#corner fund
Can you please put Kinger into Dimension D from Super Paper Mario?
Dimension D, Super Paper Mario
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kawaiijohn · 2 years
So fun fact. Did u know furnaces are fucking expensive as hell to replace? Did you know cats can shiver if it's cold enough? Did you know my hands are turning purple?
Legit I just wanted to get mat some birthday sushi and booze for their bday today and then have a chill birthday at home tomorrow for myself
but instead I get to be cold and in pain and desperately applying for jobs despite my issues with standing and constant pain bc we have no fucking money and inflation is literally beating our asses under the poverty line on top of us having a house fire and sewage back up followed by an emergency vet bill and furnace failure.
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sillyfairygarden · 10 months
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i (finally) relaunched my INPRNT! if you've ever come across one of my pieces and been interested in purchasing a physical copy, now's your chance.
for the next two weeks, i'll be offering 15% off on all prints (until 12/18 at midnight) with the code: QXINUE
click here to access my prints!
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nando161mando · 7 days
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Poem by Marcellus Williams
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airyravenmaid · 3 months
Hello there, 👋
I am Tamer Aldeeb, a dentist from Gaza.
We have suffered greatly from fear, displacement, and the destruction of our home and my clinic, and everything we literally own...
We want to save ourselves from what seems like an inevitable death.
I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile ,and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.🌹🌹
Our campaign is verified by @90-ghost , @ibtisams , @el-shab-hussein , @nabulsi and @fairuzfan 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Thanks a lot in advance ❤️❤️❤️
Verification List (he's there)
As of me typing this, 21,431 out of 40,000 have been raised!
Link to the gfm: https://www.gofundme.com/f/seeking-your-help-to-evacuate-my-family-from-gaza
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aiqingdemeimiao · 1 year
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the Chicken Adverts™️
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solipseismic · 2 months
"the dems are pro-genocide" "harris is just as supportive of genocide as biden" and what. do you think. the republicans think. of american imperialism and genocide? please. do let me know.
#the machine is working as intended. i cannot stress to you all enough. this is what america does.#this is what america did in korea. this is what america did in vietnam. this is what america does in the caribbean.#this is really and truly just what american imperialism does. this is not an aha gotcha moment.#this is the core of american politics. this is the intent and purpose of american imperialism. this is not new.#this is not new information. ok? i need everyone to understand this. it is not new information that american politicians#support american imperialism and by extension american-funded and -fueled genocide.#acting as though whoa if we vote harris into office she'll just continue the genocide!!! and what do you think trump will do?#what do we all think trump will do if he is in office? trump? the guy who is notorious for loving brown people?#especially those in other countries? right. right. right. ok. right.#yes absolutely be aware of the pitfalls and issues with american politics/politicians/the democratic party but ohhhh my god#genuinely really and truly sick of people going 'this is who you're voting for!!1!1! she's no better than genocide joe!!1!1!!'#IT'S HARRIS OR TRUMP BABY. AND AMERICAN POLITICIANS HAVE BEEN ENACTING GENOCIDE IN EVERY CORNER OF THE WORLD. FOR DECADES.#quite frankly not only is it fucking tiring for people to be acting as though there's some nuanced unproblematic third option#but it's just as fucking tiring to be acting like this is new. or somehow a revelation. jesus christ.#we still don't know how many korean civilains us soldiers massacred during the korean war. the number is in the tens of thousands.#conservatively. 30-40.000.#but we just don't know. but oh of course! of course this is new information that america commits atrocities in other countries!#of course this is new information that is only relevant now!!!!!#get the fuck out of here.#we just have to pick the better option and hope that we can slowly change one step forward at a time. there is no way to vote that#somehow changes or erases the fact that this is what american imperialism does.#fucking tiring that some ppl have the privilege of pretending otherwise.#jesus christ. how naive. how hopeless. how cruel. the families of nogun-ri are still lobbying for reparation.#and americans will act as though it's new information that american imperialism is a machine that chews countries up and spits them out#for the imf and foreign (american) corps to profit from.#god.#2024#croidhe#the death loop
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mrfoox · 3 months
Like class differences is always so painfully obvious to me at times...
#miranda talking shit#I know quite a bit of different people. I don't think I know anyone in “high” class where they're shitting money#But it's... Always a bit of an disconnect when talking about growing up with people that obviously had more money#I'm from an multi-generation low class family. I mean we always had enough to eat and never had to struggle to urvive in that sense#But we've always lived modest. Especially from my mom's side. And talking about growing up with similar peoples#Backgrounds is like ah yes you inherited toys and things from siblings. Didn't have expensive game consoles#But got to play them at friends house etc. Then you talk to someone who weren't in that corner and it's like#Uhhhh what you went on multiple vacations outside the country? You got expensive toys and elictrical things? Multiple? Huh? Uh...#My first and second phone were inherited from my older siblings#Hi I talked about... Child funds with Fabian and I was like oh... They invested your money so it grew nicely#Your starting amount was my final amount um...#It's a weird disconnect somehow. Can't describe it. Just like... Oh you basically got majority things you wanted as young?#I learned to not wish for much and settle... I learned to reuse items. I learned to save things to save a bit of money#I don't even think they were spoiled. There are definitely spoiled people but I do not think I know anyone like that#But it's so wild to hear... Oh your family own an vacation house by the coast? Um... We have one inland north which was#The first own land my grand grand parents saved up and bought and built an tiny cabin on um...
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hmsmilkbone · 4 months
I am sorry. I have so much work, and I am very pregnant so I just don't have time to respond to stuff on here as much (or draw, really.) Hoping I can get into a schedule soon which allows me to paint and chat more :(
#i have so little free time#i worked 12 hours today#im just tired#technically i could have been painting the last 2 hours of relaxation#but tbh i am falling asleep#i think it will calm down soon tho#ill do work work in the morning do a class then hopefully have enough left in me for cooking chores and painting/chatting#whew#idk how im going to do this with a kid#trying.... not to think about that actually#wait. no.#frustrating thing: there's no preschool around here for us#preschool in our area is only available if your family is extremely impoverished#there are for-profit daycares and they cost about $2000-$4000 a month#girl i cannot swing that lmao#sigh#i hate being in the US#everybody wants you to have kids but no one wants to do anything with them#like be fr rn no one has the fucking money for $2500/month childcare#im glad people way under the poverty line have good school opportunities but also.. why#the school mentioned many times that they can barely afford to stay open#man#so many people call them and are willing to pay#i understand why they must prioritize people that cant or theyd get pushed out#but theres obviously 1) not enough funding for that school 2) a real threat to lower income families to be able to get in if higher income#families decide to elbow them out and 3) not enough schools here#they are building another preschool which will be available to families who work at certain local businesses#but lmao.... get this... there are only 20 spots available for their preschool. 20. girl what. and it costs $2k/month.#my mom called me the other day after i texted about all this and said she could watch our kid. for $25/hour#feeling a bit cornered here. it's going to be a long 5 or 6 years until kindergarten
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asbestos-11 · 5 months
my boothill funds are already boothilling and we're at 69 wishes already
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jus rambling lmao ignore me but like just lingering on the graduate division website for my program and half of my brain is like i don’t know should i even bother going for a phd i’m not the brightest person i’m kind of slow and i feel like i’m always working twice as hard to get worse scores than other people and my grades aren’t best of the best i’m a straight 3.5/3.6 gpa and i’m not part of any clubs or anything i just play my little violin on tuesdays and thursdays and spend two hours a week being insane about physics in front of other undergrads and i’m not allowed to be a transmission electron microscope authorized user bc i’m baby i’m honestly just kind of a cringefail loser who likes materials science too much and gets butthurt when people inevitably drop me because i talk about school too much and everyone hates school or whatever. and then i remember i’m an honors student and literally working in a lab and due to write a paper and present at a symposium next year and half my tuition is paid by a state merit scholarship so even though i might be kind of stupid in the classroom sometimes, overall people did see something in me in 2020 and i haven’t been kicked out yet so people must still be seeing something in me. but idk.
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lionheartedscout · 10 months
//me: yeah i'm gonna be active and get my muse back, it's gonna be great!
also me: *gets distracted and starts up a new playthrough of Dragon Age Origins* ...whoops
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dorkicon · 1 year
bitching abt homophobia n shit at my job in the tags o7 happy pride
#so i voluenteer at a library n work there through a 3rd party job center over the summer. ive volunteered there for like 5 yrs so i know --#--the staff there p well#anyway yeah so like last year our pride display got taken down bc someone complained. our director didnt really contest this.#our pride display got taken down again. this time with the board threatening to cut funding if we put it back up.#no contesting yet again#its literally just the corner of a 3 sided display podium with some gay books or whatever#some guy comes in and tears up our lgbt author rec list. the director removes those as well#there r 2 bi clerks and one genderqueer clerk and me! the fag gopher and she still doesnt feel it pertinent 2 stick up for the ppl who--#work there#or maybe she does right? like i want to believe she does bc ive known her for 5 maybe 6 actually years. ive gone to christmas--#parties at her house. shes been someone i can count on before and yet here she is letting us all down#bc its not just me or the gay ppl who work there right its for the ppl in my shitty fucking southern town who have basic common decency#shes someone i thought was some kind of ally HAHAH...like that term feels lame but#.....yeah yknow?#she even said shed be moving picture books with gay parents and shit into a quote quote adult matters section into the juvenile section#i assume on request of the board bc obvs being trans or gay or whatever is of course an adult matter that will taint our beautiful little#tow headed bastards#we even had the guy who requested the pride display be taken down come in today and CHECK to make sure no faggy books were out#ive been very angry about it and i just need to ...spit it up somewhere. maybe a transformers blog isnt the best place for it but whatever.#sorry about my language lol.#shes my boss and its going to be a real issue for me bc she laughed saying id have to start cleaning bathrooms this year and i legitimately#--nearly had to leave the room. like haha really funny. glad you can laugh about shit. did you know im a fucking queer.
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arb0k · 1 year
before i was born my dad worked on navigation systems for airplanes. cool tech with genuine civilian uses! they didn't even initially have a contract with the DoD. it still ended up purchased and adapted for use in military aircraft.
the break room in their office had a television that was set to run live footage of the gulf war. he tells me fondly that they'd all gather around to watch and cheer when bombing runs hit, because it meant the baby they'd been working on had done its job well.
i'm not sure how many of those people would claim they'd worked for a defense contractor, or how they would have responded to that footage before they took that job. it's normal to want to feel proud that the thing you made worked! but when the thing you've built is used for war it creates utterly perverse incentives. corrosive to the soul
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stargazostli · 10 months
my old school's on a hill and at the bottom of the hill the ground floor is the first floor and theres two different height floors named first floor and three different height floors names second floor and also the canadians used it as a hospital in world war one and the boiler broke yesterday and theres a forbidden floor and gargoyles
and the field backs onto some houses' gardens, and theres a n0nce that watches girls doing PE that they FINALLY noticed and made us go inside, and an old lady that kicks her dog outside and comes and yells at kids if her dog starts barking who a kid got in a (verbal) fight with once and also it backs onto a graveyard and has a gate to the graveyard that is usually unlocked so yeah haha
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othystt · 1 year
if i opened commissions would anyone buy them. be honest
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