#clone wars writting prompts
flyiingsly · 10 months
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Square : Cody
Pairing : Cody x f!jedi!reader
Warnings : None, drinking champagne and being a bit drunk, Padme and Anakin are terrible at hiding their relationship, idiots in love, fluff
Wordcount : 5.6 k
Summary : You are send on a very special undercover mission to ensure Senator Amidala’s protection. It was unexpected, but at last it gives you opportunity to spend some time alone with your favorite Commander afterward.
A/N : My thirteen submission for the @clonexreaderbingo ! Oh well, this one turned out to be longer than expected, I got a bit carried away I guess ! Not gonna lie, I had this prompt on my mind for a long time now, and it was the perfect occasion to bring it to life 😄 (Also, I was greatly inspired by Dress by Taylor Swift for this one, because the first time I heard this song, I immediately went "OMG ITS FITTING THAT PROMPT SO PERFECTLY AND THE VIBE IS INSANE 😭😭" so yeah, I listened to it a lot while writing this ahah) Enjoy ❤
Disclaimer : I'm still struggling to understand English grammar properly, English is not my native language and even if I have proofread my writtings several times, there is probably still typos in it. I'm very self conscious about it and I apologize for it in advance, but I'm doing my best to do better and I'm actively working at improving my writting skills !
So if you spot a typo, feel free to point it to me so I can correct it, it will be much appreciated :)
Today was a very special day for Senator Amidala. An important treaty has just been signed with a previously neutral little planet from the Outer Realm in order for it to join the Republic, thanks to her. She personally negotiated it with the head of their government, a close friend of her from when she was Queen.
As a tradition to celebrate the friendship between the two nations as well as the signature of the treaty, a special gala was organized on Coruscant that night, in one of the reception halls of the Senate. Numerous Senators were invited alongside the Chancelor himself as well as the planet’s delegation members and their families.
Unfortunately, the Trade Federation wasn’t really pleased to hear about it. Such a decision meant that the opportunity for them of taking advantage of and privatizing the planet’s rare resources was now ruined, and all on the fact that said planet had very close bonds with Naboo. So now both the Senate and the Jedi Council were concerned about the Federation sending some bounty hunter to attempt at Padme’s life as a revenge.
You, too, were particularly worried about the security of your dear friend during this event. But despite the understanding between the Republic and its new ally, its people still weren’t very fond of the Jedis nor the Clones. They agreed to trade their resources and to follow new laws, but not to engage in the war. So its representatives especially asked that no armed forces showed up at the party, and they made it a serious business.
That’s why you had to found some less conventional solutions to ensure her safety.
“Ho, wow ! This one looks perfect on you !” Padme lets out enthusiastically as soon as you get out of her suite’s bathroom, wearing a long, close-fitting, flowy burgundy dress with a square neck and long puffy transparent sleeves.
“Are you sure ?” you hesitantly ask.
“Of course !” she excitedly answers, “Every dresses that you tried suited you, you know, but this one, it really accentuates your figure, you’re stunning in it ! Plus, the color matches with mine, I think it will add credibility to your cover !”
You walked to the big mirror hanging on the wall of the room and paused in front of it. You stayed still for a moment, before turning around several times, running your hand across the heavy fabric, examining the unusual attire from every angles.
“Yeah, I think you’re right, it’s beautiful … Ok, I choose this one then !” you quickly conclude, smiling cheerfully.
The idea came from Anakin. In his opinion, the best possible person to protect the Senator can only be a jedi. He was very frustrated about the fact that this person, in this situation, couldn’t be him, for his face was already known as part of the Order by the planet’s delegation, and his presence would only create a huge diplomatic incident.
That’s when he suggested sending a jedi that the representatives had never met before, a woman preferably, and pretending that she was one of the Senator’s favorite handmaidens. It was public knowledge that Padme was very close to her companions, and often brought some of them at events along with her, so it was the perfect excuse.
Ahsoka was too recognizable to, and as you were close friend with Padme and a complete stranger to the guests, you ended up being the chosen one, much to the Nabooian’s joy.  
You were nearly the same height and size as her, so she happily offered you to borrow one of her many dresses. You weren’t used to that kind of fancy and expensive outfits, for you were rarely letting go of your conventional jedi robes. It was a unique experience for you. You were nervous as ever, a bit uncomfortable, but excited at the same time. Each piece of Padme’s wardrobe was a work of art, and being given the opportunity to wear one of them was a huge privilege.
She was really supportive with you, trying her best to make you feel beautiful and comfortable. You both knew it was supposed to be a protection mission as well as a diplomatic event, but at the same time, you both internally knew that it was the perfect excuse to spend some good times together.
Once the trying on was done, you still had a couple hours to wait before the beginning of the party. Padme had a few meetings to attempts with others senators until then. You didn’t had anything much to do, so after dressing yourself back into your usual clothes, you decided to go visit General Kenobi and Commander Cody, who you knew were just back from their last mission.
You didn’t get the time to see them yet since they returned, but you heard from Anakin that the mission had been a success, and that only a few and minor injuries were reported. It was a really reassuring news, for you were spending most of your time with Obi Wan’s battalion, and just like him, you grew very fond of these men. Especially Cody. You couldn’t help but worry about them when they had to go on a mission without you, like for this one.
When you entered the aircraft hangar, you soon met a few troopers who greeted you warmly and told you that their superiors were in the commanding room debriefing the mission. When you entered it, Obi Wan was the first to notice you, smiling at you instantly.
“Hello there (Y/N) ! I knew that you were going to find us soon !”
Cody rose his head from the table to look at you, and his face seemed to suddenly enlighten when he saw you.
“Hey” he gently addresses you with a soft smile.
“Hey ! I’m so glad to see you ! It seems like an eternity since the last time you’ve been here … I heard that the mission was a success, congratulations ! I hope you’re planning on celebrating that !”
The cheerful remark made the two men chuckle.
“The news is fast to spread as I see !” the jedi amusingly replies, knowing perfectly well from where you got the information.
“Yeah, of course we’re gonna celebrate ! We have at least three days off until the last departure, and our men really deserve to take a break and relax.” The Commander was looking at you in the eyes, and his voice was reflecting his relief to be back from that mission safe and sound. And most of all, he was glad to finally be reunited with you.
“But first,” he adds in a more bored tone, “for the two of us, there’s plenty of paper work to do, that report is gonna be a long one, and I don’t know when we’re gonna finish it …”
“Actually, not today Commander.” Obi Wan suddenly interrupts him, starring at him with an insistent and meaningful look.
“Ah, yes, obviously ! I nearly forgot about that !”
They soon noticed your confused expression, to which the jedi answered with a grin.
“We heard that a party was hosted at the Senate tonight, and we also heard that you were taking part of it, for a professional purpose, of course.”
Your raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, the news is really fast spreading, indeed” you mumble, knowing perfectly from where it was coming from as well.
“Oh, you noticed that too ?” he sarcastically lets out before pursuing, ”It’s gonna be a really big event, and since most of the Senators will be gathered here in the same place, the Chancellor asked a part of the 501st to support the Senate’s guards. I’ll be there too. We’re not allowed to enter the ballroom where the party will be hosted nor the main access corridor, but we’ll be all around the building and the senator’s quarters to ensure that no unexpected visitor could break inside. We will watch over the senators and escort them to the main hall, but not after that point. We’re gonna need to be discreet to not bother our guests.”
“I’ve always wondered why they are so uneasy around jedis and clones …” you whisper to yourself.
“Cody and Anakin will escort you and Padme from her quarters to the main hall.” he adds, “You’ll wear an earpiece in case you’ll need to contact them, they’ll stay near in case of something happen or you’ll need help. The Chancellor still gave us the permission to step in if something go wrong.”
“Great then, we have nothing to worry about with these two courageous men by our side !” you say, looking at Cody with a teasing smile.
His eyes widened and he blushed slightly, looking away quickly from you as a little nervous laugh escaped his mouth.
Then, you got closer from Obi Wan, and mutter in his ear quietly enough for Cody not to hear.
“Let me guess, Anakin volunteered for that, didn’t he ?”
Of course, he did, you knew him well enough to know that, and you knew about him and Padme for a long time now.
In fact, Obi-Wan and Rex knew too, probably half of the Jedi Order had noticed it, and you were pretty sure that a lot more people were suspecting something. You couldn’t blame them, they were two of your best friends, and the last thing you wanted was to cause them trouble. You knew the Jedi Code like the back of your hand, but after all, they weren’t doing anything bad, and they seemed happy together, and that was the only thing that really mattered to you. Plus, you knew way too well that not getting attached was a hard thing to do.
“Well”, he mutters back, “they both volunteered.”
It was your turn to widen your eyes. You briefly glanced at Cody, who didn’t seem to understand what it was all about.
“Ho really …” you muffle, looking back at a mocking jedi who apparently found your surprised expression very funny, “that’s great” you add, trying not to look too flustered.
Yes, not getting attached was very hard, even for a jedi. Obi-Wan had learned it the hard way in the past, and he couldn’t help but unconsciously notice the little signs of growing attachment in anybody he was close too by now. The little exchanged glances and smiles, the little attentions, the complicity … He could sense the worries and the fondness for one another, the bonds getting stronger. He witnessed friendships turning to love many times. He was very good at feeling that kind of things.
So of course, he knew for a long time that something was eventually going to happen between Cody and you.
“Well, I have to go, I need to meet the council, they want to see me before tonight.” He turns toward the officer, ”Commander, I’ll join you in your office later, we’ll still have time to at least start that report before your special mission !”, then he looks at you with a teasing smile, “(y/n), I’ll see you tonight, I can’t wait to see you in civilian clothes !”
“Yeah, it’s gonna be a real special occasion for sure !” you laugh, ”See you later !”
He greeted you with a nod before escaping the room, leaving you and Cody alone.
The clone quickly turned toward you with a questioning look, getting closer in an instant.
“What exactly did you whispered to him before ?” he asks with curiosity.
“Ho, nothing, just jedi’s things …”
“Yeah, jedi’s things, of course …” he repeats suspiciously, not buying it.
“Hey,” you let out after a moment, in a more serious yet soft tone, ”how are you ? That mission was a long one, you must be exhausted …”
“It was long, indeed”, he sighs, “but I’ll be fine. As long as my men are safe, everything will be fine now.”
“Are you sure it’s gonna be okay for tonight ? I mean, it’s gonna end very late, and waiting here for hours will be exhausting too … You can still ask to stay in your quarters, you know. The 501st and the Coruscant Guards will be here, and I’m sure that Obi Wan will understand, he could replace you … Maybe you should take some rest, you deserve it too.”  
Although you now knew that he volunteered, you were still worried about him. He looked tired, and you didn’t want to make it worse.
“It’s gonna be okay, don’t worry. As the General said, we have a couple of days off to rest, and nothing except some paper work to do tomorrow. I’ll be able to sleep for the entire morning, and even for the next one if I want !”, he tries to reassure you, “Plus, I don’t want to miss out the opportunity of witnessing your theatrical skills at playing the senator’s handmaid !” he adds with a mischievous grin.
“Stop making fun of me, I didn’t ask for any of that, and I’m sure that your “theatrical skills” are no better than mine anyway ...” you grumble, rolling your eyes and feigning annoyance.
“You’re right”, he chuckles, “I’ll be completely frightened if I were you, but I know that you’re gonna make it, and I’m sure that you’re gonna look great wearing something else than those robes ...” his grin has turned into a fond smile as he was speaking, and the feeling of his gaze settled on you made your heart beat faster.
“Well, thanks, I hope so …” you briefly answer, praying for your cheeks not to start blushing too much.
When you left the commanding room soon after, your chest was pondering with a mix of nervousness and excitation. You couldn’t help but replay his words about your evening’s outfit over and over again in your head. You were impatient for him to see you in that dress, but at the same time, it was making you very anxious and self-conscious. What if you weren’t that good looking you thought ? And what if he’ll find it disappointing ?
As you were trying to get rid of those poisoning thoughts, you didn’t notice the long and desirous look that Cody was sending your way as you passed the door. Whatever you were going to wear this evening, he knew that you will be beautiful anyway.
There were now just a couple minutes left until the moment you were supposed to attempt to the party. Padme and you were finishing to prepare yourselves, adjusting your clothes, styling your hair and applying some makeup on. You had never been one for the makeup before. Although the eccentric dresses had always intrigued you, makeup wasn’t that appealing to you. But Padme did a great job at corrupting you into at least wearing some mascara and lipstick, to accentuate your “beautiful lips and expressive eyes” as she said, and you absolutely bought it, allowing her to apply those on you herself.
You were looking at you in the mirror, fully dressed up and ready to go, when a knock ringed against the door. You jumped in surprise and felt your heart starting to race, thinking about what was waiting for you on the other side. About who, more precisely.
“Come in !” Padme’s joyful voice answers the knock, causing the door to immediately half open, revealing a smiling Anakin.
“Are you ready, Senator ?” he asks, trying to sound as formal as possible, but still wearing a smitten look on his face at the sight of his beloved.
“Yes, we’re ready ! Just a minute, please !” The door closed again as she came toward you, gently settling her hands on your shoulders, squeezing them slightly in a reassuring gesture.
“There’s no need to be nervous, you’re beautiful ! I know you’re supposed to be on a mission, but you still have the right to enjoy the night, you know.” Her smile was so warm and kind that it instantly made you feel better.
“Thank you, Padme, I’ll try !” you chuckle.
“Great then, if you don’t mind following me ...” she offered you her arm with a wink, and you took it without hesitation.
“Ready ?” she asks, a hand on the doorknob.
“Ready !” you let out enthusiastically, taking a deep breath.
The door opened in a muffled swoosh, showing a couple of blue armored clones forming a guard of honor on both side of the corridor. Your eyes widened at the view, and you looked around you in surprise. You weren’t expecting that much attention. In addition of the troopers were, on the right, near you, Obi-Wan and Rex, and on your left, near Padme, Anakin and Cody.
Your eyes instinctively went in search for each other’s, and when they met, everything and everyone that was around you seemed to disappear. It was so intense that you could nearly feel his look piercing thought your skin, for he was devouring you with his gaze right now, completely mesmerized by your gorgeousness.
Obi-Wan’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts when he called your name, and you barely catched it up on time to answer him without looking too distracted.
“ … right, (y/n) ?”
“Yes, of course !” you nod, without even minding what he was talking about, breaking the eyes contact with his Commander.
“Great then, everything is on point, let’s escort you to that party, Senator !”
He opened the way, leading the group toward the main hall. You threw a last look at Cody, that he returned with a soft and encouraging smile, before putting his helmet back on, just in time to cover the heavy blush that was starting to appear on cheeks.
You went down the corridor in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, and even if you were all trying to keep it as professional as possible, you still caught a few fond looks between Padme and Anakin, not knowing that, carefully hidden under his bucket, Cody was sending you the exact kind of enamored glances.
“That’s where we leave you.” Obi Wan says when you reached the entrance of the hall. “You’re in charge now, (y/n)”, he told you, looking at you right in the eyes, ”you know what to do if anything happen.”
“Of course I do, General Kenobi !” you mockingly exclaim, causing him to roll his eyes.
“I should have asked Padme to keep an eye in you instead of the contrary.” he teases. You only answered was a tongue out, which made everyone around you cackle. It had always been that way between the two of you, teasing and affectionately bothering each other.
Cody internally flinched at your bold gesture, wondering what it would be like to taste your lips, if only he could try right now ... But he couldn’t, so he just bites his own instead, trying to brush off all the unholy thoughts suddenly taking over his mind.
As you headed toward the entrance of the ball room, both you and him were thinking about the same thing : the moment when the event will finally be over and when you could see each other again.
The party was amazing, it was like entering a whole new world, and you were doing your best to act as natural as possible with the other guests. Even if socializing never really was your thing, you still managed to have lots of very interesting conversations with very interesting people during the evening.
But the most important thing to you was that nothing appeared to be threatening Padme’s safety. And by the end of the night, when everyone was starting to go back to their quarters, you were among the last ones to still be here.
As you and the Nabooian crossed the main hall again to head toward the corridor leading to her room, you soon caught a glimpse of a jedi’s robe and a clone’s armor waiting for you just around the corner.
“Hello there !”, you greet them enthusiastically, “Where are the other ?”
“Rex is out there securing the main entrance of the building, and Obi Wan is watching over the senator’s quarters aisle.” Anakin replies you, “So there’s just the two of us left to escort you now, if you don’t mind !” he adds with a grin.
“Haha, no, I think that will do !”
“So, how was the party ?”
“Well, it was great, nothing strange or suspicious to report, anything happened just as it was supposed to, except that I am a bit thirsty now.” You joke, looking teasingly at Padme, who was a little tipsy from the several glasses she had, while you had to stay sober to keep your reflexes and senses fully functioning.
“Oh, it’s not that late in the night ! You could still try that champagne, there’s plenty left in the Senate’s kitchen, the Chancellor always orders too much drinks for that kind of events, and I’m pretty sure that nobody will notice if a bottle or two goes missing !” she giggles.
“Ho really ? Sounds interesting !” you mischievously commented.
“Sounds like you’re trying to encourage a jedi into stealing from the Republic, Senator.” Anakin lets out with an amused smile.
“Me ? Really ? How dare you ? You know that I’m absolutely incorruptible !” you took a falsely offended expression, giving him the most outraged look that you could possibly do.
“Well, Senator, I think it’s time for me to take you back to your room, don’t you think ?” he then declared, still chuckling from your remark, looking at her with a not so subtle meaningful look.
“Yes, I think you’re right, Ani, I’m starting to feel a bit exhausted to be honest.”
“Commander”, the jedi turns to face Cody, “I let you escort (y/n) to the Temple.”
“Yes sir !” the clone answers, trying not to let his still visible happiness show too much.
As Anakin offered his arm to Padme, he looked at you with a smirk “And please, make sure that she’s not gonna rob the senate’s kitchen on the way !”
You gasped, looking even more insulted “How dare you, again ! What a shame !” you placed your hand on your heart to emphasize your shock, as if his words had awfully hurt you.
They both laughed at your imitation, before wishing you a good night and disappearing behind one of the corridor’s walls.
You smiled as you watch them walk away. They were cute as hell together, you thought.
“So, what do you want to do now ?” a voice pulled you out of your thoughts, “I bet you don’t really want to go back to the Temple already, don’t you ?”
He was right, you weren’t tired, and you still wanted to enjoy what was left of the evening.
“You may be right …” you look at him right in the eyes, grinning, “To be honest, I’ll gladly try that Champagne, don’t you ?”
“That city is definitely more beautiful at night …” you sigh, before taking a mouthful from your glass, eyes lost in the field of artificial light spreading in front of you.
After sneaking into the Senate’s kitchen to borrow a bottle, you both agreed to climb to the building’s roof to savor it. It was your idea, for you knew it was the only place where nobody was going to bother you, and the view was spectacular from here.
“I’ve never liked big cities”, you go on, “I’ve always had a hard time dealing with crowds … It’s kind of impressive, right ? Being in the middle of so many people, it’s nearly frightening … I get overwhelmed pretty quickly when I’m surrounded by so many moving bodies …”
“But you appear to be one of the best generals of the GAR at the same time, how surprising … You have to deal with thousands of men on stressful situations, and you’re doing absolutely great, who could imagine that crowds could make you so anxious ?” Cody jokes, looking at you with a playful smirk on his lips.
“Are you making fun of me, Marshal Commander ?” you reply, raising an eyebrow at him, trying to sound as serious as you could.
“Me ? I could never !”
“You di’kut …” you spit, bringing your glass to your lips and turning your attention to the city again.
He started to laugh at your harsh word. He knew it was affectionate.
He took a sip too, eyes still locked on your face. You looked beautiful as ever, just as he expected. He had always found you beautiful, even in a full set of armor, with exhausted features and blood and mud on your face after a battle, even in your large and not suggestive jedi robes, you were always beautiful to him. Whatever situation you appear to be in, you were always the most mesmerizing being he had ever seen.
The alcohol had started to strike at you and you were both feeling dizzy by now. You liked that sensation, it was blissful, and the context made it even more pleasing. It was just the two of you, finally sharing some time alone together with a bottle of one of the best champagnes in the galaxy. What could possibly go wrong ?
A blush passed on his cheeks as he thought about how all of this could end if he was courageous enough to make the first move. But he quickly shook his head, pushing the idea away. He may have been brave enough to lead an army, but that kind of things was beyond his abilities. Plus, the possibility that his feelings could not be mutuals was scaring him.
“You okay ?” you ask after noticing his flinch.
“Yes !”, he answers with all the composure he could gather, “Of course I am, I couldn’t have whish for a more perfect way to end that night !”
You looked at him with a sympathetic smile on your face. He sounded nervous, and you noticed that something seemed off with him since you were on that roof, but you put the blame on the alcohol and his tiredness.
“Well, you’re right, and the best thing about it is that the night is far from being over.” You whisper, making him blush even more.
A silence fell upon you as you both stared at the wall of buildings in front of you. The night wasn’t usually that dark due to the various street and traffic lights, but the Senate’s roof was high enough to be above the light pollution that was blurring the sky. It was bright enough so you could see each other, but still very dimmed, creating an intimate atmosphere around you.
As you were both pouring yourselves another glass, while cheerfully relating to each other your silliest and funniest mission’s stories, Cody couldn’t stop to think about what you had just said right before, not sure about the implied meaning of it.
Was that an invitation ? An encouragement to make his first move ? Or just a meaningless remark stating the fact that it wasn’t, indeed, that late in the night ?
When another silence grew between you, his heart started to race in his chest. He couldn’t take it anymore, and with a little help from the disinhibition caused by the alcohol, a sudden rush of courage hit him. “Kriff it” he thought, for it probably was his only opportunity to try something without being disturbed by anyone else.
Ignoring his apprehensiveness, he slowly stretched his arm toward your hand, that was settled on the floor and on which you were leaned on, your other hand being busy with your glass. He did his best to stay furtive, only throwing little side glances your way without turning his head. And even though you felt that something was about to happen, you kept your eyes locked on the horizon, your own heart slowly starting to beat faster in anticipation.
He hesitated for a second, trying to keep his ragged breathing and trembling limbs as steady as possible, before finally crossing the remaining gap. It was only a slight brush at first at the tip of one of your fingers, and it was still possible to go back, still possible to pretext a clumsy movement if you ever came to ask him about it.
You had fully noticed the contact, but you couldn’t move, completely frozen on spot, waiting for what could happen next, desperately hoping for it to not be a bad move.
Another brush met your skin, but this time, his fingers stayed on yours. Now he knew he couldn’t turn back anymore, and with a strike of confidence, he started to gently caress the back of your hand.
Your eyes were still lost on the city, but they couldn’t see anything anymore, for you were deeply focused on the sensation, overwhelmed by the feeling of his touch.
Still without saying a word, he slowly took your hand in his, squeezing it softly. You carefully squeeze it back and time seemed to instantly stop. Nothing else but the warmth of his hand on yours mattered to you anymore in that instant.
It took you a few moments and a deep breath to overcome your shyness and find the courage to look at him. When you met his eyes, they were glowing, and you suddenly felt like if he was staring at your very soul.
You were only a couple inches away from each other, and without a warning, he leaned toward you, closing that space to gently place his lips on yours. Your eyes widen in surprise before closing as you answered the kiss.
All you could do when your lips parted was to look at him in awe, stunned and a bit lost, not really sure if what had just happened was real. You both stayed quiet for a while, unable to move at first, awkwardness and embarrassment plastered on his blushing face as he was suddenly realizing what he had just done.
Without taking your eyes off of him and without really thinking about it, you slowly settled your glass on the ground to free your other hand and wrapped your arm around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.
You felt a relieved sigh escaping from him as he instinctively slid his arm around your waist, pulling your body closer to his. It was more intense this time, and you both made it last longer than the first one, savoring every second of it like if you were afraid that it could never happen again.
He only broke it when he came out of breath, panting and the beating of his heart ringing through his ears. Then he rested his forehead against your, looking at you with sparks in his eyes like if he was looking at the most precious thing in the whole galaxy.
“Did I told you how beautiful you are in this dress ?” he softly whispers.
“Thank you …” you mutter, felling the heat raising to your face.
“Can I tell you a secret ?” he then nervously asks.
“Of course, you know you can tell me anything.”
“I’ve been waiting for that moment for months to be honest … But I wasn’t sure about how you’ll react, I was afraid that every little thing I’ve took as signs of affection toward me were just you being the kind and thoughtful person you are … But still, a part of me wanted to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was chance that it could be more than that, more than just friendship between us, so … I wanted to ask you, was I wrong about it ? Did I misread the signs ?”
His fear of rejection was so strong that it was palpable through the air, and it was breaking your heart.
“No, you didn’t …” you whisper, “To be fair, I was hoping for all of this to happen someday too, but I didn’t know how to make you understand it. I’ve never been very good at expressing my feelings so … I’m sorry if I failed to deliver the message correctly !” you chuckle anxiously.
“But now that I got the opportunity, I think that I need to tell it to you once and for all …”, you paused, gathering your courage, before going on with a shy and trembling voice, “ I … I love you, Cody, and I may not know how to show it properly, but I don’t want you to doubt it anymore.”
He gasps at your answer, emotion taking over him and overwhelming his tipsy brain. He couldn’t say anything, but instead, he leaned toward you and crashed his mouth against yours once more. His whole body was shaking, and his embrace was tight and warm around you.
“I love you too, mesh’la, more than anything !” He finally breathes out with watery eyes and a wide enamored smile on his beautiful face.
You stayed on the roof for one more hour at least, cuddling and kissing in the fresh night air, before he invited you to spend the rest of the night with him in his personal quarters at the GAR building.
You didn’t hesitate a second before accepting his proposition. You weren’t the only one to not sleep at the temple anyway, and you knew that nobody will notice your absence. That undercover mission had been a real challenge for you and you were both exhausted by now, but it was worth it.
You weren’t expecting the event to turn out that way, but after all, he was right, that night couldn’t have ended better than that.
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mwolf0epsilon · 3 years
It's spooky month, so I've been mulling over a bit of a story idea I've had involving the Bad Batch and. Bare with me, It's 4am and I'm hopped up on cough medicine so this may sound like a rambling mess. Also let's pretend Crosshair either didn't leave the Batch, or that at some point he rejoined (the latter is good because he's in the process of regaining his trust of his brothers and in turn trying to show he's trustworthy and such).
Anyway here goes:
Rex sends the Bad Batch in search of another brother to save from the clutches of the Empire. Rumor has it a runaway clone has been spotted somewhere on a remote planet that's near the outer rim but not quite. Bordering wild space and all that spooky unexplored zone no one dares venture out (unless they wanna disappear which makes sense for a defector). On their way there, the Havoc Marauder experiences a malfunction and the Batch is forced to land on a remote planet with two moons so they can have it sorted out.
It's mostly forests, plains and mountain terrain, and full to the brim with wildlife, but not any inkling of advanced civilization. The magnetic fields on this particular planet also seem to really disagree with Hunter's senses and he immediately gets a migraine upon landing. He and Tech stay with the ship while Wrecker, Echo, Omega and Crosshair go exploring/hunting for food.
The four stumbles upon signs of an ancient civilization that worshiped the twin moons that orbit the planet, and they sort of wonder what happened to the people, because prior to landing they saw no one. Just large game animals, birds and nature. But no people. They decide to ask Tech if he wants to check it out later. Later, well into the night with the double moons shining in full, upon returning to the ship they're shocked to find the exterior hull covered in large gashes. Like something big tried to claw it's way inside.
They rush in, and find Tech bandaging Hunter. The two explain some sort of huge beast attacked the ship and they barely had time to lock themselves inside and away from danger. It scratched Hunter pretty badly when he went to help Tech, and they don't really have enough medical supplies in case he gets an infection. The horrid thing looked rabid so it's likely. He ends up confined to the ship to rest.
From there on out the batch are on their guard 24/7, only feeling safe during the day since there was no sign of rabid beast activity when the sun is up. Tech is keeping it safe by limping outside to do simpler repairs that won't require him getting to far away while the others watch the horizon from the safety of the ramp. And, for a a day or two things seem fine... But then Hunter starts getting these strange blackouts... Entire hours are unaccounted for, and the Batch is frantic because Hunter seems to slip into some sort of trance and sneaks away. Practically vanishIng into thin air. When this happens there's sightings of the creature as well... A big towering hairy beast built like two wookies stacked on each other, mixed with a mangy loth-wolf.
You can imagine the whole "wolf beast that shows up during the full moon when your Sargent vanishes inexplicably" gets the imagination rolling while the Batch is trying to make sense of this. Wrecker immediately thinks werewolves, which Crosshair, Tech and Echo refuse to believe. Omega has no idea what a werewolf is but she hangs on to the idea because Wrecker is 100% convinced and he's telling the group all about the obvious signs.
Tech tries to refute him on it, but Wrecker points out that he told him that billions of years ago people thought the Force was a myth, so who's to say werewolves aren't real? Lots of different kinds of people have their own mythos and stuff based on real things, so why not werewolves? Tech refuses to believe it, so do Echo and Crosshair initially... But then... Hunter is acting weird, and he did get scratched by that weird beast. Now whenever he's gone, it shows up again and he can't even explain how he's gotten into the woods whenever he comes back. Only that he feels some kind of weird call to seek something. Hunter HAS to be a werewolf right?
Only one way to find out!
On one of afternoons spent on the planet, Wrecker finds some binders somewhere in their supplies and binds Hunter to one of the Havoc Marauder's ramp supports. Hunter obviously has no idea what Wrecker is on about, and Tech is telling him he's being irrational because there's no such thing as werewolves. The others are arguing on the matter as the twin moons slowly rise. The moonlight washes over the group and... Nothing happens. Hunter doesn't transform at all. Just looks annoyed.
Wrecker could have sworn he was a werewolf... It was the only thing that made sense! Except he's brought out of his confusion when Omega gasps and grabs onto his arm. Because the louder arguments that were coming from Tech trickled to a halt before everyone else's when he was struck by the moonlight, and the Batch watches in horror as their logical and highly intelligent brother transforms into a horrifying beast. On his now exposed ankle, a hidden bite mark...
Turns out Hunter's senses were warning him to seek out the ruins the others found, because there's some kind of beacon there left by the ancient civilization that once lived there. One that had been wiped by a virus of their own creation, that turns man into beast. The trance was him sleepwalking towards information of a potential cure.
Meanwhile Tech has been transforming every night whenever he went out to repair, and only by sheer dumb luck did he not attack his brothers and sister who were too busy trying to find the missing Hunter, to realize he was gone. He never suspected anything was wrong, only that he might be falling asleep while doing repairs, since he always woke up on the pilot chair.
So ye, werewolf story idea for spooky month, where appearances are quite deceiving indeed!
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mrfandomwars · 3 years
hi it’s elz again i’m working on the prompt i promise i just get distracted easily— ANYWAY fox being a smug shithead after finding either cody and obi-wan or rex and anakin in a Comprimising™️ position
Lol, what a mood, I get the feeling of being distracted easily, trust me, my studies for my exams are NOT going well...
Anyway, here's the prompt! Sorry if it isn't what you had in mind, I forgot on how terrible I am filling prompts.......
"Why...are you cleaning the Guard's rec room?" Wolffe asked, walking in, staring at Rex and Cody weirdly.
"Because I caught them." Fox answered for them, eating some chips while sitting on the couch, feet on the small table near already done paperwork.
"... Caught what?" Wolffe cautiously asked, moving so he was seating down besides Fox.
"Oh, nothing you need to know." Fox said, smirking as Cody and Rex went beat red, glaring at him. "Nothing special."
"I hate you." Cody said after a few moments.
"Do you?" Fox said, smugly smirking, raising an eyebrow and his comm unit, shaking it as a threat.
Cody and Rex glared at him, knowing that it had the holos of them kissing their generals in it.
They wanted to keep it quiet until at least the end of the war, so they didn't have to worry about the GAR head council.
And to not have to deal with all the jokes and people saying that they 'knew it' before they did.
And Fox knew that.
But they didn't know that Fox was only using it for a few more days until he would delete the holos.
He wasn't that mean.
Still smirking, Fox grabbed two cups from the table and a bottle of Correlian Whiskey (that he got from his boyfriend, but they didn't need to know about it), filling the cups and handing Wolffe one, toasting him before drinking while smugly watching over his kih'vode grumpily cleaning the room.
How good it was to have blackmail.
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Echo x Oc
Me??? Writting something?? NO WAY!
... Dunno I was just inspirited by my hyperfixation on The Clone Wars/ The Bad Batch and wanted to write something with Echo and Ishanti. It’s the first time that I have make content for them so please stay polite. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
SO. I’m not an English language native but I’m doing the best I can. Any suggestions, tips, constructive critism are welcomed.
I get inspired by this prompt but I just get lost on showing just Echo internal conflict, simming the relationship of Echo&Ishanti, and some fluffy chaotic familly moment.
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You can read my mumbling below the cut:
Ishanti is a human female, born in 45 BBY on Nar Shaddaa. Her mother was a barmaid and her father a bounty hunter, who died during her early childhood. She had to fast learning how to fight in order to survive. She later worked as mercenary. Eventually, the Clone Wars began, and she directly sign up for the Republic – a good way to flee her homeworld. She goes through a training to see her abilities, adapting to follow order and working with comrade. Then she had been added to the 501st legion, assigned on the same bunker bed than Teleri [another of my oc, ex guard of Coruscant] and Echo/Fives. The four of them getting close friends very fast. She started to develop feelings for the kind Echo, but didn’t act before the Citadel. When they got him rescued near the end of the war, she had been assigned with the Bad Batch experimentally.) It has been some month now since they used Cid’s cantina as ‘headquarter’.
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The team had successfully returned from their last major mission, and the credits had flowed in. For the first time in who knows when, the team decided to take some time off. Since then, Echo had been using this time to refocus on himself, something he hadn't been able to do since coming out of stasis on Skako Minor. He stayed away from the others, trying to gather his thoughts.
 The clone stood as usual, leaning against a wall near a corner of the cantina. The background music, along with the soft light and the fact that it was almost deserted made the atmosphere acceptable to him. He was tense and had never liked crowded places. The quietness was very soothing to him.
So there he was, with a glass in his hand, sipping on his past and thinking about how much he hated his current condition... A nearby noise suddenly pulled him out of his thoughts. Ishanti placed a large plate on the table next to Echo, two glasses filled with dark liquid, and sat down on a stool. She held out her hand to invite him to join her. He must have looked incredulous, because the human was quick to explain:
"I'm sorry, I suspect that you need to be a little quiet, but it's been several days that you stay in your corner, it was necessary that I come to bother you a little!"
The man blinked, and his tension eased. Hunter had probably sent him to check on her. He knew his feelings for her, and that probably only she could break his current shell. He enjoyed the company of the young woman, it did not bother him... on the contrary. He felt a gentle warmth spread through his chest as she handed him some cutlery with a big smile.
"We cooked it with Tech." She replied. "I hope you enjoy it!" He nodded, raising an eyebrow at the name mentioned. Tech must have been very concerned if he had come to do this. Tech didn't like to participate in these "trivialities" and didn't have much of a talent for cooking. He made a mental note to thank his brother and reassure him later. His attention turned to the food, as the smell of it made his stomach growl, reminding the clone that he hadn't eaten in a while. He was hesitant at the first bite, but the flavor and his hunger overcame his manners and he gobbled up the dish faster than he would have liked.
Echo paused for a moment, noticing that this was the one he had preferred when Ishanti had made them a feast back in the days of the 501st. It had been many years ago. Had she remembered, or was it pure chance?
 His pain woke up when he thought of his former legion. Images flooded his mind. Happy memories, but now tinged with deep pain. The hours of rest he spent strategizing with Rex, while Ishanti, Teleri and Fives tried to give them suggestions and supported them with caff and encouraging words. The few evenings at 79', where he felt uncomfortable, but where his classmates helped him have a good time. That time when Fives had gently pushed him to go dancing with Ishanti... The friendly training sessions with the 212th members. That mission on a planet he couldn't remember the name of, but where they had tried to ride beasts to get back to the camp faster...of course, nothing had happened according to their plan - tamed nexu, how could they believe that? And the time when Fives, in order to impress a young senator, had fought against her guards, and crashed face down when the latter simply stepped aside as Fives charged...
 "Echo..." the mercenary called softly. She put her hand on his. The contact gave him the sensation of an electric shock and he came back to reality. He seemed confused for a moment, closed his eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath of air. He refocused and tried to put on a convincing smile.
"Echo, are you okay? Do you... do you want to talk about it?"
He shook his head and coughed. His throat was dry, and he was looking for a way to dodge the question. He took another sip and, putting his glass back down, answered her in a huskier voice than usual.
"Don't worry. There's no problem." She frowned and before she had a chance to retort, shouts rose from across the room. First, they saw a small gizka speeding through the cantina, followed by a small herd of other creatures, then Omega trying to catch up. They heard a loud "BOOM!" and then saw the imposing figure of Wrecker, jumping as fast as he could, tied up with a red ribbon, and hunter tied behind his back, grunting and waving his legs in the air. And finally, Tech appeared after them, cages in his hands. He stopped for a moment, turned to them and asked for their help. They burst out laughing at the sight of Tech with pink ribbons in his hair, pastel makeup smeared all over his face. The modified clone pouted, set several cages on the ground and walked on with determination.
Ishanti and Echo looked at each other for a moment, giggling as they tried to regain their seriousness. The woman said
"I hope Tech recorded everything. It will make a memorable video!"
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Sometime after this event was resolved, the group found themselves back at the Marauder. Tech was in care of the ship's maintenance, with Echo and Ishanti sitting beside him, ready to help with any issues. As usual, the trio in the cockpit chatted. Cheerful exclamations from the other side of the ship made them stop for a moment and check what was going on.  Wrecker was playing with Omega and some stuffed animals. Hunter was watching his siblings fondly while drinking coffee. They met his gaze and nodded at each other. Echo and the young woman exchanged a knowing smile.
He let out a small sigh of contentment, the gloom of the last few days having vanished, leaving a pleasant feeling of lightness and happiness. He glanced back at his brothers, who were busy enjoying themselves together - Hunter had joined Wrecker and Omega at his request. The ship was alive, and for once, peaceful. Echo enjoyed this moment of relaxation. He let his mind drift to happier memories than before. He glanced at Ishanti and noticed that she was watching him anxiously. He couldn't blame her, having locked himself away in near mutism for the past week. He looked for a way to reassure her. The man cleared his throat.
"We've really come a long way," the clone declared, his recent thoughts racing through his head.
"Yes." She nodded, following his gaze. "We've been through some... complicated times. But this?" she pointed to the others. "A family like this is worth it."
"To go through moments like earlier? Absolutely!" He chuckled. He thought for a few moments, then asked her gently, "Do you remember when we first met?"
"You mean when you bumped into your trunk when you realized you were going to share bunk beds with two women?"
He rolled his eyes. "I was really surprised!!!"
"Fives didn't stop teasing you for days. I must admit I was a little amused by the situation."
"Yes. Kriff, I expected anything when I joined the legion, but certainly not this."
"What, the sight of two sublime creatures of the opposite sex?"
He felt his face turn red. "Yes, no ... Eeeer I mean" he lost his words and looked away.
Tech suddenly stepped out from under the console, looking embarrassed, and in a half annoyed, half playful tone, breathed, "Can you two get a room please, some of us are working, and your nuptial parade is distracting me!" before returning to maintenance. Echo and Ishanti exchanged a look, before turning away, both redder than the ribbon that held Wrecker and Hunter. However, each had a small smile at the corner of their lips.
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So yeah I have “finished” this at nearly 4 am so I will probably rewrite the second part another day. But! I’m glad to have write something, it have been so long! ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺
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Writting request!
Hels!Impulse taking regular impulses place n stuffing him in like a closet or somethin-
N someone who's sus of him (maybe iskall?) Finds the real impulse.
Now to unmask the fake.
okay so a few quick things:
1) this ended up a LOT longer than i expected lol so i apologise for that, it’s over 2k words
2) i also didn’t entirely stick to every detail in the prompt because i had an idea i rly liked and i wanted to roll with it, so i’m rly sorry if it’s not as good as you were expecting
3) anyway i hope it’s good! it was a lot of fun to work on
  Impulse is working on the redstone of his pumpkin and melon farm in his base when he spots a shadow moving around right at the corner of his vision. Frowning, he leaves his task and heads out into the main part of the base, looking around. “Hello?” he calls cautiously. “Grian, if this is you again…”
  He gets no response. 
  Just as he starts to turn back, thinking he just imagined it, something slams into him and knocks him into the wall, stunning him. He looks sharply up to find…
  Impulse’s eyes widen. “Wh-Who are you?!”
  The new Impulse has his arms crossed and a malicious grin on his face. “My name is Impulstor. I’m your Hels counterpart. And I’m going to take over your life as my own.”
  “W-Wait, what?!” 
  Before Impulse can move, Impulstor seizes his lapels and drags him across the base. Impulse struggles as hard as he can but he’s still winded from being hit against the wall. 
  Impulstor takes him to one of the support pillars at the very edge of the base, which has a two by one block hole in it, left over from Grian’s secret base shenanigans a few weeks ago. Weakened, he’s unable to stop Impulstor from shoving him roughly through the gap. 
  Since the floor is a block lower than the bottom of the hole, Impulse’s foot slips and he falls heavily against the wall, hitting his head and stunning him even more. The space inside the pillar is only one block by one block, with two or three more blocks of space above his head, so as Impulse collapses, he’s forced into an uncomfortable sitting position. 
  Blinking back tears of pain and fear, Impulse tries sluggishly to escape but Impulstor bashes him on the head with his own pickaxe. 
  The last thing Impulse sees before he passes out is Impulstor blocking the gap with white concrete, trapping him in this prison.
  Zedaph flies over the shopping district and lands a little way off from Impulse and Tango, who are sitting on one of the benches outside town hall, chatting. As he approaches, the two look up and spot him. “Hey, Zed!” Tango calls, beaming. “Wanna join me and Impy hanging out?”
  “Yeah, sure! What do you have in mind?”
  “Well, I thought we might go give Decked Out a group run,” Tango says. “I’d have to fix things up a little bit but that shouldn’t take more than ten minutes. I think it’d be epic to go in as a team.”
  “Ooh, yeah!” Impulse grins. “I always loved that game. It terrifies me, but I loved it. Those ravagers, man. I’m always on the lookout for them and it’s terrifying with the heartbeat and everything.” 
  “That was the idea,” snickers Tango.
  “I know, I know. Doesn’t make it any less terrifying, though.” Impulse grins. “Going in as a group would be great! I’d really like to do that.”
  Zedaph involuntarily takes a step back. He doesn’t know what, but there’s something off about Impulse today. There’s something different, something he can’t quite put his finger on. He’s known Impulse a long time, but not as long as Tango, who doesn’t seem to share his doubts. Is he misreading the situation?
  “Yeah, me too!” Tango enthuses. “You up for it, Zed?”
  “Um, actually…” Zedaph forces a convincing cough and rubs his stomach. “I feel kinda sick all of a sudden. I think the flight over here churned my insides.”
  “Oh.” Tango frowns sympathetically. “You’d better rest, then.”
  “Yeah, sorry. I need to go home.”
  “No problem, man. Hope you feel better.”
  Zedaph slowly walks away, keeping up his charade in case the others are watching. Over his shoulder, he hears Impulse say something about his ice farm, then a few seconds later, the sound of rockets are heard as the two take off with their elytras. 
  He keeps going for about a minute longer, just in case, before deeming it safe and taking off with his rockets. His heart pounding, he shoots over to Impulse’s base and after crashing through the water curtain, lands neatly on the ground inside. “Impulse?” Zedaph calls, starting to rush through the pyramid base. “Impulse, are you here?”
  Zedaph’s voice awakens Impulse. Blinking against the throbbing in his head, he bashes his fist against the wall of the pillar as hard as he can. “Ze-Zedaph! ZED!”
  Following the sound of Impulse’s voice, Zedaph locates the pillar and slices a hole in it with his pickaxe. 
  To his horror, he finds Impulse squeezed inside the narrow gap, blood still dripping from the wound in his head. 
  “Oh my god…!”
  Zedaph drags Impulse out of the pillar and lets him lie flat on the ground for a moment while he tends to his wound. Impulse doesn’t even have the strength to wince at the stinging of antiseptic. 
  “Are you okay?” asks Zedaph quietly. “How long have you been stuck in there?”
  “A-A few hours at most, I don’t really know. What’s going on?”
  “Well, fake you is cosying up to Tango. I don’t think Tango suspects anything.”
  Impulse swallows back a pang of hurt. “Oh… I-I thought he knew me better than that…”
  “To be fair, whoever’s masquerading as you is really, really good,” says Zedaph slowly. “I hate to say this, but even I barely noticed.”
  “Really? What made you catch on?”
  Zedaph hesitates. “It was more of a gut feeling than solid evidence. I dunno, there was just something about the way he talked that seemed off. It didn’t seem like you. I thought either there was something wrong with you or it wasn’t you at all.”
  “And you came to the conclusion that an imposter posing as me was more likely than me having an off day?” chuckles Impulse weakly. 
  Zedaph matches his chuckle as he starts to wind a bandage around Impulse’s head. “Again, it was just a gut feeling.”
  “Well, your gut feeling was right. Now what do we do about Impulstor?”
  Zedaph immediately bursts out a laugh. “Impulstor!” 
  Impulse gives him a look.
  Zedaph clears his throat awkwardly. “S-Sorry. Anyway, we should go and save Tango from, uh… Impulstor.”
  “Shouldn’t that be easy?” remarks Impulse. “I mean, I’M me. He’s not.”
  “Man, you didn’t see the way he was with Tango. He has to be some kind of clone of you or something; there’s no way he’s just a guy who’s studied the way you behave. It’s not about us not knowing you well enough; it’s him knowing every mannerism, every quirk, every facial tick. If it wasn’t for my random gut feeling, I doubt we’d have noticed for a really long time.”
  Impulse’s worry increases. If Tango, someone he’s known for over a decade, couldn’t even tell the difference between him and the imposter, his clone could have the whole server fooled within hours. 
  “We have to get to him away from the other hermits,” Impulse says. “The longer this goes on, the harder it’ll be to convince them I’m the real Impulse. What were him and Tango doing when you left?”
  “I think they were taking a look at your ice farm,” responds Zedaph. 
  Impulse shoots bolt upright. “Oh no! I spent ages getting that farm the exact way I wanted; he better not ruin anything!”
  Zedaph grips him by the shoulders. “Hey, easy, man. You might have a concussion.”
  “I don’t care! Tango is in real danger and so is everything I’ve ever built! I’m going over to my ice farm right now and you can’t stop me.”
  Zedaph hesitates. He knows his friend well enough to know that he really can’t stop him. “Okay, then. I’ll come with you.”
  “-really like this pattern,” Tango is saying, looking down at the floor underneath the ice farm. “How’d you think of it?”
  “Oh, it just came to me,” says Impulstor. “Took me a while to turn all the powder to concrete.”
  “I bet. Nice farm, dude!”
  Impulstor watches Tango move over to the side of the farm and look down. Tango clearly suspects nothing; if he has any doubts, he’s doing an amazing job hiding them. But Impulstor isn’t worried. From his (no, not his. Impulse’s) memories of Tango, he should be fairly easy to take down if the need arises. 
  But what he doesn’t anticipate is his ruse falling apart so soon.
  Tango jerks and snaps his head upwards to find two figures flying towards him. He blinks in shock; one of them is clearly Zedaph but the other… It can’t be…
  Impulstor lets out a very quiet growl, before rearranging his face into an expression of shock. “Wait a sec…”
  Impulse nearly falls over in his haste as he lands, him and Zedaph getting between Tango and Impulstor. 
  “What the hell is going on?!” Tango demands. “Why are there two Impulses?!”
  “He’s an imposter,” declares Impulse, jabbing a finger at Impulstor. “He’s a fake Impulse.”
  “No, HE’s the fake!” Impulstor snaps back. “I don’t know what’s going on here but I’m the real Impulse!”
  “Oh god, this is my worst nightmare,” Tango groans. “How are we supposed to know who the real one is?”
  “Look, ask me anything,” says Impulse. “I’ll answer any question you ask.”
  “What was your first build when you joined Hermitcraft?” Zedaph asks.
  “The witch huts in season three,” say both Impulse and Impulstor at the same time, causing the former to stare at the latter in shock. 
  “Who did you team up with to do the pirate ship prank in season six?” Tango asks slowly.
  “Ren and Doc,” both Impulses say, again at the same time. 
  “What did you call your season five base?” Zedaph says.
  Again, the answer comes simultaneously from both Impulse and Impulstor: “Atlantis.” 
  “Okay, stop, stop.” Tango waves his hands. “This is going nowhere. I don’t know HOW you two have the exact same memory but clearly, we’re not gonna make any progress this way.” 
  “Hey, Impulse.” Zedaph turns pointedly to the real Impulse. “How did you get that scar on your thigh?”
  “From an arrow wound during the season six civil war,” Impulse and Impulstor reply.
  A split second later, Impulse realises what his friend is doing. He lifts his shorts leg just enough for the small scar to become visible. “This one.”
  The other three turn to Impulstor, who realises he’s in trouble here. He may have Impulse’s memories but they don’t share a body. Impulstor remembers the exact moment Impulse got that injury but he wasn’t actually there. He didn’t live it; Impulse did. 
  “Impulse, if you’re the real one, show us the scar,” Tango says sternly. 
  Impulstor hesitates, his slightly narrowed eyes flickering from Tango to Impulse. 
  Suddenly, Impulstor takes off running, deliberately slamming into Tango as he does. Tango tumbles to the ground and slides right over the edge of the farm with a terrified yell. 
  Luckily, Zedaph reacts quickly and grabs his friend’s wrist. This stops Tango from falling long enough for Impulse to take hold of his friend’s other hand, and the two pull Tango back to safety. 
  “Oh my gosh, are you okay?!” gasps Impulse. “You almost went over!” 
  Breathing heavily, Tango starts to speak but cuts himself off as he finally registers the bandage around Impulse’s head. “I-Impulse, did he hurt you?”
  “What?” Impulse frowns, before remembering his head injury, which is already mostly healed. “Oh, yeah. He ambushed me in my base and knocked me out and stuffed me in the hollow space in one of my pillars for like five hours or so.”
  “Oh my god...” Tango squeezes his eyes shut. “I-I’m so sorry…”
  “Wh-What?” Impulse stares at him. What for?”
  “For not realising he wasn’t you. I should have seen it; I can’t believe I was so blind.”
  Impulse blinks. “Oh, Tango, no. Please, please don’t feel guilty. It’s not your fault at all.”
  “But…” Tango’s eyes glisten with tears. “I… I’ve known you for at least ten years. Surely I…”
  “No,” says Impulse firmly. “Don’t blame yourself, Tango. Impulstor is… He’s me. Essentially.”
  “What do you mean, Impusle?” asks Zedaph quietly. 
  Impulse hesitates. “Impulstor is my Hels counterpart. He looks like me, talks like me, he has all my memories. Tango, nobody can really blame you for not noticing. Dude, I know I’m the real Impulse and even I did a double take. You know I’m not observant at all but that was taking it to a whole new level.”
  Tango gives a quiet laugh. “Yeah, you’re really not super observant. But still…”
  “And hey, at least we now have a fairly easy way to tell us apart,” Impulse adds. “He won’t be able to fool you two again. But the rest of the server needs to be warned and briefed on how to tell us apart. Will you help me do that, both of you?”
  “Of course I will,” says Zedaph immediately, putting his arm over Impulse’s shoulders. “We’re a team.”
  Tango meets Impulse’s gaze.
  Finally, he says, “I always knew you’d have an evil twin but I didn’t expect him to be LESS annoying than you.” 
  “Hey,” complains Impulse mildly. “Give me some credit for not trying to murder you.”
  Tango laughs and grabs his friend in a hug. “Don’t worry, you’re still my favourite Impulse.”
  Impulse hugs him back. “Good. Now, let’s find Xisuma and warn him about Impulstor.”
  Tango pulls sharply away from Impulse and stares at him. “Wait… Is that his NAME? Impulse plus imposter?”
  “Uh huh. Trust me, I didn’t choose it.”
  His friend bursts out laughing. “That’s GREAT! Oh my god. That sounds like something Zed would come up with.”
  “I know, right!” Zedaph laughs. 
  Impulse can’t help a laugh too. The tension and fear that’s been controlling him for the last few hours has mostly melted away now that his best friends are safe. Impulstor might still be out there but with a little luck, he won’t be able to fool the rest of the server the way he fooled Tango. He’s sure he’ll see Impulstor again, though. 
  But the real question is: how soon?
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gigili-jiggly · 5 years
can you list your favorite klance fics ://
(i’m not sure how to respond to your ‘ :// ‘ emoji, but i’ll take any excuse to gush about fics lol)
I have so many favorite fics, so I’ll just list some oneshots for now so that this list doesn’t become too long 
(I might post a list of more oneshots and ongoing fics if anyone is interested!)
SFW Oneshots: 
you’re lucky that’s what i like by @zenstrike
Lance rescues a hamster from certain doom.
or, Lance has Keith wrapped around his little finger and doesn’t even realize it.
This is literally the cutest and softest klance series I’ve read in a long time!! It gives me lots of feelings and feeds my need for lovestruck Keith ladfajdifjdsklf
hey, mom, i met a boy by @mothpoem
“Sweetheart,” says Lance, his hair longer, his shoulders broader, the slope of his nose uneven now where it didn’t used to be, “you don’t know the half of it.”
LISTEN. This fic owns my ass, it’s so good. It has all my favorite tropes (marriage proposals, visions of the future, love realizations, etc.) and every moment between Lance and Keith is so sweet and full of love hnnngh. 
i know what you did last summer by seventies
Saving angry, mysterious damsels in distress multiple times weren’t in the job description of being a lifeguard. It would have been slightly bearable if only everyone would stop asking Lance if he remembered what he did last summer. What really happened, anyway? AU
Pining Keith? Oblivious Lance? A little bit of Memory Loss? Heck yeah!!! This fic also made me laugh a lot, so I always reread this when I need a pick-me-up
this, our town of halloween by @tobiologist
“Yeah, well, it’s written all over both of your faces,” Lance hisses. “It’s not a big deal.”
Pidge taps her chin. “Oh, you mean Keith, the local introvert and your ex-rival, creeping out of his cave to go to a huge Halloween celebration with you and your little niece and nephew? Of course that’s not a big deal. Silly me!”
Or: Lance invites Keith to Disneyland on Halloween and glimpses an entirely new side of the boy he has a stupidly massive crush on.
Lately, I’ve been loving tropes where people go on a ‘date’, insist that it’s not a date and then finally realize it’s a date. Also, pining Lance is good shit. 
Smell as Sweet by ultimateparadox
Coffee and love, Lance thinks, are the only universal constants.
Established relationship!!! Marriage proposals!!! Becoming a family!!! Everything here is amazing!!!
Bastion by Foxcote
In a healing universe, Keith and Lance await the arrival of their daughter.
I am a sucker for klance as parents, and one scene in particular between Keith and Krolia really captured my heart
In every reality, I reach for you by @enlacinglineswrites
Stories inspired the Klance AU month prompts.
I love drabble series and this one right here has so many interesting and wonderful aus! I read it time and time again like a morning newspaper lol. 
Somewhere a Clock is Ticking by @emphasis-all-mine
This is a story about time travel, lost memories, growing up broken, ukulele lessons, peanut butter banana sandwiches, and a stuffed hippo named Patches.
This is also the story of how James Griffin saved the world, but couldn’t stop his parents from falling in love.
Literally the fic that made me warm up to James! I’ve always loved time travel stories and the characterizations in this fic is so fun and enjoyable, I hold it very close to my heart! Also, klance family aldjofiadjfdf
5 + 1 times: lance and the search for keith’s boyfriend by @starwar 
Who could it be?!
Lance tried to convince himself it wasn’t jealousy… it was just friendly concern. He had to ensure that whoever Keith was with treated him well, not that Keith needed Lance to look after him, but still, Keith deserved the world and Lance wanted to make sure whoever he was with gave that to him.
Just buddy-buddy concerns.
or alternatively; 5 + 1 times lance doesn’t realise he’s keith’s boyfriend
Oblivious Lance who doesn’t know he’s Keith’s boyfriend? Bet your ass I’m gonna read that!!
chaser of fate by freshia
Where Lance thinks everyone else is really frickin’ weird, the others spend copious amounts of time trying to get him to just remember, and Keith just wants to (re?)live his life.
(Modern Reincarnation AU where the biggest threat to face, is the looming deadlines for essays.)
One of the first klance fics I’ve read and one that I absolutely consider a classic. I love me some reincarnation au’s, and I love how this one is nice and not too angsty! 
Save the Date by @thathopelessromantic 
They had gotten married in the middle of a war, on an alien spaceship, both boasting major injuries. It was rushed and short and the team was thrust into battle almost immediately after “I do.” But afterwards, after some insistent questioning from Keith, Lance admitted to things he had let himself imagine for their wedding, were they to have had one on Earth.
Cute established and married klance celebrating their anniversary, what more can a girl want? 
Speak for the Stars by @speakswords 
All Lance has ever wanted is to prove his worth. So, maybe it’s fitting that the Black Lion picked him right when Lotor betrayed them and Shiro’s clone went rogue. Right when the team was at its lowest and closest to failing.
The desire for glory that Lance grew up with—that drove him to join the Garrison and pursue fighter class, that drove him into his one-sided rivalry with Keith, that drove him after Keith in the Sonoran Desert and into Blue’s cockpit and into space and into the war in the first place—it’s a relic of the past for him now. All he wants these days is to keep his friends alive and the Coalition afloat, and he tries his best, despite the pervasive fear that he isn’t the right person for this monumental task. Despite the growing certainty that Black picked the wrong guy.
This fear will be put to the ultimate test when the mess that ensnares the team after the clone disaster turns out to be a labyrinth more winding than any of them were prepared for. Because Lance might just be the only person equipped to lead them through this maze and into the light.
I love those tropes where peeps get stuck in their own dreams and someone has to help them snap out of it. This fic does this wonderfully with Lance and I loved Keith’s dream in here, it was so sweet
in every reality, we meet by ULTIOcean
Small one-shots about our favorite team, taken from a prompt list on tumblr for the October Writting Challenge, in which i’ll write 31 short stories, unrelated to each other, each insipred by the prompt of the day.
i adore this drabble series, each chapter is such a unique take on the prompt! 
you’ve got a hand for the taking (i’m about to take it to the moon) by seabear
“I think,” Lance says, squinting, “he’s a vampire.”
one of my comfort fics to be honest. i really really like their interactions here and the confession scene makes me very happy
where & how we’ll land by @ephemelody 
The first time Keith meets Lance is also the first time they kiss. It all goes downhill for him from there.
looking for a childhood klance fic that is so so good? this one is a classic!!!
Complete Mature/Explicit Oneshots: 
assemble by groovystars
‘there was an idea- katie and hunk know about it- called the voltron initiative. the plan was-is, god, it is- to bring together a group of remarkable people, and see if together they could become something more. to fight the battles we never could. i wasn’t sure though. just knew that katie and hunk could do it, maybe lance if he wasn’t knee-deep in cover work. but now that cap’s used to the century and keith kogane turned up from the dead, and we have a literal god on our hands… now- now i think we can do that. i think we can believe in heroes.’
aka the marvel au that’s probably already been done
As a huge Marvel fan, this is an amazing superhero au!! It has klance and shatt, as well as lotor and allura in a thor and loki dynamic! 
i like me better when i’m with you by @reader115 
His mother’s advice when the war is over? That he should ask for what he wants.
Keith joins Lance and his family on their farm, and Lance wishes for a never ending visit.
i’ve read so many post-canon fics when vld ended and this one is one of my absolute favorites. It’s because of this fic that i started associating the song with klance, haha! I love the characterizations and the overall sweetness/lovey dovey feeling the fic has and aldoifjaidfd I just love reading this over and over again
there are worse things i could do by @peachgrdn 
His chest went tight when he recalled Keith’s face. What did it have to mean? They’d never been lovers; that much was clear.
When Lance goes out to buy himself a gift for his own pleasure, it comes with a little emotional baggage. Only just as he thinks he can manage it, Keith throws himself into the mix, and Lance realizes he must come to terms with buried feelings.
honestly, i consider lyssy the queen for fluffy and feely smut lol. I love her humor in this one as well as the many feels it gives me…just aldkjodfa i love this fic a lot okay?
kiss me (like it hurts) by mottainai
Purple light streamed through his kitchen window from the neon sign across the street, getting tangled in Keith’s hair and painted on the planes of his shoulders. He held his breath, afraid to disturb the moment. Keith’s eyes were on his, too soft to be coming from a dangerous man. Lance could see himself becoming caught in the gap in his teeth, pressed into the groves of his calloused hands, inked across his ribs. It should terrify him, the kind of terror of one looking into the belly of the beast.
But it didn’t.
Or: Keith and Lance, told through arguments and resolutions
i’m such a sucker for gangster keith stuff and this fic here has one of my favorite takes on it. perfect for rereading again and again! 
lure by chaeriee 
Becoming indebted to Keith Kogane was not a part of Lance’s future plans. Falling for him, even less so.
another gangster keith fic and it has almost all of my guilty pleasures in it uwu. i love those /person A needs to pay off a debt and works for person B while unknowingly becoming the most important one to them’ storylines haha! 
 Alpha Affairs by marizousbooty
Keith and Lance take a romantic vacation to the mountains for a snowy weekend getaway.
vampire lance and werewolf keith….doing it….good stuff
Heaven in hiding by i_write_shakespeare_not_disney
Keith finds something interesting in Lance’s drawer and it leads to one of the most amazing nights of his life.
insecure lance in lingerie and keith helping him become comfortable with it? sexy. 
Beast of Burden by melancholymango
“Keith, no, we can’t go again.” Lance pleads fall on deaf ears. Keith is honed in on him now like predator to prey. He’s fighting a losing battle and they both know it. He sees it in the way Keith is raking his eyes over him, sizing him up. “We’ll be so late getting to the bar.”
“Just one more.” Keith insists, herding Lance toward the counter with a stubbornness that is innately wolf. Lance pouts, but he doesn’t have anywhere else to go but backward.
“That’s what you said last time! And the time before that!”
The week leading up to a supermoon, as told by the world’s best werewolf boyfriend, Lance McClain. The good, the bad, and the horny.
I read this on Halloween and I’m not even ashamed of how much I enjoyed this. This fic made me very very biased towards werewolf keith lol. 
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gffa · 8 years
I took a couple of weeks off for personal depression spiral reasons but now I’m back to cry over STAR WARS FEELINGS HELL because, hey, guess where I am. Star Wars Feelings Hell. I’d ask someone to save me but honestly I just want to drag everyone down with me, so here, have some quality feelings hell fic! STAR WARS FIC RECS: ✦ five time anakin and obi-wan got cockblocked in the spirit world, and one time they finally got it on by kasuchans, obi-wan/anakin & luke & leia, 1k wip    It’s a busy time for a couple of the galaxy’s most famous and powerful Force ghosts, and they can’t just seem to get a moment alone. (or, exactly what it says on the tin) ✦ Broken by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & rex & ahsoka & padme & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, dark themes, 14k wip    The Twins are unstoppable enforcers of the Emperor’s will, the sun and moon that hang in the black void of his rule. It is said they are not the same age and that under their hoods they do not look alike, but they fight as one entity, silent and terrible as an eclipse in a spring sky. ✦ Anakin Skywalker and the Stray Droid by protos_metazu_ison, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 21k wip    Anakin adopts a stray droid, much to Obi-Wan’s displeasure, which is fine because Rusty doesn’t like Obi-Wan all that much either. ✦ untitled by writegowrite, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Obi-Wan wakes up, the whole world muffled and dulled by painkiller powerful enough it takes him a solid minute to understand the pristine white ocean slowly shifting all around him is actually the privacy curtains marking off his little corner of the base’s med tent. ✦ untitled by gaealynn, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.3k    They don’t often have a lot of time together, so it takes them a while to figure out that Anakin’s strength in the Force has also blessed him with a nearly instantaneous refractory period – under the right circumstances. ✦ The House That Obi-Wan Built by Smitty, obi-wan & anakin, 10.4k    Obi-Wan and Anakin find that home life isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. ✦ In All The World by Ammar, obi-wan & anakin & padme & cast, 70k wip    The story of how Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi tamed each other, from Naboo to Anakin’s early days at the Temple. ✦ time to change the road you’re on by wreckageofstars, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & kanan & ezra & cast, 20.8k wip    The end of the Clone War is near - the fall of the Republic even nearer. Anakin Skywalker, caught up in the events that lead to the rise of the Empire and the loss of everything he holds dear, finds himself sent nearly two decades into the future. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, obi-wan & ahsoka, 2.2k    Finally, we have Ahsoka’s POV! I have a few other asks about how she reacts to Chancellor Kenobi, but this isn’t quite that (too late in the timeline). ✦ Old Man Luke by scarletjedi, obi-wan & anakin & luke & cast, 10.4k wip    Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?” He asked, hoping a direct question would yield answers. The old man seemed adept at side-stepping information when asked a bit more deftly. “I’ve never heard of a Master with your level of talent.” ✦ Empire’s Shadow by Guybrarian (drjanetwatson), luke & ahsoka & mara & winter & cast, 44.9k wip    In the Rise of the Rebellion, Prince Luke Organa works to help the fledgling alliance with his teacher and bodyguard, Ahsoka Tano. ✦ Spindle Puppets (chapter 5) by arnediadglanduath, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, forced drug use, 5.5k    Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent to Corellia under instruction from both the Council and the Senate to apprehend a dangerous narcotics dealer. Under the guise of interested buyers, both men understand that one of them must be administered the drug in order to gain the seller’s trust. ✦ untitled by prideandprejudiceandkittens, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, ~1k    So he steadies himself, focuses on the feeling of Obi-Wan’s fingers in his hair and the floor under his knees, and moves forward until he’s nose-to-pelvis, lips flushed and swollen against the skin of his abdomen. ✦ Ikhthus by DarthSnug (themikeymonster), obi-wan & anakin & shmi, 6.6k wip    You can take the boy out of the Order, but you can’t take the Jedi out of the boy. A young ex-padawan stumbles across a most curious mother and her even more curious child on Tatooine. ✦ untitled by likealeafonthewind, obi-wan & anakin, 3k    Prompt: And now I’m picturing an AU where Obi-Wan DOES die in Order 66, and Anakin feels it and realizes…how would he react? full details + recs under the cut!
✦ five time anakin and obi-wan got cockblocked in the spirit world, and one time they finally got it on by kasuchans, obi-wan/anakin & luke & leia, 1k wip    It’s a busy time for a couple of the galaxy’s most famous and powerful Force ghosts, and they can’t just seem to get a moment alone. (or, exactly what it says on the tin)    Oh, man, this is delightful, just the right amount of ridiculouness in it while not being parody, so I can totally see it. It’s got this great amount of Jedi dignity and calm from Obi-Wan while still being clearly irritated, put together with Luke being pretty wtf about his life and Leia being amused by the whole situation that just makes my heart happy, the entire thing was just so delightful to read and so solidly written that it made me grin the entire way through. I’m super looking forward to the next chapter, because it’s relevant to my interests, but also it’s just one of those fics that puts a bounce in my step, it’s so much fun. ✦ Broken by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & rex & ahsoka & padme & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, dark themes, 14k wip    The Twins are unstoppable enforcers of the Emperor’s will, the sun and moon that hang in the black void of his rule. It is said they are not the same age and that under their hoods they do not look alike, but they fight as one entity, silent and terrible as an eclipse in a spring sky.    Chapters 2-3: This is an update rec, so it will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. This continues to be a very heartbreaking, unhappy fic that almost assuredly isn’t going to get much happier, so you have to go into the fic expecting that. This is a galaxy that’s terrible and awful and painful, but that’s what I’m here for with this one, even as much as it breaks my fannish heart. And I continue to love the sense of how utterly dangerous they are in this fic, how my heart can hurt for what became of Obi-Wan and Anakin, especially for what it must have taken to break them down like this, yet some part of me is still satisfied at how co-dependent they are with each other, twisted into something so dark and awful here. The use of the people who knew them, the use of the people who only know them as the Twins, the eerie, creepy way they move in synch, all of it reminds the reader of what they once were, the elements that were always there, but now in this dark funhouse mirror version of them that’s so awful and yet so intriguing. These chapters also show how they are in battle, how they are when they’re separate for even a few moments, and that’s worse, but then! Anakin is hurt and there’s this raging river underneath the story, the terror and the furor when one of them is hurt and the other feels it, that they can bite and claw at each other, but they’re two halves of a set, that even in this twisted version of them, Anakin still gets wound up and twisted around by his feelings, and still needs someone to fight him, to push him down and roughly hold him in place and fuck him, pin him face down and push into him and wrap a hard hand around his throat, give him a pain and a pleasure that wipes everything else from his mind, because even in this dark version, he’s still Anakin Skywalker and even in this dark version Obi-Wan will give him what he needs. This isn’t a fic for if you want something happy or something that will probably work out, but if you like something that exposes all the connections between them and then takes them down a dark path, then this one is an absolutely fascinating, engrossing read! ✦ Anakin Skywalker and the Stray Droid by protos_metazu_ison, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 21k wip    Anakin adopts a stray droid, much to Obi-Wan’s displeasure, which is fine because Rusty doesn’t like Obi-Wan all that much either.    Chapters 3-4: This is an update rec and will focus on these chapters, rather than the fic as a whole. Oh, I was so glad to see this fic updated, because I really enjoyed it, and I was not disappointed in these two chapters–which further continue to have plot that drives much of the Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship, which also balances the story and the feelings really well, where I understand where both of them are coming from, I have such intense hopes for this story, and yet my heart kind of hurt while reading them. Anakin is so desperately in love with Obi-Wan, he’s so confused because he just can’t choose between him and Padme, he loves them both so very much, and there’s this underlying anger to so much of the situation–the way the characters all treat each other, the frustration of not being able to be happy in their lives, just in exactly the way it should be. The story is very well written and the characterization is so solid, so I would have loved it regardless, but there’s this moment, when the Kenobi/Skywalker plan has gone sideways as it always does, that Obi-Wan has to say something to Anakin to get him to let go and, oh, it just sliced right through me, it was this moment I didn’t really expect, but was utterly perfect for the characters. And the kiss they shared earlier! The way the fic just had me feeling that sense of a bomb being dropped on Anakin, the sense of this whole world of possibilities opening up, while at the same time just confused as hell about it, oh, Anakin I have such feelings for this character. Bleh, this is a terrible rec, but I love the solid quality of this fic, it’s so smooth and well done, it’s one that I sit up and take notice whenever it updates and it’s actually one of my favorites of the fandom these days! ✦ untitled by writegowrite, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Obi-Wan wakes up, the whole world muffled and dulled by painkiller powerful enough it takes him a solid minute to understand the pristine white ocean slowly shifting all around him is actually the privacy curtains marking off his little corner of the base’s med tent.    Oh, this was a lovely piece, where Obi-Wan is injured and wakes up to someone having put a flower in his hand and the story behind that, where you can just about imagine Anakin losing his goddamned mind over worry and fear about Obi-Wan. The way he trembles and has tears in his eyes, ugh, I just love that guy so much, I feel everything right along with him, and the writing of this is lovely and touching, just the right amount of heartbreak and heartwarming. ✦ untitled by gaealynn, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.3k    They don’t often have a lot of time together, so it takes them a while to figure out that Anakin’s strength in the Force has also blessed him with a nearly instantaneous refractory period – under the right circumstances.    Holy hell, this is one of those fics that just about melted my brain from how ridiculously hot it was. It’s another fic based on the headcanon post I did, where Anakin is so strong in the Force that he can survive things other people can’t, which he would abuse terribly during sex, and then gaealynn took it even further with how short of a refractory period he has. Which means he can climb onto Obi-Wan’s cock, ride him until he’s coming a minute later, then go again, then have Obi-Wan flip them over and fuck harder into him and Anakin will come yet again. The utter greed Anakin has for Obi-Wan’s cock, how desperately he wants it, he wants that connection immediately, wants to have Obi-Wan in him, wants to feel Obi-Wan’s arousal, wants it again and again, is so incredibly satisfying and good that I’m never taking this fic off my reader. It’s entirely explicit and it’s just pure, concentrated porn and it’s so pleasing to the id, the way Obi-Wan rolls into him and it sends this hitch into Anakin’s breath, the way it’s so good for Anakin, the way Obi-Wan enjoys seeing him so blissed out like this, the way Anakin is just petulant enough about getting more, the way Obi-Wan finally has to just flip them over to have Anakin wrap his legs around him and go all blissful as Obi-Wan fucks him harder. It’s just everything I could possibly have asked for and my brain is mush now, but it’s totally goddamned worth it. ✦ The House That Obi-Wan Built by Smitty, obi-wan & anakin, 10.4k    Obi-Wan and Anakin find that home life isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.    I admit, I had to edit the HTML of this fic to make it better format so I could read it, but it was absolutely worth it. I had a bit of a depression spiral over the last couple of weeks and this fic was the one that helped cheer me up when I needed it. It’s this great fic where Obi-Wan decides that Anakin needs something different in his training, a different approach, and so he decides to take him to Malastare to live for awhile, to set up a house there, because Anakin is an unorthodox Padawan and so could use unorthodox training. It’s adorable and has all this incredible sparkle and charm, it hits me right in the domestic adorability place, the author is really great at writing that dynamic of an older brother and younger brother who clash but clearly care deeply about each other. But also just really, really great characterization, especially Obi-Wan having a trolling streak in my absolute favorite bit of the fic: 
“Oh. And I wanted to say thanks for letting me have the big room. That was real cool of you.” “Not at all. You’re a young boy. Young boys need lots of space to bounce around. Besides, I have this debilitating fear of large rooms. Give me space and I just can’t handle myself. I start sweating, shaking…it’s impossible to function.” “You’re doing that thing again when you’re making stuff up with a straight face, aren’t you?” “Yes, Anakin, I am.” 
I cackled out loud because, yes, that’s perfect. It’s a feel good fic, but also has a lot of genuine charisma and sparkle, which was exactly what I needed. ✦ In All The World by Ammar, obi-wan & anakin & padme & cast, 70k wip    The story of how Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi tamed each other, from Naboo to Anakin’s early days at the Temple.    Chapter 13: This is an update rec and will be focused on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. I was delighted to see this fic updated and I tore through the chapter because, ahhh, it was just as good as ever! I do recommend the fic as a whole, it’s one of the best Obi-Wan & Anakin early days fics I’ve read recently, it’s got fantastic characterization of those immediate days on Naboo afterwards and it has such a fantastic plot, like it’s used as a vehicle to drive the characterization, but it’s genuinely interesting for its own sake as well! And that’s not something I get often enough, even in Star Wars fandom! This chapter especially goes in for the political and plotful stuff, there’s a lot of talking about the situation on Naboo, which is really beautifully done, it feels like it fits so well, like this is a set-up that absolutely could have happened, that this is a snafu that Obi-Wan and Anakin could have been drawn into, that it’s a great way to show the distance between Obi-Wan and Anakin that they start out with, but is slowly starting to be bridged, as they work through this case. A CASEFIC. For Obi-Wan and Anakin’s early days! That’s already 70k! Like, you don’t know what a treasure that is, especially when it’s such top-notch, professional level writing for it. And it makes me read about the politics of characters and worlds I’ve only barely met and yet I care! I’m interested! I’m here for Obi-Wan explaining to Anakin and helping to teach him how to think something through and it’s so good. ✦ time to change the road you’re on by wreckageofstars, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & kanan & ezra & cast, 20.8k wip    The end of the Clone War is near - the fall of the Republic even nearer. Anakin Skywalker, caught up in the events that lead to the rise of the Empire and the loss of everything he holds dear, finds himself sent nearly two decades into the future.    Oh, I’m terribly hooked on this fic. The first couple of chapters were just this utter struggle, like an absolute slog to get through, in exactly the way it should be, because there’s so much history and weight on these characters, that throwing Anakin forward in time to Ahsoka, before she meets Vader face to face again, but after she knows who he is, and then she sees Anakin again, practically dumped in her lap, but on the verge of falling, already so far gone that it feels next to impossible to fix all of this, even when they have the chance. It’s exhausting, but so good, especially because it’s such a difficult situation and Ahsoka handles it as best she can! One of the things I especially loved about it is, when she finds herself in that position, she doesn’t tell the whole truth, and you can see why, that she can be upset and hurt that someone else didn’t tell her the whole truth (though, I’m not sure why she’s angry with Obi-Wan when she finds out about him, how would he even have told her?) and yet still you understand, because she’s been there herself just now, that it’s not always so easy to just tell the whole truth. And that’s one of the things about Star Wars–it’s understandable to be upset when someone doesn’t tell you these horrible things you wanted to know, but there are understandable reasons why that person didn’t. It’s not directly paralleled, but I felt like it helped further show why Obi-Wan made some of the choices he did in canon, because sometimes there are just only bad choices and you have to pick one. But the heart of the story is about Ahsoka trying to deal with all of this, trying to reach Anakin, who really is just a mess, it’s a story about a lot of things coming out because they have the chance to fix things. It’s a story about reconnecting everyone to each other, giving them a chance they thought lost, and, oh, when they get to Obi-Wan, when he sees Anakin again for the first time, my fannish heart broke in exactly the way it was supposed to. I was practically wriggling in my seat in the build-up and it really didn’t disappoint me at all, there was just so much there, even in just a page or two. So much love and loss. So much love and loss with Ahsoka as well, so much aching sadness whenever moppet Leia is on the screen or when they talk to Bail, so much sadness and suffering in this Star Wars universe, even though there’s hope to maybe fix it. This is a bit of an exhausting fic, but that only makes me respect it more, because this is supposed to be exhausting. And I cannot wait for more of this one. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, obi-wan & ahsoka, 2.2k    Finally, we have Ahsoka’s POV! I have a few other asks about how she reacts to Chancellor Kenobi, but this isn’t quite that (too late in the timeline).    This is part of a larger series that may not necessarily need to be read in order, but I think would at least help! Oh, I really loved this fic, it’s so nicely done, where it’s just the right amount of connection between these two characters and both of their relationships with Anakin. It’s also great for being a fan of both characters in the sense of how they’re great fighters, that Obi-Wan is a legendary fighter, that Ahsoka is learning and coming along so well and is really impressive, it strikes a really pleasing balance between those two things! But the heart and highlight of this fic is in their discussion, in the quiet moment of connection and how he helps answer her questions and guide her forward. I love that it takes nothing away from what each of them have with Anakin, but instead adds more to the dynamics between everyone and, oh, it’s just so good and beautifully in character. This series really is one of the best I’m reading right now and each new piece of it just puts a glow around me whenever I read it–though, this one was definitely something special. ✦ Old Man Luke by scarletjedi, obi-wan & anakin & luke & cast, 10.4k wip    Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?” He asked, hoping a direct question would yield answers. The old man seemed adept at side-stepping information when asked a bit more deftly. “I’ve never heard of a Master with your level of talent.”    Ahhhh, I’m sorry that there’s only four chapters so far, but I totally do not regret reading this! I love time travel fics and having Luke be the one to travel back? To have him at a point where he’s so strong in the Force and then gets to see Obi-Wan and Anakin at the height of the PT Jedi’s presence? In the middle of the Clone War? It’s so intriguing and so much fun and I just tore through all of this super quickly because I couldn’t put it down. I really like this Luke characterization, he’s so thoroughly moral and good, so calm and centered, but without being a non-entity. He still has presence and reactions and feelings! But also Obi-Wan and Anakin! The bits of their friendship that are in the fic are also delightful and I’m practically champing at the bit for them to get to the big reveal about Luke, because the set-up is really good and the writing is really smooth and the characters/plot feel really solid, and I absolutely want more! I love all time travel fics, but I love them especially when they can give me something new and interesting and follow through on that potential like this one is doing. ✦ Empire’s Shadow by Guybrarian (drjanetwatson), luke & ahsoka & mara & winter & cast, 44.9k wip    In the Rise of the Rebellion, Prince Luke Organa works to help the fledgling alliance with his teacher and bodyguard, Ahsoka Tano.    I picked this fic up at random and I pretty much inhaled it and entirely loved it! I enjoy role reveral fics with the twins, where Luke was raised as Bail and Breha’s son instead, but this one also included Ahsoka as his teacher, it showed Luke working on being a diplomat and following in his parents’ footsteps almost more than it did showing him learning how to use the Force, and it has great characterization. The writing is really solid and easy to sliip into, I could just read and read and read, it was smooth and just sailed right on by! But also, oh, man, action scenes! So many scenes that really felt like Star Wars! Both in the action scenes and in the training scenes and politics scenes and just talking scenes! There’s also some really, really great Mara Jade moments in the fic, I love the dynamic that’s starting to set up between her and Luke here! I’m not quite sure what to make of the Emperor or of Leia’s role here, but they’ve barely appeared, so I’m still kind of undecided. But I’m curious enough to keep reading and the stuff with Ahsoka and Luke is pretty much everything I’ve ever wanted from interaction between those two, it’s just such a good fic. ✦ Spindle Puppets (chapter 5) by arnediadglanduath, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, forced drug use, 5.5k    Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent to Corellia under instruction from both the Council and the Senate to apprehend a dangerous narcotics dealer. Under the guise of interested buyers, both men understand that one of them must be administered the drug in order to gain the seller’s trust.    So, I’m reading this fic and I’m still working my way through it, but I really enjoyed this part and I think it could stand alone as something of a pwp and it came at a time when I was really desperate for some resolution between the characters, as well as some very nicely satisfying sex. All you really need for context is that they’ve been dosed against their will, hooked on the drug and forced to continue using it, until they’re then injected with an aphrodisiac version that drives them to fuck because they can’t resist. It’s also about comfort, during the ordeal they’re going through and about how it breaks apart their reservations and inhibitions. So, Obi-Wan will of course feel guilty later, but in this moment he wants Anakin so badly that he doesn’t stop himself, he gently but surely opens Anakin up, who is desperate for more by the time Obi-Wan gets four fingers in him. It’s all about Anakin desperately wanting that connection, wanting to feel Obi-Wan in him and for him to go deeper, fuck him harder, because he wants this person so badly, loves him so intensely. It’s a blend of the more sappy love between them, the angst of the situation, and just some really satisfying sex as Obi-Wan finally thrusts into him and Anakin gets what he wants. I enjoyed this one a lot. ✦ untitled by prideandprejudiceandkittens, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, ~1k    So he steadies himself, focuses on the feeling of Obi-Wan’s fingers in his hair and the floor under his knees, and moves forward until he’s nose-to-pelvis, lips flushed and swollen against the skin of his abdomen.    This is a follow up pwp to a headcanon post of mine and, oh, man, it’s so good. I really, really love the idea of Anakin’s Force strength being so strong that he can surive things other people can, which also means he can heal from things other people can’t, which means he can use the Force during sex in ways other people can’t, which means of course he uses it for the most amazing blow-job pretty much ever. The hunger and greed for Obi-Wan’s cock he has here, how desperately he wants it, how the Force just comes to him and opens him up, because he’s special, because he’s always special, it’s so strong in him and his body, and then Obi-Wan is facefucking him and it’s so, so good. It’s not long but it was absolutely delicious. ✦ Ikhthus by DarthSnug (themikeymonster), obi-wan & anakin & shmi, 6.6k wip    You can take the boy out of the Order, but you can’t take the Jedi out of the boy. A young ex-padawan stumbles across a most curious mother and her even more curious child on Tatooine.    Oh, I really enjoyed this first chapter! It’s an intriguing set-up (though, there’s so much I want to know more about, especially Obi-Wan’s situation and why things are different in this universe!) and while it’s a lot of set-up for now, it also has so many really lovely character moments from these three. There’s something almost gentle about them, even Obi-Wan with his rough and sharp edges, but especially in Shmi, who is so solid and warm and caring. And Anakin is so bright and a little jagged-edged but such a sweet moppet! And I love the feeling of how something like destiny or the Force drew these people together here, how it feels like something is looming just beyond their sight, over the heads of all three of them, especially with brilliant little Anakin who is too talented for his own good, and Obi-Wan who attracts trouble wherever he goes (or so he thinks) and, oh, I’m just really invested already in Obi-Wan and Shmi’s conversations here, how they interact and how she’s so kind to him and I think that’s one of the things I love about AUs, the chance for Obi-Wan and Shmi to meet and talk and quietly understand each other and probably both love Anakin so much, if in entirely different (a mother and a brother are different things) but no less heartfelt ways. And yet their conversations weren’t really entirely about Anakin, they were about them, but felt right and I just really appreciated that a lot! ✦ untitled by likealeafonthewind, obi-wan & anakin, 3k    Prompt: And now I’m picturing an AU where Obi-Wan DOES die in Order 66, and Anakin feels it and realizes…how would he react?    This isn’t really a fic, per se, it’s more of a fic scenario or maybe a half-written outline, but it’s satisfying in the way a fic is as well, setting up this AU scenario where Obi-Wan dies on Utapau and it changes the course of Anakin’s path because he just… never actually expected Obi-Wan to die with the rest of the Jedi. I love that this AU got me thinking about Anakin’s reactions there, how it taps into that sense I feel from him, where he just always assumes Obi-Wan will be there, even when he’s pushing him away or hating him. So when that’s ripped away from him, it just rips everything else away from Anakin along with it. And the whole thing is nicely ouchy (both angsty and emotionally satisfying for how much Obi-Wan meant to Anakin) but, oh, the ending lines just got me and really made the whole read worth it.
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Echo has a domino "deck" with only 5 pieces under his bunk, one for each one of the members of his former squad. a 6-6 piece (Hevy), a 3-6 (Droidbait), a 5-5 (Fives), a 0-0 (him) and a 1-6 (Cutup). and i would die on this hill
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Anakin creates his own compliment words and he can get REALLY creative with them especially when they're directed to Ahsoka's partners (kinda turning them into insults).
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(c) prompt of the day
pirate au where pirate! Ahsoka gets captured and sentenced to hang is given a chance for redemption by nobleman! Korkie who finds himself falling for the chaotic, stubborn, smart beautiful pirate.
0 notes
(c) prompt of the day
In a galaxy where stars are souls of fallen heroes, someone has started stealing them from the sky. Luke and Leia are tasked with retrieving them before the night sky goes completely dark.
0 notes
"Dont worry, he doesnt bite" but its Hunter to Echo about Crosshair
after that, Crosshair did indeed bit Echo
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Fives: Whats your darkest desire?
Echo: I wanna stare at someone from across the street and then disappear when a ship passes by.
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[The batch in a restaurant]
Waiter, to Crosshair: what would you like to get?
Crosshair, trying to scare the waiter: I want to devour the unborn.
Waiter: ....
Tech, already tired of crosshairs sht: eggs, he wants eggs.
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Echo is socially awkward and Fives is awkwardly social.
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[Cody picking up his batch at the 501sts]
Boil, casually: I want a closed casket funeral and someone playing “pop goes the weasel” very slowly. Will my body open the casket at the end? I don’t know. Neither will you.
Cody, blinking in shock: Woah, let’s not do that.
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