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redacted-coiner · 9 months ago
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Maverique, Aporagender, Neutrois
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Girlflux, Enbyflux, Boyflux
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MIAspec, Condigender(link), FIAspec
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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neopronouns · 1 year ago
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flag id: a flag with 9 stripes, which are very light yellow, light orange, pinkish-red, light sky blue, white, light pinkish-red, sky blue, light purple, and very light yellow-green. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
condigentrans: a condigender that is always trans
[pt: ambivertgender: a gender related to being ambiverted, having the characteristics of an ambivert, and/or having the lifestyle of an ambivert. end pt]
for anon! colors are adjusted from the condigender and trans flags, with the trans colors in the center to represent always being trans, and the term is 'condigen' from 'condigender' + 'trans'!
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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your-bigender-big-brother · 8 months ago
Hi, I have a really rare gender experience, it’s so rare that there isn’t a name or flag of it. Even in mogai. I figured it might be interesting to you guys.
So I’m multigender, more specifically gender fluid. But the fluidity changes based on the baremetric pressure. I do have a couple disorders that are also impacted by it so maybe that did something to the gender part of my brain(?)
Sounds like mutogender, which is a genderfluidity that changes in response to specific situations.
A subset of this is condigender, which is very similar and is a genderfluidity where one's gender is only felt in specific circumstances.
I don't know of any term for gender that changes based on barometric pressure, but it might exist somewhere out there! - 💙💚
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 1 year ago
Julietogender Pride Flag
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[Flag description: 5 barred flag of orange, light yellow, very light blue, light yellow, and orange. It has a rose in the corner. ID over]
Julietogender or julietigender: A form of julietian (WLM) duarigender, sentiogender, affinitive condigender, and orientationgender, describing someone who only feels womanhood or femininity through their attraction to men.
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the-flag-collector · 9 months ago
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"Aerogender is a condigender where an individual’s gender relies highly on their setting and/or atmosphere. It may be used as an umbrella term for similar condigenders or a standalone identity." - mogai.mirahaze.org
Coined by tenderagender on Tumblr. Flag by pride-flags on DeviantArt.
Alternate designs by funcatty (via pride-flags) on DeviantArt
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myceliumforum · 6 months ago
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⋆ CondiLibrafem ⋆
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⇉ Definition: CondiLibrafem is a subterm of condigender in which someone feels or is Librafem under specific circumstances, the circumstances can be anything and is something that varies from person to person
⇉ Alt Names: Condi-Librafem, Condi Librafem, CondiLibrafemenine, Condi-Librafemenine, Condi Librafemenine
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Coined by: Me Requested by: N/A
Img ID: No ID applicable here
Please read pinned post and DNI before interacting
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the-silent-fellowship · 1 year ago
[PT: Condigenplex]
Condigenplex, a plurplex term that means that a Condigender identity/being Condigender effects the entire system (or subsystem, layer, etc). It doesn’t have to be in the same way, it just has to affect everyone.
Condigender Definition(link)
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @plurplex-archive-dot-net, @pluralitywords, and @pluralterms
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pkmn-edits · 1 year ago
Random Pokemon x random Pride flags edit!
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radiomogai · 6 months ago
Sentiogender: Like xenogender or neurogender, this is not technically an identity in itself, but an umbrella term for many gender identities. It comes from the Latin sentio for “to feel/perceive/experience” and means “any gender identity which is not necessarily a gender itself, but rather a descriptor for how one experiences their gender.” For example, affinative genders are experienced through one’s attraction to a certain gender or genders (e.g. sappho/achillegender, julerigender). The most common sentiogender might be genderfluid, which describes a gender experience that is fluid, but does not describe exactly what genders it is fluid between. For this reason, sentiogenders are most often used in conjunction with other labels that describe the gender itself rather than how it’s experienced (e.g. someone who is veneergender and “wears” the label man). Partial sentiogenders (which still fall on the sentio spectrum) might be when a sentiogender is used as a modifier, such as with condigirl deriving from condigender; or when a sentiogender otherwise becomes more specific to approximate the what of a gender experience while also describing the how, as with genderfae.
You can think of it as being a gender term that’s sort of analogous to amative orientations.
From here
Alt flag, the colors for blue were picked from a actual photo of water. Same meanings though.
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Pasted from under the cut for archival purposes
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Sentiogender flag!
The term already existed, but there was no flag. So as per request, I made one.
Grey, partial sentiogenders/gender itself. Purple, describes how their gender works/feels. Yellow, their experience/relationship with gender. Light blue, flux (genders). Blue, fluid (genders). The vertical stripe shows they’re all included under the sentiogender umbrella.
Alt flag and definition of the term under the cut-
Keep reading
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bupsafr3ak · 5 months ago
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Ani / Gwen / Keath
Real Mogai Jesus /srs
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「主な名前 | Ani ” Gwen ” Maya ” Keath ” Jinx ” Ayase ” Nico ” Clémente/clementine ” Cole ” peregrine/perine ” cassie ” Léo ” Dean !」
⠀۪ㅤ ♡ㅤ . .ㅤ I have 5y, 10y / 18y / 20y / 118y / 273y / 599y / 1987y (im Transage!!) ୨
「★⇒ No prns / only name , She/her , he/him , they / them , sh☆/h☆r , it/its , doll /dollself , bunny / bunny’s , bun / bun’s , 🐾 / 🐾’s , 🍮 / 🍮’s , 🎀 / 🎀’s
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𓏵 ﹒ all my names !! ◟ 𖦹
Ani¹ , Gwen (stacy)² , Maya Kuneko³ , Woo Hyun-young⁴ , Yoo Yoon-rin⁵ , Yeobo Lee-young⁶ , Yoneno Chihiro⁷ , Tomoko kuroki⁸ , Keath Ósk⁹ , Yarrow¹⁰ , Mikael¹¹ , Dantè¹² , Lovelace¹³ , Valentin¹⁴ , Hikki¹⁵ , Ash¹⁶ , Gloomy¹⁷ , Lacey¹⁸ , Rei¹⁹ , Melody²⁰ , Alma²¹ , Mwynwen²² , Ophelia²³ , Logan²⁴ , Wade²⁵ , Dean²⁶ , Sam²⁷ , Scott²⁸ , Léo/Leonardo²⁹ , isacc³⁰ , Nicole³¹ , Cassandra³² , Mewo³³ , Zero³⁴ , Beatrice³⁵ , Agatha³⁶ , Will³⁷ , Castiel³⁸ , Ollie³⁹ , Nadia⁴⁰ , Filia⁴¹ , Annie⁴² , Madoka⁴³ , Crowley⁴⁴ , Bobby⁴⁵ , Velvet⁴⁶ , Dorian⁴⁷ , Vincent⁴⁸ , Viktoria⁴⁹ , Salem⁵⁰ , jellysh⁵¹ , Eliza⁵² , Clémentine⁵³ , Doll⁵⁴ , Sweetiebelle⁵⁵ , Nico(llo)⁵⁶ , Sweetheart⁵⁷ , Lavender⁵⁸ , Lovelace⁵⁹ , Marionette⁶⁰ , Luppet⁶¹ , Lolita⁶² , Coquette⁶³ , Sugar⁶⁴ , Cinnamon⁶⁵ , Vanilla⁶⁶ , Bonbon⁶⁷ , Candy⁶⁸ , Cappuccino⁶⁹ , Cupcake⁷⁰ , Milk⁷¹ , Mocha⁷² , Jack⁷³ , Jeff⁷⁴ , Liu⁷⁵ , Nina⁷⁶ , Pop⁷⁷ , Jane⁷⁸ , Hoodie⁷⁹ , Clockwork⁸⁰ , Toby⁸¹ , Cakette⁸² , Pudding⁸³ , Strawbie⁸⁴ , Caramel⁸⁵ , Cremelle⁸⁶ , Shortcake⁸⁷ , Berrie⁸⁸ , Raspberry⁸⁹ , Angel⁹⁰ , Marie⁹¹ , Pearl⁹² , Cassie⁹³ , Sid⁹⁴ , Michelle⁹⁵ , Veronica⁹⁶ , Bonnie⁹⁷ , Marceline⁹⁸ , Star⁹⁹ , Eda¹⁰⁰ , Morute¹⁰¹ , Hime¹⁰² , Agejo¹⁰³ , Ayano¹⁰⁴ , Amai¹⁰⁵ , Ryoba¹⁰⁶ , Hanako¹⁰⁷ , Junko¹⁰⁸ , Jinx¹⁰⁹ , Momo Ayase¹¹⁰ , Rilliane¹¹¹ , Nanno¹¹² , Clémente Dearworth¹¹³ , Cole Syemour¹¹⁴ , peregrine Augusts¹¹⁵ , Bups¹¹⁶ , Bupsalive¹¹⁷ , Bupenhei¹¹⁸ , Angelita¹¹⁹ , femme¹²⁰ , capri¹²² , Nikolas¹²³ , Saiko¹²⁴ , Cellbit¹²⁵ , Jesus Christ of Nazareth¹²⁶ , yausha¹²⁷ , Yehoshua/Yeshua ben Youssef¹²⁸ , Ranma Saotome¹²⁹ , Violet evergarden¹³⁰ , Mana sama¹³¹ , Life ruiner chan¹³² , Drugs ruiner chan¹³³ , angel ruiner chan¹³⁴ , self-inflicted blackmail chan¹³⁵ , DrugsNeko¹³⁶ , Coop¹³⁷ , Syeyla¹³⁸ , Oku¹³⁹ , Ciel¹⁴⁰ , Hannibal¹⁴¹ , Strade¹⁴² , Franz¹⁴³ , Nana¹⁴⁴ , Hachi¹⁴⁵ , Suzuka¹⁴⁶ , Joana D’arc¹⁴⁷ , Allison Harvard¹⁴⁸ , Kangel¹⁴⁹ , Stocking¹⁵⁰ , Nior¹⁵¹ , Cherii¹⁵² , Rose¹⁵³ , Ononoki¹⁵⁴ , princess¹⁵⁵ , roo¹⁵⁶ , Lúcifer¹⁵⁷ , beelzebub¹⁵⁸ , Hyun Ju¹⁵⁹ , Gaara¹⁶⁰ , Hidan¹⁶¹, Deidara¹⁶² , Hyun-Ju¹⁶³
ෆ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ෆ ୧ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ͜ ෆ
pink: favs | purple: just close friends.
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𓏵 ㅤ۫  identities
꒰୨୧◞ genders ☆ Transgirl , transfem , transmasc , non-binary , gender-fluid flux , demi-girlboy , condigender , pomogender, boy/girlflux , implagender , parafluid , enbyflux , paradoxgender , paradoxigender , libragender , genderfloren , neutrois , orchidboy , verdeboy , girlqueer boy , nullgender , multigenderfluold , demijuxera , peculigender , sensiboy , contrafem , selfgender , ADHDgender , intersex kitty , mulium , infinigender , cisn’t , transfemneuVS , transfemboyVS , transfemneumasc , presquirl , presquoy , godesse , doxwoman , veinix , enbyspike, loligender , shotagender , nanagender , selftransf , T-GNC , gendercreative.
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꒰୨୧◞ orientations ☆ kushōromantic , okarunsexual , cupioromantic/sexual , dualrose , limiromantic , fictosexual/romantic , fictoflux , anuafsexual , multifictino , aliusexual , aroace , quoisexual/romantic , orchidsexual , polarromantic , autorelationship, myrsexual , odeoromantic , labelfuck lesbian , labelfuck gay , pan-lesbian , pan-gay , bi-lesbian , bi-gay , concelosexual , dilf lover.
Not all my identities are here..
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꒰୨୧◞ stances ☆ radqueer , satisqueer , strawberryqueer , loliqueer , vampyqueer , proship , profic , proconsang , proendo.
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𐔌 . 𓎟 cis ☆ MOGAI JESUS , AUDHD , dyslexia , dyscauculia , dystimia , synesthesia , system, osdd-1b, Traumagenic , anxiety , OCD , PTSD , depression , SH scars , perma SH , perma ana , stalked , hated , gr••med , abused , RAMCOA victim , korean, japanese, thai, indian , chinese , middle child syndrome , White Knight Syndrome , lost puppy syndrome , attention seeker , needy , insomnia , paraphilic, Hearing-impaired.
𐔌 . 𓎟 ⠀ not sure /cransid/trisid or other ☆ schizophrenia , DPDR , BPD , ASPD , yandere , lovesick.
𐔌 . 𓎟 trans ☆ Wheelchair user , Crutch user , fluxable , shimmer addict , black , racefluid , filipino , icelandic , brazilian , Danish , Canadian , vitiligo , Parcial Heterochromia , lolibody , Loli , shota , goth , Utauloid/voicebank , doll , birthday , silver hair , corpse , face , pink aura , perma2010s , tsundere , pink blood , cigar burns, lingual polish, lingual bulgarian , heart pupil , fakergenic , Fallenangelblessgenic , maturity , cigar burns , white hair , Tourette syndrome , tics , weight , height , polyage , romantic , permaabused , permahated , amputed , famous , celebrity , voice actor , actor , musician , fighter , consang relationship , namefluid , backstory , angel , kemonomimi , pure , immaculate , immortal , thigh gap , |)€4th$pø , Jesus.
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eclipian · 3 months ago
Random Sisasystem
pt: random sisastyem
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed. number of members: 4
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divider credit
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System Name: The Club , The Swingers , The Swingers Club , Swingers Club System* , The Performers Systems*
Collec. Name: Marilyn , Wayne , Judy , James , Dean , Betty , Bonnie , Kane , Ash , Sally , Tony
Collec. Pronouns: She/Her , Shu/Hur , Shy/Hyr , Sha/Har , He/Him , Hu/Hum , Hy/Hym , Ha/Har , They/Them , Thy/Thyn , Thuy/Thum , Thay/Tham , It/Its , Iz/Izs , Ix/Ixs , Noir/Noirs , Cine/Cinema , Film/Films , Act/Actor , Rec/Reccord , Sing/Sings , Pre/Preform
Collec. Gender: Condigender , Femme , Black Tea , Milkshake , Gendertwenties , Noirfilmic , Noirlexic , Musicgender , Somnical , Somnifemica
Collec. Attraction: Bi Straight , Musitism
Collec. Other ID: A__APB , Dissopast , (Professional) Dissotitles , Dissogreymoral , (Roaring 20s) Dissoconcept , Dissoblacksclera , Chrono-Dissomei , Musality , Music Emotum
Collec. Role: Comedian , Delight , Beauheur
Origins/Modifiers: Happyorma , Musiorma
Aesthetics: Old Hollywood , Greaser , Flapper , Americana , Roaring 20s
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Name — Pronouns — Identity — Species — Role(s)
The Host / Host — He/Hym/Thym — Man , Bi , Host Occuden — Musiean — Host
The Performer / Performer — She/Hur/Thum — Woman , Straight , Performer Occuden — Musiean — Co-Host
The Tubist / Tubist — He/Har/Film — Transman/Evoman , Straight , Tubist Occuden — Musiean — Protector
The Flapper / Flapper — She/They/Preform — Transwoman/Evowoman , Bi , Flapper Occuden — Musiean — Caretaker
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tag @bahtive & @lambdollie12
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 1 year ago
Condi- Pride Flag
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Condi- experiencing situational orientation (such as sexuality/romanticity, platonicity/sensuality, aestheticity/physicality, or alterousness/emotionality).
To be used as condisexual, condiromantic, condisensual, condiplatonic, etc. Similar to abro-, but based on condigender prefix.
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radiomogai · 7 months ago
[PT: Condigender. End PT]
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Condigender is a subset of genderfluid where someone's gender is only felt under specific circumstances. It can be combined with any existing genders such as condigirl, condiboy, condinonbinary, etc. For example, a condigirl may only feel like a girl during specific times or with specific people, a condiboy may only feel like a boy during specific times or with specific people, so on.
Condigender was coined by deactivated Tumblr user robotxt. The condigender flag was designed by Tumblr user lgbtrainbowdolls.
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pumkinip · 7 months ago
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i notice there's not much condigender pixels so i made these along with other similar terms ,,.
flags in order: condigender, condinonbinary, condiboy, condigirl, evaisgender & mutogender.
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radiomogai · 30 days ago
Sencis: only experiencing one's natal gender (or the gender typically associated with one's birth assignment, ASAB, or original endogenous sex status) through one's cisness or cismodality; being cismodal or cisgender but not experiencing one's assigned gender outside the context of one's gender modality.
Retugender (a more deliberate term, counterpart to recugender): not feeling as your birth gender, but refusing to be labeled as trans. Anyone can use it for any reason, including silly ones.
Retusgender (cis* equivalent term of refusgender): not experiencing one's birth gender while experiencing cisgenderness; a cismodal or otherwise transn't individual not feeling their birth gender.
Sentrans can also be a counterpart to sencis. It reminds a bit of sensgender or sentiogender, but also based on the affinitive condigender aspect of sapphogender and vinciagender.
Thanks for sending this in!!
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It's Trans Awareness Week!
To celebrate I'm making some Pokémon Pride Flags! Here's genderfluid:
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Genderfluid - Galarian Ponyta
source - Gender Wiki
"Genderfluid is a gender identity which refers to a gender that varies, or changes over time. This can be occasionally, every month, every week, every day, or every few moments during a day depending on the person. Sometimes it is consistent and sometimes it is not. A genderfluid person's gender may change dramatically, delicately, rapidly, or slowly also depending on the person. The gender may stay the same for several months or change within minutes. Sometimes the gender changes in response to different circumstances. Genderfluid is under the multigender umbrella. Genderfluid individuals may also identify as non-binary or transgender, but do not have to. Genderfluid is related to genderflux.
Genderfluid is also an umbrella term for genderfaunet, genderfaer, genderfloren, genderfrith, genderspirit, and genderfruct.
Other subsets of genderfluid include:
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