#cruel cruel cruel evil evil evil
edwinisms · 3 months
third watchthrough of dbd thwarted as netflix has finally realized i was stealing netflix from a friend through my ps4 and now i no longer have access 😔
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Persona 1 And 2 Seem Much Better Than The Later Ones In Not Being As Bigoted. That's Why They Shouldn't Be Remade They'll Be Ruined And Losers Will Paint Them As Good For Removing Woke And Better. And Now Wanting Woke Back Makes You Woke.
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sunderwight · 2 months
Bingqiu AU where Luo Binghe's the chosen village sacrifice to the evil deity who lives up the mountain.
Normally the village sends maidens, but they've more or less run out of expendable girls of the right age and, ahem, "virtues". So of course Luo Binghe's early life bad luck kicks in. In the wake of his mother's death there's no one to really care about what happens to him, he's fairly pretty, and the village leaders decide that if they dress him up like a girl the teenaged homeless kid should pass well enough. And hey, y'know, he's probably got a hard life ahead for him anyway -- dying in a brothel of some venereal disease or on the streets of exposure or starvation. At least as a sacrifice, everyone else gets to benefit from his loss! And the kid will get added to a shrine and be remembered as a hero! If anything, he should be happy about this!
Binghe is not happy about this.
But he's also a skinny underfed nobody who is easily overpowered, dressed up like a bride, and tied to a post. So. Not much he can do but wait for the evil deity to come and do whatever horrible thing he's gonna do to him.
Meanwhile, Shen Yuan is pretty sure he's been isekai'd into the over-powered hero of some kind of supernatural adventure story? He's not totally sure because he doesn't recognize the setting, but the signs are there. He's got a shrine-like base of operations (though it seems to have become corrupted/ruined, probably he has to restore it somehow), he has a very resilient and handsome new body with spiritual energy of some kind flowing through him, and a very clearly magical sword. Plus lots of neat starter powers! Though it feels like he has other abilities that have been blocked somehow? Probably he has to level up in order to access them.
When he treks out of his "base" and finds what seems to be a distressed maiden, he takes it for his beginner hero mission. The girl claims that she's been doomed to be sacrificed to an evil god. That sounds a little above Shen Yuan's pay grade for dealing with, so he unties her and decides that they had better just get out of the whole region altogether. He already packed up anything useful from his base, anticipating he might get caught up in an adventure once he left, so they follow the river away from the settlement until they reach another one.
While they travel, Luo Binghe tells Shen Yuan about the cursed deity, Shen Qingqiu, who was cast out of the heavens for slaughtering one of his brethren and has apparently being do-who-knows what to maidens from the local village in exchange for his "protection" ever since. Sounds like a real asshole! And also mid-level boss type bad guy at least. Shen Yuan hopes he doesn't have to fight him, but he probably will.
Thank goodness he found Binghe, though! Clearly the helpful little sister type! He's definitely going to require her assistance if he's going to figure out how to navigate this world and level up his skills enough to take on a god.
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konigsblog · 5 months
tired, but thinkin' about doctor-könig jerking off to the pictures he takes during your appointment. 💉🩺
cw; perv-könig, creep-könig. 18+
if you knew what könig was actually doing with these photos, you'd never come back to him. you'd report him for being so perverted and would make sure he loses his job. that's why he has to lie about what he does with the pictures he's taken.
könig claims that he's taking photos for any medical students. although, behind closed doors, könig is being filthy and deranged. he jerks off, leaning back in his office chair, taking deep breaths at the perfect sight. he guides his calloused, scarred hand up his aching, veiny shaft slowly and twists his hand to tighten his grip. he fists his lengthy cock while biting his bottom lip to suppress the guttural, pleased noises coming from deep within him. he rolls his eyes to the back of his head and growls out needily, rolling his thumb over the head of his weeping dick.
in the video, könig can be seen caressing your slick, soft cunt with his gloved thumb. his breathing is audible in the background, heavy and laborious while you're laid down and presented to him. knowing that you're unaware of what devious things he's doing to your photos made it all the more enjoyable for könig, his swollen cock twitching in his tight grip.
god, könig fantasies about fucking you. what would you feel like? your velvety walls pulsing around him, taking him all the way down to the base of his meaty dick. what would you taste like? would you come all over his tongue, chanting his name like a prayer?
of course, könig doesn't bother sharing these photos. although, he makes sure to ask for your consent to take a photo every appointment, in different positions, your tits and your drooling cunt.
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captainpirateface · 1 month
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thesestreets · 2 years
this whole thesis thing like summarise nine months of work in 20 pages (of results) then summarise that in 3 pages then summarise that in one page then summarise That in 3 dot points 
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
Arthur Morgan is the kind of man to save you from harm only to look at you with his sorrow-ridden eyes and tell you how much of a bad man he is when you thank him
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Please i need people to understand that the tragedy of robins is that their parents did love them.
Dick’s parents love him they didn’t want to leave him. Jason’s parents loved him, they didn’t want to be trapped in poverty and crime. Steph’s mother loved her, she didn’t think Steph would get caught up in her husband’s schemes. Tim’s parents loved him, they never meant for him to be as alone as he was. Cass’s father loved her, he wanted her to be as strong as she could be. Damian’s mother loved him, she was raising him in impossible circumstances. Duke’s parents loved him, they never planned to get caught up in the attack.
And yes, these situations are different. Duke and Dick’s parents were good people, Steph mom and Jason’s dad are sometimes depicted as abusive but at other times shown to be struggling with their circumstances. Tim’s parents and Damian’s mom were good people who should never have been parents. Cass’s dad was a bad person who shouldn’t have been a parent. With Cass, there ended up being abuse, and with Damian too because one way or another Talia or the league’s training and general way of life would’ve harmed Damian, and some depictions of Tim’s parents imply severe neglect. But deep beneath that, despite the circumstances and even the failure of the people themselves, they did love their children, and were trying in their own way.
Just like Bruce loves his children, and why I’m sort of against the terrible father depiction. Because I think he’s traumatized and his knowledge of parenting would give him a poor subconscious fathering ability, but CONSCIOUSLY he loves his children, and he would try. That’s the difference. All the robins were loved, but they all lost their parents anyway. And they all will be loved again, because even is he fails, Bruce loves them too, and he is trying to do right by them. He’s trying to make sure none of their stories are tragedies.
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deluxeyellowflower · 8 months
If you're USamerican and feel very strongly about how people vote in this upcoming election, if you feel hopeless about how those around you aren't voting, here's some suggestions.
Sign up to be a poll worker or election worker in your county. You might need to call or email the local election office to find out how to do this.
Get very familiar with your local voting process and its bureaucracy. Know the important deadlines and remind people of them. (Being a poll worker helps a lot with this.)
Ask your friends and family if they're voting. Have progressive voting guides on hand if they don't know who or what to vote for. Offer to drive people or go with them to vote. Fill out your mail-in ballots together.
Organize and join get out the vote campaigns. Canvass. Table. Flyer. Call. Text.
Don't shame people for ambivalence, disinterest, or hostility to voting. Be curious. Provide practical advice and tangible support.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Cruel and Unusual Punishments (the PSA episode).
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greelin · 8 months
ever since i was a child i always wanted to throw a drink in someone’s face
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nellasbookplanet · 5 months
In the wake of FCG' fate I've been thinking about death in ttrpgs, and how it kind of exists on three levels:
There’s the gameplay level, where it only makes sense for a combat-heavy, pc-based game to have a tool for resurrection because the characters are going to die a lot and players get attached to them and their plotlines.
Then there’s the narrative level, where you sort of need permanent death on occasion so as not to lose all tension and realism. On this level, sometimes the player will let their character remain dead because they find it more interesting despite there being options of resurrection, or maybe the dice simply won’t allow the resurrection to succeed.
Then, of course, there’s the in-universe level, which is the one that really twists my mind. This is a world where actual resurrection of the actual dead is entirely obtainable, often without any ill effects (I mean, they'll be traumatized, but unless you ask a necromancer to do the resurrection they won’t come back as a zombie or vampire or otherwise wrong). It’s so normal that many adventurers will have gone through it multiple times. Like, imagine actually living in a world where all that keeps you from getting a missing loved one back is the funds to buy a diamond and hire a cleric. As viewers we felt that of course Pike should bring Laudna, a complete stranger, back when asked, but how often does she get this question? How many parents have come and begged her to return their child to them? How many lovers lost but still within reach? When and how does she decide who she saves and who she doesn’t?
From this perspective, I feel like every other adventurer should have the motive/backstory of 'I lost a loved one and am working to obtain the level of power/wealth to get them back'. But of course this is a game, and resurrection is just a game mechanic meant to be practically useful.
Anyway. A story-based actual play kind of has to find a way to balance these three levels. From a narrative perspective letting FCG remain dead makes sense, respects their sacrifice, and ends their arc on a highlight. From a gameplay level it is possible to bring them back but a lot more complicated than a simple revivify. But on an in-universe level, when do you decide if you should let someone remain dead or not? Is the party selfish if they don’t choose to pursue his resurrection the way they did for Laudna? Do they even know, as characters, that it’s technically possible to save someone who's been blown to smithereens? Back in campaign 2, the moment the m9 gained access to higher level resurrection they went to get Molly back (and only failed because his body had been taken back by Lucien). At the end of c1, half the party were in denial about Vax and still looking for ways to save him, because they had always been able to before (and had the game continued longer it wouldn’t have surprised me had they found a way). Deanna was brought back decades after her death (and was kind of fucked up because of it). Bringing someone back could be saving them, showing them just how loved and appreciated they are. Or it could be saving you, forcing someone back from rest and peace into a world that's kept moving without them because you can’t handle the guilt of knowing you let them stay gone when you didn’t have to. How do you know? How would you ever know?
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Me when Capcom made me fight two blind grandmas with chainsaws and then a centipede priest back to back:
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hrrystylesbookclub · 11 months
rereading tbosas and i KNOW that the capitol are demonic people who see the district citizens as less than human, but it’s SO clear with the reaction they have to arachne’s death (a capitol child killed by a girl brought to the capitol for the sole purpose to kill and be killed) vs orchestrating the slaughter of hundreds of innocent children. this privileged girl who died making a cruel joke was a hero, but the 230 children who have died, and the countless more who will die in the upcoming 64 years are necessary causalities for a war they didn’t fight, and on top of everything a pleasure to witness suffer.
and somehow of everybody it’s snow who sees the hypocrisy and how arachne’s death was her own fault for taunting a girl with nothing to lose for a cheap laugh, and yet her cruelty ends up being spun into heroism.
which arguable makes snow so much more demonic than the average capitol citizen- maybe even more evil than dr gaul, he sees the humanity of the district children and acknowledges that the capitol can be wrong, and yet he pushes forward anyways and continues to boost the credibility of the games for his own personal gain.
while dr gaul is cruel and probably clinically a psychopath the way she takes such pleasure in torturing animals and humans alike, snow doesn’t take the same kind of pleasure yet still consciously makes descion that will lead to more torment and spectacle of district suffering as long as it means he gets an ounce of respect from other capitol citizens
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jaehaeryshater · 3 months
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never get in between a woman and her blood magic baby
my commission from @wweskywalker
I don’t have as much to explain with this piece as my Saera and Jaehaerys commission because it’s Maegor and Visenya and their insanity is self explanatory, but I did want to take a moment to gush bc isn’t it so beautiful??? The thought struck me one day that normal mama’s boys get their mothers jewelry or otherwise provide for them, and Maegor tried to do the same, but what was the most special to him was not how the other boys acted. I imagine he would have started out by giving parts from the animals he hunted, and it spiraled from there. To him, there is no stronger and purer declaration of love and devotion than bringing a human heart to his mother (he brought Ceryse one too but she did not react as positively for some reason). Some have characterized Maegor as a sociopath, but I don’t think is true as it seems he does have loyalty and love towards his mother. He’s a horrible person, but I imagine he has never ending aim to please the people (or maybe it’s just one person) that he holds dear. I see him almost as some kind of twisted mutt. Of course, that’s not how Visenya views him, for to her he is her world. The original intention was for this to be set during the early reign of Aenys and certainly before the Trial of the Seven. The crown does sort of contradict that, but I love how Veronica draws jewelry so much and asked her to please please please deck them out as much as she could, so let’s just not think on it too hard. I don’t have a person specifically in mind whose heart this is, the gift was more important than the person who it came from. But my friend @theweirwoodfiles told me it could be the High Septon’s, if we were going with the Maegor being King timeline instead of Aenys.
What I *do* want to think on too hard is how beautiful the Valyrian fashion and jewelry is! When I think of Valyrian fashion, I think of the Byzantines. So the reference photos I gave Veronica were inspired by that, and I think she did a great job of making Visenya look luxurious and still representative of her family’s roots, what I imagine fashion looked like in the Valyrian freehold (maybe just a little more fancy, seeing as she’s Queen Dowager). Maegor’s dragon on his armor is a total Veronica original, I didn’t give her any references or anything, I just told her I love the dragon imagery that she displays in her art and she delivered ^_^
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99monochrome · 11 months
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Hoody shit William afton??
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