#damian desmond kinda
briefhottubcoffee · 10 months
Let me talk about Becky. Can I talk about Becky?
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Right from the start, she has been such a good friend to our little Anya. Let’s face it. Anya’s a freaking dork. And first impressions are important on the first days of schools. Everyone is mean to Anya at first and keep her at a distance. Damian bullies her immediately. But Becky?? Becky Blackbell??? The spoiled daughter of a mega corporation?? She’s not gonna go with the crowd. She sees this strange little commoner girl and is immediately like “this is my new best friend. I’m gonna love and support her, take care of her, stick up to the bullies for her, comfort her, flirt with her dad, etc.”
Think about all the weird shit Anya is already doing at Eden. She’s obsessed with hanging out with Damian, her bully, and Becky is like “okay girl! Go get him! I’ll support you!” She gets bad grades and Becky is right there going “man this school is so tough! I love your positive outlook! You’ll do great next time!” And Anya gets a Stella and Becky is immediately there hugging her and congratulating her like she had no doubt Anya could do it. By aligning herself with Anya immediately, Becky ostracizes herself from the rest of the class. But she doesn’t care at. all.
Also! On the first day, we see that Becky ran home and told Martha about this weird girl in her class and she says “maybe school won’t be so bad after all!” Are you kidding?!?
This is also Anya’s first introduction to school presumably. She was scared and already an outsider. She was pressured to go to a school she’s not prepared for because of Loids mission. But Becky was there. Becky is the first friend she’s had. And look at this!! She’s ride or die.
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And in turn, Anya is Becky’s first friend! This is one of my favorite Becky panels:
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This is the first time we ever see her kinda.. sad?? She’s insecure and worried Anya didn’t have fun shopping with her, cuz Becky is pushy and bossy. She’s already unsure if she’s worthy of having a friend. But Anya had an awesome time! And Becky is so freaking happy!! I can’t! Waaaaahhhh!!!
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Listen, I don’t know what’s going to happen with the rest of the series. But we keep Becky. We stand with Becky. Anya is a happy girl now, but she had a presumably very difficult life before The Forgers. She has her parents, of course. And they live and die for Anya, of course. But they are traumatized adults with impossible jobs and (with Loid specifically) outward love and affection are difficult for traumatized people. Anya is young and she needs that devotion and love and safety and security. Becky gives it to her so freely. There’s nothing holding her back. Becky is a source of happy and fun no matter what. And she’s so freaking funny too.
Like Loid said: cherish friendships. It’s so important to me that Becky and Anya are such best friends. Things could go to hell, but I KNOW they will be there for each other no matter what. It’s so special.
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naarinn · 6 months
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What if endo hit her with Shoujo beam too
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symphonypikachu · 5 months
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more spy x family sketches 🩷 thank you for all your support through reblogs and likes!
i used vintage paintings as references 🤍 they honestly give me so much inspiration especially for sxf!
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tare-anime · 5 months
Bowel discomfort has become one of the longest running gag in SxF
And it has been used as one effective excuses everywhere.
Twilight has been doing it first (iirc)
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And of course as a kid who copy her parents, Anya has learned about the efficiency of the excuse and has said it
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Damian also has used it in such a dire situation
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Even a veteran class assassin such as McMahon also has use the same tactic
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And for those who has watch the movie Code White, Endo himself has created an OC to be played out by the anime team, and at the most beautiful animation scene at the movie nonetheless (a bit too long for my taste but still hillarious).
Behold, the God of Poop himself
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(Credit to @yumeka-sxf for her post here)
So we get it. It's a common thing in SxF.
But, please Endo..... for the love of heaven, DO NOT make Yor spit out ANY of these kind of jokes or excuse or whatever. Nope. No. Just no.
Please, Endo. I'm begging you.
This is shitpost.
But also in serious note please don't let Yor ever said it. Please.....
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peanutseagle · 2 years
Damian and Anya playing spies on the school playground? 👀 Bonus points if she had so much fun that she decided to invite him over with no ulterior motives
Aight so this resulted in a sketchy comic... oh well 🍪
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a bit later...
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She took him home just like that. Didn't even ask him.
[dumb lil sequel]
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time-lady-the-sage · 1 year
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I had to stare at this page for WAY too long before I realized Anya was reacting to seeing herself from Damian's shojo filter pov (for the first time I think?)
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The only thing I love more than his massive crush is her anti-ing everything about it
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elipri · 2 years
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cmon, sy-on boy! you promised!!
♡︎support me on ko-fi♡︎
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stellarstardust · 6 months
Random SPYxFAMILY MISSION 96 Thoughts
In case we forgot what Tatsuya Endo said about modeling Damian after Domyouji Tsukasa:
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I immediately thought of Domyouji when Damian said that “If ‘I didn’t mean to’ solved anything, then we wouldn’t need the cops!” line ^^’
2. I’m continuing to root for Prof. Henderson and Martha:
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3. Plenty of other people already went into Anya telling Damian her secret, so I’ll skip that.
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tazuransi · 2 years
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pov: you’re the 1526th random npc about to give anya another love letter and damian is Tired of it (aka the extremely common damian getting jealous fanfic trope but i still eat it up every time)
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fortist166 · 2 years
Happy New Year guys! This is an old sketch for Christmas but I’m too busy to draw anything new. Also, R.I.P Anya
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micia-posts-stuff · 11 months
I'm a bit sad the english translation of the manga decided to go with sy-on boy (scion boy) for Damian's nickname instead of something similar to "second son" (wich wuld be the correct translation of Jinan). I feel like scion doesn't really convey the full implication of second son. He's not only the scion, having to keep up with his family's expectation, but he's also the second son, living in his brother's shadow, so not only trying his best but also having to match his brother's best. "Second son" implies both that he is the son of someone important in the story and that he is the second one, having someone else that he is compared to, "scion" only implies the first thing. It doesn't really matter right now, but I can imagine a future scene where Damian is frustrated trying to reach his brother's level and still being second to him and saying to Anya something on the lines of "even you call me second son", but this woulnd't make much sense in the english translation since they went with scion.
I also remember someone pointing out that he got second place even in the midterm exams, enough for a stella, but still, I don't think it's a coincidence. I feel this stuff will have a big impact on his character in the future.
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briefhottubcoffee · 1 year
Hello! This is the very first story I have ever put out into the world! I am very nervous and have ~social anxiety~ so please be kind!
This story came to me looking at all the stuff my friend with kids has on her fridge and I thought it would be perfect for the Forgers. My husband helped me brainstorm ideas so it may be multi-chapter. I’m waiting to make an AO3 account. Again I’ve never done this before lol. Apologies if formatting is weird, I only use tumblr on mobile.
Refrigerator Magnets
Loid is grocery shopping with his daughter one Thursday evening, the sky cloudy and gray. He’s so tired. He was assigned two extra side missions this week, dull and mind numbing, but then a patient at the hospital actually did kick him in the stomach! It wasn't just an excuse! Leaving a bruise and a slight wince to appear on his face occasionally when he inhaled. But they needed groceries for this weekend and Anya was still bustling with energy when she came home from school, Yor working late. So out he went, robotically putting ingredients in the cart and leaning his body on it far more than he usually did. Anya was skipping beside the cart, humming a tune, the exact opposite of her father. He could never get on her level.
And then she spotted them, hanging from an endcap as Loid browsed the juices, a package of refrigerator magnets, different colorful animals.
“Papa!” Look! This looks just like Agent Penguinman! And this one is like the lion I saw at the zoo!”
He reaches for the pack, handing them to her for a closer look. She coos at them before putting a cute, purposeful look on her face, flipping the package and standing on her toes for him to see.
“Neat,” he says mildly, gesturing for her to throw them in the cart, and letting her help him steer. He grabs his ingredients and her favorite candy bar before heading to the front. I am a normal, tired father, he thinks, apologetically smiling at the cashier as Anya, pushing the cart she can’t even see over, lightly crashes into the corner of the register.
Another Thursday evening, this one a little brighter with Yor’s pretty smile directed at him and the refrigerator magnets bringing some color to their kitchen. She’s helping him start dinner, when the front door bangs open and Bond shoots up from his nap. “Anya has returned!” their daughter shouts, grabbing for her dog.
“Welcome home, Anya. How was your day?” Yor asks, taking her hat from her head.
“Oh! Guess what?” Anya says. She unzips her backpack and rummages through before pulling out a rose pink envelope. “Anya was invited to a birthday party!” She lifts the invitation high above her head, before Loid grabs it.
“Oh? I’m glad you're making more friends.” An excellent source of information for Operation Strix. The parents of this child might be important in Ostania. It might be crucial for her to attend.
“Well, Hannah isn’t really Anya’s friend. She took the last cookie in the cafeteria,” Anya pouts.
“Well… she invited you to her party.”
“She invited the whole class,” Anya shrugs. “But can we go Papa? Can we? I’ll be nice to Hannah! She said there would be ponies! Ponies that we could ride?! And a big slide and an orch-ee-stra, and a magician!”
“My goodness! What an elaborate birthday party!” Yor says, opening the card and marveling at the beautiful, ornate invitation inside, fit more for a formal wedding than a seven-year-olds birthday party. Loid blinks. He supposes this is the norm for rich, pompous people, to spoil their children with extravagant birthday parties and ponies. Anya’s attempts to befriend her more wealthy classmates have not gone particularly well, Damian Desmond in particular, which caused Loid intense stomach pains, but this party could indeed be a big opportunity for the mission. He could meet some upper-class parents, perhaps gather intel, and then, of course, since this girl invited the whole class, Damian Desmond himself might attend. Could his parents even show? His reclusive target? Surely not, but this is still a good chance to get another foot in the door with his young son, a chance for Anya to play nice outside of school, a positive step forward!
“Alright, we can go,” he says. “But you’ll need to get her a present.”
“Ooohh lets go to the Big Toy Store! I can get Hannah a Mega Elephant Circus!” Anya squeals, spreading her arms wide. Loid turns to watch Yor with her pretty smile tack the pricey, shimmery invitation on the fridge with the elephant magnet. This birthday party is going to be a big expense for Operation Strix.
The invitation stays on the fridge for weeks, a reminder of the upcoming party and ooting for the Forgers. Before the party, the family heads to the toy store, the huge, expensive toy store, with giant stuffed animals and a freaking merry-go-round in the center.
Anya and Yor spend time checking out all the toys, Anya pointing out all the ones she wants. Loid trails behind, tired again. They settle on getting Hannah a doll tea set, reasonably priced, but still, hopefully, expensive enough to satisfy a rich family. Loid then sits on a bench to rest, watching Anya bounce up and down beside Yor, both waiting to ride the merry-go-round. Yor is such a huge help at times like these. He’s grumpy and worn down. Side missions pile up, patients pile up, and he feels a gnawing frustration at his lack of progress with Operation Strix. Yor’s pretty smile and cheery disposition make up for his failures with their daughter. She can get on Anya’s level. She can match Anya’s excitement about riding on a merry-go-round. She can marvel at a giant stuffed kangaroo with her and come up with a silly name for both the mama and the baby in her pouch. She can crouch down and help Anya snap blocks together as they build a castle complete with a watch tower for Bondman. Present and engaged and sweet all the time.
Last night, Anya was fussy when it was time to go to bed, too wound up to be sleepy. She wailed at Loid as he helped her with her pajamas and tried to tug the covers over her, rolling around in bed instead and kicking her feet up on the wall. Loid felt impatient and drained as he sighed at her. This is impossible. Bedtime seemed like a straightforward task but was so draining in reality. He felt like he would never get this parenting cover right. Yor came in after hearing their bickering, and laughed softly, kneeling down next to Loid.
“Let’s try to hush a bit,” she calmly said to their daughter, smoothing her hair down. Loid watched as Yor pulled out a book and began reading to Anya, and what an idyllic picture they made. Yor’s voice came out in such a tranquil way, her eyes twinkling in the dark room. He couldn’t look away. She kept stroking Anya’s hair, her voice like a melody, her presence like a soothing light. Like a miracle, Anya yawned and her eyes became heavy, and Yor shot Loid a smug look and he felt like he was flying. She was magic. She could do the impossible.
In the present, Loid watches with a frown as the pair climb aboard, Anya tugging on her mothers arm and pointing to the two horses she wants to ride.
“Will the ponies at the party be green and pink like these?” he hears his daughter shout.
“I doubt it,” Yor replies with a giggle, helping the girl on to her horse. The music starts and the ride begins to spin, daughter and mother sending exuberant waves to Loid as they squeal with excitement. Loid feels pensive and melancholy. Cranky. I am no good at this, he thinks. Appearances are everything for a spy, and he supposes he is a good father at surface level, to the bystanders who see him wave to his wife and daughter each and every time they make their way around. But he feels lacking. Anya is a sweet girl and Yor is a lovable mother, he feels another painful kick of guilt at the thought of using them, deceiving them. They deserve the real thing, a matching father to complete their pretty picture, something perfect enough to tack on the fridge and admire everyday. Not someone playing pretend.
It’s what needs to be done, he thinks with finality. He centers his thoughts, reminds himself of the mission, of war, of the invitation on the refrigerator with its elephant magnet, of what this seven-year-old’s birthday party means for world peace. Pull yourself together. He has rich parents to schmooze with, he must appear charming and affable, he must ask all the right questions, not too probing, not too demanding. He has to appear engaged and interested. He has to fit in with the other good fathers. They will be charming and affable, they will laugh with joy at their kids, walk next to them with their hands on their backs as they ride ponies, they will wipe their faces when they're covered in icing. He has to remind his daughter to play nice with Damain Desmond, to be on her best behavior, to not eat too much cake.
He has to crush this child's birthday party. World peace depends on it.
The party is too much. It’s so extravagant and pink. There are balloons and peonies everywhere, the birthday girl sits on a gold chair in a pink tutu with a crown on her head. Loid sighs. Next to him, Yor frets with the pink gift bag she’s holding, her lips in a thin line and a crinkle between her brows.
Loid leans towards her. “Rich people,” he scoffs with an eye roll and Yor looks up at him and giggles, swats his arm.
“Hi Becky!” Anya shouts as she pelts across the perfect, giant lawn.
“Anya, don’t crash into anyone,” Loid warns looking around. He immediately hones in on his main target for the day, a young boy with dark hair and a pompous arrogance about him, surrounded by two other boys and glaring at Anya as she twirls around, showing Becky her dress. Loid thinks of a way to move his mission forward, a way for Damian to bring up the Forgers to his father, who is definitely not here, so that he is interested. Perhaps there is a servant or even the boy's mother present? Someone closer to the man in question. Loid and Yor are then approached by the mother of the girl of the hour. Hannah’s family are rich socialites, the father a bank executive.
It’s time to schmooze.
The shmoozing goes well, the birthday party is in full swing. There’s a damn violin quartet in the corner, and waiters dressed as princes and princesses serving hors d'oeuvres to the parents. Loid has gotten a little useful information to bring back to Wise; the fathers had retreated to the mansion shortly after the party began. Loid had joined them for a bit, engaging in a game of poker and listening to the men complain about their wives and their jobs, gathering intel in a room full of cigar smoke. But he grew tired of it.
I have to make sure she and Damian are getting on well, he justifies to himself as he ventures back out to the lawn. He is the only father out there. He sees Yor standing awkwardly with the other mothers and slides next to her, resting a hand lightly at her waist.
“What are you doing back here, Dr. Forger?” Hannah’s mother asks, surprised.
“Oh I wanted to check on Anya. And I missed my wife,” he replies with a charming smile and Yor stiffens and flushes as the other women aww at them.
Anya and Damian are not interacting, at least not in any friendly way. Loid watches as Damian shoves past Anya and Becky in line for the pony ride.
“Rude!” Shouts Becky as Anya sticks her tongue out at him. Well… their relationship hasn’t improved much.
Loid blinks. There are at least ten ponies and only one handler, he seems a little overwhelmed at the task at hand, monitoring young children on little ponies trotting in a circle.
“Is no one going to help?” Loid asks Hannah’s mother, gesturing towards the pony ride.
“Well the boys are busy inside,” she replies with a sniff. “He’s got it covered.” And that’s the end of that.
This isn’t going to go well, Loid thinks as he rushes over, just as Damian Desmond tries to climb on to a pony alone. His foot gets stuck in the saddle, and he falls over. Tears well in his eyes as the other kids laugh at him. All except Anya who walks over to him.
“Here you go!” Anya extends her hand to Damian. He frowns at her, a bright red blush on his cheeks. “I don’t need your help, dummy!’ He shouts in reply. Despite the kids reaction, Loid is proud of his daughter for being caring and kind, compassionate and warm. Yor is raising her well.
“I’ll help you up,” Loid says, picking up the boy and placing him on the horse. Damian looks at him suspiciously. “You’re shorties- I mean- you’re Anya’s pops right?” he asks.
“Yup! Horses can be a bit intimidating at first, but you’re up here now! Just hold on tight to the reins and you’ll do great,” He says. His mind is running a million miles an hour. Don’t overdo it, this may get back to Desmond, be kind and fatherly, I am a good dad, I am a normal dad.
Damian is still blushing but mutters his thanks. Loid realizes this kid is alone. No guardian for him, he must have attended with friends. The ponies begin their circle. Loid stays nearby and straightens up the kids as needed, teaches them how to tuck their shoes into the saddle, how to hold the reins correctly. The handler shoots him a grateful look. The mothers are looking at him curiously. Maybe he messed up. Maybe he should be inside with the other men. Maybe it’s not normal, but it didn’t seem right to him to be like the other fathers. The men smoke inside while the women gossip outside, helpers and nannies monitoring the kids. It was so detached. He had felt something unsettling in his gut, something he couldn’t ignore. Maybe he actually did want to check on his daughter, maybe he actually did miss his wife. She’s looking at him now, her pretty smile back. He feels like he’s flying again. Anya is laughing with joy on her pony, the sound like bells, waving at her father.
No good, this is no good. This isn’t going to go well. He tries to center himself, remind himself why he’s actually here. But he can’t. He’s going around in circles. He’s flying high.
They return home from the party, everyone exhausted. Anya is quick to settle for the night, he considers nights like these where she is actually tired a miracle indeed.
“Night, Papa,” Anya mutters, closing her eyes and snuggling with her chimera. Loid hums and smiles, affection rising in his stomach. Anya is a good kid. Disruptive and loud, but sweet and happy, reminding him of the good in the world.
Once she is tucked into bed, he sighs and settles on to the couch, petting his dog on the head. Yor’s quiet tonight. She shuffles around the kitchen making tea, he sees her take down the party invitation from the refrigerator and tuck it into a box they keep on a shelf. She hands him his tea and he shoots her a grateful smile, but she’s looking away, her lips in a tight line and her frown back between her brows.
“What’s up?” He asks, letting the steam from the tea settle on his face. She looks at him and blushes, his heart stutters in his chest.
She sits with her tea and shakes her head. They stay silent. He listens to his dog snoring softly and the clock tick, as he and his wife watch each other with their tea. It’s a good night. It was a good day. He spent time with his family, for the mission, he reminds himself. He feels calm and warm, his mind slow, helpless, thinking of the picture they make in this living room, an idyllic picture.
“You’re a good father,” she says finally. “One of the best, I think.”
She blushes pink and her eyes twinkle and her pretty smile is back and Oh. I am flying again.
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minzart · 1 year
After thousands of years I decided to read spy x family
And now I am caught up to chapter 84
And have thoughts, more like speculations
Specifically about Damian's older brother, Demetrius, and WHATEVER THE HELL COULD HAPPEN WITH HIS PARALEL
The Desmonds and the Forgers being parallels of each others are a given(protagonists and antagonists and all that), but HOW the parallels are made is the juicy stuff.
Like I can see Demetrius being a parallel to Yuri, bc like you or not he is part of the protagonists family, but by association, kinda like how Demetrius is since he still hasn't appeared, only mentioned... like Yuri was in the beggining. So he could be a "normal" student in Damian's eyes, but he is clearly closer to their father than his little brother so he could be already involved in whatever scheme Donavan has. And Melinda shows to be more favorable to Damian, in a very messed up kinda way inside but hey we're gonna address that at some point in the story I hope, that could lead to an obsession with her approval like Damian has with his father's, or Demetrius could have a protective side with Damian(again paraleling with Yuri more) or he's just the go'old daddy's boy at the end of the day. Or if we take the opposites rotes he does not fucking care about anyone in that "family"(I know he does deliver Damian's mensage to their father, but it is still a possibility he's posing as a good brother, since the story focus on deceitful apearences and facades).
But also, I think it would be very interesting if he was also a parallel to Anya in a way that he has some sort of psychic power as well. That would connect the experiments to Donavan, since I don't think we know who is officially responsable for those experiments yet, however they have a patter and that is psychic powers, Anya's habilit to read minds and Bond's premonitions, and complet a parallel to the main trio, as in, while Damian is Anya's parallel in age, Demetrius would be her parallel in hability. (I'm betting on telepathy, it would make a interesting trio, one who can only hear, one who can only see, and one who can only talk).
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nonokoko13 · 9 months
No matter how many times I see this panel their wording always irks me
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"What you might call a hands-off parenting philosophy"
Helen from where I come from that is called child neglect, I don't know if you're intelligent enough to understand this concept but I'll leave it here in case you want to open your eyes. Otherwise look up to the sky, the sun may not blind you as much as you are right now
"Im so jealous!"
Of not being around your child? Would you rather follow their example and not be there at all? What a great way to come out as probably shitty mother Margaret
Anyway I'm not sure what type of person Melinda is yet but I sure hope Yor doesn't go to her and her friends for parenting advice. Lord helps Anya if she ever does listen to them
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volleypearlfan · 6 months
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Mitchlendez ❤️🧡
Based on this Spy x Family panel
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jamethinks · 1 month
Saw someone post their attempt at understanding the sxf timeline so I thought I’d share mine except I gave up on Endo a long long time ago and just started bullshitting my way through. The is the timeline for my major WIP.
I set the story in 1970 because it would be the turn of the decade, a new era of sorts. Seems like the best time for a change
Elections are held every 5 years and there are no term limits
There were 2 major wars between the East and West: Separation war (where the two official split due to vibes mostly, Ostania lost) and the reclamation war (where they fought over who gets south Westalis, UN stopped the war because Ostania was fucking up Westalis so bad, ended in a truce)
Donovan hold the record for longest running prime minister as well as the youngest
Westalis did sign onto most of the UN treaties but Ostania refuses
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