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daisyridleyedits · 2 months ago
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"Daisy was not only a fine actress, but she's so great to work with. She's one of those all-or-nothing actresses. When you see the fights, they're pretty vicious and pretty tough. She did most of that herself."
—Director Martin Campbell about Daisy Ridley in Cleaner (2025)
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gruvu · 1 year ago
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I was honored to be part of the creators chosen of the @cloneoczine. There are so many great artists there and I was lucky enough to be picked so I thank you for the opportunity.
This is my piece for the zine, my Clone trooper ocs Mudstomper (the one with the goatee) and Cleaner (Who does not have the goatee). I was really proud of how it came out and I still am!
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louysecosa · 2 years ago
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Average day at the Sugar Hole
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pr1ncessk1tty · 9 months ago
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windmills123 · 1 year ago
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drew this a bit ago and haven't found a spot to post it! gas mask maid
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federer7 · 8 months ago
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Between Heaven and Earth. United Nations Window Cleaner. 1950s
Photo: F.B. Grunzweig
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thehmn · 2 years ago
Just some follow up thoughts/responses on my last post.
When I say I’m a cleaner people on the internet often feel like they have to be nice about it but it’s okay. I know it’s seen as demeaning low-paying work in a lot of countries but here in Denmark it’s considered a proper respectable job that pays pretty well. I’m paid way more than people who answer phones at call centers (like when you buy a ticket over the phone) and only slightly less than my sister’s job as a journalist despite her getting a fancy degree. I’m only balancing on the poverty line because my ADHD is keeping me from working full time, but at the same time cleaning is perfect for me. I get to move around a bunch and I don’t work the same place every day.
And the pandemic really made people understand the value of cleaners. At the start of the pandemic most businesses didn’t feel safe having someone like me visit them because I visit a bunch of places and is around strangers all the time. They thought “Yeah it’s not going to be as nice as usual but surely we can swipe our own floors” That lasted all of one month before they changed their minds. People are messy (especially with coffee) so keeping a workplace clean requires dedicated time. Also, so far I haven’t had Covid once because, you know, even cleaners like to stay clean.
Trust me, if you’ve ever had the thought “Oh well, gives the cleaner something to do. It’s their job anyway” after spilling something you might as well start being rude to waiters and cashiers too. We have plenty to do even if nobody ever spilled anything. Do you think the dust just blows away? Or alternatively, have you been wondering why your workplace is so dusty? Might it have something to do with the coffee stains on the wall that keep disappearing? Cleaners aren’t talked about a lot in conversations about treating essential workers better because we usually show up after you go home but that doesn’t make it any less rude.
And talking about essential workers, remember that list that made the rounds on the internet during the pandemic of what jobs should be considered essential and non-essential and how people got really up in arms about artists being on the non-essential side? As someone who literally got half my pay from cleaning and the other half from working as an artist at the time, my job as a cleaner was a 100% more important during a pandemic. “But people are stuck indoors. They need entertainment for morale and not going stir crazy” I’m sorry but there’s an almost limitless well of entertainment on the internet you haven’t consumed yet. Yeah, I want to see (and make) new art too but trust me, it would mean nothing if we had to walk around in filth. There are a lot of other situations where artists would be more important than cleaners but a pandemic ain’t it.
And finally, I kept saying robot cleaner instead of Roomba in my last post because Roomba is a brand name. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Roomba in the wild despite seeing loads of robot vacuums.
Have a lovey, hopefully clean day ✨
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goshyesvintageads · 1 year ago
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Lehr & Fink Products, 1970
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blondebrainpowered · 1 month ago
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American Gothic aka Government Charwoman, Washington DC, 1942
Photograph shows Farm Security Administration employee Ella Watson standing with mop and broom in front of American flag. 
Photographer: Gordon Parks
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wahroh · 3 months ago
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It's a matter of choice.
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actually good cleaning hacks from someone who’s been through some shit
Get a steam mop I don’t care how much it is or cheap, just get one
if you have a pet invest in a wet dry vacuum, you will thank me.
get cleaning cloths you actually like the feel of, if you hate microfiber get a cheap set of tea towels and use them instead. Or chop up a dead tee shirt and use that.
plug in vacuums are 2x more powerful than non-plug in vacuums. You trade sucking power for mobility with cordless, so think that over when you get one.
buying a cheap mop every time one gets moldy is cheaper than having to deal with any mold you get from using a moldy mop.
invest in disinfectant/antifungal/antiviral/antibacterial liquid for your laundry, because that stuff makes getting rid of moldy musty musky shit easy. And it cleans your cleaning cloths without getting them greasy or soapy.
to fix “I accidentally left my clothes in the washing machine too long now they smell like mold” thing, you will need antifungal laundry liquid and the literal sun. Wash your clothes on the hottest setting you can with your clothing materials in mind, add the antifungal before you start, let it go for like 2 hours. And put it in the sun to dry. Repeat if it still smells moldy, until it doesn’t anymore, works like a charm!
to clean crystalline dog piss, you will need water, a steam mop, a wet dry vacuum (depending on if it’s in a carpet) dog cleaning spray or vinegar. Basically , rehydrate the piss, clean it up with dog spray or HOT vinegarish water, grab a steam mop and steam it (if not on carpet) and viola it should be okay now.
If it’s in the carpet you will need to rehydrate the piss, then just dowse the piss with water, use the wet dry vacuum to suck up the water, repeat until water comes up clean. Use whatever pet cleaner that’s good on your carpet to get the smell out, Patch test it in the corner of the carpet before you do it on the piss spot, soak up and remaining water from the carpet until it’s dry or blow dry it if you have to. And tada you have a cleaner carpet! The same works for dog shit too.
drain snakes are your best friend if you don’t remember to get the hair out the drain.
have one sponge for wiping down the sink and one for washing your dishes, because sometimes it’s easier to use a sponge to wipe down the sink than a cleaning cloth.
You can put sponges in the dishwasher and it cleans them REALLY WELL, do it everyday if you can.
Invest in a good glass cleaner for glass because when it gets greasy it’s hell.
Koh cleaner will literally cut through grease and oil, and fat. Like it wasn’t even there, if you don’t have the money white vinegar and bi-carbs does the same thing. Though be careful because it’s reactive and might destroy your countertop or pots, just invest in koh your life won’t be the same. (I can clean all the grease off things, that’s how good it works. Plus it doesn’t smell!!!)
Replace your toilet cleaner every 3 months, or make sure you don’t let it fester. That’s more of a hassle than replacing it every now and then.
Get a good dish soap, because you can use it for everything because of how mild it is.
After mopping always steam mop otherwise it will always be streaky or tacky, idk why but steam mops fix this 9/10 times.
there’s more, but I;m too tired.
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fofi42 · 4 months ago
Cleaner s3 outtakes
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darkjedilady · 1 month ago
Daisy Ridley for Todays show, looking stunning 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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cutecountryballs · 8 months ago
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other links:
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misforgotten2 · 6 months ago
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Even vampires need shiny aluminum cookware.
Parents Magazine - February 1944
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