#cultural symbolism
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oaths-sworn-in-blood · 15 days ago
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No head to think, no eyes to see,
Yet knowing all—eternally.
Svartidauði – The Temple Of Deformation
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melancholygal · 12 days ago
Am I writer? Yes. Do I actually write anything? No…
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sapphiresaphics · 2 months ago
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Yeah, well, I wanted Viktor to don a half mask and haunt an opera house while singing “music of the night” but it didn’t happen.
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Like… you guys GET that this is symbolism and references to famous TRAGEDIES, right?
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Please tell me you guys understand this concept…
And like… Jinx DOES become a symbol for the revolution? Like that’s part of her ARC in the story and the ONLY REASON Zaun comes to help in the final battle is because SHE joined in. You still got your revolution. You still saw her processing being part of the revolution even if she didn’t want to be a part of it at first.
Like seriously? You’re mad they referenced Les Miserable in the intro and you didn’t get her waiving a flag in the show?
wtf is wrong with you guys?
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noseysilverfox · 29 days ago
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January 2025
The Monument to Prometheus. In reality, the Kartvelians and other peoples of the Caucasus have a deep admiration for him. Their folklore features the hero Amirani, whose legend is closely intertwined with the myth of Prometheus. Like the titan, he defies the gods and brings forbidden knowledge and fire to humanity to ease their lives.
According to legend, Amirani taught people the art of blacksmithing and the secrets of longevity. In the end, as punishment, he was chained to a pillar in a mountain cave. Each day, an eagle comes to peck at the prisoner's liver, while his loyal dog, Kursha, licks the chains in the hope of wearing them down.
Like Prometheus, his endless suffering remains a symbol of an unyielding spirit and the eternal struggle for knowledge🔥
Памятник Прометею. На самом деле, картвелы и другие народы Кавказа питают особенную любовь к нему. В народном эпосе существует герой Амирани, чей образ тесно переплетается с мифом о Прометее. Подобно титану, он бросает вызов богам и приносит людям запретные знания и огонь, чтобы облегчить их жизнь. Согласно преданиям, Амирани научил людей кузнечному делу и секретам долголетия.
В конце концов, в наказание Амирани был прикован к столбу в одной из горных пещер. Каждый день прилетает орёл и клюёт печень узника, а верная собака Амирани, Курша, лижет цепи в надежде истончить их.
Подобно Прометею, его бесконечные страдания остаются символом непокорного духа и вечной борьбы за знания.
Borjomi, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Georgia
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laylay3000 · 21 days ago
my favorite part about kendrick’s halftime performance is the fact that there’s so many ways to interpret everything we seen.
i think what i like the most was his intro “the revolution bout to be televised. you picked the right time but the wrong guy.”
i thought about Gil Scott- Haron’s song “the revolution will not be televised” from 1971. and obviously the play on words because we live in a time where everything is of easy access so obviously the revolution will be televised. but what had me double thinking was the “wrong guy” part. yes, i think he’s talking about trump because america picked the wrong man for presidency. but also kendrick could be calling himself the wrong guy, in the sense that he’s gonna flip this shit on its head. the boogie man has woken up both in a cultural and political sense.
another thing that stood out to me wan uncle sam (Samuel L Jackson) told kendrick after he did Man at the garden “ ahh you bought your homeboys with you. the old culture cheat code. score keeper deduct a life”. i interpreted this as when black people stick together, maintain the culture of community (which is intertwined deeply in black culture) and are united and strong white american “deducts a life” i.e. kills a black person in cold blood to disrupt the culture and community. i also feel this way because man at the garden is a song full of affirmations. literally a black man saying “i deserve it all” you break down confidence by causing tragedy.
there’s so much more that can be said about how this halftime show was a major political statement but also one more “fuck you” to drake in moment.
but i’d like to end with kendrick finishing with tv off. like he’s literally saying turn the tv off. and to me he’s also saying go get active and talk about what’s happening go advocate for change in every way possible.
this was a major fuck you to america on national television and using the propaganda that was used on those who came before us against the oppressors and i’m genuinely pleased with what kendrick did. he doesn’t have a pulitzer prize for no reason.
(side note as a profound hater i loved that kendrick looked dead at the camera and said that man’s name 😂)
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fuckyeahviagraboys · 1 month ago
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sorrowfulseraphim · 1 month ago
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- the angel on your shoulder
Part of a photoshoot i did with my best friend
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writerpolls · 2 months ago
*This can be as a general theme (like using crows to represent death, using sheep to represent sacrifice, etc) or as symbolism for a specific character (calling a character a wolf, an owl, etc multiple times). If the animal symbolism you use falls into multiple of these categories, feel free to pick the one that best represents how you use it as symbolism.
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savhearts087 · 4 days ago
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the-blueprint · 19 days ago
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oaths-sworn-in-blood · 14 days ago
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romewithlove · 2 months ago
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does this 2 band bracelets have any meaning? (the one higher) I wanna draw it on buffy frank, but I don't wanna end up with some party poison piss kink shit.
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smokexaxdutch · 1 month ago
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A beautiful owl watching me smoke on the back porch. Walked three steps closer to get a good picture and he was gone without a whisper.
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morerichka · 2 months ago
One day I was walking in the woods near my house on my routine route and you know what? I found this symbol neatly laid out of branches, stones and leaves right in the middle of the road. Do you think it is an art object or some kind of spell?
Of course, with my strong belief in mysticism, I did not set foot on this work of art, but my curiosity does not let me rest. What are your thoughts on this?
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the13thh0ur · 27 days ago
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Yaz said it was tradition to write each other's names in the henna, but neither of them bothered to explain its significance.
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leafcreature · 19 days ago
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❄️ ORPHAN ❄️
I’ve always wanted to paint a seal after living in Finland !
Finland’s biggest lake is home to one of the rarest seals in the world called Saimaannorppa. They have lived in complete isolation from other seal groups ever since the land rose during ice age and they became trapped into lake Saimaa. This caused them to evolve into a different subspecies, endemic to this lake!
The Saimaa ringed seal is also one of the most endangered seals in the world; around 400-500 seals remain in the lake today.
🌜 Closeups under the cut, along with a little talk about the symbols I used this painting! 🌛
I wanted the frame to contain plants and animals from the saimaa seal’s natural habitat as well as some symbolic elements.
🌿 I made sure to choose freshwater plants and fish because they live in a lake!
As for the symbols, you will recognise two animals from often overlooked constellations of the northern sky:
🐱 the lynx who appears in some northern mythologies & is said to be a bearer of clairvoyance due to its powerful eyesight.
🦊 the mythical creature tulikettu, a fox whose tail twinkles fire. When running through the night it leaves behind a trail of light, creating the northern lights (in finnish, revontulet, the fox fires)
Lastly because I’m always a fan of flower language, I added two beautiful flowers:
🤍 the Anemone which is said to have signified abandonment in medieval illuminations, or maybe “don’t abandon me”?
💙 the Myosotis, also known as “forget-me-not” in many languages due to the tale of a knight throwing this flower to his lady before falling into a lake. This flower also became a symbol for International Missing Children’s Day (may 25)
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