thegreatwhinger · 7 months
You Can't 'Ruin' Ben Shapiro Unless...
Ben Shapiro is a coward, an adult that has been so sheltered his entire life that he's lost touch with reality.
Most of us having grown up in functional dysfunctional families, had to deal with conflict.
Conflict, in a 'safe' context, teaches us social mores and what is – and is not – allowed in a behavioral sense.
I'm confident saying that Ben Shapiro has never had a debate or argument, never mind an actual fight, that he wasn't in some degree in control of.
That's because he's developmentally speaking, a baby.
That annoying, high-pitched whine he calls a voice comes from deep inside him, which is kinda sad.
His combativeness is overcompensation. He's trying to be a man without quite knowing what that means because he's never had to deal with the nonsense that most of us have had to, because that's what money and privilege often do.
Lee Camp, or anyone for that matter, can challenge the garbage Shapiro says after the fact, but you can't 'ruin' someone who doesn't likely know that he exists from his ivory tower of pretentiousness and privilege.
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“We fought a military war; our opponents fought a political one. We sought physical attrition; our opponents aimed for our psychological exhaustion. In the process we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerrilla war: the guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win. The North Vietnamese used their armed forces the way a bull-fighter uses his cape — to keep us lunging in areas of marginal political importance.”
Henry Kissinger in Foreign Affairs January 1969
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threecheersslxt · 2 months
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asticassia · 22 days
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pokemon anime characters love falling off cliffs its like enrichment to them
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btheleaf · 3 months
I’m still curious how they got a brown eyed girl from green and silver/light blue like ??? Someone cheated lmao
I hc that Jinora has Pema's dad's eyes.
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juusasu4evagrrl · 2 years
Genuine question, does anyone want to hear about naruto from the prospective of a Liberian person grappling with the generational trauma of a brutal civil war or is that too heavy??
Like there's, I like sasuke cause he's a cool dude, very wholesome do tell, and then there's, I like sasuke cause the government also tried to eradicate my people group that one time and holding empathy for that dumbass kid teaches me to examine a my own experiences with compassion, honestly what a downer like who cares.
I don't know thoughts???
#do i even wanna speak on it#maybe i should just rewatch pray the devil back to hell give my dad a hug and tell him how proud i am of him#on second thought#maybe we should go the naruto route#like i promise their are a lot of wacky connections between the warfare in naruto and the liberian civil war#general butt naked eating hearts kakuzu also eating hearts#Samuel doe ( may he rest in pieces in someones digestive track while his soul burns in hell) and danzo#the thing i like about connecting fandom to my life is that it teaches me thing that provide empathy in spaces where it did not naturally#exist but the thing is i dont want to have empathy for a lot of those hos and i think thats valid actually#i think its important to bring our personal live into fandom though cause its all we really have#idek i think it would be best to keep the real world seperate from fandom in this case but#my dad just completed a trip to Liberia for the first time in 30 years (round of applause pls) for the first time since the war has ended#a confilct that started when he was my age (younger actually) and ended a month after my birth and has left so much instability who knows#if its ever really over#were all struggling to come to terms with the Liberia left behind by those events the family and friends we leave behind#and i feel like it would be easier to talk project it all onto stupid lil alien ninja wars instead of talking about it irl#i love sasuke cause i deeply relate to his struggle even though im a generation removed#but i feel like this fandom would not be receptive to the way i would disscuss his character if i made that connection in an analysis#so maybe ill just stew in my emotions a little longer and when i go back to Liberia this summer wth the fam ill decide weather to make#that post or not onece and for all#no that'll be perfect actually cause then i'll be able to make it a post for liberian independence day#ughhh like i don't be wanna talk about it irl but i don't feel this would be a good outlet either#naruto commentary in relation to the liberian civil war sounds like a dope essa but should i write it???#probably not but we'll just have to see#thoughts feelings opinions?? any other Liberian naruto fans on here??? pleas siblings put some sense in me#naruto#not naruto#god i don't even wanna make this post lets see how long she stays up#im writing too many naruto analysies rn anyways lemme worry about that first
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spoonmoment119 · 2 years
to all the people in my inbox telling me that anon was in the wrong, i love you and i thank you but it had been resolved <33 please do not get mad at anon, it is fine. its was just a misunderstnadinggg <333 everything is fine
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ellcrys · 2 years
fucking event conflicts should not be allowed to be a thing I AM SO UPSET about having to choose between two things i love this saturday i cry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
BASICALLY. i have to choose between the boston book festival, One Of My Most Anticipated Events Every Single Year (and this year it will be in person for the first time since *2019* I CRY) and my alma mater’s CS department’s 40th anniversary celebration like
how the fuck am i supposed to choose between the two?????
the cs department was my life and heart and soul while at wellesley and I love it So Much like how am i supposed to Miss It! esp since fucking covid cancelled my 5 year college reunion and i didn’t get a chance to go back and visit everyone but like
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da-bees · 5 months
Undertale AU Characters as Flowers
So i got hyperfixated on flowers meanings and it has taken over my life so here is my favorite little guys as flowers
Flower meanings are based on the flower and then its color, so like red roses mean something different than yellow roses, but both relate to love. Also differnt cultures have different meanings for flowers. This was a nightmare to reasearch, lots of conflicting info.
(Note that some flowers seemingly have confilcting meanings, this is cause often their meanings can be affected by what other flowers are around them, like in a bouquet and shit. Also i will not accepting criticism :) )
Anyways lets go!
Ink - Marigolds
So marigolds represent joy, excitement, creativity and Energy, while also being associated with grief, despair, and mourning. This fits Ink very well, he a very bright person while having one of the fucking sadesst backstory like ever. Also they are assocatied with protection and I think that fun with his protecter of the multiverse thing.
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Blue - Bluebells & Blue Dahlias
Bluebells represent resilience, strength, overcoming adversity, growth, along with humility, constancy, gratitude, and kindness. This feels kinda self explaintory cause Blue is a very power dude and a very kind person, so bluebells are perfect for him
I picked blue dahlias mainly for their symbolism of standing out from the crowd, though its other meanings also apply, change, strength, fresh start, inner strength, positive change, and commitment. Cause like out of the whole mutiverse of Sans and even other swaps Blue managed to fight along side some of the most power people and holds up against people like Nightmare and Error. He is truly unquie to the other swaps and i wanted this flower to represent that. Can you tell i really like Blue. (Also ignore that true blue dahlias dont exist, truly wild that one can find flower meanings for a flower that doesn't exist, there are blueish green dahlias :P )
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Dream - Yellow Chysanthemums & Purple Hyacinths
Yellow chysanthemums represent happiness, joy, celebration, the sun. light, friendship, and optism, along with neglected love, sorrow, rebirth, and protector. This fits really well with Dream cause on the surface he is a sweet cheerful guy, literally the embodiment of postitivity but he also feels a lot of grief and guilt for what happen to his brother. Which is further emphasized by the purple hyacinths, wich repesent sorrow, regret, and a desire foe forgiveness. Also by complete accident his flowers are yellow and purple, like how he and nightmare were when they were kids.
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Nightmare - Astrantia, Black Dahlias, & Black Roses
So the astrantias reprsent passive, cause like they represent strength, innocence, courage, magic, and protection, along with assocaitions with stars and the night sky. It represents all he couls have been if not for what happened. very sad
Now for the black dahlias and roses. Black dahlias represent betrayal, saddness, change, beauty, power, and negative emotions. Black roses represent death, despair, hatred, revenge, mourning, loss, rebirth, tragedy, regret, elegance, and mystery. these represent who is becomes after his corruption and the "death" of passive, he's angry and hurting and he lashes out at those around him. He feels betrayed both by the villagers and by Dream, but he is also mourning who he was and his brother. Also he's hot and powerful so like.
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Anyways ill do the rest later cause its like 2:30 and im tired.
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silver-soul00 · 4 months
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Then i got a call from my voice - over agent about a new series at WB "Batman the animated series".
I walked in and met the creative team of Bruce Timm, Andrea Romano, Eri Radomski, and others.
They walked me throug the character.
Explained how young Bruce Wayne had seen his parents murdered in front of him in crime alley.
How he had formed dual personalities to deal with the agony of his childhood.
A Mask of confidence to the World.and a private one racked by confilct and wounds.
Could i relate to that, they asked.
"Let me just try to get into the head of the man and see where i go"
I imagined myself as young Bruce witnessing my parents attacked and crumbling in front of me.
I Saw them lying in their blood in the filth of crime alley.
I saw my own father lying drink in a pool of his dried blood.
As Bruce, i held them, comforting them in my arms...
As Kevin, i cradled my bloody father as he struggled for life.
As Kevin, i held Chris...cradling him as he raved at the voices plaguing him.
As Bruce, i felt disoriented and lost, not sure, of my identity as my parents were cruelly yanked from me.
I felt disoriented and lost as an actor whose identity was being yanked from him.
Was i my public face or my private face?
Had i made too many compromises?
My heart pulsed, i felt my face flush, my breath grew deeper, i began tò speak, and a voice i didn't recognize came out.
It was a throaty, husky, rumbling sound that shook my body.
It seemed to roar from thirty years of frustration, confusion, denial, love, yearing...
Yearing for what?
An anchor, a harbor, a sense of safety, a sense of identity.
Yes, i can relate.
Yes, this is terrain i know well.
I felt Batman rising from deep within.
(Finding Batman - 2022)
I wish Kevin Conroy had participated in this year's Pride Month, I wish that at Pride we all would not have made him feel lonely anymore.
May his memory always be remembered, both as Batman and as a man who had to struggle through life, spit blood and received mud for his sexual orientation.
Thank you very much Kevin
We will also celebrate Pride in your memory ❤️
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onnahu · 2 months
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is one of the greatest (kids) movies
It's a masterpiece. And in the first step of proving it to you, I'll shit on Disney because it's Disney. There's not even a decade between the Pocahontas movie and Spirit release. 7 years to be exact. Both movies are about colonization and Natives to some extentions, but how they're depicted is wildly different.
First off, I don't think I need to talk much about how grossly the corporation misused the story of Matoaka. I won't even talk about the second part of the movie. Honestly, their only saving grace is that the character herself is voiced by a Native.
Meanwhile in Spirit, the producers don't look at us as stupid. They don't spell it out that it's a movie about colonisation. They don't pretend there is anything even slightly positive in there. Also, because it's from a horse's perspective, the viewer don't need to have really any knowledge, which is good, as the targeted audience are children. Spirit is an outsider, just like the viewer, and isn't intrested in joining the conflict.
Actually that's another thing. How compelling Spirit is as a character. Because yes, he's a horse, but he's a part of a family. He's trying to go home, he's trying to protect his people (horses?). He was overly curious, and it hurt him (kind of what happened in Pocahontas, mind you). He has his flaws, and he's lost in that new weird world he got threw into. Like, what not to identify with?
Anyway. I'm skipping over things bc I'm just typing without any plan, but at one point Spirit is taken to the labour job. He's unhaooy (obviously), all horses around him were taken from their families and are lost and just hopeless. Do you know what happened to Native Americans when they got captured? Among others, they were put into labour. A really weird coincident, isn't it.
Also, the villain??? The Colonel is a bad man, we see it from the beginning. He's not oppose to torturing animals, not opposed to killing them nor people. He's evil. And yet, in the end, he's able to accept his defeat. It doesn't make him a good person. It doesn't make him less evil. But it shows that even evil people have their rules and morals, however twisted they are, and death isn't the only mean to end a confilct (even if now it's just a conflict between an asshole and a horse and his Native friend). He could shoot at least one of them. But he didn't out of respect. No less evil, but it gives some hope for change. That's what we need in movies for kids. I mean, sometimes it's important to show irredeemable people, but it also takes away from reality. Things are not black and white, and SSotC really shows it. (Unlike most Disney villains, that especially nowadays either doesn't exist are bland or are just evil to their core without any nuance.)
Also it feels like i'm being disney hater. And I kinda am, but mostly for reasons i'm a hater of all multimillion companies. Dreamworks isn't out of it either. But currently I'm focusing on their movies, and Disney was less of a shit back before 2000 anyway.
Yeah I also kinda forgot the whole thing I had going on with how Natives are depicted. Is it perfect? No. Is it one of the best representation at the time and especially in the big companies? Yes. The people are not shown as either stupid nor naive. They're also not bloodthirsty or some shit. They are what Spirit is - they're just trying to live their lives and protect what theirs. The horrible reality of how colonisators treated them isn't censured that it's erased, but enought to be adequate for children that will watch the movie. It makes us curious about the culture, history, and that's exactly what we need for minorities.
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rules-roux · 1 year
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A new journey in Mettaton's house ✨️ (it's unintended)
...Aaand confilcts
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Yellow soul attack using cards seems cool
Although he is turning into a statue
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moirasglittergelpen · 7 months
Started reading The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (on my tbr for what I'm calling my fae studies)
So far I like the main character and her interesting inner confilct- she's desperate to fit into a world that harms and terrifies her, is aware of this paradox and can't help wanting it anyway- but I greatly dislike the guy I know she's doomed to fall in love with. He's gonna have to pull a real 180 to become romantic partner material because right now I wouldn't blame Jude if she killed him. If someone treated me and my sister like that they would never be in hypothetical boyfriend territory, that's for damn sure
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withasimplelobsterhat · 2 months
Confilcted on this sherlock and co episode but overall I liked it
I was excited that maybe we'd get an episode narrated by Sherlock as it is in the original story but oh well
I like that they all came to scotland :D yay! Love hearing scottish characters on voice on podcast (colin tmagp <3)
Also John slagging off Scotland in the euros but we actually beat Spain before when we played them so get fucked Jonk (I don't actually care that much about football it's just so funny to me)
I'm annoyed though because why are we putting Harry potter references in stuff in 2024? It just makes me uncomfortable :/
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tornioduva · 8 months
Just finished Dungeon meshi (no spoilers, just thoughts)
i'm happy. sooo happy.
it's been a while since a story satisfied me so much. you can say it was like a really good and balanced meal, uhuh.
I don't even know if there were things i didnt't like, i don't think so honestly. maybe just things that didn't interest as much as others, but everything was pretty well written and composed. and the art is consistently good.
The characters felt like real people from beginning to end and never anime tropes (something that even frieren didn't manage to escape in my opinion) and they were all incredibly morally complex. aside from Senshi, he's just a nice guy.
The author even managed to avoid doing one of the things i hate the most in these kind of stories, which is escalating the confilct to a point where the only resolution is to kill/destroy the source of what makes this world interesting, leaving it dull and boring after everything ends. This world, in its "semplicity", managed to stay interesting after the end, i kept wanting more from this world and characters, while being satisfied.
The ending. is good. ntohing more to say, is good, i'm happy it went as it did, aside maybe for a tiny little detail.
Nothing more to say, if you haven't, go read it/watch it, it's really good.
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cosmo-production · 6 months
ranting/reivew the failtopia season 2 cast's canon outfits (my opinions, these just the design wore during the finale battle) starting with the greenhorne gang + mar
im confilcted on his look becuase one hand it fits his character perfectly but on the other its kinda bland that the starting outfit is the one he keeps. mar isn't really a standout guy. His whole gimmick is how bland and apathetic he is to this weird and wacky world he lives so this basic look fits him really well; it really appeals the real Mario with a role as "the everyman" or jack of all trades. I would love for him to wear the hero chef outfit as an upgrade because the base colors fit the mar's color pallet but add gold as the accent color, but it does seem too flashy for his taste, and the suit has a small tinge of overdesign.
Orion has a similar case to his friend when comes to outfit, yes on the character side of things, it does fit well, but from a design standpoint, it doesn't really work as well, I could talk about how the color palette is bloated or the design is incohesive but THATS THE POINT it's NOT SUPPOSED to LOOK GOOD. if we're to give a rating it would just be a comically large question mark
so the heart look is actually really good with only problem being that there was a cyan palette that would work well, but the pink does stand out a lot more in contrast to the body, your eyes are gonna be draw to the mouth so the outfit being so cute aesthetic wise to contrast the uneasy feeling the mouth gives off works in her favor, the small frame kinda covers up the over design issue you might have with it
friends' final outfit is solid, with a lot of character and style. At the same time, I preferred the pink look for them. Black doesn't feel like their type of color, but that's just nitpicking. the outfit is more priest than a cleric, but it fits with the friend's somewhat mysterious nature. "zone replacing Lee as the additional character on friend's face is something that mostly down to preface; it was one of friend's main selling points as a character but both work in there own way with zone being more separate and in line with the outfit but lee fits more with friends when it comes to symmetry.
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