do this,” you trail off as Sy calms down. 
His irises are back to their brilliant blue and you can see recognition in them. He looks tired, but he is no worse for wear.
“Can we get outta here? Go someplace we can just…talk?” Sy insists.
You think for a second about how pissed you are at Walter for being extremely callous about turning Sy, not to mention talking about you as if you were a piece of property to be owned. You turn to look back at Walter before answering Sy.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you affirm, putting one of Sy’s arms around your neck to help him walk back to his truck. 
You watch Jace stand in front of Walter to stop him from following after you. “Let her cool off, you did just kinda refer to her as ‘what’s mine’, and generally women don’t like that outside of the bedroom.”
Olivia steps over to Walter, putting a hand on his shoulder, her expression calm and collected. “He won’t hurt her. He cares too much about her to do that.”
You get into the driver’s seat after putting Sy in the passenger side, not allowing him to drive. You caution a glance at Walter, instantly regretting looking at his mournful face. Turning the car on, you back out of the driveway and drive out to Sy’s place. 
As you drive there from muscle memory, you look over at Sy now and then. The streetlights of the town dash across his solemn face and bare chest as he sleeps. You almost don’t want to wake him when you make it to his house, he looks so peaceful and not like his life has been turned upside-down. You wake him with the back of your hand smoothing down his face. He grabs it, lost for a moment before he sees your face and where he is.
You help him get inside and suddenly feel exhausted as well. You loiter in the living room while he grabs a glass of water from the kitchen. You didn’t really plan how you were going to get back to Walter’s cabin tonight. And if you’re honest with yourself, you don’t want to go back tonight.
Sy comes back out, gulping down water from his glass while holding the blanket low around his middle. 
“Is it okay if we wait to talk? I’m tired as hell. I’ll take the couch if that’s alright?” You ask, sitting down on the couch and starting to move the pillows.
“You’re not staying out here. You’re sleeping in the bedroom. I’ll take the couch. I’ll grab you something to sleep in,” he rattles on, moving to the bedroom as you stand from the couch and look at your feet.
Sy comes back out to the living room. He’s barefoot, shirtless, and in a pair of grey sweatpants. He just can’t help himself, you think.
“I left you a shirt and some shorts on the bed. Let me know if you need anything, alright?” he advises, using a hand on the small of your back to guide you to the bedroom.
You laugh when you see Sy left you his Mötley Crüe shirt. While putting on the shirt and the boxers, you look at the bed and you know that you don’t want to sleep alone. You don’t care that this will only further complicate your relationship, but you need to not be alone right now. Your bare feet pad across the wood floor as you go back out to the living room. 
Sy hears you and picks his head up to look at you. “You alright, Bug?”
“I don’t wanna sleep alone. I know that’s probably−”
Sy was already up and ushering you back into the bedroom before you could finish your sentence. You pull back the covers so you both can climb in. You enter first and then he slides under the blanket next to you. He lays on his back, you on your side facing away from him. You wiggle your body backward until you come into contact with his warmth. You reach back for his arm and pull it around you.
“Is this okay?” you hesitate, suddenly afraid that you’re asking too much.
“Yeah. S’ok,” he whispers, his breath fanning across your neck. If he notices the shiver that goes down your spine, you’re grateful that he doesn’t mention it.
“Good night, Sy,” you murmur, yawning at the end of your sentence.
“G’night, Bug,” he breathes.
As you drift off to sleep, you think how different you imagined this day ending. You didn’t expect to be in your ex’s arms tonight instead of Walter’s. But you did expect to be in a werewolf’s embrace. Sy’s breath evens out behind you, the rising and falling of his chest against your back is enough to lull you into a peaceful slumber.
To be continued...
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A/N: I would love to know what you think of this chapter!
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honey-crypt · 3 months
hi hello me again with request because my brain cannot stop thinking abt elliott stardew,,
so elliott discovering that his farmer was planting pomegranate trees just for him bc I've been doing that.. like, there's a special area for pomegranate trees. My man would die on the spot cuz i know i would if someone did that for me LMAO
a/n: another addition to the ferzia & bee elliottverse LMAO it’s kinda short but i think it works haha, enjoy!!! and follow my moot!!!!
word count: 1.1k
summary: it’s just another day on the farm, the fall season settling nicely in the valley, when elliott finds a surprise on the farm from his beloved (y/n).
★ orchard - elliott x farmer ★
The crisp fall breeze ruffled Elliott’s hair, as he stepped out to the porch of the farmhouse. He inhaled the fresh air and exhaled deeply, admiring the little farm before him. The chickens clucked and the cows mooed, the fragrance of sweet corn and sour grapes coated the air, this little farm was truly home for the writer.
Elliott plopped down on the porch’s rocking chair and whipped out his notebook, “Another beautiful day to work,” he hummed softly to himself, as his pencil made contact with the paper and began to write. Camelia Station, Elliott’s first novel, managed to garner a dedicated fan base and his publicist informed him that getting another romance book on the shelves would only make his image as a writer better. Elliott didn’t mind his image, but he cherished his fans just as much as writing. Thus, he spent the last season or so on the porch, brainstorming and planning the next novel.
However, today wasn’t the day to write, as Elliott stared down the words he wrote out, a series of incomprehensible gibberish masking as literary genius. He huffed and set his notebook aside, Don’t let this end you, Elliott reassured himself, It’s okay to have a block. It happens to the best, but he couldn’t shake off the frustration bubbling up to his throat. However, a small meow greeted him and Elliott visibly relaxed, as Lobbie the grey cat leapt onto his lap and made herself at home.
“Oh, sweet Lobbie,” the redhead whispered to the cat while stroking her back, “I think today will have to be a lazy day for you and me,” the cat purred happily and kneaded on his thigh, “It seems that you’re in agreement, as well,” Elliott continued to pet Lobbie, his eyes fluttering with exhaustion. It was only seven in the morning, he shouldn’t be tired already. Yet, the amount of all nighters he pulled, anxiously writing out idea after idea at his writing desk, was enough to make the most energetic of people tired.
The sound of a rickey wheelbarrow echoed from a distance, the volume increasing as it got closer and closer. Elliott cracked one eye open and noticed you, his spouse, wheeling a pile of dirt towards an unused section of the farm. You unceremoniously dumped the dirt on the ground and returned the wheelbarrow to the nearby shed before noticing your husband on the porch. A smile graced your lips and you waved at him, which he returned with a smile and a wave of his own. What a hard worker, the ginger watched you head off to a different section of the farm, I wish I had their work ethic, his smile morphed into a frown, Maybe then I would have a solid idea of what to write next.
Lobbie hopped off Elliott’s lap and trotted off, perhaps to catch a mouse or one of the chickens. Elliott took the opportunity to stand and stretch out his long, wiry arms. He looked around the farm for you, seeing if he could be of some use for you, but to his surprise, you were nowhere in sight. Elliott knitted his eyebrows together, I swore I just saw them. Did they head off to visit Pierre’s or Robin’s?
He walked down from the porch and onto the farmland, rich soil beneath his loafers. Elliott checked the barn, the coop, the cave, and the greenhouse, but there was no sign of you anywhere. The writer lowered his shoulders in defeat and turned on his heel to return to the farmhouse when he heard the sound of water being poured. Elliott followed the sound, past the greenhouse and into the woods, “(Y/N)?” he called out to you, “My love, are you there?” the ginger scanned the wooded area before his eyes fell upon a simply spectacular sight.
An orchard, it was an orchard covered in a pheltora of fruit trees. They weren’t just any fruit trees, though; no, they were pomegranate trees, the sweet plump fruit hanging from the branches. It had to have taken months for these trees to mature to such a size and to bear such gorgeous pomegranates- and there you were! You were watering the closest pomegranate tree with the burgundy watering can Elliott gifted to you on New Year’s Eve. Elliott watched in awe, as you set the watering can down and reached for the lone pomegranate on the tree. You tugged at the fruit until it broke free of its branch and examined it for any irregularities. Once satisfied, you gently placed it in your wicker basket and moved onto the next tree.
“(Y/N)?” the writer appeared behind you, nearly making you jump out of your skin, “Elliott!” a yelp escaped your throat, “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” you scolded your husband. Elliott gave you an apologetic smile, “My mistake,” he eyed the surrounding pomegranate trees, “What’s all this, my love?”
“Oh!” your face heated up, “Damnit, I was going to show you this in a few days as your birthday surprise,” you pinched your nose with a sigh, “I guess I wasn’t that sneaky, huh?”
“You were pretty sneaky,” he answered, “It must have taken months for you to grow all these trees.”
“I started working on the orchard when we got engaged last summer,” you confessed sheepishly, “I wanted to have a piece of you as part of the farmland,” a nervous smile formed on your face, “I know how much you love pomegranates so I thought Hey, why don’t I grow some pomegranate trees? and next thing I knew, I had twenty or so planted and bearing fruit.”
“You did this all for me?” the writer’s expression was a mixture of surprise, bewilderment, and joy. You nodded, “I thought it would be a good birthday surprise since the trees’ maturity and fruit bearing overlapped with your birthday.”
Elliott suddenly pulled you into a tight embrace, nearly knocking the wind out of you, as he held you as close as he could in his arms. You hugged him back and felt his body shaky, as Elliott began to sob quietly in your arms, “You did this for me, all for me? You truly are a gift from Yoba, my love. This is the greatest act of love I have ever received or bore witness to, I- Oh, (Y/N)-”, you rubbed his back while he blabbered on and on how honored and overjoyed by your dedication to the orchard.
To you, creating the orchard was simply a gift, something you wanted your husband to enjoy, but to Elliott? The orchard was a sign that you were his soulmate, that the bond and love between you two was enough to foster great trees upon trees of delicious pomegranates.
After all, the pomegranate symbolized a rich, fulfilled life.
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 3 months
Stiles Stilinski and how teen wolf fails his character and relationships
TW: mentions of charecters traumas, disibilitys not being taken seriously, toxic relationships, one sided attraction, and teen wolf hate cuz as much as I love some of the charecters… the show is kinda bad (it’s my special interest b4 I get hate)
I am just an autistic guy who’s been hyper fixated on stiles as a character for years. I am not telling you how to feel about the show or him, I’m just expressing how I feel through a long (and I mean it this is long so strap in… or don’t… I don’t control you) tumbler rant. I have not finished the show but I have done a lot of research (about episodes and seasons that I have not seen) but I’m just human. If I miss something or don’t get something right, you can just tell me!!
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Stiles stilinski as a character, while not a revolution to tv, was a pretty iconic character. A show about werewolves and the supernatural was absolutely side stepped by the human of the series. From the moment he’s on screen, he brings a fun vibe and some pretty funny jokes but you’re not here to listen to me glaze a white guy from an early 2000s show. Too much of that on here any way so let’s get to the real meat and potato’s!
Stiles was failed by teen wolf. They failed to give him relationships (and I mean platonic and romantic relationships) that were reciprocated. His relationship with Scott is ok at best. In the first season stiles goes out of his way for Scott to help him find out what’s wrong with him and it’s seemingly the only reason he’s there other then to get Scott to go in the woods and to show that Scott isn’t friendless and what does Scott do? Kinda just ignore him to hang out with a girl HE JUST MET. This isn’t a one time thing either. Stiles goes out of his way for Scott 99% of the time. He’s loyal and honestly a really good friend. Scott does not meet him there unfortunately. This is not to say that Scott never helps stiles out or never shows care for him, he just kinda always puts his issues first. I think a famous example is season 5 episode 9. NOW BEFORE YOU SCOTT SYMPATHIZERS BOO ME I WOULD LIKE TO EXPLAIN MY POINT. Now Scott and Stiles have both gone through some traumatizing shit that no one, especially high schoolers but I can only give so much leniency. Scott is supposed to be a leader/alpha and although he’s bound to make mistakes, a good leader listens. He never really listens to stiles in this argument. He got told one story from Theo and just runs with it. He has this problem either way black and white thinking when everyone in this series is a person (werewolf’s and other supernatural creatures included) and being a person comes with not being perfectly good. Scott has this awful superiority complex when it comes to doing what he thinks is morally right. Scott through out the series proves that he is not as loyal to stiles is to him.
I’d also like to go over his relationship with Lydia cuz good god man. I don’t hate Lydia. I think she’s a great character that if not written in the early 2000s could really have potential but they make her mean to stiles (as most charecters are) and show no interest in stiles even as a nuisance and expect me to care about them as a couple. Now you could say the same thing about sterek (stiles x Derek) and you might even be typing up a comment now. Let me stop you. I think there is a key diffrance. We are supposed to root for stiles and Lydia. We are supposed to want them together when Lydia in all honesty is not intrested in him. It’s not a mutual arguing or back and forth. Stiles is deeply in love with some one who ignored his existence. As a afab person I feel bad for Lydia a little. Having the attention of a man that you don’t like all that much while you have a partner (Jackson in season 1 which he’s not a good partner but she’s still with someone) should get on my nerves and also kinda make me nervous. This is not me saying stiles is a creep or anything it’s just me highlighting the relationship that they share is kinda one sided. Now this is just personal preference and you might really like that dynamic but I don’t really want to root for a couple where it’s just pretty girl is there and she has some nerd who wants to be with her and she eventually gets with him cuz yay straight people. I know they grow and eventually Lydia is in love with him but I just can’t get behind it. It’s just nothing. The fact the he (stiles) yells at her at the school dance (season 1 episode 11) to get her to dance with him after she rejected the offer twice is weird!!! The whole speech is nice guy behavior on stiles part and it makes him seem down right disrespectful. I don’t care for the whole “no means I’m playing hard to get” idea. It makes stiles look like a dick, puts Lydia in the position where if she doesn’t say yes the audience will hate her, and it doesn’t progress the relationship in a healthy way. I think they would be really cute friends and you can even keep the “stiles has a crush on her” narrative and just make it to where he comes to an understanding that she has said no and they become friends. God knows we are lacking good platonic male/female relationships in media.
Now onto stiles and his disability. When I was in first obsessing over stiles in middle school or high school I was ecstatic to learn that stiles had adhd. I have been diagnosed with adhd since I was in elementary school. I was always an outcast cuz of it so to see a character, a fan fav at that, I was so happy. Getting any disability rep (especially from the mid 2000s) is crazy rare so I was happy to see it. Unfortunately in an interview Dylan o’brian (stiles actor) said that it was a joke. That even tho that in the series stiles says that he takes Adderall (a drug that treats adhd) he’s just like that. This was incredibly heart breaking to hear. Jeff Davis (creator of teen wolf) said that stiles had adhd later on Twitter but this isn’t a real relief to hear cuz either they wrote a “joke” that stiles might have adhd therefore dangling rep infront of disabled people’s faces while also having plausible deniability about having any rep in the show at all OR they wrote it in and just kinda ditched it at one point. They use derogatory terms for adhd to describe stiles like spaz just for him to be a nerotypical charecter??? Yeahhhhhh not a huge fan. If they actually wrote him to have adhd (which btw in my experience is like one of the most “accepted” disibiltys to portray in media so it wouldn’t even be taking a huge risk to give stiles adhd) then that would explain his behaviors, why he takes Adderall, why people other him when he seemingly does everything right. It was only ever a joke to the writers and I think unfortunately the actors. It made it to where other fans of the show can shut down the idea that stiles has adhd cuz “they don’t ever directly say it. It’s frustrating and overall makes me so sad.
Next his trauma. They put this man through a lot and just gloss over it. They do this with most of the charecters. Huge traumatic incadent then boom Scott saves the day we’re all fine!!! (Can you tell who my least fav charecter is through this rant?) it’s just annoying. Stiles was litterly possessed leaving him a broken man but it’s kinda just… there? No real ptsd. Hell he doesn’t even really have to deal with anything. They briefly go over that his mom died and kinda just became a shell of a person and that made his dad an alcoholic. It just happens. None of that affects stiles outside of that story line. Was it too much to write ptsd? Idk it just seems that anytime they have to write a charecter that isn’t a ambiguously white or white nerotypical untraumatized “normal” person, they fall flat *cough* BOYD *cough cough* DANNY *cough* what was that? Who said that? Any way it’s just weird and upsetting.
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All of this to say…. I think teen wolf had so much potential and so many good ideas that just… didn’t make it. They failed stiles stilinski, not only that! They failed all of their character’s but I’m not crazy Coocoo about their character’s and it 1:38 in the morning so I’ll leave it with stiles. If you disagree with me that’s so fine, I’d love to have a conversation about your opinions! Just from my knowledge and experience, I feel like they could have done so much better for stiles
(Like make him a bisexual neurodivergent icon but whatever)
Have a lovely day! Thank you for listening. If you ever want to talk about teen wolf, my dms are always open and I’m crazy.
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shiny-jr · 6 months
pardon my late message i've been letting letting the current damnation chapters sink in the past couple of days after finally taking the quiz (im am still waiting with baited breath but like in a chill way for the rest) but HOLY. MOLY.
i did indeed notice that the MC's have different morality stances, and they match their crimes (granted im still trying to figure out which one did what. cuz rn i got stuck on iago coming fraud or tax evasion, even though theyre super down with murder, but like raven is WAY more down to murder somebody. im just nit paying enough attention to figure it out, really. im having too much fun vibin)
2 THE WAY THE CHARACTERS MAY NOT START OUT ENTIRELY YANDERE FOR THE MC AND INSTEAD DEVELOP THE OBSESSION FOR THEM LATER ON 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌😭😭😭😭😭 BRILLIANTBRILLIANTBRILLIANT. ok so i got heartslabyul on my first attempt so it wasnt as like "obvious" even though trey and cater are both instantly "shocked" i was like "that could just be bc our character is weird it doesnt necessarily mean they yandere switch has been flipped pshaw! 🤭" BUT THEN eventually i got to pomfiore and epel confirmed it when he was like "ive been imagining things i never did before!" and i was like "oh snap! WAIT is *THIS* part of the punishment? like not JUST being sent to another world that is based on a story, but specifically a YANDERE DEATH TRAP? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯"
cuz like, sure, the MC is doing what they can to survive but depending on which one theyre fine to just vibe and let the story take its course if theyve got a good chance to survive not doing anything special. but then the story always gets WEIRD, RIGHT?! stuff always goes wrong! was that part of the vision? or am i going conspiracy crazy?
anyway AMAZING WORK. also you really fed the vil simps on that one story. i thought i was over him and content to be like rook and admire from afar but that SCENE with his hands wrapped around the retainer 🥵 i darn near short-circuited. HOW DARE YOU! (please continue 😉)
its hard to choose a favorite story in this series and i dont want to speak too soon before theyre all out. but i do have favorite bits in each of them.
and i just love the endings to them all. i love the bittersweet nature of all the endings. like none, of them are really romantic in a comforting way (duh its a yandere story) but they do vary in romance level. like by far i think riddle's azul's and vil's are the most romantic while leona and jamil are quite cold and calculating or in jamil's case mostly possessive and manipulative on the surface. it's VERY interesting.
and also bc im silly and you brought up the yandere-ness of the other characters, i start to wonder what happens next in these stories (im not asking for sequels. oh heavens no! never! unless you wanted to, but im mostly just brainstorming character relationships and potential conflicts). like in the savannaclaw story, ruggie and jack are also glued to the MC but not in a really romantic way? ruggie has that "i want to be your #2/by your side forever" which could go either way, but to me initially reads as "jack was pushing his way into MY spot and i want to guarantee he cant have it" rather than a "one day i'll deserve to be by your side romantically and for now i want to ensure i'll always have that opportunity by being next to you and a priority of yours" and then comes leona's proposal at the end, and i was thinking "uhhh but mc is by your side as consort, then ruggie gets pushed out of his spot in favor of the husband taking over. even though ruggie could still be an advisor and confidant, its still like 'move over dude theres another taking priority over you" and then that gets me wondering "what would happen if MC turned down leona? what kinda havoc would he wreak if any? does that put the village in jeopardy if he gets pissed off? what if they accept and they're STILL screwed bc he stops paying attention to the village after he gets the throne? and then the chieftain is taken into the palace and away from the village and has no way back and theyre left to basically flounder without them?"
also i really like how you end your stories with pseudo-cliffhangers? i mean they are but also the plot is mostly resolved and whatever major things that needed to happen happened. and its just the character resolutions and epilogues you dont see. its entertaining. like i said, i like to imagine what happens next and you really leave some stuff open for that.
anyway! thank you so much for sharing your stories!
Oh, for the crimes, just look at one of the questions which I believe asks what you (the quiz taker/MC) committed. Those are currently five of the seven crimes I've listed before, and each MC has committed at least ONE of them. But, they could've always committed more too.
On that other topic, of characters going yandere, one thing I hate is when reading a story and for some reason the characters are already obsessed with the MC but for absolutely no apparent reason. And me personally, I enjoy a bit of build up, which is why I try to implement some in my writing. Which can be a bit hard to do within forty pages when all these other things are happening, but I manage for the most part.
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bluelizard100 · 1 month
Have y’all ever read The Four Horsemen series by Laura Thalassa?
What if… four horsemen of the apocalypse 141‼️ Also NSFW warning and spoilers for the Four Horsemen Series!
-First we got Pestilence. I went back and forth with this one because I wasn’t sure who would fit best— Soap or Gaz. I couldn’t decide who would be Pestilence and who would be Famine, but I’ve decided that Pestilence goes to Gaz.
Pestilence makes it very clear in his book that he does NOT enjoy what he does. He doesn’t like spreading the plague, watching people suffer as he infects city after city— he only does it because those are his orders.
I feel like for those reasons Pestilence fits Gaz the best. “Where do we draw the line?” And him being so rattled after Price threw that dude with the bomb strapped to his chest over a ledge to save the both of them (idk I never played the games 🫥) falls right in line with Pestilence.
Pestilence holds a grudge against Sara, the FMC, for almost the entire book, but eventually falls for her (duh). He finds intimacy to be sacred and fights himself a lot in the book— there is SO much tension between them. Idk, I feel like that fits Gaz the best
(Also Pestilence is really pretty and so is Gaz LMAO)
I’d like to point out that I don’t really think Pestilence is a good fit for Gaz otherwise. If I’m being honest, I think Ghost fits the Pestilence vibe the best, and that if Pestilence and Death swapped personalities then it would be a better match.
-Now we have War. War obviously goes to Price. When war finds Miriam, he snatches her up onto his horse and takes her back to camp. He calls her wife, leads an army, just commands authority in general but goes back to being gentle (as gentle as you can be when you’re a horseman of the apocalypse) with Miriam.
War also teases a lot, whether it’s about Miriam always finding her way into his little portion of the bed or about how all she’s gotta do is ask and he’ll make her feel good. He won’t actually fuck her until she surrenders to him (surrender meaning accept the fact that she’s his fated wife, but he’ll drive her crazy with his fingers and tongue.
I feel like that’s such a Price thing to do. He’ll def take care of his little wife but he’s not gonna give her what she wants until she gives in, and he’ll wait patiently.
-Famine! Yay! Famine is a sassy little fucker and he really, really does not like people. Now I really thought Gaz would fit Famine because Famine is also really pretty and like, a plant king! But he wants to wipe out humanity and enjoys watching people suffer because of what humans did to him, so I decided Soap can be Famine.
Famine holds a special spot in his immortal heart for Ana because she saved him after he escaped where he was being held prisoner and tortured.
When Ana and Famine meet years after, Famine is an arrogant prick and has an entourage of men do his dirty work for him. He takes the biggest house he can, lets people give him offerings in hopes that they’ll be spared, and then has his men kill them! I feel like Soap matches the spoiled vibes, and he probably enjoys taking out his enemies (which, in the book, all of humanity is Famine’s enemy so it’s okay lol).
He mistakenly has Ana killed when she goes to meet him with her brothel madam cuz he doesn’t recognize her, but Ana magically survives and hunts him down. Famine’s like “well I wouldn’t have killed you if you would’ve said something” and then kinda keeps Ana as his prisoner sorta but he’s kinda nice to her.
He’s also kinda bad at taking care of her which just kinda feels like a Soap thing. Like you can’t tell me that dude didn’t forget about a few childhood pets when he was a kid.
Also I think famine is the freakiest of the horsemen— he grows vines to use as bondage lmao you can’t tell me Soap wouldn’t do that if he also had plant magic.
But in all seriousness, I feel like Soap would be the most likely to drag a woman around with him while he ended all of humanity because he liked her. I mean, he did give her the chance to go on her own way, and she was the one who came to him the second time… that’s gotta mean something, right?
-Last but not least, Death. Now like I said earlier, I feel like Death would fit Ghost the best if he swapped personalities with Pestilence, but since we can’t do that then this is the best I’ve got.
Death literally just rides his horse through cities and everyone just drops dead. Poof, snap, whatever— they’re dead just like that. That’s all Ghost, dude: “If you see him, you’re already dead.”
Everyone except for Lazarus!
When Death realizes she doesn’t die from his magic, he concludes that she’s his fated wife and he does the only logical thing— he snaps her neck! There’s no way that isn’t a Ghost thing to do. Like, his mission is to cleanse the earth of people so She can heal again, and he knows that this woman will only get in the way of doing that, so he just kills her.
Lazarus (again) comes back to life, and then they spend a long ass time hunting each other down and killing each other. So romantic! But eventually Death decides that the next time they meet, he’s taking her with him and she doesn’t have a choice.
Death is also abhorrent at taking care of humans. He doesn’t know how they work. Ghost probably barely takes care of himself, so how would he take care of another person?
Now here’s where things kinda get tricky. I thought that Gaz would fit Death’s personality better because Death cares about Lazarus from the get-go despite killing her all the time. He doesn’t want her to suffer, and with humanity, they don’t suffer either. They just die.
But if you look past the whole scary military operator part of Ghost and look to the Simon (stupid and cliche I know)— the caring thing really does fit.
Once he gets the hang of taking care of a person, Death finds the nicest, biggest house in every city he travels in for Lazarus to stay in, and raises an army of skeletons to cook and take care of them. He pampers the fuck out of his wifey. Now, Death also finds intimacy sacred, which I think also fits Ghost. I don’t think Ghost is realistically the type to have a one night stand with any random person. He’d probably rather be vulnerable with someone he’s familiar with.
When Death does finally get intimate with Lazarus, he doesn’t wanna stop lmao he enjoys it very much. There’s one scene in the book where they fuck in the air LMAO.
I think Gaz would fit Death because he isn’t really all that gruff like Ghost is, but I still think they both fit. Death has a mission and he does everything in his power to complete it, even with his lady trying her hardest to stop him. Ultimately, when I was just thinking this up, I decided Ghost would be Death cuz the cover art of the novel is a skull lol.
Alright that concludes my rambling, sorry if this didn’t make any sense! I did not edit it! Also feel free to add on if you have any thoughts and if you haven’t read The Four Horsemen series you definitely should, it’s fucking amazing.
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briefhottubcoffee · 10 months
Let me talk about Becky. Can I talk about Becky?
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Right from the start, she has been such a good friend to our little Anya. Let’s face it. Anya’s a freaking dork. And first impressions are important on the first days of schools. Everyone is mean to Anya at first and keep her at a distance. Damian bullies her immediately. But Becky?? Becky Blackbell??? The spoiled daughter of a mega corporation?? She’s not gonna go with the crowd. She sees this strange little commoner girl and is immediately like “this is my new best friend. I’m gonna love and support her, take care of her, stick up to the bullies for her, comfort her, flirt with her dad, etc.”
Think about all the weird shit Anya is already doing at Eden. She’s obsessed with hanging out with Damian, her bully, and Becky is like “okay girl! Go get him! I’ll support you!” She gets bad grades and Becky is right there going “man this school is so tough! I love your positive outlook! You’ll do great next time!” And Anya gets a Stella and Becky is immediately there hugging her and congratulating her like she had no doubt Anya could do it. By aligning herself with Anya immediately, Becky ostracizes herself from the rest of the class. But she doesn’t care at. all.
Also! On the first day, we see that Becky ran home and told Martha about this weird girl in her class and she says “maybe school won’t be so bad after all!” Are you kidding?!?
This is also Anya’s first introduction to school presumably. She was scared and already an outsider. She was pressured to go to a school she’s not prepared for because of Loids mission. But Becky was there. Becky is the first friend she’s had. And look at this!! She’s ride or die.
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And in turn, Anya is Becky’s first friend! This is one of my favorite Becky panels:
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This is the first time we ever see her kinda.. sad?? She’s insecure and worried Anya didn’t have fun shopping with her, cuz Becky is pushy and bossy. She’s already unsure if she’s worthy of having a friend. But Anya had an awesome time! And Becky is so freaking happy!! I can’t! Waaaaahhhh!!!
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Listen, I don’t know what’s going to happen with the rest of the series. But we keep Becky. We stand with Becky. Anya is a happy girl now, but she had a presumably very difficult life before The Forgers. She has her parents, of course. And they live and die for Anya, of course. But they are traumatized adults with impossible jobs and (with Loid specifically) outward love and affection are difficult for traumatized people. Anya is young and she needs that devotion and love and safety and security. Becky gives it to her so freely. There’s nothing holding her back. Becky is a source of happy and fun no matter what. And she’s so freaking funny too.
Like Loid said: cherish friendships. It’s so important to me that Becky and Anya are such best friends. Things could go to hell, but I KNOW they will be there for each other no matter what. It’s so special.
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otakween · 3 months
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Digital Monster X-evolution
If those janky Digimon World cutscenes were a whole movie, it'd be this. To be fair, I think outdated CGI has a lot more charm than a lot of the higher quality but soulless stuff they put out nowadays. Plot-wise it was nothing special, we've seen this plot a zillion times by now. They just injected it with some new gimmicks. I did find the main character charming enough. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing another attempt at an all-CGI movie as long as that didn't become the new default (slippery slope lol).
Although the plot of this film was really simple they managed to add some convoluted lore anyways...because Digimon. Just when I was thinking "that was confusing" I saw that this wiki has a 900 page long (not really lol) explanation/play-by-play. Maybe I'll read it when it's not my bed time: https://wikimon.net/Digital_Monster_X-evolution
Of course they had to open the movie with Leomon dying (really?) Why is that a thing? I've never felt emotional seeing any Leomon die tbh lol
I think Dorumon and his digivolutions have really strong designs. His rookie form kinda looks like a furry version of Monodramon. I've been playing Digimon RPG (the MMO) and just by chance ended up with him as my partner (I actually thought I was getting Impmon lol). Fate!
Not a lot of levity here, the script took itself very seriously and the characters spent most of the film just being existential and talking about the meaning of life. Kinda heavy for a silly little monster battle film.
Legit got a little emotional when Dorumon was being bullied, but it's really easy to feel sad for a furry little creature
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The CGI actually held up better than I thought it would for the most part, the mecha digimon especially looked awesome. The only "AH! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" moment was Andromon -shudder-
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(Of course, Andromon is ugly in any form, but this is definitely his worst).
Weird seeing Omegamon vs. WarGreymon. I was also surprised to see Magnamon in the Royal Knights. He just seems more beast-like to me than the other knights.
Tokomon was one of those "is it cute or is it annoying?" baby characters. I'm leaning more towards cute, but there were moments where I was like "alright, that's enough of him" loi
Dorugamon kinda reminded me of Toothless. I wanna pet his big nose :3c
They just couldn't resist, they had to call something in this franchise "Yggradsil" didn't they
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(They also used other Norse names, the same ones used in Ah! My Goddess).
The funky X-forms of digimon were fun, very angular. It reminds me of the newer Pokemon games how they keep adding new gimmicky forms. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of these. I guess in a way, this is a more realistic "evolution" since it has to do with the digimon reacting to their environment by developing antibodies.
I saw people complaining that Frontier only had two Royal Knights, well I guess they made up for it a bit here. Are they always gonna be working for the villain side? I wanna see a series where they're the heroes!
It was neat seeing Silphymon again. I get excited when 02 characters show up cuz it's kind of the underdog season in my mind.
The villain digimon (aside from the royal knights) weren't very well explained they just kinda showed up, caused havoc, then went away. The only reason why I have a name for any of them is cuz I read the wiki. I guess it would be hard to naturally fit in all the names...
The name "Alphamon" was kind of an eyeroll. They're running out of epic names lol. (Also, it just makes me think of alpha bros nowadays). The design is nice tho, it's got the black w/ gold highlights thing that I liked in Frontier.
Lots of badass cape shots in this (see my final screenshot above)
At the end of the movie the digital world was destroyed and then restored (Frontier much?) It wasn't really clear what that meant for the digimon. Did they all just resurrect via digiegg? Were they recreated exactly as they were before the world's destruction? -shrug-
Pretty sad that this movie never got any love in the states. I wonder if there's a fandub out there somewhere.
Apparently Digimon World 4 is related to this movie so I'll be playing that next!
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vmenfangirl · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
Oh... i have a lot of things that make me really happy xD so is kinda a hard question but ok, i'll try my best...
1. Enjoy watching my fav series and movies, like GOTHAM, BTAS, Dinosaurs, The Boys, The Shawshank Redemption, BoP, The legend of 1900, Back to the Future, I love you Phillip Morris, etc... also classic animated movies from Disney and Dreamworks... plus, i really enjoy to share opinions, HCs, theories etc. about that, with my friends
2. Reading... from novels to comics; i'm always searching for new material to read or if not, i also like to reread my fav stories, with the same excitement as the first time i read them.... plus, i think reading is the perfect way to learn about everything you want so i'm always learning and that's great
3. Writting... along with drawing, are activities i really love to do cuz those make me really happy, especially if are about my fav characters or ships/OTPs, cuz these last make me more than happy, in fact, two of them (Nygmobblepot and Zsasionis/Zsasmask) i easily can say they literally saved me from a very dark and deep depression periods in my life and i'll never forget that, i'll love those OTPs forever
4. Must say, to eat... i have a kinda complicated relationship with food, since i always have this toxic thought about that every lil piece of carb and fat i put in my mouth for a second will make me overweight ten kilos in the next hour i ate them... so has been kinda hard to try and change that bad perception about food in general, that's why i feel happy when i have a good day (i don't feel that toxic thought as intense as usual) and actually can enjoy some good meal, doesn't matter what it is
5. Kinda cliche but i love listen to music, i can hear just one (1) fav song the whole day, but i'm happy to listen all the playlists too... music is also such a great inspiration for my fics so i could hear or find new music just cuz that is useful for ideas or simply cuz that remind me at any of my fav chars/ships/OTPs, so those songs become special among other fav songs
That's it xD 💖
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nyaskitten · 6 months
Tell me about your au plz :3
OK !!! So the details are very messy cuz I just came up with this idea last night while drawing my guy the Nightmare King from Dreamzzz... Basically it's this super self-indulgent story where I just mix shit from Dreamzzz/Ninjago/LMK/Chima for the fucken sake of it!!!
In this story, the main characters are a Kai ripoff, Nya ripoff, and a Wyldfyre ripoff!!! Wyldfyre ripoff is Kai's youngest sister (Kai 22, Nya 20, Wyldfyre 8-10, probably 10), and she also has a pet dragon who she found years ago (knockoff Heatwave!!!)
For elemental powers, those are like these magical crystals called Elemental Cores, which you are blessed with (idk how yet) by ancient dragon lords (they all go by kings but they're not all men.) Kai has his Core somehow, and same for Nya! Unfortunately, Wyldfyre doesn't yet, either due to being too young or not proven herself yet! She doesn't let it bum her out too much because her epic dragon can grant her sort of temporary Core powers (kinda like Chi from Chima). Unbeknownst to them there's a special reason Wyldfyre and the others can accept powerups like this without detrimental side effects (I won't tell.)
The story goes something like this, a few years ago (probably between 3-5) Kai's parents and uncles (in this story Wu and Garmadon are his uncles) mysteriously go missing, and in present day he hears rumors of an ancient dragon king (Overlord) whose darkness has slowly been festering and increasing greatly. Initially, Kai doesn't care, "Surely if this nonsense were to be true, the great Dragon Knights (he doesn't know it, but they're his dad and uncles) will find out about and stop it!" Idk WHY he decides to go yet, but he takes Nya and the dragon, and leaves Wyldfyre with the others... but she does her own thing and follows. It's too late to turn back now, so reluctantly, Kai has to keep his baby sister out of trouble!
For characters, I'm not too sure how many I'm taking from which series' yet...
I know I have Kai, Nya, Wyldfyre, a Lloyd/Arin combo possibly, Jay, Ray, Maya, Wu, Garmadon, the Overlord, and Misako. I'm ALSO taking Lord Ras for self-indulgence reasons, and renaming naming him Korros (for fun and maybe Wu/Korros exes yaoi!) I also know I wanna get some Monkie Kid inspiration, so I'm thinking of the Lady Bone Demon, but crossed with fanon interpretations of the Preeminent as well! Also, again self-indulgence, Nightmare King from Dreamzzz, and also totally Cinder come the fuck on I need Cinder.
I dunno if I'll add Zane or Cole tho... part of me wants to do a Kalmaar knockoff just for one hyperspecific joke of like, Korros is taking forever to find some hidden mechanism in a wall, and Kalmaar goes "you know, i wouldnt have killed my father if i knew what followed would be so boring."
I have many other thoughts brewing in my brain but WHEW thats the gist of it.
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kattythingz · 5 months
I love Al in 03 but if I were Ed.... I would have had to body slam Al into another dimension for even considering that Ed created his memories artificially...
It put so much into perspective when you think about it though, I don't see enough people talking about how tormenting it must have been to be bonded to a suit of armor for years, and then the threat of the armor rejecting his soul at any point hanging over his head? Al must be so traumatized, and now I'm imagining how he would have grappled with having a real, living, breathing body after the end of the series. Ed and Al both went through some of the most terrible shit ever, but Al was just constantly detached from..everything. Ed's thing was that he was only human, but Al... I can't imagine that he felt human at all. He couldn't feel, breathe, sleep or smell. Years of not being able to do any of things that made him physically human, only clinging to memories of his past that were already rapidly fading as he grew older, and then being given back his original form but having to accept the huge sensory overload? I need the Al physical and mental therapy arc NOW! Wake up the writers and force them to create another series.
And this one is random but in the Clara/Psiren episode, Al's mommy issues were showing TERRIBLY.
I also have opinions on the homunculi wanting to become human but I haven't seen enough to create a huge paragraph yet so you can expect that one soon
Yeaaaaah Al's whole existential crisis makes a lot more sense and it's a lot more devastating in 03, cuz Al almost has "proof" thanks to how differently things went down in Fifth Lab. It makes his reaction to it in the hospital kinda understandable (tho still hurtful. Poor bby Ed, he's already traumatized Al come on ;;). ALSO YEAH, PSIREN'S EP REALLY SHOWCASES BOTH THEIR MOMMY ISSUES LMAO. Ed cuz he's in denial and refuses to compare anyone to his super special mommy, and Al cuz he's just desperate for any maternal love.
Oh dude I LOVE how complex the homunculi are in 03. Lust's upcoming arc is esp so good to me. It's the reason why I love her character despite fmab rendering her flat again. I just. I adore how 03 handles them all.
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 11 months
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░a░p░e░x░ ░p░r░e░d░a░t░o░r░
(a second batman x venom crossover. i mean, they just kinda keep having similiar themes all around, an' with two my fav halloween freaks. i cannot just pass this chance, haha.
either way, jon n' jack havin' a swell time as you can see. they're at the bottom of the food chain quite literally. poor twinky ghouls are about to become a dinner in more ways, than one. how unfortunate for them! but what a feast for a nosferatu n' alien parasite. one drinks 🩸, the other love eatin' human 🧠, so it's no biggie that both jon an' jack are scrawny an' undernourished. their predators aren't after their meat or limited fat. they are after more individual body parts an' components.
so yes, this is my halloween 'special' thingy! a conjoined mash-up about big bad predator an' their twangy, evil prey. the sort of dynamic, that both pairs had going on at one point or another. less so 'canically' for scarebat, since that series of comics *where batman was a savage vampire* is technically a separate 'what if' reality. but still, jon n' jack had a very real brush with smth, that is way stronger than them. an' only one made it out alive, but oh well, this is what AUs n' other stuff is for. bc how about no, an' how about some more homoerotic take on those scenes? like, it was 'hot' to me in some ways. esp with words like 'territorial dispute' an' implication of batman givin' scarecrow good ole vampire succ, post morten or not.
i honestly always amazed, when the comics does smth very servicing for my tastes / interests, without actually ever tryin' to pander to people like me. it's prob one of the most 'erotic' things to me as to an author. it's like a possible wink wink to someone, who wants to see it. but generally, just a part of the story. not even a big one, but that's just a tasty bit anyways! i always had a weakness to predator/prey thrope, esp when it's less of fluffy, twinlight kind of romance, but instead a gore-ish sort of deal, where one party can end up actually dying even if by pure accident. it provides some pretty big stakes. not to meantion, that there is always an unspoken paralell between sex n' death in horror genre. including consuming / stabbing / sucking blood an' such. it's important for me as horror movies fan. i like there to be some 'love' in my horror, even if it's not traditional or on the nose. it gives all those exederated gore-y / deadly scenes more meaning, if one wants to impliment it there. an' it just makes for a memorable scene as well.
also while i'm not super into the heroes 'turnin' bad' stuff, in this case, there is an appeal of flash / bruce going feral. it's hard to resist the playful thought about how bruce n' flash find their foe tempting, *iresistably attractive*, but in a different manner now. jack n' jon aren't no rosy maiden, who usually gets the spot of main dish / love interest, but this what makes it even better. jon an' jack are walking ginger bread, an' that's that, really. but tbf, they're kind of weirdos, who would always partly dig it. their handsome, brooding *arch*-enemy wants to eat them an' not some random hussie. that's very scary, an' also sexy lol.
still it's one of those moments in comics, where i wish that they kept the secenes going for a bit longer. just expanded on that suggestive possibility of them taking it step futher. but i also get why they didn't drag it out, cuz it wasn't the point of issue, anyways. just some lil fun moment. tho, i do love how batman *out of his mind or not* seemed to have enough mercy on crane to kill him off relativly quickly compared to the others. the riddler, pen-pen *yeah, i call oswald this* n' ivy had to suffer through the whole overdeal with full awarness, feeling their throats being ripped out, as they were still alive. jon was spared of such fate. the bat came, lectured him, broke his hand an' beheaded him. way quicker vs when you have to feel your meat and blood dripping all over ya. an' in venom's case, i loved how jack was so oddly forgiving of flash nearly decapitating him on the spot lol. flash *at that point* had already ate a fella or two. like bruce, he clearly wasn't proud of those times or enjoyd it, but out of all people, who managed to snap him out of the murder mode, it was jack. but hey, not on my watch! no one will die, but someone will be 'consumed', alright. that's just natural order of things or whatever. an' it's so bc i do make all the rules, haha.
as for more technical side of things, i did altered a few things. mainly with flash n' jack. i made flash's berserk venom form smalles an' all black, bc of well...uh, reasons. and also jack has an actual face here lol. also while at first, i wanted to draw him with his trade-mark messed up features, but kinda end up drawing him all 'dolled up' instead lol. so i suppose, along with all other au-ish elements, his face wasn't blown off in this universe either. an' on somewhat unrelated note, i like how both jack *even some of spiderman's ones* and jonathan are usually shown to be brunette or redhead. my pref will always be with those two being redheads, but still, it's a funny thing to ponder on. another technical bit is that, i wanted both jack n' jon being unable to use their hands / arms in one of the picture, since for me it's like snaring a 'prey' and then, they are kinda useless without it too. jon can land one hell of a kick for sure, but it won't help him to push away the vampire from his neck. also no fear gas to spray from his gloves, even if it would have acomplished nothing. in jack's case, it's similiar situation. he can throw / shoot lil flames from his gloves, the only thing that all symbiotes seem to detaste, besides specific levels of noise. but if he can't do it, and it's too risky to shoot flame from his helmet, welp, he's screwed lol. an' i also wanted to use venom's tongue as bondage tool lol. it was one of those things, that i always loved about venom symbiote / carnage looks an' anatomy, is how 'bendy' their bodies are. an' how creepy they can strech their body parts as well. both, bruce n' flash possess superhuman powers in this, so nor jon nor jack is actually a match for them. but taking away even the last of their defenses is a cherry on the top. jonathan is already always spooked animal, an' with someone as dumbly tunel-visioned as jack, it take a tad more to scare him shitless. esp bc he thinks, that he's such hot shit of a mercenary, haha.
so yups, this year batman n' flash got a treat. jack and' jonathan *in comparison* got tentacles and anemia respectively. can this count as trick? i mean, i guess lol. but on bright side, jonathan is kinda bruce's bf / blood bank in this one, an' jack is....well, he's a bitch. i mean, he touched the toxin, so now flash have to 'mark' him lol.
anyway, this is as pg-15 as i can go about it on here. i have two extra adult-ish artworks for these set ups. you can call it a follow up, if you want. here's the link, if someone is curious. but pls remember adults only. while there is no nudity in this one, there is still a clearly sexual cut in it. *also, i'm working on fics related to these set-ups as well. already workshoping vamp!bruce/crane one. sadly, had no free time to finish it all on halloween as well, but hey, it's always halloween on this blog!*)
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connoreatspussy · 4 months
Hi quick question i wanted to ask
Ik somewhere in your doctor fic you mentioned that you didn't rlly subscribe to the emenator of elation sampo theorys but I know in later stuff you make some direct mentions to emenator sampo (like in one of your sampard misadventures fics) n im just wonder if your opinion has changed somewhat? Also love the divinity au stuff aeon sampo brainrot is real
Ooooo well i think ive always felt sampo is an emanator of aha but probably not as strongly as i do now. like to me thats gon be 100% canon n id be more shocked if it isnt. i decided not to exactly make him an emanator in the doctor fic tho beyond kinda hinting that hes aha's Special Boy. altho considerin hes an emanator in the mini fic series then ██ ██ ██ ████████ ██ ███ ██████ ███ ███ ███ ███ ████ ███ ██ ███ █████ ███ ██████ ███ lmao
but I do recall sayin that i absolutely dont think sampo bein aha will ever be confirmed. not cuz i dont think sampo being the elation themself wouldn't be cool as fuck but itd be Too Cool. hoyo wouldnt do it
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
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Usually, I wouldn’t post about this kinda thing... I’m not even sure this is fully necessary to be posted. I don’t wanna make it seem like I’m trying to grab attention or pity or anything like that just so someone could feel bad for me. No, that’s not the point of this post. But its mostly to show how sensitive and toxic fans could get about a youtube show that’s not even that good. 
I’m sorry to all the Vivzipop stans, but whether it’s a fact or opinion of mine, Helluva Boss is NOT the greatest thing on earth people. And it’s not just because of the writing or the characters. It’s just not that good. This web series is not pitch-perfect! It should not be that great to where you should feel the need to go after people who don’t like it.
If you love this show to death to the point where you would call it your most favorite series, then fine. It’s whatever. LOVE the show. I really don’t care. I’m not gonna judge someone for liking something I don’t like. I’m not THAT immature! I’m not gonna make a comment on someone’s post, calling anyone stupid or crazy for shipping Stolitz or saying Stolas or Blitzo are well-written characters or that Stolas makes a great father. I don’t even bother to make a comment on a post about people not liking critiques about HB/HH, saying something like, “Those haters don’t know what they’re talking about!” “What is wrong with these critiques??” “This is a bad take!” Mostly because I would just be wasting my breath.
So with that being said, why make those same comments on a simple critical post!!??
So I made a post about the recent gif of the new and upcoming episode of Helluva Boss. It’s shown with Striker capturing Stolas and they make a ride somewhere on a horse (which is a complete waste of time. Your main objective is to kill him. Just shoot the frikin bird!) And I was mainly ranting about how it didn’t make sense that Stolas was getting captured. I was saying that despite being tied up he could’ve used his abilities and turned Striker into a stone like he did with an imp in episode 2 of season 1, or not even just that, just any of his powers. Though I did make a fair statement saying that whatever was tied around him could be some sort of special angelic rope that could be keeping him from using his powers. All while also pointing out that he is still free to move his legs cuz they don’t appear to be tied together. And his hand is free; he’s on the phone with Blitzo. I also opinionated that this might be another Stolitzo-centric episode and I was not going to like it. And THAT was when the hate comments came my way (No kidding, honestly)
One of them didn’t even seem like it was harassment, but it still annoyed me how they said I was just whining and complaining. They said, “Duh! Blitzo and Stolas are the main couple!” and “If you don’t like it, then don’t watch!” “What’s the problem with it?”
You wanna know why that’s a problem?
Okay. First off... Stolas and Blitzo are NOT EVEN A COUPLE! I don’t know where the crew is going with these two, but they’re not even official yet. Plus, there is no point continuing with the Stolitz-centric BS if it’s going to take long for them to become a thing. And how can they be?? How would it even make sense? I highly doubt Stolas would even make a good boyfriend. Stolas being the horny perverted dick-for-brains that he is does nothing but flirt with Blitzo and makes inappropriate remarks at him to the point where they have to censor his words. All he ever did was make Blitzo uncomfortable, and he knew that!! 
Not to mention he forced Blitzo into an agreement to have sex with him each month in exchange for a book which is totally pointless now! Especially when there’s this thing called asmodean crystals, where you could use them to go to the living world anytime you want!! And at that moment, he saw through one of the bath bubbles that Blitzo was in the middle of a dangerous predicament and STILL decided to call him at the worst time just to make this deal. Since it was in the heat of the moment, Blitzo felt he had to agree with him just so he could end the conversation and get back to finishing his job while staying alive. That just goes to show me that Stolas was using this to his advantage to make Blitzo agree with him since he saw what was going on and decided to call him while his life was on the line. He totally knew what he was doing!! And since being caught by humans is SUCH a bad thing and would cost your reputation, why risk that kind of possibility with no ounce of concern for your “boyfriend’s” safety?
And instead of seeing Blitzo as a person with FEELINGS, why does Stolas call him his, “Impish Little Plaything”? He’s practically telling Blitzo, “I OWN YOU!” He was literally taking advantage of him and manipulating him!!! And if he loves Blitzo oh so much, why does Stolas still feel so entitled while looking down on the imp race! He’s not even as nice to Moxxie or Millie. And he even abused his butler!!
And then there was that time on their date when Asmodeus was calling him out on having an affair with Blitzo and had the absolute NERVE to try and hide his face!! Why was he suddenly embarrassed about that anyway? This was NOT the first time where he was seen in public with him. He was fully obligated to show himself at the door with Blitzo in front of that guard that wouldn’t let him in. He even flirted with Blitzo in front of everybody at that Harvest Moon Festival!! And now, all of a sudden, he’s embarrassed to be seen with? And he had the AUDACITY to invite Blitzo into his home to cuddle with him!!! 
It’s not like Blitzo is innocent in this either. He also manipulated Stolas just to get what he wanted. Not once, but twice. He tricked Stolas into stealing all of his father’s belongings when they were kids. Tricked him ONCE AGAIN when they grew up, seducing him as a way to distract him while stealing his grimoire. Blitzo didn’t even care about him. He probably didn’t even want to see him after all those years! He was just there to take the book and LEAVE!! And he only went along with having sex with him out of pity.
How can we even call these two a couple, yet Blitzo was so quick to let Sharkboy bang him in his room! And why did we hear Stolas call Striker “sexy” while on the phone with Blitzo in one of the leaks???
Yeah... main couple my ass....
These commenters go on to say something like, “You’re not critiquing! All you’re doing is complaining! You’re just being a hater!!” 
Now, let me explain the difference between criticism and hate:
Criticism - the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.
Criticism can be positive or negative. I mostly give negative criticism while also showing some irritation and annoyance about whatever I’m talking about. I’m pretty sure that’s mostly where they think I’m just complaining or hating on it.
 Okay, so I like to express my feelings... so what??? EVERYONE does it when they give a critical analysis. And I’ll admit, I do hate the show. I definitely don’t feel for it like I did when the pilot first came out. But at least I actually have A REASON for hating it. More than a few reasons in fact. 
Speaking of hate -
Hate - the feeling of intense or passionate dislike for someone or something.
People always say that hate is a strong word, and I can agree. But the difference is that when you hate something, there is no reason or logic. When you hate something, you don’t care at all about wanting that something to improve or get better than how it is. It doesn't matter, because you just hate it that much! All there is is mockery and disrespect. And when you express hate, you’re attacking someone or harassing them with your harsh words.
And me hating something is different, cuz at least I’m actually expressing the reason why I don’t like it. And I’m not trying to harass ANYONE!! I’m just saying what I think is wrong, why I think it’s wrong, and that I don’t like it! And I actually WANT HB to get better.
Some may think I’m complaining about something when really all I’m doing is stating a fact or opinion.
"the writers will come up with a stupid bad reason” is not a good critique, it's just complaining.
Well sh*t, am I lying??? Man cheats on his wife, and we all know cheating is wrong, no matter why he did it. Oh, but wait- turns out she’s very abusive toward him and doesn’t love him at all! So now, it’s suddenly okay that he cheats. And despite hating him, she still decides to stick around and not divorce him just because she likes to torment him. Why does she like to torment him? Who knows! She’s just evil by nature as it turns out! Man could divorce said wife himself, but only sticks around for the sake of his daughter so she could live a normal life even though he and his wife already constantly fight in front of her. Can’t ignore the fact that he flirts with someone in front of her and continues his affair with that someone despite how she felt about it.... and he just wants her to be happy....
Yeah... definitely makes total sense.
Then they say this, “Maybe Stolas isn’t escaping because it’s a comedy show, DUH!! Things aren’t supposed to make sense. Sometimes things happen and you have to go along with it.”
No...No, sweetheart. That’s not how things work. Besides, for a comedy show that’s not supposed to make sense and be taken seriously, they really try their hardest to tackle some serious moments that are supposed to be soo emotional. And with the way THEY’RE doing it, it’s not very easy for me to just go along with it. There are some things I just can’t ignore and I’m going to feel annoyed by them. I’m sorry (I’m really not)
And as for, “If you don’t like it, then don’t watch it!”
Let me tell y’all somethin’.... If I wanna criticize and post about shows that I think need criticism, then I’m gonna continue to watch the show. If I wanna put anti-tags on posts, then will do that. And if I wanna watch something simply to laugh and make fun of it, then I will. If YOU don’t like that, then that’s on you. Just know that all you’re doing is wasting time typing your butthurt comments about me “complaining” about something knowing damn well I’m going to continue making criticism regardless of how you feel when you can simply just ignore me. Better yet, just BLOCK ME so you won’t have to see me complain about your precious favorite show ever again. I don’t understand what’s so hard about that. It won’t take but a couple of clicks of a button. 
And lastly, one of these comments go on to harass me, calling me pathetic and mentioning this, “How could you hate on something, make art of it and sell it?? You can’t even come up with anything creative on your own! How pathetic!” And it is a VERY stupid reason to come at me over a criticism post. I don’t like HB, there are a lot of people who don’t like HB, but lots of other folks do. So I make art of it and I sell it. And it’s not like I’m intentionally stealing anything. I know I’m drawing the same art style, but I’m creating my own designs of my OCs. I’m not the only person who does this, mind you! I’ve seen plenty of artists do this on Twitter and Deviantart. So what this person is trying to point out here is completely irrelevant!
I may have replied back and said, “There are other people who do this kinda thing. So go and harass them! Go back and forth on their post!” I really didn’t wanna recommend they do this to other people, so I apologize on behalf of the people who sell art with this style or criticize this show for saying that. I was mostly just telling them what’s the point of coming at me for this reason when other people do it too. Like I said, all they’re doing is wasting their time knowing we are never going to hear them out.
So yeah, I just wanted to put this out there. These guys really irritated me. Looks like I joined the club, being harassed by toxic fans. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered replying to them and going back and forth with them. These guys were probably twelve years old. There’s no point in me arguing with children, cuz they never admit when they’re wrong. But if I feel that someone sh*t-talking me, then I won’t let it slide!!
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hauntingyouwithpjo · 3 months
Hi I just saw that you finished Aru Shah! What did you think of the series? (Feel free to make this really long and ramble, it’s my favorite book series so I love when people talk about it)
(also I LOVE the reference on your ask button)
ok I think the series is HILARIOUS and it’s got me thinking about it for SOOO LONG ( I think a lot ab the series I like most, so this is a sign I loved it)
And aru’s povs make it so depressing and funny at the same time and it’s sooo obvious (to me) that she had a crush on aiden since like, FOREVER and it’s really realistic how she and the others fuck up ALL THE TIME
Idk who my fav character would be but aru is such a vibe like yes be a potato sweetie
Im glad brynne didn’t get a special someone cuz to me she doesn’t need someone because she’d say something like “I’m a whole person I don’t need my ‘other half’ “
THE PLOT TWIST ABOUT ARU’S FAMILY GOT ME SO SHOCKED??? I WAS NOT expecting aru and Kara to be sisters because of their mother???? But the whole thing was just so well thought it’s amazing
This is kinda out of context but I think there’ll be another series??? Because they didn’t EXACTLY say “oh and life went on as a potato” they said there might be new quests? And I hope if said quests happen they get to meet Kara again 🥺 i know I kinda didn’t really trust her but now she lives in my heart forever with the other potatoes 🫶🏻🫶🏻
But if said second series happens I hope it’s just that and not the author just fucking up the (awesome) character development like I felt like rr did with some of his new series (hoo for example kinda screwed up Percy’s character) and that she actually keeps the characters the way they are (or change the throughout the story, not randomly)
I’m also thinking about reading other books from roshani because I’ve seen aru shah fans saying stuff might be connected? I love that idea and I kinda want to see if it’s true
Thanks for asking sweetie 🫶🏻
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silverflqmes · 7 months
- who fell first and how?
- what book sealed the deal on your relationship?
- did you guys join a book club together, if so — what was the book that caught both of your guys’ eye?
- what do the boys think about your guys’ relationship? (kaveh, cyno, & tighnari)
- how did you guys meet and how long did it take for a single date?
- which of you said i love you first and how?
- e2l, which one admits they’re in love first and why?
- he misses the high cloud quintet, how do you comfort him?
- you both fight phantylia together, who falls down first?
- bonus: who went for the body? i think i can answer this one
- how to make a day of fun so sephiroth can be human again
- how would you style his hair for fun
- how to get him to stop being cloudobsessed and you-obsessed instead!!!
at long last i answered your ask bc monkey brain has just been SEPHIROTH SEPHIROTH SEPHIROTH as of late.. ahem. now without further delay, time to get the cogs winding
𓍼 haithellie.
— if i’m going with my e2l idea, he fell first because i was in hella denial.. but i fell harder. i haven’t really come up with much but i’m thinking we would both be in places in our lives where we’re dealing with loneliness?? for me i would have left home to study so i’d kinda be adjusting, while alhaitham has kinda been on his own, having lost his parents from young, and later his grandmother that took care of him after that. so i think we would have found mutual comfort in each other and he would have caught some feelings just from little details. stupid habits i have, shared interests, the bantering since we would have both been in the same darshan..
— i totally missed this question until i went back to read for the next ship but UHHH the wicked king cuz it’s my fav and i’ll never be normal about it
— we joined a book club not knowing that the other would be in there too LMAO it was just supposed to be a pastime kinda thing and it was just coincidence that we both ended up in it together.. but let me think, me being me i like my romantasy books so i dunno it alhaitham would also be into those.. but i could see him reading the folk of air — totally not bc it’s my favorite series, totally not bc we act like jude and cardan, totally not because — yeah, you got me..
— alhaitham wants them nowhere near me ( minus tighnari ) because they would enable me and they would tease him sm.. but i think we would be super chill together, i could see us playing uno or monopoly and just- disaster happening BAH but anyway i think they would be happy about alhaitham finding someone after his losses, and even it kaveh might be petty.. he’s happy for him<3
𓍼 tartellie.
— omg akira-san, i mean uh, tartaglia, yeah.. ahem. let me think.. we would have met at a flower shop, he was buying flowers to bring home to his family since he was likely away from home for a good while. he was just scanning all the different types, not sure which to pick, to which he would approach me, thinking me to be the store clerk ( i was not ). confused, i would break to him that i do not work there.. to which he would get embarrassed LMAO but since we were talking, he would ask on my opinion anyway, to which i’d try my best to offer a few options to my basic knowledge of flower language. i think he would show interest in the way i talk and explain, the hand gestures and expressions i make, but he’d ignore it.. until we stumbled once more upon each other, where he would chat with me.. and then proposes the idea of getting lunch. totally not a date, just lunch..
— he did and probably said so without even saying those three words tbh?? i don’t know how he would say it, but uh maybe smtn like.. “it’s strange.. home, until now was always being with my family back in snezhnaya.. but somehow, you seemed to have brought that feeling to me here and have blossomed it into something a little more than family, something special and precious to me.”
— now for this.. me LMAO if it was e2l it would end up as an unspoken confession i feel?? maybe if he was seriously injured or um, overdid things again because he used foul legacy or his delusion in a fight.. to which i would yell at him in a way that sounded like i really cared for him, and tartaglia would end up saying something along the lines of me sounding like i loved him or something.. to which i would go silent and he would piece it all together. unspoken confession!!
𓍼 yuellie.
— understandable as to why he would miss them, especially cuz he’s the last one remaining and with his memories in tact. it’s kinda heartbreaking honestly, but i understand the kinda fall of a friend group in a way, granted i still talk with mine but very minimally these days. regardless, i would do my best to comfort him, maybe take him out or encourage him to come be around others as well outside of his duties, just to feel yk welcomed as a dude and not just as a general. i think he’d like something like that cuz company helps when you miss those that you were once close with.
— AKWJSJDJSKSJ i fall down first and i make sure to KNEEL ( i did it on purpose ) yuan is probably like ellie???? and i’m like ain’t no way you said you’re going for the body — I’M GOING FOR THE BODY, YOU SIT YOUR ASS BACK THERE. atp he’s like, am i about to have my girl stolen by horrifyingly attractive woman that wants to kill us and is not just twice but several times her size?? he’s just watching in complete shock but like part of him understands.. i mean.. come on.
— I WENT FOR THE BODY AGAIN AND AGAIN ahem, your assumptions are likely correct.
𓍼 sephiellie.
— screams in sephiroth. okay um. let me actually get into this. sooo a day to make sephi have fun and feel more human.. well! after buying flowers from a certain peddler, i would whip out my super slay cool flip phone and urge him to come over after work because i had a surprise for him. said surprise is flowers to braid into his hair and a flower for him to keep at home cuz sephiroth having a green thumb sounds so adorable. for the rest, it would be just a cute self care day to remind him of his humanity in spite of whatever modifications and experiments were done on him ( FUCK YOU HOJO YOU UGLY ASS PIECE OF SHIT, THERE’S A REASON I’M NOT IN FFVII AND THAT’S BC YOUR ASS WOULD BE THROUGH, WHICH MEANS THE STORY DOESN’T END UP HAPPENING SO NO GAME )
— the braid with the flowers in it! high ponytail for sure HE IS SO PRETTY<3 maybe a bun as well after i told him that mine absolutely sucked and that my mom refused to let me out of the house without her doing my hair.. so he would ask to see how bad said bun is — so it ends up messy because i didn’t wanna make it too tight.. his hair is also super long.. but he liked it, probably wondered why i couldn’t leave the house when it looked so nice on him ( sobbing he’s so so sweet ), furthermore i would try the princess leia space buns and perhaps twin tails<3 he also would do my hair and try out different styles too, he’s so gentle<3
okay i believe that was all of them.. this took way longer than i’d expected😭
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