#Jeoffrey valaryon
blackcat419 · 1 year
I’m a real blogger I got my first hate comment 🥹
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This is from my post about Jaehera’s death and her deserving better.
I’ll admit where I’m wrong, the dance isn’t based entirely off the war of the roses but more about Empress Matilda/Maude and her cousin Stephen of Blois during the time called the Anarchy. This war is actually about sexism keeping a woman off the throne in favor of her male family member and ends with her son inheriting the throne as her cousin’s heir. The similarities are Matilda’s young brother dying young and her father naming her heir with the lords swearing to follow her. But unlike Viserys, her father doesn’t remarry and cause an entire succession crisis. The war of the roses influence comes from both sides fearing their complete destruction so the other side won’t have claimants threatening their rule later on.
On to the other points of your ‘argument’.
1. Team green is salty that the blacks carry on the targ line.
Nope, I’m anti Targaryens as they are terrible rulers who end their own dragons, kingdom, and dynasty through pure stupidity (I know there’s more than them being stupid but shhh).
Rhaenyra’s line gave us Aegon the unworthy and the black fire rebellions along with the war of the 9 penny kings which did way more danage to the kingdom than any other conflict. You also get Aerys the mad king, Daeron the young dragon who gets himself killed cause he thought he could beat the dornish, Baelon the blessed a man so chaste he literally locks his sisters up so he won’t fuck them, and Rhaegar a man so obsessed with prophecy he runs away with a teenager and leaves his wife and children to be viciously murdered.
2. You don’t hate Jaehera, you just make fun of her for how we react.
What the fuck kind of reasoning is that? You make fun of a kids death cause people care?? Wow. Just wow.
3. A family continues a dynasty so there for they’re right.
I guess Tywin is the greatest of all time cause his grandkids get to be kings without any Baratheon blood.
Also that means that Vaemond was right cause his Granddaughter got to be queen.
4. Complain to George.
Nah the old man has enough distractions and doesn’t need to be bothered with this.
5. My three strong boys are the reeaaaly innocents.
Hah. Jace and Luke are not innocent. Luke cut out Aemonds eye and Jace was a big part of the war effort.
Jeoffrey, Jaehearys, and Maelor are completely innocent. Jeoffrey was killed by his mom’s dragon, Jaehearys was killed by Daemon’s assassins, and Maelor was killed on Rhaenyra’s orders.
So anyways hope we learned a valuable lesson on fuck around and find out. See y’all next time!
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