#i think id die of both pain and laughter
dykeseesgod · 4 months
what well its just that you havent spoken to me in years except to call me a faggot or to dislocate my shoulder and you know what else is missing besides an attentive listener a segue i suppose forgive my bluntness please dont hit me but i could giv two shits about you or your vacant mind or your morbid curiosities or your dead fucking dog so why dont you just leave i never dislocated your shoulder according to my doctor you did in shop class last spring you twisted my arm behind my back and said you wouldnt let go until i said and i quote i like to get it up the ass i was just playing around with you oh that makes me feel so much better you know through my screams and the searing pain i can definely recall hearing laughter any way i can contribute to the fun of the group we were just messing around with you fuck you cb id rather you say we beat the shit out of you because we cant stand you rather than youre just messing with me that implies light teasing or slightly oproprious behavior i havent eaten in the cafeteria in 2 years for fear of going home with some part of it smeared across my shirt i havent been to the bathroom on campus since my head got slammed into a wall i believe you were there i didnt do that well you didnt stop it either and the faculty doesnt care you know what im tired of hearing they only pick on you because of your own insecurities aw jeez mrs blank now that you said that my head doesnt hurt so much and people wonder why kids bring guns to school to shoot you fuckers down maybe youre not the bully but you stand idly by and watch and to me thats even worse so please just go youre being hostile and im just trying to have a conversation with you like a civilized i dont want to talk to you i just want to be left alone i dont need social pointers i just want an apology for the five minutes youve stolen from my day see this is why you dont have friends i think we both know why i dont have any friends oh dont be so melodramatic youre in here crying about a dead dog and im being melodramatic shut the fuck up about my dog ok or what youll hit me go ahead ill show you how people get hurt and dont run away to cry like a big fucking baby whats so funny asshole im sorry nothing i dont see anything to laugh at its nothing its just that i was scared of you for like a second im sorry no its ok i deserved it promise me you wont bring a gun to school i dont even know where id get one you were one of my best friends you all were i just dont get it can i be honest if its any consolation none of us knew what to say to you after your dad got arrested it was pretty awkward it was more awkward for me im sorry we werent there for you that means a lot see now youre being sarcastic again no i wasnt its hard to tell with you truce i wasnt fighting a war but sure truce are you i dont know ive never had sex so kinda hard to tell at this point what about my dad im not sure thats considered sex you remember how my dog used to howl when you played the piano yeah i always found it pretty annoying he was singing along what do you think happens to animals when they die they go to heaven you believe in heaven sure there has to be some reward for living through all this and you think there are animals there in heaven the wolf will live with the lamb the lion will lie down with the goat and the calf the lion and the yearling together and a child will lead them the cow will feed with the bear their young will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox the infant will play near the hole of the cobra and the child will put his hand into the vipers nest but my dog killed a living thing wouldnt god be mad he was sick cb he couldnt help it you know they say a dog sees god in his master and a cat looks in the mirror i hate cats me too
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coffeecakefanfics · 3 years
A moments glance | B.B x Fem!Reader
Requests are open!!!!!
Summary: Bucky misses the feeling of human connection, both emotional and physical, so does Y/N. After a particularly brutal mission the two can deny their want any longer 
Warnings:  Language, angst? SMUT! (probably badly written but oh well)  This fic is a lot longer than I wanted but it’s worth it I promise.
Missions are normally pretty easy.  Luckily it was the dream team that got stuck on this mission together.  Sam, Bucky, and Y/n stood around a base layout, making a plan as to how to get this mission to sail smoothly. It was a simple job, repo a plane that had been stolen and return it to the owners, aka the fucking US Military. 
“So Y/n has pilot knowledge so if we can get through the fence and to it she can fly it back here to base, easy,” Sam explained the plan to the soldiers. 
“Sam and Bucky will go with me as my second hands and eyes, be my body guards,” Y/n nodded and looked up. “This is an easy job so it shouldn’t take long, maybe a couple hours, but stay on standby in case force is needed,” the woman stood straight and tapped her fingers on the table.  The crew split into the groups, taking their places.  Sam sat in the drivers seat of the car while Y/n sat in the front and Bucky was stuck in the back. 
“We’re here, everyone ready?” Sam asked and threw the car in park.
“Are we ever ready?” Bucky snarked and stepped out.  The three were greeted by a fence with barbed wire across the top. 
“Can we break it down?” Bucky looked between the two.
“That my dear would be destruction of property, a charge none of us can afford right now,” She huffed and opened the backseat, pulling the floor mat out. 
“What the hell are you doing with that?” Sam looked at the girl as if she was crazy.
“Throwing the mat over the wire?” she furrowed her brow and tossed the mat over the fence and scaled it. 
“Coming? or am I leaving you two dummies for the birds?” she smirked. 
“Ha ha very funny,” Sam snarked back. 
“This guy,” she smiled playfully at Bucky, who in return smiled back, a small one, but a smile. 
“There she is, look at this beauty,” Y/n motioned to the plane.  The three climbed in, starting the engine. 
“Bucky once we’re in the air I want you to contact the air force and tell them their plane is on it’s way,” she spoke calmly as she started down the runway. She was setting up controls when Bucky’s voice broke their silence. 
“Uh guys? I think we got company,” a black SUV sped down the runway, stopping before two guys stepped out wielding guns. 
“Pull up!” Sam yelled the girl.
“I’m trying,” she yelled back, the plane getting closer before finally taking off. The firing followed them up into the air. 
“Looks like we’re clear,” Y/n took a breath.
“There’s probably a reason they didn’t want us taking the plane,” Bucky commented.
“If I had to guess, drugs, I mean the air force tests flights so much that nobody bats an eye, especially at fort carson,” the woman nodded. “Sam can you check all of the compartments?” she looked back at him. 
“Yeah, of course,” he tipped his head and began opening the compartments lining the walls, bags of cocaine spilled out of an overhead bin.
“Oh shit, that’s thousands of dollars worth of hard drugs right there,” she peered back at the mess.
“yeah no shit, what do we do?” 
“Get on the comms and alert them of what’s happening”
“on it” 
The blaring sound took over their voices. 
“What the hell is going on?” Bucky asked
“We’re losing altitude, buckle in for a crash landing”
“I’m sorry what?!”
“Do it!” she barked “Sam jump and get to the base, let them know what happened, go now!” she was barking orders at them.  
“I’ll hurry back” Sam called and jumped, catching wind just in time.
“So what are we just going to die?”
“No, not if I can help it. But we are going to have to drop into the mountains, so hold on to something,” she gave him a sympathetic look.  The plane crashed down into the mountain, losing the wings in the process.  The two climbed out, seemingly unharmed. 
“So what are we just going to sit here and wait?” Bucky looked at the girl.
“I’m afraid so, we can’t risk moving, they won’t find us,” she huffed and slumped against an aspen tree.
“Great,” Bucky huffed and sat across from her, against a fallen pine log.  The two sat in silence for a few minutes, the ringing in their ears taking over. 
“Have you ever been this far west?” Y/n asked. Bucky peeked up at her. Sighing he tossed a rock to his left. 
“No, at least, not that I can recall,” he looked back at the dirt. 
“It’s pretty, Pikes peak is worth the view, if you ever get to go,” she cleared her throat, awkwardness settling in. 
“You been?”
“Yeah, I uh, I grew up here, in springs, that’s why I knew about the fort carson stuff.  They always test fly and they take kids for rides sometimes.  also teach kids how to pilot when they reach a certain age,” she trailed off. 
“Military brat?” 
“I never knew that,” he looked at her, really looked at her.  He noticed how she sat with her knees up, but her shoulders slumped.  Her she chewed on the inside of her lip.
“I never really told anyone,” she shrugged,”You know we have worked on the same team for I don’t know how many years and yet I feel like I hardly know you,” she remarked. Bucky swallowed the lump in his throat. 
“I don’t really open up to people, it’s not something I do,” it was his turn to chew on his lip.
“I get it, you up walls, try and protect yourself. . .”she trailed off, a soft rustling in the brush caught her attention. She held her finger to her lips and slowly stood, Bucky following her move.  The two crouched and ducked behind some bush.
“They couldn’t have gotten far, move,” a mans voice barked. Y/n looked at Bucky with wide eyes.  Bucky scanned the are before nodding to a path, they crept their way over, carful not to make too much noise. One they had gotten far enough away they stood straight and starting sprinting.  
“The guys that hijacked the plane?” She asked.
“That’s my guess,” he shrugged. 
“Bucky I need to stop,” she panted, trying to catch her breath.
“We’re probably far enough away,” he slowed to a stop.  
“I’m sorry,” she took a ragged breath
“It’s fine, not all of us are, what do you like to say? built different,” he cracked a smile.  Y/n smiled back at him before they broke off into laughter.
“You remembered that dumb saying?”
“I try to remember them all, I’m trying to make my place in this world, and if that means learning the lingo then I guess I have to”
“Must be hard,” she stood next to him, “trying to get used to this”
“you have no ide-” a gunshot and a scream of pain cut him off. His eyes shot in the direction of the shot before landing on the girl, crumpled on the forest floor. 
“Shit” he scooped her up and started sprinting west. 
“Shit shit shit, hey doll, if you can hear me keep  your eyes open you hear,” he peeked down at her. She was clutching her stomach.
“Tell me something, tell me about, tell me about your house of a kid,” he scrambled to find anything to talk about.  
“yellow,” she breathed,” it was yellow” He caught sight of a cave and ducked into it. 
“keep going”
“It had, two floors and an attic, the uh, the upstairs had a balcony,” she took deep breaths.  Bucky pulled out a knife and cut the bottom of his shirt, putting pressure on his wound. 
“Bucky?” she looked at him as close as she could
“What was your favorite part about the forties?”
He laughed. “The stupid dive bars, going dancing,” he thought for a second.
“Were you any good?” Y/n teased.
“Oh please, look at me, I was the best,” he said, jokingly cocky. The silence took over.  The only sound was a ragged breath every now and then.  Y/n Held her phone up. 
“Nothing,” she felt tears well up in her eyes.
“Bucky?” She got his attention.
“yeah Y/n? what’s up?”
“If i’m going to die today, can I at least get to know you before I go?” she asked
“Listen to me, and you listen to me good, you ain’t dying today got it?” he spoke sharply, but with concern laced and weaved in his voice. 
“In my jacket is a pack of matched, I saw some twigs and pinecones at the opening of the cave, grab them, make a fire, please, i’m freezing,” she pleaded.  Bucky didn’t say anything as he obliged.  The small fire illuminated the walls, but was small enough that they wouldn’t be spotted.  Bucky sat across from Y/n, he watched as she scanned the walls. 
“Mica,” she spoke plainly. 
“Yeah, ton of the shit too,” he kind of huffed, looking around.
“They used to make windows out of it, for cars and shit, also dry wall, but most importantly it used for stuff like spark plugs,and electronic components like compasses during world war 2 ” she stated, half heartedly. Bucky looked at the girl shocked.
“Yeah, thats- how’d you know that?”
“Grandpa fought in the war, told me all kinds of stories before he passed, also taught me about minerals and stuff before he passed too, he and dad used to take me camping, they’d teach me how to hunt, farm, fish, find and purify water, which berries and shrooms are good to eat, case I ever got lost,” she laughed and winced at the pain.  “I miss them,” she sighed.
“Those are good skills to have,” Bucky smiled at her. He went silent.  It had been a few hours, no sign of anyone.  He looked at Y/n, she didn’t look great, she was pale, she was growing tired. He didn’t want her to be miserable, or to die not knowing him. 
“My name is James Buchanan Barnes, I was born March 10th 1917, I have a younger sister named Rebecca, we called her Becca,” He spoke up.  Y/n looked at him with a smile and nodded him on to continue, “I’ve always wanted a cat, and if I could have kids i’d want a daughter, I’d name her Scarlett,” he stammers on. The young woman listens attentively.  Her breathing became slower, more strained. 
“no no no, don’t fucking die on me,” he jumped over to her, clutching her wound. “Please, I barley know you, I want to know more,” he pleaded.  She smiled at him and held her blood soaked hand to his cheek. 
“thank you,” she husked before her eyes rolled back. 
“No!” he yelled.
“Bucky?!” Sam, it was Sam, and the air force.  Bucky was pulled away as they loaded Y/n onto the chopper and raced her back to base.  Hot tears slipped down his face as the world seemed to slow down.  His connection, the one person he started to open up to was ripped from his arms, just as the walls came tumbling down. 
He sat pacing the hospital room, her body laid limp in the bed, unmoving, just as it had for the past two days.  The nurses tried to get him to go home, but after the third shift change and his protests to stay after visiting hours they gave up.  He stared out the window, looking to the mountains, they were still capped with snow.  He remembers her saying she was freezing, he recognizes that feeling now.  Cold, unmoving, dead.
“Hey champ,” a hoarse voice spoke in the room. He spun on his heels, Her eyes were opened, still droopy from the pain killer, but opened. 
“Thank god you’re okay,” he yanked a chair beside her and clutched her hand.
“I should’ve believed you,” she cracked a smile, Bucky felt his eyes well. Why? He still barely knew her. 
“My name is Y/n L/n I was born (your birthday), I have no siblings, I have always wanted a dog and if I had a kid i’d want a little boy named Matthew,” she squeezed his hand slightly.
“Good morning,” another womans voice broke the room with a knock. “I’m your nurse for this morning, my name is Sarah Good, yes like the book the crucible and i’ll take care of you till 7 tonight,” she smiled at the two brightly. “Todays agenda, always will be on the board, we want to get you to be able to be in a sitting position, and we want to start PT, or physicsl therapy if we can, We’re going to try and get you a real lunch today, and if we’re lucky you can get off those iv’s by tomorrow”
The last week was rough, But Bucky sat beside her through it all, they talked about life, about death, the world, every little thing they could think of.  When she was released it was Bucky who escorted her back across the country to home.  Sam met them at her apartment for diner and a toast to a job not so smooth for the dream team, now stronger that all three had a bond.  Sam had left about an hour ago, Bucky insisted on staying to help clean up. 
“Bucky, really this is too much to ask, it’s fine,”
“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s the least I can do”
“It’s late, do you want to stay? I mean I can take the couch and you can take my bed it-”
“I’m not taking your bed doll, I’ll take the couch if you really want me to stay but it’s not a problem for me to go home,” he smiled at her and set the last plate in the dish washer. 
“I kind of got used to you staying around,” she blushed. “We can watch a movie?” she offered.
“Sounds great”
They weren’t paying attention to the movie, well at least they pretended to,  Each watched the other out of the corner of their eyes. It was Y/n who made the first move, leaning her head on his shoulder, Bucky tucked his arm around the woman, inching her closer.  She felt her face get hot, she peered up at him to find him looking back, they ripped their eyes apart and both went flush. 
Y/n I-” they spoke at the same time, letting out a laugh. 
“Go first,” he insisted. 
“No, it’s fine,” she stammered. 
“Y/n I- I really like you, I’m glad I let down my walls for you,” he swallowed the lump in his throat.  She felt her breath hitch. 
“I was going to say the same thing,” she spoke, barely above a whisper.  It hadn’t occurred to the couple just how close they were to each other.  Y/n felt Bucky’s breath dance across her face. 
“Can I. . . can I kiss you?” he breathed out.  She sim-ply nodded and met his lips, soft and delicate at first before he set his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in.  Her  lips were intoxicating, he could get drunk on her. She let a moan slip as he pulled her into his lap gently. He felt his eyes roll at the sound. She ground into his lap, letting the feeling of his growing bulge tease her. She laced her fingers in his short hair, gently tugging where she could, causing a groan and for him to buck his hip to meet hers.  Y/n pulled back panting, trying to catch her breath before moving her lips to meet his neck.
“Y/n doll, I uh- it’s been a while,” he panted and fought the moans that threatened to leave his throat.
“It’s okay, let me take care of you?” she caught his eyes.  Her face was pure, innocent, but her words were laced with lust. He nodded and let his hands grip her hips.  She tugged his shirt off of his body, decorating his chest with kisses, working and inching her way to his hips.  She looked up at him, he was a mess, head laid back, breathing ragged.  She carefully undid his pants and slid them down his legs.  catching the skin above his hip bones she left a small purple mark on either side, claiming him as hers.  He had looked down at her now, catching her eyes.  She licked her lips before taking him into her mouth, The moan he let rip from vocal cords was ungodly. 
“Fuck, doll I -” he let his eyes meet hers, still laced with innocence, before groaning and throwing his head back.  He let his air out in puffs as she worked him over.  Her touch was delicate and sweet, he forgot how nice it felt, to be taken care of, to be treated with kindness. She let her fingers slip to cup his balls, gently playing with them as she let her pretty mouth suck his cock. The sight was straight out of a wet dream, 
“I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop,” he pleaded, grabbing her hair with his flesh hand, clutching the couch with the metal one.  The small breaths he let out only encouraged him further, she picked up her pace, daring him to cum down her throat.  A string of fucks and his hips tensing, and slowly relaxing followed soon after.  She caught his eyes, swallowing what he gave her and grinning at him.
“Yeah,” she smiled. 
“Let me return the favor baby,” he pulled her back into his lap.
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twilightdruig · 3 years
why did it have to be me?
pairing: bill weasley x fem!reader, slight ron weasley x fem!reader
summary: (part 2 of mamma mia! series) after y/n’s intimate night with ron, she’s off to greece in search for her destiny and future. too bad she misses her boat.
warnings: mamma mia!au, muggle!au, alludes to sex, reader has mommy issues
words: 1.8k
a/n: unedited!! , this is the second part of the mamma mia! series, next is sam aka donna’s 3rd lover. hope you enjoyed this!
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y/n successfully snuck out of the small hotel room of ron weasley. the two shared an intimate night only a few hours ago and here she was leaving for greece.
she arrived at the pier, met with a short, bald man who was checking for their tickets.
“hey” she slid her ticket and id into the booth he was sitting in. he looked very uninterested and drowsy.
she sighed before the ticket man inspected her ticket and id. “you grew your hair. it’s longer now.” he bellowed with a french accent. it reminded her of fleur a bit who was full french.
“it is a bit. yeah.” she sighs, looking back at the boat she was supposed to be in “we could totally talk about that but, um, i’m kind of in a hurry. the ferry leaves any time now and this trip’s very important, you see—“
“i prefer it shorter.” he retorted.
the ferry departing the dock now. y/n felt as though her destiny was departing with it.
the ticketman stamps her ticket and gives it back to her. before he knows it she was running, trying to catch the boat who wasn’t at the dock anymore.
“wait! wait!” she cried out, not caring about half of her wardrobe falling out of her trunk “please! don’t. oh, god!” she dropped her baggage and felt like she wanted to drop dead as well.
she was about to before she heard another person behind her.
“this is great.” she turned around to be met with yet another ginger man. this one was tall, had a few scars on his face, had a (what looked like) a shark tooth necklace and a black earring. “i’m just gonna follow you everywhere. by the end of the day, i’ll have a whole new wardrobe.” he laughed.
this brightened up her mood a little bit. this man, quite attractive as well, holding multiple of her clothing items and was laughing.
“i don’t think that’ll suit you” she tilted her head and giggled.
“oh trust me, love. i can make this work” he winked before trying to put her clothes ; specifically a two piece top, on his muscular body. he was different from ron. he may have been ginger as well but this one looked cool, earring, long hair, leather — no, snake skin? boots, he was lanky and almost the exact opposite from ron.
“ugh,” she groaned “i really wanted to catch that ferry”
“i’m sure there’ll be another one tomorrow” he assured.
“thanks.” she turned her head back to him while smiling sarcastically.
he jumped to another boat. a private one. y/n wondered, maybe this was his. he wouldn’t mind taking her to wherever she was going right?
“right, uh… but what would be really great… today, not tomorrow… is if, uh, somewhere in this harbor there was a guy.” she tested the waters.
“young, tall, dashingly handsome?” he interjected.
“he’s probably passive-looking, but… he has a boat.” she continued.
“and a couple days free before he takes part in a sailing race.” he was swinging by one of the ropes now.
“so maybe, maybe. he can take me where i want to go?” she urged, rolling on the balls of her feet.
“he’d love to” he consented, grinning.
“but, the… um, sad fact is… this-this isn’t my boat; i just wanted to impress you” he finally stood still, trying to act serious, until he chuckled.
“oh, okay” she was about to turn around and leave, before she even got to that she heard fits of laughter coming from the man.
“i’m kidding!” he waved his hands in the air “hop on, i’m bill”
she scoffed and laughed. she jumped on the boat, put down her things and tried to get comfy.
bill led her to where the beds were. “i actually have an elderly relative on the island who helped me buy this beauty.”
she nodded as he explained.
“well, it certainly is a beauty” she ran her hand over the details of the small boat.
“thank you” he pretended to tip a hat.
“well, there are two beds down here. unfortunately, one’s a little bit… full” he gestured to the certainly full bed against one side of the small room.
“huh… convenient” she rolled her eyes.
“well i’m lucky this trip isn’t long enough for you to shatter my heart into pieces” he teased.
“ugh” she moaned “i get it. i’m attractive and charming” she winked.
he paused before talking again “you’re one of them” he smiled.
her face contorted into a look of confusion “one of who?”
“there are two,” he put two fingers up “kinds of seducer.”
he paused again, “first doesn’t actually like women, so he wants to assert his power and dominance over them. second one, far, far more dangerous, is the guy who falls in love every morning just to fall out of love the next.”
she chuckled at his explanation.
“but as you run away, you tell her you’re the one in pain and she’s just too much for you to handle” he smirked.
y/n was trying to tidy up the bed she will supposedly sleep in.
before she could actually get any work done bill pulled her back up to the deck.
“bill!” she exclaimed then giggled excitedly.
bill played some music on his radio before the two started dancing on deck. technically, he told her to while he steered to wherever they were going.
multiple minutes or hours passed. she couldn’t tell how long it has been. she had been talking and giggling with him for way too long.
what y/n was unaware of is that her most recent ginger boy toy (before george) was on the harbor trying to catch the boat he thought she was on.
ron rushed the ticket man to scan his ticket and check his id. “your hair. it’s short now”
“well… yes, i had to cut it for work” he politely smiled, slightly shaking from nervousness “uhm… i wonder, could you hurry up a bit? uh, you see i’ve followed a girl all the way from paris. she wrote me a note. a very kind note… saying goodbye.” he sighed.
when the ticketman didn’t reply, he continued “but, when you’ve found the only girl you’re ever gonna love, it’s gotta be worth one more try! don’t you think?”
“it’s better short” the ticketman returned his things. ron ran off to the edge only to find the boat far from the pier.
ron felt helpless. he really liked loved this woman. he really thought he had a chance with her.
back to the boat where y/n and bill were bonding, “you’re really funny, you know that?” she complimented, “and you’re very attractive… and charming” he complimented her back.
“listen… we only just met”
their faces grew hot and they were nearing each other’s, noses bumping against one another, just about to kiss until a faint yell was heard from a distance.
“hey! help!” they heard a masculine voice who sounded like they were drowning.
“do you hear that?” she pushed him away.
“what? no. that was um.. a seagull now, where were we?” he pulled her close to his chest once more.
“anyone on that boat?! help!!” the voice yelled again.
“there it was again!” she pushed his chest to see where the gurgled voice was coming from.
he groaned “we’re coming!!”
“hi!” y/n greeted. she found a man on a still boat.
“just checking to see you’re not in danger, which you’re obviously not, so… we’ll be off” he tried tugging her arm but she wouldn’t budge.
“uh.. my engine is not working” the man gestured to the non moving vehicle.
“oh, that is bad luck” bill scratched his head “i-i’ll radio someone for someone to come and help. they should be along soon.”
“please, please!” the man pleaded “there is a woman waiting for me on main land. her family, they not want her to marry simple man like alexio. they want rich man. ugly, big, fat, mole but rich.” he frowned “but she… she want me. and i love her with all my heartness” he smiled at the thought of his lover “please help, kind sir and beautiful lady”
y/n laughed “well obviously we’re doing this” she turned to bill.
they turned back to alexio “yes” they said at the same time.
they sailed for a few minutes until the saw dry land and a few people waiting on it. men in suits and a lady in a white wedding dress.
“i see them. okay, everyone, we’re nearly—“
“apollonia!!” alexio yelled, cutting off bill’s sentence.
bill went to speak up again until alexio jumped off the boat “apollonia!!!” he yelled again.
“woah!” bill was surprised by the man jumping off. y/n was just laughing on the floor.
“what are you doing? we could get you closer” bill roared with laughter.
“if you love someone, you’re willing to die for them!” his voice was gurgled as he might’ve swallowed water.
“apollonia” he yelled again.
“alexio?!” she turned around “alexio!” she started running to the edge of the pier, ready to jump off.
“aah! apollon..!” his head dunked underwater.
“he’s just swallowed a big mouthful of water, but the basic point he’s trying to make is that he loves you!” bill screamed for alexio.
“what?” she screamed back.
“he loves you!” both y/n and bill yelled. both of their throats getting sore.
“apollonia!” alexio screamed for the umpteenth time.
apollonia jumped into the water in her wedding dress, trying to swim to her unrequited lover.
faint and distant ‘apollonia!’s and ‘apollonia no!’s came from the men in suits she was previously with.
“oh god, i don’t think she can swim either” he began to take his own shirt off.
“well, she’s wearing a dress”
bill couldn’t hear her when he already jumped in the water to save the couple.
bill dropped them off at the second nearest dry land, away from apollonia’s relatives.
sooner or later, they arrived at y/n’s destination. the island of kalokairi.
“hey,” bill grabbed her attention once more “you sure you’re okay here?”
“yeah” she smiled at him “i’ll be fine”
“i’ll come back after the race” he reassured her “although it wouldn’t be for a few weeks, but i do promise to come back.”
“look at this place” she gushed “it’s so beautiful”
“it is, yeah.” they admired their surroundings while nearing where bill would drop off y/n.
“what? what’s wrong?” she noticed his expression.
“storm’s coming” he murmured. this worried herself. but all that worried faded when she noticed the clear sky.
“shut up, it’s a clear sky” she rolled her eyes.
“trust me,” he paused “actually, don’t”
“but i know i’m right. i’ll still be fine. i got a very good feeling.”
“bye, bill” she hopped off the boat, dragging her trunk on the wooden floor.
“see you soon, yeah?”
“yeah. thanks a lot too!”
“anytime, love” they waved at each other until bill was out of sight.
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barryjeanblues · 5 years
taako meets death (again)
(also posted to my ao3)
taako has met two raven queens in his life before now.
well, close enough, at least. most - though not all - of the worlds the starblaster had traveled to had gods, and surprisingly enough, those gods were usually - though not always - strikingly similar to their homeworlds gods. (this was useful, because one of the crews number relied very heavily on a certain nature god for his magic. luckily, the nature or life god of each world always seemed to have a soft spot for little old merle, even if they werent merles traditional cloven-hoofed pan.)
twice, taako had met the death god - someone equivalent to faeruns raven queen. 
this had led to taakos understandable trepidation upon kravitz finally putting his foot down and insisting taako meet his mother boss. 
the first time taako had met a raven queen, she had been… overwhelming. the light of creation had fallen into a forest dedicated to her and her followers, and the head acolyte refused to give the wandering crew the light unless they first received permission from the queen.
the crew had agreed, with no other option, bracing themselves to firmly explain the direness of the situation. surely a goddess would be intelligent enough to understand. 
that raven queen had burst into a forest cleaning in an explosion of black feathers, half illusion, half steel, so that when lup brushed the smoky feathers from her eyes they blurred and dissipated, but when magnus tried the same thing he yelped and brought his hand back bleeding. 
that raven queens laughter had been eerie and echoing, almost but not quite mocking, almost but not quite infectious, almost but not quite joyous. the crew had stood firm and offered their argument, and the queen had given them tests and tokens and bargains and tricky promises with too many clauses and loopholes and at the end of it all the ipres numbers had been halved and the rest were weary and worn as they caught the light of creation and fled with only minutes to spare, the faelike laughter of death following them terribly even through the overwhelming cacophony of the hungers assault. 
that laughter had trailed after them longer, if only in their heads. taako would be making stir fry, planning outfits, swapping merles shampoo for hair-loss potions, when hed have to sit down suddenly and breathe through the musical trills of the raven queens cruel pleasure. it had seemed to bounce in his head the way a rubber ball might, ricocheting off thoughts and feelings until it rolled under a couch to be forgotten about, till some slight movement sent it rolling and bouncing about once more. 
davenport had died in an illusion, thinking he was saving his crew. poor merle had been choked by his own plants, betrayal writ across hos face. barrys skin had grown sickly purple with poison - ten to one odds arent very good odds. taako doesnt forget easily. he decides the goddess of death can go fuck herself. 
the second raven queen taako had met much later in their journey, and taako had met her alone. 
lup and barry had become liches a few cycles back. it was something taako had still been coming to terms with. 
taako loves lup. this is an immutable fact of any and every universe. taako loves lup and lup loves taako and not death or memory or space can separate them, not for long. but seeing your sister die, and then… go beyond death, to twist herself and latch on to a chance that she may never return except in madness and spite - thats a hard thing to grasp, even when she succeeds. taako had still found himself shivering when his sister forgot she had a body again and grabbed a hot pan off the stove, crying out in pain. taako still woke sweating from nightmares in which his sister and his friend flew apart and reformed as cackling red robed horrors of insanity and cruelty, too far for him to reach. 
until that cycle, though, barry and lups choice had only been an asset. 
but some raven queens do not take kindly to anything they see as a perversion of their domain. 
barely a week into that cycle, taako had awoken from the guilty non-elven pleasure of a nap only to find himself in some cold, hard court, fashioned seemingly of steel and silver and concrete, onyx lining the floor and the only color coming from sparse sapphires sparkled throughout the long echoing hall. 
at the end of it - and taako had known his eyes must have played tricks on him, because at first the being at the end of the hall seemed, while large, not much larger than a giant, but when hed called a nervous greeting his voice had echoed so awfully he knew the hall stretched much farther than hed thought and the goddess at the end of it must have been unimaginably huge. 
her eyes had glinted a flinty sapphire in her carven steel face when she ordered him to defend the existence of his sister and his sisters lover. 
taako had tried. he truly, truly had. but while taako is a being of preservation and caution, full of intelligence and cleverness, he is not one of cold hard logic. perhaps lucretia could have convinced this raven queen, the only of their number who had ever been able to grasp true hard reason… but taako doubts it. he had doubted it then and he doubts it even more these days. 
the point is, taako, for all his love for his family and his brilliant wit and devotion (probably, in fact, because of it) taakos arguments couldnt convince that raven queen. she saw past his genuine belief that lup and barry had made a good decision, and into his fears for her, and the goddess of death had based her own argument on those. she won. taako never had a chance. 
he, lup, and barry had woken up in the next cycle, newly resurrected. taako never stops feeling guilty about it. 
so. yes. 
taako is more than a little nervous about meeting the goddess his boyfriend serves so devotedly. but, and youd be hard pressed to convince him to admit it, taako would do anything for kravitz. and despite it all he does actually want to see what the deal is with his sister and his best friends boss, and his patron gods… friend? lover? girlfriend? taako isnt quite sure what fate and death are to each other, but its definitely something.
kravitz lays a warm hand on taakos shoulder, but taako squares them up. he can do this, for fucks sake - hes died a shitton of times, he can meet death. 
the doors open and taakos breath - the only breath in this realm of the dead - catches in his throat.
taako is a die hard istus fan, and shell always be his goddess. but if taako wasnt a taken elf, hed follow the raven queen, he realizes with a startle.
shes beautiful, yes. shes gorgeous, and taakos always been weak for beauty, but hers isnt the cold hard beauty of gemstones and gold, thinks his nimble fingers snatch up and hoard in his endless pockets. the raven queen is beautiful in a way that taako cant describe as anything other than simple.
he cant pin down any features. she has a kind face, gentle hands, bright eyes, but taako can tell she is a goddess because despite staying still the image of her flicks and shifts in his head. at once she seems to have every kind face hes ever seen, even if he doesnt recognize anyone. her hands reach out to comfort him - no more than comfort - but she stands without moving in front of taako and kravitz. her eyes glitter and sparkle and crinkle up with cheerful laughter, except taako isnt entirely sure she has eyes at all, or maybe she has too many. 
he thinks… he thinks maybe she has wings, or maybe theyre arms, or maybe theyre black fabric, draped around and behind and below and above her, shifting with the last breaths of every mortal in the universe. its darkness but its not scary, taako realizes, its solacing, healing, the way that he feels when dusk passes to night and the sky is huge and warm and the brush of lups hand against his as she says goodbye for the night is a relief and a love. 
hello, taako, death says. its lovely to meet you. 
she means it, taako knows. he can tell, somehow. shes just happy to meet him. nothing more, nothing less. 
'oh,' taako says aloud, and kravitz laughs his quiet sweet dorky laugh, and the raven queen laughs too, and its just that. its just a laugh, and its a nice one.
'oh indeed,' kravitz says. 'taako, did you really think id serve a monster or a cruel master?'
'well,' taako replies hesitantly, 'honestly, homie, i kind of thought you were, and id, like, have to start some quest to slay death itself and rescue you.'
the anthropomorphic personification of death laughs again, a note of delight in her tender voice. i like him, my kravitz, she says, good job.
kravitz does the dead-reaper equivalent of blushing. taako grins a little because its very cute. 
'death is different here,' taako hums. 'its… it wasnt like this anywhere else i went. it was cold, or cruel, or empty. i dunno why its different in your world.'
'then i guess we're the lucky ones, huh?' kravitz asks. taako leans up against him and murmurs an agreement. 'its why i love my job so much, why it means so much to me. its not that im some hardass, i just…'
'yea, cha'boy gets it now,' assures taako. 'still.' he looks at the ever-shifting, ever-stable face of death again. 'you better treat my boy kravitz and my lady istus well, capiche? or we will have issues.'
its a deal, taako, the raven queen says, smiling. 
when taako opens his eyes, hes in his home in the material plane, and kravitz is next to him, and theyre both smiling. 
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bellamyblakru · 4 years
Hey, I saw your "I have you, it's okay" Merthur drabble and thought it was incredible and beautifully written ❤️ So could I please request "Please tell me you aren't dead..." + Merthur, thanks xx
THANK YOU SO MUCH IMMA CRY🥺😭this is so kind, of course you can request that!! id literally write anything anyone asks me🥺thank you so much for the request, i hope i don’t let you down!! (im doing canon era again because i live for them, with all the knights alive and such) (i also made merlin say the prompt instead of arthur this time to mix things up)
Merlin was going to kill Arthur...if he wasn’t dead already. 
Last night, the knights, the King and his servant went out to the tavern after sparring to try to enjoy the beautiful new spring weather that had finally arrived in Camelot—instead of sweating and beating each other relentlessly in the sun, Merlin thought unenthusiastically. This tavern trip, however, was different from the others. Instead of Gwaine leading the charge towards drinking unmercifully, it was surprisingly Arthur this time around. Merlin usually didn’t drink—just in case King Prat needed saving, but this time he couldn’t help himself. He was having a good day: Arthur was being unusually kind and tactile with him, Lancelot complimented his outfit, and Gwen stopped by today to give him his favorite sweet from the kitchens, so having a few drinks with his family would only top off his day. It is a known fact in Camelot that Merlin is a lightweight drinker—his abnormally low tolerance for alcohol made every knight howl with laughter, especially when he was hiccuping after drink number three. 
What drunk Merlin and company didn’t realize at the time was how little Arthur was drinking. While Merlin, Gwaine, and Lancelot were on drink number four, Arthur barely touched his first round. Arthur had a reason, of course, for going light today, but he didn’t want to let the others realize his lack of drunkenness. He played the part of drunk King, but he had different plans for that night. 
Earlier that day, a report came in from the south. The writer claimed to have seen a rare creature, one that only existed in the myths and legends, while pleading with the King of Camelot to conquer the beast before it can harm more of his people. Arthur refused to let Merlin read the report—which never happened. Merlin was hurt for a minute, but Arthur soon made it up to him by ordering two plates to be served for lunch (Merlin soon forgot about the paper after that). The reporter was convinced that the creature was a Necat Caritatem. They weren’t big creatures, and they didn’t look extremely threatening. They haven’t been seen in over a century--according to the library, that is. The name loosely translated to “love kills,” which is precisely what it does. It lures their prey with the scent of what or who they love the most, uses it to capture their victim, to slowly suck the love out of them. There are other stories that if the Necat Caritatem catches you with your love, they delight in witnessing one lover losing their love almost as much as the actual taking of the feeling. Arthur had believed they were all killed off--they were once the greatest threat in the land, and if this letter is to be believed, then his kingdom did face one of its biggest threats of their time. 
Killing love is killing hope, light, and freedom all at once. The essence of humankind thrives on the existence of this one single idea, hope. Existing in this world, that can cease to be at any moment, is arduous without optimism. Giving a seedling light allows it to thrive, it becomes one with the world, part of something bigger than itself. Refusing this light slowly kills it. Taking away this love, this hope in the world of darkness, is the worst kind of pain. Arthur refused to let Merlin see the report. He knew where that would lead: “Merlin, no, you can’t come with me” “Arthur, don’t be stupid, of course I’m coming. Who would protect you?” Every time it was the same conversation, with different threats, but this conversation will not happen today. 
This was different. This adventure could take Merlin away from Arthur, and he wouldn’t let that happen. Merlin was Arthur’s love, his hope, his life. Taking away Merlin’s unconditional love would be like stripping away the sun from the earth. Arthur knew that without Merlin’s love and loyalty, Arthur would amount to nothing. Merlin’s smile helped Arthur get out of bed in the morning and was the last thing he thought about before he closed his eyes. Merlin is too important to Arthur, to his kingdom he helped build. Arthur knew Merlin kept secrets, but he didn’t hold it against him. How could he? Arthur understood--he truly did. People keep secrets for a few reasons, but the only one Arthur could give for Merlin would be that Merlin’s secret could hurt those around him and Arthur knew Merlin went to great lengths to avoid hurting those he loved. Some would argue that Merlin kept secrets because Arthur was king, but he knew that wasn’t the case. Some things are safer kept to one person, but he hoped that Merlin would truly let him into his heart one day. 
So, back to the drinking. Merlin was giggling with Gwaine’s attempts at flirting when Arthur tried to make his escape. He was just about to excuse himself when Merlin turned his beautiful, blinding smile onto him, and Arthur had to hold the edge of the table to stop his knees from collapsing underneath him. He holds too much power over me, Arthur thought ruefully with a small returning smile for drunk Merlin’s sake. Merlin stumbled over to Arthur and swung his arm around his shoulders, “Want to retire, sirrree?” Merlin sang to him into his ear. Arthur’s first thought was, how does he understand me so hammered?, then out loud he laughed, “Yes Merlin, I do have a kingdom to run tomorrow, but let’s get you to bed before Gwaine gets you to do anything unlawful.” Merlin just smiled at that and bid his goodbyes to the group, stumbling fast on Arthur’s heels. As Merlin was dead on his feet, the minute they were out of sight Arthur picked him up bridal style to move this along faster. 
Arthur deposited Merlin on the king’s bed, taking care of him for as long as he could. When Arthur gave Merlin his mother’s sigil, he thought it would represent his love and respect for Merlin, but maybe it would help Merlin rise to be the leader he knew he could be when he is gone. Arthur could think of no one else better to lead his legacy. 
He quietly asked for a horse to be prepared so he could start his southern quest. In the candle light, Merlin looked to be softly glowing. Arthur tried to remember every detail of his best friend, but he would need to leave soon if he wished to get there by sunrise. At the last minute, he decided to write Merlin a quick note explaining what was happening, with the report underneath it, ending the letter with ‘Yours Always, Arthur.’ This was the right thing to do. If Arthur was going to go down, it would be fighting for a future where Merlin exists. 
Merlin woke up with a raging headache that doubled when he opened his eyes to the blinding light. The only thing he remembers from last night was Arthur’s lovely smile and the third drink. The softness underneath him, though, was a rude awakening. He jumped out of the bed but was immediately too dizzy to have a coherent thought. After putting his head against the cold wood of the bed, he decided he was stable enough to finally look around. The first things that drew his attention were the plate of food, Gaius’s hangover medicine, and a pile of papers that had his name written on top. Downing the cure, following that up with some bacon, he sat down to read.
Of fucking course he would, Merlin thought angrily, if there is one scratch on his stupid perfect blond head I’ll kill anyone who has ever threatened him. Merlin left the King’s room in a flurry of anger, love, and desperation. The servants quickly avoided this version of Merlin, knowing better, while he made his way down to the stables to go himself. 
The trip was fairly quick, but what Merlin saw when he arrived made his blood run cold. Arthur was surrounded and caked by blood, both silver and red. Merlin halted for a second, letting his heart slow down enough to get the physician in him to address the situation clearly.
 It didn’t work. 
Merlin walked unsteadily to Arthur, his breath coming in harsh puffs. This wasn’t the end. This couldn’t be the end. They had a kingdom to continue building, they had people to free, but, most importantly, they had their lives ahead of them to learn how to love each other, properly, that is--without one of them trying to die to keep the other alive. 
"Please tell me you aren't dead..." Merlin whispered when he bent down to Arthur’s body, tears already flowing down his face. 
Arthur’s breath was shallow but still there. Breathing, even this small, made the hope in Merlin’s chest burst. He could make it. 
Merlin put his forehead against Arthur’s, put his hands against his heart, and put his entire soul and magic into Arthur. Arthur took a gasping breath and opened his eyes to see his Merlin sobbing onto him. Snapping his head up, it took Merlin to realize that his eyes were still burning gold. Arthur, still breathing heavily, took Merlin’s face into his hands and kissed him. Merlin, still catching up on what was happening, hesitated and when he finally understood what this kiss meant, Arthur unceremoniously passed out again--looking healthier as time continued on. 
Arthur managed to kill the Necat Caritatem in a bloody fight. The creature tried to use a hallucination of Merlin doing magic against him to slow down Arthur’s fighting, but seeing Merlin with beautifully golden eyes, giving off such an auror of power only made Arthur fight harder. If Merlin truly had that power within him, then Arthur wanted to witness that power himself. He knew Merlin’s heart, and an evil sorcerer is not who he was--no matter what this creature showed him. Not expecting that reaction of pure love, the creature fought dirty and clumsily--since it’s main source of attack was usually against the mind. Arthur ended it with Excalibur through its heart, and with Arthur trying to remember when his vision started getting so blurry.
The next time he woke up, it was to Merlin crying over his body, glowing ethereally. Those eyes he was taught to hate was the only reason he was alive, and the golden fire seemed to complete who Merlin was to him: strength, power, wisdom, and love. Through that train of thought, Arthur’s only reasonable reaction was to kiss the ever-loving shit out of Merlin until the dark claimed him once more.
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marvel-lucy · 4 years
The Ultimate Weapon, chapter 9
OOh, I was being dark and violent here! :D
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I probably wasn’t ready for this. Maybe I never would have been, but I’d started now. I felt as if I had two existences – the six years with Hydra, and the few weeks here – and now I was going to see pictures from another existence. How many lives could one person live in twenty years?
The images started to scroll, each appearing on the screen full size for a few seconds before the next. There were a family laughing at a back yard barbecue; a girl with pigtails and a missing front tooth; ID photos, unsmiling and face on; then formal school photos, club members lined up in rows. I watched, letting them flash before my eyes. The last image appeared, taken from a newspaper article, it showed a girl – a teenager. The photo looked like one taken by a friend, she was laughing, in a bedroom somewhere. I could see the writing underneath, ‘missing schoolgirl’. The image remained on the screen, and I stared into the eyes of the girl, then got up and went and looked at my eyes in the bathroom mirror. They were the same.
I felt a jolt of recognition that had me gasping for air. That was me. Those were me, and my family. I grabbed up the screen again and sat down in the corner of the room, subconsciously feeling the need for the security of my back to the wall. More slowly this time, I went through the images again, inspecting each in turn, staring into the background of each photo at wallpaper, furniture, trees. Flashes of memory started shooting through my mind, each image seeming to come alive with sounds, smells, and then gone. I remembered the feel of the grass on my legs as a child at the barbecue, the smell of hotdogs and the sound of laughter; I remembered the blood down my shirt front as my first tooth fell out on photo day, and the feeling of poking my tongue into the hole. ID photos of my parents and brother brought back the sound of their voices, the smell of shampoo and the feel of my Dad’s stubble. Over and over I scrolled through the photos, unaware that my breathing was becoming more laboured as my brain tried to reconstruct a missing life.
Finally, panting, I let my head fall back against the wall, and dropped the screen to the floor. I shut my eyes, and tried to control my breathing. Pieces of memory continued to return, flashing onto the screen of my brain. I pressed my hands to the side of my head, desperate to shut off the flow of information but it came, faster and faster. Birthday cakes, family pets. The pain of a broken arm, the chill of a swimming pool. Names and faces. I squeezed my eyes tighter shut and pressed my hands harder to my head, afraid of what was coming. I was vaguely aware of someone coming into the room but my muscles were locked into a spasm while my brain overloaded with years of repressed memories, beaten down by Hydra. I heard voices speak, but wasn’t able to understand what they meant.
“We’re going to have to sedate her, this was a bad idea…” “Do we know who we’ll get back? The girl or the killer…” “She needs something to calm her breathing Bruce…”
A sharp scratch on my arm and I felt myself slipping to the floor, then being lifted, and then I lost all sense of my body. But my mind continued to rush, the mind powers I’d had enhanced easily overriding the tranquiliser I’d been given, and now there was no escape. I was trapped in my unresponsive body as the memories flooded back, and I couldn’t even scream.
I remembered being 14. Walking home from school in the summer, a book bag in one hand, phone in the other. I was thinking about a boy at school, about going for a swim, about a nagging I’d had from my Dad for untidiness that morning. I was at ease and relaxed, a happy kid on the edge of growing up. I remembered a sharp stab in my neck, my hand rising up to wipe away a mosquito or a thorn, and then falling to the grass verge, seeing boots approaching me and hands picking me up.
I remembered the back of a van, a long drive. A plane? Flashes of drugged memory made no sense for a while, but my mind powers meant that nothing had truly been forgotten, simply buried under layers of pain. Now, sedated on a bed in New York, the layers were stripped away.
I remembered waking to cold and dark, trying to stand and finding I was chained to a bed. Crying out for my Mom and for help, sobbing myself into a cold sleep. I remembered waking again to a man standing over me, and desperately trying to push him away with my hands and my mind, but at that point I’d never learnt to control my powers and he easily swatted both away. Shouting and crying with fear as a collar was locked around my neck, and soon learning that if I used my powers, or resisted, it would be activated.
I remembered the first time I was led to the chair. Bruised now after beatings, after falling to the floor under the control of the collar; shivering and starved and bereft of hope, except the hope I might die soon. Seeing a large chair with restraints and fighting being put in until a punch to my side knocked me over and I wasn’t able to resist. I remember being strapped in, the collar removed and a piece of leather put between my teeth, fear making me sweat. I remembered the needle going in, the feeling of ice spreading up my arm making me bite down and scream.
Still the memories kept coming. If I hadn’t been sedated, I’d have beaten my head against a wall to try and escape but to anyone observing me I must have looked peaceful and rested, unaware of the barrage of information flooding my brain while my body lay still.
Memories of repeated beatings, every time I failed to comply. Being taught to fight, all with the collar on so that if I tried to attack or escape, I would be punished. Learning to fight with knives, sticks, fists, relentlessly. Little rest, little food. More injections. Time was meaningless in my head and in the bunker, had I been there days or weeks or months when they brought out my family? Leaning exhausted against a wall, seeing the door open and my parents and brother come stumbling out, bruised and bloodied and collared.
I remember my brother vomiting with fear, my father sobbing, my mother mouthing ‘I love you’. I remember using every power I had to try and free them, kicking and screaming and punching, lashing out with my mind. Those were the first two Hydra agents I killed, two guards who had brought me to my cell. Then I saw my father, fall, choking to the floor, as his collar was activated. He writhed, purple faced as I screamed. I fell to my knees and they let him breath again.
I remembered a man in uniform in front of me. A voice. “Understand this. Your family will die. You have a choice. Submit and they die easily. Resist and they die hard. This pain will make you stronger, make you a weapon. This is the last choice you will ever be allowed to make for yourself. What will it be?”
I remember looking up, seeing the soldier’s scarred face in front of me, and my family behind. I saw my mother’s eyes on me and again she whispered. ‘It’s OK’. That had broken me then, and it broke me again now. I tried to turn my head away from the memories but there was no escape. I remember saying ‘I submit’ and then watching the soldier turn and shoot them each once, their bodies crumpling together.
After that, I remember blocking out love, fear, hope. There was nothing left. No one would save me, I couldn’t let myself be a person anymore because a person could grieve and I couldn’t let myself. Still they kept at me, training me, giving me more serum, more beatings. I remembered the time when they filled my cell with water to my ankles so I was constantly cold and wet, other times when they denied me water and kept the cell so hot my lips cracked and bled with the dehydration. I remembered being hosed down with water so icy I lost my breath and my skin turned blue. I remembered days and days without food where I was still expected to fight, any weakness punished. Every torment stripped away another layer of my humanity until I was just a core of anger, a narrow beam of hatred for the world.
I remembered each face that had hurt me. The soldiers who had taught me to fight by attacking me, while I was half starved and half naked and they wore armour. I remembered the scientists who had injected me with serum, brought me back to life from the brink of death, studied my regression to animal state with interest. I remembered the soldiers who had created each scar I had seen on my body. I remembered when I had first been allowed out on a mission, drugged beforehand so that all I was aware of was my target, then tearing through a building until I found the target and broke his neck. I didn’t know who he was, but that death was on me, his blood was on my hands as were the others that came after.
I remembered the constant changes. The gentle treatment – a bed, some clothes – that were then taken away for no reason. I remembered the days of darkness followed by the days of constant light. I remembered not being allowed to lie down, and not being allowed to stand. I remembered being taught to attack using only my mind, sharpening my mind powers until I could make blood boil from behind a wall, then my collar shocking me again every time I used them. I remembered the scarred man again, telling me over and over that I was their weapon, that my strength was forged in my pain and that they would break me down and build me in their own image.
And all through this, I remembered my mother saying ‘it’s OK’. No matter what they did to me, how they broke me down, I held on to that in a corner of my mind. Perhaps that one memory I had somehow kept for myself was what had enabled me to survive and still retain some control and some humanity, but it was such a tiny shred and I was afraid it would be extinguished.
My eyelids fluttered and I was aware of the soft light through the curtains in my room. The sedative was wearing off and slowly my senses made out that I was lying on the bed, that there were people murmuring in the room, that my muscles were slowly coming back to life. I coughed and tried to sit myself up but with the sedative still in my blood, I was weak and fell back again.
“Hey there”. A soft voice, Bruce. “OK, we got you, stay lying down, you’re not up to sitting up yet”. Another voice, Sam.
“We think it was just a bit much, showing you all that information so soon, we’ve taken it away, no need to think about it for now, just rest”. That was Bruce again. They didn’t realise what had happened.
I turned to look at him. “Too late”. My voice was strained as if I’d been silently screaming. “It’s all come back. You drugged me and I couldn’t escape the memories. It’s all here now. Everything I’ve done. Everything that’s happened”. My voice broke again and I coughed. Bruce’s eyes were wide with shock. “You trapped me in my head and now I know everything. You should have let me die”. I rolled onto my side, turning my face away as if they could see the horrors on my face, and sobbed.
I was aware of people in the room, they didn’t leave me alone for the next few days. I lay in the bed and cried, digging my nails into my hands until they bled under the sheets. There was always someone there but I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t reach out, as the horrors in my head replayed over and over. All the deaths I had caused. The loss of my parents, my brother – my fault. All because Hydra wanted what was in my head, something I’d never asked to be there. My muscled ached with tension, and I withdrew, locking myself into my head with shame and guilt.
I don’t know how long it had been, days, a week? Sam and Bruce had tried talking to me, Steve had offered me food, Nat had just sat silently. I was aware of other bodies but I couldn’t respond. I heard the door open again and someone new enter, the sound of talking, which then got louder than normal. The words still meant nothing to me.
“Just let me try ok, everyone out. It’s not like you’re having any success and you all know I’m the only person who can really understand what she’s been through”.
More footsteps, people leaving perhaps. I was only vaguely aware as my head was too filled with past horrors for the present.
Then a shadow fell over my face, someone standing between me and the light as I cried. The body crouched down, it was Bucky, his head now level with mine. His voice was soft.
“I know they’ve tried gentle. I can’t do that, it’s not in me. I can tell you though, that I’ve been there. What Hydra did to you? A lot of that, they did to me too. You’re not alone kid. And I can’t lie to you and tell you that it’s going to disappear and you’ll be happy again, although that’s what they want me to say. What I can say though, is that if you fight through this and get up and eat and rest and pretend to feel human, there will be better days”. He paused. “And I can promise you that if you can find a way to function, you can have revenge”. That made me look up. “These guys, the Avengers, they’re the good guys, we know that. They fight Hydra to make the world a better place. You and me, we have darkness inside us. I don’t think they get that. I fight Hydra to try and relieve that darkness. Or maybe to cover it with darkness of my own choosing, I haven’t looked too hard. Do that with me. By my side. Beat them, for what they did to you”
I’d stopped crying while he spoke. I had no hope then for a future of happiness but listening to Bucky, I did have hope for revenge.
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lxme-xss-imxgines · 5 years
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Prompt: A long time ago, long before modern civilization, there were eight souls bound together. Seven of these eight were born immortal, and they passed along their gift to their loved one. Not long after she was hunted by both mortal and immortal for being a living atrocity. Her current body perished, and they could only hope to one day meet her reincarnation.
Pairing: OT7 x reader 
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Death, swearing, cliche’s 
Intro 1 2 3
A/n: ugh even though there is some plot in this, not much happens. Still mostly a filler for clearing up some confusion. and its not as long as id like. Please leave me constructive criticism if you can:))))) let me know if yall would like to see more!!! 
taglist: @thefirewasfriendly @rosita7703 @herosvillians87 @part-time-patronus
The initial shock of the flood of memories entering Y/n’s brain has worn off, and her feelings have muted slightly. She sighs as she looks at herself in the bathroom mirror, feelings all her old emotions fighting with her not-existent ones. 
Heat rushes to her cheeks, tinging them pink as she suddenly feels embarrassed with how forward she was with them earlier. Yes, she may have known them for many a lifetime, but she has known them none in this one. Despite all her resurfaced memories, it does nothing to make her feel completely comfortable and at ease. 
Do they expect her to keep acting as she did when she first woke? She shook her head, they couldn’t expect that much of her. Right? 
A sudden knock snaps her out of her thoughts, her head turning to face the door. 
“Are you okay, princess? You been in there for a minute,” Hoseok’s bright voice projects through the door. 
“Yeah, I’m fine, Hobi! I’ll be out in a minute,” seeming satisfied with your answer, you hear his feet pad away from the doorway along with a small ‘okay’. 
 A question still not quite answered loops through her mind. Why were those men so adamant on finding them? I know that they’re a gang, but my understanding according to my memories is that currently there was peace among the mafia families at the moment . . . maybe not anymore?
When Y/n appears in front of the boys again, she already feels apprehensive just taking in their loving gazes. She knows she came on too strong when she woke up from her memory flood, but she didn’t mean to. I hope they can underst-
“Are you feeling alright, y/n?” the question rolls off Yoongi’s tongue, and for some reason earns a glare from Namjoon. 
“Yoongi. Quit reading her emotions,” he snaps.
���I’m not doing it on purpose, Joon. She’s projecting them. She wants us to know what she’s feeling . . . “ Yoongi and Y/n share a glance, and she nods in order to give him unspoken approval to announce her current state of feelings. “Y/n is nervous. She doesn’t want us to think that everything has suddenly gone back to normal because of the way she showed us affection for a short time after she awoke from her memory flood. Am I correct?”
Y/n giggles,”I remembered that you’re an empath . . . but I wasn’t aware of how much you have honed in your emotional readings in order to determine the circumstances of a situation,” the room goes silent for a moment, Y/n’s speech jarring them slightly. “Ah, I spoke as if I was out of a Dickinson novel again, didn’t I? Ah, it happened again!” 
“It’s alright, silly girl. It makes us feel at home,” Hoseok beams. 
Her eyebrows furrow,”You all have powers, hm? You all are the children of vampires . . . and witches. Blessing you all with powers most vampires lack. There’s something else . . . I can’t quite put my finger on.”
“Quit working your brain so hard, love. You’ll remember when you remember,” Jimin smiles. 
“Well, why can’t you just tell me? I mean, you know exactly what I’m trying to get at. At least Namjoon does,” her head tilts toward him. “He can see inside my mind. So why the hesitance to inform me?” 
“Because you never believe us until you actually go through it,” Tae states and rolls his eyes. Why does he have an attitude all of the sudden? Did I do something?
“Tae. You’re making her worry. Drop your act, will you?” Yoongi sneers. “We’re all impatient. No reason to take it out on her.”
He shrinks back,”Sorry, love.” 
“It’s okay. I just would prefer knowing because it does in fact have something to do with me, personally . . . like a puzzle piece. Like once I know this one fact, maybe along with some smaller details, everything will click into place.” Y/n shakes her head. “Nevermind that. Lingering on it won’t do. So, Namjoon is a telepath with stronger bias toward reading minds, unlike Hobi, who can blanket someone’s vision and make them see whatever he wants . . . “ 
They just nod, urging you to continue. They all know that exercises like this helps you to retain your memories. 
“Yoongs is an empath, which is why he puts on such a cold front . . . but he always lets me go to him when I’m sad so he can take the burden off of me,” Yoongi’s cheeks warm up, and he ignores looks from the boys. “Jinnie, you’re our healer, a very good one at that. Jiminie . . . you can kill someone with a single touch, if you wanted to. I know you prefer not to use it though, it makes you feel icky.”
Jimin nods in agreement, thinking of the grim feeling that fills him when his touch drags the soul out of a living person’s body. 
“Tae-tae, you bring pain or numbness to any being at will. And Kookie . . . oh. You still haven’t developed yours. However, I am optimistic that you will in this lifetime,” Y/n says with a small smile. 
She then inhales deeply, then lets out a long breath. 
“Sit down, will you, love?” Yoongi mumbles. “I can feel your weariness.” 
Y/n nods, sitting down between Yoongi and Jimin. She feels an instant feeling of calm wash over her, and she silently thanks the man to her left. 
“You guys have something important going on with the other mafia families, right?” y/n tilts her head, and the boys look at her in confusion. 
“Why are you concerning yourself with mafia business?” Tae states bluntly, leaving Y/n taken aback, but she quickly regains composure. 
“Ta-” Namjoon tries to interject, but her mouth has already begun to move. 
“Oh, maybe because whatever you boys have gotten yourselves into this time has lead to a rather angry, gun waving vampire to clamp his teeth onto my neck, leading to severe blood loss and probably a perpetual fear of stepping into the very club that you own again.” 
Silence falls once again, along with Y/n’s composure. I didn’t really mean to come off so harsh, but Taehyung needs a reality check for whatever reason. So I gave him one. 
Don’t feel bad, baby girl. He deserved it, Namjoon’s voice quiet in the back of your head. 
To everyone’s surprise, an apology spills out of Taehyung’s mouth,”I’m sorry. This happens every time. It’s hard for me to adjust to your presence when you return . . . like my mind can’t accept the fact that you’re back. Like it’s scared to.” 
“I get it, Tae. But if I recall correctly, I had a heavy hand in our mafia business in my previous life. I think we’re all very aware of my capabilities when it comes to handling our current problems.” 
“Y/n. You may be you, but you’re not ready to dive back in as heavy as you were in before,” Jin hesitates to elaborate, as it’s a very painful memory for them. “Especially when . . . “
“Yes, I know. It led to my death. I remember it like it was yesterday, when vampire hunters were first starting to emerge. If only we had known,” she releases a deep sigh. She almost regrets bringing it up. Y/n knows well that all of them blame every single one of her deaths on themselves. “None of my deaths were ever any of your faults. You guys know that, right?” 
“We always have this argument, so let me shorten it. None of us will every stop blaming ourselves for letting you die,” Jungkook speaks for the first time in awhile,”So don’t try and convince us of anything else. Won’t work.” 
Y/n scrunches her nose,”Maybe your power is stubborness.” 
Jungkook makes a face at her and she giggles, causing a domino effect of laughter to fill the room. 
“So this cult of vampires believes that if they consume any of your blood, that they will suddenly be able to gain supernatural powers because of the witch DNA all of you contain?” Y/n clarifies. Everyone nods. “I mean, I guess I can see why they would think that. But I doubt they have any scientific backing to it. You drink vampire blood and then die, you come back as a vampire. But they have no idea whether or not the witch DNA is even contained in the blood that you have in your bodies. It truly sounds like a conspiracy.” 
“The logic doesn’t matter to them. If there’s even a chance that they could become as powerful as Vampire-Witch hybrids, they will take the chance. Or die trying,” Tae snorts at Namjoon’s sentence. 
“And die they will,” he elaborates. “But we need to be careful. If they find out -” Jungkook suddenly smacks him in the arm, cutting off whatever he was going to reveal. 
Y/n tenses. 
“Well, it’s too late now. You guys know she doesn’t like secrets,” Yoongi says from beside her. 
“Sorry, Yoongi. I know it must be frustrating to feel my emotions all the time. I know I project them, I don’t mean to,” she sends a small smile. 
He just chuckles,”I like feeling your emotions, even the bad ones. It makes me feel close to you.” 
Y/n shakes her head,”Alright. What are you guys not telling me?” 
“Nothing you don’t already know, princess,” Taehyung responds. “It has to do with when you turn.” 
She tries to remember for a moment, she really does. But it’s like there a roadblock. And they all know what will remove it, but it’s too soon. Much too soon. 
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teacherinthestreets · 4 years
“Appears to Be a Woman”
I set my alarm for 7am. My husband and I had the brooms out and ready. We figured, if we could wake up early on a Sunday to clean up Center City, we should do the same for Kensington. Plus, we’re homeowners in Fishtown and it feels like the neighborly thing to do. We walked under the El, sweeping up glass into piles, and at 9am I popped a headphone in my ear and joined my high school’s Monday morning meeting on Zoom. Since COVID closed down our schools, we’ve been meeting virtually. My colleagues shared their thoughts and feelings as we reflected on recent events. We’re all devastated by how especially scared and traumatized our Black and Brown students and their families must be. The general tone is of bewilderment. One colleague commented on the fact that her husband is a retired police officer and her family members are cops. She expressed her confusion and confoundment- police are trained to handle protesters so why are they doing this? 
We headed back home so I could join my students for virtual office hours. As a special education teacher who’s worked in Philadelphia for ten years, I’ve never struggled this much to entertain my students. By nature, I’m silly and a goofball. I tell jokes, don silly cat shirts, and wear a giant purple squid hat when the mood strikes. This is hard to convey online so I’ve resorted to playing lots of games on Kahoot! I always play with them and I always lose, but let’s pretend I lose on purpose. 
After the strange school day is done, my husband, friend and I head out on foot to the protest. There is a group of unions gathering together to discuss our role in advocating for change to support People of Color for the betterment of all. I’m wearing my Working Educators shirt, which is bright red and useful in case my friends and I get separated in the crowd. I could barely hear the speakers, but clapped heartily anyway. I saw a former student in the crowd and awkwardly air-hugged him. Then we began our march. Chanting loudly, sometimes in unison, and walking through the streets I love. I was flanked by two colleagues from school as well as my friends and husband. I felt that although this was something small, that’s how most revolutions succeed. Old, archaic systems are pulled asunder through death by a thousand cuts. My cut today was holding aloft my cute and colorful sign of the “This is Fine” dog. 
When our group crossed the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, we came to a halt. The police had blocked the bridge we intended to go over. We saw the group flood down the hill and onto 676. My husband and I held hands as we continued the march. What’s a little traffic to get the attention of hundreds for a worthy cause? We saw people in their cars lean out and shout, everything I heard was supportive, but then again I am trained to listen for the good and filter out the bad as there would be no way else to survive teaching high school students otherwise. As we walked under the overpass, I saw a wave of people running towards me. I froze. My husband grabbed me and helped me onto a ledge on the side of the road. When we could move again I saw a line of officers, clad in black. They were at the other end of the bridge so I couldn’t see anymore than that. Suddenly, a girl drops to her knees. She’s crying and bleeding, but I can’t tell from where. A fellow protestor reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of water to help clean the wound. I turned and saw another fellow protester on the ground, holding his face. He looked unable to stand. I was scared so I started to leave him. There were people around, someone else would help him. I heard someone next to him yell, he’s been hit by rubber bullets and tear gas! Up to this point I didn’t realize we were being shot at. I paused, perplexed. I saw my husband see the man’s distress and move toward the prostrate figure. He picked up cardboard and used it to shield the man. In spite of my trepidation, I knew I had to help as my backpack was full of water and a first aid kit. I crouched down to assist, but we were all soon on our feet as we felt more rubber bullets fly passed us and the smell of tear gas was getting stronger. I felt nips at my ankles. Is that what a rubber bullet feels like? Unfortunately, I would soon find out.
The tear gas began flooding the street. My husband held my hand and we ran. With police surrounding us, we were forced up a hill and into a tall ten foot metal fence. As I stepped up to leave. Whap! I screamed out and fell to the ground. Something hit me in my back and the sting knocked the wind out of me. A fellow protestor to my right grabbed my arm to help me up. At this point, I see my husband and I have broken apart, but I can’t get back to him. I think I’m screaming or crying, maybe both. I breathe in the gas and think, this is how I die. I survived traveling the Middle East alone for a year and I die on the side of 676. I am bent over vomiting when an officer pushes me down to zip tie my hands behind my back. When I realize what is happening I ask him if I can get my ID from my bag which has fallen off when I was blindly and desperately searching for a bottle of water to douse my eyes with. He tells me, you don’t get shit. I ask him if it’s my right to have an ID on me (because I honestly don’t know). He responds angrily, saying I can’t get it. I take a step toward my bag and he pushes me down again and yells something. I’m shaking, begging him, please, please, please, I just want my ID. What if they arrest me and claim they don’t know who I am so I’m kept longer? Please, I beg again, I just want my ID. He tells me to stand up. I try to maneuver my way to standing while on a slant with my hands tied behind my back. The tear gas has got me spun around and sick. I can’t see and the pain in my back is incessant. I am almost up when I feel him push me back down. He then dragged me down the hill backward, over the branches and brambles. I wobbly stand once at the bottom of the hill and get in position. I am relieved even though there is vomit on my chin and snot is streaming down my face. The girl next to me asks if I’m ok and says she wishes she could help me wipe my nose. Some air is coming into my lungs. I start to feel like I might not die, only to realize that I am being arrested. 
My mom, dad, friends, family- they all told me to be safe. Be safe? I have never thrown a rock, or broken a window in my life. I’ve never shoved anyone, except when jokingly imitating Elaine from Seinfeld. Why should they be worried about my safety? I was there to support, but I don’t make messes. I help clean them up, that’s what I do. Now, I realize that was my privilege telling me I was safe. My cousin is a cop. I may be against the system, but individuals can see me for who I am: not a threat. That was my privilege. It told me the police would see I was peaceful and I would be fine. As I recall the screams and sobs now, I realize how very wrong I was. 
After I was bent over the median, my situation sunk in. I followed orders. Thanked every officer. Yes sir, thank you, sir. I was pat-down, but with no pockets and no bra, I was an easy search. We were moved to the middle of the road and sat on the median. The girl next to me asks me to look at her hand. She wants to know what color it is. It’s turning purple, I tell her. She tries to ask an officer for help. I ask a little louder. We are laughed at and she’s told that they’ll see her in the ICU. I look at the line of those zip-tied and try to see if my husband is there. When I don’t see him I search the crowd above, but my glasses are covered in chemicals. (It turns out he was up at the top of the hill screaming for me he was forced away by police.)
When we are loaded into the white school buses, I feel like I’m in a strange alternate universe. At this point in the school year, we would be taking field trips in a bus similar to this, but not as clean and devoid of bars. The girl behind me is texting on her cell phone backwards. She asks if she can text anyone for me. Oh my god, I’ve been with my husband for seven years and I never memorized his number. I give her my parents numbers and hope they will see the text during their Zoom birthday conference for my aunt. I am relieved when she tells me they responded. Phew. At least someone knows where I am. 
We sit on the bus, packed with women, ages ranging from early twenties to thirties. There are a few women crying, but everyone is encouraging each other. Someone asks if anyone has been arrested before. The girl next to me replies, does drunk and disorderly in college count? Everyone else shakes their heads no. 
When we reach the station they tell us we are going in five at a time to be processed. The girl who texted my parents for me asks for those who need medical support to let it be known so they can go first. I’m in awe that even in this stressful situation, she has the foresight to be so kind and compassionate towards everyone. 
As I am brought in to be processed, I remember my former student in the crowd. I wish I could see if he is ok. I continue to comply in my normal friendly and gracious manner. A young Black woman in my group of five asks why they need her address again. She’s got some flint in her voice, but she doesn’t curse and is respectful. The officers attempting to process her begin a back and forth at one point accusing her of probably never having a job in her whole life. When she asks why they would think that of her and asks whether it is because she is Black, several officers erupt into laughter and mockingly decry the stupidity of her comment. Her friend stands up in her defense and one of the officers tells her to sit her ass down or she can stay the night. He says they could use the company. He yells at her (and us) stating that this is what we get for breaking windows and causing a riot. They protest and are waved away and told to hush-up or they’ll be locked-up. 
The officer processing me is polite, when he asks my profession and I tell him I’m a teacher he perks up and asks where I teach. When I tell him he’s genuinely excited as our school is unique and has been a Philly landmark since the 50’s. I’m given my Code Violation Notice for “Failure to Disperse” (I laugh and think that they should give that to the fence for blocking my way, but also wondering if stopping us from dispersing was the point because trapping us on that hill sure felt like it). A polaroid photo of me is taken and a young officer writes my name on the bottom. They point me to the exit. I smile and thank everyone. Like they did me a favor. Like they didn’t have a hand in what I just experienced. 
I see the girl who texted my parents outside. She’s passing out water and waiting for her ride. She graciously lends me her phone and I call my mom. I tell her I’m ok, ask her to call my husband and give her my cross streets. I ask her to tell him that I’m just going to start walking home on Montgomery Ave.
I hear my husband’s emblematic “yeerrrp!” and turn around. He’s with two of my other friends who had been trying to retrieve my backpack. I don’t care they weren’t successful, their smiling faces let me know how lucky and loved I am. I think about how this was a strange experience for me, one that I will hopefully never experience again. One that I don’t have to live in fear with experiencing again. Again, I notice my privilege in a new and deeper way. It reminds me why I went to the streets in the first place, why I have chosen Philadelphia as my home. Why I continue to teach in the city that I love and fight for a better future for each of my students. 
When I arrive home to Fishtown, we are told that the 26th precinct has a gathering of White men and women with bats, shovels, and axes. After hearing the gathering using racial slurs, cursing, smoking pot, drinking, and yelling about their guns- other Fishtown residents ask the police to disperse the gathering, to which the police’s response was dismissive and cursory. 
When home, I read the statement from Mayor Kenney and Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw on what I went through, which was beyond disheartening. I voted for Kenney and I was excited to see a badass Black Commissioner woman take charge (I mean, with the last name Outlaw, I thought she’s got to be great). She stated in her press release, “While on the roadway, the crowd surrounded a State Trooper, who was alone and seated in his vehicle, and began rocking the vehicle, with the trooper having no safe means of egress.  Two teams from the Philadelphia Police SWAT Unit arrived. While the SWAT officers were present, members of the crowd began throwing rocks at the officers from the north and south sides, and from the bridges above the officers. The crowd also began rushing toward the officers. The SWAT officers gave numerous orders for the crowd to disperse, to which the crowd did not comply.”
I am too devastated to even respond. Throwing rocks? Rocking a police vehicle? Refusing to disperse? How could these blatant lies be shared so easily? Every detail is false to every second of my experience, but if people in power say it, won’t everyone believe it? 
The dichotomy of this day hurts in a profound way. As my adrenaline fades and I hear the encouraging words from my family and friends, I feel like I will be ok. My husband pulls up a video from the news of what happened to us on 676. I watch the situation unfold from above and can pick myself out in some shots because of my bright red shirt. Then I see it. I’m being dragged down the hill and the camera zooms in. The reporters notice and comment at my sorry state and I can’t help, but laugh when one says “[she] appears to be a woman.” 
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bellebon · 4 years
Stolen Wallet and Stolen Hearts
Ok I know that Kiyana and Roscoe have like no interaction while he’s the boss but like, come on guys. Their dynamic is so freaking good despite it. Although I suppose this is what I get for rarepair hell. Enjoy!
It was a beautiful day to be threatened. Kiyana gasped, hands coming as if to block her attacker. 
“Come on Darling, we’re both busy people.” The furry eared man in front of her winked at her and brought his knife closer to her. Kiyana whimpered, hunching her shoulders, and took another step back. 
“Please, I don’t have anything on me.” Her eyes darted to the busy street before back to him. “I just want to get to my job, please, I'll be fired if I’m late.” She tried to step to the side but was dragged back and shoved against the wall. Kiyana froze, feeling cool metal against her throat.
“Now Darling we both know that isn’t true.” The knife drifted down, tugging against her choker. “These are expensive clothes.” He grinned, revealing his sharp animalistic teeth. 
Kiyana blinked and felt tears running down her cheeks. “Please don’t.” Her voice caught and Kiyana couldn’t stop a sob. The knife drifted lower, slicing her choker, and drawing a bead of blood. The man drew the knife back, tilting it to watch run down the blade. 
“Now, let’s-“ he was interrupted by the sound of metal on metal. The knife clattered on the ground but the sound of the man grunting drew Kiyana’s attention. He was doubled over, a blond ponytail dangling past his neck, and coughing. 
“Now now, that’s not how we treat a lady around here.” A smooth voice drew her attention. A well dressed man watched her attacker as he lowered the cane he had just used to disarm her attacker. “Miss, why don’t you come over here?” Kiyana glanced at his horns and then back at her attacker. Everyone knew what horns meant, but that didn’t mean that he had been the one who killed someone. 
She quickly stepped over, letting him guide her behind him. As Kiyana passed him she lifted a wallet, tucking it into her pocket, and covered the movement by wiping her tears. Based on the coat he wore, this should be a good grab. If she was right, those were expensive boots as well. “Thank you.” She sniffled. “I was so scared.” She trailed off, looking down at the ground and twisting one of her pale pink pigtails. 
 The stranger nodded, his lavender hair gently moving with the movement, and gave her a smile. “Run along now, wouldn’t want you to get fired.” Oh right, her excuse. Kiyana nodded and backed away, watching the furry eared man. “Don’t worry, I'll make sure that he doesn’t follow you.” His expression was pleasant but his tone was dangerous. Perhaps, she thought, it’s time to go before he realized her actions and turned that cane on her. 
Bassem accepted the new ice pack that Kiyana offered. “Hey, next time we do this how about you threaten me for once.” She put the warmed ice pack back into the freezer. He lifted his shirt, revealing deep bruises on his stomach from where the cane had hit him. The deep blue and purple bruises strongly contrasted his tan skin.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have cut my ribbon.” It was really cute and it was ruined. “Beside, who’d expect a cute girl like me to hurt you?” Kiyana plopped down next to her friend and pulled out his ponytail. She brushed her fingers through his brown and blond hair. “Pink pigtails and eyes aren’t the most threatening.” She glazed over her webbed ears and their implications.
Bassem rolled his eyes and leaned against her. “Tell me that it was worth it, how much did we get?” He closed his yellow eyes, ears drooping. She hummed, continuing to brush his hair.
“There was some cash but not nearly what I expected from him. No credit cards either which was weird but considering that he didn’t want to call the police…” Kiyana sighed. “That sucks, I was looking forward to shopping again.” Bassem groaned.
“Glad that we have enough to cover my medical bills.” He droned, tilting his head to look at her. ”At least he didn’t go for my piercings for once.” Kiyana tutted and started to braid his hair. 
“You have to admit, he was cute.” She tied off the braid and let it drop. “I wonder what he does. That tall and handsome, I wonder if he’s a model?” 
“Oh gosh Kiyana. A suit and some long hair and you’re in love.” She shoved him away, ignoring his groan of pain. 
“Shut up, you’re no better. Or have you forgotten Mariel?” He glared at her, wincing as he stood.
“I don’t have to take this from you.” Her laughter followed him out of the family room. She stopped once his door slammed shut. 
Kiyana stood up from their couch and stretched. “Hm, maybe I should grab some dinner? Not cooking sounds great after today.” She was flush with cash and it would be a nice treat for Bassem. She pulled on her sweater and grabbed her purse. “Hey Bassem, I'm heading out.” 
That beautiful day had turned into a dusky evening. Kiyana hummed as she made her way to the Thai place that Bassem liked. She watched as people hurried to their destination. He’s probably coming home from work she idly thought as she watched a man in a grey button down shirt hurry by. He swerved to avoid getting close to the woman with a fox’s tail and nearly ran into a light pole. The woman made a face and pushed on, clearly used to this. 
Kiyana passed by the grocery store they shopped at. It was at the end of a strip of stores and family-owned. Maybe I can grab some ice cream too? We deserve it after- Her train of thought was halted by a hand grabbing her arm and dragging her down the street. 
She gasped in pain as she was slammed against the wall in pain. “What” Kiyana was once again cut off as she felt metal at her neck. She could make out what appeared to be a carved bird that must have been the knife’s handle. Her attacker cleared his throat, drawing her attention.
A white mask with protruding red horns watched her. “Oh shit.” Kiyana knew that mask. Everyone in the crime world knew that mask. Corvus, leader of the Rose family, stared down at her. He smirked at her realization.
“I’ve heard that you’ve been rather naughty today Kiyana.” Kiyana sucked in a breath. He knew her name. Corvus knew her name. 
Did he know Bassem? 
“It’s not very nice to steal from someone protecting you. Some might call it ungrateful.” He pressed the flat side of the knife harder against her neck. “Do you have anything to say for that?” 
Maybe if she pissed him off, he wouldn’t go after Bassem. “Are you talking about that wallet? I found it and whoever lost it didn’t have any id in it so I couldn’t return it.” A thought came to her. She glanced up at his hair and gave him what she hoped was a playful grin. “If you don’t want to lose your wallet, you should be more careful with it. They have a tendency to slip out of pockets.” 
He wasn’t smirking anymore. “What makes you think that was mine?” He tilted her chin up with his knife. “Wouldn’t it be an incredibly idiotic idea to steal from someone like me?” This would be incredibly attractive if Kiyana wasn’t about to die. 
“I wouldn’t have found your wallet if I knew how poor a boss you are. For how expensive you dress, you don’t carry that much.” This was it, she was going to die in an alley over a stolen wallet. She had survived the Rokken Rose turf wars only to die because of a wallet. 
She had expected pain and choking on blood, not him throwing his head back in laughter. Absently, she noted how his ponytail caught the light. Twilight suited him. Yet, through his laughter the blade never left her. 
“I don’t know if you’re brave or an idiot.” Corvus chuckled, grinning as he took her in. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing stealing wallets anyway?” 
She took a steadying breath. “What’s a handsome man like you doing threatening a cute girl like me?” Kiyana shot back. If he was going to kill her, she’d get a last word in at least. 
The knife left her chin and she heard it slide back into its sheath. Corvus still towered over her but he tilted his head, as if trying to understand her. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Kiyana hummed, shifting to lean against the wall instead of being pressed. “Well that’s a personal question, you know. At least buy me dinner first if you want to know my tragic backstory.” She twisted the end of her pigtail with her right hand. “Or I suppose I could take you out as a thank you for your rescue earlier.”
“I feel that i’ll be paying for that dinner either way. What with you using that found money.” He took her left hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles while watching her. “Unfortunately I have other obligations this evening and must pass. Besides, I doubt Bassem would want you abandoning him after he took that beating for you.” 
So he does know about Bassem there went that hope. Although it didn’t seem like Corvus felt like killing her just yet. “Another night maybe? You didn’t answer my question either.” Her hand felt so warm in his. Whether that was from his glove or that kiss, she wasn’t sure. 
“Perhaps, although Kiyana I do have one request.” He let go of her hand and stepped back.
She raised an eyebrow. “Hm? What would that be?”
“Don’t steal from any other crime lords.” 
She raised her hand to cover a smile. “I doubt that any of them would come to a lady’s aid. But I suppose I’ll try.” She acted as if the request was a burden and he shook his head. 
“Have a safe walk home Miss Kiyana, it wouldn’t do for you to get threatened while i’m not around.” With that he turned and left. She watched him go and waited a few minutes before leaving the alley herself. 
She felt her pocket out of curiosity and found his wallet missing. Kiyana laughed and wondered when he had gotten it back. It didn’t matter, she had removed the cash earlier. “I wonder how long before he realizes.” 
In the end she told Bassem that there was a long line for ice cream and that’s what took her so long.
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PokéWinx (Those of you who saw the previous post should have seen this cross over coming.) Bloom begins her Pokémon Journey, and runs into someone else's problem. Bloom & Stella Friendship, Bloom & Kiko Friendship Just some Mostly-Fluff with a little bit of Pilot episode style "Oh No!"
Bloom rode along the road, her bike's tires kicking up a small amount of dirt as she went. In her front basket, Kiko looked back and forth, trying to see everything all at once.
As a breeze raced out of the trees and caught her copper hair, she laughed quietly to herself as the exhilaration bubble out of her.
She was on her way, she was finally, finally on her way!
The two of them were just over two hours of steady pedalling out of Gardenia, Bloom's hometown, when Kiko perked up both his ears. Alarmed, Bloom rolled to a stop.
“Kiko?” She said, looking around, “what do you hear?”
Nervously, the oddly blue tinted Buneary turned to her, pointing one paw towards the nearby woods.
Cautiously Bloom dismounted her bike, kicking down the stand before she lifted Kiko from the basket.
“Our first Pokémon?” She asked, checking her Pokéball supply. “You ready Kiko?"
Kiko shook his head rapidly, he was not ready for whatever he'd sensed.
“You'll do great,” Bloom assured him, and stepped into the tree line.
She heard something as she went deeper into the trees, something that sounded like a fight. Kiko trembled in her arms, and looked up at her with concern. Bloom wavered for a moment, deciding her next course of action.
“We'll just take a look,” she told Kiko, moving on. “If it looks like too much for us, we'll leave before they know we're there, okay?”
Kiko's reply was not an agreement, but Bloom went closer to the noise anyway.
Bloom froze as something called out in pain. Something that sounded like a person. Bloom hurried towards the source and came across a clearing, a blonde girl who seemed to be the same age as Bloom was on the ground, a group of hostile Sneasel surrounding her.
But more than just hostile, something about the group struck Bloom as... wrong.
A battered looking Spritzee fluttered over the blonde girl and cast Sunny Day, which did nothing but make a few of the Sneasel uncomfortable. One of the Sneasel darted towards the blonde, and Bloom reacted without thinking about the consequences.
Flinging Kiko into the air with all her might she called “Jump Kick!” and though he screamed as he flew, Kiko twisted midair and kicked. The Sneasel was punted back several feet and Bloom raced forwards to the other girl.
“Can you stand?!”
“I... yeah?” The blonde looked at her confused, but accepted the help as Bloom pulled her to her feet and took some of her weight.
“Kiko!” Bloom called to her Buneary, “Double Team and Quick Attack! Get us some distance!”
Though he distinctly did not want to be there, Kiko let out a cry and attacked as the two girls made there way back to where Bloom had left her bike, the worn out Spritzee in tow.
A roar echoed through the clearing, and everyone turned to look.
Two red eyes shone beneath the shadows of the trees.
“New plan,” Bloom said, “RUN!” She turned and urged the other girl faster, Kiko darting away from the group of Sneasel, leading the way back to the road. Though they could hear the sounds of pursuit behind them, the group somehow managed to make it back to the bike.
“Get on the parcel tray,” Bloom instructed the other girl, who complied as best she could. Kiko and the Spritzee made themselves at home in the basket, and with shaking hands, Bloom righted the bike, kicking back the stand and pedalling hard.
Sluggish under the weight of so many, it took longer than Bloom would have liked to get up to speed. The small army of Sneasel spilled out from the trees behind them, following for several hundred metres before they fell too far behind.
Bloom didn't slow for another few minutes. When she did, she was breathing hard.
Turning to her passenger she asked, “are you okay?”
“Yeah,” the blonde nodded, “thank you so much, I thought I was going to die!”
“I thought you were going to die,” Bloom admitted, slightly hysterical. “Oh wow, if Kiko hadn't heard you... Oh wow... I'm Bloom by the way.”
“Stella,” the blonde said, a slight wobble colouring her words, “and this is Amore.”
“Hi,” Bloom said in response, and both girls sat silently for several seconds before they burst into shaky laughter, adrenaline still cycling through them as they realised they'd survived. “Oh my gosh,” Bloom said as they began to calm down, “what even happened?”
“I don't know,” Stella admitted, “I was just making my way through the woods and suddenly I was under attack! They shouldn't even live there!”
Bloom gasped as she realised Stella was right, “they shouldn't!”
In the basket, Kiko made a noise of worry, which drew their attention to him and Amore.
“Oh no,” Stella said, looking at her Pokémon, “not good.”
“We should be close to the next town, we'll head straight to the Pokémon Centre, get Amore seen to, then we should probably tell someone about the psycho Sneasel horde.”
Stella nodded in agreement, and Bloom pretended not to see the tears in her eyes as her emotions ran themselves through their paces. Stella slipped her arms around Bloom briefly, pressing her face into Bloom's back with a teary “thank you.”
Bloom patted her gently on the thigh before Stella moved into a better position for riding, and the group was off.
“Hey,” Bloom said quietly, setting down a plate of Poké Centre curry. “You should eat something.”
Stella lifted her head slowly from her knees and sniffled, nodding.
She made no further move to uncurl herself from the Poké Centre booth.
“Nurse Ofelia says Amore's going to be okay,” Bloom reminded the blonde, “you have to take care of you now, otherwise, you'll worry Amore, and she needs to focus on getting better, okay?”
It was circuitous logic at best, but Bloom didn't know how else to convince the other girl to take care of herself. Once the adrenaline had finished wearing off, and the thrill of survival turned into the horror of a near miss, Stella had seemed to deflate, all her energy seeping away.
Bloom had been worried the blonde would pass out before they reached the town, but they'd made it to the Poke Centre just fine, and though weary, Stella refused to sleep until Amore was healed.
Slowly, almost reluctantly, Stella reached out and took up the spork Bloom held out for her.
Mechanically she ate several bites.
“'S good,” Stella admitted morosely.
“Yeah,” Bloom agreed and tucked into her own dish. Kiko placed his own bowl on the floor beneath the table and began to eat.
Fed, bathed, a full night sleep under her belt, and a short trip to the human focused medical specialists, and Stella looked a million times better, though still worried. She, Bloom and Kiko sat in the waiting room of the Poke Centre, steadily growing more and more bored.
They'd been told they'd be able to see Amore at 10:30 am, and the clock was ticking over to 11:30, with no nurses in sight to inquire with.
Bloom kept her fingers busy twirling a Pokémon Trainer ID card. Kiko wandered off and came back, slowly getting to know the various corners of the Centre's waiting room. Stella had re-braided her hair almost two dozen times when she noticed something off about the ID card in Bloom's hands.
“That's a really old ID,” she said, leaning closer for a better look.
Bloom startled slightly, having grown used to the near silence of the room.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” hesitantly she handed it to Stella.
The card was worn with age, but parts of it seemed to have suffered more... elemental damage. The image was so faint it was hard to make out more than the most basic features, and most of the information was gone.
“Who's 'Daphne'?” Stella asked, handing the card back.
“I don't really know,” Bloom confessed, “I think she might have been my mother, maybe.”
“You... think?”
Bloom snorted at Stella's confused tone, “yeah, I'm adopted, I was found, seemingly abandoned when I was an infant, I had a blanket and this card. It was like this when I was found.”
“Wow,” Stella said, for lack of anything else to say.
“Yep,” Bloom nodded, “I'm actually hoping someone out there knew her, it's why I'm going on my own Pokémon Journey.” Her shoulders curled in defensively.
“That's a lot of ground to cover, you can't even see her age, Origin Region, or Primary Professor.”
“I know,” Bloom said, with a slight tinge of annoyance. The kind of annoyance that came from hearing the same argument over and over again.
“I...” Stella faltered, nervous. She shifted uncomfortably before forcing herself to ignore her fear. “Amore and I could travel with you, if you like. More people to search?”
Bloom looked back at the blonde, surprised.
“Are, I mean... yeah?” Bloom asked, almost daring not to hope.
Stella shrugged and gave a tentative smile, “yeah, I mean, I wasn't going any where in particular, I was just sort of... travelling. And you helped me out, so the least I can do is help you in return.”
“You don't need to return the favour,” Bloom denied, “I didn't do it to make you indebted to me.”
“I know, but still, if you wouldn't mind the company, you can count us in.”
Bloom looked to Kiko, who wasn't paying them the slightest bit of attention, looking back to Stella she smiled.
“Welcome to the team.”
“Happy to be here.”
The girls giggled for a moment before the sound of the door opening drew their attention. Nurse Ofelia emerged with the freshly healed and rested Amore.
“Please miss Stella, this is a medical-”
Bloom slapped her hand over her mouth to hide her laugh as Stella scooped up her Pokémon and twirled with her in celebratory glee.
Bloom looked to her own partner, who was clambering up the couch to join her.
“I've got a good feeling about this, Kiko.”
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omgilostmyshoe · 5 years
Sabriel Week 2019. Day Four: Free Day
Can You Withstand The Heat
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sabriel, implied/mentioned established Destiel.
Wordcount: 3,740
Tags and Warnings: AU, A/B/O, Omega Sam Winchester, Alpha Gabriel, Heat Sex, Sex position 69, Curses, Angst with Happy ending, Fluff, PWP.  
What if the all-fandom joke about Sam being cursed was not a joke at all? What if, being a teenager, Sam pisses off a witch, who curses him? Now, everyone he ever sleeps with will die in some horrible fashion. So, he suffers all his heats alone, that keep getting more and more painful, but he hardly has a choice in the matter. He will not become a killer for his own pleasure. That is until he meets a mysterious Alpha, who is immune to the curse, and brings a lot more surprises with him, than just mind-blowing sex skills. 
Sam hates the heats. 
He hates them so much, that he's been long living "in between". 
The Times when it hits - he is not living. 
He is in agony, he is a ball of need, lust and pain. But he's not living. 
It was easier, when he had Dean. 
Of course, he still has him, but Dean now has Cas. 
Now, instead of suffering together, Dean smells of satisfaction and pleasure after each and every heat. 
Sam is happy for his brother, of course... But he’s... 
's still suffering. 
And all because of some crazy alpha bitch-witch, whom he refused so long ago. And she cursed him. With "If I can't have you, nobody can." 
Because really, what is it with his life being an over dramatic soap opera? 
No... It is his life, and it's coming to a swift end, as another heat is closing in on Sam.
He’s hurrying to the local clinic to get a heat room--alone, of course--but he can feel it already. 
Creeping in on the edges of his senses, quickening his heart and breathing, racking up his pheromones higher and higher. 
He has half an hour at best, and he floors it, not caring for the speed limit or angry honking of the cars he flies past. 
There is the familiar hunger creeping in, and he’s almost in hell already. 
And of course, as fate would have it, there are cops nearby. And of course, there is now a police car after him, blaring its sirens and demanding he stop. 
He checks the time, feeling a bead of sweat sliding down his forehead. 
Just five minutes to the clinic. 
Sirens blare, and he swears, coming to a screeching stop at the nearest sidewalk, praying to all Gods that the cop is anything but an Alpha. Another Omega, or Beta even, anything, but...
"Hi there, I'm Officer Novak. ID and registration please?" 
An Alpha. 
Short, but cocky, confidence and dominance rolling off of him in waves, along with the absolutely delicious scent, which had Sam's mouth watering in seconds. His asshole too, he feels--acutely--as the blob of slick, a big one, slides down in his underwear. He was never more thankful for that person who thought about Omega's needs enough to engineer a special kind of underwear that can absorb large amounts of slick without leaving stains on actual clothing. 
But as Sam gets more and more lost in his own thoughts and the approaching heat, the cop takes a whiff of him too. 
And what finally captures Sam attention is a growl. 
Low, rumbling, going straight through all of his desperate being, forcing another rush of slick and a quiet moan in return. 
"Please... Officer. I'm just trying to get to the clinic. You can... see, that it is... an emergency." 
Talking is hard, especially when the Alpha's eyes are raking all over him, head to toe, crimson of his irises blinking with shining gold. Sam barely holds in another moan, but he can't allow himself to just give up. 
Even if all he wants is to present to this Alpha, of which he knows nothing of but the surname. He wants to present his neck, ass, anything, everything he would want...
Sam moans again, first pangs of pain gripping his stomach, demanding, and shuts his eyes, riding the wave. 
He doesn't notice the Alpha moving, until he himself is moved. Carried, actually, bridal style, and the power that take, the power that Alpha possesses, lifting him with such ease... It does things to Sam's heat-addled mind and body. 
The cop growls again, short, disapproving, and Sam knows it's to make him release the death grip he got on Alpha's shoulders. Alpha who carried him effortlessly to his own car, settling Sam on the backseat with as much care as possible and goes to lock up Sam's car. 
Sam though, he just plops himself on the seats, drowning in the scent of the Alpha that permeates the car. 
His cock is hard and his underwear is barely holding on against the waves of slick gushing out of him. 
The cop returns just as another wave of cramps hits, and Sam curls into himself, groaning in pain and arousal, both ricocheting through his nerves. 
"Shhh, pretty thing... Hang in there just a little longer, I'll get you what you need." 
The pain leaves as sudden as it appeared. Instead, there is pleasure, comfort... Sam relaxes before he knows it, time is bending in his altered state. 
But he feels a steady hand carding through his damp hair, and he hears a soothing voice. 
The Alpha. 
Sam heard that their touch is practically miraculous for Omegas during heats, but to experience that... Again. After all this time. 
He sobs quietly at the hollow pain that originates in his heart, that even the Alpha's gentle hands can't cure. 
The Alpha who is now back in the driver seat, sirens blaring, and he's speeding off, even faster than Sam was going. They make it to the clinic in three minutes, the cop, (Novak, he said?) carrying Sam in. 
The nurse at the reception--beta, thank fuck--fusses over them both and directs them to the side corridor immediately. 
Clean walls, a row of identical scent-proofed doors. 
Yes, this is where he needs to be. 
But where he wants to be is in this Alpha's arms, on his cock, below his body. He moans, nuzzling in the Alpha's neck, practically melting at the quiet purr of approval he hears in return. 
"So, partners, I believe? I'll get your paperwork after, of course, but we have to check."
Nurse talks, asks, prods him even, but all he concentrated on is the scent. He wants more of it and licks above the collar of cop's uniform. For the first time he feels Alpha shudder, arms holding him up trembling a little, but squeezing tighter too. 
"Nope... Sadly, that beauty is not mine. But I am registered in the network as an approved Urgent Heat Care Provider, Gabriel Novak, do check." 
The Nurse nods and with a worried glance at Sam--he thinks, he's kinda distracted--runs away, to check the paperwork or whatever. 
But as his hormones and the heat come in stronger and stronger, there is still something nagging at Sam's horny mind. Something important. Very. 
Pain is what reminds him, another wave, so strong, Gabriel--such a beautiful name--has to sink on his knees with Sam, cradling him closer, rubbing circles in his back and lower belly, trying to chase away the cramps. 
"Damn, dude... That feels serious. Have you never had a partner before?" 
The Alpha mumbles, concentrated on helping, but Sam can’t hold on any longer, heat making him not only horny, but emotional as hell too. 
He starts to cry openly, terrifying the Alpha, who is apologies again and again, mumbling about being an idiot, and that he shouldn’t have said it... 
"I'm cursed... Whoever I sleep with, dies." Sam hiccups out between sobs, crumbling completely, hiding his wet face on the Alpha's chest and taking every shred of comfort he can take. Knowing they would probably be the last ones. 
Too soon he will be left alone, in the room that he hates, with the toys that don't help, and the pain that doesn't go away, with a desire that cannot be satisfied. 
He lifts his head when he hears a delighted laughter. 
The alpha is laughing, loud and infectious, his joy as easy as his smile, which was beautiful. 
"Cursed, hey? By a Witch, I take it?" He giggles quietly as Sam nods, figuring that the guy is probably crazy. Or suicidal. Maybe both. 
"Well then, baby, you hit the jackpot today. I'm immortal and immune to most curses, so I can help you out, if you'll allow me, Omega?" 
 is an official proposal. 
Sam can't believe his ears, but somehow... He actually believes Gabriel. 
There is not a whiff of deceit from him, just a steady current of lust, amazement and worry.  
The nurse returns, paperwork in her hands that she quickly forgets, seeing them on the floor. 
"Are you okay, darling? Do you need something?"
Sam shakes his head "no", still lost in the crimson of Alpha's eyes. He is so torn, and he so wants to believe, to surrender. Just this once. 
"Just, em... I'm Sam Winchester, and I accept this Alpha to be my Emergency Heat Partner." 
Gabriel smiles again, and leans in, kissing him in the corner of the mouth. 
He smells like candy and Sam wants more. 
The nurse is talking again, but Sam doesn't hear anything, every sense and nerve in his body trained on the Alpha. 
Who is very soon will be fucking him throughout the heat. 
The whine he makes is impossible to contain and Gabriel shushes him, hand carding through the hair again, face close...
"Can I kiss you?" He whispers, even though he already did. Sam doesn't nod, just surges forward, licking into the Alpha's mouth. He tastes strawberries, chocolate and power and whines again, needy and as horny as he's ever been in his life. 
Gabriel kisses expertly, guiding him gently but firmly, nips of his teeth mingling with caresses of the tongue. Sam's melting under such attention, his body moving of its own volition, and soon they full on making out, with Sam straddling Gabriel and grinding down his erection into the prominent bulge in Alpha's pants. 
Who doesn't seem to mind, no, the barely heard steady growl in his throat is approving, encouraging. 
Sam mewls when Alpha's hands slide down his back and squeeze his ass. His underwear is ruined, his jeans too, but he couldn't care less. 
"Damn... So wet for me already, Sammy..." Alpha breaks the kiss to stand up, hand right where they were, supporting Sam's weight easily as before. "How about we go inside and get to business, ha?" 
That does sound good, so Sam nods his assent to Alpha's neck, nuzzling again. 
His scent intensified, dizzying, strong but sweet, and Sam licks at it, licks it off the Alpha's skin, bites down on it, reveling in the hungry growly moan. 
Sam likes the sounds so he keeps up with the kisses, licking, sucking. Hands on his ass dig in deeper, and his moan in interrupted as he's thrown on the bed - careful, but decisive.
"Clothes - off. Now."
Gabriel's voice is full-on Alpha now, as are his eyes, dark red, shining under the too bright lights of the sterile room. 
Sam in hypnotized by them, but his body already scrambling to obey the order, tearing the clothes away. 
It is a very good idea, fabrics scratchy and restrictive on his sensitive skin. But what's better, is that Gabriel undresses too, from the bottom to the top. 
His radio, fixed to the shoulder, crackles to life as he unbuttons the uniform shirt. 
"This is dispatch. Unit one-forty-six, respond, what's your status?"
Sam licks his lips, taking off his last sock, totally naked, splayed out on the bed before the Alpha. Who's looking at him as a meal that he's about to devour. But before that, he does click the button to answer the call. 
"This is unit one-forty-six, I'm at the clinic on Third, caught a 69." 
He smirks, when the person on the other end of the radio heaves a sigh. 
"Gabe, you know that is not the proper code. But accepted, I'll mark you as on Emergency Mode for the next few days." 
"Thanks, darling... Though you are right. 69 might not be an option. He's a tall one." 
Alpha smirks, salacious and lewd, watching with clear approval as Sam spreads his legs wider. As he arches on the bed, imagining, wanting, new wave of heat washing over him. 
It's still mixed with pain and he whines, gripping his stomach, but this time, this time it's different. 
This time he's not alone. 
This time there is a hungry mouth showering kisses and bites all along his exposed chest, taking the pain away. 
This time he has an Alpha, who will not perish from some horrible and gruesome death. 
Somebody, who can survive him...
Sam's train of thought is interrupted when there is a couple of fingers circling his drenched with slick hole. 
"Mmm, so open already, but we need to prepare you before all the fun begins, darling. Is that okay with you?" 
Gentle tone clashes with teasing touches, but Sam is already nodding, thrusting his hips back, into the fingers, into the contact he craves. 
He's lucky, and the movement forces those fingers inside, muscles of his ass already working itself open to get ready for the knot. 
Sam moans in delight, finally filled with something that is not a toy or his own hands. Alpha chuckles in his ear before adding a third finger and fucking him open, steadily, torturously slow. 
"Please, please, I'm ready, just fuck me, please..."
There's a fourth finger instead inside of him, stretching. Sam moans, mind getting lost in lust and heat, but he hears the cautioning growl. 
He also feels the very considerable length of the Alpha's cock pressing into his thigh. Big, fat cock, and yes, he will need stretching for that, but Gods, Sam wants it. 
So he keeps asking, with whispers and moans, and everything he has. 
Soon, he begs. 
Soon, he is arranged on his back, pillows all around, legs spread wide, all open for the Alpha's lustful gaze. 
He gets a chance to look too, a little moment of clarity between the waves of the heat. 
As his body gives him a second of respite, preparing for the main event, he looks. The Alpha is short, as he remembers, probably at least a head lower than Sam. But he's strong, lithe muscles rolling under tanned skin. His face is handsome, not in the canonical sense, perhaps, but all his features exist is harmony, giving Gabriel a seductive, mischievous look. Sam likes it, likes as thin lips of the Alpha are pink from their kisses, likes that his brown locks are disheveled from his own hands. Likes that there is a hickey already forming on his neck that Sam left. 
"Well, hang onto something, Sammy, because I'm gonna fuck you so hard you forget all about not only the curse, but the world itself." 
That is an enticing promise, and Sam is so ready for the fulfillment of it. 
He screams in pleasure, sharp, almost too much, so anticipated it almost breaks him, when Alpha pushes in--finally. 
But he holds on, as he was told, holds onto Gabriel's shoulders, taking in his cock, moaning and shivering with long awaited sensation of being so full. 
It's never ending, it seems, as Gabriel just keeps going. And by the time he bottoms out, breathing harshly, gripping Sam's hips to keep him in place, Sam is already riding the waves of bliss. 
Gabriel is perfect. Big and thick, and alive, and Sam just wants more.
What's even better, after a moment of adjustment, he gets exactly that. 
The fucking of his life, with dirty words and gentle kisses. With the rhythm of the thrusts so strong, they shove him up the bed, and soon he has to grip the headboard just to stay in place. 
He meets each and every one, ecstasy flooding his body. 
He can't believe that it can be better, but it does. 
It does, when with a sharp growl Gabriel thrusts once more, stronger even than before, and Sam feels it. 
The knot, inside his stretched to the limit body, expanding still, locking them together. 
Gabriel is coming, hugging him tight, still trying to get deeper inside Sam's body with little abortive pushes in. As Sam feels the hot cum filling him, Alpha's knot and dick pulsing inside... That is all he can take. All he needs. 
With a blissed out moan he comes too, untouched, and probably passes out for a hot second from all the delightful sensations flowing through him. 
He comes to whispered praises, indistinguishable, but intent clear, and reaches for a kiss. Gabriel grants it, tender this time, them both still locked together, but the urgency of the heat abated at the moment. 
Sam opens his bleary eyes and this is where he notices it again. 
Gabriel's crimson Alpha irises blinking in and out, but not to the usual human color, no. To the shimmering gold, too powerful, too distinct to be anything but what it is. 
"I knew it!" 
Sam's jerks, hissing at the soreness, that grips his limbs and sated, fucked out sluggishness that forces him to stay lying down. 
Gabriel smirks again, but there is vulnerability and caution behind it. He stops hiding, eyes shining pure gold now, pulsing with power that leaves Sam shivering from witnessing just a sliver of it. 
In fascination he watches, as the ugly mark of the curse, that always appears on his partners, right where the mating bite would go, disappears. Just fades away, as if burned out by the gold, and Alpha's shoulder is clean, unmarred again. Only tense flesh, only a scattering of moles, only the web of veins pumping blood inside, that he can see through that creamy skin. 
 brains... Seems like it was me who hit the jackpot today." 
Gabriel mutters, withdrawing slightly, as if expecting for Sam to recoil from him, no matter that they are still tied together. 
Sam doesn't let him. 
He already set his mind, already decided everything. 
"Show them to me." 
He sees the evident surprise on Alpha's face, but it melts into the pleased smile as Sam rubs his hand along Gabe's forearm. Reassuring. 
This time as Gabriel sits up, Sam allows it, moaning softly as it changes the angle of the cock inside him, hitting all the still sensitive spots. 
"Please" He begs, hips moving in slow circles, unable to stop, even though his stare is glued to Gabriel, or rather, his shoulders. 
Alpha laughs, shaking his head in pleased disbelief, but then...
Then it all falls away. 
Because Alpha was right, Sam hit the jackpot today, alright. 
Because behind Gabriel's back are wings, opening up, unfurling, manifesting in all their shining glory. 
Shimmering gold, just as his eyes, two, four, six! Six pairs of them, strong and long, crowding the little white room, as Sam's breath catches from the sight of that beauty. 
He reaches out, and one of the wings leans to him two, golden feathers incredibly soft to the touch, almost tickling, but not quite. 
Sam wants more, wants them everywhere. 
He announces as such just as he feels Gabriel's knot deflating slightly, promising a soon release. 
Promising the next round. 
Heat and wonder hit him again, but this time Sam is not afraid. 
He found his Alpha, and as he cocooned in the cascade of gold and softness and power, and kissed by the literal angel, he is, for the first time in years, is glad for his heat. 
That is until he remembers something. 
"SHIT! Shit! Contraceptives, Gabe, where are they?!" 
They stay in that room for three days, riding each and every one of the waves of Sam's heat. 
Gabriel didn't lie, the curse has seemingly no effect on him, marks disappearing each and every time they appear. 
So Sam allows himself to relax. To enjoy it. 
They end up trying 69 too, and no, he is not too tall for that. 
Just perfect, actually. 
He is on top, sucking onto the Alpha's cock like the best candy in history. He can barely fit the half of it in his mouth, strokes the rest with his hands, reveling in the moans he can get out of his lover. 
He's hardly silent himself, because Gabriel apparently doesn't have a gag reflex at all. Or the need to breath. 
He just accepts it as Sam fucks down in his throat, growls approvingly, sucks and licks. Sam is in heaven, for sure. He ascends to some higher plane of existence as Gabe adds fingers in the mix. Actually it's his whole fist, just fucking into Sam's stretched whole, as he keeps sucking onto his cock. 
Sam explodes with a keen, almost choking on Alpha's dick. It takes him awhile to return the favor, because Gabe keeps sucking and fucking into him, rubbing into his prostate mercilessly, milking him till the last drop. 
Sam officially loves the heats. 
  On the fourth day, when they both finally emerge from the heat room, Sam finds his brother waiting just on the other side of the door. 
He reeks of worry, and as soon as he sees Gabriel, perfectly alive and in cop's uniform no less, anger, disbelief and confusion mix in with his scent. 
But what is more curious, is the exchange of the Alphas. 
Because Dean did not come alone. Castiel stands just behind his shoulder, a silent guardian, ready to jump in if needed, or to calm down his mate. 
Instead, he stares at Gabriel with shocked recognition. Gabriel rolls from the hills of his feet to his tiptoes, whistling nervously. 
"Well. That's unexpected. Hi there, bro." 
He gives Castiel a short wave, and now it's Sam's turn to glare at his brother's mate. Who is apparently is also an angel. Who hasn't told him shit about that. 
"Gabriel. What, pray tell, are you doing here? With Sam? And... What's with the uniform?" 
Dean's anger deflates, as the situation grows more and more confusing for both humans. Angels, however, quickly find their feet, being family and all. Apparently. 
"Ah, that. Work, of course, I'm a cop right now. Undercover." 
He leans in, whispering conspiratorially, as Castiel groans exasperated. 
"Gabe, that is not what undercover cop means and you know it! What is going on?!" 
"Well, nothing much... Just those annoying boys in blue getting too close again. Had to see what they have on us, throw a few false trails, while I finish the transition." 
Castiel glares, clearly unimpressed. 
Sam just sighs, somehow already accepting all the craziness that probably follows Gabriel like a royal entourage. 
Dean is quietly fuming, not understanding, and Sam can see that he's soon to explode with yelling and questions. 
All in all, Sam still loves his heats. 
Especially when Gabriel defending himself against the yelling and the interrogation, sneaks a gentle hold around Sam's wrist. Alpha's fingers rub at his pulse point, scent-marking and comforting. 
Promising that he’s not alone. 
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warmau · 6 years
{Circus!AU x Monsta X}
someone asked for another monsta x au or all the members, so here ya go!! other monsta x crossover aus: alice in wonderland | androids 
basically does a bunch of strength orientated stunts like breaking a tower of boards in half, bending metal, picking up participants with one hands
swole, standoffish looking, can lift (but the reality is,,,,,he’s a sweet guy who looks out after all the other circus performers)
always tells the danger act performers to be careful and complains that kihyun is getting too skinny
can lift like,,,,,six kids at once and they just hang off his arms
kids always call him ‘tree guy’ or ‘big building’ and shownu is like,,,,,,,yes. that’s me
gets to wear one of those tanktops that show off the Arms and,,,,,,a lot of people stare. like a lot
shownu’s oblivious to it
just like you assume he’s oblivious to you,,,,one of the circus makeup artists
you know that to keep up his strength shownu eats a lot more than the average person
so you always make a habit of giving him healthy snacks when you see him
and shownu is always like,,,he does the soft smile that smushes his face up and makes you melt
and is like thank you! you’re so kind!
and minhyuk is like where is my snack and ur like,,,,,,,it’s just for shownu,,,,
and everyone is like of course ;) it’s just for ;) shownu ;) cuz you ;) like him ;)
and you’re not even TRYING to be subtle about it like you basically have heart eyes when he comes around,,,but you’re also like shownu will never know
because he’s super bad at reading signals
but one afternoon as you’re getting ready to do makeup shownu drops by and hands you a crepe from one of the foodtrucks 
and you’re like oh! this is my favorite kind how did you know
and shownu is like,,,,ive seen u look cute and happy eating it before,,,,
and you’re like ohh wow- wait did you just call me cute?!??!
and shownu goes red and he’s like “y-yes,,,,i like you i thought it was obvious but-”
and you’re like WHAT I LIKE YOU?? it wAS SO OBVIOUS TOO
and you’re both staring at each other in shock,,,,before breaking into nervous embarrassed laughter
but it’s cute you guys make a plan for a little date after the circus performance tonight
maybe go,,,,get something to eat? hehe
bonus: you’re like he asked me out and everyone is so happy but then kihyun is like his hand is like ten times the size of yours how r u going to hold it and everyone is like kihyun shUTTUP
his whole act has a sarcastic undertone where he’s like “i bet you all think im using a mirror for this trick to deceive you because magic isn’t real blah blah blah well you’re WRO- right. completely right.”
wonho once observed that hyungwon is the most,,,uninterested magician he’s ever met
hyungwon: yeah. but im good at what i do right?
wonho: well-
hyungwon pulling a dollar from behind wonho’s ear: you were saying?
wonho in awe: :O 
he does all the basics; card tricks, disappearing acts, floating acts, slicing people in half, coin tricks, you name it - he can do it
likes getting into arguments with participants 
like he’ll pull someone up and they’ll be like 
“i know this is all fake” 
and he’s like
“it is, and yet here you are - paying to see it.”
you’re one of his assistants for the trick where he saws you in half and everytime you practice it before
hyungwon is like so lazy about it but ur like hey hey this is my liFE
even if it is just a ‘trick’ of the eye,,,there’s still dangerous things involved and hyungwon swinging the damn saw around is like “it’s fine im a pro!”
but once he really does give you a big scare,,,and you get mad because like
he can be as sarcastic and as uncaring as he wants,,,but you wish he’d at least show some empathy toward you
someone who he’s worked with for a long time
and,,,,usually you get over it but you can’t
and hyungwon finds you outside of the circus grounds and he’s like 
“hey,,,,,” and tries to do something like pull a flower from behind your collar but you’re not having it
and he’s like
“i know,,,you think i don’t care but you mean a lot to me. ill even throw away the stupid cutting in half act if it makes you feel safer,,,” 
this makes you turn,,,hyungwon is usually hellbent on keeping things the same - it makes it easier
“i,,it’s fine i just wish you would be more careful - i mean,,,i don’t want to die hyungwon.”
he gives you a small smile and your heart skips a beat
“id never let you die,,,,,id pull out all the magic inside me to save you.”
you:,,,,,,,,,,,that’s corny. i didn’t know you had it in you
hyungwon holding your hand now: don’t tell anyone - you know i have dirt on you too.
don’t tell him he can breath fire because he’s so smoking hot - he’s heard that one before
but his act does include breathing fire while shirtless,,,,so 
cool tattoo of a dragon on his chest,,you know,,,to go with the ‘firebreather’ aesthetic
everyone always leaves thinking he’s some badass who breaks hearts or whatever
but again,,,he’s nothing like that. the most badass thing about wonho is his firebreathing everything else is like 
him being friendly to animals and getting spooked by the shittiest pranks kihyun and minhyuk pull
whenever someone is being annoying hyungwon is always like wonho - breath fire on them 
and wonho is like hyungwon,,,i can’t do that you know that
he’s cute and he’s like safety first! when it comes to fire
you’re a standby EMT that sometimes works with the circus when they’re in town
and if there’s any act that makes you super nervous - it’s firebreathing/eating
because so so so so many things can go wrong
and so when wonho performs you’re always on edge, sweating in anticipation
there’s a moment where wonho seems to wince in pain and you damn near run out onto the stage
but it’s just a false call
and you think that if something really bad was to happen,,,,you’d probably faint
and you attribute it to the fact that like well,,,you know,,,it’s scary to watch someone risk their health like that
but your fellow EMT is like “when are you gonna tell the hot fire guy you like him”
and you’re like WHAT,,,,,i,,,,dont like wonho,,,,,,,like that
“like what?”
you turn, almost getting whiplash to look into wonho’s smiling eyes
“oh - i just,,, well-”
your fellow EMT clears their throat “they like you”
wonho goes “oh! im flattered, they’re pretty cute too!”
you turn back like huh wait what’s going on
“take them out sometime?”
“ok, i will. do you want to go out sometime?”
your head almost snaps off as you look back and forth but then you’re also nodding,,,because a date with wonho would be nice
(plus you could teach him some fire safety tricks because that would ease your heart)
bonus: you’re letting wonho look at your EMT tools and he like presses your hand to his chest and is like “what’s my heartbeat like?” and you almost die he’s so cute
Minhyuk & Jooheon
minhyuk also specializes in contortion while jooheon can do trampoline tricks
most of the time though they work together to do balancing acts 
and boy do they ,,,,,, not match AT ALL
it’s amazing - their personalities are nothing alike and they’re always mocking each other but when it comes down to it they can do amazing things together
but minhyuk is always snorting at the fact that jooheon gets an act where he just “jumps” around
and jooheon is like just because you were born without joints or whatever doesnt mean your better than me
shownu is always getting inbetween them so they dont like,,,kill each other
but it’s like a switch - when it’s time to perform they deliever
and have super great coordination 
no one gets it,,,,but it works
minhyuk is always pushing for more bright colored leotards and jooheon is like please jesus no 
that one time they dyed their hair blonde and hyungwon called them ‘egg twins’
but yeah,,,you sometimes also work with them - even though your main act is trapeze 
and minhyuk is always like ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hey if you ever need a trapeze partner ;)
and jooheon is like they’d choose me - obviously, i do flying work too
minhyuk: JUMPING is not trapeze 
jooheon: bite me
bur if you pick minhyuk it’s like he wants to do this super duper hard, fancy trick and you’re like i ,,, dont think you can
and minhyuk is like it’s fine!!!! i wanna make sure we do something AMAZING
and you’re like minh-
but he’s already getting excited
and OF COURSE he hurts himself, you blink and he slips off the launch board onto the netting and twists his damn ankle and you’re like ill go get the medic from the tent
and as minhyuk is getting it bandages,,,,looking shyly down away from you
you’re like WHY did you do that
and he’s like,,,,,,,he mumbles something
but when you get closer you hear its him going ‘i wanted to impress you’
and you pull back,,,embarrassed like o - oh 
but also how,,,,stupidly adorable,,,fine you’ll take care of him and his dumb twisted ankle 
if you agree to do it with jooheon he’s super excited about having you guys incorporate trampoline too
and you’re like i just need you to throw me off this bar and catch me
and he’s like,,,,,,,,,ok,,,,,,i can do that 
but also ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, god hes bad at trapeze
it’s like he has all this coordination with minhyuk but he’s been working with him for yEARS
and you’re just like hey jooheon it’s ok we can try again
but he’s totally beating himself up about not being good enough and having to practice till her arms break yadda yadda
and you just go “it’s ok,,,,,,,,,it’s OK”
and he’s like the show is RUINED
and you’re like “pleASE it’s not, ok you know what? let’s do the trampoline idea ok”
jooheon’s eyes suddenly shining: r-really??!?!?
you in your head: holy shit he looks so cute
you: yes, fine we can jump around
jooheon: its NOT jumping around
but also jooheon kinda loves the idea of just jumping around on a trampoline,,,,holding your hand too,,,,,,,,,,,
micromanages literally everyone and everything
like his job is to lead the show, make some funny comments, be charming
which comes naturally to him
and yet he’s out here trying to figure out which shade of eyeshadow the makeup artists are going to use for the show three weeks from now
also you know he’s like “shownu are you practicing? want to pick me up with one hand for practice reasons?
shownu: you just want me to pick you up don’t you
kihyun’s tiny butt: no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
looks cute in the top hat that’s part of his costume
wore the cape for sometime but some little kid was like that’s corny so kihyun trashed it and says NO ONE better bring it up
you’re not even part of the circus team,,,you’re actually a manger - you just make bookings and stuff
but kihyun,,,,,,loves to know everything,,,,,,,,,so you see him a lot
and sure he asks a lot of questions but you think it’s pretty adorable that he cares so much
so you’re always like excited to answer questions
and kihyun always gets super flustered because you’re the one person who seems to really really want to listen to what he has to say
so you’ll answer him with the biggest energy
and kihyun is also a big energy
and he’s just like blushy all of a sudden because you’re standing so close to him
and showing him the planner for the next week of show
and he’s just like woah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh,,,,,,,,,,,,,
one time you’re both talking about doing a holiday special 
and kihyun suddenly goes “,,,,,,do,,,,,,,,,,did you remember my cape?”
and you’re like AH the red velvet one??? i miss it you should wear it!!!!
and kihyun is just like
that’s it,,,,they’re the one
“can i kiss you?”
“sure - wait what?”
kihyun, blushing but also ready to kiss you: is it ok?
you,,,,,,,,looking around to make sure no one is going to come into the office,,,,,,,,,,,, “go ahead”
you guys kiss and it’s soft because,,,,,,,,like,,,,,,,,,,you’re both so excited and jittery but also,,,,,,,,,,
you should have kissed like way way before 
bonus: kihyun stops micromanaging because he spends all his free time with you,,,,,,,,,hehe
sword swallowing/knife throwing
how did he get into that? no one knows
kihyun is convinced changkyun was just born you know,,,,,,chaotic 
he always wears the same fitted white shirt and vest,,,always this victorian air
and he looks so apathetic when he’s you know,,,,,,,shoving steel down his throat,,,risking death every second
the common question is,,,,aren’t you scared?
and changkyun just shrugs like nah. it’s not that scary when you’ve been doing it since you were a kid
someone: you’ve been eating swords since you were a kid
changkyun: ,,,,,,,, anyway the weathers bad
his knife throwing is also super scary,,,,,but not for like changkyun ,,,,, for the assistant and audience 
because the audience is like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he,,,,,,he looks like he isn’t even tRYING to aim
but the assistant 
who happens to be you
looks terrified (and you’re not because you know how good changkyun is) only because it has to be entertaining
and everytime after the show 
like people come in hoards to ask the same question, have you ever been hurt? has he ever cut you by accident?
and you’re kinda like,,,,,,,,oh no but we’ve had heartwrenching slipups!!! or whatever just to keep the suspense
when in reality changkyun ,,,, if he knew something was off would be the first person to force you not to do the act
and it’s kind of funny,,,,changkyun comes off as this emotionless danger stunt guy
when in reality,,,,,with you,,,,he’s different
not only is he more expressive but he’s incredibly affectionate
he loves hugging you from behind while you’re helping unpack the equipment
or giving you little shoulder kisses
because,,,,,,,i know it’s a cliche but he’s the knife thrower and you’re dating him and don’t even fight me on this it’s a cute concept
every now and then changkyun will be like “should i try to eat an even BIGGER sword?”
and you have your full trust in it but you’re like please for the love of god just stick to the standard
also,,,,,you know like i was saying the semi-victorian getup is kinda a turn on like amiright 
also your boyfriend can literally throw a knife with the aim of a god,,,,,somehow that’s also a turn on 
but also i imagine ur the only person who gets to see the great, aim perfect changkyun miss his mouth with the spoon when you guys are eating ceral together in the morning
and u have to kiss him cuz he gets grumpy about it hehe 
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matrixaffiliate · 6 years
Like the Storybooks
Co-written with @hufflepuffmarlenemckinnon​
FFN and AO3
(sorry everyone, my internet died as I was trying to post this)
Chapter 20
Sirius, as matter of habit, rose with the sun. He was already, to some extent, aware that Marlene did not. She would have to be woken by a lady’s maid in order to be on time for breakfast. But on that first day of their secret marriage, Sirius stayed in bed with the sleeping princess and just took in the sight of her. She’d cast off her shift entirely nearly as soon as her inner chamber door was shut behind them and hadn’t found instance in the interim to reclothe herself.
Though he’d certainly seen representation of the nude female form in paintings and sculptures, but this was a new experience. He had not expected that his life would include an extremely undressed heartbreakingly beautiful woman lying sleeping next to him. The the new day’s light peeked through the bed curtain, reflecting off her hair like a halo. He silently thanked the lord that his new wife slept deeply and well into the morning. The look on his face was probably worthy of all the ribbing he would take from the king and then some. But he couldn’t help it. He’d always contended that a princess like this should not, by all logic, have been a real person. He had only become more sure of this as he fell in love with the woman. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her sleeping head.
She stirred. Little sounds escaped from her perfect mouth but none of them came together into anything that Sirius understood as language.
“Good Morrow, My Princess.”
Though he’d intended to remind her that they were meant to tell the king and queen about their marriage and beg their blessings, he forgot all about it as Marlene’s mouth found his.
The couple were not in attendance at breakfast that morning.
After a truly mortifying experience involving the Lady’s maid, Emmeline, Sirius was quite glad to be clothed and above suspicion that afternoon.
Eventually the opportunity presented itself for himself and Marlene to speak privately with the King and Queen.
After they’d made a show of propriety for lookers on, and were well out of earshot, Marlene took no prisoners in the endeavor.
“We’ve entered into a precontracted marriage. I assumed you’d be pleased with the match. It was rather late into the evening when the discussion came to pass, you see. Waiting until morning to beg your permission seemed both unnecessary and vexsom.” She was fearless in such a way that set Sirius’s pulse racing. The walls he’d carefully constructed around parts of his mind had come crashing down all at once and only hours ago. He was still adjusting to the fact he didn’t just love her; he was allowed to desire her. The whole thing was very distracting, to say the least.
James’s face was truly a sight as he took in the statement his cousin had matter of factly dolled out. He cycled through confusion to shock, onto mild disgust and finally to amusement. Sirius could have predicted the exact responses, but they were quite a lot of fun to watch, regardless.
“You broke through my knight’s chastity belt? I thought he had it soldered on.”
“Marriage tends to be the key to such things.” Marlene smirked at the King and then winked at the Queen who chuckled.
Sirius still had not said said anything up to that point. He’d expected that the king would make some sort of crack about the concept of chastity. He’d been a little too loud in his defense of the virtue being ideal in a knight for this to have gone any other way. It did not stop his face from heating up with embarrassment. Why did this have to be discussed? Couldn’t they just… talk of war or something? Surely they had enough battles to plan that this was all very silly?
He chided himself that he’d rather plan the demise of his own family, where good men would surely die, than tolerate a little embarrassment. Marlene, surely did not seem embarrassed in the least. She seemed quite pleased with herself.
Sirius no longer wanted to think about war, all he could think of was how very difficult this secret would be to keep. It was a battle unto itself to refrain from touching her.
“Am I to understand your mild insults as your blessings upon our union?” Sirius smirked, tearing his eyes away from his wife to meet his dearest friend and sovereign eye to eye.
“Yes many blessings and all that. But it’s not going to be popular with… nearly anyone… so I hope you have some sort of plan.” James turned to Marlene with a pained expression.
“I always have a plan, cousin.” Marlene rolled her eyes with a huff and Sirius restrained from kissing her as her eyes flashed dangerously. “You knew my mother. I’m ashamed you had any doubt.”
“I had no plan. Largely, I just do what her Grace tells me.” Sirius admitted, chuckling as Marlene regained her temper.
“Well that sounds like the start of a long and happy marriage to me. What’s the plan, your Grace?” Queen Lily’s warm smile reassured Sirius that he hadn’t stepped on any royal toes in making this rather hasty decision.
“It’s best if we keep our union a secret from the court until my husband returns to me a Duke.” Marlene moved to take Sirius’ arm and smiled at her own jest. She was making it very hard not to kiss her, and by the look on her face she knew it.
“Your instincts are good, cousin. I hope that you’ll advise me someday when the Chief Minister has decided she’s had quite enough. Though I am concerned that there will be rather glaring evidence of your marriage before we are able to take Semprapuria, at least with the current plan in place.” James looked pointedly at Marlene.
Sirius didn’t quite understand. Everyone was already meant to think that they were in love. What evidence could be so glaring that the whole court would become suspicious that the affair was more than courtly in nature? Before he put it together in his head, Marlene's voice chimed in.
“Worry about the fruitfulness of your own marriage cousin. Leave me to mine. I have contingencies worked out, in any case.”
James rolled his eyes, “Of course you do.”
Sirius could have kicked himself. He’d been rather preoccupied and had somehow failed to consider the fact that Marlene could be with child.
“Your Majesties,” Sirius heard the stilted formal tone to his own voice and nearly cringed. “Do we have your leave to go to Father Hagrid? I’d prefer we get this in the church records so there will be no questions as to the honor of the Princess.”
“My husband and I are of one mind. Is Father Hagrid a trustworthy holy man?”
“He’s been my confessor since I was 15. I trust him with my life” James answered without hesitation.
“Very well then. There’s no time like now.” Marlene looked up and nodded.
Sirius was very happy, in this instance, to follow the Princess’s lead.
Sirius pulled his boots off as he sat down on Marlene's - their - bed, and sighed contentedly.
“I’m so glad that everyone protested my idea to marry you off just after you arrived.”
Sometimes words just happened to Sirius. This was clearly one of those times. Though his statement was entirely true the look on Marlene’s beautiful face as she reacted was proof that they’d been completely inadvisable.
“You… what? You wanted to marry me off? This was never brought to my attention! Explain yourself, Sir!” Her attempt to look very angry was admirable. But there was still a hint of laughter in her eyes as she chided him, and standing there in her underskirt completely undermined her faux chagrin.
“Don’t look at me like that!” Sirius smiled and stood to walk up to her. “It wasn’t some wicked plot and it was to my own brother!”
“Well believe it or not that does not make it sound any better from my perspective.” Marlene's face became wide with shock. “In fact it makes it a sight more nauseating.”
“Oh come on, Marly…” He wrapped an arm around her waist and slid the other hand along her cheek. “All I knew about you was that you were the strangest lady I’d ever met and you considered me the most handsome gentleman at court.” He smirked down at her. “It seemed like a kindness to marry you to a man who bares a strong resemblance. I wasn’t aware that you’d only have the genuine article.”
“You are quite lucky Sir,” Marlene snaked her arms around his neck and Sirius knew he was in the clear, “that you are so very handsome. I don’t generally think I’d be over fond of the touch of a man who wanted to have me as his sister in law.” She rolled her vivid blue eyes. Her bitten lips curled themselves just so, into a most captivating smile. Sirius pulled her closer. The look in her eyes was fast becoming addictive. He lifted her shift from the bottom to tease soft caresses up the outside of her thigh.
“Well it does appear that I am lucky then. Because you seem more than a little fond of my touch.”
She only nodded and took in a sharp breath. Her eyes were so full of want as he brought his lips to hers. When she practically melted into his kiss, he knew that he was more than lucky.
They couldn’t have been asleep for long when a messenger burst into the Princess’s chambers. This was highly irregular. Therefore Sirius had to assume someone was there to harm Marlene and prepare to defend her with his own life… while completely naked. He’d always thought he’d die with a sword in his hand, but he’d not pictured it quite like this. Life had taken a turn for the strange when Princess Marlene came to live at court.
“I am not here to do anyone harm! I’m just a messenger!” The man cowered as Sirius pinned him against the wall, sword at his throat. “Lady McGonagall sent me to collect Sir Sirius! She says it’s… about your family? That’s all I know. I promise. Please lower your sword and… put on some clothing?” He said the last of his plea in a hushed voice.
“If you even think about saying anything about this you will regret it for the rest of your life, do you understand?” Marlene interjected in a disconcertingly threatening voice for a woman who had been screaming bloody murder not a moment ago. Though she was still standing naked as the day of her birth, she held herself with such authority that she might have been wearing her cousin's own crown.
There was no time to think. Sirius’s head was spinning as he quickly dressed and, since there was no going back from this in any case kissed his wife goodbye as he followed the messenger. He was sure whatever news awaited him was grim.
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baldtaelovemaze · 6 years
Love me for me (1)
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What kind of love story starts with two people locked in a classroom and ends with the two same people in a courtroom? This one. After unfortunate circumstances, Venice is forced to illegally change her identity and live as a boy in a all boys school.
She planned everything out. Every. Single.detail. but no matter how much she tries, she can’t stop herself from falling for the son of one of the biggest lawyers.
Is loving the man of her dreams worth  years in jail?
Reader (OC) X jungkook ft.Taehyung
Warnings: mature language
Words: 3k
"Dear Miss. Abass, unfortunately, your demand at Yale University has been Rejected-"
Orbs clouded, I rip apart the letter. The torn cream pieces dance with the wind my fan generates and I watch them gracefully fall to the floor, blending perfectly with the wood. 
Years of studying, isolation, practically not having a social life I forced upon myself to proudly become a valedictorian graduate but everything i did was in vain.
On the floor lays the last piece of hope I once clung on to. Now crushed under the weight of disappointment and failure, my chest hitches as I desperately try to hold back a sob. Water gathers at the rims of my heterochromia eyes. Left one a muddy green and the other a murky blue with a tinge of that same muddy green who manages to stick out no matter what like I do so very well. Intentionally or not.
I don’t cry, instead, I sniff away all the mucus who threatens to slide down my nasal passages and roll myself into bed.
For a moment, the smell of the freshly cleaned sheets and my dearest pillow make me forget of the hell hole I am in, of the chains that confine me.
That moment is short-lived when it all comes back rushing down on me like a wave. These chains that I have, invisible to the human or anything supernatural expect me. This rope around my neck who never ceases to tighten as time goes by.
I ponder on this fact. Or is it a question? It’s something I definitely know the answer to. So a fact it is.
The chains that hold me aren’t emotional or even close to physical. Nor did I ever do anything to earn them but that’s how the system works.
The system refused every single application I sent to prestigious universities. Not one of them accepted me even after they had contacted me for scholarships offers. Claiming that “my chosen classes were already full and to try elsewhere.’
It wasn’t a coincidence. Out of everyone, I should know that. Because I knew the system far too well.
That system chained me without even binding my wrist to chains, that system took my freedom away without truly stripping me of my rights, that system tied a noose around my neck and is waiting for any given occasion to rip away the chair from under my feet.
The system doesn't want my education to blossom. the system wants me to settle for less every time then die. That��s our government. the system is our government and it’s trying to kill me off. 
I could apply at a community college and get accepted in mere seconds but that's what they want. That is their plan and no matter what, I will not succumb to it, not after seeing how it ended for father. Not after seeing that.
I gulp at the thought of him. My body and mind react instantly at the mere idea of my father. My breathing becomes ragged and I sense my palms get clammy and sweaty. The noose around my neck feels like it got ten times tighter. Even though nothing is truly there, my brain acknowledges the hard rope covered in sharp split ends digging at the skin of my neck. My hands who once were tucked underneath the pillow flock to my neck, grasping around nothing but my own skin.
I seal my eyes shut and begin chanting the only thing that calms me down during my breakdowns.
the alphabet, something you often associate with learning toddlers full of life and not a 19-year-old having a nervous breakdown.
“J, K, L, M, O, P, Q, R, S!!” I scream loud, frail body shaking like a leaf as I try my best to block out the nose, block out the shots and the footsteps who are threateningly close. I hiccup between a sob when I feel his big greasy hands grip my long ebony hair, yanking me back painfully, he throws my whole body across the room.
what letter was I at? I forgot. Now I can barely breathe. I frustrate the man furthermore. I know this when he yells  “shut the fuck up. Make another sound and your lovely mother gets it.” I open my eyes and stop breathing altogether. She lays on the floor.
I shake my head, clearing my mind of theses awful flashbacks as I shoot up from bed to reach for the pieces of paper, crumble them into a tiny ball and neatly shoot them in my plastic dollar-store basketball net who hangs just above the door. It hits the rim before falling on the floor with a plop. 
“damn, where did my basketballs skill go?” I ask my self, feeling slightly better due to the self-pity that seems to have eaten me whole.
 The alphabet always calms me down, it brings me back to earth when I need it the most -when my anxiety decides to lock me in my painful past.
My back now on the bed, I look at my white ceiling, its time to think rationally, like an adult - I smile to myself. Like an adult, huh? I quickly recognize the fact that most adults don’t actually know what they are doing. Most of the time they let themselves get dragged with the wave. Some try to overpower the water while others succumb to it and others find a way to float, to stay on the surface no matter how strong the storm gets.
I huff a breath of defeat "what am I going to do? It was the last one on the list.” I toy with my phone. I run my fingers against its smooth metal surface all while making sure to not unlock it by accident with the touch ID.
I've been ignoring Haerin’s messages for a while now. 
I frown, hoping that she won’t misunderstand and think that I a mad at her.
the screen lights up.
Haerin: Don’t worry I know that you’re not mad at me or anything but I'm just worried.. plus I kinda miss your ugly ass so text back soon. I can’t believe you’re making me seem like a desperate hoe by ignoring all my text. Your fuckgirl mode has, unfortunately, been activated :/ [2:45]
I snort. Not being able to ignore her for any longer, I text back. 
Me: I usually don’t text girls back after we fuck... but ur kinda special so come over or whatever... [2:46 pm]
Haerin: omg okay daddy! I’ll bring take out that way my ass won’t be the only thing you’ll eat today! I'm omw bitch you have some explaining to do. [2:46]
I chuckle and lock my phone.
 With the stretch of my limbs, I'm out of bed and I beeline straight to the bathroom.
I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. “fucking hell, I barely look alive.”
after peeing and a quick face wash, I stand in front of the mirror and notice that my pixie cut may need a trim soon. I can’t ever let my hair grow past my ears and I rather not think about the reason behind this -not yet at least, not yet.
I watch the clear droplet of water cling on to the curl near my forehead before dropping and rolling down my tawny skin. I can’t help but to glance down at my neck, it’s red. I pray that I won’t bruise. I take in the fact that my new skin care routine has been working marvelously. From my high cheekbones, my narrow chin and slightly protruding forehead my skin is spotless.
"Venice, you little thot, I have arrived in your domicile"
I jump in surprise at first. After a smile covers my plump lips when I realize who that voice belongs to. I step out of the bathroom which is linked to my room and meet the fake redhead. 
In a matter of seconds, I am engulfed in her tight embrace. Face hidden in the crook of her armpit I notice that the tall girl is wearing her favorite mustard hoodie.
I break the hug. “ I missed you too,” I say, gazing up at her through my short lashes. I see the worry in her slanted eyes but I know she isn’t judging, she never does.
“let’s talk, okay?” her voice is soft when she speaks. I nod and lead her to my bed.
A couple tears, three hugs, and many heartfelt words later, we lay diagonally on my bed. Looking up at the ceiling. With a shift in position, I look over at Haerin’s toes who never fail to not be ugly and stinky but who can blame her? She's an aspiring basketball player. Now I look up to her profile. It seems like the ceiling is long forgotten and that she is currently deep in thought, I can tell by the way her straight thick brows furrow and how she chews almost aggressively her full bottom lip. I Am caught red-handed when she suddenly turns at catches me staring.
“I've got an idea.” her lips part as she smiles, revealing the gap in the middle of her two front teeth that fits her so well.
“How about we watch old Disney movies to take off some of your stress for today? let's deal this fucktard of a situation tomorrow. '' She pushes her elbow underneath her to lift herself. Her round glasses droop down the bridge of her nose but she's quick to push them back with the help of her lanky fingers.
I smiled at the idea. I ask myself how can someone be so pure and genuine sometimes.
''Okay, but just don't put anything with romance in it. I don't want to be reminded of the fact that the only thing I wake up next to in bed is my life-sized Makoto Tachibana pillow.'' My feet drag on the warm floor as Haerin intertwines her arm with mine. '' That's extremely sad and I hope that you'll throw it out once you get a boyfriend-'' she stops in her tracks and looks at me.
we both stare at each other only to explode with laughter.
 ''BAHAHA! I can't believe I just said that! You? a boyfriend? I think WinWin would finally be getting lines in songs before that happens.'' wiping away the tear that escaped, we go down the stairs and she grabs the laptop on the kitchen counter before plopping herself beside me on the sofa.
''Shut up you shouldn't be the one to speak here.'' I laugh back with her.
''Whatever ugly loser, go grabs snacks that way we can stuff our faces and I'll pick a movie'' She orders and am up in seconds.
''I know you said no romance but I still picked the Amanda Bynes movie She's the man '' Haerin informs me as I come back into the living room
I shrug my shoulders, indifferent.
''I don't care what we watch at this point, anything to get my stress down.'' I slur on my words near the end, taking a big fat handful of popcorn and shoving it down my throat.
'We could watch porn then'' she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and I pinch her left nipple.
''shut up and play the god damn movie.''
And with a click, the movie is playing and I am finally relaxing.
About an hour and forty-five minutes later the movie is done and you're left with a strange idea in mind.
''hey Haerin..'' you start off
her eyes squint, which suggests that she's thinking . ''hm?''
''Are you possibly thinking the same thing as me ?'' now my eyes squint, trying my best to read her expression.
 '' If you are thinking about dressing yourself up as a male and infiltrating the all-boys prestigious Uni then yes, we are thinking the same thing!'' her grip on my wrists is tight and I feel light headed when she shakes me like a polaroid as soon as I nod.
"You called me here because am what?" Christian took place on the sofa beside me. Brows creased together, he leaned forward, as if he hadn't heard me the first time. He heard me perfectly fine. "Because you're the dude-dest dude I know and I need to learn how to become a dude."
He drowns himself deeper in the couch, taking a chunk of his locks between his fingers, he let out an exasperated "what kind of fucking drugs do you guys take to come up with this shit?" And shortly after "Okay, I'll help."
This was our relationship. Christian Yu a very stable young adult that happened to be my childhood neighbor. Even when I moved out of my mother's home, he never left me behind. Kind of like a big brother that allows me to do dumb shit only with his supervision.
"This might seem crazy but just trust me on this. It might work,"I reassure.
His eyes bulge “What exactly might work Venice please don’t tell-”
“I can’t keep living on like this. I don’t want to live a meaningless life all while knowing that I can achieve so much more. Just entering that school and studying to become a lawyer would be a huge step for me” my jaw clenches “Its a step towards my goal and..” nostrils flared, I watch Christian tense, the weight of my words slowly seep into his pores, completely changing his first resolve. “ I will fulfill it no matter what”.
“I understand what you want to do but wouldn't that be proving what the government is doing to people like you -no offense, right? You're just doing what they expect of the children of criminals, you're becoming one too” He remains tense. Lower lip stuck between his pearly teeth, Christian avoids eye contact. 
“Reflect on this: What do criminals have in common?” I get up from the couch under the perplexed gaze of my friend.
Lips puckered, brows screwed together, he comes up with an answer quickly “Its simple, they do illegal things!”
“That's partially true but I want you do think of the biggest names in the dark world, the infamous one. What brought them together besides the fact that what they did was prohibited?” I am patient, smiling down at my friend who racks his brain fora retort. His wide shoulder slump, not knowing where exactly am I go going with this. I give in, choosing to spare him a brain burn out “they were all selfish.”
“yes, it really is that simple.” I smirk “ Just think about it, All their lives, their goal was to enrich themselves, gain profit or some form of power. They were ready to do whatever it took to gain these things. Kill, steal ect. What separates me from them is that I am not only doing this for me but the others who suffer alongside me in silence. We both know that the system is wrong and should be taken down even if that means sacrificing the little freedom I have.” I exhale, coming back to sit near Christian on the couch.
He sighs, elbows now up on his tighs, he rubs his eyes. “Fine, I support you in this but please don't you dare end up in jail or else-”
“You’ll lose your mind since you can't live without her.” Haerin finally speaks. She had remained so silent I forgot that she was even there.
“Y-yeah, you're probably right actually, I don't think I can't live without either of my girls” he pipes, scooping both of us in his toned arms and engulfing us in a tight hug.
“Let me go, Chris, my face is literally buried in your armpits”  Haerin whines.
“Then smell them!”
“Oh no, you don”t-”I send my knee in his crotch in a matter of seconds, making him groan in agony all while curling into a ball on the floor. Haerin stares unbothered, pulling out her phone and calling someone. The conversation is short but it leaves a smile on her lips when she hangs up.
"Okay whores, I just called the best makeup artist in town. After you get your lesson on how to become an owner of a dick and get a makeup lesson cuz god knows you struggling in that.." Haerin shakes her head and muffles a laugh with her hand when I pipe out “bitch.”
 "You will go in the room and do what you have to do to make the world believe you are a man."
"Okay, let's start then!" the serious and somber mood is gone, excitement is now what is left behind. Am thrilled, justice pumps through my veins and it's only fueled more by the support of my friends. I can do this
"Okay let's start then...but no homo"
"I know I taught you to use 'no homo' but it doesn't mean you need to say it in every  sentence, Venice," Christian shouts from the kitchen, watching the makeup artist teach me the basics on how to make my face look more masculine and the brands that stay on the longest.
Haerin had told her that we were just filming a really weird porno and the women weirdly enough, nodded as if what Haerin said was something that she had seen often.
A couple more minutes spent by my side and she was out of the house, I shooed Christian and Haerin out as well.
With years of fraudulent knowledge in my hands, creating a new identity would be a breeze. 
What should my new name be?
I grab my phone and open the group chat
Me: I need Name ideas, got anything? [5:15]
Chris: keep it simple... something like Steve Duncan or whatever [5:17]
Haerin: Don't listen to this loser, Bob Mcniplecoker shall be your new name, beloved  ;)  [5:17]
Chris: i-  [5:18]
Me: 00Ooo thank you Haerin! very cool! [5:18]
Chris: please don't tell me you're actually using that- why am I the only sane person in this group? [5:19]
I shut off my phone, content with the name and ready to get down to serious business. Hours and hours of serious business.
Creating a whole new identity sure was time-consuming.
The wait was over.
The letter who held my fate had arrived to my surprising displeasure. I huffed a breath of frustration. Why am I so nervous? With the grades I have, it is certain I’ll be getting in but why can't I open it?
The pretty creme letter waited for no one other than me to open it. I was first made known of its presence when I was taking a shit and my uncle so kindly slid it under the door when he was staying over for a couple days.
All Boys: Great Jeon University
I had just finished taking a shit but after re-reading the letter I felt like taking a second shit.  Curling on the floor, my nose rose up in defiance as I glanced at the paper, still centimeters away from under the door.
Let's just open the letter and get this over with.
With trembling hands, I reached over to the letter but I at last second I let my hand fell back to my side.
This Is so stressful! Is it possible to vomit and shit your pants all at the same time? I shot up, heading to the sink determined, with a couple splashes of cold water on my face I stared at myself in the mirror, determined.
I pursued my full lips, taking in a pimple that formed right next to my thick brows. This stress is really getting to me. I know damn well that a pimple wouldn't have been there otherwise.
"Okay you big wuss, tear that shit open !" I gas myself up, finally picking up the letter, I rip the envelope, already expecting the worst.
"Dear Mister. Mcniplecocker, we are glad to inform you that you have been accepted-"
“Oh thank God...” relief washes down on me like a ton of bricks. ”Thank 
god..”I exhale, I can't contain the small smile that forms on my lips.
"THIS CALL FOR DANGEROUSLY HIGH AMOUNTS OF CALORIES !" Haerin shouts, grabbing the takeout menu to order too much food and possibly max out her credit card. She is reckless and often thinks of the consequences after she does something but if she ever got in trouble with the law due to her shenanigans, me, a soon to be law student would help her.
Christian took his usual seat at my right and Haerin at my left on our favorite brown couch. They were here so often on this couch that their butts were permanently imprinted.
"I need to tell you guys about this girl I've met. She's older but I swear I've never seen a woman more beautiful" Christian gushed, tugging on my shirt. "Oh, my man is finally getting some action! I started getting worried for you I was almost going to ship you with Haerin."
The girl snapped her head to look at me at the mention of her name. "Excuse me? Me and Christian? I'd rather let your creepy pillow anime guy date me." She snickered and I scoffed "Bitch, you wish Makoto Tachibana would be with your dusty crusty ass plus you're acting like Christian is ugly! I mean he might be a lil on the grandpa side since he's so old but-"
He deadpanned. "I'm literally 25 ???"
"Anyways, in two months I'll be going to one of the most prestigious schools and I'll be a lawyer. If one of you ever gets in trouble with the law don't call me because I'll be the one making sure you go to jail." I joke, picking a movie on the laptop.
I was over the moon. Things were going my way and it felt good, so good.
"If you ever do get caught, who will defend you ?" Christian hesitated when he asked, not wanting to stress me.
"Don't jinx it, idiot. I won't happen, don't worry." Haerin leaned forward, taking my hand in hers and gave me a small smile not knowing that the damage was already done.
 It was something that I ridiculously tried shoving at the back of my brain. It was something I needed to face. I was going to be a lawyer for crying out loud, I knew that I could face time in jail and fines I wouldn't be able to afford to pay.
It was something I was ready to risk. For my education. I was breaking the law in order to work as a person who enforced the law. How ironic.
"Yeah, don't jinx it, Chris." 
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wannawrite · 6 years
Crownless - KD
who?: Wanna One’s Kang Daniel genre: 🌺 type: scenario word count: 6.1K TW: gang au, violence, blood, hospitals, death
blog navigator.
The Royals PJH | PJH 2 | KD | KD 2 | PWJ
Crownless is the life a Royal had in their past - before crowns had been placed on their heads.
this little series is going to be more angsty because it is the past that is left behind. A good reason has to trigger the want to abandon something Hope you guys enjoy regardless!
- admin l
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disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to me and credit goes to their original owners everything that is written here is purely fictional DO NOT READ IF TRIGGERING
Seongwoo hissed, feeling blood soak through his best friend’s shirt and coating his hands. His grip on Euigeon’s arm tightened, afraid of letting him fall too far beyond salvation.
“There isn’t enough time,” he whispered through gritted teeth. “You’ll die before any doctor reaches us.”
Euigeon could only groan in reply. His vision was blurred, brain fogged with think clumps of mist. He could feel the energy being drained out of him like a tap left running. Euigeon could feel Seongwoo trembling, supporting his weight while sustaining his own injuries.
Maybe Seongwoo was fearful too.
The sound of sirens and flashing white lights spoke to Seongwoo, warning him that even the pavements with the poorest of lighting were not safe. He had to get both of them off the road.
Seongwoo stumbled into the darkest alley he could find, shielding Euigeon from the eyes of their enemies. He heaved a sigh of relief when the cars passed by and they remained undiscovered.
But Euigeon wound had started to bleed more profusely, there was no way to harness it. Jaewon would never get to them in time. Heck, who knew if he was even alive. Either way, Euigeon was too far gone for their gang’s medic to patch him up - even if he was right around the corner.
A neon sign flashed against the night sky, it seemed nearby. The sign read ‘Central Busan General Hospital’.
Seongwoo hastily ripped another strip of his shirt to wrap around the gunshot wound, hoping it would sustain Euigeon until their journey was over. There had to be someone who was willing to help them, and it had to be a person who was not going to push questions. It felt like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Sure, no one would notice the enormous gash on Euigeon’s side. The blood on their shirts would be invisible. They’ll get caught, sent to jail, possibly end up spending the next few years of their life there. However, if they did not receive medical attention, there was a higher chance that both may perish. If Seongwoo played his card’s right and trusted Euigeon’s sensibility, then they would be saved.
“Hang on tight,” he whispered firmly. “We’ll be there soon.”
The journey was not easy. Most of it was spent ducking down, taking shady shortcuts through a neighbourhood Seongwoo did not hail from.
Busan was Euigeon’s playground. When did his toys become a weapon against him?
Euigeon had become significantly paler and weaker by the time the South entrance was in sight. The area was well-lit and has many people milling around despite the time. It was dangerous for them.
“No,” Euigeon muttered. “G-go by the back emergency entrance. People...p-people...too...many.”
Steering clear of the crowded main entrances, the two boys limped over to the back of the building under the cover of dormant ambulances and vehicles. Euigeon fell from Seongwoo’s grip, slumping over on the steps beside the door.
He could hear his best friend’s frantic voice yelling for help, a mishmash of chatter melding together and a short moment of silence passed before heavy footsteps started to head his way. Euigeon peeled open his eyes with his last burst of energy to see a flurry of worried faces. He felt himself being lifted off the ground, hauled onto a soft platform, giving his body a good break. The last thing he saw was a stark white ceiling, even brighter lights and the telltale diamond white coats of doctors.
First Name: Euigeon Last Name: Kang Sex: Male Age: 20 Diagnosis: N/A (Dr Yeon Hongseok) Procedures: N/A (Dr Yeon Hongseok) Estimated date of discharge: 12 August 2014 (Dr Yeon Hongseok)
First Name: Seongwoo Last Name: Ong Sex: Male Age: 21 Diagnosis: N/A (Dr Yeon Hongseok) Procedures: N/A (Dr Yeon Hongseok) Estimated date of discharge: 11 August 2014
“Doctor Yeon, don’t you think...it’s getting a bit ridiculous? Why are you going to such lengths to make sure such few people are aware of this situation?” you posed the question, voicing your thoughts out loud. 
Since that strange night, you noticed a shift in your mentor’s personality. Dr Yeon was usually more outgoing and open to other doctors about his patients but with these, he seemed to be protecting them from the world.
His antics frightened you as they were unusual, peculiar and unlike the mentor whose care you had been under for nearly three months now.
After immediate surgery had been performed on those two patients, he ordered them to be warded in the private, ICU ward. Then, the only people with access to the ward were him, you and a handful of experienced nurses. Dr Yeon was the only one who handled their medical reports and often stayed in the wards longer than the nurses did. Your mentor could lose his job if he continued keeping to such extreme confidentiality that some of the reports were clearly mishandled.
Still, he went ahead after your warnings.
It left you wondering what was so special about these two odd patients. They were around your own age, clearly, students working hard to graduate from their respective institutions.
You wondered how on earth one of them got shot in the chest and the other stabbed in the arm - most of their body suffered harm. Their knuckles suffered abrasions but not from recent encounters. Meaning, they were most likely boxers or took part in such a sport.
They intrigued a nosy intern like yourself.
Dr Yeon chuckled, sipping his coffee and scribbling words on another report. “Hardly. These boys are in my care. I’m doing what is necessary. Don’t tell me you gossip about patients in your care to all your friends.”
A guilty red coated your cheeks and you snapped your mouth shut, refusing to pursue the case. That was not what went down in the staff lounge. You padded down the corridor after Dr Yeon, offering brief smiles or greetings to fellow personnel.
The halls became much quieter when you reached the private wards. A different world from general wards.
The scanner beeped happily, recognising Dr Yeon’s ID card and popped the door open. He went ahead to examine his patients’ condition. As usual, they were fast asleep, showing no sign of any movement.
“I promised them to keep all information to myself. There are some matters that not everyone’s mind can handle,” Dr Yeon mentioned. He said it casually but you were certain those ‘matters’ were very serious.
Then he went about carrying the daily procedure. You remained at one side, eying both patients intently.
“Any sign of improvement?” You asked, prepared to scribble down notes.
Dr Yeon nodded without hesitation. “My guess is that they’ll regain consciousness tonight or tomorrow morning. Poor things, it must have been a traumatic experience for these kids.”
You inhaled sharply, hastily writing down Dr Yeon’s words.
Dr Yeon was correct.
The first one to wake up was called Seongwoo. He was clearly out of it and confused when he opened his eyes. Still, he managed to comprehend a lot for someone who had been asleep for four days.
He called for a ‘Euigeon’ when he first peeled his eyes open. When Seongwoo understood the situation, he relaxed, leaning back onto the fluffy pillows.
Seongwoo managed to stomach a small snack and a short talk with Dr Yeon. Clearly, he was in no condition to be out and about again.
Despite all the pain, Seongwoo remained cheery, much more smiley than the usual patient. His sweetness made you sneak in a candy bar from the vending machine outside.
Euigeon arose a few hours later. As his injuries sustained were more serious, it was expected that he was dazed and less aware of his surroundings.
I mean, this guy got shot and knocked out for nearly a week straight.
Euigeon emitted some sort of boyish, fearless aura, yet a large part of it reflected his goldenness. He was charming, no doubt about that.
There was no control over the blush that washed through your face.
However, his confused and lost antics made you forget about his intimidating aura.
“Doctor,” he called out softly. “Do you like cats? I really miss my cats. But I’m not even sure if I can consider them my cats because all I did was pet and feed them in an alley. They’re my cats, aren’t they?”
Seongwoo traded a look with you before stifling his laughter. You tried your best to maintain a serious face but it posed to be challenging.
“I-I’m sure your cats are doing quite fine. I-if it helps, I can check on them,” you offered, half-jokingly.
Euigeon brightened immediately, his eyes widening. “You’d do that? You’d look after my cats for me, Doctor?”
You bit your lip, unsure of how to reply. There was no easy way to crush his cat-controlled heart.
“Um, sure. Just, just give me a location and description of your cats.”
In the far corner of your eye, Seongwoo was chortling with laughter, muffling them with his pillow. A serious deadpan was sent his way.
“Y-you guys relax, I’m going to get Dr Yeon and, and we’ll attend to both of you shortly,” you said while quickly slipping out of the room. Outside, you caught a breath.
Both were undeniably attractive, one was a childish cat lover, the other had a thing for humour.
Your head shook in either disbelief or amusement.
“Euigeon! You aren’t allowed to eat jellies!”
Frantic, you snatched the bag from his bedside and examined its contents.
Gummy bears.
“Where did you get them?” you demanded, worry and anger seeping into your tone. Every patient had a strict diet regime to stick to and this was not sitting well with either of the boys.
Euigeon gulped guiltily, shoving the last gummy bear into his mouth before answering. “I walked to the vending machine outside and bought them. Luckily, there was a dollar on the ground.”
The plastic wrapper curled under your furious grip, cholesterol levels rising faster than Euigeon’s blood sugar levels.
How, how, how, how did all the luck in the world pretty much swing in Euigeon’s direction? He did get shot but he found a dollar on the floor next to a vending machine selling his favourite gummy bears.
“Dr Yeon told us to relax in our last stages on recovery,” Seongwoo voiced through a toothy smile. He seemed eager to get discharged from the hospital.
Your form collapsed dramatically into one of the cushy guest armchairs, raising a hand to rub your temples. “I’m so afraid you guys would die without my care.”
For the past few weeks, you had grown accommodated to dealing and tackling these two patients. As the three of you belonged to the same decade, it was easy to bond over the simplest of things. Still, you had to be strict when it came to their wellbeing. Not only were they your friends, but they were also under your medical care. This added on a ton of anxiety for you to perform well.
It also made working ten times more fun.
Hushed whispers filled the space as you readied their dose of medicines and drips for the hour.
“Everything okay?”
Seongwoo flashed a nervous smile in response. He remained strangely silent as you went through the patient report.
Euigeon was the one to break the quietness that lingered in the air. “W-would you like to know the full story behind...o-our injuries?”
“Isn’t it supposed to be top-secret or something?” you replied quickly, breath catching in your throat and you turned away from meeting their gazes.
What the heck what the heck what the heck what the heck
“I’m a boxer at my...a-aunt’s gym,” Euigeon began somewhat cautiously. “I-I,”
“He’s trying to say that we got into a gang fight, with another gang,” Seongwoo jutted in, cutting the long story short. When Euigeon shot him an unamused glare, he raised an eyebrow in response.
“You looked like you needed help.”
Bells began to ring in your ears, alarmed at the confession you heard. Was your hearing betraying you? Did you hear them correctly?
It all added up. The secrecy, the shadiness, how quiet the room was for such loud wounds.
Your frickin’ gummy loving friend with the heart of a puppy was in a gang fight? Unbelievable.
Yet, was it disturbing that you saw no wrong in their status or ways? Was it because they were your friends? Had these kids become so likeable?
“The other gang thought we were messing up their drug supply but we don’t even touch drugs,” Euigeon explained. “Sports and heroin don’t mix. Neither do coke and cats. I think it’s dumb to invest in these substances.”
While it was heartening to know that they were not in the illegal drug ring, gangs in general still frightened you to a certain extent. The news reporters and countless write-ups have not painted their activity in the prettiest of lights.
Moving onto filling up Seongwoo’s report, you decided to press them more. “Why couldn’t you go back to your gang doctor? Don’t all gangs have one?”
Euigeon bit his lips together, pupils shaking uncertainly at your question. Seongwoo flicked his gaze anywhere but remotely near your form.
Eventually, either one of them let out their answer with a sigh. “Jaewon’s as good as dead or gone. We didn’t see him after he got stabbed. Too many people and then the police came.”
Time passed excruciatingly slowly. Every single movement or sound made was now amplified. The clatter of the clipboards. Clinking of apparatuses against each other. The rolling of trolleys down the hall. Soft crinkles of fabric rubbing against each other.
The sound of blood rushing through your veins.
Your lips pursed, mind reeling hard to think about a possible proposition you could offer. Of course, you wanted to help them. Saving lives was your passion and,,, and these two were your friends.
By far, this was the most,,, unsettling but interesting confession ever heard from a friend - much less a patient. Your reaction had no time to be well-thought through or processed. It frothed out like bubbles from an over-boiled pot.
“Okay.” You finally resumed a proper breathing pattern. “I won’t tell a soul.”
Relief flooded through both their features, shattering any walls of fear that built up over time. Seongwoo beamed brighter and larger than ever. Euigeon nearly choked in disbelief, his crystalline eyes widening.
“And I’ll help you. I’ll always be reachable if you guys encounter anything.”
Under a watchful eye, your hands wrapped supple gauzes and bandages around Yiyang’s forearm. He winced ever so slightly at the impact on his gash.
Yiyang was Dr Yeon’s new regular at the hospital. In the wee hour of dawn, he had limped in with a severely twisted ankle.
From that moment onwards, you knew whose hands he would be placed in.
Dr Yeon, who kept tabs on almost every secret society member in Busan.
Yiyang was not the gentlest patient you had encountered but he was not the rowdiest either. He often reminded you of Seongwoo and Euigeon. The thoughts left you wondering about them.
Since August, you had only seen them once in September for a brief patch up. Thereafter, you caught a glimpse of Euigeon’s hair when you had gone to visit his alley cats. So far, it appeared as if nothing dire had befallen them.
Which was always good. Good, their lack of presence in the hospital hopefully signified they had been well off.
“Look after yourself, Yiyang. I hope to see you in better shape soon,” you said earnestly, offering him a reassuring smile.
The boy flashed a million dollar smile, nodded and promising to heed your advice. Dr Yeon stepped in, instructing him to rejuvenate for a few hours before getting discharged. “You and your dislocated shoulder are going nowhere.”
With a small smile, you slipped out of the curtained off area and back to the busy hallways. There was nearly never a moment for ER personnel to rest.
Suddenly, a nurse came rushing in your direction. He grabbed your arm, muttering incoherently about how there was somebody who requested to see you.
“Bloody wound...”
“He’s losing a lot of blood...”
“He only wants you to treat him.”
The thudding of your heart began to increase, along with your footsteps which quickened in a flurry.
Euigeon. Seongwoo.
Hunched over the side of the reception counter, Euigeon was pressing a hand to a bloodied spot above his eyebrow. Red marks streaked the sides of his face and dark lines were smeared across his clothes.
His mouth stretched into a smile of utter solace when his eyes fell on your form. Euigeon tried to wave a hand but the pain was too much for him to raise one.
“Stupid,” you cursed under your breath as you reached his side. “How can you be smiling at a time like this?”
You placed a finger over his lips before he could reply and assisted him to the nearest treatment room. Thankfully, it was nearby.
Euigeon managed to haul himself onto the cushioned platform, he inhaled sharply. “I need help.”
“I have eyes, Euigeon and now, I want to hit you in the head. What happened? What did you do? How did this occur?” Rubber gloves were stretched onto your hands in record speed and you carefully began to assess the damage done.
Euigeon hissed when your finger pressed down a little bit too hard on the injured area. Justifiable, the cut was sizeable and rather deep, the edge of it jagged.
“This needs stitching up,” you muttered, almost to yourself. “What caused this?”
Euigeon shifted his gaze and smiled sheepishly. “I was at a bar when a person, probably from another gang, threatened to fight Jihoon, my...my coworker. It was a dumb reason.”
A hum left your lips in response, encouraging him to continue the story.
“I ran, Seongwoo ran, Jihoon ran but not before he punched the other man. We were a good block away when I tripped, and that guy smashed a beer bottle on my head. My memory is fuzzy after that but all I know is that Jihoon and Seongwoo hyung got him.”
“Did they drop you off?” You began to collect and gather supplies to begin cleaning the wound.
Euigeon pressed his lips into a fine line. “I hope so. I can’t...remember exactly.” He dropped his voice a notch lower. “I’m scared, y/n. Those are my brothers. T-they may have gotten hurt. God, I’m so scared for them. They need me.”
His loyalty was admirable, really. But in his condition, there was no way he could be of any help to the other two.
“Don’t worry. I’ll find them if they need me. Calm down,” you whispered soothingly into his ear, pulling him in for a hug. “Trust me. You’ll be fine. You’re in my hands now.”
A warmth spread through your body when Euigeon returned the embrace. Your stomach clenched when he tightened his grip around your shoulders.
Oh, Euigeon, how would I ever patch you up?
Grinning like a fool, Euigeon was wheeled to his rest area that had been prepared. However, he passed by a bed that held a strangely familiar occupant.
Once he realised who the identity belonged to, air caught in his throat and every organ in him coiled. He felt unsafe and insecure.
At the very least, his bed was pretty far away, that managed to partially douse his worries.
“Who is that in bed 528?” Euigeon asked as he settled into his own. It was those sort of ER areas where there were many beds, sectioned off by a blue curtain. For the most part, his section was quite empty.
At his question, your brow furrowed. “H-his name is Yiyang. I-I don’t suppose you know him?”
You pulled the blanket over Euigeon’s form, ensuring he was well tucked in.
“I-I do! He’s with a society called SMRK. They’re known to have quite a few international contacts. I don’t suppose they like my friends and I,” Euigeon hissed in a hushed tone. His jaw was clenched, ticked off by Yiyang’s presence.
For privacy, you shut the dividing curtains, wrapping a bubble over the two of you.
He sighed wearily, shutting his eyes tight a couple of times. “C-can you...not attend to him?”
“You know I can’t do that, Euigeon. It’s my job to make sure he’s well. And, he isn’t a completely bad person,” you tried to reason, patting the empty space on his pillow.
“I-I know. I...I-I’m just so afraid of losing you,” Euigeon confessed suddenly. He reached for your hand and held it tight. “I trust you, y/n. I-I like you a lot and I can’t stand the thought of you not being here. SMRK members are dangerous, they’ll-“
“Euigeon, don’t worry so much.” A red blush bloomed on your face. “If I can handle you, I think I can deal with anyone.”
“Stay here with me.”
You froze, eyes wide and shocked. You gulped visibly, taking a glance at the situation outside. It didn’t seem like they were shorthanded anymore so how much would a break hurt?
So, you grabbed a chair and sat next to Euigeon’s bed, hands entwined. He seemed at ease in this state and it made you all fuzzy inside.
“I’m serious.” He murmured with shut eyes. “I’m serious about liking you.”
In response, your grip around his hand tightened, you ran your thumb over his bruised knuckles. The pesky heart of yours threatened to burst out of your ribcage, thumping faster than a regular beat.
A tiny smile graced your face just thinking about what he said.
You had just breezed through the hospital’s entrance when Dr Yeon caught you by the arm and dragged you in the other direction.
“We have to evacuate. I’m getting you and Yiyang out of here before it’s too late,” he mumbled under his breath in an urgent tone. “People are convinced the hospital is a trading ground and hotspot for gang activity. Untrue but I received a tipoff that an organisation plans to raid it tonight.”
At his words, you felt the air being knocked out of your body and your eyes began to water.
“We’re just doing our jobs as medical personnel. Granted, I’ve done my fair share of good and bad. If we work fast enough, no one will get hurt and all would be well.”
Dr Yeon was a lot more alert of his surroundings, he investigated every nook and cranny of his workspace.
Turning to you, he said, “I’ve arranged for an ambulance to take you, Yiyang and Celeste to the nearest hospital. Thanks to his recklessness, that boy won’t be stable enough to run for himself today. You need to get out of here by 6pm. That’s when I’ll call the police to come in and patrol.”
“Why can’t we just stay here since the police are coming?” You wanted to minimise movement as much as possible.
“The reason behind the raid is to find and eliminate rival gang members I suppose - people are so crazy. Yiyang is one of them. Since we don’t know if there are spies, we have to mess up our schedules to throw them off track. I’m going to double check my records. Only Dr Jeon, Dr Jung, Nurse Celeste, Nurse Taeyang and you are aware of this.”
For the first time in your career, you felt like quitting and running. But here you were, scrambling to pack for the journey to the nearest hospital. Celeste’s report on Yiyang was that he was fast asleep, making the plan slightly harder.
Basically, to protect your patients, colleagues and yourself, you had to get out of here. You had no major worries about the aftermath, you would handle it when it happened.
Work was hard to continue when your eyes were trained on the ticking clock. Every second felt like time wasted.
It seemed like the higher-ups of the hospital had played their cards right by calling in more security. The guards gave you some sort of assurance that nothing too crazy would happen.
When the clock struck 5pm, you and Nurse Celeste tittered out to where the ambulance was supposed to be waiting. You placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her when you realised something was amiss.
“Don’t move.”
Inching closer, you saw how the driver was awkwardly hunched over the wheel. And discovered why.
He was knocked out cold.
You forced the scream back down your throat but it tore through the defences when an arm encircled your waist in a way that made your skin crawl.
However, before whoever it was could act, they were slammed to the ground with a series of punches.
“Euigeon!” You gasped in disbelief and in horror. Now was the wrong time for your boyfriend to be here.
“I heard the news too,” he growled out through gritted teeth. “I have to help.”
You shook your head urgently, urging him to run as far as he could. Even though the plan was somewhat disrupted, it wasn’t to the point of entire failure.
“Euigeon, if you stay any longer, you’ll be dead for sure. I don’t know who’s behind this but I don’t intend on finding out and you shouldn’t either,” you argued, willing him to escape while he could.
Adamant on staying, Euigeon shook his head. A few moments later, Celeste and Taeyang burst through the doors with a sleepy Yiyang in a wheelchair.
Immediately, Euigeon’s gaze snapped to the half-conscious boy. He huffed and looked away, clearly conflicted.
You gulped, slowly stepping away from the vehicle, eying the unconscious driver and attacker on the ground. “Euigeon, I’m going to get security and Dr Yeon. D-don’t...please don’t do anything stupid.”
You turned on your heel and dashed into the hallway, fingers frantically swiping across your phone’s keyboard. To your utmost horror, Dr Yeon was uncontactable -  that made your blood run cold.
“Y/N!” Dr Jeon called your name, she was by the lift lobby, waiting. “Quickly! Gather your things. I’m staying behind.”
“Have you seen Dr Yeon? I can’t seem to reach his phone.” Your breaths were ragged and your chest heaved from all the running. “The driver has been attacked, I’m sending security his way right now.”
She grabbed your wrist before you could move, surprise evident on her face. “They know our plan...”
In one fluid action, she stormed into the lift, forced the doors shut and hit the basement floor buttons.
“You, Celeste and Yiyang have to get out of here...Now.”
The world above you began to shrink as the elevator hit rock bottom. Anxiety levels skyrocketing. Dr Jeon had called multiple people in the span of a minute. She brought her hair into a ponytail and stuffed her lab coat into her bag.
When the two of you arrived at the ambulance, Yiyang and Celeste were ready to go. You threw your bag in with her, more concerned about Euigeon.
He sat in the driver’s seat, door open and unfazed by the happenings. “They brought the driver into ER and the other guy has been arrested. Things are going well.”
You managed a small smile and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. In his arms, you could believe his reassurance that everything would be okay.
However, all serenity was broken by a loud commotion inside the hospital building itself. You prayed that the security would handle it.
Where the hell was Dr Yeon anyway? Where was his signal?
“It's time,” Dr Jeon said, revving the engine and gesturing for you to get inside.
“Go,” you whispered into Euigeon’s ear. “Circle round and I’ll meet you at the South entrance.”
He frowned, brow creased in protest. “B-but-“
“I will be there,” you declared with determination. “Take this.” You unhooked a small plush lion keychain from your phone case. “His name is Daniel. He’s always made be feel braver. So, even if I don’t come back for you, I’ll come back for him.”
Euigeon clasped the golden plush toy, rolling his eyes at your remark. He was scared for you but because he trusted you, he nodded. Fleetingly, your lips pressed against his before he stepped into the ambulance.
“See you soon,” he breathed.
Taeyang shook his head when he saw your face. “You don’t want to be here right now. I thought you’d left ages ago!”
“The hospital’s on lockdown. All the wards are sealed because the threats are worsening. Only a master key can open them. Don’t worry, one nurse inside the wards has one in case.”
You questioned him about Dr Yeon’s whereabouts but Taeyang had no clue either. You were not leaving without your mentor. He would be a prime target since he was the one helping the gang members. You had to ensure his safety.
At least Euigeon’s safe now...
That thought managed to make you feel more at ease, stumbling through strangely empty corridors.
“I’m sure Dr Yeon will find his way around things. There are police cars surrounding the area, nothing can go wrong,” Taeyang reasoned. “Now, we need to get you out of here. The fire escape should be the fastest way.”
He shoved a pocket-sized general first-aid kit into your hands for ‘anchoring’ purposes.
The emergency door recognised your work pass and slid open without qualms. You were eager to be reunited with Euigeon and everyone else.
Taeyang took a step forward...
And came face to face with Dr Jung, a gun in his hand and within point blank proximity.
“We were just leaving.”
You blinked and Taeyang had bolted the door shut but not before a bullet was fired into the wall on your side. Dr Jung roared and pounded on the door, firing another shot such that it broke the thin glass panel.
You screamed and Taeyang cursed, running down the hallway.
“Dr Jung?” you shrieked in shock and horror. “He’s the traitor!”
It was a slap in the face for you. A slap in Taeyang’s face, who worked closely with Dr Jung. His betrayal would knock the last nail into Dr Yeon’s coffin.
“Stairs! Stairs!” Taeyang yelled, pointing in the direction of it. Without hesitation, you raced down the steps, two at a time. Just as you were approaching the third floor, the door on that landing was thrown open by...Dr Yeon!
“Hello, Taeyang and Y/N!” Dr Yeon looked roughed up. His coat was half off and a bruise was beginning to form under his left eye.
“Lovely to see you guys here! Sorry I couldn’t get any calls! A virus infected my phone so I had to smash it. Then, Jung’s people got a hold of me but I managed to escape them!”
Or so he thought. Because before you knew it, a hoard of footsteps and shouts followed behind.
You changed staircases in order to throw them off your trail. Unfortunately, these people were smarter than their knife-wielding exteriors and followed suit, pursing the chase.
The burning in your thighs only ignited further, your lungs stung with the force of air you were inhaling. Everything hurt.
Thankfully, the back part of the first floor was not as chaotic as the front entrance. It became much easier to manoeuvre through the crowd.
Policeman. Civilian. Jung’s henchman.
The world became a bunch of muddled blurs. The noise was slowly growing softer and softer but the blood rushing to your ears became audible. Perhaps this was why you could not even process when something came down on your head, hard.
Air had been knocked out of your body. Vision had been stolen from you. White pain seared your entire being. You awaited another painful blow, but it never came. Instead, you felt two strong and familiar arms grip your shoulders and yank you to your feet.
Drowsy, you were able to make up Euigeon’s worried and pained face. His mouth was moving but you couldn’t make out any of the words he was saying. Only when you spotted a bloody patch on his side, did your senses awaken.
Euigeon had gotten stabbed because of you.
He pressed one hand to his side, the other arm supporting you as you limped towards the exit, towards the ambulance.
It was in sight, red flashing lights and all, sirens sounding like a wail, bringing your hearing back.
There was only room for one other injured person on board...
It’s me they want...not Euigeon. He...he didn’t have to get hurt. He doesn’t have to be hurt. He needs the help more than I do. They don’t need him. He’ll be fine.
“Come on! We’re almost there!”
“Euigeon...” you called out weakly, gazing at him for the last time. “There’s only room for one of us there.”
“No!” he protested, pace quickening as much as he could. “Don’t say that. They can work something out. Yiyang’s fine now. There’s space.”
But he was wrong.
With trembling lips, you forced yourself to emit words. “Euigeon, I don’t care if I don’t make it on. I can catch another one later. You need to make it on this one.”
Tears were flowing freely down your face but you didn’t care to brush them away. All you wanted to do was to hold him, all you wanted to feel was his skin against yours.
“I love you. And I never will stop. You’ve given me so much life in such a short time.”
There was just enough time for you to kiss him deeply, for him to grant you a goodbye kiss, though he was still denying the fact that you were slipping through his fingertips.
“I love you too. So, I’ll stay here. I’ll hold onto you, we can perish together. I don’t care because I love you,” Euigeon cried, refusing to let go even as the ambulance doors were being pried open. His tears were wetting the sides of his face, unable to stop flowing. 
I’m selfish. I can’t let you have what you want.
You nodded, savouring the fast few moments. Wishing all that he had said would be true. You would never forgive yourself for being selfish and wanting things your way. You prayed that with time, Euigeon would understand and forgive you.
So you held onto him for as long as you could.
In the midst of the chaos, in the midst of the unbecoming, you tried so hard to prevent. In the centre of the world collapsing on your shoulders.
Then, with all the strength you had left, you shoved Euigeon into the ambulance and slammed its doors shut. You willed for your friends to understand, for them to just drive off.
Maybe they thought you were onboard too but either way, the ambulance sped off despite Euigeon’s endless screams and pounding against the shut doors. 
You doubled over in the carpark, energy gone, blood staining your hands and clothes. Sorry for being selfish, sorry for failing, and sorry for being empathetic. At least nothing hurt anymore.
Euigeon never saw what happened to you but he heard a gunshot resound and that was all he had to hear.
He felt numb, void and the worst part was that all he could do was clutch your lion plushy and wish that he was with you.
A year later...
Seongwoo: ahhh, a new start, a new university, new identity Seongwoo: Seoul really is a metropolis Seongwoo: can’t wait for you to get to hq ;) BoA outdid herself with the crazy property Daniel: can’t wait, hyung! be there soon :)
Euigeon, well, Daniel, glanced back at the fluffy clouds dancing above the blue Busan sky. For a moment, he wanted to return back to his hometown. But it was only for a moment. An insignificant amount of time.
Still, he didn’t stop himself from looking at his hometown. The place he had grown up, had shaped him, had birthed him. In a way, he was sad to leave but he promised himself a fresh start. 
Taking deep breaths, Daniel played with a soft golden lion plush toy. He smiled at its whiskery muzzle, heart throbbing in the best way possible.
Finally, he clipped it onto the zipper of his backpack.
Daniel had a crown now. He had a branding now. He wasn’t a skinny kid running around the dark alleys of Busan, he was a man made for Seoul.
Still, he decided that there was no harm in bringing a treasured part of his Busan life to Seoul. There would always be a dash of that Busan boy in him. Everything that happened there, a year ago, a decade ago, were all parts of his life that he kept close to his heart, and no amount of moving would help that.
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how it all started...
I started my period around age 13, and from my very first period, it lasted around 9 days and it was heavy, i remember having to change every 2/3 hours during school, and i also even leaked through during PE which was extremely embarrassing. My periods used to make me nauseous, and i felt faint and lightheaded, back then i didn’t understand any of it, I just thought i was being a drama queen, because it was all new to me. And my Mam always used to say to me “Come on, every girl in the entire world has a period, you can’t have days off school every month” So i dismissed everything I felt, it was normal... apparently.  By age 16, I remember one period in particular, i was in AGONY. Sweating up, so dizzy i could barely walk, and this went on for 3 or so days at the very start of my period. I was so heavy i was bleeding through a pad and tampon every hour and a half. At the time i did have a boyfriend, young i know... but I was sexually active. And my Mam scared me half to death saying it seemed like i was having an ectopic pregnancy, and started saying how id need surgery, id be super ill in hospital. Spent days sobbing in excruciating pain thinking i was pregnant and going to die, but the pain started to fade out, and the bleeding got lighter, i eventually came off my period.  So then i realised, well it would have been impossible to be an ectopic pregnancy so what could it be. I never ever thought anything of it. From then on i got the Depo Injection, and my periods disappeared, it was GREAT. 
Fast forward to age 18, still on the depo injection. I gained a whole lot of weight on it, around 8 stone to be precise, and the doctors said it wasn’t possible for the injection to make me gain that much weight. But i wasn’t eating any different, and i was doing the same amount of exercise, if not more... I played basketball at university level, i trained twice a day, some times 3, yet i had gone from 14 stone to 22. I decided to come off the injection due to the weight gain, it also hadn’t helped very much with my mental health. I had suffered low mood/depression since age 14/15 and it had progressively got worse this time. I had suicidal thoughts, i self harmed, i just genuinely did not see a purpose for me, there was no reason for me to be alive anymore.  Age 19, i had been off the injection for around a year now, and lucky me!! Still no period. I began wondering, when would my periods come back. About 2 weeks after it had hit the year mark, i began bleeding, medium flow. I was changing around every 4 hours, it was manageable, i had cramps but nothing i couldn’t manage. I would take paracetamol and it would take the pains away.  Fast forward 9 months, 2 weeks... still bleeding, over the months it got heavier and heavier. There wasn’t one single day i hadn’t bled. I definitely needed shares in Tampax by this point! Over this time i had been to A&E on 3 occasions with abnormally heavy bleeding, but all they ever did was check my blood count, i wasn’t suffering from Anemia so they told me to wait it out, see if the bleeding stopped on its own. It was called ‘Breakthrough Bleeding’ and this was due to me missing all those periods on the injection. The lining of my womb had started shedding and didn’t know how to stop itself. The bleeding got heavier again, i went to my local walk in centre, and the nurse timed 7 minutes, for me to bleed through a super tampon and a night pad... 7 minutes!! I was also passing clots the size of my hand... Something was up! I got sent straight to A&E again, expecting to be told to go home. I got admitted that night, i spent 4 nights/5 days in hospital. They put it down to a burst cyst, I found out that day i had PCOS, i was told the severity of the cysts on both ovaries would make it very hard for me to conceive children without medical assistance, i was heart broken. I was sent home with tablets called Tranexemic Acid to stop the bleeding, and Norethisterone which stopped and started your periods as and when you took them. After 5 days on those pills, the bleeding stopped. However i was so badly Anaemic, I had no energy at all to even be excited by this. I was on Norethisterone for 3 weeks, then a break for my period. In this time i had searched up something called Endometriosis. EVERY SINGLE SYMPTOM i had matched this. I thought this is great, all i have to do is bring this up next time i see my GP... If only it was that easy. I came off the Norethisterone and found the pain getting worse and worse, the bleeding heavier and heavier. All over again. I couldn’t cope with this, back to A&E. I was sent home instantly... told to come back if the pain got any worse. By 27 hours later, i was barely conscious, the pain had drained me. I went back to A&E and i was admitted again, to get the pain under control... Morphine was my life saver that night. 2 gynaecologist doctors came to see me on that morning, they said there was no reason for me to be in this much pain, maybe i just have a low pain threshold... i was gobsmacked... i brought up my worries about Endometriosis due to my Mams recent hysterectomy, she’d unknowingly had Endo the whole time without realising or having any symptoms. The doctor burst into fits of laughter, nudging the other doctor and she continued to laugh with him. “You’re far too young to have Endometriosis, thats a ridiculous suggestion, you have been using the internet too much. People who are 30+ get endometriosis” then the lady doctor chips in “Why don’t you get pregnant and have a baby, then you wont have periods and you wont have this mystery pain you’re getting” I asked them to leave and i burst into tears. Not only because i was so embarrassed for myself, but i was on a ward with 7 other people, who all heard the conversation. Humiliated with an audience...  From then i had 8 more appointments with Gynae, 4 more hospital admissions. A whole lot of crying and begging for a diagnostic laparoscopy. Until one caring and empathetic consultant finally gave in and signed consent for me to have it. I was put on a waiting list for surgery hopefully within 6 months, 
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