quotelr · 17 days
If you feed a bird, you don't have to force it to come to you.
Matshona Dhliwayo
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Star Wars Legends + text posts
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luxthestrange · 11 months
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#35 Human courting
You and Kalego, Balam sitting down with tea and snacks...courtesy of an injured Henri who promptly asks you to not break into his house again...You three discuss the situation of being Iruma's official parents...and your story with Iruma is a tale for another time~
Y/n*Sips on tea and looks a the two*Am I boring?SURE!
Balam*Knows it isn't the time for him to explode in the excitement that you a grown-up human are talking to him*...
Y/n: Social skills?NONE!
Y/n*Points at the two*But Im loyal AND Protective if you feed me and iruma, AND I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU!!! BECAUSE-well we need the food...
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part 4 of:
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wordswithloveee · 9 months
Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.
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words-and-coffee · 7 months
She could not control an instinctual shudder of fear when she saw him, for a lion is a lion and a man is a man and, though lions are more beautiful by far than we are, yet they belong to a different order of beauty and, besides, they have no respect for us: why should they?
Angela Carter, The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories: The Courtship of Mr Lyon
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Thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably.
- William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing (Act 5 S2)
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tahiriveilasolo · 5 months
Wes Janson: Hey Wedge, wanna check out the latest top songs?
Wedge Antilles: I would prefer not to.
Wes Janson: C’mon, Wedge. You’re not that old. How about this one, “the Virtues of King Han Solo”?
Wedge Antilles: Wait, the what?
Wes Janson: *singing* Han Solo, what a man! Solo. He’s every Princess’s dream! Heh, that’s a catchy tune.
Wedge Antilles: What in the wilderness of Corellia is that all about?
Wes Janson: Squeaky recommended it to me. Says a friend of his made this song.
Wedge Antilles: Well I don’t wanna know. Just hurry and leave the ’fresher. You’re driving me mad.
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Often, one bird fans its left wing while the other opens its right to give a strikingly symmetrical, "mirror-image" effect, while in other cases each pair member fans the same wing in a parallel, but nonsymmetrical, pattern.
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A homosexual pair of female Galahs performing a mirror-image "wing-stretching" display
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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Leon: So you like cats?
Pob: Yeah, I do.
Leon: *slowly pushes a glass off the table*
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'Fairy Courtship' by Elizabeth Mary Watt (1886 - 1954)
[Guillaume Gris[
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“It was as though her soul were neatly removed by a drinking straw and siphoned into the green pool of quiet that lay beneath the rippling cascade of notes.”
― Louise Erdrich, The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
Male European Shags that court other males are simultaneously bisexual, alternating heterosexual courtship with homosexual interactions (and probably a greater proportion of the former).
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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Isolder: It's important, alright? I have to keep this physique tight! Tenenial Djo: For what? Isolder: Kissing. Tenenial Djo: What?
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Female Mule Deer also sometimes mount each other when in heat; in addition, some does court other females using a chasing sequence known as RUSH COURTSHIP.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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couple-guide · 1 year
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This one secret obssession holds the key to winning a man's love, attention and total devolution for LIFE. Click here
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words-and-coffee · 8 months
Wild things have a far more rational fear of us than is ours of them.
Angela Carter, The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories: The Courtship of Mr Lyon
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Man frir ikke til Edvarda, hun tar den hun faller på.
- Knut Hamsun
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