#Ashley needs to get it together and stop flirting with my man’s Leon
Me when Capcom made me fight two blind grandmas with chainsaws and then a centipede priest back to back:
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winksasleeplesseye · 1 year
via ad perditionem (three)
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SUMMARY: Leon wakes up in a new place and meets a rather...interesting man named Luis Sera. Amara also finds herself in interesting company.
WARNINGS: death, implied experimentation, some cursing
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Sacrificial lamb. You will receive our most sacred body. 
It begins now.
Leon wakes up with a start.
It’s brighter than he remembers. And colder.
All he remembers is…Shit, Amara. He’s back to square one. He had been able to check off one part of the mission until that man knocked him out—an unfair advantage on him, considering the sheer size of him. 
He squints his eyes as he looks around the area in front of him, then he looks up above him, finding his hands cuffed. His mind only just now registers a throbbing in the back of his head and an ache of having been in this position for a while. Well, that’s…something. 
What was it with these bastards with the chains and ropes? 
“Oh, what the fuck?” He forcefully brings his hands down to his front, chain rustling at the movement. A voice lightly chastises him for it. “Hey, stop it!” 
He recognizes the voice. The man he’d somewhat freed underneath the house by the lake. And now he’s chained to him? Just great. He pushes himself off the ground to better assess his surroundings. 
Well, he tries at least. Being trapped like this doesn’t exactly give someone that much leeway to look at things to escape. Unfortunately, he did have to be considerate of the person on the other end of the chain. Despite the annoying vibes that radiate from the man. 
He’d felt a small, almost green demon of envy crawl up his spine as he recalled this same annoying man had taken to flirting with Amara and the sweet smile, the easy yet witty answer she’d given to him in return. It made him feel like the rookie he thought he’d left behind, palms clammy and word vomit galore, he wished he could make her smile like that again.
First, he needed to get out of here if wanted that to happen.
“Oye, Yanqui, got a name?” 
He’s only half listening as he steps towards some shelving. “Leon.” 
“Quiet type, eh? I’m Luis Serra.” He introduces himself. “And guess—you, me—picked the wrong spot to vacation, eh?” 
Leon tugs the chain a little too far, briefly eyeing Luis as he scolds him. “Hey! Stop it! You move, I move…And I’m beat up enough as it is!”
What exactly was holding these chains anyways? Leon glances up to find—
—hm, chained together by a pulley, huh? He could work with that. Enough force and it’d be down soon enough. He leans back a bit, repositioning himself to have a better grip to pull it, he notices Luis following his movements as he gives a forceful tug. 
“I can see your thinking.” Leon felt the give on the chain, assuming the man decided to be helpful. “Bet you’ve been in spots like this before, hm?” 
Leon furrows his brow slightly, beginning to wish this man would shut up. He had bigger fish to fry than to have a needless conversation with this guy about what spots he has and hasn’t been in on missions. Who knows what that man did to Amara and not to mention he needed to go find Ashley too. He turns, finding that pulling while facing away might do more good. He could just hear the nails coming undone from the wood. 
“My guess…you’re here looking for someone?” Luis posits. Leon doesn’t answer. Just a couple more pulls and he’d be free. “One more guess…you’re here looking for some missing senorita?” 
Leon stopped dead in his tracks, turning on a dime towards him. Now he said something useful. “Young girl?” 
He pulls the chain, holding Luis’ arms above his head. “Talk. Now.” 
“All right,” Luis grunts. “See, heard chatter about moving a senorita.”
“Moving her. Where?” 
“Who knows?” He responds. “But later, saw some men dragging someone…to the old church. Who knows maybe that radiante flor from earlier is there too?” 
Jesus Christ. If he says one more thing about her, he’s more than liable to break a foot off in his ass. 
With a final tug, the pulley breaks, sending Luis to the floor. “Mierda…” 
That’s when he sees him behind Luis, a man wild-eyed and flailing around with an ax, Leon doesn’t think twice to pull him away from the other man. 
“Hanging with you not healthy—“ 
It takes mere seconds to whip the man with the length of the chain. Wrapping it around his neck, with the two men becoming temporary animal tamers…except the animal is a man. 
Ending this ordeal quickly, Leon forces the weight of his knee against the chain, a sickening snap coming from the man’s neck. He collapses, taking Luis down with him. 
He wanted to feel sorry about taking the man down so brutally but considering the man had come in the room with full intention to more than likely lob both their heads off with the ax, he can’t find it in him to feel all that sorry either. 
Luis excitedly scrambles for something on the man’s belt loop. Leon heard the telltale sign of that something being keys for the cuffs. 
Luis backs away, free from the chain in a gesture as if he just did a magic act. 
“Hey, we’re not done here!” Leon runs at him but the weight of the man holds him back, Luis backs up with a triumphant smile. 
He tosses the keys to the floor without so much as a second glance to Leon. “Later, amigo!” 
Leon can’t help but linger his eyes in a fierce gaze in the general direction he ran off. 
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For an agent, finding ways out of any situation is crucial in every sense. It was one of the biggest tenets of training to prepare agents for whatever may come. 
Amara had been in her fair share of…sticky situations to say the least. 
However, this one had topped the list. 
The stone tiles had been digging into her knees for some time, Amara’s sure her knees would pop out of their sockets. Not to mention, the strain on her arm muscles in this position. All in all, everything about this sucks and there wasn’t a way out. 
Not that she could see. She could definitely hear rats squeaking and scurrying about, their little paws scraping against the floor. Smell only the scent of fire burning, an almost—emphasis on almost—pleasant woodsy scent amongst the smoky scent and a scent that always seemed to permeate in old buildings. Mold and mildew no doubt. 
Well, at least it wasn’t the skunk lake-scented bag.
But Amara doesn’t imagine it’s much better wherever they put her. 
She hears footfalls echoing from a distance. Female. Judging by the click-clack of heels. Who the hell would wear heels of any kind in this place? Amara pities whoever it is, the cracks in the stone had probably given the person more than a few missteps. 
By the pace, she can tell they’re scared, nervous…a whole other gaggle of emotions to do with fear.
They sound closer and closer by the second, it’s only when someone gently unties the blindfold that the sound stops. 
Her eyes scan the room before looking over at the person who had slightly freed her. It’s a church, that much is obvious, judging by the architecture, a stain-glass window just beyond the doorway, the shelves directly in front of her lined with bibles collecting dust and the worn, rusted cups that were used for communion next to them. At one point, they were more than likely a more pristine gold color but age had gotten to them. 
There’s a grime to the walls that makes her skin crawl. 
Amara never really cared that much, but now she could safely say she hated churches. Well, just this one. 
Then there was the person who freed her. Under the glow of the lantern, the orange and green colors of her outfit stick out almost ridiculously in this place. Amara is no fashion critic by any means, but the outfit is cute. 
She didn’t look too much older than 20, her soft features and curious eyes studying Amara. Something about her reminded her of Sherry. 
“You’re not one of those people, I take it?” Amara questions, though the answer is pretty obvious.
She scoffs, the labored breaths she let out returning to a normal pace from stopping her exertion. “Considering I took off that blindfold, I’d hope not.” 
“Think you’ve got a key to this?” Amara smiles, shaking her arms to emphasize the chain holding her captive. “Not that I don’t appreciate being able to see again.” 
“Me and you are in the same boat, unfortunately.”
“Well, not exactly. You’re not chained to a wall at the moment,” Amara said, almost reflexively. It came off a little meaner than she intended but the frustration started to wear on her. 
It took Amara a moment longer than necessary to register the girl’s words. “Ashley Graham?” 
“My name precedes me.” She offers a closed mouth smile, there’s a pain in her eyes. 
Amara immediately felt like a piece of shit, but it’s too late to really take back that she kind of sassed the president’s daughter, because the moment has already passed and Ashley already seems to be moving her eyes over the area.
“I’ll see what I can fin—“ 
“Don’t bother, you’re stuck here too, doubt they’d let that key lay around where their prisoners can find it.” Amara sighed, gesturing near her. “Least you can do is keep me company. Name’s Amara.” 
Ashley delicately placed herself on a spot on the floor nearby. It only just now hits Amara how bare and cold everything is, goosebumps raising against her exposed skin instantly. At least one of them was warm, and it definitely wasn’t her. 
Amara decided it was in their best interest to be friendly with one another. More than anything, this girl probably needed some friendly, Amara couldn’t exactly picture what had been occurring since being kidnapped. Nor how her detail had managed to slip up so badly. Dumbasses, the lot of them. 
“You’re not scared?” 
“Terrified. Guess I hide it pretty well.” Amara can tell she’s trying her damndest to put on a brave face. Though it was entirely possible the next sudden move or even shift of a shadow would make the girl jump.
“We’ll get out of here, trust me.” Well, that depends solely on Leon. Why on god's green earth did they only send him? Amara knows he’s more than capable (if the whispers around the office and during training were anything to go by) but one man up against…whatever is going on here seemed a bit much. 
But, recalling the mole, it made a stupid amount of sense. One agent to each hypothetical needle in the haystack to see which one found the needle. Leon now either possessed the short end or long end of the stick in finding them. 
“Are you an agent or something?”
“As far as I’m aware I am.”
“For my dad?” 
“Oh, no. That’s way above my pay grade,” she jokes lightly. Can’t have a living, breathing BoW breathe the same air as the President after all. 
She felt disgusted to even admit that but it was—is— the truth. 
The only reason they hadn’t been given orders to take her out at the first chance they had was because much like that sunglasses-wearing slick blonde hair idiot thought, they thought the same. 
She’s special. 
And she just so happened to be of age while Sherry was not. Those factors equated to the almost perfect candidate because of the “medical potential” and the fact that to her family, she’d been dead since 1998. No one would come looking for her despite the fact a woman eerily similar to someone they’d lost now roamed freely using her name. Heh, and she was calling Ada a ghost? 
The first couple of months had been the hardest, her body and psyche had been put to the test, mentally, physically, and emotionally. 
More than a few training sessions ended up with her writhing in pain, bloodied, and bruised as the trainers had been given almost free reign to test all methods of attacks against her as scientists watched over her “healing” abilities. One particularly mean bitch trainer named Diana Foster knocked out a few of her teeth and while her teeth grew back almost instantaneously, the phantom pain of losing them came up ever so often now. 
That coupled right now with the awful sensation of rubbing against her wrists gave her a throbbing pain in her right temple. That didn’t explain why she had spit up blood earlier just before Ashley had found her, she had chalked the weariness upon waking to Luis taking her blood but something about not being able to even have the strength to break free of these chains certainly began to alarm her. 
She needed to find Luis and find out what the hell was going on with her. Better yet, the progress on the so-called suppressant he was working on. 
“Are you alright?” Ashley asked, a frantic tone to her voice. “Your nose!” 
A warm dribble just so happens to run down to her mouth, the taste of iron hitting her tongue. Yep, that’s blood alright. 
Of course, something in her tells her not to worry her only companion for the moment. Amara is still a bit touched by the care she shows for her, despite only having just met. 
“Probably just the air in here, that or being carried upside down,” she shrugs her shoulders as best she can. Ashley takes part of her scarf and tears it to make a makeshift napkin, wiping the blood and tossing the soiled piece away. “Thanks.”
“Are these people patrolling the church too?” Amara knew the next thing to do was survey the situation. 
Ashley shakes her head. “I just woke up here so I’m not too sure.” 
“Do me a favor. Look around this place, find something weighty.”
“To defend yourself. If I can’t, the least you can do is knock someone out to escape, if it comes to that.”
“What about you?” 
“I have a couple tricks up my sleeve.” Maybe. Hopefully. If she could rid herself of this damn pain in her head, she’d be more than okay. 
Ashley looked over the shelving next to Amara, she can’t exactly see what she grabbed until she comes back into her full line of sight. A candelabra. Oh, hell. This place was ancient. 
Ashley’s eyebrows scrunch in confusion as she examines it. Amara had to remind herself that there was a time that people were born after her, although the only reason she even knew what that was was because of her own interest in a few things of gothic persuasion. “This candle thingy should be good, right?” 
“It’s a candelabra,” she corrected politely. “But yes, it should work. Now, don’t take this the wrong way, but you need to get away from me. Only because it’s a bit better strategy not for them to be able to take us both out in one go.”
Without another word, Ashley nods hesitantly, carrying the candelabra as if it were a shield from the world and heading out the way she came to hopefully hide. Yet again, Amara is alone. 
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The last remnants of the boat sink slowly to the depths of the lake within the boat house. The pink, purple, and orange hues denoting sunset had now vanished with an almost pitch black sky in its place. Leon gingerly steps off the boat, full intention to contact Roost. 
Coughing up blood and taking an unintended mid-mission nap (if he could call it a nap) were not on the agenda. 
Neither was fighting a giant lake monster but that's besides the point. 
A touch to his comms sends the familiar beeping to his ear. His voice is a little more exhausted than he’d like as he states the usual call sign. “Condor One to Roost.”
Hunnigan’s voice filled his ear, there was concern and surprise in her voice. “Condor One? You’ve been radio silent for three hours. Are you alright?” 
Shit. Was it that long? 
“Yeah…I’m fine,” he lightly laughed at her concern, but he didn’t want to really make her any more concerned. He’d keep coughing up blood to himself, probably that night out a few days ago coming back to bite him in the ass. “Won’t let it happen again.” 
“And the church?” 
“Still looking for whatever key I need.” 
“Copy that. I’m glad you’re okay. Roost out.” 
After tedious traveling back and forth, Leon finally retrieved the key. Upon examining it closer, he noticed the same insignia he’d seen outside the path to the hunter’s lodge from that crudely made post, the same he’d seen on the altar where the corpse of who he assumed was one of the missing hikers had laid, now the same he’d looked at upon the stained glass window above this church. 
If it weren’t already completely obvious, there was a pattern. 
Besides that, he briefly wanted to pat himself on the back for even getting here again in one piece but there’d be no celebrations until he had both Ashley and Amara secured. 
“Ashley Graham? I’m here to help!” He called, though he was already doubtful he’d get a response. “Amara! Are you here?”
No answer. Great. Fantastic. Wonderful.
Leon held back a sigh as he noticed a mechanism just ahead. It doesn’t take two and two to put together that it’s another damn puzzle. Goddamn it. 
If anyone had told him six years ago that he’d be going all over the world to do weirdly intricate puzzles, he would’ve quit right on the spot. Shit, at least it gave his brain something to focus on that didn’t involve fucking disgusting monsters for a change. 
Having found the third piece to the mechanism, Leon worked through uncovering—what else—another insignia amongst the almost beautiful kaleidoscope of colors on the wall. He heard the scraping of the bars against the stone walls as they lifted, which signified that he could finally get to the upper level.
Please be here. 
Now that he was closer, he called out again. “Ashley? Amara? You in there?” 
His eyes fell upon an obnoxiously pink item on the floor. Bending down, he picked it up. A flip phone with sorority stickers on it, the screen is cracked so it was useless. Must be Ashley’s. Yup, she’s definitely here.
Coming to a set of two doors, Leon looked between them. Would it really matter which one he chose? 
With a brief shrug, he readied himself for anything behind the door closest to the windows. He slowly pushed the door open, mindful to keep his handgun aimed downwards just in case either Ashley or Amara were in the room. The corners were shrouded in darkness, just about the only light coming from the dimmed flames of a lantern but Leon could just make out the form of someone, similarly positioned like one of the hikers he’d found earlier. 
Luckily, his eyes weren’t deceiving him. Even with her head hung downwards, he could recognize the two streaks of white in her hair. He always assumed it was partially from what the G-virus had done but also a style choice on her part. 
It only takes about two or three strides before he’s by her side, gun back in its holster for the moment. There’s a nervous bundle twisted in his stomach as he lifted her chin, he hoped she was better off than the hikers. 
Her skin was a bit flushed, more than likely being close to the lantern and the strenuous position they’d put her in. 
“Your hands are cold…” Amara weakly spoke, automatically moving her head away from Leon’s touch. 
“C’mon, wake up. It’s me, Leon.”
“Leon?” She mumbled. 
“The one and only. Now, give me a–”
Leon sensed someone behind him within only half a second to spare, a gold candelabra laid on the ground where he just stood. It would’ve damn near taken his head off. “Get away from her!”
His attention is now solely on getting Ashley Graham to not land him in the upper room with blunt force trauma.
“Easy with that!” He raises his arms in surrender, voice even as he tried to approach her. “My name’s Leon. I’m here on the president’s orders–”
Before he can finish what he’s saying, Ashley practically scurries out the door she’d come in from. Running away from a perceived threat, can’t say he blamed her. Though, probably wasn’t logical to leave her companion with said perceived threat. 
Amara coughs a bit, a chuckle followed after. “Smooth.”
“Hush.” Leon eyed an ax hidden behind some of the shelving. That would do the trick for Amara’s chains. 
“So bossy,” she teased. He noticed that she was a bit more alert than she was a few moments ago. That was a good sign.
“As I was going to say, give me a second and I’ll get you out of these chains.” He began to ready his swing on the chain, as far as he could from Amara’s body. With one heaving swing, the chain broke from the wall, Amara’s hands flying to her front and sending her face first to the ground. 
Amara groaned out for a moment, voice dripped with sarcasm as she pushed herself off the ground. “Great plan, Leon. Loved the part where I ate shit.”  
“Sorry,” Leon offered a hand once more to help her up fully. She took it, grabbing more of his arm as she stumbled a tad. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, just give me a minute. That was hell on my knees,” Amara offered a small smile to reassure him that she was doing okay. Leon could see it didn’t reach her eyes but he didn’t want to push her. She untangled her hand from him as she leaned against the wall near the door. “You should probably go tell Ashley that you’re a friendly. Unless you’d like her to come back in here with another thing to hit you over the head with.” 
He marched right outside the door, seeing Ashley had her eyes set outside the window. “Hey, it’s dangerous outside.” He can see Amara in his peripheral, slowly walking towards the nearby pillar.
Ashley doesn’t answer. Doesn’t move. 
Leon was beginning to feel like a scolding parent. He cautiously approached her once again. “You need to listen to me–”
“What is that? Over there?” Ashley cuts him off, pointing outside the windows. Through the inkling of raindrops, there’s an orange glow moving towards the church. Torches. Villagers holding them. Leon can just barely make them out before a booming voice invades his brain, it sounded strangely familiar as he held his hand to his head. 
Pursue them. 
The lost lambs are escaping… 
Deliver unto them…
As quick as it had came, it was over just as fast. The pain in his head subsided too. He and Ashley briefly share a look between them, his eyes then turning towards Amara as she stood nearby. A look of confusion seemed to pass between all of them before they looked on at the villagers coming closer to the church. 
What the hell was that? 
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bboyplankton · 6 years
2018 Playlist
1. A$AP Rocky – OG Beeper
2. Action Bronson – Prince Charming
3. The Alchemist feat. Earl Sweatshirt – E. Coli
4. Alina Baraz – Fallin
5. Anderson .Paak feat. Q-Tip – Cheers
6. Anderson .Paak feat. Kendrick Lamar – Tints
7. Animé – Reel It In
8. Apathy feat. Ryu – The Widow’s Son
9. Ariana Grande – R.E.M.
10. Ariana Grande – sweetener
11. Arin Ray feat. Babyface – Always
12. Arin Ray – Stressin
13. Arin Ray – With Or Without
14. Avery Wilson – Dollar Bill
15. Avery Wilson – Touch Down
16. Big K.R.I.T – Energy
17. Big K.R.I.T – 4 Tha Three
18. BJ the Chicago Kid – Rather Be with You
19. The Black Eyed Peas feat. Nas – Back 2 Hiphop
20. The Black Eyed Peas feat. Nicole Scherzinger – Wings
21. Black Thought & Salaam Remi feat. Reek Ruffin – Conception
22. Black Thought – Long Liveth
23. Blood Orange – Jewelry
24. A Boogie wit da Hoodie feat. Jessie Reyez – Pretending
25. Brent Faiyaz – Target on My Chest
26. Bridget Kelly – Pipe Dreams
27. Brownout – Fight the Power
28. Busta Rhymes – Jumpin’
29. Cardi B feat. Bad Bunny & J Balvin – I Like It
30. The Carters – BOSS
31. Casanova – Catch A Body
32. Chance the Rapper – I Might Need Security
33. Childish Gambino – This Is America
34. Chloe x Halle – Down
35. Chloe x Halle – Everywhere
36. Chloe x Halle feat. Joey Bada$$ - Happy Without Me
37. Christina Aguilera feat. Keida & Shenseea – Right Moves
38. Craig David feat. Ella Mai – Talk to Me, Pt. II
39. Craig David feat. GoldLink – Live in the Moment
40. Curren$y – Never Stop
41. Curren$y – This and That
42. Dave East – Thank You
43. Denzel Curry – Sumo I Zumo
44. Desiigner – Priice Tag
45. The Diplomats – Dipset Forever
46. The Diplomats feat. The Lox – Dipset/Lox
47. Doja Cat – Wild Beach
48. Domo Genesis – Façade Records
49. Drake feat. Static Major & Ty Dolla $ign – After Dark
50. Drake – Jaded
51. Drake – 8 Out Of 10
52. Dizzy Wright feat. Jazz – Hit Em With the Pose
53. Ella Mai feat. John Legend – Everything
54. Ella Mai – Love Me Like That (Champion Love)
55. Ella Mai – Own It
56. Eminem – Normal
57. Emotional Oranges – Personal
58. Eric Bellinger – By Now
59. Eric Bellinger feat. Dom Kennedy – Main Thang
60. Estelle feat. Kranium – Don’t Wanna
61. Estelle – Lights Out
62. Estelle – One More Time
63. Everything Is Recorded feat. Syd & Sampha – Show Love
64. Fall Out Boy – Young and Menace
65. Fall Out Boy – Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)
66. Freeway feat. Lil Wayne – Blood Pressure
67. Freeway – Come Back
68. Heather Victoria – Japan
69. Gucci Mane, Bruno Mars, & Kodak Black – Wake Up in the Sky
70. The Herbaliser – Submarine
71. Ice Cube feat. Too $hort – Ain’t Got No Haters
72. Ice Cube – That New Funkadelic
73. India Shawn feat. Alex Isley & Ré Lxuise – Water Me
74. The Internet – Come Over
75. The Internet – Mood
76. The Internet – Next Time/Humble Pie
77. J. Cole - ATM
78. Jacques – London
79. Jacques feat. Trey Songz – Inside
80. Jacques – 4275
81. Jade Novah – All Blue
82. Jaden Smith – Yeah Yeah
83. Jane Handcock - Heyyy
84. Janelle Monáe – Don’t Judge Me
85. Janelle Monáe feat. Pharrell Williams – I Got The Juice
86. Jay Rock – Knock It Off
87. Jayla Darden – Idea 709
88. Jayla Darden – Reminder
89. Jeremih & Ty Dolla $ign – These Days
90. Jessie Reyez feat. Normani & Kehlani – Body Count (Remix)
91. Jessie Reyez – Imported
92. JID feat. Method Man & Joey Bada$$ - Hot Box
93. JMSN – Explicit
94. JMSN – Real Thing
95. JMSN – Sunshine
96. Jorja Smith – February 3rd
97. Jorja Smith – Teenage Fantasy
98. Jungle – Beat 54 (All Good Now)
99. Jungle – Casio
100. Justin Timberlake – Flannel
101. Justin Timberlake feat. Alicia Keys – Morning Light
102. Justin Timberlake – Wave
103. Kali Uchis – Flight 22
104. Kali Uchis – Your Teeth In My Neck
105. Kaytranada feat. Ty Dolla $ign – Nothin Like U
106. Khalid – Vertigo
107. Kyle – It’s Yours
108. Kyle – ShipTrip
109. Leikeli47 – Roll Call
110. Lenny Kravitz – The Majesty of Love
111. Lenny Kravitz – Johnny Cash
112. Leon Bridges – Bad Bad News
113. Leon Bridges – If It Feels Good (Then It Must Be)
114. Leon Bridges – Shy
115. Lil Wayne – Dedicate
116. Lil Wayne – Open Letter
117. Lloyd feat. Curren$y - Blown
118. Lloyd feat. River – Infinity
119. Logic feat. feat. Ghostface Killah, Raekwon, RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Cappadonna, Jackpot Scotty Wotty, U-God, Masta Killa & GZA – Wu Tang Forever
120. Logic feat. Wale & John Lindahl – 100 Miles and Running
121. Lupe Fiasco feat. Elena Pinderhughes – Cripple
122. Lupe Fiasco – Happy Timbuktu Day
123. Lupe Fiasco feat. Nikki Jean – Stack That Cheese
124. Mac Miller – Hurt Feelings
125. Mac Miller – Jet Fuel
126. Mac Miller – Small Worlds
127. Mac Miller – What’s the Use?
128. Marc E. Bassy – Main Chick
129. Mario – Drowning
130. Mario – Goes Like That
131. Masego – I Had A Vision
132. Masego & SiR – Old Age
133. Marsha Ambrosius feat. PJ Morton – Hello Goodbye
134. Marsha Ambrosius – I Got It Bad
135. Meek Mill feat. Swizz Beatz - Millidelphia
136. Meek Mill feat. Rick Ross & Jay-Z – What’s Free
137. Meek Mill feat. Ella Mai – 24/7
138. Mick Jenkins feat. Mikhal Anthony – Stress Fracture
139. Mikky Ekko – Cherish You
140. Mila J feat. MIGH-X – Desiigner
141. Mila J – Without You
142. Mya – Ready 4 Whatever 2.0
143. Mya – Simple Things
144. Nao feat. Kwabs – Saturn
145. Nas – Bonjour
146. Nas – White Label
147. Ne-Yo – Breathe
148. Ne-Yo – Good Man
149. Ne-Yo – Over U
150. Ne-Yo – 1 More Shot
151. Niia feat. Gallant – Constantly Dissatisfied
152. Nick Grant feat. Stacy Barthe – Black Woman
153. Nick Grant feat. Sonyae Elise – The Ode
154. Nipsey Hussle – Blue Laces 2
155. Nipsey Hussle – Hussle & Motivate
156. Njomza – Lonely Nights
157. Noname – Don’t Forget About Me
158. Phony Ppl – Before You Get A Boyfriend.
159. Preme feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR – Can’t Hang
160. Preme feat. Ty Dolla $ign – Callin’
161. PRhyme feat. 2 Chainz – Flirt
162. Pusha T – The Games We Play
163. Raheem DeVaughn – Come Together
164. Ré Lxuise – Lynm
165. Ré Lxuise – Show You Off
166. Ré Lxuise feat. Dryod – Tell Me
167. Reason – Better Dayz
168. Reason – Summer Up
169. Reuben Vincent – You Know I Gotta
170. Rico Love – Sexual Professional
171. Rico Love feat. Teedrea Moses & Ball Greezy – Whole Lotta Sex
172. Ro James – Devotion
173. Royce da 5’9” feat. Boogie – Dumb
174. Royce da 5’9” feat. Ashley Sorrell – God Speed
175. Saba – Calligraphy
176. Sabrina Claudio – All to You
177. SiR – D’evils
178. SiR feat. ScHoolboy Q – Something Foreign
179. Slum Village – Hard Core
180. Smino – Hoopti
181. Smino – L.M.F.
182. Smino – Low Down Derrty Blues
183. Snoop Dogg feat. Jacquees & Dreezy – Everything
184. Styles P – Marie Antionette
185. Swizz Beatz feat. Kendrick Lamar, Jadakiss, & Styles P – Something Dirty/Pic Got Us
186. Swizz Beatz feat. 2 Chainz – Stunt
187. Summer Walker – Deep
188. Summer Walker – Girls Need Love
189. T.I. feat Anderson .Paak – At Least I Know
190. T.I. feat. Watch The Duck – Big Ol Drip
191. Teyana Taylor – Gonna Love Me
192. The-Dream – Forever
193. The-Dream – Platter
194. Tiara Thomas – I Can Tell
195. Tinashe – No Contest
196. Tink – Faded
197. Tink – Signs
198. T-Pain – Go Head
199. Tory Lanez – Benevolent
200. Tory Lanez – B.B.W.W. x Fake Show
201. Tory Lanez – Don’t Die
202. Tory Lanez feat. Bryson Tiller – KeeP IN tOUcH
203. Travis Scott – Coffee Bean
204. Travis Scott – No Bystanders
205. Travis Scott feat. Drake, Swae Lee, & Big Hawk – Sicko Mode
206. Trey Songz – Lay Yo Head
207. Txs – Destroyed
208. Tyler, the Creator – Big Bag
209. Tyler, the Creator – 435
210. Vince Staples – FUN!
211. Wale feat. Jacquees – Black Bonnie
212. Wale – It’s Complicated
213. Wiz Khalifa feat. Chevy Woods & Darius Willrich – Karate/Never Hesitate
214. Wiz Khalifa – Rolling Papers 2
215. Ye Ali feat. Tyus – T Shirt (Interlude)
216. Ye Ali feat. Jahkoy – Tell Me
217. YG feat. 2 Chainz, Big Sean, & Nicki Minaj – Big Bank
218. Young Thug feat. 6lack – Climax
219. Young Thug – Gain Clout
220. 6lack feat. Offset – Balenciaga Challenge
221. 21 Savage feat. J. Cole – a lot
222. 21 Savage feat. Yung Miami – a&t
223. 21 Savage feat. Beam, Project Pat, & ScHoolboy Q – good day
224. 21 Savage feat. Childish Gambino – monster
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