#crime blitz
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diabolikdiabolik · 11 months ago
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Judge Dredd - Crime Blitz Daily Star Saturday strip, 7th November 1981
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mushroom-winners-proof · 8 months ago
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mono-rogue · 9 months ago
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I was going to just make a funny fight comic, then I realized "wait she has a sister, blitz has a sister too, oh no potential angst" and look where we are now.
Well, no timelapse... but I am working on a side project that is speedrunning toon boom harmony's 21 day free trial, currently about ~3 days in:
I think I'm committing every animation sin known to sinkind... oh well
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starsaught · 6 months ago
Octavia learned of this King penguin named Pesto. She has a need to visit Australia to penguin nap.
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danidoesathing · 1 month ago
I like how Arcane Viktor is both a robot/cyborg and something completely alien to Runeterra. Like, he's still a robot/cyborg of some kind (his voice is mechanical, his skin is metal, there are bolts and screws in his Hexcoreized form, and you can hear faint mechanical whirrs in some of his scenes after he's fully Evolved)-but he's also not the type of cyborg he's normally depicted.
He's less "traditional Cyberpunk cyborg" and more "Spooky Living Metal Alien Robot who wants to assimilate you into the Robot/Alien Hive Mind". Both are still cyborgs/robots, but very different genres of robot/cyborg. (One is Cyberpunk Sci-Fi, one is Space Sci-Fi.) (...Also, the fact that some media uses divine imagery for aliens and/or makes it so that ancient societies worshipped aliens as gods arguably makes this comparison work even better?)
(Slight spoilers for The Expanse.) (The main comparison I use for Viktor's transformations is the Protomolecule Hybrids from The Expanse as a comparison-both the TV and book versions. (The Protomolecule can assimilate and transform both flesh and technology, so it feels a fitting comparison.))
(Also, you should check out The Expanse. It's well written, has great characters and storylines, and has some similar themes to Arcane (class divide and politics) while also being a mostly-grounded Space Sci-Fi series. (Also, Grayson's VA plays one of my favorite characters.) It's on Prime for free, and I cannot recommend it enough.)
YES I LOVE!!! ELDRITCH ROBOT VIKTOR!!! i understand why people were disappointed that they didn't get the Machine Herald from the game (even i will admit i wanted to see that freak in all his glory) but ive always considered him and Jayce Talis as separate guys (as well as the rest of the cast, but those two have the biggest deviation from their original selves. its one of the reasons I call him the Arcane Herald and not the Machine Herald cause. hes not really the Machine Herald) so i was really excited to see him as a fucked up body horror robot wizard. (and honestly i LOVE the switch up the original game lore for his (and jayce's) storyline but the tangent i want to go on is not really relevant to this ask so ill leave it there for now) and i LOVE what we got.
like i keep staring at all this pictures of his in act and im obsessed with his weird ass anatomy. He looks like he's made of wires and fibers but it looks like exposed nerves and flesh. his skin lined with gold and swirls and it pulses and glows, but it's still some intimation of skin. It looks flexible but its still metal. The result of near perfect transmutation using corrupted magic. A cyborg made of the arcane. He's so unnaturally natural. the original was once human and still retains that form no matter what but now its fundamentally changed. fucked up and alien and i love it.
AND THE DIVINITY ASPECT OOOH MY GOD!!! wake up bitch we've forced you into an artificial godhood where you dont know how much control you have over your soul at any time. you will never know how much of your own mind is your own. your own want to help people and insecurities about your body are twisted for the goal of something you cannot understand. You have become the central consciousness for a concept that was never supposed to be conscious. you will kill thousands in it's name, you've ended dozens of worlds, and you do not know how much of it was you, but you drown in your guilt regardless. you wanted to die human but you were loved too much.
(I do like in the concept art you can tell they were making designs for a semi-traditional machine herald (some pretty cool ones tbh!!), but as it goes on it gets weirder and weirder until it's the Arcane Herald. they just kept going he's not enough of a freak yet. keep making him more fucked up.)
I have not seen the Expanse but it IS on my list. and the promise of fucked up hybrids of flesh and machinery AND Shohreh Aghdashloo is. ooooh very nice.
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kingsragesqueal · 4 months ago
why does literally everyone forget that Verosika and her cronies literally SAed Moxxie in episode 3? everyone loves her and gushes over her and I'm like sitting here like...she literally told her followers to SA Moxxie as a 'message' to Blitz. I know it's played off as a joke (bc r*pe is funny when it happens to silly/joke characters!! uwu) but I'm just. Never gonna be able to forget that.
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milflewis · 2 years ago
blitz (2011) is really just jason statham walking around in cardigans and beating ppl up with a hurley as paddy considine looks longingly at his mouth and jason flirts with him in his usual no homo except for when it’s homo style
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portalg37 · 2 months ago
Homem abandona veículo roubado na BR 494 em Nova Serrana
A POLÍCIA MILITAR DE MINAS GERAIS durante blitz de trânsito na BR 494, deu sinal de parada ao veículo fiat strada placa Q8*8 contudo o condutor desobedeceu e evadiu em alta velocidade sentido a cidade de Divinópolis. Foi feita perseguição tendo o condutor abandonado o veículo em uma estrada vaicinal às margens da MG 252 e evadindo em meio a um matagal a pé. Durante consulta foi constatado que…
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jenmedsbookreviews · 6 months ago
#BookBlitz: The Murmurs by Michael J Malone
Today I am resharing my thoughts on The Murmurs, book 1 in Michael J Malone's Annie Jackson series ahead of the release of book 2, The Torments. @1michaeljmalone @orendabooks @annecater14 #teamorenda #books #themurmurs #bookstagram
I absolutely loved Michael J Malone’s last book, The Murmurs when I read it last year. Introducing the world to the very unique gifts of Annie Jackson, he gave us a book that was equal parts thrilling and chilling. I ate it up and am delighted to reshare my review today as part of a promo blitz ahead of the launch of book two, The Torments, next week (12 Sept). Here’s a reminder of what the…
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cherylmmbookblog · 10 months ago
#PublicationDayBlitz The Unspeakable Acts of Zina Pavlou
It’s a pleasure to take part in the Publication Day Blitz The Unspeakable Acts of Zina Pavlou by Eleni Kyriacou.  Author photo: credit – Jon Cartwright About the Author Eleni Kyriacou is an award-winning editor and journalist. Her writing has appeared in the Guardian, the Observer, Grazia, and Red, among others. She’s the daughter of Greek Cypriot immigrant parents, and her debut novel, She…
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inbabylontheywept · 6 months ago
by tradition, the first day of the camp was spent pranking the group next to us. our prank was ziptying the zippers on their sleeping bags together. we figured one of them would sleep with a knife, because we all slept with knives, because we were dangerous maniacs and half the danger of a dangerous maniac is that they tend to think that they are Actually Normal. so. obviously that didn't pan out, and instead they got stuck in their sleeping bags for like half an hour and because their scoutmaster slept in their car and couldn't hear them yelling, they actually only got out when one of them went full caged animal and chewed through the plastic. which meant they had time to make it to the axe throwing station, but they did miss breakfast.
the scale of our victory was impossible to understate. it was an epic prank. unrivaled. the best in years. we knew they were going to retaliate, and we both feared and craved it. maybe i'm still a maniac, but that feels like a common thing, right? do well adjusted people that are not maniacs crave Judgement?
(serious answers only please, from people who would never spoon a knife.)
anyway, the next day we got back to our camp, and the neighors had skipped dinner to just come back and fill all our tents with pinecones. which was like, a decent prank, i guess, but it probably took them an hour to fill all the tents up, and it took us like 15 minutes to tip the tents out, and as a return volley to the ziptie prank it was incredibly underwhelming. we felt a little cheated.
so our scouting group held a council, and we agreed, unanimously, that our prank was 100% better and theirs sucked and that there would be no escalating tensions because we were the clear victors. they'd had their chance to retaliate, and they failed, and so the war was over. that was it.
we agreed on this. we swore. but madness is a relative thing, and in our group of maniacs, we still had J. i have many, many J stories. too many. i biked up to school with him from 4th grade to 8th, and i saw him get hit by cars thrice. he'd just swerve into the road sometimes. one time on a rainy day in 4th grade, a car splashed me, and before i could even consider my response J yelled I GOT THIS and then he blitzed off after the car. i didn't see him the rest of the day. i was so anxious i barely slept that night. i saw him the next morning and he told me that he'd chased the car until it got to a gated community and then he'd climbed over the fence and looked in peoples garages until he found the one with the car, and then he'd ripped the hood ornament off and broke their window. then he gave me a hood ornament to a different brand of car from the one that splashed me and i didnt tell him because i didnt want him missing more school. i want you to mentally adjust your mental model of the things a 9 year old is capable of doing to include chasing a car for five miles, hopping a fence, breaking into a garage, and vandalizing a randos car.
and that's just the tip of my J stories iceberg.
the point of all this is just to say that J was so crazy that he made us knife spooners look like accountanting enthusiasts.
so we agreed the war was done, and we shook on it, and then J, in the name of friendship, in the name of honor, in the name of avenging our pinecone filled tents, snuck over to their camp that evening and fornicated with a watermelon that they'd been saving in their cooler.
i want to emphasize, again, that this was not the consensus of the group. that is not a prank. like i know it seems like we dont know what pranks are because of the whole ziptie thing, but even we knew that fucking someones food is not a prank, it is a crime, and a sin, the kind of weapon that had only been ethically used once in history by Horus in his battle against Set and none of us dumb assholes had owl heads.
the next day went pretty well. we threw some more axes again, which is a valuable and important skill for children to learn i guess, and we learned how to tie knots, which is a skill that turned out to be far sexier than i ever expected, and i learned how to light fires with a magnifying glass, which was great. i'm looking back at this, and i am actually just now beginning to realize that the clear and obvious point of scouting is turning child sociopaths into apex predators.
and then the day ended, and we went back to our camps, except for our leaders, who had a sort of Scout Leader Meeting they were going to have for a few hours at least. it was built into the camp, that day was supposed to be our day to chill as a group, and make peach cobbler, and just be buddies.
except, as it turned out, our neighboring group's alternative to making peach cobbler was eating their watermelon. so at some point they opened their watermelon, and woo boy. oh man. you think catholics hated seedless watermelons? you should see how much mormons hate seeded ones.
so we were chilling by the fire, and then we heard screaming from the camp over, but we didn't pay much mind to that because there are many reasonable explanations for a group of 10ish children to scream simulanteoulsy, such as wasps, which are abundant in arizona, and then the screaming got closer, which did not bother us because there were many reasons for a group 10ish children to scream and run towards us, for example, wasps, which are abundant in arizona, and then we noticed they had large sticks on them, which we figured were perhaps being used to drive away the wasps, which are abundant in arizona, and then they arrived and they started beating the shit out of us, abundantly, in arizona.
so we ran into the woods.
now, at this point, we had no idea what was up. we knew that the camp next to us was out for blood, which was crazy, because we'd actually locked them in fartproof bags for 30 minutes and they'd barely done anything back, and were trying to figure out what could possibly have happened that could drive them to Terrible Violence when we realized that J was cackling like a witch that had learned how to order children off of ebay.
so we politely asked J what the hell he had done, and he politely explained that had "done" their watermelon, and we politely beat him with large sticks because life is nothing but endless cycles of violence.
we were still being chased by the other camp btw. so it was them, chasing us, chasing J, and then they got tired and went back to their camp, and we chased J a little longer because we were mad we'd all been walloped with sticks, and J did not care because he was a supernatural entity whose only weaknesses were Needles and Fire, and then we got tired and went back and J kept running, and we just kind of figured he would come back eventually.
he did not.
we went back to our tents, and we waited, and J did not come back. we stayed up all night, peering into the forest, worrying. our leader came back, and we did our best to hide our battlewounds, and he either genuinely did not notice or simply accepted this as part of Boyhood. then he went to bed, and we waited, and waited, and waited. And Waited. and did not sleep.
eventually, we convened again, and we agreed that if J was not back by after breakfast, we would have to tell the scoutleader about what exactly had transpired. and we really did not want to do that, because it would have meant that everyone would have gotten in a very large amount of trouble.
morning came around, and J still was not back. we went to breakfast, and we ate very, very slowly. we were afraid the other camp was going to continue their war with us, but they actually looked fairly frightened. one of them actually came to us and asked for a truce, and we agreed because we truly felt bad for them. like, yes, they did beat us with sticks, but J fucked their watermelon. we werent complicit in the watermelonfuckening but they didnt know that, and it was definitely the kind of crime that left one outside the bounds of the social contract.
and then when we could eat no more bits, when breakfast was almost done, right when i was getting pushed to go and tell the scoutleader that we needed to find J, he arrived. he was sleep deprived, and noticeably scraped and bloody, and tied to his belt was a blood squirrel tail.
and i asked him, J, where did you get that? and he said, don't worry man, it was already dead, which did not answer by question and gave me several more.
the camp ended that day, and the other groups avoided us like the plague, and it was not until some weeks later that we were able to piece together what happened.
J, in his sojourn through the forest, managed to find (or, possibly, make) a dead squirrel. he then cut off the tail to keep on his belt, because he was a weird little freak like that. he also took the dead squirrel, and he skinned it, then he tied it to a little crucifix made of wood, and he left it in the other scouting group's camp. which is why they were so scared of us.
it was such an unhinged thing to do it actually sobered us up for a while. scouting became a scary thing for us. we'd found something dark and primal there, in the place where no adult could see, and our appreciation of J as a wild ride kind of changed into seeing him as something truly dangerous. we had a sense wherever he went, something terrible would follow, and the only way to escape it was to not be there when it arrived. and so piece by piece, the scout group dissolved. it wasnt until he moved out of that ward that the rest of us started daring to go back to scouts.
and for the final epilogue of the tale:
i have a little brother who was friends with a younger cousin of J's, and the two would go to parties together in highschool. and sometimes J, who was in his early 20's at that point, would show up at the parties, and it was unsettling in such a way that it just became a known risk at parties with the cousin. and at one party, they were playing truth or dare, and J wasn't even in the room, but someone asked him the Truth of how he always knew how to find the cousin, and J said the cousin's mom had mentioned she was worried about him and the parties so he'd put a tracker in his car. and when he saw that the cousin was out of the house on weekends, he'd made a visit by, just to make sure he was safe.
then he left. and every single person at that party went over that poor kid's car. they searched the wheel-wells, checked underneath it, the works, until they found the tracker. then because they were clever, they didnt break it, or throw it away, or anything that would've given away what they'd done. they just gave the tracker to the cousin, who put it in his glovebox. and on schooldays, he'd take it with him, so J could see him in the parking lot. and on weekends, he could leave it in the garage, so he could go to parties with out Hell coming with him. because everyone that met J - every single person - knew that the only way to be safe from him was to be far, far away.
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ssunvulcan1981 · 1 year ago
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the-crimson-flash · 4 days ago
Looks around
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Grabs the body, slowly starts dragging it away and hideing the evidence
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"He had it comeing"
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//Prompt for other RP bloggers. Shadow X found dead. What'd u do//
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wezg · 2 years ago
Zlata's Diary - A Child's Life in Sarajevo - by Zlata Filipović
What’s a grown 45 year old male doing reading a little Bosnian girl’s diary you might ask yourself. Well, it cropped up as a recommendation in a documentary on the war in the former Yugoslavia, a subject to which I have passionately researched from its genesis. The Balkans conflict is (to date) the worst conflict that has taken place on European soil since World War 2 (although Ukraine must now…
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celuere · 3 months ago
sometimes silence guides the mind
pairing: arlecchino x pregnant!reader
context: on a draining day, there is only one thing that can soothe the Knaves mind.
cw: domestic fluff, arle is besotted with your baby belly oh i‘m so sick, reader is in her third trimester btw
when i tell you that i am smoking domestic arle atm.
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„what do you mean he was found dead.“
a mixture of disbelief and frustration slowly edged itself into the white-haired woman’s facial features as she flipped through the files scattered across her desk.
„Monsieur Wellfield was found dead this morning in his sleeping chambers. the local authorities are trying to cover up the incident as a „sudden heartattack“, but as you can see in the files…“, the subordinate gestured to the various pictures of the gruesome crime scene in front of them, „that was no heartattack. we’re dealing with an assassination.“
„indeed. it seems like the cartel of nod krai doesn’t want to be associated with the fatui in any form, given how monsieur wellfield was one of our suspects to have ties to their inner circle. they must’ve caught wind of our plan to contact them. how should be proceed, lady arlecchino?“
„doesn’t want to be associated with us, as if they are in any position to decide over such trivial matters. the tsaritsa herself wants to negotiate with their higher ups, who are they to decline a god. it‘s such arrogance and incompetence that rob me of my last nerve.“, arlecchino rubbed the bridge of her nose before waving the subordinate in front of her off, „you’re dismissed. i‘ll handle the situation accordingly myself.“
but just before the man was about to pass through the door, arlecchino spoke up, „you don‘t happen to know anything about my wife‘s whereabouts, do you?“, slowly the subordinate turned back around, scratching his neck as he recalled the memory of your last location.
„if i am not mistaken… i saw her just a few moments ago when she left the house with some of the children, picnic baskets in hand. she seemed in high spirits about the sunny weather today.“.
„then i shall be joining her. a little bit of fresh air never hurt anyone.“, and with that she rose up from her rather chaotic desk which was of little concern for her for now.
Arlecchino found you sitting underneath the cool shadows of a rather tall grown tree, just a five minute walk away from the hearth, being busy with smearing sunscreen all over foltz‘s face who did everything in his willpower to get away from your sticky hands.
„let go of me! i won‘t get sunburn, i prom- mh!“, he was shut up immediately when you wiped the remaining sunscreen over his mouth and chin before letting go of this oh so tortured soul. a rare feeling of comfort and warmth washed over the harbinger at the sight, slowly nagging away at her bad mood.
„that is not something you can promise, foltz. you will thank me once you eat enough veggies to grow older. now hop along and don‘t let me catch you pushing your siblings into the pond!“, you were still sitting with your back turned to your approaching husband when the boy sped past arlecchino and yelled a quick greeting to his father as he ran by, causing you turn around - well, at least you tried turning around. when you happen to be eight months into your pregnancy, even the smallest things turn into a challenge.
„arle…? when did you get here?“, the glimmer of love blitzing up in your eyes as she sat down next to you on the picnic blanket made her almost immediately forget about all the troubles plaguing her mind.
„just now. paperwork seems to have a suffocating effect on me lately, i thought it‘d be a good idea to join my wife for a break…“, arle slowly leaned in to pepper a soft kiss onto your cheek before you felt her hand roaming over your baby belly before she turns her whole attention towards it.
„ah, well in that case my husband is free spend her free time with me… and her baby…“, a smile so soft and lovingly tugged at your lips, the bare sight caused her heart to swell inside her chest at the realization of the life growing in your belly. not just any life. her daughter. she will probably never wrap her hand around how this little life you are nurturing in your belly right now is her own child. 
„mhm… with my wife and baby…“, a heavy sigh escaped her lungs as she carefully and gently laid her head down on your baby bump. well, you long grew out of the term „bump“ but you still think it‘s an adorable term to use. 
„my… hard day, ma cherie…?“, gently running your fingers through her soft strands, you allowed your nails to scratch over the scalp and forcing a pleased hum from her lips.
„mhm… very much… but such insignificant things aren’t of much importance to me at the moment…“, with one hand still stroking over your belly, the knave allowed herself to shut her eyes at the sensation from your nails caressing her scalp. there were cursed things in her life. she herself was a wandering curse but you seemed to cool the boiling flames underneath her marked skin, cool the terrorizing thoughts gnawing at the back of her mind.
„celestia above… you are so enchanting… i can‘t seem to keep myself together…“, pressing her lips now softly to your tummy, you couldn’t help but feel your heart speeding up. especially when the kisses didnt seem to stop.
ever since you found out about upcoming addition to your life, arlecchino has been nothing but comforting and accommodating to you. you need a massage at the end of a rough day? or help with showering? your husband is at your beck and call. even when you wake her up in the middle of the night because one of your cravings  rendered you sleepless. she‘d still get up and put herself into the kitchen at 2am. she was perfect. inside and out. which wasn‘t helping your baby fever at all, even tho one would think being pregnant would soothe the symptoms. it was quite the opposite with her.
„why don‘t you take a little powernap then, hm..?“
„a powernap…? hm… fine. i will indulge in twenty minutes of rest.“
you did not wake her up after twenty minutes.
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lady-hibiscus · 6 months ago
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prev did fizzarolli eat the lawyer
moral alignment of hellaverse characters
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tw: opinions!! and low pixel rate!! feel free to comment on anyone you don't understand my reasoning for, i'll explain
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