#corporate poem
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env0writes · 8 months ago
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Juniper Journal’s Vol. 2, 6.26.24 “Corporate Rungs"
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by @env0
Scaffolding, hand-holding to the tower Struggling to maintain grip on the power Mesmerizing flame dances in a majestic arc As sunlight cresting over sorrow’s dark
Outsiders ascending, defending their home Thorns nestle sparrows, cloudy and gloam Reach as you may for the highest of reaches Carried on high by the loftiest speeches
March on and carry the weight of each stone Building and building another man’s throne
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i-want-to-be-a-poet · 5 months ago
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Yet I will go on with my futile efforts. I want to be a poet, so I will try my best <3
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 9 months ago
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robin1729 · 11 months ago
stuck in a loop
I was walking down the steps of a metro station and there was this guy who was mopping the floors, and he was doing it so systematically, mopping one step from left to right, then the next one from right to left, adjusting his mop before every step so that every square inch of each step is covered. And some guy who was walking a few steps below me went “bade dhyaan se kar rahe ho yaar tum toh.”
You’re doing it so meticulously.
He said it with a mixture of amusement and sarcasm, the implication being “why are you putting so much effort in this menial task.” He didn’t reply, just hung his head down in a little embarassment and let the guy walk by. I felt bad for him. The guy had to do this incredibly monotonous task day after day, live his life in a loop, and he had somehow found some kind of purpose in that. He was still adamant on doing it right, even though he could have half-assed it, which I would get. And here I was, complaining to my friends everytime I met them how monotonous my comfortable corporate job that paid me so much more than this guy’s job was.
I don’t know who is right or wrong here. It is obviously okay to want more for yourself, but we need someone to do the boring menial tasks as well. I guess we just have to be content and make the most out of wherever we are. Someday we will escape these loops, and others will take our place here. Maybe it’s a rite of passage, before we move on to better things.
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sanddollarpoems · 1 year ago
I feel the guilt of not caring.
It goes against my grain
to see a problem and choose
to walk away,
but this is the box they want me in.
I'll lie around pretending to be busy,
and yawn and sigh and continue
to wish for
a cause worth caring for.
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afyerarchive · 7 months ago
The Invention of the Camera
Seventeen years, it's been
vicariously living to turn the camera's dial to focus my life
into the mindset grind-set by rolled sleeves and silver platters;
A world sprinkled with a camera's blacks and whites.
Seventeen years, it's been,
and you couldn't see me,
wringing myself into an emotional pinpoint for museum cases
and silver platters,
in a world sprinkled with formality, and your glare,
your authoritative, subtractive stare,
conditioning me by fear.
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natdpoetry · 5 months ago
Halos only shine when they burn
Not a single thing would move
if it wasn’t thrown or kicked
Abuse makes the world turn
Hands made to grab for more
Lovers worldwide, carve their initials into trees
Scarred to the core
They die
But at least they bear witness
to an innocent lie
Beautiful is a river tainted with dye
It‘s just a number
The chemicals in my new stone washed jeans
are making me dumber
We make money from trees
we should‘ve used for lumber
At least I can afford central heating now
As my boss walks by,
It’s not my body but my soul that’s cramped
into a humble bow
There is no salvation to be had
When what is alive is a resource
and the rest is better off dead
A marble rolls on hardwood floor
but it could‘ve been someone’s head.
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critical-reflex · 10 months ago
Non Compliance
You just can't leave well enough alone.
Obsessed with making Sweaters leave the closet.
Work is work, what's done is done,
whether it happens at the laundromat or the doctor's office.
But you gotta be in control.
But you gotta complete the agenda.
Waving money in front of our noses like
we love the smell of sweaty foreheads.
The institutions create this need
so psychopaths can dabble in greed.
The Stanford Prison experiment was a reminder:
the ones with batons know no limits,
the ones in chains have hell to pay,
there's no one around to save the day.
The game of power includes
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ seclusion of the rich
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ from the perspiration
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ of the Sweaters;
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ governing people
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ that govern
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ the Sweaters.
Stay away from
the Sweaters so they
never know that
the rich have more
than the Sweater's do.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Threaten to turn
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ people into
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Sweaters stitched
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ with the itchiest of fabric
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ detergents that deter good health.
Resort to forces
present on speed dial
who will rip sweaters apart
for non compliance.
You just couldn't leave Sweaters alone.
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jasminesuntrell · 6 months ago
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doremipoetry · 27 days ago
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env0writes · 11 months ago
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NaPoWriMo Vol. 3, 4.5.24 “That Ain't Playing Phaoroh at the American Dream“
What’s a dollar Dollar bill Y’all? Lying? Trying? Dying? For this green? Grass and trees and leaves fall all the same Why play pretend with markets in the clouds What is a dollar, a buck, a doe? Although without I’m dying, trying, lying Asking why I’m not enough Dollar bill, y’all Survive on these slip Slip, slip, slippery slope Pink slip car loan Pink slip house loan –Reminder I’m a man– Can’t afford my home, my car, my life What’s a dollar An hour? How many? I’m spending my day working for so little When the bed I sleep in, in the house I weep in Will never be bought with that labor Who enjoys the fruits of these planted labors? What juice spills from distant lips?
What’s a dollar? Dollar bill Y’all aren’t all vying for more? Trying for more Dying for more? Why must we play pretend–passing ice-coins Wintered the weather about to maintain this illusion This song and dance Won at the tip of a lance Am I to die on the streets where I sleep After a hard days work Gunned down by a passerby whose offense is taken At my presence In my work, when offense is taken At my presence What sense does it make to not be seen Santa’s little helpers Slaving away So some other might gloat and tote Can I sleep on it? Wipe my weeping tears on it? Who will take what I have Leaving what little for tomorrow And tomorrow’s tomorrow Before I again have to borrow So that this cycle of green Of greed Of grasses–greener Perennially blooms; forebodes doom
Where is safe from this dollar? Dollar bill Y’all The grass is always greener The management always meaner The bankers always keener I am saving, graving, paving the way But not to walk upon but on I am the stone–ascended Who can afford to be single? Who can afford just one? In a market that’s rising–water levels Left to drown I can swim–only so long Tread water, dread water, fed water And drown Green stays afloat It is soluble, solution, able and capable Why must I live to work and not Live and work Where did the and’s go? Where did the green go? Barren and wearing no colors of life The suburbs and cities and folks are all white Washed and packaged for resale again No space is owned save the barony lords
What is a dollar? Dollar bill Y’all Learn all day To work all day ‘Til your dying day What is there to say? “He was a busy and dedicated man to his work” Will his work remember him Remembered for his work Who will grieve the cog replaced The seed replanted The crack that’s mended When the old days are waning The sunset soon fading I will keep working for that return of the green The average mean The stacks slapped in my hand To feed and afford what I can Because what use is a dollar That can never call her Back Buy my time Back Take it all Back What use is a dollar? That can’t buy back my time wasted in youth In adulthood so ruth-lessly sought
What is a dollar? Dollar bill Y’all Aren’t struggle to own any bit of your life Your car is on loan and your house and your wife At the slightest inconvenience The drop of margins Swoops the executive C On to elevate thee Claiming your purchases are just temporary They’ve licensed your time Your work and Your sight All that you own And all that you might Work for that dollar Plug and play on their game I’ll keep dreaming, Filling reem in -of paper And dream of my paper My dollar Dollar bill Y’all
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by my friend Mika
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cloudsandtrails · 2 months ago
Ruins of January - 01/06/2024
White flakes of snow fell soft and brief in January’s arctic wake.
The white snow barely blanketed the scars we have inadvertently made.
Forests leveled to dirt to cheaply build expensive plywood homes, while
leaving all of the wildlife exiled with nowhere to call home or roam.
A wild coyote prowls where many trees once stood. It is searching for scraps and is often misunderstood.
You cuss the coyote’s hunger and its desperate fight and thrive for life, but you completely tore its world upside down and sideways last night,
and that is not right.
Corporate boxes rise like those monoliths, pale and silver gray,
Like a rusty old reel casting so many small dreams further away.
The soul of a small town, its shops, and its art are all crushed beneath greedy shareholder’s cold and ruthless hearts.
They say one by one, we can make a big change, but corporate giants will always pollute, offset, and lobby the exchange.
Their dollar signs gleam in their eyes with their conscience dead.
They exploit all of the people and the earth and then leave all of it bled.
I’m pissed, are you? Can you not see, the cost of this endless blood thirsty consuming economy?
The countrysides burn under greedy corporate flames and we are left to shoulder and stomach the shame.
Look past these fake fences and all of these imaginary planted walls.
Look past the choreographed sprawl and hear the coyote’s cry warning us all.
January’s frigid frost won’t cover the cost of the wildlife and towns we have so carelessly lost.
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sparksprout · 1 year ago
The poor have always been steps of a ladder in the eyes of the rich. Just another thing to step on in order to reach the top. They don't care if the step breaks or crumbles, as long as they can continue climbing. To them, nothing matters but themselves, and the others of their kind climbing the ladder. They race, and race, and race, climb, and climb, and climb, yet they will never reach the top. This is because there is no "top." There is no "winning." There is no glorious "prize". Even if they could climb for eternity without death or sleep, they would find no enlightenment. The higher the ladder takes them, the more the light of humanity fades behind them. They are the kings of dust, the harbingers of their own downfall. Their legacy is the crumbled steps in their wake, the stench of blood and poison gas.
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tweedfrog · 2 months ago
I do think much of the modern internet brain poisoned male neuroticism about how "mid" most women are and how they're DECEIVING good men with witchcraft like mascara is just the modern day version of 1700s poem "The Lady's Dressing Room" where the main character undergoes emotional agonies because his girlfriend took a dump
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therealmackenson10 · 1 year ago
If you have the time, check out my latest track.
“Mr. Mack- Echos of Humanity”.
“It’s so beautiful, yet so tragic. The human condition, a tapestry of emotions woven in magic. They say hope is a beggar, but I’d pay her. For in her embrace, we find solace, a beacon for the human race.”
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poetrythreesixfive · 3 months ago
Straight Outta Corporate
I’m tired of getting burned,
tired of being slowly drained
of everything I’ve earned,
of every cent I’ve gained,
and every inch of all the long
and winding roads I’ve paved,
and every time I think I have it made,
figured out, success is just delayed,
and I am just repaid by doubt
and being reminded that profit
is and always was and will be
all that it’s about
such overdose of humility,
their only wanting me
to reduce their liability,
and induce accountability,
by seducing wide society
and make them pay us out,
time after rhyme after crime,
following each and every rule
always the loyal, replaceable tool,
never once being given my worth
until I work from birth to grime
and end up in the earth.
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