bouncy-dog-funeral · 26 days
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 26 days
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he was gone for like 5 minutes afdkgmf
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 1 month
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he was gone for like 5 minutes afdkgmf
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 1 month
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 1 month
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bro is not slick
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 1 month
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
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Shhhh they’re sleebin’ 💤
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
I totally forgot that people ship stiles and Lydia. No hate! I just forgot that people actually wanted them to get together.
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
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blood really does look black in the moonlight
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
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Scott Thompson (Jimmy Price) talking about Hannigram
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
Exactly!!! Some people act like the Sheriff wasn’t supposed to protect his son. The phrase legality doesn’t equal morality is such a good phrase for this! I could go more in depth about americas legal system but that would involve a huge conversation about racism and police curroption that I don’t really have time for.
What I’m basically trying to say is you worded this beautifully!  
Did I seriously just read that the sheriff was corrupt??? Really? I think people need to reevaluate the meaning of the word corrupt. Corruption is due to greed, entitlement, and the enjoyment of causing people "beneath" them to suffer, not from love and the need to protect his son.
Yes, he broke the law, but he also understood there is nuance in situations, like werewolves being an actual thing. Legality does not equal morality.
Deputy Haigh was a corrupt cop. He was motivated by greed. The sheriff? No. What do you expect the man to do? Refuse to help and save lives because the law doesn't take into account werewolves exist?
Also Stiles wasn't some entitled brat. Did he get away with some stuff? Yes. Did he do stuff because he felt a sense of entitlement or wanting to feel superior to others? No. The stuff he gets away with that we see him do, he does to help/protect Scott (he's literally the president of the Scott McCall defense squad), to help/protect his dad, hell he even helps/protects Derek when he can't stand the guy at first!
If Stiles and the sheriff didn't break the law, Scott would be dead. Like there just is no way Scott would still be alive if they hadn't broken the law to protect and help Scott and anyone else who needed protection and help due to supernatural shit.
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
I totally get that and these are some great points! I never really thought about how selfish teens were even though my high school was full of them so thank you for bringing that to my attention! I def think it’s a product of its time and at the end of the day it was kinda written to gain viewers from the twilight werewolf craze so some things def just didn’t work out.
I’m glad to see someone els related to stiles and his experience! I think a lot of nds can relate to him and his story.
I also get that it was a product of its time which makes me kinda sad but it also makes me happy to see how far we have come as a society!
Agin thank you for bringing up some great points that I hadn’t even considered!
Stiles Stilinski and how teen wolf fails his character and relationships
TW: mentions of charecters traumas, disibilitys not being taken seriously, toxic relationships, one sided attraction, and teen wolf hate cuz as much as I love some of the charecters… the show is kinda bad (it’s my special interest b4 I get hate)
I am just an autistic guy who’s been hyper fixated on stiles as a character for years. I am not telling you how to feel about the show or him, I’m just expressing how I feel through a long (and I mean it this is long so strap in… or don’t… I don’t control you) tumbler rant. I have not finished the show but I have done a lot of research (about episodes and seasons that I have not seen) but I’m just human. If I miss something or don’t get something right, you can just tell me!!
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Stiles stilinski as a character, while not a revolution to tv, was a pretty iconic character. A show about werewolves and the supernatural was absolutely side stepped by the human of the series. From the moment he’s on screen, he brings a fun vibe and some pretty funny jokes but you’re not here to listen to me glaze a white guy from an early 2000s show. Too much of that on here any way so let’s get to the real meat and potato’s!
Stiles was failed by teen wolf. They failed to give him relationships (and I mean platonic and romantic relationships) that were reciprocated. His relationship with Scott is ok at best. In the first season stiles goes out of his way for Scott to help him find out what’s wrong with him and it’s seemingly the only reason he’s there other then to get Scott to go in the woods and to show that Scott isn’t friendless and what does Scott do? Kinda just ignore him to hang out with a girl HE JUST MET. This isn’t a one time thing either. Stiles goes out of his way for Scott 99% of the time. He’s loyal and honestly a really good friend. Scott does not meet him there unfortunately. This is not to say that Scott never helps stiles out or never shows care for him, he just kinda always puts his issues first. I think a famous example is season 5 episode 9. NOW BEFORE YOU SCOTT SYMPATHIZERS BOO ME I WOULD LIKE TO EXPLAIN MY POINT. Now Scott and Stiles have both gone through some traumatizing shit that no one, especially high schoolers but I can only give so much leniency. Scott is supposed to be a leader/alpha and although he’s bound to make mistakes, a good leader listens. He never really listens to stiles in this argument. He got told one story from Theo and just runs with it. He has this problem either way black and white thinking when everyone in this series is a person (werewolf’s and other supernatural creatures included) and being a person comes with not being perfectly good. Scott has this awful superiority complex when it comes to doing what he thinks is morally right. Scott through out the series proves that he is not as loyal to stiles is to him.
I’d also like to go over his relationship with Lydia cuz good god man. I don’t hate Lydia. I think she’s a great character that if not written in the early 2000s could really have potential but they make her mean to stiles (as most charecters are) and show no interest in stiles even as a nuisance and expect me to care about them as a couple. Now you could say the same thing about sterek (stiles x Derek) and you might even be typing up a comment now. Let me stop you. I think there is a key diffrance. We are supposed to root for stiles and Lydia. We are supposed to want them together when Lydia in all honesty is not intrested in him. It’s not a mutual arguing or back and forth. Stiles is deeply in love with some one who ignored his existence. As a afab person I feel bad for Lydia a little. Having the attention of a man that you don’t like all that much while you have a partner (Jackson in season 1 which he’s not a good partner but she’s still with someone) should get on my nerves and also kinda make me nervous. This is not me saying stiles is a creep or anything it’s just me highlighting the relationship that they share is kinda one sided. Now this is just personal preference and you might really like that dynamic but I don’t really want to root for a couple where it’s just pretty girl is there and she has some nerd who wants to be with her and she eventually gets with him cuz yay straight people. I know they grow and eventually Lydia is in love with him but I just can’t get behind it. It’s just nothing. The fact the he (stiles) yells at her at the school dance (season 1 episode 11) to get her to dance with him after she rejected the offer twice is weird!!! The whole speech is nice guy behavior on stiles part and it makes him seem down right disrespectful. I don’t care for the whole “no means I’m playing hard to get” idea. It makes stiles look like a dick, puts Lydia in the position where if she doesn’t say yes the audience will hate her, and it doesn’t progress the relationship in a healthy way. I think they would be really cute friends and you can even keep the “stiles has a crush on her” narrative and just make it to where he comes to an understanding that she has said no and they become friends. God knows we are lacking good platonic male/female relationships in media.
Now onto stiles and his disability. When I was in first obsessing over stiles in middle school or high school I was ecstatic to learn that stiles had adhd. I have been diagnosed with adhd since I was in elementary school. I was always an outcast cuz of it so to see a character, a fan fav at that, I was so happy. Getting any disability rep (especially from the mid 2000s) is crazy rare so I was happy to see it. Unfortunately in an interview Dylan o’brian (stiles actor) said that it was a joke. That even tho that in the series stiles says that he takes Adderall (a drug that treats adhd) he’s just like that. This was incredibly heart breaking to hear. Jeff Davis (creator of teen wolf) said that stiles had adhd later on Twitter but this isn’t a real relief to hear cuz either they wrote a “joke” that stiles might have adhd therefore dangling rep infront of disabled people’s faces while also having plausible deniability about having any rep in the show at all OR they wrote it in and just kinda ditched it at one point. They use derogatory terms for adhd to describe stiles like spaz just for him to be a nerotypical charecter??? Yeahhhhhh not a huge fan. If they actually wrote him to have adhd (which btw in my experience is like one of the most “accepted” disibiltys to portray in media so it wouldn’t even be taking a huge risk to give stiles adhd) then that would explain his behaviors, why he takes Adderall, why people other him when he seemingly does everything right. It was only ever a joke to the writers and I think unfortunately the actors. It made it to where other fans of the show can shut down the idea that stiles has adhd cuz “they don’t ever directly say it. It’s frustrating and overall makes me so sad.
Next his trauma. They put this man through a lot and just gloss over it. They do this with most of the charecters. Huge traumatic incadent then boom Scott saves the day we’re all fine!!! (Can you tell who my least fav charecter is through this rant?) it’s just annoying. Stiles was litterly possessed leaving him a broken man but it’s kinda just… there? No real ptsd. Hell he doesn’t even really have to deal with anything. They briefly go over that his mom died and kinda just became a shell of a person and that made his dad an alcoholic. It just happens. None of that affects stiles outside of that story line. Was it too much to write ptsd? Idk it just seems that anytime they have to write a charecter that isn’t a ambiguously white or white nerotypical untraumatized “normal” person, they fall flat *cough* BOYD *cough cough* DANNY *cough* what was that? Who said that? Any way it’s just weird and upsetting.
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All of this to say…. I think teen wolf had so much potential and so many good ideas that just… didn’t make it. They failed stiles stilinski, not only that! They failed all of their character’s but I’m not crazy Coocoo about their character’s and it 1:38 in the morning so I’ll leave it with stiles. If you disagree with me that’s so fine, I’d love to have a conversation about your opinions! Just from my knowledge and experience, I feel like they could have done so much better for stiles
(Like make him a bisexual neurodivergent icon but whatever)
Have a lovely day! Thank you for listening. If you ever want to talk about teen wolf, my dms are always open and I’m crazy.
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
pls use a "read more" on your long posts — it's unbearable to scroll that much on a phone.
I just found out how to do this! Sorry about the inconvenience!
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
I think Derek hale would be a Megan thee stallion fan. I think he’d very much enjoy her.
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
Teen wolf more like GAY WOLF AHAHAHAHAHA amirite fellas
I’m hunting you for sport milf
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
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They really supermegahelled my boy Derek huh…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/verorogunsou
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