Alisa "Nyx" Veres
6 posts
Artist and writer! Here to share my creations tho u can also find me on twitter and AO3! Little things about me: I'm 20 years old. I listen to music almost 24/7. And I'm a hopeless romatic.
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alisa-nyx · 9 months ago
A Stitch in Time
Suzuya Juuzou x Reader
Content/Warnings: sfw, fem!reader, fluff, meet-cute, embroidery, slight blood mention.
Words: 1k
Synopsis: When the café is empty you can't help but work on one of you embroidery projects. What you don't expect is for a random, and rather cute, customer to appear and take interest in your embroidery.
A/N: Suzuya is one of my favourite characters in Tokyo Ghoul and the fact that there aren't many fics for him is breaking my heart. Also I don't know how alive the fandom is (since I'm new to it) but here we go!
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The café is utterly empty except for you. Soft instrumental music playing in the background as you stay behind the counter, just in case of a customer appearing. Not like you are paying much attention to your surroundings as you are working on one of your embroidery projects, improving a simple black tank top you got some time ago. Making it more… you. And embroidery was your thing. You started a few years ago after seeing some videos online and got absolutely fascinated with it. The way you can make beautiful art with just a needle and thread, it's… It's just beautiful. Of course the first tries and the little practice projects you've done always ended with bloody fingers at how many times you pricked them with the needle. But every time you got better at it. And now you're not even stabbing your fingers anymore. Getting more confident in your work-craft that even the apron you are wearing at the moment has flowers embroidered on it.
That being said, you are so focused on your work that you don't even notice when the café's door opens, the needle in your hand being the only thing you can see, the music the only thing you hear.
"Hello?" startled you look up at the person and prick your finger as you were mid-stitch. 
"Ouch!" you whine before putting the project aside, remembering you are at work and have to do your actual job. "Ah, sorry! What can I get for you?" you ask, smiling at the dark-haired boy who only looks at you curiously. You can't help but notice the little red… tattoos…? Under his eye and lip. There's no way that's thread, no? 
"Are you okay? That looks like it hurt," he asks, looking at your hurt finger where a bead of blood already started forming. You only shrug, continuing to smile as you answer him.
"I'm fine, it's just a little prick anyway," getting a napkin you fastly wrap it around your index finger to hide it away. "So… What can I get for you today?" you repeated but the boy seemed more interested in what you were working on before, actually leaning over the counter to look at your half-embroidered tank top then he looked up at you again, more so at your apron.
"Hey, are you the one who did the flowers on your apron?" he suddenly asks, shifting to face you, his big red eyes full of curiosity and wonder. A little too close for your liking and making you flush just the tiniest bit.
"Yea—Yeah. Why?" 
"I like them! Your stitches are very precise. You must have a lot of practice." he states smiling, and that somewhat takes you off guard. In the six months you worked at this café no one has ever complimented your work. Or even noticed that you are the only waitress with a different apron.
"Oh, thank you," you genuinely thank him, deciding there's no harm in entertaining him for a while. You two are the only ones here anyway. "Do you like embroidery?" the boy's smile widens, the gesture pulling at the red lines under his lip that you are starting to think are actual pieces of thread stitched into his skin.
"Yes, something like that! I love sewing and stitching! See!" he excitedly says lifting his right arm to show you the stitches on it. And only then do you also finally notice 'x's on his neck. You freeze, slightly off put by the display, and shiver at the thought of needle puncturing skin. How can you do that to yourself? Is the first question going through your mind. Then: do they hurt? Of course, they hurt idiot… But are they still hurting after healing? Are they like tattoos or piercings? Paining you when they are done but after healing you don't even know they are there? The boy's smile slowly fades away at your stupefied gaze. 
"Do they hurt?" you blurt out before he can continue, your eyes roaming over the red thread on his arm.
"Not really," he states. "Tho I'm kinda insensitive to pain." 
You nod, slowly processing what he just said. "You sure do love stitching." just like you love embroidery. You can somewhat understand him, though you could never do that to yourself.
"Mhm. Just like you do embroidery." he hums approvingly, seeing how your face shifts from concerned to gentle. And just like that his smile returns. "What were you working on?" and his curiosity too. You couldn't help the little chuckle that escaped you.
"Just adding my touch to a tank top," you say glancing at the tambour hoop holding the fabric in place. "Do you wanna see?" 
His eyes practically sparkle at your question, an immediate "yes!" following. 
You laugh again, revealing the half-finished piece of a white snake coiled around a golden crescent moon, little stars sprinkled around.
"Wow!" the boy exclaims, leaning closer to take in every detail. "It's beautiful! The details are amazing. How do you get the stitches so precise?" you slightly flush at the compliment, smiling wider as his enthusiasm rubs on you.
"With lots of practice and patience," you answer while he still analyzes your work.
"I'd love to learn how to do that!" and you find yourself laughing once again. 
"I could teach you if you want." you offer in the heat of the moment, deciding that you like the boy and wouldn't mind spending more time with him.
"Really!?" the sparkles returned to his eyes that are now solemnly focused on you. "I'd love that! When can we start?" 
"Whenever you want. We could do it here after I finish my shift or on breaks. This week I'm on the early one and next week on the afternoon shift," you say and he nods excitedly.
"It's a deal!" he says thrusting his hand forward and you shake it while chuckling, putting the embroidery away.
"Deal," you confirm smiling. "By the way, I'm Y/N Y/L," you say totally aware of the nameplate on your chest but you still want to present yourself appropriately.
"Juuzou Suzuya!" he says, pulling his arm back.
"Nice to meet you, Suzuya!" you say, still smiling.
"Likewise Y/N!"
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alisa-nyx · 1 year ago
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Natasha has a nightmere. You are there to comfort her.
Word count: 600
Warnings/Tags: Fluff, Comfort, Little hurt, Little mention of The Red Room.
A sudden shift in bed woke you up. You knew that it was Natasha but somethings wrong, she usually moves a lot swifter to not wake you up. Opening your eyes you saw her on the edge of the bed, head in her hands and red hair messed up from sleeping till a moment ago. Natasha's body trembled and you could hear how heavy she's breathing.
'What could've happened to get her in such a state?' you asked yourself. It didn't help that it is the first time you see her like this.
"Hey," you said sleepily moving to stand beside her. "Are you alright?" you asked placing a hand on her shoulder but Natasha pulled herself from your touch. Leaving you speechless. But your shocked face shifted into a soft smile when you saw how horrified she looked.
"I'm fine Detka, don't worry." the redhead lied. You aren't the best at reading people but you knew she was lying. You sighed softly shaking your head.
"What is it love? Did you have a nightmare?" you just wanted to calm her down, talk to her. Natasha didn't say anything for a while, silent as she looked at you before looking down at her hands.
"Natty?" you whispered moving you hand to move some strands of her hair out of her face. She still didn't look at you.
So you waited, sitting there on the edge of the bed beside her. You two sat like that for a while before Natasha broke the silence.
"I... I dreamt I killed you..." she let out in a heavy whisper, still looking at her hands. A soft 'oh' left your lips, 'So that's what this is about.'
"Natasha," you called her, trying to make her look at you. She didn't. "Love, please look at me." you plead and that's when she finally turns to you. Watery green eyes looking into yours before shifting to look down again.
"I was back in... In the red room and they ordered me... They ordered me..." she started rambling, guilt and fear in her voice at what she dreamt of doing to you.
"Shhh," you shush her bringing your hand to her face. Resting it on her cheek and softly caressing it while making her look into your eyes. "It was just a dream." you said. "Just a dream love." you repeated when you saw the doubt in her eyes.
"But—" Natasha started but you cut her off.
"No buts." voice still soft as you said that.
"But I could—"
"You wouldn't." you retorted.
"How would you know that?" she asked as you continued to caress her cheek. You moved closer, putting your other hand on her left cheek. Then you smiled at her as you held Natasha's face in your hands.
"Because I trust you." you saw how her face shifted, how her lower lip trembled. "I trust you will never hurt me Natasha." trust was always a big thing for her and you knew that. You knew how much trust meant to her. And you truly believed that she would never do anything harmful to you.
"You..." she started but you heard how her voice caught in her throat.
"I trust you." you sincerely whispered while leaning so your foreheads touched. Looking into each others eyes. Her trembling hands snaked around you in the gentlest way that made your heart melt.
"You do?" Natasha asked.
"Of course my love. I trust you with all my heart and body." and finally she smiled. And you smiled with her the hugged her. Natasha hid her face in your neck while gripping the shirt you're wearing.
"I love you Detka." she whispered making your heart beat faster.
"I love you too."
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alisa-nyx · 1 year ago
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Just got a new graphic tablet!
This is the first drawing I've done with it!
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alisa-nyx · 1 year ago
"I gave you half of my soul."
That's a sentence from the book I started writing.
It might sound romantic but in the context of my book it is quite literal. She shared her soul with the human to keep her alive.
I will explain more about all that in another post. Maybe. Who knows.
I'm new to tumblr so my posts might be really, really random but that's just how I'm. Random and chaotic.
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alisa-nyx · 1 year ago
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Maze and Rux <3
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alisa-nyx · 1 year ago
Oh yeah, I'm writing
Starting a story with only ideas, three characters and a pinterest aesthetic board.
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