#continuation to anarchy i guess
oxydiane · 2 years
for @impishtubist
They land swiftly on the side of a rocky road. Remus brings a hand to his chest and breathes heavily, his heart beating erratically. Sirius stands perfectly still, both his hands shaking as he clutches Harry close to his chest.
Harry is crying.
‘Please tell me… You got the…’ Remus pants.
‘Yeah, yeah.’ Sirius fishes a small muggle wallet from his pocket and shoves in Remus’ hands. ‘I wasn’t the top of our Charms class for nothing.’
‘God, I love you.’ Remus breathes out and loses no time to dip his whole arm in the charmed wallet. He takes out a pacifier and puts it in Harry’s mouth gently to quell his crying.
‘We’ve got you now, buddy.’
They don’t wander around for long. Sirius had been able to bewitch the small Prefect badge to transport them as far away from Britain as he could, but the process had been rushed and as a result they had no idea where they had been transported. None of the signs they encountered read english so they both decided it was good enough.
They opt to follow the road in the hope that they’ll at least encounter something or someone at some point. Sirius walks with Harry hooked over his hip, big green eyes looking around quizzically in a way that makes his heart clench and Remus holds his arm with one hand and his wand with the other.
They eventually stop in front of fairly tall building, the walls are made of stone and a sign hanging outside reads ‘All’uomo selvatico.’ They look at each other and Sirius bites his lip before taking a deep breath and making his way to the front door.
‘Sera!’ The chirpy voice of a woman calls but neither of them really knows what that means so they stay silent.
They seem to have ended up in a tavern. The floors are hardwood, and there are a fair amount of tables occupied by groups of men loudly drinking and dining. Sirius shots one look at Remus and Remus nods. He clenches his fist, itching to hold Sirius’ hand but unsure how well that would go.
They make their way to the cashier.
‘Oh! Che creaturina!’ The same woman that had spoken before coos looking at Harry who was now dozing off against Sirius’ chest. ‘E che occhi! Che meraviglia! Come si chiama?’
Sirius uncomfortably shifts on his feet, not understanding her words but picking up he was being asked a question. The woman frowns at their silence.
‘Uh? Tutto apposto?’
Remus clears his throat. ‘Uh… Can… We… Room?’ He raises one finger, trying to be as clear as possible.
Her eyes widen. ‘Ah, Valentina! Abbiamo degli inglesi qui!’
Shortly after a younger woman appears next to the presumable owner of the place. She has long brown hair tied in a low ponytail and looks at them excitedly.
‘Yes! Hello, sirs!’ Her accent it thick and her speaking feels quite robotic but they take a sigh of relief, they could understand that. ‘Do you want two rooms?’
Sirius shakes his head. ‘One is fine.’
‘One it is then!’ She claps her hands before turning to the older woman. ‘Una stanza per la notte.’
The older woman nods and starts writing something down before leaning over to whisper something in the girl’s ear. Her eyes light up and she turns back to them.
‘What is his name?’ She points to Harry, now drooling on Sirius’ shirt.
‘Harry.’ They reply at once.
The older woman coos again and the cash register rings. Remus hopes they can get their hands on appropriate muggle money before sunrise.
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traewilson · 4 months
Saw Quinton Reviews' side video talking about Star Wars and how the brand's strict dedication to continuity leads to past "mistaken" continuity gets snipped off, like Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker. It got me thinking: Star Wars, deep to its most primordial basic structure, isn't actually myth - that's the bones of the body of Star Wars. In its proverbial genes, its history, and even cursory knowledge of how George Lucas tells stories shows this. American Graffiti is the most obvious example of this, being a dramatization of Lucas' childhood experiences. Indiana Jones is another example (until the last one, anyway, but we don't talk about Dial of Destiny). The first three films are defined by the pop culture trends of the time they were set. The villains in 1940s serials were, naturally, Nazis, so the villains are Nazis in the Indy films set in the 40s. This commitment to historical accuracy does lead to problems, however - namely, another source of villainy in the 40s were racial stereotypes of tribal peoples. Cue Temple of Doom, and the cartoonishly bigoted portrayal of Indian people in that film. This is why Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is the way it is. In the 50s and 60s, the villains of American serials were the Soviets, so the villains are Russians. A chief obsession of that time was with aliens, so, like how religion was a big obsession in the 40s, aliens are a focus on Crystal Skull. Dial of Destiny partially failed because the filmmakers didn't engage with the series' formula, or rather, the executives didn't want Indiana Jones to deviate any further from what fans were nostalgic for. This results in a sort of bizarre feedback loop, where Indiana Jones is now referring back to ITS OWN PAST, ITS OWN HISTORY, rather than the actual history of the pop culture of the real world. The villains in the Indiana Jones films everybody likes are Nazis, so we're doing Nazis again.
Indiana Jones was on a trajectory where it would mirror the pop culture of the time period its set in. In the end, it abandoned this and gazed down its own navel, harkening back to the history of its own series, nonsensically contradicting the pop culture of the late 60s going into the 70s. Star Wars ran into a variant on this issue with continuity - with history.
Star Wars, of course, is obsessed with its own history. George Lucas himself was obsessed with the history of the Star Wars universe, at least the continuity of the films he made. The creators involved in the Expanded Universe were allowed to do their own thing, provided they didn't contradict his films, and with full knowledge their stories are only as canon as Lucas wanted them to be - which resulted in situations where stories about the Clone Wars pre-Prequels were essentially erased from existence because they, inadvertently, were inconvenient to a constantly revised history. To be clear, this isn't adjusting actual real life history, where it is a good idea to keep its narrative as accurate as possible. These are stories, fiction. And yet, creators and fanbase alike are as obsessed with the minutiae of Star Wars' history as the preacher is obsessed with the minutiae of the Bible and Biblical narratives.
This obsession with historical revisionism for a history that does not actually exist is resulting in the eradication of elements that are no longer convenient to its narrative. Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker, Clive Revill as the Emperor, all performances destined to become pop culture relics, only known by the most devoted of acolytes at the altar of Star Wars. I'd argue this started all the way back with Splinter of the Mind's Eye, the novel that was essentially George Lucas' backup concept for a Star Wars sequel if the first underperformed, realized. This novel is meaningless to the grand Star Wars continuity. An odd little curio; a peek into a future of the faith that could've been. I only know about it because I was obsessed with Star Wars as a kid. Less and less will know of it as time goes on, because it's basically a heretical text written in unwitting defiance of a constantly rewritten history. This eradication is deeply unfortunate, and actively works against Lucas' undeniable mythical inspirations for Star Wars. Myths are fluid, dynamic, ever-changing. Star Wars only changes as nostalgia and continuity so allow. This will be a BIG problem with Star Wars going forward - both the religious fanaticism of the fandom's strict devotion to their particular denomination of fandom faith (the Prequels are the best! The Originals are best! The Sequels are best! If you don't think that'll happen, I wouldn't bet on it.) and the strict devotion of the creators to the constantly changing, constantly eradicating, timeline of a world that is entirely fictional. Star Wars confines itself like this to its own detriment. Luke Skywalker won't be nostalgic for people forever. Anakin Skywalker won't be nostalgic forever, and in time, Rey won't be either. They will, gradually, over the course of time, become confined to the dustbin of history, along with Sebastian Shaw's Anakin, of Clive Revill's Emperor, as Splinter of the Mind's Eye, or Gennady Tartakovsky's Clone Wars miniseries. Some of this, of course, is the relentless march of time's fault, I get that. But the structure of Star Wars has grown to such an extent that stories are becoming harder and harder to write for it. You can't do too much; you absolutely cannot change Anakin's fate, or a different end for Luke that contradicts Last Jedi, or a British guy as Darth Vader's true self.
All this buildup to say George Miller and how he's handled the structure of the Mad Max franchise will give it a longer life, I feel, once its originator has passed on. George Miller is, frankly, a much better mythical storyteller than George Lucas. Anyone can be Max. Anyone can be Furiosa, or Immortan Joe, or Dementus, or Lord Humungus or the Doof Warrior or Aunty Entity. That's the beauty of this series; since anyone can be anyone, and hard facts are few and far between, this allows much more room for creative experimentation.
Anyway that's my ramble for tonight. I'm sure this will be a mess to get through, but it is a somewhat accurate picture of how I think. I'm a natural rambler. This is why Xwitter and I are not getting along lately.
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reblive · 2 months
An except from Eric’s journal that i’ve thought about often as of lately. I have no place to put my thought so I will speak on here. No intent for discourse, I just have no outlet to speak on this matter. If this is not the space for you, just don’t read it. I don’t really care to hear anything.
“Society may not realize what is happening but I have; you go to school, to get used to studying and learning how youre "supposed to" so that drains or filters out a little bit of human nature. but thats after your parents taught you whats right and wrong even though you may think differently, you still must to have more of your human nature blown out of your ass. society trys to make everyone act the same by burying all human nature and instincts. Thats what school, laws, jobs, and parents do If they realize it or not and them, the few who stick to their natural instincts are casted out as psychos or lunatics or strangers or just plain different. crazy, strange, weird, wild, these words are not bad or degrading.. if humans were let to live how we would naturaly it would be chaos and anarchy and the human race wouldnt probably last that long, but hey guess what, thats how its supposed to be!!!!! society and goverments are only created to have order and calmness, which is exactly the opposite of pure human nature. take away all your laws and morals and just see what you can do. if the goverment was one entity it would be thinking "hey, lets make some order here and calm these crazy fucks down so we can be constructive and fight other goverments in our own little so called self created "civilizied world" and get rid of all those damn insticts everyone has" well shit I'm to tired wright anymor tonight, so until next time, fuck you all”
In some way in pains me to see the way he felt about the world and the wrong doings of those around him. If you take a second to sit and read what he’s saying it’s like part of his authenticity comes out and then transitions back to switching to speak to the audience and how he wanted to be seen. I can’t always articulate in words the feelings I get when I think about him but it’s genuinely always painful. He was so hurt, and described his pain, but still shadowed his true feelings of distress for the audience. He cared about what other people thought about him even in his writings, and it’s so disheartening that he was that broken and plague by the environment he was in. I take time to consider how people cannot feel empathy for him and I understand it due to the situation at hand (obviously) however, considering how he was 17 years old writing this, he was just a kid. He was once how we all once were, innocent and compelled to continue on the paths of our lives the way that the nature of society intended us to. It really goes to show how fucked up he had it. This draws me back to the butterfly effect, was there one decision by himself, or inflicted upon him by others that brought him to where he ended his life? Empathy is a theme he seems to disregard in his journal entries, and quite frankly, all of media and the world deems him as un empathetic because of his writings. We didn’t know how he thought of himself in his head, we didn’t know the guilt, destruction, and true pain he went through that was genuine. I find this a reason why there is much more weight put onto him within his person. “It’s only a tragedy if you think it is, and then it’s only a tragedy in your own mind.” (7/29/98) I suppose this is how we all (who empathize with E&D) feel and can relate to.
Thinking too much about his pain these days and what he once was and how he became what he was. Being truthful and honest are two different things. Being truthful, factual, what he did was terrible. Being honest, feelings, I have so much pain in my heart for how he was feeling. There’s nothing anyone can do now (whom empathize)
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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Taxi Cab
Hobie Brown x f!Reader
She would never hurt anyone. He would hurt anyone for her.
Before Hobie, nothing very eventful ever happened in my life. I grew up in a happy home, went to a good school, and decided to become an art teacher. I got good grades, I made life long friendships with people similar to me, and I kept my head down and minded my business.
Though it's been nearly half a year since he came rocketing into my life, I still can't put my finger what exactly drew Hobie to me. We don't have a lot in common. Where I am passive, Hobie is active and fierce. Where I am lenient, Hobie is harsh. Until Hobie, I had never listened to punk music, considered anarchy, or pierced a single thing on my body.
Well, I still haven't done the last one. Besides my ears. Needles are too much for me. Sometimes I get nervous that the spikes on Hobie's wardrobe are going to stick me.
Hobie is a force. He's dangerous, he's passionate, he's larger than life. Being near Hobie is addictive. He has a gravity around him that draws people in, but it tends to spit them out at much the same rate.
For some reason, I've been able to hang on. Sometimes it feels like clinging for dear life, until he reminds me how much he cares.
Even though he can do that in odd ways.
Like tonight.
Ever since I met Hobie, trouble seems to follow me around. I've been mugged twice, had my tires slashed, and even had to move because someone broke into my apartment and trashed the place.
My parents are becoming increasingly alarmed, only satisfied in the fact that Spider-Punk always seems to be nearby. They don't necessarily approve of Spider-Punk (I mean, most don't), but they do at least appreciate that he seems to be looking out for me.
Which is so weird! Hobie can't figure it out either, but he says Spider-Punk is a narcissistic asshole who only saves people to get attention for himself.
He might just be mad that I said I thought Spider-Punk seemed like he'd be cute, under the mask.
I was hoping my luck had turned around and I wouldn't need to run into Spider-Punk again for a while, but I guess that was just silly optimism. On my way to Hobie's with two large bags of groceries in hand, I'm stopped suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk when a taxi cab crashes directly into a fire hydrant.
The fire hydrant lets loose a typhoon of water in my direction, and I scramble to the right to get out of the water, but it's too late. I'm soaked.
"Oi!" I hear the unmistakable sound of Hobie yelling. He was heading my direction after I told him the bags were getting heavy, and arrived just in time to witness the crash. He wrenches open the door of the car and pulls out the taxi driver. He seems unharmed, a little shaken up, with heavy bags under his eyes and a wobble in his step.
Drunk or high.
"You could've killed someone!" Hobie is shouting, looking over at me and then back at the driver. "I ought to kick your fucking arse." He pushes the man against the side of his cab as the water continues to spray. I drop the groceries, mostly ruined now, and approach Hobie.
The man is muttering something under his breath, and as I reach them, I can smell the liquor coming through his pores.
I grab Hobie's arm. "I'm okay. Come on."
"No, I saw it, he nearly killed you, Y/N. Just a few feet over, you'd be gone. Then I'd have to fuckin' kill him!" Hobie slams him against his car one more time, and I pull on his arm harder.
"But he didn't. The cops are on their way. Let's go. I need help carrying the groceries, and it's too cold for me to be all wet."
Hobie looks at me finally, really looks at me, and then with one more burning glance at the inebriated taxi driver, gruffly releases his collar and turns to me.
Effortlessly, he scoops me up into his arms, bridal-style, and I gasp. He strides with ease over to our drowned groceries, and bends down, picking them up in his hands.
"Jesus, have you been working out?" I ask.
His face is too tense for a smile, but the corners of his mouth twitch. Despite my protests, he carries me into his building and up three flights of stairs, only setting me down once we are safe inside the walls of his apartment.
Without me asking, he goes into his room and brings out a pair of leggings I've left here before, and one of his t-shirts. I change in the bathroom, drying my hair as best I can with a towel, before going back to the kitchen to see what can be salvaged of the groceries.
"I think I can still do something with this! The bread is gone but, homemade bread crumbs aren't like, necessary. They're just fancy." I turn to see Hobie leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, still scowling. "Uh, or I can go to the store, if the homemade bread crumbs were like, important."
I let out a yelp of surprise when Hobie pushes himself off the counter and strides towards me, grabbing me by the shoulders and bringing me to him for a rough, passionate kiss.
In moments, I meld into him, wrapping my arms around his waist as his fingers find their way into my hair, and his tongue enters my mouth.
This kiss feels different. Urgent, feverish, desperate. He holds me tightly, pressing me so close to him it feels like he wants us to be one person, like he would climb right into my skin.
I pull away for just a moment, gasping for breath. "Are you okay?" I say on an exhale.
Hobie stares down at me intensely, his hands still in my hair, his eyes wild and the corners of his mouth turned downward.
"I would do anything to keep you safe," he says flatly. "There's no limit to what I'd do."
I bring my hands up to his face, cupping his cheeks, nodding. "I know, Hobie."
"I would have killed that man if you hadn't stopped me."
I know he's exaggerating to make a point, but a chill runs up my spine a the way he says it so calmly, with no hint of irony. I remember his chest heaving, the wild look in his eyes as he held that drunk man up against his own car.
He looked out for blood.
"I'm okay, Hobie. So are you."
"Move in with me. You hate that new place. Stay here."
We've only known each other six months. We're barely adults. I make no money as a new teacher and I honestly haven't figured out how Hobie seems to make so much money off the gigs he plays. It's too soon to move in together. It's not smart.
But I love him. And he loves me. We haven't said it yet, but I don't know that we need to. I can see it in his eyes, feel it while he holds me, taste it on his lips.
He loves me.
"Today. Like, we can get your stuff later, but don't sleep there anymore. Stay with me."
I nod and lean forward, pressing my forehead to his chest. His hands finally leave my hair, and wrap tightly around my shoulders. I listen to his heartbeat - rapid at first, but as we stand there, silently clinging to each other, it begins to slow down.
He's pressing soft kisses to the top of my head, humming quietly, and I've never felt more in love.
I've never felt more cared for, more loved in return, more safe.
Six months or sixty years. I don't think it matters.
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not-5-rats · 3 months
Guess who's sick again 🎶🎵🎶 (I'm chronically ill lol /gen)
Anyways there's nothing else I can do rn so...questions/scenarios!!!
1) Modern AU
It's the best time of the year, it's Halloween! Your bug is being forced to dress up idc if they don't want to. What's are the dressed up as?
2) Your bug is suddenly in a romance series/film! What's the main trope? (eg slow burn, enemies 2 lovers, friends 2 lovers, etc)
3) How easy is it to become friends with your bug? Like are they happy to talk to new people or do they just tell new people to fuck off?
4) Does your bug have any little signs/habits that indicate how they're feeling? (eg, picking skin when worried or swinging legs when they're happy stuff like that ig)
5) Is your bug good at time/self management?
6) Scenario ^^
Chester hadn't been home in a while, like...a while! So your bug goes out to try and find them. Eventually they find him, he was sat at the edge of a cliff, staring outwards with his knees pressed up against his chest.
Bug walked over yet he didn't look up at them. They asked what he was doing all the way out here and he remained quiet for a moment, thinking over what he could say
He hesitated before finally speaking, his voice hushed
"You guys are like family to me, this place is the most homely place I've ever lived and I am infinitely grateful for everything I've got here..."
He paused as his words caught in his throat, he was still staring out but he wasn't paying any attention to the sun setting beyond the trees. His voice began to tremble slightly as he continued
"but...I don't deserve this, I don't deserve any of this, any of you guys. After everything I've let happen, everything I've done...no I don't deserve any of this.."
Tags -
@puffin-smoke @rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @astralbulldragon13 @threeweekinsomnia @recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle @ccstiles @astralbulldragon13
(angst? No, this ain't angst, what I say later is gonna be angst :3)
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amethystfairy1 · 6 months
Hi there, new anon here bc I don’t use tumblr like, almost ever. apologies for the rambling about how I love ur AU’s that’s incoming. Or if I did this wrong. Idk how to use tumblr.
Ok SO, I’ve been following your AUs on AO3 for the past few months and first of all, love it, I love your continuity with metaphors or specific descriptors that span across works, like Grian’s banded wings, glamor as heat haze on tarmac, scott having hair like spun sugar, just AUGHHHH so good I love. Little details like that make me as a writer and ofc fanfic enjoyed foam at the mouth. It’s so vivid I can picture it in my mind, I love the eclectic feel of the undercity, the mechanical lore things like wagons in Traveling thieves or rail carts and labs in TTSBC! Don’t even get me started on the peice about Doc and Etho in the depths, that one is so so good.
And your phenomenal foreshadowing? Like first read through never guessed that avian at Fremeere’s was skizz, but I went back after your recent upload and wow it totally is! Or how first read of TTSBC I never thought the two directors were the same because I hopped around in the reading order, but now it’s wayyy too similar! And now I get why a past and long dead antagonist would have such a specific and recognizable speech pattern… eerie. I love it. Can’t wait to learn more about that storyline!! I wonder how much Tango knows about Doc’s history with the labs and if he realizes the connection after talking with Zedaph. Zedango my beloved! Or just tango content/lore in general hehe. (Also, I find it humorous that Grian and Tango’s boyfriends have almost the same trauma as their dad, lol) Also, love how close the characters are to being reunited in Traveling Thieves!! They’re so close!
Anywhoo, just stopped by to say that Cub is litterally providing scar/Hot Guy with weapons in Scar’s new episode, only to see that you already saw that ofc. I was litterally kicking my feet and squeaking about it bc it’s just like TTSBC and your AU makes me so genuinely happy to read and has me in a chokehold. But the rocket arrows?? That are Hot Guy brand color coded! And expensive and I can see character!Cub being exasperated about scar’s trigger happy use of the rockets in the same way he doesn’t call the lab the Hot Cave, hehe. Or Scar showing off to Grian that he’s not the only one who can shoot sparkly projectiles!
so yeah, ik you already saw that, but i wanted to share that it’s so perfect for TTSBC or else my brain would not leave me alone lmao
I'm so glad you love my little tells for the characters! Heat haze on tarmac, hair like spun sugar, stuff like that just feels like it helps make a certain trait pop and so I try to make sure every character has at least one of them! I'm so glad you enjoy the mechanical ascept of the AUs! Both TTSBC and TT have their own little things, moving parts that keep the worlds going!
I love trying to layer in foreshadowing when I can! Skizz appearing, but I purposefully didn't tag him as a character because, thanks to avian culture, he doesn't use his name, and so it's not until we get to see from his POV that we actually get confirmation that's him!
I have no idea what you're talking about with the director, tho, because she's totally dead! She died 24 years ago during the Anarchy! Any odd vocal ticks and specific dislikes for hypothesis is completely coincidental and should be, should be, should be disregarded. 😑
They do, don't they? Whoops. I guess Doc has a lot to relate to when it comes to his future sons-in-law, huh?
Thank you so much for your rambles I absolutely loved reading them!!!! 💖
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blackcat419 · 1 year
I’m a real blogger I got my first hate comment 🥹
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This is from my post about Jaehera’s death and her deserving better.
I’ll admit where I’m wrong, the dance isn’t based entirely off the war of the roses but more about Empress Matilda/Maude and her cousin Stephen of Blois during the time called the Anarchy. This war is actually about sexism keeping a woman off the throne in favor of her male family member and ends with her son inheriting the throne as her cousin’s heir. The similarities are Matilda’s young brother dying young and her father naming her heir with the lords swearing to follow her. But unlike Viserys, her father doesn’t remarry and cause an entire succession crisis. The war of the roses influence comes from both sides fearing their complete destruction so the other side won’t have claimants threatening their rule later on.
On to the other points of your ‘argument’.
1. Team green is salty that the blacks carry on the targ line.
Nope, I’m anti Targaryens as they are terrible rulers who end their own dragons, kingdom, and dynasty through pure stupidity (I know there’s more than them being stupid but shhh).
Rhaenyra’s line gave us Aegon the unworthy and the black fire rebellions along with the war of the 9 penny kings which did way more danage to the kingdom than any other conflict. You also get Aerys the mad king, Daeron the young dragon who gets himself killed cause he thought he could beat the dornish, Baelon the blessed a man so chaste he literally locks his sisters up so he won’t fuck them, and Rhaegar a man so obsessed with prophecy he runs away with a teenager and leaves his wife and children to be viciously murdered.
2. You don’t hate Jaehera, you just make fun of her for how we react.
What the fuck kind of reasoning is that? You make fun of a kids death cause people care?? Wow. Just wow.
3. A family continues a dynasty so there for they’re right.
I guess Tywin is the greatest of all time cause his grandkids get to be kings without any Baratheon blood.
Also that means that Vaemond was right cause his Granddaughter got to be queen.
4. Complain to George.
Nah the old man has enough distractions and doesn’t need to be bothered with this.
5. My three strong boys are the reeaaaly innocents.
Hah. Jace and Luke are not innocent. Luke cut out Aemonds eye and Jace was a big part of the war effort.
Jeoffrey, Jaehearys, and Maelor are completely innocent. Jeoffrey was killed by his mom’s dragon, Jaehearys was killed by Daemon’s assassins, and Maelor was killed on Rhaenyra’s orders.
So anyways hope we learned a valuable lesson on fuck around and find out. See y’all next time!
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chthonicgodling · 1 month
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starring! EeL, finally back in action! Chal, just here to make faces & serve as transportation in the voids! And Bel, MINDREADER WITH NO PATIENCE, the sole entity able to pierce through aaalll of Loki’s hysterical layers and get immediately to the core of what the FUCKING ISSUE IS IN THE FIRST PLACE—
[you are: one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight • nine  •  here • eleven • twelve • thirteen • fourteen (the end!) ]
Before I say literally anything else - Bel & all the EXCEPTIONAL dialogue in his blurple colored bubbles is written by my partner in crime, Elysium’s hiatus'd @fenixethekid — who is so on my same page at all times that we didn’t even have a DISCUSSION about what tf EeL was doing when he fled, she just nailed it through Bel INSTANTLY. HELLO????? HYEAH???? Also of course she’s thusly responsible for my single favorite line in this entire saga, aka the entire reason I stopped to draw 50&counting pictures to contextualize to get to this point : Bel screaming after Loki tO GO TO FUCKING THERAPY, advice that he Uh. Desperately needs to take.
The quick recap: Loki’s been curled up in the bed of Maci & Tory, carrying their baby, all comfortably until for “no reason” Loki blew it all up and ran away. The search has been ongoing with Maci n Tory backing off in tears, for Chal&Bel to try….
And they found him! Time to gently coax him back!
…Or ummmm! Well! I…. guess this works too!
EeL’s vanishing in canon was a split second decision on my end when this happened back in May, and though I’d had ideas for how he’d return, THIS wasn’t even on my radar at all. But once it happened it retrospectively couldn’t have happened any other way. First of all; fucking hilarious. Second of all; A FULL CIRCLE MOMENT, once again mindreader Bel trailing after Loki, God of Lies and - self loathing, doubt, & emotional instability? Loki fine! If you can’t talk about what’s bothering you out loud in words then the God of the Subconscious will CHASE AFTER YOU AND CALL OUT YOUR DEEPEST FEARS OUT LOUD FOR YOU, thanks so much.
Unconventional, but mission accomplished! I am STILL NOT DONE WITH THIS so stay tuned for the continuations of aftermaths. Quick someone tell Tory and Maci he’s back!!
...next updating coming uhhh in a little while cause i still have to like. draw it.
Like I said Bel & the blue belongs to Fenixe ;; EeL & green + Chal & red are all mine! CHAOS ANARCHY DRAMA DRAMA DRAMAAA
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Okay, so continuing my Red Dead Redemption 2/Sons of Anarchy comparison (I’m only up to chapter 3 of RDR2 so this is subject to change):
1) Dutch Van Der Linde is Clay Morrow. They are the leaders who are growing increasingly erratic.
2) By default, Molly O’Shea is Gemma Teller. I guess the one thing they have in common is being a pain in everyone’s ass.
3) John Marston and Abigail Roberts are Jax Teller and Tara Knowles. John and Jax are the protagonists/irresponsible criminals who want to be family men. Abigail and Tara are focused on protecting their children. And since I played the first game, both couples are trying to leave the criminal life.
4) Arthur Morgan is a loose combination of Chibs Telford and Opie Winston. They’re the closest to a brother figure to John/Jax and they’re the second-in-command of the team. Arthur also has Opie’s bad luck with romance. (Hmm…I guess Arthur could also be Bobby Munson as well for these reasons)
5) Hosea Matthews is Piney Winston. They’re the old guys who keep questioning Dutch/Clay’s authority.
6) Micah Bell is sorta kinda Tig Trager. They’re the weird, aggressive guys who seem to get on the rest of the team’s nerve. But I like Tig, whereas Micah is annoying lol.
7) Kieran Duffy is Juice Ortiz. They’re the perpetual outsiders since they went against the team.
8) Sean MacGuire is Kip 'Half-Sack' Epps. They’re the little shits who are trying to prove themselves and the gangs treat as the youngest brother.
9) Leopold Strauss is Bobby Munson. This is solely because both men handle the finances of the gangs. For a comparison that’s closer to the character’s personality…maybe Charles Smith? Or Javier Escuella?
10) Sadie Adler doesn’t have anyone I can really compare to but if I had to choose, she could also be Opie Winston. She has Opie’s burning desire for revenge after losing their spouse.
11) The O’Driscolls are the Mayans MC. They’re the rival gang that isn’t so different from the main gang.
Also, just to emphasize how RDR2 is secretly a Western Sons of Anarchy, here are the lyrics to SOA’s opening:
Riding through this world all alone
God takes your soul, you're on your own
The crow flies straight, a perfect line
On the Devil's Bed until you die
Gotta raise some hell, 'fore they take you down
Gotta live this life
Gotta look this world in the eye
Gotta live this life until you die
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dahliarose2 · 1 year
summary: negan brings carl back to alexandria as he spreads his anarchy even further. rick and the group gather allies and meet king ezekiel. meanwhile, you deal with the frightful consequences of helping daryl and sherry escape before a certain confession from someone changes that
daryl dixon x reader
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
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Negan and Carl had arrived on their surprise trip to Alexandria, immediately heading straight to Rick's house where Olivia was watching Judith, Negan interrogating her over where Rick was as she insisted she didn't know. He had hassled Olivia until she was in eventual tears, making Carl give him a grand tour of the house. While Rick and many of the others were gone, he waited for Rick, voting to play house while Rick was away, playing darts, making spaghetti. Carl felt ill as he watched the man who killed people he cared about, sit down in his house, in his dad's chair at the table, and pretend everything was fine,
Soon after, Spencer called around to the house, seemingly offering a friendly drink and a chat, which made Carl stare on in confusion and anger at Spencer fraternizing with their enemy. Negan accepted of course, even playing a game of pool with him to hear what he had to say, as everyone watched. He listened to Spencer ramble on and on about how he should be put in charge of Alexandria, never really liking Rick all that much. "Rick is not the one you should be putting your trust in here. His ego is out of control. He isn't really much of a team player," Spencer revealed as he took his turn, Negan watching him closely,
"And you're proposing, let me guess," Negan starts, hitting one of the balls succesfully into one of the pockets on the table, "that I kill Rick and put you in charge." Spencer nodded, as Negan threw his head back a little, letting a loud laugh erupt from him. "See, the thing is Spencer, Ricky boy is out there scavenging for me to save everyone's sorry asses here. He is swallowing his hate and getting shit done. That takes guts," he spoke with a wide grin. Negan strolled nonchalantly towards Spencer, who was disappointed by not getting the response he wanted from Negan. His plan to manipulate Negan into killing Rick and doing the dirty work for him, had fallen flat,
"And then there's you. Waiting for Rick to be gone before you sneak up and ask me to do your dirty work for you. Why not just do the damn thing yourself. Kill Rick. Take over," he suggests, but the tone he's using is making Spencer and everyone else uneasy. He's smiling but his voice makes it evident he doesn't like to be manipulated, especially not into doing anyone's dirty work. Spencer began stuttering as he tried to deny wanting Rick dead, but it was too late for that. "You wanna know why I think you didn't do that?" Negan asked, clearly rhetorically, now in front of Spencer's face intimidatingly, "because I have a brilliant guess. You have. no. guts,"
Without warning, Negan drove his bat threw Spencer's stomach who stood there mouth agape. Multiple gasps could be heard as Negan only smiled wider, tugging Lucille to the right, as Spencer's guts began falling out freely from his frame, as he landed in a pile on the floor. "How embarrassing," Negan tutted, gazing down at Spencer's form, now covered in blood himself from dealing the blow. Everyone stood in shock, some people crying. Rosita's face twitched in anger as she stared in disbelief as Negan continued to taunt people. "Someone better get up here and clean this shit up. C'mon, finish the game," he ordered with a laugh, Rosita coming closer to her breaking point,
"I'm winning," he chanted, before Rosita had pulled the gun so quick, no one had noticed until it was too late and she had fired the bullet that Eugene had made her, as she panted angrily. "Shit," Negan yelled, louder than anyone had heard him yell, usually laid back in his wickedness, "what the shit?" He began waving Lucille around wildly, seeing the bullet that had gone clean through the bat, as Arat, one of the Saviors tackled Rosita to the floor. Negan stormed over, yelling in Rosita's face, whose only care was that she'd missed, not caring what would happen to her now. "Who made this?" Negan seethed, as Arat's knife moved to rest not so gently against Rosita's cheek,
"It was me," Rosita gritted out, but Negan immediately shook his head, clearly not believing her. "Nope. Now I think you're lying," he stated coolly, "Arat. Kill someone." She wasted no time, much to Rosita's loud protests who now had a long gash on her cheek from the dagger, pulling her gun out of her holster aiming straight at Olivia as she landed on the floor in a dead heap. Everyone gasped once again as they watched 2 of their people being killed in the same 5 minutes. Just as people began to sob, and stare blankly at the scene, Rick rounded the corner, a wounded Aaron in tow, courtesy of the Saviors, as he stared dumfounded at the situation that had unfolded,
"Rick, you're back," Negan fake cheered, as Rick stormed towards him, "I was just very lenient with your people here. You know, people have been having a hoot while you were out on your scavenge for me." Rick stared at him confused, as Negan pointed at Carl who was crouched beside Olivia on the porch, in shock. "Your little boy snuck into one of my trucks, killed a bunch of my men and I returned him home safely and even made him some dinner. Another one here wanted me to take you out for him and put him in charge. Did you a favor. And lastly, this one here tried to killed me, and shot Lucille, so I gave you one less mouth to feed," Negan explained loudly with a shit-eating grin as Rick reeled from the scene, looking between the bodies and Rosita kneeled on the floor, who looked furious,
Rick looked up at Carl angrily for his recklessness as he turned back to Negan, biting his tongue. "Your shit is at the gate. So just. go," Rick practically growled as he stood as intimidating as possible, in front of Negan who only laughed in his face. Negan ignored him, swinging Lucille in his gloved hand. "I mean, attempted murder by 2 Alexandrians in the same day. I must have 9 lives or something," he joked, as Rick stared at him confused. "What do you mean 2?" he asked gruffly. "Oh silly me, you wouldn't have known about the first one," Negan stated as if it wasn't obvious, throwing his palm to his forehead dramatically, acting as though he forgot, "my wife tried to drive a knife through my heart earlier today. Isn't that the most Shakespeare shit you've ever heard," Negan quipped with a booming laugh as Rick's confusion leaked from his face, making way for an angry expression, as he knew Negan was talking about you,
"But don't worry, we're sorting that out back at the Sanctuary. It was quite the fiasco this morning," he laughed, as Rosita's rage only grew as she heard him use you to taunt them even further, wishing she had asked Eugene to make 2 bullets, so she could have another go right now. Rick struggled to bite his tongue at the mention of you, hating that you were still being used as leverage against them, wondering if Daryl was okay too. "Now before I go, I want the guy or gal who made this bullet here," Negan demanded in a sing-song voice, twisting the bullet casing in his fingers as no sooner than he'd said it, Tara had stepped forward, refusing to let another person get murdered over it,
"It was me," she shouted fiercely, but Eugene interrupted her. "No it wasn't. It was me," he sobbed like that of a child. Once he began to explain how he made it through shaky cries, Negan listened intently, before walking away, harshly swinging the bat upward making everyone around him flinch. "Lucille give me strength," he whispered with his eyes closed, before turning back around to Rick who was practically emanating rage at what Negan had just done. "I'll be relieving you of your bullet maker Ricky boy. And everything you just scavenged? Not enough. You are on probation after this," Negan threatened, before waving his men down, one of them grabbing Eugene forcefully, "now let's move out. I'll see you next time. I'll tell Y/N and Daryl that you send your love,"
Rick held himself back, angry tears pooling in his eyes as he watched the Saviors leave. Little did Negan know, that was the last straw, and he had just incited a war. When Michonne returned from her mission of her own, she found Rick who hugged her close. "We have to fight back," Michonne whispered, as she ran her hands through his hair. "Yeah we do. I know that now," Rick confessed, sounding much less placid than before, done peace-keeping and bowing down to Negan and the Saviors. He vowed then and there that no matter how long it took, he was going to save you and Daryl, and he was kill every single last Savior for what they had done to his family, knowing where he needed to go now,
Maggie climbed the wooden ladder, stopping at the top of the lookout spot to see people walking towards the gates. She squinted for a moment, before her heart warmed as she rapidly descended the steps, running to the gate to see her people walking in. Rick immediately greeted her with a warm hug, before whispering something to her. She pulled away, not being able to hear him as she stared at him confusedly. "You were right the whole time. We have to fight back," he agreed with Maggie, who had been frustrated with their lack of rebellion and action. Maggie smiled at his words, before hugging Michonne as people had their reunions, Rosita and Sasha sharing a respectful nod towards one another,
"There's someone you should see," Maggie said a bit more serious now as Rick glanced at her bewildered as he followed her over to the double wooden doors next to the building leading to the basement. Jesus glanced at Rick and Maggie nervously as she nodded, he opened the doors as Rick tried to look in, walking down the steps. His eyes widened in shock as he saw Daryl, but he was equally shocked to see him tied to a chair, writhing around in his spot. Once Daryl, had spotted Rick, his thrashing stopped. "Rick?" he asked gruffly, as Rick couldn't come up with any words to say, dumbfounded, as he felt a few tears well in his eyes,
He looked back at Maggie giving her a look that told her to explain. "Jesus was with Carl when they hid in the truck. He only wanted to make a trail to the Sanctuary but Carl didn't jump out of the truck when he was supposed to. He was deadset on going to kill Negan. Jesus went looking for him and found Daryl on the way," Maggie explained, as Rick and Michonne listened, while Jesus stood a bit further back. "Tell 'em the rest," Daryl grunted out angrily. glaring right at Jesus, which Michonne noticed, looking at Jesus who stared down at the ground bashfully, looking almost fearful,
Maggie sighed, as if she didnt want to say the next part. "Daryl managed to get out, thinking Y/N was already out and wanted to go back in and save her. Jesus knocked Daryl out to get him back here. Y/N is still at the Sanctuary," Maggie said regretfully, as Rick's gaze alternated between a nervous Jesus in the corner and a furious Daryl. "He refused to stay here, insisting on going back, so this was the only way," she stated as she pointed to the ropes keeping him constricted. At the sight of Jesus, Daryl began to move around in the bindings once again, wanting to strangle him for what he did. Rick looked at Jesus who began to stutter,
"I-I didn't know what else to do. If we had've gone back in, we never would've made it out safely without being seen," Jesus reasoned as he held his hands up, not wanting to be blamed. "Then you should've left me there. You could've run off like the little coward you are. You lied and told me you had her safely in the car. And you can't keep me tied up in 'ere forever. So you better hope you're far away when I'm not anymore," Daryl seethed threateningly as Rick intervened. "Alright. That's enough," he raised his voice slightly, "Jesus just get out of here." He nodded hesitantly as he left the basement, feeling Daryl's menacing stare on him the entire time, making him feel uneasy,
"Daryl, I'm gonna untie you, but do not leave the Hilltop. Negan doesn't know yer gone yet. And when he finds out, when he gets back to the Sanctuary, he's gonna have his people out lookin' for you. You can't leave the Hilltop. The only way you're going to be able to help save Y/N, is if you're here, not locked back up in the Sanctuary," Rick persuaded sternly, seeing Daryl's face shift slightly, knowing Rick was right. Once his anger had dissipated into his usual, normal anger-like state, Rick moved to cut the ropes as Daryl stood up. "What's the plan?" Daryl asked immediately, "how're we gonna get her back?" Rick put his hand out towards Daryl. "We can't make a move just yet. We have to be smart about this," he argued, as Daryl began to get riled up again at everyone's lack of action on the subject,
"We will save her soon I promise you t-" Rick started to assure Daryl, placing his hand on his shoulder, but Daryl shrugged it off, Maggie and Michonne watching him pace a little now. "Nah you don't get it, do you?" Daryl yelled, getting up in Rick's face, "she's the one who got me out of there. She saved me. Because I was too useless to save her. And now, she's stuck there. You don't think he's gonna know it was her who helped me escape? You don't think he's gonna hurt ‘er for it?" He raved and ranted, as Rick went silent, looking down, knowing the last part was probably true. Daryl's heart broke in two, thinking of you being punished for his disappearance,
"You ain't got a clue, man. You don't know what it's like in there. How scared she was. How scared I was," as he pointed at Rick accusingly, who just listened, Michonne's eyes filling with tears at the thought of what you both had to go through, and what it would be like for you alone now. "If it were any one of you in there instead of her, and she was here? She'd be making a move now. She'd be- she'd. Hell she'd be doin' somethin'," he fumed as he rambled, the others just letting him, as his resolve started to crumble slowly, as much as he tried to keep it up. "So, we've gotta. We've gotta save her- we've gotta...," he trailed off as tears welled in his eyes, trying to push them down, turning his back to his friends, as he tried to hide his grief,
He felt guilty. He just wanted you here, safe. He flinched as he felt a hand on his shoulder, turning to see Rick, who used the grip on his shoulder to pull him in as he stood, not wanting to reciprocate the hug, not wanting to admit the pain he was feeling, still trying to convince himself that he didn't need comfort; that he didn't deserve it. He was safe back at Hilltop, and you were still imprisoned in the Sanctuary, and he was the one being hugged and comforted. He felt pathetic as Rick held him tighter, making his tears fall faster. "We're gonna find her. I promise you. We're gonna figure this out," Maggie promised from where she stood, and she meant it. Daryl knew that she meant it. After seeing what Negan had done to Glenn, Maggie would do anything to prevent Daryl going through the same pain if he decided to kill you in a fit of rage upon seeing Daryl's breakout,
Rick pulled away from the hug, as Michonne stood next to him, both offering Daryl sympathetic glances, Michonne's gaze having a bit more conviction, as she would be ready to fight for you whenever the time came. You were one of her good friends, and not only that, but you were good. You were a good person. And Michonne wasn't going to let another good person suffer at the hands of Negan. "Let's gather everyone. We'll start planning now," Rick suggested, as he offered Daryl a small smile, who wiped away the few tears that had managed to spill out, giving a forceful nod in his direction, as they all walked out of the basement, gathering the others for a meeting,
Gathered now in Gregory's office, chaos began to ensue at the hands of Gregory's cowardice and refusal to fight. "How many people can we spare? How many can fight?" Maggie asked sternly as she placed her hands on either side of the desk, looking at him at eye-level as he scoffed, leaning forward. "We?" he laughed, as the others began to grow angry. "We're gonna win," Rick forced, as Gregory rolled his eyes. "These are killers. We have farmers. They don't know how to fight," Gregory quipped, before Rosita piped up. "Give me a week," she promised, meaning it. "That was rhetorical," he corrected sassily,
"What happens out of my purview, stays out of my purview," he stated smugly, as Daryl jumped forward from his spot leaning against the wall, trying to walk towards him, as Rick stopped him forcefully with a hand to his chest. "You on our side or not?" Daryl yelled, not having time or patience for Gregory's dawdling. "I think I've made my stance pretty clear. You can go back to your little town now." Everyone rolled their eyes as Tara scoffed in disbelief, your group storming out of the room. "This is a joke," Tara complained. "We don't need him anyway," Daryl retorted as Enid rushed into the room, eyes darting to her in panic at her speed,
"Enid, what's wrong?" Maggie asked worried, but when she saw Enid's smile, she knew there was nothing wrong. She led the group outside, showing them the people who had gathered. "We want to help you fight Negan and the Saviors. Do you think we can win?" one of the women asked, as Rick nodded. "I know we can," he stated assuredly. Everyone smiled at the fact that they had more numbers now, as they started walking towards the front gate of Hilltop. "We're still going to need more people," Rick said as he walked, "we have to get back to Alexandria. If they come looking for Daryl, that's the first place they'll look and we need to be ready,"
"What if you didn't need to get back?" Jesus suggested, as Daryl still tried to contain his anger at the sight of him and everyone halted in their movements looking at him confused. "I think it's time to introduce you to Ezekiel and The Kingdom," he smiled as Rick looked at Michonne, unsure of who he was talking about. Within a few minutes, they had arrived at the Kingdom and were being questioned by two of the Kingdom's soldiers, as they requested an audience with King Ezekiel. "We're going to need your guns first," one of them said. "We only have two," Rick said honestly, handing them over. The two soldiers led them through the Kingdom, as they observed people chatting, gardening and running drills, training,
"Morgan?" Tara asks in disbelief, as a smile breaks out on her face, as she walks over to hug him, Rick smiling as he saw him, both of them reuniting. Morgan explained to a disappointed Daryl that he had brought Carol to get help here after a nasty run-in with the Saviors, but that she had gone on her way after that; a lie. Rick nodded as they made their way to see the King to convince him to join their fight. "Ezekiel, I bring like-minded friends from another settlement, Alexandria," Jesus greeted the King, doing a small respectful bow, as he turned to the others who were stood a bit away, cautiously eyeing the tiger that Jesus regretted to tell them about as he muttered an apology to them with a laugh,
"I welcome you all to the Kingdom, good travellers. What brings you here?" Ezekiel welcomes warmly as Ricks steps forward to plead his case. "King Ezekiel, Alexandria, The Hilltop and The Kingdom all have something in common; we're all controlled by the Saviors. We fought them once, and won. But we didn't know then that it was only an outpost. We know of your deal with the Saviors. So you know they rule through fear," Rick explained, but Ezekiel's face contorted with anger as he glared at Jesus who nervously spluttered. "I only told them of t-" but the King interrupted him. "We told you of our deal in confidence. Why did you break it?" he asked accusingly in annoyance,
"I want you to hear Rick's plans," Jesus reasoned. "And what plans have you, Rick Grimes?" Ezekiel asked, willing to hear him out. Rick looked around as the others nodded, turning back to the King. "We want you to help us fight the Saviors, to get freedom for all of us," Rick stated matter-of-factly as Ezekiel looked with worry and skepticism. "What you're asking is very serious," Ezekiel replied, as he seemed to contemplate Rick's offer. "Our people, good people, were murdered brutally by the Saviors," Michonne said sadly, as she walked to stand beside Rick, holding his hand in support,
Morgan's face hardened, as he looked over to Rick and Michonne curiously. "Who?" he inquired, as Rosita spoke up. "Glenn, Abraham, Spencer, Olivia. They kidnapped Eugene. They took Daryl and Y/N, he managed to escape, she's still being held at the Sanctuary," Rosita listed with a touch of spite, "you going to tell us you were right?" Morgan stared at Rosita in disbelief, immediately shaking his head feverishly. "No. I would never. I'm just real sorry they're gone," he said sadly, as Daryl began to pace nervously upon hearing your name, being constantly reminded of the fact that you were still in trouble. And every second the group spent here, was a second lost in getting you back home safe,
Ezekiel sat with a quizzical brow, taking in what everyone was saying slowly, as Sasha explained what they'd done to Glenn and Abraham. "We have strong people, but not enough people," Rick confessed, as Richard, Ezekiel's right-hand man looked between the group and his King. "We have people, and weapons. If we strike first, together, we can do it, Your Majesty," he pleaded, seeing the urgency of the situation. "You have given the King much to ponder, I shall give you my decree in the morn," King Ezekiel announces, as he stood. Rick nodded appreciatively, hoping he would accept their offer,
The morning after, King Ezekiel told the group that he couldn't offer his soldiers or his help, but could offer Daryl asylum, leaving the group angered and dismayed, Daryl more so than anyone. "You call yourself a King, but you sure as hell don't act like one. You not hear what we just told you? About our people? About Glenn and Abraham? About Y/N?" he yelled as Ezekiel looked down, shaking his head. "I can't risk my people's lives," Ezekiel argued, as the group walked off towards the front gate as they grumbled. "I ain't stayin' here," Daryl grunted, as Rick moved to put his hand on his shoulder,
"You have to. We can't have Negan finding you. If you're here, you can try convince Ezekiel," Rick urged, as Daryl fumed, but didn't argue. "We'll be back soon. I promise," Rick assured, as Daryl didn't reply, watching as the doors closed, his group now out of his view,
On their way back, Rick and the others had come across a trap that the Saviors had set for a herd of walkers. It only took one glance between Rosita and Rick, for them both to know that they needed these explosives and they could be a real advantage to them. While Rosita got to work, trying to disarm the trap, a message came through on the long-distance radio that Jesus held belonging to the Saviors, as Negan's voice boomed on the other end, unaware that the Alexandrians were listening on the other end. "Simon, get your ass to Alexandria. Tear that place apart until you find Daryl," he demanded as the group looked at one another. Rosita stood up, having successfully stopped the explosives from going off and dismantling the bomb, explaining to the rest of the group what to do and how to do it. "We need to unwrap these explosives as quickly as possible and get back. Let's move," Rick said hastily,
Everyone worked at a quick pace in gathering the explosives, as a herd began to make it's way onto the highway. After a plan set out by Rick, the group had successfully gotten the explosives and managed to keep the herd on the highway, Rick insisting they might need it to their advantage at some point. As they drove away, the group laughed breathlessly as they all panted, amazed that they had pulled it off,
The group arrived back in Alexandria just in time, seeing the Saviors' vans pull up, driving into the settlement as they began to get out, circling the group. "Hello again," Simon greeted, as Rick walked towards him, pretending to be oblivious as to why they were here. "We'd thought it'd be a little longer before the next collection," Rick stated, referring to their supplies. Simon scoffed as he placed his hands on his hips. "We're not here for a tribute. We're here for Daryl," he laughed. "He's not here. We didn't even know he was missing," Rick lied, pretending to look confused as Simon waved towards his men,
"I'm sure you won't mind if we take a look around then. Everyone grab a buddy," Simon hollered, as he grabbed Carl's shoulder, as the group made their way around Alexandria, watching the Saviors loot the place and turn it upside down in search of Daryl. As they walked back to the front gates, after scoffing at the empty pantry that surprised the group, it having been fully stocked before they left, Simon spoke out. "Sorry we couldn't stay but we have a litany of other shit to attend to," he apologized with mock sadness as he walked towards the van, hopping in to close the door,
"Oh and Rick?" Simon asked, as Rick looked up, "if Daryl does turn up here. Let him know Y/N's getting a little lonely on her own." Rick's jaw clenched as he forced himself to nod at Simon's statement. Behind him, Carl stepped forward angrily, but Michonne grabbed his forearm, pulling him back as he breathed heavily at the mention of your name as Simon saluted, driving off with the rest of his soldiers. Rick looked at the others who looked just as angry and worried as Carl had been, noticing the urgency to get you back home safe; and soon. Rick huffed, having to deal with a missing Gabriel and a missing food stock,
You shivered as you hugged into the wall as much possible, trying to generate some warmth. You hadn't eaten since they had put you in here 2 days ago now. At some point throughout that time, you struggled to know when, Sherry whispered through the door on the changing of the guards at your cell, that she had managed to get Daryl out. You thanked her profusely, putting your trust in her now as you beamed brighter than you had in a while, happy that Daryl was hopefully home safe by now, though you knew he probably hated you for trying to play the hero, and staying at the Sanctuary. You didn't care, you'd rather see him angry, than see him in his cell any longer, than see him with new fresh wounds courtesy of Dwight,
Before you knew it, the door to your cell swung open, as you covered your eyes shakily, half from the shock of the door opening, and half due to your lack of food and water. Your vision blurred as a figure walked in, gripping your arm roughly, harshly hauling you off the floor as you cried out. You struggled to stay upright as you were dragged into a room finally, being thrown to the floor. You looked up to see Simon who was the one who had dragged you here. You stared up at him angrily, as he smirked. Before you could ask him anything, the door creaked open, as Negan entered, making you cower slightly, as he sauntered into the room with one Savior next to him,
"So how's my favorite wife doing? You enjoying your new room?" he taunted mockingly, as you stared at the floor from where you were sat, your dress from 2 days ago pooling over your legs, filthy. You didn't reply, as your lip twitched in anger. He walked towards you, as you refused to look at him, as he took your chin in his hand, gentler than you were expecting, as you flinched from his touch, but didn't move away, trying not to agitate him further. Your body shook from both the cold and from dread as he ran his leather glove-clad thumb, over your lip, swiping softly over the stitch that Sherry had done on your cut you had endured from his hit the days previous,
You hissed at the feeling of the rough leather catching in the stitch slightly as he only laughed at your reaction. "Now, back to business," he hollered, as he let go of your chin rapidly, making your face fall down as your head hung low. With a nod given, Simon pulled you up to your feet as you struggled to stay up, as he stood next to you ensuring you wouldn't fall down. You looked up at him now from where you stood, as he paced the room, Lucille resting heavily on his shoulder. "What I wanna know, is how you helped our little buddy Daryl and one of my wives, Sherry escape," he whispered menacingly with a wide grin. You knew he'd eventually come asking you about it, but it didn't stop your blood running cold at the question,
"W-what, I-I don't know what you’re talking about," you replied through shaky breaths, as you stood a bit taller, pretending you knew nothing about them even being gone, which was half true, as you didn't know Sherry had managed to escape after she came to tell you she had freed Daryl. Negan lumbered towards you ever so slowly, unsatisfied with your answer, as he leaned down slightly to be at your eye-level, smirking at you. After a moment of silence, and him staring you up and down, in one swift movement, he had stepped backwards and clicked his fingers. Before you could move, the Savior next to you had kneed you in the abdomen as you let out a pained cry, but closed your mouth quickly, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing you cry. "I-I don't know anything," you repeated, more sure of yourself now. You had thought about it, being logical. 'If he's standing here asking you what you had to do with it, then he really has no proof at all. He doesn't know anything. He’s bluffing,’ you told yourself, maintaining your strong facade as he squinted, analyzing you more closely now, before he nodded again,
You braced yourself this time, seeing the soldier pull his small knife from his sheath, slicing you just at the edge of the skin on your forearm in a long jagged line. You immediately yelped from the cut, bringing your right hand to hold your wound, trying to stop the blood that flowed from it. You went to fall, but Simon only grabbed your forearm, dragging you back up. "I'm gonna ask you one more time. Don't make this harder on yourself, sweetheart. Daryl is gone, Sherry is gone. You were the last person she talked to. And suddenly, they're both missing," Negan's voice boomed, though you knew him better than he thought, and his voice faltered, clearly having no real evidence that it was you who had helped Daryl escape. You didn't know Sherry was planning on escaping, but after she confided in you about the life she lived as one of Negan's wives, you could understand why she fleed, not about to rat her out. She had helped Daryl after all, even when she didn't have to,
You felt one tear fall from your eye from the piercing pain in your arm, grateful that the cut hadn't been deeper, but still biting your tongue to keep your muffled cries under control. "So what. do you know about it?" he growled out, accompanied by a wicked smile. You lifted your head to look at him. "I don't know how they got out. I swear," you promised, putting an innocent, tearful look on your face. He shook his head angrily, looking for a confession from you. Negan nodded once again, as the Savior approached you once again with the bloody knife. You tried to get out of Simon's strong grip, as he moved to hold both of your arms now, as you fought back, thrashing around as much as possible with your fatigue and your wound that was now bleeding profusely,
"No please. I don't know anything," you begged through your tears that started to fall now, as he neared you with the knife, holding it to the bicep of your other arm, beginning to pierce through the skin. You let out a rough, pained scream as he began to cut your skin. "P-please, I don't know anything. You have to listen to me," you yelled through strenuous sobs. Negan seemed to have actually listened to you, as the soldier stopped just as he began to cut deeper, as you were left with much smaller, bleeding cut than on your other arm. Your hair stuck to your forehead from sweat as you panted rapidly now, looking at Negan, who was now leaned against the shut door of the room holding his bar. He stayed silent as he stared at you, intrigued,
You didn't wait for confirmation you could speak, grabbing your opportunity with both hands. "D-don't you think that if I had helped them escape that I would've left with them? I didn't even know Daryl had left, til just now," you weeped, looking at him with pleading eyes. He tried to make it look as though what you were saying didn't make sense, and that he wasn't letting it in, but you knew by the way he was silent, that he was most definitely hearing you out. "I-I mean, Daryl left me?" you asked, your voice cracking as you played your part once again, trying to ignore your blood dripping on the floor as you clutched your arm. You could tell Negan was being convinced, it was working. You just really had to sell it now,
In the silence, as Simon and the Savior shared confused perplexed glances at Negan's lack of speech and his surprisingly calm demeanor, his anger having completely melted away now, as his serious expression remained, but without the animosity it had moments prior. In a bold move, you walked towards Negan, as he waited a moment, before nodding at Simon, who reluctantly let your arms go. "Daryl left me here. He's not who I thought he was. I-I have nothing for me in Alexandria anymore," you croaked out, disheartened, as your tears continued to sting your cheeks. "He abandoned me. I-It's made me realize," you started, now in front of him, gazing up at him with water-filled eyes, as you moved your hand not covered in red to touch his arm. He flinched slightly, wanting to pull away completely, but he didn't,
That let you know that it was possible to sway him now. "Y-y-you were right the whole time. He doesn't love me. I-If he did, he would've rescued me. B-but he didn't because he doesn't care about me," whimpered out, as your fingers begin tracing small soft circles on his knuckles now. "B-but you do. You care about me. D-don't you?" you asked nervously through your sobs, as you looked up at him expectantly as you could see his stony exterior begin to crumble. In a final attempt, you broke down in tears, your hands shaking as you tried to hold your wound tight, crying for a few moments before finally, in the midst of your tears, you felt arms enclose your body as you gasped, but he held you tighter,
You allowed yourself to fall into his hold, wanting it to seem convincing. Your weak arms encircled his waist, as his hand reached to bring your head tighter into his chest as you cried, not caring that blood from your cut was now getting on his jacket. As your emotions began to die down, and your crying stopped, you were brought back to the fact that you were injured. "Shh, it's okay angel," he whispered, and you forced yourself not to smile smugly, at the fact you had fooled him again. You sniffled as you felt your body finally crumple, from exhaustion, from emotion, from blood loss, you weren't sure. He watched your eyes begin to flutter open and closed, blinking slower than normal, as he lifted you up, holding you bridal style now,
"What do we do?" Simon asked annoyed at his leader's naive fondness towards you, as Negan began to walk out, stopping in his tracks at the question. "Get Dwight into a cell. I'll be down to ask him a few questions in a bit," he replied nonchalantly, his signature smile back on his face. You stared up at him from where you lay in his arms as he gazed down at you, wanting nothing more than to push yourself out of his hold, and force yourself to crawl if you had to. But you couldn't, you could barely move from tiredness as you felt your vision darken, black darkness now surrounding you as you passed out. Before you knew it, you felt a cushiony bed beneath you as you opened your eyes fully with force, seeing a man looming over you. In a flurry, seeing him as a threat, you grabbed the first thing next to you, sitting upward rapidly to attempt to strike the individual as you released a loud outcry at your action,
But before you could, your wrist was caught by a strong hand halfway through the motion. You blinked rapidly, everything around you become clearer as you saw a man in a long white coat staring at you, with a scared, fearful expression. You turned your head to the right to see Negan clutching your wrist as he began to laugh amusingly. "Easy now, pocket rocket. This is Dr. Carson. He's just going to bandage you up," Negan explained with a toothy grin as a few pieces of your hair had fallen in front of your face, as you calmed your breathing, letting the syringe, being the first thing you grabbed from the steel table next to you, drop onto the bed as your posture slackened, easing as Dr. Carson shakily continued, finishing his bandage job as he looked at you startled, fearful you would have another outburst as you eyed him warily,
"Atta girl," Negan chanted, as he smiled at you, as you stared now at your bandaged arm. You swung your arms over the side of the medical bed now, looking at the patchjob and the small plaster on the smaller cut on the bicep of your other arm. "C'mon," Negan murmured, as he guided you off the bed. "Thanks," you grumbled to the doctor, as you walked out, his hand at your back, leading you down the hallway. You zoned out as you walked, before he coughed. You stopped and looked up, seeing the door to the same cell you had been in for the last 2 days. You gazed up at him in confusion, as your breathing quickened, dreading going back in there,
He must've sensed your apprehension, as he put his hand on your shoulder, turning you towards him now. "I know, I know. But I need you in here until I find out who helped Sherry and Daryl escape. I know it wasn't you. But I can't let you out until I figure out who it was," he comforted as you wanted to scream 'fuck you' in his face. He knew it wasn't you, despite the fact that it actually was you. But was still keeping you in here anyway. You faked being accepting, as you sent him a slight smile, trying to tell him you understood, even though you wanted to scream, as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead as you cringed at the action. You walked into the cell, sitting down again. "The second we find who did this, I'll come back and get you. I promise," he assured with a smile, as he closed the door, locking it behind him,
After a few minutes of silence, you let out a pained grunt, hitting the wall next to you in anger. As you sat in the darkness, you were unaware of what was happening down the hall in one of the other cells,
Negan strolled up to the cell that Simon had Dwight thrown in, after giving him quite the beating, leaving a nasty gash on his forehead. Without warning he began using Lucille to bang loudly on the cell door, making Dwight jump on the other side of the door. "Just as cozy as you remember, sunshine?" Negan asked tauntingly through the steel door, "you'll be surprised to know that when we went on a little search for your failed project, Daryl, I got back to find I was missing a wife. Or then again, maybe you're not surprised about that." Dwight looked confused as he hadn't known about Sherry escaping. "Hell of a coincidence that is, Dwight. Only reason I could think of is that you've moved to the wrong side of the tracks again," Negan suggested, as Dwight's heartrate quickened at the accusation,
"No," Dwight insisted, denying the accusation that was dealt to him. "Who are you, Dwight?" Negan asked after a pause of silence. "I'm Negan," he insists. Negan unlocks the door, as Dwight squints from the harsh light. Dwight stood up, staring Negan straight in the eye, who leaned against the doorframe, Lucille swung on his shoulder, as he noticed Dr. Carson out the corner of his eye. "Daryl ain't like you, Dwighty. So either he's on his way home, or he's on his way back here to get his girl and kill a bunch of us, mainly me and you," Negan explained, thickly, as he grinned at Dwight, who nodded, knowing what he was about to ask him to do. "Either way, you'll find him. And Sherry. You think you can handle that?" Dwight swallowed thickly, before his expression hardened, nodding at Negan,
"Brilliant," Negan cheered, as he stood up from he was leaning against the doorframe, "Carson, fix what you can." Dwight followed Dr. Carson, who stitched up some of his wounds, before he left, grabbing his weapon and some supplies to head out. On his way out, he headed to your cell, telling the guard that he was sent by Negan, who opened the door as Dwight walked in. The cell you had been put in this time had a window, so you looked up to see Dwight as he closed the door. Your expression darkened as you watched him walk towards you. "What do you want?" you asked angrily, as he crouched down in front of you, placing a plate with a piece of bread on it. You looked down at it, sneering at his attempt of a peace offering. You noticed the wounds he had on his face and the bandages he donned, knowing now that if Sherry had gone missing, Negan had suspected him and taught him a little lesson,
"You were the last one to see Sherry before she escaped. What did she tell you? Did she say anything to you?" he questioned with a stoic expression. You only stared back at him blankly, as you watched him get frustrated by your lack of speech. "Answer me," he growled out, trying to sound intimidating and threatening, "answer me or I'll tell Negan you won't talk." You laughed in his face gleefully, letting your head fall forward as you chuckled. He looked at you confused, and angry, as he glanced at the door every few seconds. "If Negan really had sent you, you wouldn't be looking around at that door every few seconds, as if you’ve just shot someone and tossed the gun," you grunted, laugh gone now, but replaced with a sinister smile, knowing he was in deep shit if he was coming to talk to you,
Dwight's lip twitched as he rolled his eyes at you, scoffing slightly. "My bet is, Negan doesn't know you're here?" you asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer from reading his body language. You watched him with fury, as you struggled not to lunge at him for the shit he had done to Daryl. "If I were you, I'd get out of here and count your lucky stars if I don't tell him about your little visit," you seethed, as you came closer to his face as you said it, clearly not meaning your threat lightly. Dwight rose to stand as he began to pace, still not leaving the cell. "Look, just quit being a stubborn bitch, and tell me. What did she say to you when she was in here? Did she mention anything?" he yelled, but not too loud that the guard outside would hear,
You thought for a moment, furrowing your eyebrows. "Now that I think about it, she said... she said something. She told me... she mentioned," you contemplated, trying to recall, as Dwight stepped a bit closer trying to hear what you had to say as he gazed at you curiously now,"that... you were a massive jackass." You shouted the last part as your thought-induced expression fell from your face as you now glared at him angrily. Without thought, Dwight swung his hand back, hitting you across the face as you breathed out a bit, before laughing as you touched your lip, taking your finger away to see fresh blood; he had reopened your lip stitch,
For a second, he looked scared at what he had just done and what it might mean for him. "If I were you, I'd get the fuck out. Now," you started venomously, your voice just above a whisper, as you growled out your words in fury, "by the looksof it, you have a hell of a lot more to lose than I do. And if Negan hates one thing, it's people touching his things. So I'd skedaddle before he gets here, and I tell him just about how and why I'm bleeding again, and who exactly was the cause of it. So. Get. Out," you yelled in a fit of fiery rage, cheeks red from anger, as you took the plate of bread, hurling it in his direction as you panted, his face looking a bit shocked and almost scared, dodging the paper plate. Your breathing was fast, and rage coursed through your veins. Knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere, he walked towards the door,
Just before he walked out the door, he heard your voice speak, turning around to look at you stoically and annoyed with your lack of information. "I hope you never find her. People like you don't deserve happiness," you stated angrily, as he stormed out, slamming the door. Your anger fell, as you smirked, happy to have one up on him as you wiped the remainder of the blood from your mouth. Though it wasn't bad enough for you to need another stitch which you were grateful for. After a few hours of sitting in the cell, your door was opened, as a Savior walked in. "Negan requires you in the communal area," he stated authoritatively as you nodded, getting up to follow him as he escorted you there,
Once you got there, you realized that all of Negan's people had gathered already, kneeling down as he stood next to the furnace, as you noticed Dwight was back from leaving to find Sherry, though you didn't see her anywhere. You walked nervously as Negan's eyes landed on you as you strolled towards him. "There she is," he reveled as he took your hand, placing a kiss at the top of it before leading you to stand next to 3 other women, who were all dressed the same. You figured in your head that they were Negan's other wives. You turned to one of them, who smiled at you nervously as you smiled back, both of you, and everyone else, unsure of what was happening,
Negan still had his eyes locked on you, as he smirked widely, making you uneasy. "You're gonna want to pay attention to this," Negan's voice boomed as he pointed his bat up to the stairs behind you. You turned as your eyes widened in horror, seeing a panicked Eugene standing on the stairs next to Laura, one of the Saviors. His eyes locked onto yours as you sent him a fearful look, as tears filled his eyes out of pure nervousness. You turned back to see Dwight heating the hot iron in the furnace, as Negan paced in a circle painfully slowly, as everyone watched on. "I have done the honor of finding the individual who helped 2 of my prized prisoners to escape," Negan announced wickedly, as your heart practically stopped,
'That's why he wanted me here. Fuck,' you thought to yourself, closing your eyes, preparing yourself for your fate of a melted-off face. Without warning, 2 soldiers grabbed Dr. Carson who you remembered from earlier. You couldn't help but look confusedly at the scene, wondering why he was being grabbed as he yelled and cried out in protest. "No, no , no! I didn't. I-I had no part in it," he pleaded truthfully, but Negan sent the top of his bat into his abdomen harshly as the man doubled over. You winced and your heartrate quickened as you watched a man be punished for your crime. "Found this tucked away in your desk," Negan spoke proudly, as he showed a note. You craned your neck to see the words 'goodbye honey' written on a piece of paper,
"You helped Daryl and Sherry escape, because you knew she hated him being held up here. Didn't you?" Negan asked cheerily, though it wasn't much of a question. The doctor shook his head vigorously, denying the accusation as he tried to speak but was still reeling from the pain. "Sherry told Dwighty boy here the whole story before she was ripped apart by walkers," Negan stated bluntly, pointing at Dwight who kept his eyes fixated on the fire in the furnace as he heated the iron. You fought the urge to gasp as you wondered how much of it was true. 'Is Sherry really dead?' you thought to yourself sadly. But you noticed Dwight's guilty face. You were the only one who knew he was lying about Dr. Carson helping Daryl and Sherry escape, because you were the one who had,
And if he was lying about Dr. Carson and Sherry's affair, seeing as he had planted the note in his desk, he could be lying about Sherry, knowing that he still had feelings for her. He was keeping Sherry safe by lying, throwing Carson under the bus for a crime he didn't commit, lying about Sherry being killed. As you were thinking, you were brought out of your thoughts, by the clanging sound of Negan grabbing the iron holding it ever so closely to Carson's cheek as he wept, begging for him not to burn him, as he thrashed around in the grip of the 2 Saviors. You felt guilty but reminded yourself if it wasn't going to be him, it was going to be you getting the iron. You stayed silent. "Tell me you did it. Admit it. And all is forgiven," Negan stated calmly, as Carson began apologizing profusely, admitting to the whole thing,
You were cleverer than Carson. You knew Negan had no plans to forgive. Negan dropped the flaming hot iron to the floor, dusting off Carson's shoulders as he nodded. Suddenly, in a split second movement, Negan had tightened the grip on the man's shoulders, all but throwing him in the raging furnace. You couldn't help the gasp that left your lips and the sick feeling that grew in your stomach at the sight. You weren't the only one to have gasped as you heard one of Negan's wives sobbing into the arms of another. You looked back at the scene, tears filling your eyes. You were a bad person. You couldn't help but feel guilty. Because you should. Dr. Carson had died because of you. Tears poured down your cheeks freely,
"Never should've doubted you, Dwighty," Negan laughed coolly, as he slung his arm around Dwight's shoulders, "Sherry was one of my favorites, I'm sorry." Though there was no sympathy in his voice. "I'm not," Dwight bit back cruelly, as Negan laughed at his coldness, though you read straight through it. You watched as Negan dismissed everyone, people scattering to go back to their work, and the wives back to their room. You stood still, unsure of where you were supposed to go, back to the cell. Did he want you to work for him now like the rest? Negan strolled towards you, seeing the tears running down your face,
His hand reached out to carress your cheek, guiding your chin up so that your teary eyes were now locked onto his face, struggling to see through your blurred vision from your tears. "C'mere," he drawled dramatically, again unsure if his sympathy was real or not, as he pulled you into him, as you mindlessly let yourself be guided down hallway after hallway, feeling his gaze on you every once in a while. Before you knew it, he opened the door to reveal his room, walking you in before closing the door behind him. Your crying had eased slightly, looking up at him in confusion. "I told you once I'd found the culprit, I'd come and get you," he repeated what he'd told you earlier, as he smiled at you, though you just stared at him with a blank, saddened expression, tears still flowing from the scene that you couldn't get out of your head, unable to escape the truth of knowing it was your fault it had occurred, but you wouldn't tell him that part,
"Oh honey," he consoled, as he moved to wrap his arms around your shaking frame. It didn't take a genius to see that you were a shell of the person you were when you'd arrived here. You cried even more as he smoothed your hair with his hand, making you want to push him off, but knowing you'd probably be thrown back in the cell, so you relented. He had hit you, he had watch you be tortured, he had you in a cell with no food or water for days. Your heart split in two as you thought of the only person you wanted to see in this moment; Daryl. "I'm sorry angel. I mean I had reason to suspect you. But I am sorry, for it all," he apologized as he held you,
You forced yourself to look at him, knowing what he wanted to hear you say, you may as well get it out of the way. "I-I'm sorry," you choked out giving you an expectant look that told you he wanted you to continue. "F-for trying to kill you. I-I'm sorry. I don't know what I was doing. It was a terrible lack of judgement. I-I guess I was trying to protect Daryl," you sobbed through your apology, but his icy glare told you to keep going. "B-but I know now, that he doesn't care about me like you do. He doesn't love me like you do," you whispered nervously, as he seemed satisfied, pulling you closer to him as he shushed you mockingly,
Your crying had ceased after a few minutes of standing like that. Eventually, he pulled away to look at you. "C'mon sunshine, give me a smile. I apologized. You apologized. It's forgotten. I hate to see you like this," he smiled smugly, wiping your dried tears with his thumb. You bit back every bit of hate you had, giving him a smile in return. "There's my girl," he cooed, as he stared at you. "Why don't you go take a shower? Get yourself cleaned up? Then we can go to bed," he whispered into your ear, as he kissed your cheek lightly. You nodded quickly, to get away from his lingering touch and partly because you wanted to be clean. He winked at you as you smiled, practically running into the bathroom,
You shut the door, turning on the shower as you quickly ripped the 3 or 4 day old dress off, but you couldn't be sure how many days it had been now. All sense of time had gone completely out the window as you stepped under the water, instantly beginning to scrub harshly at your skin, trying to avoid the bandage around your arm and the bruises that littered your skin from the beating you had took from the Savior as you were interrogated. You cried under the water, allowing yourself to fall apart, as you tried to wash yourself of any dirt, any memory, any feeling of his touch on you. You had held up your strong front for so long, as you finally allowed yourself to let go for those short few minutes that you stayed in the shower. You would've stayed longer, but you couldn't keep yourself standing for too long without needing to fall asleep, completely drained from the events from the days passed,
You dried off your hair as best as you could, before pulling on a pair of loose clothes, feeling claustrophobic even from your own skin right now, not needing anything constricting you. You took a deep breath, looking at your clean, but energyless body in the mirror, your eyebags dark and accentuated from the lack of sleep. 'You can do this. You're going to get out of here. I don't know when. But you will. You're going to survive this,' you told yourself, not allowing yourself to back down, to accept your fate. You were still going to do whatever you needed to do to make it home. You just had to stay sane. You took a deep breath once again forcing yourself to walk out of the bathroom, not wanting to keep Negan waiting or anger him further, having seen first hand once again what happened when that happened,
As you walked out, your nose smelled it before your eyes saw it; a tray of assorted food sitting on a trolley as he grinned. "Ta da. Realized you might have been hungry after the few days," he revealed, much too arrogantly for your liking. 'Might be hungry?' you scoffed to yourself. But your thoughts were silenced by the loud grumbling of your stomach. You smiled weakly through your fatigue as you made your way to your side of the bed where the trolley was situated. You sat yourself on the edge of the bed, relishing in the feeling of something soft after so many days of being stuck in that cell,
You turned around for a moment, watching as Negan lay sprawled under the covers on his side of the bed as he grinned at you, giving you a nod. You didn't need any more confirmation than that as you began to tuck into the food, not caring about being ladylike about it, only now realizing the weight of the hunger that you had been suppressing. As you ate, you felt Negan sit up in the bed but you didn't care why, as you felt his hand caress your shoulder. Your breath hitched, but you forced yourself not to flinch, letting him lean down to kiss your shoulder as you focused on the food. He did this until you had stopped eating, all but taking your last bite, before you practically collapsed into the bed, the lack of sleep hitting you,
You were so tired that you fell asleep almost instantly, not being able to notice or do anything to stop Negan from pulling you close to him to cuddle you; not that you would. To gain his trust back, you'd have to let stuff like that slide and engage in it yourself too if you wanted to survive this. You hated this; feeling useless. You wanted to help your group. Little did you know, they were slowly planning their revolt as they gathered numbers, meeting Ezekiel, making a deal with a new group run by a woman called Jadis, Daryl reuniting with Carol in The Kingdom, Rosita and Sasha coming up with a plan of their own, ready to execute it. All the while, you sat here, unable to do anything to stop any of it
PART 8 COMING SOON ;) let me know if you want to be added to the taglist <3 hope you enjoyed
TAGLIST: @onlyheretoread2 @lothiriel9 @iheartyouyou @catisnotademonn @goosegorl
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wc-confessions · 10 months
Going to sound like a loonie who deserves to be locked away but: warriors should end with the clans getting rid of the code and maybe their lifestyle while we're on it. Like, I know that's basically their rules and you can't have a society without rules. But honestly, it's been proven by many occasions that the code does more harm than good Hollyleaf going beserk? That was the code
Leafpool having to hand her kits to someone else? Code + Starclan with their bs
"The leader's word is the warrior code" this sounds like a recipe for a dictator to come to power but alright I guess. Lets just pretend Tigerstar didnt happen.
And many other incidents, but I don't feel like talking about them all so I'm just gonna continue my rant
I wish I could excuse all of this, but the more I think about Warrior Cats worldbuilding as a whole, the less it seems like a community dedicated to help one another and it begins to look more like a cult, right with the xenophobic views on clanless cats and other minor groups like Sisters. I wish we had more characters that openly question their lifestyle and their rules. More characters like Nightpelt, who actively question Starclan. Imagine if we had a leader character that went against the code to help other cats in need, clan cats or not. More anarchistic characters. Heck, maybe even characters that get fed enogh with code bullshit and ditch the clan lifestyle altogether.
but anyway, just gonna say this: If your rules in your story bring more harm than good, maybe you should reform them.
also anarchy is fun
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sydsaint · 4 months
My review of Double or Nothing 2024
Overall PPV Rating- 8.5/10 stars
In-Depth look under the cut.
I'll start with the pre-show matches.
Deonna vs Rosa- 8/10 stars. Really solid match for a pre-show bout. Both Deonna and Rosa got some good spots in. I was sure that Rosa was going to win, but Deonna pulled one out from under her. I'm expecting the fued to continue until maybe a street fight of some sort between them. It was a good opener to a night of action.
The Acclaimed vs Cage of Agony- 7/10 stars. Max Caster my beloved. Loved the rap and the shenanigans as always. Action was chaotic in a good way. Brian Cage never fails to amaze me with his insane build. Dude is a monster. Very entertaining match to watch.
Now onto the Main Card
Roddy vs Will- 9/10 stars. Almost a perfect match! William Ospreay you are allergic to having a bad match. The actions was entertaining and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I got to see Matt Taven be sexy which is always a bonus. (Mr. Taven please call me) I can't wait to see what kind bangers Will is going to put on now that he's champion.
Post-Roddy/Will shenanigans- ADAM COLE BAY BAY. So happy to see my sinster short king back and ready to cause problems. also. MJF YOU SEXY BITCH. Love the new tattoo pookie!! I can't wait to see the post breakup between these two get MESSY.
Bang Bang Gang vs Death Triangle- 8/10 stars. Jay and Pac aka my two fav greasy little bastard men going at it! Great to see Penta and Fenix back in action again! Death Triangle is so cool. The Gunn bros were chaotic lil weasels as well. They are learning from mother Jay White. and JUICE ROBINSON MY GREMLIN MAN!!! WELCOME BACK POOKIE!!
Orange Cassidy v Trent Baretta- 8/10 stars. Emo Orange you are so special to me. My heart hurts seeing them be mean to one another and I might have cried a little bit. Great match between two men that used to be so close! Emotional for everyone.
Toni Storm vs Serena Deeb- 6/10 stars. I didn't pay that much attention to this match tbh. Serena Deeb is boring to watch if you ask me. Girl had no chemistry with Toni. I did enjoy Nigel being a simp on comms though. And seeing Mariah and Toni be gay is always a plus! Most boring match of the night but still a solid one.
Adam Copeland vs Malakai Black- 9/10 stars. It would have been a perfect match but Malakai lost so. This was a match for the sickos and i ATE IT UP. Blood! Violence! Religious Symbolism!! It had IT ALL. RIP to Adam's knees after jumping off the cage. Also welcome back Grangrel you funky vampire man! The fake-out apot with Brody and Buddy was dope. I got swerved hard with that one. Second best match of the night if you ask me.
Willow vs Mercedes- 7/10 stars. I'm pressed as fuck that Willow lost. The action was solid. You know these girls dont play in the ring. I get that Mercedes is supposed to be a huge star. But my girl Willow got ROBBED. And you take away Kris and Stoke from her??? We can't have nice things in this house.
Swerve vs Christian- 7/10 stars. This was also a solid match. Swerve ddin't get to be nearly as unhinged as i'd of liked. But thats fine. It was fun seeing the shenanigans with Mama Wayne, Nick, and Luchasaurus! Match had me second guessing Swerve winning a couple of times I'll admit.
Anarchy in the Arena- 10/10 stars. BEST MATCH OF THE NIGHT. Oh my god this whole match was INSANE. It baffles me that Darby Allin is even walking after everything that he's gone through then he comes out and does insane shit like this?? Getting hit by a bus? Hanged??? Sir, please seek help. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!! I'm looking forward to seeing this Bucks gimmick end. I hate it. Cringe. All the spots were great! Had me engaged the whole time.
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spiralesplatcast · 13 days
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"Good evening to all our wonderful Anarchy Splatcast fans. Frye and I- Shiver, naturally- are coming to you live from the final evening of the swankiest party going down in all of Spirale: the Autumn Equinox Ball!"
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"Yup! Y'all aren't gonna wanna miss this. We got all sorts of food and dance out here, all to celebrate the changing seasons!"
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"Guests have ample room to mingle, whether on the grounds outside the Chateau, in the gardens, or the Grand Ballroom, complete with a live opera performance for the duration of the night! Not quite as catchy as Deep Cut's music, but she does set a nice tone."
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"Eh, I woulda liked something with more spunk, but I guess it's supposed to fit the mood and all. Anyways, did I mention the FOOD? Just lookit how big the snack table over there is! You think it'd take too long to count all the sweets?"
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"Only if it takes past midnight, which is when this party ends! There's no admission fee at all, and attendees are encouraged to dress to their comfort and style. Come on down to Chateau d'Cendre in the City of Glass, and make sure you've got a mask on! Our hosts seem fond of the element of mystique- a fondness I can appreciate."
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"You can't beat a good mask for putting on a show! Now, I dunno about the rest of y'all, but I can hear those fruit tarts singing to me all the way over here. Listen to 'em!"
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"Just don't stuff yourself so much that you can't spare a dance later. Well, that's a wrap for this broadcast. We hope to see all of you out here, whether recognizable or no. Catch ya later!"
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not-5-rats · 3 months
Do not lose faith dear brothers, there is still hope for us to win this war </3
You guessed it...questions/scenarios!!!
1) How would your bug respond if somebody confessed that they loved them? (Can be platonic or romantic love)
a) if they felt the same
b) if they did not feel the same
2) The silliest thing they believed as a kid?
3) Fame! AU
What is your Bug famous for? (It can be anything, as legal/ illegal as you wish)
4) Scenario #1
Chez was sat at the edge of a river, staring into the glistening water, Bug sat beside him. They hadn't been talking about much in particular just general chat, but then Chez chuckled and said something under his breath
Bug asked him to repeat, so he did
"It's wild to believe that this is my family now...well not really you guys, but the half-blo- the boys. It's crazy, like a month ago I would have killed Timmy the second I saw him!"
He tried to simply move past the statement, but it was clear he felt guilty about it...there was a remorseful glint in his eyes. He hesitated, then continued
"I mean...that was kinda my plan, I was on my way back to the town when I met him. Was gonna rat Bodie out to the other Hunters...couldn't imagine doing anything like that now"
He crossed his arms and leant forward, he sighed as he looked over at Bug
"...mental how people change, ain't it...?"
5) Scenario #2
We're going to the Traitor! AU...again, ik ik we hate it but I had a vision and I need to convey it
The only thing different abt this AU to the normal one is that Chester betrayed Bug + the half-bloods...which means Fran and Daisy were still staying with the Bugs when this all happened...I think you can guess whats coming :3
The group had finally gotten out of the arena and back to the house in the swamps, it was late...super late, around 3am when they finally got back so they were all ready to go to bed and pass out. They all went to their respective rooms and collapsed, most of them being instantly knocked out...unfortunately for Bug they didn't get to sleep very long.
They were awoken only 3 hours later by a knock at their door, they told whoever it was that it had been a long day yesterday...they all know what happened, that they needed to sleep and begged them to go away for another couple of hours but then they heard a young voice from outside
"*Bug*, we're sorry for bothering you but we really need to ask you something, please, it's important!"
Was that...Daisy? They reluctantly got out of bed and opened the door, there stood Fran and Daisy. Fran was picking at the skin under her nails, tears prickling her eyes, clearly panicked whilst Daisy simply seemed confused
Daisy smiled when Bug opened the door but Fran seemed to be attempting to peer around them and into their room, when she couldn't spot whatever she was looking for the tears began to escape her eyes, pouring down her face no matter how much she tried to rub them away.
"*Bug*! We just wanted to ask, we noticed that all of you got back yesterday and there were a couple of new friends with you!!! But emm where's Chezzy?"
Fran sniffled, clearly assuming the worst whilst Daisy was still smiling up at them awaiting their response.
What happened to Chester, Bug? Why isn't he home?
Tags -
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia @recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle @astralbulldragon13 @ccstiles @puffin-smoke @fruity0salad @takashishihoin @reefhastoomanyaccs @aces-oceans
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Twisted Fate- C.San- Chapter 2
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Summary: She was his bindweed, the healer of his soul, the comfort he sought in these dire times of anarchy. She was the thorn that pricked his heart, watching him bleed for her ever so slowly. It mattered not to him, for he was smitten, head over heels for her, and that was what scared her the most- his love becoming the biggest fear she had earned over her life.
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Suggestive
Warnings: triggering content, implied suggestive content, angst, violence, strong language.
Series Master List - Ch1
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Flinching at the sound her eyes snapped open, swiftly sitting up only to groan, laying back down as she pressed her palms on her eyes, the yelling wasn't helping the killer headache nor was the uncomfortable mattress underneath her - mattress.
The last thing she remembered was the rain, the blinding light, and her skidding across the road. The click of the lock broke her chain of thought, as she sat up swiftly, once more, wincing in pain, once more. Her hand instinctively reached for her jacket's pocket, grabbing the only thing that could potentially save her life.
"Nothing to worry about you moron- oh you're awa-" Wooyoung was unable to finish his sentence, for as soon as he looked at her, he was met with the worst stinging sensation one could imagine.
"MOTHER F*CKER" he screeched jumping back out of the van as he continued to yell in pain.
"What happened?" San came up to him, a bottle of water in hand, one that he had brought for her- not the moron that snatched it out of his hand, pouring it all over his face hissing in pain.
San peaked inside the van, from behind the door, spotting her sitting upright, back pressed against the driver's seat, eyes wild, as she held out a small bottle of pepper spray like a gun. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the little scene, she looked like a feral feline caught in a dead corner. Raising his arms above his head, showing her his palms, he opened the door and looked at her, "Don't mean no harm, doll."
She could hear the rain (and Wooyoung's screams of pain) but he was completely dry, in fact, behind him, she could see a concrete wall rather than the road.
"Where am I?" gripping the spray she glared at him, knowing fully well how even the spray was no match for the man before her.
"Empty building - well whatever's left of it," he said lowering his hands as he climbed into the van, watching her scurry further away. Sighing he shook his head and sat a good distance away from her, "No one's gonna hurt you, seriously."
They could still hear Wooyoung cursing at her outside, "I- what happened?" she muttered, looking around the dimly lit van, as dirty as the ring they met in, the only clean thing in the van was a white, knitted sweater, pristine to the last thread. It was ironic how she could tell it belonged to the giant before her, and not the other one she sprayed, because of the size of the garment.
"It was raining and Wooyoung didn't see you cross the road." he stated as if it was a simple fact, choosing to not mention how he was part of the crime, "He stopped in time but I guess the scooter slipped because of the rain- don't worry though, Doc said you'll be fine, other than a few bruises." Eying her for anything other than the bruises, he reached in his pocket and moved closer to her, pausing when he saw her reach for the spray from her pocket again, mimicking her movements he took out a small tube of ointment, "Here, use this for your bruises- you can apply it on your face too, it isn’t bad for the skin."
Without lowering the spray she reached to grab the ointment out of his hand, turning the used tube and reading the instructions at the back. "It is…used." she mumbled, glancing up at him, as he cleared his throat and nodded, scratching the back of his head, "Yeah, I uh..it's mine."
"O-oh, then keep it." pushing it back into his hand, she glanced at his busted lip, "You still need it." His larger, warm hand clasped around hers, the tube parting their palms from touching, "No. Keep it, use it…please." giving her a small smile he relished the feeling of her cool fingers against his, not wasting another moment as he blurted out, "You're cold…do you need a jacket?" glancing around he spotted his sweater, but chose to wait for her answer.
"N-no, I mean my clothes are almost dry so it's fine." brushing her upper arm she felt the moist material of her sweatshirt. Her faded blue jeans, now a shade darker as they clung to her legs, it was uncomfortable, but she didn't want to initiate anything so-
"Here, wear this!" shuffling, a bit too excited, and he grabbed the hanging sweater, turning to face her, only to tumble over, she moved to the other end instantly, but he had managed to fall over her, only stopping when his hands slammed against the wall beside her head as she clenched her eyes shut.
Blinking at her, he took in her features, her breath fanning across his face, at this point he was unsure if he was plain stupid or if fate was messing with him. His eyes scanned the small bruise forming right above her eyebrow, their stupidity sure had done a number on the poor girl.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
Her eyes snapped open at the question, it had been too long since anyone had asked her that, let alone so sweetly. Face flushing over the minimal distance between the two she cleared her throat, "Yes, just a little sore", giving him a small smile, she had never expected to meet such a gentle giant, after taking on this commission, frankly, she thought she'd be stuck with sweaty men, probably harassed too, but this was, different?
San couldn't help but smile back, for some reason, he'd feel time would stop when she was around, which was only twice but still, perhaps it was her shy attitude, or the way she wasn't afraid of him, or just that she was normal, someone who wasn't plagued by the system.
The way his name would slip passed her lips caused his heart to do flips, his soul struggling against his body, while his mind tried to keep his intrusive thoughts at bay.
"Your manager is staring."
Instantly, the man pulled away, as if he was repulsed by her, stumbling back as his own head hit a window, hissing at the dull pain.
Y/N giggled, quickly covering her mouth when she felt Wooyoung glare at her, "If you're awake now, you can leave."
"Woo!" San hissed, still rubbing the back of his head, as he showed Wooyoung the sweater, "She has to change," he mumbled, crawling out and closing the door behind him to give her some privacy.
He sighed turning around to face Wooyoung who had begun his lecture, "San, what part of our conversation did you not understand ?"
"We were just talking" he muttered, looking around the abandoned parking lot they had sought refuge in tonight.
Right after they had discovered it was her, San picked her up with ease, taking her to the van as he began to check for any serious injuries, leaving Wooyoung out in the rain with the scooter. Frankly, Wooyoung had decided to not interfere during his little time alone with her, cleaning up her cuts, nor did he do so when San was on the phone with Doc. It wasn't because he felt guilty, no, if it were guilt, he would've been all over her, it was anger. The moment he had realized they had almost run over her, he felt conflicted, for he felt little to no guilt, which scared him, but the knot in the pit of his guts twisted harder, upon the realization that he had brought his brother to the door of death, himself. He knew how quickly San would get attached to things or people, he knew how quickly he'd fall apart if they'd leave or got lost.
"Didn't look like just talking." he spat, glaring at the taller one, who was staring at the ground with guilt-ridden eyes.
"I swear." he mumbled through a pout, "Wasn't gonna do anything stupid."
Before the conversation could continue, the door slowly clicked open, and Y/N slowly made her way off the step, wincing a bit, the crisp air burning against her cuts and bruises. San's eyes widened for a split second, she looked so tiny in his sweater, a good look though, his eyes met her shy ones, noticing how she averted her gaze. Wooyoung internally groaned, at the scene, what was anger turned into rage, he didn't trust this one for anything, let alone San's crystal heart.
"If you're done, leave. We're two blocks south from where you fell." his words
She felt small in front of the two, especially the way Wooyoung was looking at her. Like a lion ready to pounce at its prey, ripping out its throat and soaking in its blood, flinching at the tone she nodded meekly, quickly making her way to the parked, now dented, scooter. Though the speed only added to Wooyoung's displeasure, he was upset, but he wasn't a fool, he could see how his careless driving had done a number on her, and as she took a big step forward toward the vehicle, her vision blurring for a moment, causing her to stumble. However, before San could reach for her, she was steadied by the younger one, his hands firm on her shoulders, as she looked up at him, blinking away the dizziness. The pressure of his fingertips on her shoulders sobered her up, his tone cold as ice, yet his eyes bore a kind of softness, one San hadn't seen in months, "Here." he whispered, placing something in her palm, "Leave." with that he gently pushed her towards her scooter, glancing in her palm she realized he had handed her the keys.
Nodding at him, she glanced at San who was gave a small smile, something about it made her sick to the core, the nostalgic feeling of self-hatred taking over her being as she glanced away, trying not to think about the glint in his eyes, similar to one she had seen many years ago, a look of parting, one that leaves a scar deeper than anyone would bargain for.
San watched her drive off on this scooter, with a broken wing mirror, perhaps they should’ve paid her for that? A form of compensation?
"Choi San."
He looked away from her blurring figure to his friend who was staring at his feet, "I…I'm sorry." The words clung to the air around them, louder than the pitter-patter of the light rain that they could hear. The parking lot seemed colder, with her gone, the two exchanged a look before San nodded, giving him an assuring hum, then a pat on the back.
"Let's make sure we don't cross paths again." Was all Wooyoung said before stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking around, "I'm going for a walk."
The two knew this little encounter had disturbed their routine, their monotonous life of being wanted runaways had come to a momentary halt, one which to some extent both appreciated, San just a bit more than Wooyoung.
But that was all over now, his world echoing in his head, they were never to cross paths again. Turning to his side he stared at a token on the floor of the van, its dryer number. One he ripped off before giving her the garment, would she keep it with her? Or perhaps throw it away? To some extent he was comforted by the thought of her having it, hoping it kept her warm from the cold breeze. The same melancholic veil wrapped itself around him, almost completely until something red caught his eye.
He got up, crawling over to the shiny object under the opposite bench, pulling out and examining it, the familiar red mirroring the hue now present on his cheeks, as he smiled. In his hands was a helmet, a round little helmet (an exaggeration of sorts), the red adorned with painted white flowers, a contrast of cute and innocent, similar to what he'd see in her- well, at least both had something that belonged to the other. His finger ran across the crack on the face shield, frowning at the thought of what would’ve happened if it had broken off completely, or if she wasn't wearing her helmet tonight.
"Big boy!" the banging sound caught him off guard as he yelped, quickly hiding the helmet under his things, sitting up and staring at Wooyoung who got in the back with him, closing the door behind him.
"I brought food."
The two were eating quietly for a good minute when Wooyoung cleared his throat, "So, there's another match in two days…" He didn't want to push him, knowing he needed time to rest, but they needed the money and on his merry little walk of solemnness he had helped reach a moment of euphoria, "Keep little mountain busy to keep her off his mind."
"Hmm…yeah sure."
His head snapped up at San who was staring at his side of the van, a pile of clothes, smiling to himself like an idiot.
"What are you smiling about?"
"Hmm? Oh uh- just glad we're going back to business(?) "
"Oh good!" Wooyoung smiled before beginning to eat again, unaware of the little plan formulating in the other's mind, after all, a new match meant he could probably get to see her, you know…to return the helmet. Guess crossing paths is something fate decided to repeat more than Wooyoung would've appreciated.
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Another Character sheet, this time for Wolf's alternate counterpart.
I guess I should make a content warning for some mild mentions of racism/discrimination, human experimentation, and child abuse/spousal abuse.
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*Name: Kevin Rome was named by his mother because she refused to let his father have any say in anything after he was born.
*Nicknames: Called Bone in Wolf form, called Kev for short.
*Race/Species: So here's where it gets a bit odd...Kevin doesn't actually know he's Russian-American. On the post-apocalyptic Earth of the 5a universe, Slavic/former Soviet Union ethnicities are treated with racist hatred because of their association with the empire that essentially destroyed the world. Kevin's parents are still from Russia, but they hid this information upon arrival in the US and disguised themselves as German-Americans. Aside from that situation, his story of how he got the Wolf form is the same as Roman's--he was diagnosed with a genetic muscle wasting disease, and he overwrote his human DNA with wolf DNA, becoming what he is now.
*Age: 30, as he was born in 1993 in the US and it's 2024.
*Gender: Male, identifies as such.
*Alignment: Neutral Evil, as he has extremely loose morals and believes that nothing should impede the path of science. He developed a horrible habit of experimenting on fellow bunker dwellers without their knowledge, by adding things to their food or drink, or pricking them with a needle when they aren't paying attention.
*Class/Job: He was eventually busted by the Bunker's security and was exiled, technically making him an illegal scientist. He continued his shady work in the nearby Anarchy City, a bombed-out Pittsburgh home to Rejects, people rejected from the bunkers for various (and sometimes idiotic) reasons. I should've added that he's also a dual Mayor with Fang of Anarchy City, after they worked together to clear it out of rival gangs.
*Perception: Being a paranoid being, he's constantly on the lookout for trouble.
*Communication: A nervous wreck who stumbles over his words in most situations.
*Persuasion: Same issue as above, hard to buy what he's saying when he's sweating bullets talking to you.
*Mediation:...Yet decent at getting people to not argue and reach an agreement with each other.
*Literacy: Growing up in an abusive household where his shrew of a mother prevented him from talking to other children and considered his high intelligence to be a curse, and his father unable to put a stop to it, Kevin relied on books growing up...well, what little of books survived the raging fires of the nuclear exchange. When he ran away from home to work in the nearby bunker at the age of 16, he gained access to a significant amount of information that survived the destruction, becoming the well read man he is now.
*Creativity: And his creativity bloomed as a result, coming up with unique ways to deal with almost any situation.
*Cooking: His mother taught him to cook so she didn't have to anymore. So he's knowledgeable of a few recipes, and prefers to cook his meat rather than eat it raw like Roman.
*Tech Savvy: His father did teach him how to repair machines and salvage for scraps in the nearby ruins of towns, so he's knowledgeable in getting even the most broken of machines working again.
*Combat: Kevin never received the martial arts training that Roman did, and was simply given a gun to protect himself from the mutant animals and roving bandits. In Wolf fork, he's a lot stronger though.
*Survival: He knows the same basic survival skills as the others in his world.
*Stealth: Same issues with Roman, very tall both in human and in wolf form, very clunky.
*Street Smarts: He's familiar with wasteland lingo and has developed a fear of anything unusual or new, making him decently adapted in the chaotic nuke world.
*Seduction: LMAO no.
*Luck: Has no better or worse luck than most people, but he does fall on his face a lot when attempting something risky.
*Handling animals: Animals hate his wolf form. They're otherwise neutral to his human side.
*Pacifying children: He's learned from the failed parenting of his mother and can empathize with children really well.
*Strength: Weak as a human, strong as a wolf, but rarely gets exercise so he's not as strong as Roman.
*Dexterity: Clunky paws make it hard to manipulate things like he can in his human form. I probably should've put it at 3 instead of 2.
*Health: Weak as human, better as wolf.
*Energy: He finds himself having to sleep more after doing anything strenuous.
*Beauty: With his bad hygiene and lack of good self care, he's not considered as handsome as Roman, regardless of his current form.
*Style: Always wearing the dirty lab coat.
*Hygiene: Suffers from the same issue as Roman, with having human lymph nodes under his wolf fur, so he can develop a furious smell. Sadly, he doesn't have good self-care habits, so he's sometimes gnarly to be around.
*Intelligence: As with Roman, his brain mutated exponentially after birth, which his parents regarded as a strange and scary curse. Not wanting to get attention lest it expose the family as being from the Soviet Union, they forced him to withhold his talents from the world. His father was a bit more understanding however, and secretly loaned him books that he could get a hold of.
*Happiness: Living in a deathworld is bad enough, but growing up with a horrible mother who diminished his self-worth and contributed to his anxiety disorder really did numbers on his overall happiness. Like Fang, his role in helping clean up Anarchy City and control it has also led to him developing paranoia.
*Spirituality: Raised Christian by mostly his father, Kevin has relied on his belief in God to pull him through the tough times growing up. However, that hasn't stopped him from developing a twisted set of morals that allow him to see himself as a good Christian while doing very un-Christ-like behavior like experimenting on his fellow man.
*Confidence: Crippling anxiety, childhood abuse, and a pessimistic outlook has knocked his confidence into the toilet.
*Humor: Relies on either self-deprecating humor or insulting someone else.
*Anxiety: As stated before, has an anxiety disorder that is relatively untreated and exacerbated by the volatile world around him.
*Patience: Decently patient in most situations, but will get easily annoyed in others.
*Passion: His drive for knowledge and science have driven him to a dark path. But as time goes on, he's starting to doubt his life choices.
*Charisma: Lol.
*Empathy: While he can cruelly look down on people he feels superior to for whatever reason, there are times when he does have a sudden stroke of empathy towards a particularly sad situation.
*Generosity: Believes that communities can be stronger when they are generous, but doesn't practice this often.
*Wealth: Controlling Anarchy City has led to them being de facto wealthy.
*Aggression: Rarely aggressive himself, Kevin is more of a coward at heart.
*Libido: Aro-ace and having a very weak libido doesn't mix.
I'll add more later, and I'll repost this when I do.
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