#its apart of the fandom experience
pathetichimbos · 10 months
I completely understand why it's inappropriate and wrong to police peoples internet experience and how they view their favorite characters and what not but it's also extremely important to understand that if someone throws away a character's personality and important traits away to shove their own ideologies and beliefs into them to 'mold' them into a 'perfected' version of themselves then it's often a tell tall sign of how they treat their personal relationships.
The internet has become a fictitious reality with virtually no consequences and a lot of people can no longer dictate fiction from reality.
Obviously this does not apply to everyone, just because someone molds and changes a character in fiction does not guarantee they will do it in real life, but also be aware that reality dictates fiction, and if they're willing to do it (to the extreme) in fiction, some part of them would be willing to try it in real life.
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barry2018-2023 · 1 year
no one remembers when times up for the gang came out and macdennis shippers started putting "chardee shippers DNI" banners on their posts. but I do. i remember.
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antique-forvalaka · 2 years
No one can take your canon gay rep away from you.
No one.
Not even a random anon writing het fic for a personal challenge to write purposely 'unlovable' fic, nor a group of people jumping in for fun.
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zzxya · 1 year
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rambling-at-midnight · 2 months
Pros and Cons of Midnight Snacks
Pairing: Jason Todd x Civilian!Reader. No pronouns so can be read as any gender!
Summary: Meet-ugly with the Red Hood due to a gas station robbery gone wrong.
Word count: ~2k
(I'm branching out to other fandoms, apparently. Let me know if you want a sequel. Enjoy!)
You weren't born in Gotham, so it sometimes still surprises you that you had adjusted so well to its particular brand of crazy.
You're from somewhere a little more south of New Jersey, although most places in the U.S. are a little south of Jersey unless you're a lobster farmer from Maine or a tree hugger from Vermont.
Both of those descriptions sound critical, but they weren't meant to be. Right about now you're seriously considering taking up lobster farming.
No one sane ever moves to Gotham. Everyone knows the stories, and even if most of the country didn't believe all of them, most people aren't stupid enough to disregard them. And you certainly weren't stupid. But rent was dirt cheap for a city, and so was tuition for GU's vet school. So you thought to yourself, "How bad could it really be," bought pepper spray and a taser, and accepted the admissions offer.
You'd always liked iced coffee more than green bean casserole and peach cobbler, anyway.
Reading news articles hadn't been enough to prepare you for the utter insanity of Gotham City, unfortunately. But you adapted. You always did. Upgraded your taser, memorized the bus schedule, learned the less sketchy areas of town, did your best not to get caught outside after dark. Kept your head down, ignored the crime lords and genetic experiments gone wrong and lunatics and vigilantes scurrying along the rooftops, and you'd survived for almost two years without many incidents.
But you'd gone to the library because you were critically unable to work in your apartment, gotten distracted by panicking about how little you really knew about next week's test content, and stared at the pages of your textbook for almost an hour as you fought back tears. So now you were running late and it was dark as you walked home because the buses were down. Of course they were. That lunatic that thought he was a crocodile had smashed a bunch last week and they hadn't been replaced yet.
Goosebumps prickle on the back of your neck, but you tell yourself it's nothing. Keep your head down. Criminals target the people that look most obviously paranoid first.
You're just burnt out. Severely. But the end of your sophomore year of veterinary school was looming, which meant you would have a relaxing three-month vacation before the next one started.
And no, you weren't thinking about next year's summer 'vacation' of clinicals. Because if this year was bad after a year of summer vacation, what will it do to you to have no break at all?
That's a future you problem, thankfully.
You're still feeling sorry for yourself when you reach the gas station right next to your apartment building. You walk right by it, remember what's in your fridge or pantry—thanks, grocery store self, thinking you don't need any snacking foods—then backtrack.
Since starting vet school, you've tried to be healthier with your eating habits. Brains lacking in nutrients absorb information less efficiently, after all. But you're still a sucker for Cheez-Its and energy drinks.
You won't drink it tonight, obviously.
Right as you put the items on the counter for the bored-looking cashier to scan the barcodes, something cold presses to your temple.
The cashier freezes, eyes blown wide with panic.
"Easy there," someone says to your left. A man, voice oily in a way that sets your teeth on edge immediately. "Do what I say, or I blow their brains out, then yours."
A gun.
A gun is pressed to your head.
Because of course it is. A shitty way to end a shitty day. You should have kept walking right past the gas station.
Before you moved to Gotham, you might have screamed and panicked, but you know better now. You know to stay calm.
You clench your fists to stop them from shaking so noticeably, but otherwise don't move. You've seen hostage situations before, because this is Gotham, but you've never been the hostage.
The gun feels heavy. And so cold, like it's sapping all the heat from your skin.
"Okay, dude," the cashier said soothingly. "You want the money in the register?"
The robber scoffs. "Obviously."
"All right." The cashier's voice is even and soft, unthreatening. You wonder if training for situations like these are required for cashiers in Gotham. It certainly hadn't been for your old job, although that hadn't been in New Jersey, and it hadn't been at a twenty-four seven gas station, either. "I need to get a key to unlock it, okay? So I'm reaching below the counter."
"Just get the key," the robber demands. The gun shifts against your temple. You fantasize for a half-second about acting like an action hero, disarming him and taking him down all on your own. But you're not a vigilante and you've never been in a real-life fight before. You don't think you're fast enough to get out of the barrel's way before he pulls the trigger. If you managed to shove it away, what if he fired and hit the cashier instead?
Then comes the sound of another gun clicking.
Great, you think half-hysterically. Just what we need. Even more deadly weapons.
"Lower the gun," growls a modulated voice, and everyone freezes.
The Red Hood is standing behind the robber, also pointing a gun to his head like the meme of people lined up in a church with guns aimed at the person in front of them.
The robber lets his gun dip a little bit. Distracted enough that it's not pressed directly to your temple anymore.
Not to brag, but you recover the quickest. It's probably the adrenaline.
Thank God you keep your keychain in hand while out at night. Your fingers shake, but you have your pepper spray up in a second, and the robber's turning to look at your sudden movement when you squeeze down on the nozzle.
The spray hits him directly in the eyes, and his howl of pain is immediate. But you don't stop spraying, even when the cashier starts to splutter and your own eyes water.
The gun goes off, once in the robber's hands, and a second time when it hits the ground because he's dropped it in favor of clutching his burning face.
You stop the stream of pepper spray, because now the air is spicy when you breathe, but can't force yourself to lower your hand. The Red Hood quickly handcuffs the would-be robber, which is only difficult because he's clawing at his eyes in pain, and executes a tricky-looking martial arts move to get him on the ground.
Despite everything, you're impressed.
The Red Hood is bigger than maybe anyone you've ever seen before. He could have punched the robber in half like paper, probably, but you appreciate the finesse a little bit more.
"Hey." A gentle voice, and gentle hands, take the pepper spray out of your grip. "Quick thinking there," you're complimented. By the fucking Red Hood, one of Gotham's most infamous crime lords. The first time you read about him in the papers, he was chopping off people's heads, and every story since has been similarly alarming. But he's not supposed to be here; the Red Hood stays in Park Row, which locals call Crime Alley, apparently, and you've always steered very clear from that part of town.
"Can you look at me?"
You do. Maybe he won't chop off your head if you listen well enough.
"Are you okay?"
You blink. That... does not compute.
The Red Hood doesn't save people. And he doesn't leave Crime Alley. So what's he doing outside of Crime Alley, saving people?
The robber is still screaming, eyes screwed up in pain. He's handcuffed on the ground.
"You should probably let him wash out his eyes, at least," you tell the cashier. "Pepper spray is pretty painful." You'd sprayed yourself once out of curiosity, realized how much it burned, then sprinted to the shower to rinse it off. Which, pro tip: not a good move, especially with warm water. Water reactivates it by opening your pores, or something, and when you're in the shower it just spreads all over your body.
Your eyes are watering. The Red Hood sees that, because he tells you, "Let's get some air," and tugs you out of the gas station.
He's right. The cool night air does feel good. You blink away the stinging in your eyes and he repeats, "Are you okay?" His voice is robotic from the mask, but kind of pleasant at the same time. You'd never guess just from listening to him that he's a killer.
"Yes," you say automatically. "Thanks," you add. You're lightheaded for some reason; you sway on your feet.
"You sure?" he asks critically. "You look... pale." Judging by the pause, 'pale' wasn't the word he really wanted to say. The red helmet tilts. "You weren't shot, were you?"
"I don't think so," you shrug. Then you look down at yourself and realize that there's a large bloodstain on your hip. "Never mind. I think I was."
"Jesus!" he yelps at the sight. It's kind of funny, actually, this grown man built like a brick shithouse yelping at the sight of blood. "Why didn't you say anything?"
You shrug and peel your sticky shirt away from the wound to inspect it. "I thought I just bumped something." Sure enough, it's just a graze. You weren't sure which shot had hit you, but you'd honestly been injured worse. Plus, supervising surgeries at the animal clinic you'd worked at for years has desensitized you to the sight of blood. Maybe it's also altered your perception on what 'serious injuries' count as; the amount of times you've been bitten by startled dogs...
"You need to go to the hospital."
"It's just a scratch," you argue. "I can't go to the hospital. I need to feed my cat."
"Your cat can wait. You're bleeding a lot."
"I'm already late, and if I miss dinner, he'll start pissing all over my apartment."
The Red Hood sighs. "Where do you live?"
Your mouth opens to answer on instinct. You snap it shut just in time and glare. "Why?"
"So I can feed your cat for you while you go to the hospital."
It's nice of him to offer, but... "No."
Maybe it's not the best idea to refuse Gotham's most prominent crime lord, but it would also be pretty stupid to tell a strange man where you live. Especially when he happens to be said crime lord.
"Look," you sigh. "I'm a vet student. I have surgical tools at home to treat myself with, and I promise, under the blood, the bullet barely hit me. I've been hurt worse by Chihuahuas that hate the vet."
"There's no way I can convince you to change your mind?"
"It's been a long day," you sigh. "I really, really just want to go home." And he's blocking the path. Your apartment building is directly behind him, just calling your name.
"At least let me walk you to your building." He holds his hands up at your suspicious look and assures you, "I won't ask for the apartment number."
"I'm literally right there." You point.
He turns, sees how close you are to being home, and says, "Seriously?"
"Seriously. What are you doing here, anyway? I thought you were some kind of villain."
"I'm reformed," he grumbles.
"Well, good for you."
You make sure you have your keys and your wallet, then step around him and make it all the way to your building's door before he calls, "Wait!" The Red Hood's jogging to catch up to you, holding the box of Cheez-Its and energy drink you'd almost died for. "You forgot these," he says.
"Thanks," you say, taking them. It would have been a shame to waste four dollars.
"You're welcome," he says. There's something odd about his voice, but you attribute it to the mask, scan to be let into the building, and make sure it's fully closed before heading to the elevator.
Your cat is unhappy about dinner being an hour late. He weaves between your feet, making his protests loudly and viscerally known. You wince. He's worse than the dogs that bark in this building sometimes.
Your poor neighbors.
You give him his wet food, then hop in the shower to clean off your hip. It bled a lot, but once the blood washes away, it's actually not as bad as you thought. You've stitched up animals before, but never yourself, and decide against trying tonight. If it heals a little unevenly, who cares? No one will see it, anyway.
You pad the wound with gauze, tape it over, and fall into bed. Staring at the ceiling, you're forced to admit to yourself that you may be looking up more in the future. Just to see if anyone in a red helmet is running on a rooftop nearby.
It was a long day. But, strangely, almost dying wasn't the worst part of it.
Actually... it may have been the best part.
Forever tag list:
@lemirabitur @annymcervantes @queenmissfit @quiet-because-it-is-a-secret @iksey @thehyperactiveteen @luxmoonlight @andreasworlsboring101
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star-sim · 8 months
"noo! she's taken!" ☆ enha hyungs
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☆ non-idol! bf! enhypen hyungs x celebrity! fem! reader ☆summary: you are a very well-loved celebrity, and your relationship is finally revealed to the public. ☆genre: fluff, silly boys ☆warning(s)? ygs liked the maknae ver so here's the hyung ver! maknae ver
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heeseung ☆
i think ur a musician here
one of those very personable and insightful ones
giving laufey or mitski yk?
anyways heeseung is THE stan
within your fandom
he's the guy that EVERYONE KNOWS
like ppl will argue who is the best [name] stan and the moment he's brought up they shut their mouths
heeseung does not play around when it comes to stanning you, his gf
somewhat like riki, heeseung runs multiple stan accounts for you
but he's most active and most well-known on 1) youtube and 2) tiktok
all his youtube videos are titled
"[name] concert 11/25/2023 nyc, usa (she looked at me!)"
"[name] concert 11/26/2023 miami, usa"
"[name] concert 11/27/2023 berlin, germany (i touched her hand!)"
"[name] concert 11/28/2023 jakarta, indonesia"
"[name] concert 11/29/2023 melbourne, australia (i met her!)"
like how the fuck is he going to all of these concerts when theyre literal hours apart and OCEANS AWAY
he likes to vlog his concert experiences
and theyre very entertaining because he's like genuinely enjoying himself
on his tiktok he also records his concert experiences
but i also think he posts your fancams and makes edits of you
too many times where an edit of you became known as "that one [name] edit"
he makes a lot of thirst edits of u
too many captions like "i want her so bad" or "she's so fine i need her biblically"
everyone knows who he is, even ppl outside of your fandom or the music scene
hes just that one guy that really likes you
one day ur on tour
its all fine and dandy, ur eating everything up, ur fans are loving it
and heeseung is documenting his concert experience
as he always does
and then it ends and heeseung posts it
this concert vlog
receiving a lot of attention
you and hee are just hanging out in your hotel when his phone starts blowing up
and yours too
all the comments on his video are normal, the ones that are expressing playful envy at heeseung's presence at ur concert
and like
it's not like heeseung doesn't get these types of comments
but one comment catches his eye
it has like 50k likes
and hes like oh shit
"at 3:05 heeseung why are you kissing [name]"
he clicks that timestamp
and oh my god
you see
when heeseung records your concerts he's recording it both for his fanpage and for the memories
he'll take as many cute couple pictures and videos with you as possible
and he just so happened to accidentally add one of the clips of you and him
in fact
he accidentally added A LOT OF CLIPS AND PICTURES of you and him being a couple
ones of you hugging him backstage, ones of you two holding hands, even one where viewers can faintly hear you calling heeseung "babe"
and the other comments
"i hate seeing people live my dream"
"SHE'S MINE *growls*"
obv theyre all half joking half confused, but i think ppl are able to joke w him bc he's such an obnoxious stan 😭
and heeseung is like
poor heeseung is sweating and panicking
but when he tells u
you literally are just like
"it's not a big deal"
heeseungs like WHATATATATA
at first he's kinda unsure
bc ur so chill abt it that he's almost afraid that ur actually mad at him 😭
but you legitimately do not care
and when he realizes this
he goes from
he goes straight to twitter and drops more couple-y pictures of you and him
he probably posts a tiktok that pans over to you on his bed or something
caption like "it's exposed now, but yeah, [name] is actually my gf"
its goes so viral
hes so smug about it too
like whenever he gets into arguments abt who's a better fanpage hes like "I'M LITERALLY A HER BF???"
he becomes an inside joke in ur fandom
i think everyone jokingly flames his ass too
"why did she pick heeseung of all people...."
"pixelated fancam, ass editing, shitty camera, yet [name] still chose him... what did we do wrong"
"[name] wasn't lying in her song when she said she has bad taste in men"
"i can't believe heeseung literally stole my spot... i should be the one that she writes all her love songs about..."
free him 😭😭😭
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jay ☆
ooh this one is kinda juicy
ur a musician slay
but sometimes you do modeling
for one of your shoots
you're showing off your midriff and ur just glowing sorry
all ur followers are like
"ughhh step on me [name]"
"i don't think ygs understand i need her"
"i want her."
very quickly goes viral
ur just so hot ughhhhh
but ppl notice something upon closer inspection
you have a tattoo on ur back
at first everyone is like
"okay sexy lady love the tat"
but then
when they look closer
they can't help but see that incorporated into the design
is two
J and P
almost like they're someone's initials
who is JP?
and now that ppl look at it
you have so many songs and albums that refer to JP
like ur one album
"just playing, i love you" but it's commonly abbreviated as "jpily"
JP????? ILY?? JP I LOVE YOU???
"whoever jp is, he needs to meet me in the parking lot so we can have a talk 😆"
"jp my opp"
"jp kys!!!"
"jp is living my dream"
you see this
and jay aka mr JP himself sees this
and ur like
yk what let's tease the fans
for the next few months ur just teasing jay's existence
using his intials
like one time you wear a heart necklace that has the letters jp engraved in them
or when you tweeted "i love jp" but followed it up with "Jurassic Park is a wonderful movie 😆"
oh god you make it so obvious
"jp is the reason i make my music" and then following it up with "Jimmy Page is my favoritie guitarist 😛"
like ur fans are tired
and theyre getting outright insane
"guys the winter is getting cold and dire... the voices in my headare telling me that [name] is dating this jp person and i don't know how much longer i can live in denial"
"fuck you jp that should be me!!!"
"i hope jp knows how lucky he is... if a hot woman like [name] tattooed my initials i think i'd die maybe"
"i'm fighting demons (and jp)"
until finally!!!
you go to an award show
you look great as always
ugh queen
and ur getting interviewed
the interviewer asks you a playful question like
"oh are you here with any date?"
"of course, i'm here with my boyfriend, jay park."
oh man
when that gets posted
and when the actual award shows gets posted
it keeps panning over to you and jay
and everyone is like
all jay can say is that he's prideful duh
everyone wants u but he's the only one that can have you
you definitely take a lot of pictures on the red carpet at the award show
and jay is with u in a lot of them
he's holding ur waist so tightly
like you're not gonna run away cuh it's okay omg 😭😭😭
anyways i think it gets resolved pretty easily
ur fandom accepts jay
but they still joke abt him
and when jay makes a twt account it gets worse
he WILL respond to them
and he WILL flex u
every time he does it shuts down the argument right away.... if he wants to win he just needs to mention ur name
"jay meet me after the concert, we will fight to the death for [name]'s love"
and this mf responds "can i bring [name] to be the ref?"
"jay ur hair looks so fucked up in this picture"
and he responds "yet [name] still picked me and not you"
you have to tell him to stop fighting ur 16 yr old fans HELP
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jake ☆
sorry ur a musician again
you have a new song that came out
yk how in some songs
there's almost like an interlude
where there's speaking parts
like in agora hills theres a small part where doja cat says "baby can you call me back, it's so lonely in my mansion" yk?
you have something like that in your newest song
except it's not just your voice
but a MAN'S voice too
the speaking part is very flirty and suggestive
and when it comes out
ppl are like
and then when the music video comes out
theres a male actor that you have many scenes with
now.... the male actor's face is cut out...
but there are still many scenes with you touching him, holding him, kissing him, and vice versa
and when the speaking part comes on
that male actor is supposed to be the male part if that makes sense
that male actor is
drum roll plS
when ppl read the credits of the song and music video
they can't help but notice "jake sim"
and when they search ur other songs and mv's
"jake sim" has never showed up...
until this song.....
ur fans do a lil detective work
and this jake sim guy doesn't have any involvement in the music or acting industry....
so why is he in ur song AND music video....
they can't find any ig account linked to him
except one that's very obscure
it has a funny username like
"@laylasdad1115" so ppl are like "oh that's probably not even him" and you weren't even following that account so they just let it go
and although you're not following that account on ig
when ppl scroll down to your very very old posts
they see something
a post of you and a golden labrador.... and the caption says "i love you layla"
layla... laylasdad1115
"jakey, kiss me!"
"@laylasdad1115 u better watch out...."
"who do you think u are jake sim..."
and then you have a concert
and its not a massive stadium, it's very casual
and there's a part of the concert where you just answer questions that ur fans have and just hang out w them
and someone asks as a joke
"who's jakey in ur song btw?"
and with the most straight face
ur just like
"oh he's my boyfriend!" and then you point to the front row and ur like "he's actually here tonight, say hi baby!"
and jake is so enthusiastic abt it, hes like "hi guys!"
while everyone else in the room is like
the way ygs are so casual abt it is so appalling
"she's taken..... i'm gonna die.... "
it's known in ur fandom now that ur bf is jake sim or wtv
i don't think anyone even calls him jake
out of pure disrespect (😭) they call him by his instagram username
"laylasdad1115 might be dating [name] but i'm legally bound to her so who's really winning"
when jake shows up to your concerts i do think your fans joke w him like
"ouuu jake ur so lucky [name] is here or i'd give you a black eye"
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sunghoon ☆
three words: your personal bodyguard
you're an actress cutie
and it's award show season
at all of your award shows ppl notice there's this tall brooding figure looming over you
he's like
ik this might be a crazy crossover but the moment he spots ryan gosling he's so ready to throw fists
"okay barbie boy you look like you want a broken nose"
sunghoon is very protective of you
obv bc the film industry is lowk kinda sus and exploitative, he def watches out for u a lot
everyone kinda just assumes that he's ur scary bodyguard
but then paparazzi pictures come out
and hes with you
in every
"goddamn her bodyguard is passionate about his job 😭😭😭"
in fact when the annoying invasive paparazzi interviewers come to talk to you sunghoon is sending the the NASTIEST GLARES
but like it's valid bc ur literally walking to Walgreens at 9AM on a tuesday why do you need to be photographed
"hi [name] can we ask you a few questions-"
hoon literally answers for u
"No. 😐."
interviewers are so rude, theyre like "well i didn't ask you, did i... [name] can we ask you-"
sunghoon just blinks and says
"No. 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐." again
and then ygs leave
theres clips of you at the airport where sunghoon is scaring all ur fans, which makes way for you to have a cmfortable flight
i think ur fans appreciate him but theyre lowk scared
"oh god this guy does not play abt his job 😭😭"
until one day
you get playfully asked abt ur bodyguard on an ig live
and ur like "wait what that's not my bodyguard, that's my bf"
ur fans are in the trenches
"i cant hate him bc he protects [name].... but damn i wish that was me 😞😞😞"
and when they review some of the clips w you and sunghoon they see you smiling and giggling with him
"he makes her happy so ig i'll let him have her </3"
"this is the hardest sacrifice i have to make"
i lowk think sunghoon doesn't care
only for u ofc 😊😊😊
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maknae ver
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yooooo!!! you’re my favorite ethan winters artist i just wanna say that first and foremost, thank you for the wholesome content of my comfort character and father figure 🥹🫶
i’m really curious bc i feel like i see a lot of people against mithan (not me personally, i’m p neutral on them!) but i’m curious to know all your thoughts on them! thoughts on their canon relationship, their fanon portrayal, the backlash against them/mia accusations, and your headcanons? i’m just really interested!!! hopefully that’s not weird :”)
have a good day!! sparkle on!!! ✨💖
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i heart mithan... i think that they can be so cute...
i personally hc them t4t and i like to think that the dated in highschool before they both had fully transitioned
mia likes to bake and ethan likes to scrap book and he always likes to take pictures of mias cakes/ baked goods and has a album for them 😭
i am a multishipper so i draw a lot of ethan ships so my girl is left out sometimes and im sorry mia 😔
i actually really like their relationship, its a really complex dynamic that i like to talk about with my friends
i think the issue is that when talking about mithan or mia in general, theres just SO MUCH misinformation that its honestly a pain the butt to talk about
people still think that she was responsible for the creation of eveline, people still think that she experimented on eveline, people still use examples of her attacking ethan as if she did it on her own will instead of being mind controlled
in reality she was just someone who oversaw the transportation of evie. im not excusing her or anything because obviously she knew what she was doing, but people really try to accuse her of doing something she didnt and it bothers me alot lol
the problem with the fandom is that people either try to water her down to girlboss who did nothing wrong and fail to acknowledge the complexity/ moral grayness of her character and the other side is misogynists 😭😭😭😭
its hard to talk about her without people either going "stop trying to villainize her and make her look bad!" or people ACTUALLY villainizing her and acting like heisenberg would have treated him better 😭😭
mithan is such a sad relationship because they loved each other so much and that ended up being the reason their relationship fell apart (sort of... its not like the broke up... ethan kinda just straight up died)
i get a lot a trouble for saying this, but mia is a selfish person.
its not a bad thing! well i mean it is but it doesnt make her some evil witch who is somehow worse than the guy how made a werewolf american ninja warrior. its just a major character flaw she has! which is good! mia being a flawed person who makes mistakes and morally gray decisions make her a more interesting person!
she is selfish in the way that she wants to keep her family with her no matter the cost. even if it means lying to ethan about her job so that he wont think different of her. here is a interrogation from the re7 DLC, which is easy to miss!
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she isnt necessarily trying to apologize for the things she has done, she is more of a, "u wont need to forgive me in the first place if we just forget it all and move on"
she doesn't try to redeem herself for what she has done, she tries to move on and return to the normal life that she wants so bad. which is fine! everyone copes a different way and she has to right to move on from her trauma. the problem that lies in this is that she has a shared trauma with ethan who still has no idea what went on in dulvey and still effects him till the present (he is mold! this is a important thing to know! most people would want to know if they were a walking corpse)
she played a direct part in what happened in dulvey, and im not referring to the email, she did not send that. she never wanted ethan to come in the first place. she tried her best to send a video to him, begging him to forget about her because she wanted to protect him, BUT it didnt send.
he got involved because she was involved. its honestly a series of really really unfortunate events.
THOUGH! she did know what she was getting into. im tired of seeing the narrative that mia was innocent and didnt know what was going on or was simply a bystander. she knew what she was doing, she knew eveline was a bioweapon, she knew eveline was a child. she used a MACHINE GUN! she knows how to use weapons and was obviously trained for it.
she tried her best to keep everybody out of the mess, ex: warning the bakers not to take them in, warning ethan not to find her, sacrificing herself for ethan in the later half of re7
but again, those are the consequences of HER actions
her consequences just happen to get really big and end up hitting ethan on the head like a metal sheet 😭
their relationship is really so interesting, it makes me really sad to think about sometimes 😭they both went through something that nobody else would ever understand, in the end they really only have each other. they get moved to an entire different country and the dulvey incident gets covered up with a "gas leak"
its really tragic because their marriage definitely had some flaws and bumps. and i know im repeating myself but its because people always take this in the worst way possible but just because i say their relationship was rocky doesnt mean im saying they dont love each other!!! thats the entire basis of mias character!! saying she doesnt love ethan would destroy her entire character!
you can see in the re8 DLC how fondly ethan talks about mia! he loves her so much, though im not sure if his comments in the DLC are him narrating current (post re8) or his thoughts before everything went down and he died (pre re8)
everything mia did was because she LOVED ethan. she would never do anything to intentionally hurt him, she is not a cruel person. she hides the truth of her job from ethan pre re7 because she loves him and doesnt want her job to drive them apart. she CONTINUES to refuse to tell ethan the truth post re7 because she wants to move on a live a happy normal life with him and knows something like her being directly associated with the connections would probably cause (more) problems. she refuses to tell ethan that he is mold because again, hard to live a happy marriage with your husband after you tell him hes a bioweapon.
obviously i dont think it was right that she did this, thats what makes her selfish! she did it for herself! she did it for her family! she thought it would work out, she thought that they could move on and be happy together.
the issue is that ethan didnt want to forget. he wanted to know what happened, he wanted to know the part mia played, he wanted answers! which is reasonable! he knows to some extent that mia was partially responsible for his involvement and he was always suspcious that mia was lying to him about her job which is implied when mia says "you were right, i did lie to you"
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she doesnt learn, she doesnt stop lying, her lies get bigger and worse and it sucks yeah but it makes her so interesting!!! she keeps doing stupid things under the idea that this is whats best for her and her family, that if she hides this everything will work out and it will be for the better but its not!
just because telling your husband hes dead and a bioweapon is a hard subject to bring up doesnt mean you DONT bring it up. people shouldnt use that as a reason to excuse mia 😭, its a very bad excuse and honestly highlights how horrible their communication skills were. you cant just not tell your husband that he is actually infected with the mold and not tell him for the tree years between post re7 and pre re8.
im not saying these things to put mia down, or try and villanize her. these are all just actual things her character does! she isnt evil, but she isnt a knight in shining armor either. we need to be able to have talks about complex characters without crying everytime someone points out a flaw. characters have flaws! and mia just happens to have a lot of them!
im not mad at her, i dont dislike her because i think this way of her. shes a fictional character! you can like characters that are morally gray, or villains that drink blood and make corpse soldiers. they are fictional! pointing out the flaws of a character does not mean i dont like them.
i wouldnt call her "the real villain of re8" but i wouldnt treat her like a damsel in distress either. she is a competent person, she knows what shes doing, she has her reasons for doing them. she made bad descions with good intentions behind them! they can coexist and we should let them!
i like mithan! its a complex relationship because they both love each other so much but hurt each other in the process
talking about them is just a pain in the butt because talking about mia is a pain in the butt lol
i really hate how she keeps getting sidelined, its super frustrating to see mia get put in a cage in every game 😭
its even more frustrating that mia straight up just disappears???? in the shadows of rose DLC... like she just stops taking care of rose and theres nothing said about it. no reason or explanation. i dont think mia would ever ditch rosemary because she didnt care about her, but we probably will never know because capcom sucks at writing and they probably forgot the mia ever even existed.
all in all, i think the fandom is really just full of misinformation which make people either think mia is some horrible evil person, or its full of people who think that saying mia messed up is the equivalent of comparing her to wesker lol.
i really love mia, shes a incredibly fun and complex character, its just hard to enjoy her sometimes with the people in the fandom haha.
also ive got no idea what u meant by "the backlash against them/mia accusations" so sorry if i didnt answer that!
thank u for the ask! sorry for the long response!
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madschiavelique · 1 year
Because I live for soft Dom! Miguel, Miguel (as a soft! Dom, ofc) x fem!reader where it's her first time? Just fluff & smut? If you're okay with that, of course.
anything to satisfy a soft dom <33 (i once again got carried away and wrote a bit too much fvhsdfeefg)
pairing : fem!reader x soft!dom miguel o'hara summary : your first time with softdom!miguel content warnings : SMUT (18+) minors dni, masturbation, fingering, pnv sex - unprotected (be safe kids), praise kink, softdom!miguel, fem!reader, no use of Y/N, miguel is so reassuring in this word count : 3,9k tag list : @fandom-ash
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You and Miguel had been together for a while now, and everything was going swimmingly. You'd moved into his quarters, which you'd been squatting in long before you officially moved in, and everything was superb.
Romantically speaking? Perfect, the two of you even managed to surprise each other with your shared affections and thoughts.
Mentally? You pushed each other up, faced the bad times with each other and got through the good ones together too.
That was a step you hadn't taken yet. You'd never had the chance to taste the desires of the flesh, not necessarily because you didn't want to, but let's just say you'd never found the opportunity.
And although Miguel's initiative swayed from time to time, he didn't seem to want to trespass on this subject. You'd already discussed the theme a little, mostly in relation to Miguel's experiences, which he at least possessed. But it seemed that, as long as you didn't make the first move on it, he wouldn't.
You thought about it, about how it would be like to feel his hands roaming over your body as his lips kissed yours. You were picturing his hands moving slowly down your hips, one of them gripping your thigh...
The apartment was empty, there was nobody but you, Miguel was at work, and your frustration had to be satisfied. You settled more comfortably into your bed, inhaling softly as you slipped your hand under the elastic of your panties.
You brushed against your clit, its sensitivity heightened as your thoughts drifted back to Miguel. You breathed softly, your fingers going a little lower and feeling your wetness between your lips.
You let out a hum between as you closed your eyes, imagining that it wasn't your hand, but Miguel's. You slid one of your fingers up and down until it reached your the ball of nerves again, the sensation giving you a little jolt of electricity.
You brought the collar of the T-shirt you'd been wearing closer to your nose. You were wearing one of Miguel's shirts with your panties, and his scent was impregnated into the fabric.
You imagined him, kissing your neck and lips as he inserted a finger. You let out a small sigh of frustration as your fingers were undoubtedly half as small as his. They could probably touch parts of you you couldn't reach with just your fingers.
"Miguel..." you murmured as you inserted a second finger, the cloud of heat in your lower belly spreading.
You felt hot, curving your fingers into you as best you could. How would he do it? What movements would he make? What words would he say to you?
The front door had just closed, you'd heard it, and you still had a few seconds before Miguel reached your bedroom.
Quickly you pulled your hand out of your panties almost in panic, wiping your fingers on your thigh before raising yourself up and pretending that... you took a look around the room, searching for a good distraction. The computer? No, it was turned off; turning it on would take too long for a good alibi. A book? No, he'd probably ask you how you'd got on with your reading and you'd have to invent a scenario on the spot. Your phone?
You grabbed it, pretending to scroll through one of your social medias as Miguel entered the room. He offered you a gentle smile, walking over to your bed and sitting down next to you before dropping onto you.
"How was work?" you asked, trying to relax, putting your phone down on the bedside table to stroke his hair, your sinner hand hidden under the comforter.
You knew Miguel had a particularly keen sense of smell, and you dreaded that he might notice something different. He'd managed to smell when you were menstruating the other time, and had been very helpful then, and you suspected he must smell when you were ovulating... but could he smell sexual desire?
"Boring," he sighed as he rolled his head until his cheek rested on your breast.
How would he touch it if it was naked? How would he caress your skin? Would he kiss it?
"How was your day?" he asked, his eyes locked in yours.
You looked at his lips, where would they kiss? What would his tongue do? Where would he bite?
"Boring," you whispered, half present in the conversation, all your thoughts turned to him.
Did he too have moments like the one you'd just had while you were away? Did he touch himself while thinking of you? Did he whisper your name when this happened?
"Is everything okay? You seem... distracted?" he questioned, straightening his head until his chin was between your breasts, one of his eyebrows raised.
You bit the inside of your cheek, tucking your hand under the comforter on your thigh as you tried to think of an answer.
"Yeah!" you said first a little too eagerly and hastily, "yeah, everything's fine."
He frowned, and made a simple movement that made you shiver: he sniffed.
His eyes changed suddenly from tenderness to surprise, his lips parted as he sniffed again. He sat up straighter, turning his head to where your hand was under the comforter, and you swallowed silently. His eyes returned to yours, interested.
"Show me your hand."
He would know, or he already did. You looked at him, feeling your cheeks heat up. The color of your shame reflected in the darkness of his eyes.
"I won't repeat myself," he warned.
There was no point in opposing Miguel, because no matter whether you showed him or not, he wouldn't hesitate to grab your wrist. He had the strength, he could handle you.
You lowered your eyes, unable to meet his gaze as you pulled your hand from the comforter. You could only see the mark the elastic of your panties had left on your wrist: of course he'd know.
He took your wrist, his thumb tracing over the trace that had been left, his eyes returning to yours. You didn't dare look at him.
"Look at me."
You weren't going to keep him waiting, you knew his patience had limits. Your eyes met his, intrigued, oscillating between teasing and serious.
"Did you touch yourself while I was gone?"
You breathed out, chewing your cheek as you nodded shyly. He chuckled, his lip stretching.
"What were you touching yourself to?"
You bit your lip, lowering your chin and inhaling before letting out in a whisper:
He moved his head closer to yours until you were so close your noses were about to brush.
"What did you say?"
You pressed your lips into a thin line before letting out a sigh, the warmth of his breath on your skin sending tingles through your skull.
"I was touching myself... while thinking of you," you managed to say.
A sincere proud smile appeared on his lips, his tongue running over his teeth.
"What was I doing, in your thoughts?" he questioned as the hand holding yours unclenched, his fingers moving up your arm, brushing against your skin.
"You were," a small breath choked in your throat, "you were touching me."
"Where?" he questioned as his hand moved from your arm to your hip.
"Down there..." you murmured as your noses now touched.
"How did it feel?" he asked as his hand moved down your hip to your thigh.
Your lips were so close, and the sensations his hand gave you running over your skin delicious.
"Like I needed more," you admitted.
"More?" he hummed as his hand moved down your inner thigh.
"Yes, more than my fingers... I needed you, need you."
You felt his fingers moving up your skin, awakening small currents of electricity in your veins that seemed to light up as he passed.
"Tell me what you need now." he demanded as his lips kissed the corner of yours.
You felt yourself heating up, the cloud of desire spreading again in your lower belly like a summer fog.
"I need you, now."
He let out a breath of relief against your skin, brushing temptingly against your lips again before only pulling away to face you, looking into your eyes.
"Do you want it?" he asked seriously. "You want to have sex with me?"
You looked up at him, nodding, the urge climbing by the second.
"I don't take silences as an answer for this, nena." he warned.
"Yes," you replied, "I want to."
"Are you sure?" he assured, his hand now making circular movements against your inner thigh, "once I start I don't think i'm gonna be able to stop."
"Yes, I'm sure." you confirmed.
He looked at you for a moment, contemplating the truth in your eyes, then came to kiss your lips softly, a shared moan of relief escaping from both your mouths.
You let your hand trail up the back of his neck, your fingers threading through his hair as his hand moved slowly up to your panties.
His thumb reached your covered cunt, grazing it through the fabric as your lips let out a whimper of ease. He made slow, circular movements against it, your breath trembling slightly against his wet lips.
"Can I?" he asked as his fingers worked their way up to the elastic of your underwear.
"I'll let you do anything if you just touch me now," you let out in a breath as you came back to kiss him.
He smiled against your lips, responding to the kiss with more intensity as his fingers reached under the elastic and pulled down. You raised your hips to help him, and retracted your knees against you so he could remove them completely.
"You're already so wet," he remarked as your panties were completely soaked.
You bit your lip as he got rid of your underwear and came to kiss you again.
His hand resumed its journey, moving up between your thighs again until finally reaching your crotch. The feel of his fingers against your bare skin made you open your lips even wider with a moan, giving Miguel the chance to slip his tongue in.
You felt one of his fingers press between your lips, gently moving up and coating them as his thumb circled your clit. He swallowed every whimper you made.
"May I?" he asked between pecks.
"Yes, please," you breathed, as if bewildered by his kisses and touch.
"Mira que buena," he smiled.
And you felt him sink his first finger in, and you drew in a shaky breath. His finger alone already filled you as if you'd used two of your own. He kissed your cheek tenderly, sinking it a little deeper into you.
His thumb resumed its circular movements over your clit as his finger gently took on a little back-and-forth rhythm, curving slightly upwards.
He came to kiss your chin, your jaw, gradually moving down to the nape of your neck to kiss its crook as he inserted a second finger, your breath becoming jerky for a few seconds.
He undulated his fingers like a wave inside you, his lips kissing the warm skin of your neck as your hand moved down from his neck to his shoulder, pressing your fingers into it and clinging to his still-covered skin.
Miguel was beginning to feel more uncomfortable in his clothes, specifically in the crotch part. The sounds you made, the smell you had, the feel of his fingers inside you, everything was intoxicating to the point where he was tight in his costume.
The movements around your clit accelerated, and you felt the cloud tighten in your belly. Your heart was pounding, and you felt the heat prickle in your cheeks as you sensed yourself getting close to your climax.
"Miguel," you articulated between your lips, the latter returning to kiss you, "I'm close."
He bit your bottom lip, accelerating the circular movements.
"Come for me nena," he said softly, kissing your lips.
The cloud tightened further, and then everything exploded at once, your hips straightening as a second heart was born between your thighs and beating throughout your body. All vibrating with desire, your hand tightened on Miguel's arm as the other gripped the sheets.
He kissed your temple gently, letting you come down from your high, patiently. But you had almost no patience left, you'd been unable to feel this way since you'd gotten together, and you couldn't tolerate any more waiting.
"I want you inside me," you breathed against the skin of his cheek.
He pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes. A dark gleam burned deep in them, and you realized soon enough that he'd been dreaming for far too long now that you'd utter that phrase.
"Before we go any further," he began, however, "I want you to breathe with me, okay?"
He inhaled, and you followed his lead.
"Match my inhale, and exhale... look me in the eyes."
Your two breaths were synchronized, your eyes plunged into his. You didn't necessarily expect him to tell you to make this kind of movement, but it's true that you felt a little more relaxed that way. Every first time could sometimes be accompanied by a slight nervousness, but this simple gesture immediately helped to calm you down.
"That's it, good," he nodded. "It'll come in handy in no time."
He bit his lip, then positioned himself correctly above you and the depixelation of his suit began.
You followed each colored cube as it deformed to reveal a little more of his torso every second. You'd obviously seen Miguel with his shirt off before, but seeing him in this context was much more different.
Pixels vanished one by one, down to his crotch, finally revealing him whole. You swallowed... There's no way that's going to fit.
You'd seen pornography before, and you were quite used to seeing the normal size in these latest videos. But this was way beyond the norm.
"Like what you see?" he asked, laughing lightly.
Worried would be a more fitting term, you thought.
"Miguel that's..." the words almost failed you, "that's not going to fit."
He bent down to kiss you gently, caressing your cheek to reassure you.
"It will, because we’re made for each other. All you have to do is relax for me."
He came to kiss you again, tenderly, his hands grasping the edges of your shirt and lifting it up. You didn't have to worry about anything, Miguel would be there to make sure everything went smoothly. He'd never hurt you, and you knew that perfectly.
You settled back properly underneath him, spreading your legs a little wider as he gripped your hip to stabilize you neatly. He continued to kiss you gently, then your hand, hitherto clinging to the sheets, relaxed to rest on his chest.
It travelled down his side, settling on his hip, and Miguel let out a low groan. He pulled away from your lips, and you felt a twinge of nervousness: had you done something wrong? But he immediately reassured you:
"It's okay, you can touch me." he said, kissing your cheek, a little laugh bubbling in his throat. "I think I just liked that a little too much."
You exhaled softly, relaxed. And it was in the seconds that followed that you felt his cock against you. You felt his hard, warm skin brushing against your body.
You undulated your pelvis upwards, finally feeling his full length pressing against your lower abdomen. Miguel let out another grunt as he kissed your jaw and moved down to your neck again.
You then moved your hand down to your belly, and your fingers met it. You traced his length, his breath colliding against the skin of your neck. His pelvis undulated against you, seeking more friction.
You shaped your hand into a kind of bridge over him, starting to move back and forth slowly feeling the hardness under your fingers. His sighs melted into moans against your skin.
How long had he wanted you to touch him like this?
His hips kept undulating against you, and soon you were both feeling the same thing, thinking the same thought : You needed more.
Then, returning to kiss you, Miguel caressed your hand before taking his cock in his and rubbing against your glistening cunt. He let his tip slide between your lips, raising and lowering it to coat it with you.
He kissed your lips again, his hand from his arm braced near your head coming to caress your cheek.
"Remember to breathe, okay?" he said softly, "if at any moment you feel uncomfortable, or simply don't want to continue, let me know."
You nodded gently.
"Okay." you answered.
He smiled softly, then lightly thrust his head into you.
You inhaled, your breath trembling as both your hands came to rest on his back, holding Miguel tightly against you. His free hand came to stroke your hair, murmuring soft "Shh, shh..." against your ear.
"Breath," he encouraged, kissing your cheek as he sank a little deeper into you.
Salty drops tore at the strange pallor of a secret. Those words, so strong, so warm, that he whispered against your skin, felt like a caress.
You were gradually loosening up again, the previous orgasm Miguel had made you experience having probably helped you relax properly. Otherwise, even with good lub, you could've never done this.
"That's it, you're doing good mami," he murmured as he managed to thrust deeper, "just a little more."
And seconds later, he was fully inside you. You could feel him stretching you out, filling you in every corner of yourself.
"So warm nena... te sientes increíble" sighed Miguel as he came back to face you.
You could feel yourself blushing, all those sensations making you feel like you didn't know where to put yourself.
"What a pretty blush," he smiled.
The single remark made you go as red as a tomato, so much that you brought one of your hands up to your face, hiding your eyes.
"Hey," Miguel whispered, kissing your lips and then pushing his nose against your hand to move it away, "no." Then, gently grabbing your wrist to move your hand to the side of your head, he said "Don't hide it. Why so shy?"
You bite your lip.
"I've never done this before," you whispered.
He came over and caressed your cheek, his thumb tracing your skin with love.
"No need to be shy," he assured you, "it's just you and me."
And he was right, it was just the two of you in that moment, one in the other, the other in one, united: one was the other, and both were one.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, kissing your eyelid, the simple movement making him move against you and wringing a small moan from you.
"It's okay," you affirmed, sighing softly against him.
"Let me know as soon as you feel ready," he murmured against your skin, still stroking your hair.
By the time you were used to it properly, you let your hand placed on his back caress his skin, moving up his spine, making him arch his back and breathe out an open-mouthed sigh.
The thumb of his hand still around your wrist caressed the plump part of your skin, the one just before it advanced to the hollow of your palm.
This moment of sensitivity in all that heat was sweet, and soon enough you felt comfortable enough to rock your hips, biting your lip.
Miguel exchanged a glance with you. His fingers brushed your hand, sliding a little further down your palm until they settled between the slits of yours and he pulled back slightly before thrusting into you.
Your fingers tightened around his, each breath you let out mingling with a soft moan.
His rhythm was slow at first, letting you get used to the feel of his movements. He filled you completely, filling every inch of your being without exception and awakening all kinds of sensations inside you.
It was like you were warm all over, every thrust forward and back touching delicious points.
"Do you like the way that feels, nena?"
"Mhm, yes," you stammered as your mind failed to focus on anything other than all the sensations your body was beginning to experience.
He picked up the pace slightly, his hand settling on your belly, feeling under his fingers the sensation of his own dick sinking into you.
"Gosh, you feel so good."
And your eyes plunged into his, and it was as if the world around you no longer existed, that there was only this moment you were the only ones to share.
Your hands in each other, your eyes in each other, your two bodies and hearts connected: nothing could take you from this.
He came to kiss you as if you held the air that belonged to him, his hand coming further down between your two bodies, coming to caress your clit.
You sighed a groan, your walls tightening around him and in turn drawing a grunt from him. The mingled sensation of his coming and going and the friction he was giving you would undoubtedly make you come soon enough.
Everything was hot. Your fingers scratched his back, your nails leaving pink lines in their wake.
Everything had this tingly warmth, and it felt like you had a rubber band in your belly that was stretching dangerously.
"Tell me when you're going to come nena," Miguel asked breathlessly, slightly picking up his pace again.
The sound of your skins slapping against each other started to repeatedly fill the room, along with the moans you let out.
The cloud of heat in your lower belly rose up to your back. Miguel came over and kissed your neck, nibbling lightly and licking between pecks and sucking.
You were drowning in sensations, your hand tightening around Miguel's as the other went from his back to his hair and tightened.
He let out grunts against your skin, accelerating his thrusts and circular movements around your clit.
You felt the elastic stretch even further, sensing the orgasm coming.
"Miguel, I'm gonna," but you didn't finish your sentence, too disoriented by all the sensations you were feeling.
He came back to face you, kissing you hungrily before pulling away and looking at you.
"Eyes on me," he asked before sighing at ease. "I want to see you."
Your eyes fell on his again, and you felt your heart racing and cheeks tingling once more before the rubber band snapped.
It was as if lightning had struck metal, spreading from your core to your entire body in a completely electrifying way. Waves of heat were bringing sparkling stars to the shores of your body.
Until now, Miguel had managed to contain himself, not to come simply by penetrating you, even though this had been a real torment. But the sensation of your walls closing in so tightly around him disempowered him, and made him come at the same time as you.
You were completely out of breath, Miguel gently decelerating his pace as he came to tenderly kiss your lips.
"I'm so proud of you," he whispered against your skin, "you're my angel."
He placed sweet words on your still-warm body, kissing the back of your hand still in his.
"Next time you want to touch yourself, I want you to call me."
You laugh softly, kissing him lovingly.
This was only the beginning.
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red-riding-wood · 7 months
PSA - Community Predator
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Over a series of months, myself and other Tumblr users -- fic writers, gif makers, fans of created content -- have been victimised by @mrkdvidal1989, who has extensively lied about who he is, preyed on multiple women and denied involvement -- therefore ruining friendships, reputations and feelings, and promised me life-saving medical treatment that he never followed through on.
More information including mine and their stories under the cut.
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The reason I am going public with this is twofold:
A) To protect others from being hurt. He is known to reach out to many tumblr users, especially young women in the Cillian Murphy fandom -- but he may have a wider reach beyond this circle. B) Since his "disappearance" three weeks ago and the unravelling of his lies, this man has ruined my life and the only hope I had of obtaining treatment for a condition that has been plaguing me for four years.
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Killian Vidal is the name he has chosen to give us, and has claimed to be both a officer commander and general in the mobility troop in the SAS (the general rank does not even exist), has beaten cancer a while ago (but said to another mutual that his "time was running out" and he is currently struggling with it), and a plethora of other life experiences and general knowledge about him that varies in consistency when talking to different people and is questionable in its validity. He has also shared pictures of "himself" that when reverse image searched, belong to different people.
I got to know Kill when he reblogged one of my fanfics (as the story seems to start with a lot of his victims) and he reached out via DMs. We quickly became close friends who called nearly every day on Discord and when I told him about my health issues, he immediately offered to pay for my medical treatment wherever I could find willing doctors.
I was hesitant to believe this at first since all of this seemed too good to be true (and was). He claimed to be very wealthy, enough to afford private jets like it was nothing and to rent me an apartment in the UK in the same building as him. Over time, I grew to trust him because he felt like such a genuine person and friend, which was made all the more believable by the fact that he has such a huge following on Tumblr and was, at the time, part of a vast social network of fans and friends (one of which he even claimed to know IRL -- who will remain anonymous unless they decide to speak out). I decided to ignore the little red flags because I was so desperate to receive this treatment that for me would be life-saving.
For four years, I have been plagued by an array of (mostly) undiagnosed digestive issues that have made my life almost unbearable and have on numerous occasions nearly killed me due to malnutrition. I've spent months in hospital, endured years of malpractice and misdiagnoses, undergone heart surgery, and have tried absolutely everything I can to get better. In the winter of 2023, I was told by my doctor that I was refused in the TPN program (a treatment that may have slowed or stopped my weight loss) and that with or without it, I was looking at mortality. Refusing to stop fighting but having exhausted the public health care system in Canada, I went into 2024 not really having much hope of anything anymore.
So, when Kill came along, that changed. He promised -- and I mean, from the bottom of his heart, promised -- that he would help me get treatment, that he would get me out of my abusive home and fly me to the UK, that he would be there for me as my friend, etc. I was beyond grateful, and as my trust with him built, so did my hope.
The travel plans kept getting put off; originally, he would fly me out as soon as the apartment became available, which was the 11th of Feb, 2024. He kept finding excuses to not book the jet. Finally, it seemed as if around the 15th/16th I would be flying. My health had been declining rapidly and the situation was becoming all the more urgent, and he said he was in contact with a pilot and would send the ticket soon and call me.
That was the last I heard from him. The 16th.
Initially thinking he had ended his life (he had discussed thoughts of suicide with me prior to this), I was beside myself with worry not only thinking one of my closest friends was gone but also that my chance at life was. I reached out to his other friends, and I made several calls to the UK authorities and emergency services and ended up requesting a welfare check be made to see if he was even alive.
They reported that no one under the name Killian Vidal was in the records of the building name he gave me -- the same building that I was meant to live in within that week.
After reaching out to my now beloved friend @kittenonpluto (A.K.A., Cas) on Tumblr, I learned that Kill was in fact alive, and had told her that he was in hospital for digestive issues in Indianopolis, United States (though again, no record of his name in their medical system). He still wouldn't talk to me, but told her to tell me that he would reach out when he was out of hospital.
Cas and I compared information he'd told us (her story will be attached to this post) and looked into the mystery more. He constantly dodged confrontation and questions about the fake photos and information he'd sent her, and seemed to use his completely fabricated hospitalisation as an excuse to not fulfil his promises to myself and her, as well as a means to garner sympathy.
It was quite obvious that he didn't know how the American medical system worked, and he even incorporated elements of my actual story and used them in his. When asked about his treatments, he responded with medically false information. He reported digestive issues, reflux, and having both an NG tube and TPN -- both of which I have experience with -- and let me say, I am beyond disgusted and infuriated that my real life trauma was used as a ploy in all this.
How do we know for a fact this is false? I checked the police case for his welfare check again, and they said that they confirmed him being in the UK at the same time he had told Cas he was in hospital in the States.
After a final confrontation from both Cas and myself (and a desperate final plea for the medical aid he promised me), he was never heard from again from either of us or our friend circles.
I'm now having to pick up the pieces he's left me in and to be honest, I have little to no idea of what the hell to do or how to save myself. The fact that he strung me along for a month and built up my hope that I was going to live only to abandon me without even a word is deplorable to me.
And mine isn't the only story. I've heard from four women on Tumblr (who, again, will remain anonymous unless they choose to speak out) who he has been romantic or sexually involved with (and lied about his involvement, made them out to seem insane or toxic, created rifts in our friendships, toyed with their emotions, and made false promises to of relationships, marriage, and finances).
And that's not including the ex-wife who came back to Tumblr to claim that her and Kill had never met nor married. She was promptly silenced by a "lawyer threat" that we have strong reason to believe was a bluff.
At the end of the day, there are so many lies, half-truths, inconsistencies, etc. this man has wrapped himself in and we don't know for the life of us what his motives are, but from the information that we do know is false, he isn't genuine. He toys with people. He hurts them. Myself and the others that have been affected by this want that to stop.
And at any point, he has the ability to make a new account, and take on a new persona, pretend to be someone else. Tumblr is a wonderful place and I have met so many cool people on here, but please be careful about who you interact with and what you share, because aside from making this post, it is beyond my power to stop him from doing what he does. But after what he did to me, I could not remain silent.
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Other Stories
If you have an experience or story with Killian that you would like heard, please reblog it on this thread or make a post. With your consent, I can include a link to it below.
kittenonpluto's story
aurorag98's story
everyoneisawhore's story
your-nanas-house's story
hllywdwhre's story
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Final Note
Lastly, if you have read this far, thank you.
If you want to reach out to me about this issue -- whether it's to anonymously share your experience, ask questions, ask for evidence (of which I can back up these statements with), or anything at all --, please do not hesitate to do so. <3
For those who may be worried about the potential legality of this post, everything that I have stated as fact is fact and it is not my intention to slander or spread false information.
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cavegirlpoems · 4 months
The Two D&Ds
I am going to make two statements:
I despise D&D, and consider it a parasitic drain on ttrpgs as an artform.
I love D&D and my fascination with it continually inspires me to create art using it.
These two statements might seem to be at odds, but in fact there is no conflict when one considers that the term 'D&D' is being used to refer to two completely different things. I hate one of those things and like the other. So let's unpack that. Firstly, there's D&D-as-a-lifestyle-brand. D&D as presented by critical role, by memes about horny bards and wholesome gay tiefling found families, and by the wider hasbro-sanctioned fandom. Where the actual design and mechanics of the game are a vague suggestion that exists homeopathically in the same vicinity as what you're doing. But really, you're inventing blorbos, collecting pretty dice, and speculating on events in an actual-play on twitch; the rules in that very pretty rulebook are an afterthought to the fandom.
Then there's D&D-as-a-family-of-ttrpg-mechanics. This covers the various editions of Dungeons & Dragons - from the white-box OD&D to 5th edition and everything in between - as well as various retroclones, hacks and spin-offs such as the OSR, Pathfinder, etc. This isn't defined as a cultural space; it's a set of game mechanics and design principles shared across the text of various games. And there's a lot of variation with the specifics, but like The Blues, if you know the basic structure it all makes sense.
The two D&Ds have very little to do with each other.
When indie people like myself criticise D&D, we are usually criticising the first one. We're generally outsiders to that fandom-space who are unhappy with the way that fandom encroches on, and ultimately stiffles, everything else in ttrpgs as an artistic medium. We tend also to dislike the very shallow interest in that fandom of the things we care about in ttrpgs - game design, gameplay, theory, criticism, etc.
Here's the thing. I am, personally, immensely critical of D&D-as-lifestyle-brand. I detest it, honestly. It strikes me as a corporate exploitation of the wider medium in pursuit of an easy profit, at the expense of catering to the lowest common denominator. Like invasive kudzu, it chokes out all ecological diversity in the art-form. Its a homogenising influence, and in my experience pretty anti-intillectual.
Because, at risk of sounding like a pseud, I consider ttrpg design to be an art-form that merits serious effort, discussion and appreciation.
However. D&D-as-a-set-of-games I actually quite like. I find myself fascinated by the way so many games take apart the starting framework of a given edition of D&D - like your 12-bar-blues structure - and adapt it and riff on it and fuse it with other genres. I find it interesting to track the way whole movements and genres mutate out from that starting position. Hell, I do that myself, a lot. A lot of my design work takes the very early editions of D&D as a starting point, gets into a groove, and riffs on it until it's seemingly unrecognisable.
To me, a work like Mork Borg is D&D (the second definition). It is, however, totally unrelated and unrecognisable to D&D (the first definition).
So I will talk about "D&D as the containment game for shit players" and I mean it, because I'm talking about type-1. And I'll do that while designing a paleolithic OSR game, because that's type-2. And by and large, all that happens when both those things intersect is people get upset.
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dear-ao3 · 5 months
Question for the mods....
Like what???
I am so god damn curious about you two. I wanna study yall under a microscope lol
Also ngl kinda envious of how close of friends you two seem to be. (Being an introverted shy af mofo sucks lmao)
I would actually probably read a whole ass book or watch a sitcom or something of the seemingly ever present weird-ass shit that seems to happen on a day-by-day basis.
/gen /lh /nf /pos
2018 newsies fandom. we weren't overly close but we bonded over race and albert a little and then katya dropped off the face of the earth for about a year.
during 2020 lockdown we both independently got into the witcher fandom and somehow ran into eachother again and had the fingers pointing OH MY GOD Y O U !!! moment in our dms. we bonded over hating jaskier. during this time we realized we were both dancers and katya was looking at dance colleges, i was already in college for dance and since it was lockdown and we couldn't go anywhere i told katya my experience auditioning at places to give him a good idea of places. and then i broke every internet safety rule known to man and said hey what if you had applied to my college but didnt know it?? and then one thing led to another and i dished out all the tea on my school. (only After that did we face reveal and give eachother our names lol) and then katya applied. mostly as a joke. until it wasnt a joke because that school gave katya a shit load of money and actually had stuff katya wanted to do. katya ended up coming to one of my zoom ballet classes and it took everything we had to not loose our shit on camera.
during this time we mostly kept eachother sane in lockdown writing witcher fanfic, and sending eachother awful thirst traps on instagram to pitbull music. one of our awful bits was using the dilf filter to make bad frat boy edits.
come august of 2021 we both moved into college. the same college. in the same building. it was wild. i pinched myself several times in shock. we went on a walk around campus with some worms on strings and were like what the hell how did we get here.
we continued to hang out and did weird insane things together. we took a class on the french revolution together where i had to put up with katya and fennec awkwardly flirting (read: making finger guns at eachother).
and then, since i was 2 years older, i was graduating and was going to stay in the area for a job and was like hey. what if we got an apartment together? and then we did. several adults agreed to this. idk why they let us. but now we live together in a real life apartment and we haven't even killed eachother yet. neither of our parents know that we met online. each of them have a different fake story as to how we know eachother and we really just hope they are never in the same room long enough to ask eachother about it. but its insane. 12/10 would recommend.
katya wanted me to include old tumblr screenshots of us talking, heres what i found from circa 2020:
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we've always been like this lol
and heres some ancient greatest hits from instagram, i dont have context and trust me you dont want it:
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every now and then the two of us look at eachother and go. how the fuck did we end up here??? (we have no idea)
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omg i love ur page. can u do clueless virgin reader stops in the middle of sex w/ nanami bc she thinks she has to pee? (when its actually her orgasm)
(actual writing under the divider)
Aww thank you!. ^_^
So I had actually worked on something that sort of fit this request but for another character, different fandom. Anyway, long story short, I hated that character for this scenario and ended up deleting it. So after some changes and rewriting, lo and behold! Perfect for Nanami!
Nanami masterlist
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“That’s it…relax…you’ll definitely enjoy this…”
His words are whispered in your ear, his voice low and husky. It’s been a while since you started dating Nanami but you didn’t expect him to have this kind of enthusiasm when you finally admitted you were a virgin. It���s not like you didn’t have chances, but you were just a late bloomer on this front. 
There was a lot of nervousness when you first started dating him. At 21, you felt so young and unsure, being with a man of his age and obvious experience. There were some days you couldn’t believe he was dating you but he was so charming, sweet, and respectful of your boundaries. Your inexperience with sex didn’t seem to bother him, and he never teased you or made you feel pressured to do anything with him. 
And he plainly stated he wasn’t actually having sex with you until you figured out what you enjoyed. So right now, he was on a personal mission to explore your body and give you a safe space to explore your sexuality.
Because you kept closing your knees whenever his hands started wandering a little too high, you’re now sitting between his legs, back against his chest, knees over his, your feet planted on the outer sides of his thighs. This way he could keep your legs open with his when he felt you trying to close off. 
His fingers have found your clit, and he’s gently rubbing it in circles with his middle finger, slick from your arousal dripping from your entrance. 
“How does this feel darling?” 
All you can do is whimper at the sensation that’s building inside you. He chuckles, resting his head on top of yours.
“A fine response. But I need actual words. Now, tell me. Do you like this better-“
He gently increases the pressure of the circles he’s making.
“Or this?”
His thumb and middle fingers come together to gently pinch the hardened bud, rolling it in between, and your whimper becomes a strangled shriek as you try to close your legs, held firmly apart by his thighs. 
“Too much,” you whimper. “Too hard. Too sensitive.”
“Ssh. It’s ok. Thank you for telling me.” His entire hand lays flat on your slit, calming your nerves, using all his fingers to resume the gentle circle strokes again.
“Y-yeah…so much…” Those little circles are making you crazy, but it’s the way he’s doing it. So much patience, no rush to get to the main event, just focusing on your comfort. 
“Hm…let’s see how you’re doing inside…”
His thumb takes over the circling motions as his middle finger slips down and gently flirts with the wetness at your core. You’re wholly unprepared as the tip of his finger gently pushes in, making you take in a sharp breath. He pauses, and gently speaks in your ear.
“Relax. Take a breath. It’ll make it easier for what I have planned. I promise it won’t hurt.”
You take in a deep breath and let it out, surprised when you feel the muscles down there release naturally, aided by the stimulation on your clit. His finger pushes in further, curling as it enters, and you marvel at the feeling of it stretching you out. His fingers were so long and thick, and you moan softly at the pressure. A dexterous fingertip makes come hither motions on your inner wall and find that little patch inside you that makes your walls squeeze on his finger with pleasure. He continues to angle his finger that way until your moans fill the room.
“That’s it lovely…keep going…we’ll get you there…” he plants kisses on your neck and shoulder, his free hand coming up to cup your breast, twisting your hardened nipple. All the stimulation causes your hips to buck, mewling at the feeling. You’re helpless to stop it, when you try to struggle, Nanami parts his legs farther, taking yours with him. The exposure and vulnerability adds to your arousal. Your core is dripping, the slickness coating his finger and dripping down to his wrist. 
“Do you think you can take another one?” His hot breath is on your ear. He can’t believe how sexy you look like this, falling apart in his hands, mouth open and making such lewd noises of pleasure. With the remaining brain cells you have you nod, your dripping core begging for a little more. 
Nanami is gentle with his finger as he inserts another one, amazed at how smoothly it goes in, your hole leaking slick as he does so. He feels his cock harden in his pants, straining against the fabric, and he grits his teeth. Someday he tells himself. Not before you’re done learning about your body.
As he continues, your belly fills with heat, energy gathering tightly in your thighs and core. Despite how good his movements feel, you suddenly sense pressure in your abdomen. Your brain jerks you away from the pleasure of his fingers, making you panic slightly.
“Nanami.” You urgently tap his knee to catch his attention. Hearing the tone in your voice, he stops. 
“Everything ok?” His voice is deep, laced with concern. You feel your face burn with embarrassment.
“I…I think I need to pee.” You say in a small voice. God, why couldn’t the floor open up and swallow you whole? 
He hasn’t removed his fingers and chuckles softly. “No you don’t.”
You can’t believe the confidence that he said that with. It was so out of character for him to not listen to you. “No, trust me I do. I feel the pressure in my belly.”
There’s a pause before he softly asks, “Have you ever touched yourself before?”
Oh God why! Blood rushes to your face as you try to not stutter. The honest answer was no, you hadn’t, for various reasons. “No.” you mumble the word, thankful he can’t see your face. “Does it matter?”
“Ah. I see.” He resumes his ministrations on you. Your whole body was unprepared for him to start up again so suddenly and your body almost arches off the mattress. 
“But Nanami…”
“Trust me…and my experience here y/n…” he says to you gently. Need takes over as he picks up his movements, driving the intrusive thought out of your head. He said to trust him…What did he know that you didn’t? 
As your abdominal muscles clench, winding down tightly like a spring, that feeling of pressure coming back but instead you take a deep breath and then…
Your pleasure peaks and your fist the bedsheets, toes curling into the mattress as spasm after spasm rocks you, sobbing his name. His fingers don’t stop, gently pushing you through your orgasm, making sure you feel every last dreg of pleasure before the high starts to fade. 
“Oohh…” You sigh out breathily, in realization. 
Nanami chuckles with satisfaction near your head. 
“Welcome to your first orgasm my dear.”
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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spncrscasey · 2 months
Workaholic (j.w.)
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Fandom/Characters: House M.D. - James Wilson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Children either bring couples together, or push them apart. Unfortunately in your case, it was the latter.
Warnings: baby talk, miscarriage, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, unhealthy coping mechanisms, tumor/cancer mention, happy ending don't worry, and a BUNCH of pet names (these people are sickly in love- its insane)
a/n: almost finished with season 1 of house and i love wilson so so much, he’s such a cutie patootie. anyway i don’t know how accurate this is because i haven’t seen much of the show yet so im going off spoilers and random reasearch lol but hopefully it makes sense and yall enjoy it <3
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You were currently sitting in the bathroom of your office staring at the test in front of you. You couldn’t believe it. Two lines. You were pregnant.
You were elated. As the Head of Pediatrics, you had ample experience working with children, which made you even more excited about the chance of being a mom since starting a family has always been a dream of yours.
However, you were unsure about how your husband would react to the news. Although you had discussed having kids with James on a few occasions, you never officially agreed to start trying. So it would be an understatement to say that you felt nervous about telling him.
You let out a sigh, carefully sliding the test into your pocket before hesitantly rising to your feet. Despite your concerns, you had to tell him, he has the right to know. Leaving your office, you made your way to the Oncology Department to seek out your husband.
Once you approached his office, you noticed the door slightly ajar, letting you know he was inside. You took a deep breath before gently pushing the door open.
“Hey, dear,” you said smiling at him when he looked up from his files to meet your eyes.
“Hi there sweetheart, how's my favorite girl doing?” He rose from his chair and sauntered around his desk to reach you, where he wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a chaste kiss on your cheek.
You didn't respond right away opting to look at your shoes and avoid his eyes, anxious about the news you were about to deliver. He was instantly worried, furrowing his brows in confusion. “Is everything okay?”
“James, honey, I have something I need to tell you.” You whispered but he heard it anyway.
“Of course Y/N, anything.” His voice dripped with fear as he anticipated what you were about to tell him. Considering you were wife number four, he was bracing himself for you to finally tell him you were leaving. Preparing for the worst, almost expecting the divorce papers even though your marriage had been nothing but perfect.
Yet his thoughts were cut short when you blurted out the information you'd been keeping in for the last twenty minutes. “I’m pregnant.”
You gazed into his eyes, trying to decipher his emotions, but they revealed nothing. His expression was unreadable, leaving you feeling even more uneasy.
“We're going to have a baby?” He questioned, shocked. You nodded and pulled out the pregnancy test to show him. He held it, staring at it, bewildered. It was clear he was processing the information, but his thoughts were kept hidden. Yet, you felt optimistic, hopeful that he wasn't showing signs of being upset.
“We’re having a baby!” He repeated with an enormous grin on his face, instantly enveloping you in a tight embrace.
As you hugged him back, a yelp of excitement escaped your lips. He lifted you off the ground, spinning you around as your laughter filled the air. You gently caressed his cheeks, planting quick and tender kisses all over his face. Joy radiating off of the both of you.
He slowly placed you back on the floor, eliciting a giggle from your lips at the way he was suddenly handling you with caution. “Relax, Jamie, I won't break. You don't have to be so careful, you know.” You reassure him, fingers tangling in his hair.
“You're carrying our baby! Some might say I'm not being careful enough!” He exclaimed back, resting his hands on your hips.
There's a comfortable silence for a moment while you both hold each other as everything sinks in.
“I'm glad you're okay with this.” You admit, leaning your forehead against his.
“Okay? Baby, I've never been happier! This is the best day of my life— well, besides the day I met you obviously.” He clarifies, earning a chuckle from you.
“You’re going to be a great dad, James.”
“And you're going to be an even greater mom, sweetheart.” He responds before delicately pressing his lips against yours.
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You were eleven weeks pregnant. Your OB mentioned you'd be able to find out the baby's gender at your next appointment. Which you were on the way to right now. James couldn't make it due to a consult House had dragged him to but you reassured him that it was fine. You'd surprise him with a mini gender reveal celebration later.
You already had it planned. You'd go to the baby store and buy an article of clothing corresponding to the gender and wrap it in white to keep it concealed. It would be a special moment between you that you'd cherish for the rest of your life. Just the simple thought of it brought a smile to your face as you walked into the exam room, waiting to be checked out.
The nurse finally entered the room and began the procedure. She squeezed the gel onto your stomach and started the ultrasound. You watched intently, still struggling to comprehend the fact that there was an actual baby growing inside of you. The baby you and James had created, the baby your love had created. Your eyes twinkled in happiness at the idea of the family you'd soon become, the corners of your lips turning upwards.
Your smile faltered though when you noticed a momentary expression on the nurse's face that made you apprehensive. Before you were able to analyze it further, she left, informing you that the doctor would see you shortly.
Your heart began racing. What could that mean? Was the baby okay? Were you okay? What was wrong? Yes, you were a doctor, but suddenly all medical knowledge had left your brain. It's like you couldn't focus on anything but the notion that something was clearly not alright.
Your obstetrician stepped into the room, stopping you from spiraling further. A solemn expression on her face.
“Dr. Montgomery- How’s the baby? Is everything okay? Can we know the sex?” You hurriedly asked, letting it all out at once.
“Y/N, I'm sorry. You've had a miscarriage.” She said, looking at you sympathetically.
The world around you suddenly froze in place. Doctor Montgomery’s lips continued to move, providing information, but no sound reached your ears. It was as if her voice was distant and muffled, and all you could concentrate on was the fact that your baby was gone.
Your surroundings suddenly became blurry, hands trembled uncontrollably. How could this have happened? Both you and James had been incredibly careful and wary throughout the pregnancy. What went wrong?
You didn't even realize when she exited the room, leaving you in solitude with your thoughts. You felt numb, detached from the world that kept on spinning as if the devastating news didn't matter. Why was everyone going about their day as if nothing had happened when you had just received such heartbreaking news about not being able to have your baby? You hated it. You were mad at the world, mad at the doctor, mad at yourself.
You got to your feet and made your way to your husband's office, almost as if on autopilot. It felt surreal like your body was being guided by some invisible force through the busy corridors. It was as though your legs were moving of their own accord, taking you where you needed to be, letting your mind wander.
You suddenly found yourself standing in front of the glass doors, unsure of how you had ended up there in the first place. You hesitantly pushed the door open and entered.
As if you hadn't been through enough today, James’ office was found to be empty. The one person you needed at the moment wasn't here, which frustrated you even more. Logically, you knew it wasn't his fault. He's a doctor too. He probably got stuck with House’s consult, yet you were too distraught to think clearly, your distress clouding your judgment. So instead, you took a seat on the couch, waiting for his eventual return.
You sat there, lost in thought, staring into space, unaware of how much time had passed. Not even the sound of the office door being pulled and James entering could draw your attention.
He, however, saw you. Face instantly beaming. “Hey hun, how was the appointment?” He inquired, clueless to your expression since you had your back turned.
Noticing your lack of acknowledgment, he swiftly rushed over to you. Kneeling in front of your seated body, taking your hands in his. “Y/N, sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
His touch finally snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to meet his concerned gaze. Tears filled your eyes as you whispered, barely audible, “I lost it.”
“Lost what angel? What's going on?” He questioned further, slowly moving his hands to cup your face.
“The baby, James. I lost our baby,” You explained, letting out a sob while falling forward.
He quickly caught you, putting his hands around you to hold you tightly, unable to believe the news himself. He clutched onto you, not only in a way to comfort you but himself as well. Tears kept streaming down your face, and the reality of the situation finally sank in. It felt like you hadn't come to terms with it until just now. You nuzzled your face into his chest, no doubt soaking his dress shirt, but you were too overwhelmed to care.
You could hear a few sniffles coming from him too, which only added to the heartbreak you were feeling. Knowing that you were the cause of his pain, the reason behind his tears. It made it all the more unbearable. The realization that you were the one who had resulted in the end of the life of the baby you both had hoped to raise was finally getting through to you, and it was crushing.
If you had communicated your feelings, he would have immediately reassured you that he would never hold you responsible for this. And he would have been right. No matter how upsetting it may be, these things happen, it wasn't your fault. But your brain wasn't functioning right presently, and all it could see was the pain you believed you were causing the both of you.
You lost track of how long the two of you held each other like that. Time was spent with you mostly crying, and him trying to hold himself together while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. It was supposed to be comforting, but it wasn't. Nothing he said would bring your baby back. You let him try regardless, knowing it was his way of coping with the loss.
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It had been two weeks since you found out. Two weeks since your life changed for the worse.
There were many ways to deal with a loss. Attend grief support groups, see a therapist, journal, meditate— yet here you were, ignoring all of those and overworking yourself to death instead.
In your head, if you couldn't save and care for your own baby, you were determined to do it for others.
As a result, over the past two weeks, you've thrown yourself into your work. You'd been getting home late while leaving early in the mornings, picking up extra shifts, and spending more time at the clinic— all to avoid confronting the event that occurred.
Was it healthy? No. Was it working? Yes.
You found yourself isolating from everyone and everything. Even your own husband. You didn't mean to avoid him, it just happened that way because you were hardly ever at home anymore. Cuddy had even asked you to go home and rest up on multiple occasions but you refused each time, insisting that you were fine.
You were currently at the clinic, examining a patient who had an unknown mass in her stomach. It was likely a tumor so you were forced to page your husband, Dr. Wilson, Head of Oncology.
You didn't want to do it, knowing that if you paged him here, the conversation would end with him forcing you to open up. As it would be the first time you two would have an actual exchange in the last two weeks. But for your patient's sake, you were ready to set aside your personal issues and focus on her well-being. So you did what you had to do, and hesitantly paged him.
He was inside the exam room within five minutes.
Unbeknownst to you, seeing your name on his pager spiked his heart rate. He hadn't truly spoken to his wife in what felt like forever and seeing that she needed him was a relief. This was finally his opportunity to talk to you.
“You paged me, Dr. Y/L/N?” He asked as he stepped inside.
“Yes actually, Dr. Wilson, could you check what that mass is on the left side of her abdomen?” You pointed toward where the mass was.
“May I?” He asked the patient, motioning towards her body to which she nodded.
Upon receiving the woman's permission, he proceeded to examine the mass. He assessed that there was a high likelihood of it being a tumor, but a biopsy should be scheduled to confirm the diagnosis and see whether it is cancerous or not.
You thank him and turn back to the lady. “You're free to go, ma'am. I'll schedule the biopsy and the hospital will call to let you know when it is.” You inform her as she leaves.
After she leaves the room, you tidy up and restore everything to its original state before attempting to turn toward the door when you feel a tug at your wrist.
“That's it?”
“Is what it? I thanked you for your assistance now I'm going to order the biopsy you mentioned. Did I do something wrong Dr. Wilson?”
“You realize we're alone right? You don't have to be so formal.” He replies, tone filled with something you couldn't put your finger on.
Before you had a chance to reply he continued, “Why haven't you been coming home?” This time you understood his tone, accusatory.
“I have been.”
“Oh that's right, you get home every day past midnight and leave before sunrise. So you're home about what? 4-5 hours?” He summarizes.
“What do you want me to say, James?” You sigh.
“I want you to talk to me! Talk to your husband. Let me in! Stop avoiding me Y/N!” He raises his hands in the air, exasperated.
“I'm not avoiding you, I've just been busy with work.” You reply, purposefully ignoring the first part of his statement.
“Believe me, we've all realized how much of a workaholic you are.” He rolled his eyes.
You both stayed silent for a moment before he spoke up, voice softer this time, “Honey I know losing the baby was hard but-”
You cut him off before he could finish the sentence. The sudden mention of your baby made you see red.
“Don't you dare mention my baby.” You spoke, voice sharper than a thousand knives.
“That was my baby too, Y/N! This loss has been difficult for me too!” He yelled back, making you flinch yet you didn't back down.
“Really? Because I don't recall you being there that appointment.” It was a low blow and you were aware of it. You didn't truly blame him but you were being put on the defensive and you were willing to say anything that would get him to drop the topic.
“That's not fair and you know it,” He shook his head in disbelief.
“What's not fair is that our child is gone, James. Gone.” You let out, voice shaking at the last word.
“I know sweetheart, I know.” He pulled you in and you let him, willingly giving into the embrace you'd missed so much. He held you with one arm while using the other hand to stroke up and down your back like he'd done many times before. The comforting touch, so familiar yet so longed for, enveloped you, evoking a profound sense of solace. In that fleeting moment, serenity washed over you, bringing a deep sense of peace, even if it was temporary.
“I don't deserve this.” You mumble into his chest.
He moves his hands to your shoulders, pushing you aside to get a better look at your face, “What do you mean?”
“I don't deserve your kindness. I killed our baby and here you are- comforting me.”
He looked at you dumbfounded. Like you had just said the most idiotic statement known to man. You were blaming yourself for this? He grabbed your chin, bringing your face up so you could look at him.
“Y/N, you know I never blamed you for any of this right?” He asked rhetorically. Knowing you wouldn't answer, he continued, “You didn't kill anyone. You're not responsible for what happened. It's not your fault. I need you to understand that.” He said firmly.
“I just feel so empty James, like a part of me is missing. A part that I'll never be able to get back- and I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.” You confess, eyes shutting in exhaustion.
He moves one hand to the back of your head, absentmindedly playing with your hair, soothing you while you speak.
“It feels like this emptiness is going to last forever and I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with that Jamie.”
Oh, how he had missed hearing that nickname leaving your lips. It made him feel at home.
Perhaps things were slowly getting better.
“It's going to take time, but we’ll get through it Y/N. I promise. Let's just take it one day at a time, alright?”
You nodded, lips slightly quirking up.
“I'm sorry for pushing you away and avoiding you for two weeks.” You look down, embarrassed. “I also apologize for not being there for you. I know you've been dealing with this too and it wasn't right of me to abandon you in a time of need where I should've been by your side instead.”
“That’s okay,” he says drawing you in closer once more, wrapping his arms around you making you sway back and forth. “Just promise me that you'll come home with me tonight, so we can enjoy a nice and relaxing bath together.” He adds.
“Oh, I definitely promise that.” You reply, smirking at him before adding, “I love you.”
“And I love you, angel.”
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pumpkinpaix · 13 days
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Chapter Spotlight 3:
"A Full Account: Queer Structures and Narrative Democratization in Mo Dao Zu Shi" by Andrea Acosta and Lillian Lu
Did researching/writing your chapter change how you saw the text, the fandom, or the media? How so?
This is less a change on how we saw the text, fandom, or media and more on how we view academia and academic work. For each of us, this was a first experience in co-authoring a critical essay with another person—beyond it being a productive (and joyful) experience for us, we also really appreciated the way it moved us away from the so-called "cult of individual genius" that dominates academia and toward something more honest, collaborative, and relational in our respective scholarly practices.
If there’s one thing you hope the fandom takes away from your article, what would it be?
Against the fandom urge to "pin down" the text, we want to highlight how queer, unsettled, and plurivocal the novel is—and how much more interesting and beautiful it is because of its form! The ethos of Wangxian is baked into the novel's queer and potentially revolutionary structure.
What is your MDZS/CQL origin story? (i.e. how did you come to this text?)
One night in 2019 (before The Untamed was released but after the donghua had come out), Andrea held Lilly captive for two hours so that she could show her a self-made PowerPoint about the series. Later, we experienced the release of The Untamed together and never looked back.
Favorite adaptation, if any?
For Lilly, the audio drama. For Andrea, a Frankenstein-ed mix of season 1 of the donghua and The Untamed in its entirety.
Who's your favorite character?
In true compatible fashion, Lilly's favorite character is Lan Wangji, and Andrea's is Wei Wuxian.
How did this chapter come about, especially as a co-authored production?
The chapter and its sections (imperfectly parsed and intentionally uneven) carry with them all the ephemera of the conversations that produced them: the late-night conversations from our apartments during the 2020 lockdown, the Zoom conversations held in different states during the winter holidays, and the sunnier days we worked together in cafés on Wednesday mornings. Our chapter mirrors these small affective, relational, and quotidian moments that make acts of academic writing not just possible but desirable. Writing this chapter has been, in short, a labor of love.
You can find Andrea and Lillian on Twitter/X @a_priyd and @lillyluwrites.
(FAQ) (all posts on Catching Chen Qing Ling)
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
I keep hearing people say to ignore Devin Grayson’s Nightwing but I also see people reference it. I feel like I’m getting mixed signals. Should I avoid it or read it? Are there specific issue I should avoid or read? is the avoiding advice only for people who are new to the comics? Or should I really just avoid the whole thing?
short answer — u do not have to read devin graysons nightwing run. i wouldn’t recommend it to new readers, and there isn’t anything significantly important that happens so like. it’s an easy pass. i do encourage people to at least read what she wrote about, though, because devin accidentally kickstarted the next twenty or so years of bad writing in nightwing books.
the long answer — devin grayson was a writer for nightwing volume 2 from like….. issue #70ish to #115ish. she did a lot of weird things during her run — her takes on dick’s relationships with bruce and slade and helena come to mind — but the most popular talking points wrt her writing are issue 93 and maaaaybe the renegade arc but that is literally the tip of shit mountain.
it’s funny u say that people are telling u not to read it cause based on my experience in fandom it is very, very clear that very few people have read any of the run at all, or even #93 and it’s preceding issues. which is fine, because it’s bad. but it’s important to understand why it’s bad, and how it’s affected dicks characterisation in both canon and fanon.
nightwing #93 is the issue people say to avoid because it features dick’s assault at the hands of a former ally that devin refused to acknowledge was rape until like… 2014. it’s bad. the build up to this point — haleys is set on fire, dicks apartment is destroyed killing everyone inside, dick watches this ally kill a man on his behalf while he is helpless to stop her — is rarely discussed in the context of the scene. it’s a lot, but because people haven’t read it they misunderstand the dynamics that devin had created.
the worst parts about nightwing in the present — his lack of conviction and competence, his sexualisation and dehumanisation, the fundamental lack of empathy for his retconned bg as a poc — all started with devin. literal ground zero. i cannot emphasise how her i incapability to understand that she’d written an assault arc with her self insert as the instigator has played into dick’s status as a character in the 2020s. many people accidentally engage with the same tired, racist tropes that devin herself contributed to, because people simply do not know (or care to know) what she’d written. think about much fanon content revolves around dick being an accessory to his own assault, or being literally unable to advocate for himself, or relying on jason fucking todd to kill his rapist. it’s like im rereading nightwing vol 2 all over again, and that’s not a good thing.
however what people also tend to forget about is the racism. devin grayson introduced dick having rromani heritage into canon, sure, but she did it because she thought it was sexy. we see this with her writing for roy’s navajo heritage too — a lack of research and care, though dick’s was clearly egregiously fetishistic. she retconned the character that assaulted dick into a latina character, and retconned her into being an aggressively sexual and violent person that was at significant odds with her og characterisation. that seems to be a trend with nightwing writers — wolfman did the exact same thing like fifteen years earlier with about the same degree of nuance and empathy.
ig my answer is that nightwing vol 2 is very much a pick and choose run, make ur own adventure type experience. bizarrely, u can get better nightwing characterisation in the titans 1999 run, or batman plus arsenal, which were both also written by devin (heartbreaking, the worst person u kno just made a good point). id be wary of people telling u to avoid it entirely, because i think ignoring its existence just exacerbates the problems devin created. just be discerning, ig. but also read nightwing vol 2 #118-#124 (just after devin leaves) because it is gd hilarious
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regulusrules · 8 months
FIC RECS: Tore apart my sanity edition
Missed doing those, especially that the brilliance of this fandom is quite endless. You'd think you've read everything, then a fic comes and makes you stare two ceilings above. I think we all have PhDs in ceiling reading at this point.
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1. through storm and hellfire by @prattery.
Look, I know I scream a lot about fics, but this time it's so rightfully, I swear. There is something about this one that just unravels you so fully, so reverently. It was a spiritual experience; reading this fic. Anything written by this author is a spiritual experience. If you're new to my blog, you will soon know that I fall apart for such beautiful prose so easily. And the way Arthur was written here.. holy lord in the sky. I haven't survived this fic as of yet (weeks later). It was not Merlin who got kidnapped here; it's our literal hearts.
2. you hold a knife at my throat (i tell you exactly where to cut) by @nextstopparis.
All I can say is that I found this one on the night of my final MA exam and risked failing because I stayed up till dawn reading it. And guess what? I'd do it a hundred times over. Because this fic killed me 🤩 With a knife knowing exactly where to cut 🤩
Whenever it's Protective!Arthur that is as much consumed by Merlin's safety as Merlin was with his, then know I am absolutely and utterly gone. And everything that comes with Arthur teaching Merlin how to wield weapons and its close proximity trope. Oh boy. I was literally killed, I'm telling you.
3. Of Course Falling in Love is Awful. Why Else Would They Call It a Crush? by watchriverdale.
Respectfully, how does this marvel of a fic have less than a thousand reads?? If I may, it's one of the best AU - Canon Divergence that I've read in so long! Merlin being an actual physician, Arthur making silly excuses to go visit Merlin and it ending up for him falling head over heels, BAMF elements of both, just everything! Absolutely AMAZING. And the full circle at the end; what an icon.
4. The Walls of Camelot by spqr. (@andthepeople)
I'm literally not joking when I say my brain function grew and developed more after reading this fic. It was so fully-fledged in a way you don't find in literal published books. The amount of creativity and research combined in this fic.. WOW! You just literally live the war with them, all emotions entangled, all thoughts experienced. I think I had the hardest time processing that the fic ended more than anything else because of how invested I was in the story. I didn't want it to end. It was a wonderful, wonderful ride.
5. I suppose that I look different (without the robes and crown) by WingedWolf121. (@lancelotofthelake)
You know when fic writers begin to narrate Arthur through Merlin's eyes and describe him as golden? That is what I would say as the overall feel of this fic. I felt it radiating gold and beauty. It was unmatched, truly. From the AU idea to its execution.. I was hooked all 18K. I'd give it 18K kudos of my own alone. And the way it was written !!! Please. Any Arthur who just loves Merlin a tad too much is unparalleled. And when the same energy is returned by Merlin >>>
Oh and lastly: “Ask me who you were there to me, Merlin.” I'll leave you at that.
+ 1: My heart is readily yours by yours truly.
Have I mentioned how much this one tore my own sanity apart while writing it? (yes. yes I already have like a thousand times, tell me to shut up about it already). But it's for good reason. I am a changed human being after this fic. For better or for worse, I'm still not sure about that.
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