#sxf chapter 66
nonokoko13 · 8 months
No matter how many times I see this panel their wording always irks me
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"What you might call a hands-off parenting philosophy"
Helen from where I come from that is called child neglect, I don't know if you're intelligent enough to understand this concept but I'll leave it here in case you want to open your eyes. Otherwise look up to the sky, the sun may not blind you as much as you are right now
"Im so jealous!"
Of not being around your child? Would you rather follow their example and not be there at all? What a great way to come out as probably shitty mother Margaret
Anyway I'm not sure what type of person Melinda is yet but I sure hope Yor doesn't go to her and her friends for parenting advice. Lord helps Anya if she ever does listen to them
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twiyoriz · 2 years
reading chapter 66 for the first time and why does nobody talk about how creepy melinda desmond can be. like from what i've seen on twitter i thought she was just another bubbly mother like yor but these panels are going to show up in my nightmares tonight
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i really feel terrible for damian growing up with such negligence from his parents, not to mention how they WILLINGLY don't give him as much attention as a 6 year old probably needs. i hope he visits the forger family sometime in the future and gets showered with love by them because i know they would treat him so well (partially for twilight's mission but also because they're naturally just like that <3)
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wondrousmay · 11 months
*SxF ch88 manga spoilers*
My theory on how Melinda could’ve known about the cakes: in chapters 66-67, when Melinda and Yor met, Yor told her that she was out buying cakes. I think that Yor could've mentioned that the cakes were for Anya and that Damian told Anya about them.
Another possible theory is that Melinda and Jeeves keep in touch and Jeeves updates her on Damian’s well-being. Since Damian probably asked Jeeves to find the cakes, Melinda could’ve found out through him.
Either way, Melinda keep intriguing me!
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untealted · 2 years
Spy X Family chapter 75 spoilers
In spy x family, thoughts are a way of conveying true feelings and emotions. With this, its safe to assume that Melinda does hate Damian but context is key. Melinda, a panel prior, expressed thoughts of deep love and care, yuri level of admiration. This probably would have continued on had Damian not mentioned his father.
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It was the minute his father was mentioned that Melinda switched up. If you even look at the panel later there are two thoughts: The kind ones towards Damian and the sadistic ones as well. They mix in with one another once we get to the final panel. Which can lead to the assumption that Melinda's hate may be from elsewhere. That elsewhere being the hate she has for Donovan. She even goes on to refer Donovan as 'that man'. Showing theres no acknowledgement, no form of care. Again, happening before the second to last panel.
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I believe that her 'hate' for Damain is actually for his father. Normally (please correct me if im wrong), when parents have poor relationships with one another, that resentment for the other can be passed down to the child. Passed down I mean, they lash out on the child or treat the child poorly. In this case, Melinda in that moment is mixing her hate for Dovoman and passing it onto Damian. Not outwardly but it clearly affects her words and facial expressions (what makes it worse is I cant see the face of Damian 🥲😔). Now what may have led to the resentment is what I'm not sure of. There is a chance that Melinda does hate Damain but it wouldnt make sense for Tatsuya endo to have Melinda think sweetly of him and randomly switch up without a provocative. That's mainly why I feel the 'hate' or 'disgust' isnt for Damian but his father.
You might bring up the chapter 66, where we first meet melinda and how passive she was towards Damian's injury. But lets remember, thoughts are the true feelings of people in SxF (Loid, Yuri, Yor, practically every character is evidence of this). Her thoughts weren't shown in this chapter so we're not sure if what she said was true or a façade to maintain a certain image. A cruel one but an image none the less.
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This is all a theory? Speculation? Cause I also know that speechs can also convey truth but in a world that is full of lies and biased truths, I think Tatsuya endo uses thoughts as the safest way of knowing whether a person actually feels the way they do or not.
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jams-sims · 2 years
The vibe Melinda gave off at the end was that she realize she just met someone who is naive and stupid strong. Who clearly knows nothing about her, and that gets her engines going. (Like legit I read her face as someone who was turned on but not so much in a sexual nature) Everyone saying it looks like she was holding back laughter. It looks like to me she was trying to hold onto her mask and keep it together. I think, she wants Anya and Damien to be friend just so she can keep Yor around.
A women who doesnt know who she is, doesnt suck up to her for some potical gain, is honest and strong to a fault. In melinda eyes she probably hit the fucking jack pot of people. Yor whole character is based on gut feeling and emotions. While everyone else is play 5d chess. Yor over here exited about the different styles the pieces comes in. And thats not a bad thing but it means people can use her.
Yor feels so isolated and alone because everyone else wants to hide shit. While she is just an open book, expect for the killing people bit. She hardly touches on that, like that so seperate from who she is everyday that the Yor we see is who she is.
Melinda makes me worried but not too worried because I feel like, Melinda is ready to play the longcon.
The person who makes me worried the misy is the Shopkeeper. You can kinda use him as a frame/comparison to how he raised Yor to how Desmonds are rasing Damien. He was hands off when it came to her life outside of killong. But when it came to everything else he was very invovled. How else would she be a notorious Assassin from the secret group known as the garden. Franky even talks about them the first couple of chapters.
Yor ask him if she can get married he says yes. She ask if she can make friends with Melinda and he says yes BUT warns her. Then preks up when he hears where Loid maybe poitically leaning. This man hunts down and kills consertatives that like a red ping on his radar. Thats not good!
But let me back it up a little before I get into the the fucking nightmare it must be to have the shopkeeper now be interested in Yor outside life, and adress Yor need to ask for premssion to do things such as get married and have friends. The married one is easy, the shopkeeper is kinda like her dad and boss. It would be nice to have his blessing. You can tell she feels very differently about the Shopkeepers opinon. The premission about friends feels more guided towards a daughter asking her dad for advice and also Melinda is higher postion in society and that should be something you tell your assassian boss your doing so if something fucked up happens down the line he can prepare for it.
That all being said I also think he just raised Yor to be painfully honest with him. Just for the simple fact Yor can't lie. And what I mean is Loid lies all the time and is very good at it. Hes a spy he has to be, Yor legit can't do it. The first lie she ever says is to her brother and all she said was she forgot and the only reason it worked is cause her brothers a dumbass who loves her. No one knows she a assassian so she doesn't have to talk about it.
Prefect example the "Cruise Arc" Yor tells Loid she working. And because Yor is always honest and never lies. Loid never looks any deeper and guess what the people around her also confrims she is "working". All the heavy lifting in the lie department relies on other people.
This is probably how the shopkeeper raised Yor. It easier for her to be honest than it is for her to try and be sneaky. But also by the time you get to trying to ask questions shes already slit your throat. Which means there no need for her to waste the mental energy of playing 4D chess with everyone else. She will just eat the pieces.
If we take all that and go back up to him perking up st the mention of Loids potical veiws. He takes everything Yor says as facts, she would never lie to him. The fear comes in is if Yor honesty makes the Shopkeeper look into Loid. Because the Shopkeeper seems proactive and if theres any scent of Loid being a threat. He will kill him, of course Yor will object but we've already seen that he may look dolice and old but he still can fight.
The shopkeeper is more of a immediate threat and thats what makes him scary. Yeah Melinda and Desmond are up to some shit but they arent gonna pull any tricks right away. The shopkeeper legit has one of his best assassians in the house, he has more skin in the "game" so to speak.
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vibrantbells · 2 years
I'm howling at the new Spy x Family chapter. Damian never ceases to be the butt of Anya's antics, truly 😂😂
Also peep some of those story threads 👀 👀👀
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twiyorer · 2 years
GARDEN and WISE definitely aren't going to team up with how the plot is going rn :'))) the angst is building up quick for our beloved twiyor
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mj-ackerman · 2 years
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Ohhh Yor....
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agentpenguinman · 2 years
At this point I'm not entirely sure whether I'm reading canon material or a twiyor fic
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rlbbackup · 2 years
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My crazy brain after reading Chapter 66.
[Image Description: Meme using Charlie Day by a wall filled with paper and connecting red lines from Always sunny in Philadelphia. Text on papers read from top left to bottom left in clockwise order: Melinda Desmond History, Anya freaking out about being unneeded, Twilight's promise to Protect Yor if needed, Shopkeeper suspicious of Loid, National Unity Party, The Lady Patriots society.
Bottom text reads: Some Crap is about to go down in SxF. I can prove it.]
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p-s-geeks · 2 years
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Tfw your targets son has a crush on your daughter and his wife has a crush on your wife
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justsomeboredgirl · 2 years
this is the highest grade level of fighting, look at this marvelous technique by ms. anya forger! "FRIENDSHIP CRASH!!!" my, i reckon this will get her the number 1 spot on top 10 deadliest techniques by anime character
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also look at mr. damian desmond elegant maneuver where he dodged anya's friendship crash with a simple twist of his leg! i would say mr. damian got a higher chance of winning but!
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the result speaks for itself people. ANYA FORGER WON THE MATCH WOOOOOHOOOOOO
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deonideatta · 2 years
Melinda Desmond gives me actual shivers lol her expressions are so undecipherable??? That one when Yor wouldn't stop apologising jump scared me so hard skfjs and the the one in the car??? We have no idea what her deal is and it's really unsettling, especially contrasted with how nice she seems outside of those moments
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This chapter was too much. There’s SO much to unpack and go off on that I just can’t.
1- Melinda being sus af. Honestly, if she turns out to be the one pulling her husband’s strings I wouldn’t be too surprised. Sis is SCARY and WISE having no pertinent information on her is a red flag for my plot sense. (And wtf what that expression? Happy? Mad? Murderous? Whaaaaaat does it meeeeean? )
2- Loid being so damn sweet to Yor, vowing to protect her if things go south. I love this little “all for the mission,” idiot almost as much as he loves Yor.
3- the absolutely hilarious unveiling of Plan C!
4- Anya being Anya.
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reartem · 2 years
Who is stalking who?
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Gotta feeling he was stalking on Anya so he"happened"to know what she is gonna do...😂
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decadentrot · 2 years
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Redraw of ch 66
One of my favorite panels from spy x family !!
Damianya is basically when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. Prove me wrong
Also, I love how dramatic and over the top everyone is in SxF. Like people judge Loid for not suspecting Yor for anything despite her strength, but have the you seen everyone else? Have you seen Bill Watkins? Have you seen his daughter treat every activity like shes about to unleash her ultimate power?!
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