#correcting canon mistakes
satashiiwrites · 4 months
Home Found, Chapter 12
okay, finally. Here it is.
Title: Home Found, Chapter 12
Fandom: Eureka tv
Pairing: Jack Carter/Nathan Stark
A moment of clarity at the time of his death leads Nathan to make some changes when he’s give a second chance and awakens on the day he first met Jack.
Tags/warnings: sex. Canon-typical violence.  Fix-it. First time.  Get-together.  Time travel. Science shenanigans. Pod fic welcome
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Nathan should have remembered that Allison was the reason Jack ended up entertaining Carl’s neurosis and escorting him to Global—last time he’d rolled his eyes at Jack’s explanation of providing a calming presence to Carlson prior to the demonstration. After Nathan left the bunker, Jack all but dove onto the walking, talking panic attack that was Carl as it made him too busy for Allison to get her hands on.
Professionally speaking, of course. 
When Jack walks in behind Carl to his lab, Nathan’s blood goes cold. 
“Stop,” he says before he can stop himself, almost barking the command and internally wincing at how Jack’s spine straightens, and his expression goes blank. “Jack, what are you doing here?”
“Assisting. Carl has a really important demonstration today.”
“What do you mean, no?”  
The good thing is that everyone is now looking at them like Nathan’s grown a second head instead of proceeding further into the lab set up to test Carlson’s bacteria. The bad thing is that Nathan’s objection hasn’t stopped Jack from entering the lab as he’s two steps into the lab that’s two hundred feet directly above the Artifact’s containment chamber.  
Nathan has to get Jack out of there. He swears he can feel the Artifact emit some sort of vibration, and his skin is crawling. 
Read Chapter 12 here on AO3
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lazycranberrydoodles · 11 months
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follow to put more gods into cute outfits 🌸
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robinfollies · 10 months
me and the guy i pulled by accidentally implying i like jazz music
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Regulus Black — NEWT years
Regulus returns in his sixth year with material wrapped around his forearms and hands.
“Compression sleeves”, he explains to those who ask. “Medical. I’m required to wear them, if I want to continue quidditch.”
They don’t ask any more questions, usually. It’s impolite. It makes sense, anyways. Nobody in Slytherin wants him to resign from the team — he’s a great seeker, and won them the Cup last year.
Barty and Evan see him get them off every night before bed. If they notice the ink on his left forearm, they don’t ask. He doesn’t want to explain how much he would prefer it to be just ink.
There hasn’t been an announcement from the government about Death Eaters trademark tattoo. If Regulus was stupider, he might’ve played it off as just a regular one, with a snake to honor his house. He doesn’t. Dumbledore leads the resistance. Even if the government doesn’t know of them, he must at least suspect.
When he returns home for Yule, he notices his muscles feel weaker and he has trouble grabbing things without them due to pain. He did that to himself. He doesn’t have enough time to get them back in shape before returning to Hogwarts — doesn’t know if that would even work — so he just wears them all the time. “Madam Pomfrey told me I should wear them,” he tells his parents. He doesn’t know if they bother to remember. Father’s illness takes most of Mother’s attention, nowadays.
Father dies a year later, in the fall of his seventh year; Regulus inherits the lordship ring magically during Astronomy (how fitting), and skip class for the first time in his life. Father is was a member of the Wizengamot, so the announcement is made as quickly as possible — the next day. He doesn’t see Sirius’ reaction.
Sirius doesn’t appear at the funeral. The only ones permitted are family. The media are waiting nearby, though. His compression sleeves get more attention. It’s not a treatment used often in the magical world. The Dark Mark has been revealed to the public, during the last year. He tells them everyone at Hogwarts knows he’s been medically required to wear them for a year now, and there are photos from his Quidditch matches to prove it. Nobody dares to suggest the Dark Lord marked him at sixteen years old. He wishes he had their optimism.
Regulus technically becomes a member of the Wizengamot. He never goes to a single meeting. He suspects they might check his forearm at least once, so he gets away with an excuse that he has to focus on his studies. People nod with agreement, telling him NEWTs are significantly more difficult than OWLs.
He doesn’t get his NEWTs, or goes to a meeting, or completes a real mission for themorganization he has been apart of for almost two years. Instead, during the spring break, he puts on his compression sleeves sitting on his desk, and hides the reaserch about Horcruxes under blood wards in it. He doesn’t burn it. He might return (little chance). Sirius might return (almost zero chance). They are the only two people who could open that drawer without the wards destroying everything it holds. If Sirius returns (he tries to think of a scenario where that comes true, but he fails), he should get a chance to learn about the Dark Lord’s vilest step, just in case Regulus fails. In case they need someone more competent, smarter, better than him to make sure that man stays dead when someone inevitably succeeds in getting a mortal hit on him.
He leaves the lordship ring on the desk. He has not announces a heir publically; it will be Sirius. He goes to the drawing room and overrides his parents’ banishment of his brother. He leaves the family tree unchanged. No need to alert Mother of the “sudden” decision. If he dies today, without the ring on, it will not automatically transfer on his brother’s hand. He will have to set foot in the house again. He figures this is the only way to ensure Sirius doesn’t bury the name six feet under. Going back here will have to mean he accepts being a Black, in a way. The house listens to his condition, and obeys. He enchants his room not to let any of his family, bar his brother, in.
He has half a mind to take the sleeves off, before going to the cave. He doesn’t. He can’t hold a wand properly without them. They as must a part of him as what they cover, now.
A wave of cold, stale air from the cave hits him, and he wonders if he’s the last Lord Black in the history. He discards the thought.
He’s here to kill an immortal. He better get to work.
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anqelically · 2 months
people correcting my writing will always be the funniest thing to me (esp if they’re not correct)
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ponuchuu · 2 months
Nick please...please tell me how Niku and Scara feel about the same topic of immortality and mortality. Is it something Scara thinks about often? Especially since he's lost so many others before? Is he afraid of that commitment to another person because of it? Please, I need to see your mind
Wanderer absolutely hates the fact that he thought about it so often, he doesnt need sleep yet it still kept him up at all night because he's just... afraid, scared to accept the reality of which he has to face his own immortality, he'd never admit it out loud to anyone or even himself for that matter but he cared too much for this stupid human that keeps on testing his patience cause of how often he attracted troubles. Often than not I think Wanderer would think his immortality is both a curse and a gift, because to him, being able to not worry about dying of old age made him more superior to humans and yet he also long for a connection with humans but his immortality is getting in the way of him being fully commited to that want because he knows they'renot going to live long. I definitely think Wanderer is deep down afraid of commitment with or without his immortalit, i've always liked the thought that Wanderer is extra aggressive to mortals in fear of getting attached and repeating history again, you can imagine the absolute anguish he felt when he realized he's getting attached to someone and that he is possibly (definitely) falling in love with him, it's a hard blow to both of his fear and his pride at the same time. Like, imagine telling yourself to not get attached to anyone only to not only do the opposite but to someone that is bound to the concept of mortality and thus has to follow the circle of life.
The funny thing is Niko somewhat share the same sentiment but it's not exclusively to the concept of immortality, Niko is afraid of getting close to people in general out of fear for causing pain or put them in danger, like not only was the reasons he managed to escape the house of the hearth at the cost of leaving Clervie and Arlecchino behind in the hand of Crucabena but the only person he ever let himself get closed to was hurt because of him (and to him, Aarush is dead even though in truth he was still alive), he hasn't even touched on that one time Sigewinne cried because he pushed himself too hard and was out cold for 3 days because he was pushing himself to collect enough materials to make a gift for her. Wanderer is someone Niko never ever thought of ever getting close to and yet here they are, while he loves Wriothesley and Sigewinne dearly, being around Wanderer was when he is able to let all of himself, the worst and the best, free without much fear. If niko ever found out about Wanderer's conflicted feelings about all of these he'd absolutely blame himself for causing pain yet again to another person that he has learned to (begrudgingly) care for. I feel like mortality and immortality is not something Niko thought about as often as Wanderer, he's not someone who's in his 400s after all and Niko cares way too little for himself and his own well being and safety (something Sigewinne is extremely concern about, she has stickers all around the Fortress in an attempt to remind Niko to take care of himself if she's not there to do it herself) to think about himself potentially dying if it means others get to live yet at the same time he's too prideful to let himself die early. If his enemies were out to get him, he'd make sure he outlive them just purely out of spite.
Of course I think after a while they'd both can't take it anymore (maybe after the fact Niko almost loses his life or Wanderer getting seriously injured because Niko was being careless) and ended up in an argument that are far far more intimate because of how emotionally vulnerable they are at that moment, it's a side both has never seen of each other before so it's all new and strange and they just stand there looking at each other before just laying down in the middle of the field to absorb what just happened.
Both of them are afraid of commitment and since both are too prideful to admit it, it unfortunately led to a situation where they had no choice but to accept it, I'd also like to think this is one of their biggest turning point to their relationship cause it's the one time they put their pride down and acknowledged that they care for one another, enough that they got into a heated argument because the other got into a near death experience.
It's a 100k slowburn fic and I'm mad that it took them this long to admit it LMAO
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possamble · 2 months
Ooff I see that threesome WIP. Appreciate all that warning. I don't think I have the heart in me to read that hahaha. Just feels weird to have two women in a relationship and insert a man for funsies. But hey, maybe it's just me being being into only Farcille and them being monogamous and only for each other. I'm just gonna pretend it's a separate Falin and Marcille from a little creature universe so I won't look at them differently when I read the fic hahaha. Still will be reading anything else from you though. You're one of my favorite fic writers and will be waiting patiently for updates!!
I truly appreciate you being frank with what you want and don't want to read and being civil about it-- but I have to say. I'd understand and accept if you looked at me differently for making that kind of content. Maybe I'm not the kind of creator you thought I was, or my creative priorities don't line up with yours, and maybe you enjoy my content less because of that. That's all fine and well--you have every right to curate your own fandom experience and I encourage everyone to do so.
But it's very curious that you specifically said that you'd look at the characters differently. I would understand if you wanted to separate them bc it doesn't fit into your preferred image of them and that's all. But at first glance, your wording implies that they would be somehow tarnished for you if they decided to sleep with a male friend for fun some years down the line.
I don't know you, and I won't pretend I have any standing to interrogate you on a minor word choice. But here's an unsolicited heads up, if you'd humor me: you may want to examine where that sentiment is coming from. It could very well just be a knee-jerk reaction to non-monogamous content for your favourite pairing (I get that, I'm usually the one privately bitching when I see Marcille or Falin shipped with anyone else) but it could also be coming from a place that's very disparaging to adult wlw who sleep with men of their own volition. And I hope you'll agree that's something worth being wary of in yourself.
#asks#sorry if this is more wary than is necessary#if you want the full context this all was part of a fun idea i had with a mutual on twitter#who has since been getting anonymous death threats and accused of being someone who supports corrective rape.#so im just very frustrated with the general response#listen. im as surprised as you are. IM the man-hater monogamist who gets leery when people start involving men into sapphic pairings#and itd be INCREDIBLY different if both characters were canonically confirmed lesbians and i was bending their characters#specifically to benefit my own fantasies#but we're all here playing make believe. and i found something compelling and fun in exploring this side of their characters#make no mistake: if you hate it and youre gossiping/shittalking me in private circles im GRATEFUL.#im happy that you have a space to vent and be vocal about things that upset you#and that you arent so isolated and unhappy that you feel the need to attack me directly to somehow vocalize your feelings.#anyway. it was a lighthearted one-off concept that i had a lot of fun exploring#and my work speaks for itself. if you think that id write the usual male-centric drivel where theyre worshipping his dick#instead of a fun honest and candid experience that the three of them had for their own reasons#then theres already nothing i can do to change your mind#and i still unironically commend you for actively curating your own experience and choosing what you do and dont want to interact with.#edit to add that im talking about the general you in the tags not anyone specifically
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pumpkinspicenietzsche · 11 months
how do you fund an organization you have heard nothing about?
Okay, so after the Wilbur stream, I have been THINKING, and I've been THINKING SO GODDAMN HARD and something is just NOT adding up to me.
So q!Wilbur knows jack shit about the federation, despite... apparently, Lovejoy being a key funding source? Which has been killing my brain for a while because you know... it makes no goddamn sense. I don't need to explain to you why this makes no sense. You read the title, you get the point. You get why I'm confused.
If this isn't a blatant plothole, q!Wilbur knows much more than he's letting on. Or, some secret other option where the feds are just... iunno, spouting shit? That's all I can think of.
But I really like that secret option I know nothing about because it means q!Wilbur is way more likely to begin experiencing THE HORRORS, which he hasn't really experienced yet (sure, his daughter's missing, but I bet you could inflict a LOT more trauma on this poor sickly musician boy come on, step up your game qsmp admins)
As much as I LOVED thinking of Wilbur being more aligned with the federation before he came back, this man needs some CHARACTER MOTIVATION, which means he needs to not be evil, at least for a bit. Just a SECOND.
No matter how it turns out (except for the plothole outcome because that would be upsetting), I'm extremely excited to see where Wilbur's arc goes from here!
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blindsighted · 8 months
It's not "stupid" revenge
In many other stories, Sasuke's tale of revenge for the sake of his family would be considered correct and commendable.
This is not a petty vendetta. This is the correction of a terrible wrong done to him, his kinsman, and his ancestors. It starts off simply, as his understanding of the crime is simple, but as the threads of history unweave themselves before his horrified gaze, Sasuke's heart becomes consumed by hatred.
But his initial quest; the revenge he sought in an earnest pursuit of justice - that was righteous based on the knowledge he had at the time.
It's ridiculous and disgusting to say he is not justified even in his turning on the village who sacrificed his family for their own sakes.
He literally CANNOT live peacefully while the heinous murderer of his family walks freely. He is obligated by the ghosts of countless ancestors to execute the man who destroyed their lineage.
Not only that... But on a personal level, he could not live with himself being someone who shirks responsibility and runs away from danger. He won't be that helpless little kid ever again, and he is hell bent on proving this to himself and the world.
When he gets his ass handed to him just before leaving Konoha, it shows him just how little his efforts have paid off. How much distance does he have to cross before he can catch up to this man who holds his life in the palm of his hands? He desperately needs to catch up. And this thing he's got going on with team seven just isn't working out...
Worst of all, even these friends of his don't understand and don't care to. They are all quick to dismiss his revenge as something entirely wrong and even ridiculous. How can he now be vulnerable with those who have rejected his very deepest values? Those who claimed to understand yet deny the righteousness of his cause?
I say, Sasuke had no choice but to leave Konoha, if he was going to retain his soul. It's shit that no one trusts him to make his own choices, even if he is acting wild at the time and is only thirteen... But... Considering their way of life, risking their lives daily, and considering his past trauma and the helplessness that surrounded him all his early life... Isn't it the best thing for him to seek out his independence?
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wishlist — is it weird that i want someone to be rude to Jing Yuan? i want someone to try to provoke him, not through threats to him or his loved one but insults, derogatory assumptions slung his way, comments on his appearance or his demeanor or his behavior. i want someone to drastically underestimate him, and maybe not even realize how grossly incorrect they are in their assessment of him — because that's canon. whether it's because they don't really know a part of him, or all of him, or because he's no longer the person they once thought they knew, i want that conflict. i want that misunderstanding. it doesn't even have to be significant or particularly hurtful, but i want to showcase his tolerance and the way he looks at you so evenly, that in the silence following your words you realize you made yourself an ass for assuming. assuming what? anything. relationships, habits, personality, his pacifism as a general, truly anything that could be found or misunderstood to be a fault simply because you don't know him is on the table, but you cannot apologize because before you can even say sorry he's brushing off your words like he's heard it tens of thousands of times.
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pathetichimbos · 10 months
I completely understand why it's inappropriate and wrong to police peoples internet experience and how they view their favorite characters and what not but it's also extremely important to understand that if someone throws away a character's personality and important traits away to shove their own ideologies and beliefs into them to 'mold' them into a 'perfected' version of themselves then it's often a tell tall sign of how they treat their personal relationships.
The internet has become a fictitious reality with virtually no consequences and a lot of people can no longer dictate fiction from reality.
Obviously this does not apply to everyone, just because someone molds and changes a character in fiction does not guarantee they will do it in real life, but also be aware that reality dictates fiction, and if they're willing to do it (to the extreme) in fiction, some part of them would be willing to try it in real life.
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limelocked · 1 year
Actually here’s more fucking Martyn being The World propaganda
1 from what I remember of yogs tumblr of old is that Martyn’s fanon had him as some nature related creature due to the winter skin (Jack Frost during winter and then blooming again in spring) plus the whole us viewers being saplings thing
Martyn is the world because he is nature
2 this gets to be in this post too and not just in my tags on the last one but this is the first “dishonourable” win, all the others have been either agreed upon matches with rules (3rd life, last life) or an act of kindness (double life with Scott giving the shared victory to Pearl alone)
If we wanna be Christian about it (which I rarely do but we’re talking about the tarot deck which is very Christian here) then Martyn is the first winner to fall to worldly temptation, there was no nobility in this ending
This isn’t what the cards about, the card is about the end of a cycle according to the most popular interpretation, but it backs up my argument
It also kinda fits the celestial theme if you wanna go that way
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I think Chloe Gong missed what could have been top tier drama/comedy with the fact that in As You Like It Phoebe thinks she fell in love with Ganymede (Rosalind disguised as a man) while Silvius is in love with her.
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 6 months
trying to gently explain to someone that you do not make an oc for a decades-old thing that has one of the most autistic and lore-entrenched fanbases without being willing to do either 1) a cursory wiki skim beforehand about the extensively well-established canon you're supposedly building your character off of, or 2) prepare for people to Not Like Or Understand What You're Going For, Here
tl;dr if you wanna do an alternate interpretation of a d&d god (and llolth??? being a sad misunderstood and distant power who didn't want any murdering done in her name????? and Personally treats a *male* cleric well???? is Definitely an alternate interpretation) then...make your own setting and write or DM for it?? instead of being mad that other people would share lore with you bc what you've come up with directly contradicts the canon that everyone else is going by???
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hades9stages · 2 years
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not tagging correctly because i don’t want losers in my replies
just saying i can’t believe they made kiyoi’s whole thing being that (almost!) everyone thought he was homophobic, because the entire series he’s doing shit like looking like this
fells is it homophobic to look loathsomely at the guy you love while he’s with his boyfriend . let him be jealous in peace
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exghul · 1 year
swords dance ; because we know he uses a sword, but what was he trained with? what styles, what bladed weapons?
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SWORDS, KNIVES, AND GUNS, OH MY! i've already meta-ed on damian's routines growing up revolving around guns, and his extensive knowledge of them. pistols, rifles, anti-aircraft weapons, you name it, he can use it.
blades, however, is quite a longer list. on his person, he always carries a dagger. for the life of me, i can't find the post where i mentioned it before but he carries one gifted to him by talia. my particulars on it might vary depending on what i had headcanoned but for the sake of my own sanity, we'll call it a tantō for now. tantōs are a traditional blade held by samurai in feudal japan, it typically has a length between 5.9 and 11.8 inches. damian's is a double edged dagger that heralds 7 inches. talia acquired one for him in her time in tokyo --- she gave it to him at some point when he was young and he's carried it since. it rarely sees use given his sentimental attachment to it but in desperate situations, it's always in his hand.
dc (and me, i'm not absolved of this lol) often refers to damian's sword as a katana but it would be more accurate to describe it as a dao, a traditional chinese sword that appears in similar build to a katana. there are many variations of dao, damian has trained with them all. his sword that he takes with him as robin for the transitional period between al ghul and wayne is a yaodao which can be described as "a single-sided long knife worn around the waist, also called a short knife". at average, a yaodao is 29 inches in full length, making it just about 2 1/2 feet ( or over half of damian's height when he wielded it ). he trained with every type of dao and talia ensured that her son knew the differences between each: including the appropriate times to use each. as it is a shorter blade with a straight edge, the yaodao is the best fitting his stature.
outside of his two constants ( and their variations over the years ), damian has trained with european shortswords, hook swords, kodachi, katanas, basket hilted swords ( though not for long, as he struggled to get a good hand grip with them ), dao, claymores ( too heavy in general, spent the least amount of time with these ), scimitars, khopesh, rapiers, and shamshirs.
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