#cleaning and decluttering
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poopsadaisies · 7 months ago
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angerieque · 3 months ago
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How to: fresh start.
Hi babes! Hope you're all having a great day. Now, I want to share with you tips that will help you FEEL that fresh start of the new year.
Digital cleanse. Cleanse your phone, delete unwanted pictures, screenshots, videos, documents, games, apps ESPECIALLY shopping apps. Why so? Well, let me tell you. You don't need your phone constantly buzzing with sales on stuff you already have or don't need. Those apps convince you that you need this and that when, in reality, you don't. You'll just end up wasting time and money.
Physical cleanse. You might be wondering what that is. For me, physical cleansing is simply taking a shower (could be a simple shower or an everything shower) and drinking green tea. Green tea helps with digestion, cleanses your stomach, and even boosts your brain health. You can drink whatever drink that is actually beneficial (ginger shots, lemon water, mint tea, etc).
Wardrobe. Declutter your wardrobe. You can donate some, resell some or even reuse (to clean, for example). Clothes are fabrics and fabrics are meant to have more than one use. Just get rid of clothes that you don't wear anymore or that don't fit you (size, style..)
Unsubscribe and unfollow. YouTube, tiktok, instagram.. just unfollow. You've grown out of phases, embrace that and unfollow people that resonate with the old you (who you love, but simply don't relate to anymore).
Rearrange. For me that's for my gallery, pinterest, and spotify. For my gallery, after I delete unwanted pictures, I create new folders for the ones I kept. For pinterest, I archive my old boards ('24 vision boards), create new ones, and update old vision boards. For spotify, I delete playlists I don't listen to anymore, unfollow artists and create new playlists.
Notion! I've been a notion user and lover for the past 5 years now and it's my planner, diary, journal and literally everything. Open a blank page and build it however you like, or choose a nice template and play around with it till satisfaction. Create a "reflection" section where you write about the past year and what you loved, hated, learned, etc.
Write down who you want to become. What is she doing, what does she love, what does she look like, what's her personality like, how she spends her day, what are her hobbies, what are her ambitions, etc. And may your visualization come true.
So, that's it for now! Love always, angel.
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bitchesgetriches · 29 days ago
Do you have any tipps or advice for decluttering when poor?
I am trying to tidy up and declutter and thought a podcast would help, but Feminist Survival Podcast 2025 threw me off with "you have too much stuff". Yes, if you combine households, you have more stuff than before and things are double. And I got things from a late relative and now I need to sort what I want to keep. But I am a broke person and buying replacements when things break is hard so letting go of things I might need in the future is difficult, too! Do you have any help or could point me to someone who could help?
Ok, I know it's trite, but... Marie Kondo is actually really wonderful for this.
You're living in a scarcity mindset--and I don't blame you!!! I've been there. But the Kondo method of considering each item and whether it "sparks joy" is a great way of examining your mindset and turning it somewhere more positive. You'll be able to carefully ask yourself, "Am I holding onto this thing because I genuinely like or need it? Or am I holding onto it because it makes me feel safe to keep it against potential future emergencies?"
Minimalism is a lot like frugality. It's less about decluttering and downsizing and more about INTENTIONALITY.
Plus, you can likely make money from selling some items you don't need. Here's more:
My Cure for Aimless Wardrobe Syndrome: Manage Your Clothes the Same Way You Manage Your Money 
Everything I Know About Minimalism I Learned from the Zombie Apocalypse
Did we just help you out? Say thanks on Patreon!
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futurememor1es · 11 months ago
★ how to declutter your phone ★
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i spend a lot of my time on my phone, and most likely you do too (don't worry, i'm not here to call you out). if you never organize or declutter your phone, after a while your storage gets full and you can't find anything on it. here's a list of things you can do to keep your phone looking clean and organized:
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✧ move new and unorganized apps into folders
✧ delete all unneeded alarms
✧ delete unneeded photos and videos
✧ delete unneeded screenshots and screen recordings
✧ close all tabs
✧ delete unneeded notes
✧ add upcoming events to calendar
✧ delete unneeded bookmarks on browser
✧ organize apps on homescreen
✧ delete and unsubscribe unneeded emails
✧ organize social media (unfollow people, update profiles)
✧ delete unused apps
✧ organize playlists
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if you do all this once a month, or atleast every few months, your phone will stay nice and tidy. it might feel like a big project the first time, but once you start doing this regularly, it'll be much easier and faster. have a great day, stay organized ♡
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cadathecat · 2 years ago
this is a cup and water bottle checkpoint..
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if you are seeing this,, it's time to clean up all those old cups,, bottles,, assorted dishes and single use packaging that have accumulated in your living space.. do it ASAP or I (Cada the Cat) will knock last week's water cup onto your keyboard or phone without a second thought..
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do not test me..
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qsplaylist · 29 days ago
digital clean-up checklist ⋆.˚🦋༘⋆
an all-inclusive guide for the chaotically digital girlies with a million screenshots and even more tabs open because "i will use this at some point"
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1. quick clean (desktop)
start with a clean slate. drag everything on there into a folder called "sort later." we all know that you're going to spend hours looking through them and not actually cleaning, so starting off with a mostly blank desktop is the way to go. we can organize meticulously later.
delete those random duplicate files. you said you would get to them later. you didn't.
empty the recycle bin. i think that's self-explanatory.
2. a bit more thorough clean (finder/file explorer and browsing tabs)
screenshot purge. if you don't remember why you screenshotted it, delete it.
labeled folders are your friend. move important screenshots into labeled folders. move those downloads into labeled folders. put your cat photos in an imaginatively labeled folder: “cat."
close those random tabs. if you haven't looked at the opened tab in 2+ weeks, it's a good sign that you won't need it later either.
control-shift-D. if you're really that afraid to lose "potentially good stuff," just cntrl/cmd-shift-D. this creates a bookmark folder made of all your wonderful once-opened tabs. now, you can have peace of mind when closing the browser for good.
3. very thorough clean (notes app, downloads)
delete those untitled/randomly-made notes. a homework assignment you scanned a month ago? goodbye. grocery lists? gone.
delete those apps. if you haven't opened it in a while, it's probably just using up your phone/laptop storage.
clear the cookies (the website ones.)
go through the sort later folder. now's the best time, y'know?
restart your phone/laptop. since when was the last time you did that?
they say the spaces around you represent your state of mind, so how are our digital spaces any different?
I hope you can spend some time this week cleaning up your phone or laptop. I'm sure future you will thank you for it.
all best wishes, q's playlist
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actually good cleaning hacks from someone who’s been through some shit
Get a steam mop I don’t care how much it is or cheap, just get one
if you have a pet invest in a wet dry vacuum, you will thank me.
get cleaning cloths you actually like the feel of, if you hate microfiber get a cheap set of tea towels and use them instead. Or chop up a dead tee shirt and use that.
plug in vacuums are 2x more powerful than non-plug in vacuums. You trade sucking power for mobility with cordless, so think that over when you get one.
buying a cheap mop every time one gets moldy is cheaper than having to deal with any mold you get from using a moldy mop.
invest in disinfectant/antifungal/antiviral/antibacterial liquid for your laundry, because that stuff makes getting rid of moldy musty musky shit easy. And it cleans your cleaning cloths without getting them greasy or soapy.
to fix “I accidentally left my clothes in the washing machine too long now they smell like mold” thing, you will need antifungal laundry liquid and the literal sun. Wash your clothes on the hottest setting you can with your clothing materials in mind, add the antifungal before you start, let it go for like 2 hours. And put it in the sun to dry. Repeat if it still smells moldy, until it doesn’t anymore, works like a charm!
to clean crystalline dog piss, you will need water, a steam mop, a wet dry vacuum (depending on if it’s in a carpet) dog cleaning spray or vinegar. Basically , rehydrate the piss, clean it up with dog spray or HOT vinegarish water, grab a steam mop and steam it (if not on carpet) and viola it should be okay now.
If it’s in the carpet you will need to rehydrate the piss, then just dowse the piss with water, use the wet dry vacuum to suck up the water, repeat until water comes up clean. Use whatever pet cleaner that’s good on your carpet to get the smell out, Patch test it in the corner of the carpet before you do it on the piss spot, soak up and remaining water from the carpet until it’s dry or blow dry it if you have to. And tada you have a cleaner carpet! The same works for dog shit too.
drain snakes are your best friend if you don’t remember to get the hair out the drain.
have one sponge for wiping down the sink and one for washing your dishes, because sometimes it’s easier to use a sponge to wipe down the sink than a cleaning cloth.
You can put sponges in the dishwasher and it cleans them REALLY WELL, do it everyday if you can.
Invest in a good glass cleaner for glass because when it gets greasy it’s hell.
Koh cleaner will literally cut through grease and oil, and fat. Like it wasn’t even there, if you don’t have the money white vinegar and bi-carbs does the same thing. Though be careful because it’s reactive and might destroy your countertop or pots, just invest in koh your life won’t be the same. (I can clean all the grease off things, that’s how good it works. Plus it doesn’t smell!!!)
Replace your toilet cleaner every 3 months, or make sure you don’t let it fester. That’s more of a hassle than replacing it every now and then.
Get a good dish soap, because you can use it for everything because of how mild it is.
After mopping always steam mop otherwise it will always be streaky or tacky, idk why but steam mops fix this 9/10 times.
there’s more, but I;m too tired.
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coquettecowboy · 1 year ago
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My room at the moment ^u^
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breeleann24 · 4 days ago
Spring cleaning be killing me lol
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fishthegenderwitch · 7 days ago
Just watched a video wherein a lady had a list of spaces to declutter in her home, and then on the other column of her list she had things that she wanted to add to her day. She gave herself an hour to do all the things (like declutter a credenza, her pantry cupboard, call her mom, and get dental insurance).
She set time slots for these (8 minutes for the credenza, 25 minutes for the insurance, 5 minutes for mom) and then she set her timer and powered through. She got everything on both columns done except the insurance (there were complications and it was worse than if she'd done it a week prior; she'd put it off a lonnnng time).
I found it stupidly inspiring so I'm doing the same for my bedroom.
The List!
5 minutes: Sort and fold/hang clean clothes in the closet
1 minute: Make my bed
4 minutes: Dirty laundry to the laundry area
2 minutes: Bookcase to the main floor (for photos for Buy nothing donation)
10 minutes: Toiletries purged and consolidated
3 minutes: Garbage out (it's garbage night)
5 minutes: Books on shelves
5 minutes: Put all decor I'm keeping in the same place
Anything that's left past this 30 minutes I'll move to another list tomorrow.
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tarinb · 1 year ago
the big 4 to keep house
its been almost 2 years since I left working outside the home. I've learned a lot about keeping house and managing family life.
I heard on a podcast that if you can move forward with TDL (trash, dishes, laundry) every day, you will be able to maintain a functional home. Maybe not perfectly clean, but functional.
I'm obsessed with figuring out how to spend less time on housework and really just making it more effortless. I want to make progress even if I get interrupted in between tasks (which is highly likely). Here's the order I've been doing these tasks:
Layer #1: trash & recycling. After breakfast I grab a Target bag and walk through the whole downstairs picking up literal garbage. Wrappers, egg shells, paper towels, toddler art (not sorry).
Guess what? If I get interrupted after this layer, at least I'm not living amongst trash.
Layer #2: dishes. This is the one I want to leave for last, but I've realized how important it is. For me, the state of the kitchen is a microcosm for the state of the house. Cooking most meals from home, the kitchen is a war zone. I empty the dishwasher then I collect all dishes from the family, living, and kitchen. After all the dirty dishes are in the dishwasher, I clean the kitchen sink. (This has been the most satisfying result from this whole process)
If I get interruped after this layer, at least I have clean dishes and a place to cook later.
Layer #3: laundry. I've moved to doing one load a day. But not on weekends. I collect the laundry from upstairs, and dirty clothes left downstairs, then put on a load. Then I bring up the load that is dry from the day before and fold it/put it away. It sounds like a lot, but this whole process is probably 10-15 minutes a day.
If I get interrupted after this layer, at least we have clean clothes and don't have dirty clothes laying around.
Layer #4: everything out of its place. I added this layer myself. Now is the time to put the toaster away, replace the couch cushions, help toddler put toys in shelf, etc. This one is honestly my last priority because I know that the main beasts (trash, dishes, laundry) have been slain. But it does feel nice to return everything to order.
I skip some layers on the weekends: laundry and everything out of place. I really can't skip trash and dishes. Without clean dishes, I have no motivation to cook!
This sounds like it would take a long time each day, but each day that I do it, it gets shorter and shorter. Plus, I only do this process once a day. I am not a night cleaner. Morning is when I have my best energy for these types of tasks. I have no qualms going to bed while the house is messy.
What are the tasks you have to do every day to keep your household running?
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ahedderick · 1 year ago
Boxes and boxes
My husband has been in "never throw anything away" mode since we were married. In 1995. Last fall he retired, and now that the weather is pretty cold outside he decided to go through boxes and try to get rid of things. My friends. He. Has emptied SO MANY boxes. Old paperwork of all kinds. Outgrown (by two or three sizes!) clothes. Thimgs. Doohickies. Whatsits. I can't even.
I'm glad he's doing it.
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peoplefromheaven · 10 months ago
Purging the home
If you’re like me, and you’re bad at throwing stuff out, here are some tips to help. It’s still not going to be easy and you will probably still feel guilty about certain items, but that’s normal.
1: when did you last use it? Was it 6 months ago? A year ago? Did you even know you still had it? If that’s the case, toss. This goes for unused clothing hangers, toys kids don’t use, those really beautiful bowls you just couldn’t leave behind and then never used, etc.
2: How often do I use those things? For me, this mainly goes for clothes. Pants I’ve worn once, don’t really have an outfit for in mind, donate and make someone else happy with it. This also goes for makeup, skincare, haircare…
3: what’s the condition of the item? If it’s an easy fix and I still want the item (e.g. ripped seam in a stuffie)? In a box, have I not fixed it within a week, toss. Fixes that will take more time and money than getting a new one? Toss. Kitchen accessories that look like they’ve been in war? Toss. You deserve beautiful things.
4: expensive items. This one is one of the hardest, but keeping expensive items for the sole reason of them having been expensive, is only going to create more clutter. Do you still use it? Do you still love it? If not, toss. You’ve already lost the money, clinging on to the item is not going to bring that back.
5: why are you holding on to that item? Is it guilt? Cost? Emotional value? All of those can have different outcomes. Cost we’ve already talked about. If you’re feeling guilt, why? Because it was a gift maybe, but keeping something you don’t need or use in your household is only going to make you unhappy. The person that gifted you said item should understand that maybe, this one thing just wasn’t for you.
6: emotional value: this one I struggle with the most. I love everything people ever do for me. I do cling on to thought out Christmas and birthday cards. However, I now have a map where I keep them, all nice and tidy, all in one place. And we don’t cling on to every single card. If your grandma did knitting or anything like that, check first if you can’t incorporate it into anything, maybe just frame it, that’s already less clutter in closets and drawers. Lastly, if there’s no use for an item, hard as it can be, think about donating. Grandmas plates and cups are beautiful, but you don’t use them ever, because you have other ones, donate them and make another person happy.
Don’t get stuck. If you come across items where you cannot make a decision, put them into another separate pile or box and keep going. Your maybe box can be sorted through later. Lets say 2 weeks. Do you still know what’s in it? If not, toss. Have you figured out ways you can use it? Yes? Keep. No? Toss. Also, let’s say you find half of a pair of earrings, throw it in there. Find the second half? We have earrings! Still only one after 2 weeks? Time to toss.
Pay attention to why a space gets cluttered. Do you simply have too much stuff? Or do you not have efficient places to keep said stuff? Those are 2 very different problems. In my home, it’s board games, we do use all of them, but I didn’t have the space for them. That’s when you can invest in extra organisation storage. But always remember, declutterring first, tidying second.
Do a no buy week/month/year: your decluttering isnt going to get anywhere if you keep bringing stuff into your home. Calm down. Breathe. Get decluttering, and then you can fully see what you need to replace or buy new.
Don’t make it a one time thing, after your big declutter is done, go over stuff once a month. That drawer full of stuff that’s starting to get really full? Check it. Pile of paperwork on the kitchen table? Check, organise what’s needed, toss what’s not needed. When you keep on top of it, you never have to do a full house declutter again.
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bdor1995 · 5 months ago
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obsessed with my new son, juggles the clown bear beanie baby
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lanalol · 1 year ago
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laufeysons-archived · 8 months ago
i also just found my concert ticket from when i saw one direction open for big time rush at radio city in 2012 😭
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