#clayton harris
moodboardmix · 26 days
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Clayton Harris Photography
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024
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gollancz · 1 year
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That's right baybeeee - ten years after it first launched, Gollanczfest is back and it's bigger than ever!
16th March 2024
Leonardo Royal Hotel, London
Tickets go on sale Friday 6th October at 10am UK time!
Early presale for tickets available exclusively to our newsletter subscribers
Our headliner? Only VICTORIA AVEYARD
Other confirmed authors: Joe Abercrombie, Natasha Pulley, Garth Nix, Dhonielle Clayton, Joe Hill, Ben Aaronovitch, @joannechocolat, Aliette de Bodard, Sarah Hawley, @jonnywaistcoat, Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson . . . and MANY more
Plus: YOU
All tickets come with a goodie bag full of Gollancz goodies work at least £30
VIP tickets are available with access to the green room, priority tickets to panels, and additional goodies
FREE SFF quiz run by the greatest quizmasters (allegedly, this may be a title they've claimed themselves and I cannot verify) Joe Abercrombie and Garth Nix!
We'll be announcing panels soon, but this is going to be a fun, friendly and festive day, full of nerdery, excitement and probably a lot of harried looking Gollancz staff stuffing their faces with sandwiches and trying to find where distracted authors have wandered off to.
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lonelyvampx · 25 days
⠀⠀⠀⠀ It's always the blond and the brunette
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kevplummer · 11 months
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I’ve had no time to draw anything so here’s just some anti HP stuff I’ve made in the past few months lol
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islandtarochips · 1 month
Harry Potter x COD
I REALLY love watching the Harry Potter Movie! Trying to read books about it but we don’t have it and I can’t order it because shipping from off-island to here is EXPENSIVE these days so I have to live off of the movies…
And also, I JUST remembered about an artist putting the COD characters into that AU! And I will show the list of those characters! (I only remembered SOME since I saw it like...last year? I think. And I forgot the name of the artist too...)
So here is what I remembered for the COD Characters being in Harry Potter AU:
Soap - Gryffindor/Senior (7th Year) Gaz - Hufflepuff/Senior (7th Year) Ghost (or Simon) - Ravenclaw/Senior (7th Year) Farah - Gryffindor/Senior (7th Year) Alex - Hufflepuff/Senior (7th Year) Price - Slytherin/Professor (Defense Against the Dark Arts) Graves - Slytherin/Senior (7th Year)
And…that’s about it. That’s who I just remembered. I’ll let you guys know if there’s more!
Anyway! I am DYING to share these ideas with you about this one! Let me list down my COD OCs in this Universe!
Tiala - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Ravenclaw: Because of her smartness of planning something ahead. I think that Tiala will likely be fitting in the Ravenclaw house! She also plays quidditch for the Ravenclaw! Which I know we didn't SEE one of the Students from that house actually PLAY but I'm gonna put Tiala in there anyway. She'll be playing as a Chaser or a Beater!
Kanoa - Professor (Defense Against the Dark Arts)/Gryffindor: I see Kanoa being: 1) VERY confident 2)Wants to protect his friends and 3) Causes ALL the problems (Well...most of it). And I know that teaching that kind of subject is...kind of dangerous to learn but when you have Kanoa around! He'll make it somehow...FUN??? I don't know how this man got the students attention of teaching these subject. I'm sure if Hogwarts are doing the "Teacher of the Month". Kanoa will be taking the spotlights! HA!
Agnes - Student/Junior (6th Year)/Gryffindor: As always, Agnes being a chaotic girl and getting into trouble. Causing some explosions during Potions Class (Trying to make something explosive with it). But she will help and protect her friends from dangers. With her BOMBS!
Nigel - Student/Junior (6th Year)/Hufflepuff: I was thinking that Nigel has that LOYAL personality and since Hufflepuff is loyal. Why not put him there? I know he worked hard to help others as much as he can! Wanting to satisfy them! He plays in Quidditch as being the Chasers or the Seekers!
Aelan - Nurse: Aelan is a smart gal and she knows what she is doing. She used to be in the Ravenclaw House. And when she graduated, she decided to be in the nursing office to help and heal the students.
Callie - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Slytherin: I know she got that attitude from Graves and Graves IS a Slytherin too. So you bet that these two will be annoying ANYONE to death. (Her rivalry is with Tiala while Graves' rivalry is with Soap in this AU)
Rosa - Professor (Potions)/Ravenclaw: I believe Rosa will be fitting for Ravenclaw. Think of her as a smart gal with charms. Always a quick-thinker of going against her opponent! And also quite creative while teaching her students to get their attention!
Alana - School Counselor/Gryffindor: Making sure to help students and getting them out of trouble. AHEM- Agnes and Nigel- AHEM- 
Koa - Professor (Flying lesson)/Coach for the Gryffindor/Gryffindor: I see this hunk of a man being the coach. And I know he's brave enough to face anyone or any creatures to make sure that anyone is safe. So Gryffindor for him! And oh! He's also the coach for the Gryffindor House obviously! Lol.
And now! For my mutuals OCs that I have been asking them! And I’m also still waiting for my other mutuals to respond so I’ll reblogged this post once they send it to me!
@revnah1406 OCs in Harry Potter AU:
Sparrow - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Gryffindor: I see this hunk of a woman is a Senior student. And knows how to play quidditch! I don't know if Rev will agree for her to be a BEATER because seeing how strong she looks. I KNOW she'll knock those chasers DOWN with one throw!
Amara - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Hufflepuff: I most definitely see it! Amara being a hard working student and always be fair with others! And I KNOW she's loyal to her best Girlfriend! Sparrow! You could see her cheering her lover on during the Quidditch match!
Abby - Student/5th Year/Slytherin: Abby is a smart gal for a Slytherin and I KNOW she'll be sassy towards others. She's also confident! Which I like it! So I guessed this DOES fits her!
Now for @alypink OCs in Harry Potter AU:
Aly - Professor/Gryffindor: I could DEFINITELY see Aly being in that house! She's a very brave one! I know she is! And has that determination sparks inside of her! But haven't decided of which subjects she'll teach.
Aleks - Student/7th Year/Ravenclaw: I could see it so CLEARLY! This smart gal being part of the Ravenclaw house? Fits pretty well! With her smartness and great ideas. She's gonna knock the house's roof off with it! Lol.
@deeptrashwitch OCs in the Harry Potter AU:
Alicia - Professor (Defense Against the Dark Arts)/Gryffindor: YES! YES! Both her and Kanoa teaching the SAME subjects and is in the SAME house?! No wonder they're both BEST of FRIENDS! Hahaha! And I could definitely see it and I LOVE it!
Luke - Professor (Muggle Studdies)/Slytherin: I don't know if there IS a subject about teaching Muggle. It's been a long time that I've watched Harry Potter so I don't know much. But for this AU! We'll pretend that existed! And I would LOVE to know more about Luke being a Slytherin! This is getting too much fun! Lol.
And lastly that I got respond from. Is @welldonekhushi OCs:
Arjun - Professors (Transfiguration)/Gryffindor: Since I JUST remembered that @welldonekhushi did draw Arjun as being no a PROFESSOR. Soooo….thinking that he’ll be teaching Transfiguration. Doing something to change objects like that. Him being a professor is a WIN-WIN🥴AHEM- Anyway, I could see him teaching that subject!
Scarlet - Student/7th Year/Hufflepuff: This is really sweet to see Scarlet being a Hufflepuff! I wonder if she likes animals. And being a hard worker is her style if she wants to get the job done! Loving it!
And I think that's about it! But for my mutuals! If you are interested to join in, you can DM me! And for those who already ANSWERED the ask the I sent in your inbox and I didn't add it in here. Do let me know in my DM as well! Thank you all and I MIGHT write a fic about this AU too! But maybe later on after me writing the OTHER stories! Ok! Thank you for reading this far and I love ya, peles! 😚❤️
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chadtheroyalidiot · 1 month
Descendants: book series villain kids full names [headcanon]
i made maddy's last name le fay because i headcanon madam mim to be a nickname given to morgana le fay from the villains in merlin academy
harriet → rhisiart aegea hook
↳ rhisiart → welsh → brave ruler
↳ aegea → greek → aegean sea
↳ hook → english → someone with a hooked/crooked nose or bent back
anthony → jean-antoine lathyn tremaine
↳ jean → french → yahweh is gracious
↳ antoine → french → highly praiseworthy; priceless one
↳ lathyn → american → a gift from god
↳ tremaine → celtic → town built with stone; stone settlement
ginny → geiona gothel
↳ geiona → german → a dove
↳ gothel → german → godmother
hermie → herminia bing
↳ herminia → greek/latin → great; potent; messenger; earthly
↳ bing → german/english → pot-shaped hollow
diego → diego leonard de vil
↳ diego → spanish → supplanter
↳ leonard → german → lion strength
↳ de vil → spanish/portuguese → from vileness; from villainy
yzla → marguerita ximena de la pēna
↳ marguerita → greek → pearl
↳ ximena → spanish → he has heard
↳ de la pēna → spanish → cliff; crag; rock
gaston jr → adonis legume
↳ adonis → greek → handsome lord
↳ legume → french → vegetable
gaston III → cassius legume
↳ cassius → latin → empty; vain; helmet; castle
↳ legume → french → vegetable
claudine → eveline atarah-grace frollo
↳ eveline → latin → source of life; little bird
↳ atarah → hebrew → crown
↳ grace → latin → favour; blessing
↳ frollo → ____ → ____
hadie → thaddeus
↳ thaddeus → aramaic → courageous heart
mad maddy → mawredd le fay
↳ mawredd → welsh → great chief
↳ le fay → french/latin → the fairy
sammy → sullivan matthew smiegel
↳ sullivan → gaelic → dark eyes
↳ matthew → hebrew → gift of god
↳ smiegel → polish → to move swiftly
rick → richard charles ratcliffe
↳ richard → german → strong in rule
↳ charles → english → free man
↳ ratcliffe → english → red cliff
clay → darren elliot clayton
↳ darren → irish → oak tree
↳ elliot → hebrew → the lord is my god
↳ clayton → english → clay settlement
lefou deux → remi ciel lefou
↳ remi → french/latin → oarsman
↳ ciel → french → from heaven
↳ lefou → french → fool
harry b. → harold jasper badun
↳ harold → english → army ruler
↳ jasper → persian → treasurer
↳ badun → german → one who bathes
jace → jason horace badun
↳ jason → greek → healer
↳ horace → latin → time; season
↳ badun → german → one who bathes
eddie → george edgar balthazar
↳ george → greek → farmer; earthworker
↳ edgar → english → wealthy spear
↳ balthazar → hebrew → god protect the king
jade → khadijah al-ṣādiq
↳ khadijah → arabic → early baby; trustworthy; respected
↳ al-ṣādiq → arabic → the truthful
sophie → sophie taran
↳ sophie → greek → wisdom
↳ taran → celtic → thunder
big murph → bastian murphy
↳ bastian → greek/latin → venerable; revered
↳ murphy → gaelic → sea warrior
reza → reza rachid
↳ reza → persian → contentment
↳ rachid → arabic → rightly guided
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soovermyself · 15 days
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Sophia in DC with HRC (September 6, 2024)
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leavethemtorot · 6 months
The Lost Revenge
Captain: Uma Triskelion
First Mate: Harry Hook
Quartermaster: Gulliver ‘Gil’ LeGume
Master Gunner: Ivy de Vil
Medic: Bronwen ‘Bonny’ Callahan
Main Cook: Claudine Frollo/ Desiree Marinos
Boatswain: Desiree Marinos
Assorted Members: Jonas Marinos, Ethan ‘Gonzo’ Blakeslee, Clement ‘Clay’ Clayton, Maighread ‘Maggie’ Mim
The Lost Revenge is one of two gangs that run the docks and surrounding territory. Unlike other gangs, The Lost Revenge and The Shattered Hope prefer to settle territory and other disputes between themselves, never bringing in any outside gangs.
The Lost Revenge, while rarely challenging themselves, is most often assisting others in territory disputes, especially when the opposing party is the Dragon’s Blood.
The Lost Revenge has a reputation of being one of the most loyal of the gangs, with members rarely leaving on their own accord and willing to defend their captain for any reason.
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Nat King Cole and singer Maria Hawkins Ellington were married in the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, March 28, 1948. Performing the ceremony was the Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. (D-NY), Congressman from Harlem. Historians said the $17,500 wedding and reception was the most elaborate in Harlem since 1923.
Photo: Jacob Harris for the AP via the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
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randomestfandoms · 1 year
Descendants Fan Cast
I’m not recasting anyone from canon, just live action casting for Wicked World & Isle Of The Lost characters!  If I’ve forgotten anyone, or if there’s any interest in parent-casting, lmk because I had a lot of fun doing this!  Special shoutout to @humaudrey​ for helping me decide between a couple of options!
Feel free to use any of these ideas if they help you!  I’d appreciate credit but it’s not really necessary, but if you do use them please tag me or send me a link so that I can see what other people come up with!
I have my own collection of descendants characters ( part 1 / part 2 ) so some of my castings were based around my own collection of descendants kids (not reusing faces I used for mine & wanting them to work as siblings to some I’ve made) but without further ado, here we go!
Anthony Tremaine; son of Anastasia Tremaine ( Ross Butler )
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CJ Hook; daughter of Captain Hook ( Madison Iseman )
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Clay Clayton; son of Clayton ( Froy Gutierrez )
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Diego De Vil; nephew to Cruella De Vil ( Justice Smith )
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Freddie Facilier; daughter of Dr Facilier ( Letitia Wright )
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Gaston “Trois” Legume the Third; son of Gaston ( Rudy Pankow )
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Gaston Legume Junior; son of Gaston ( Joe Keery )
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Ginny Gothel; daughter of Mother Gothel ( Alexa Demie )
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Hadie; son of Hades ( Asher Angel )
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Harold "Harry" Badun; son of Horace ( Aria Shahghasemi )
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Harriet Hook; daughter of Captain Hook ( Samara Weaving )
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Jade; niece to Jafar ( Fivel Stewart )
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Jason "Jace" Badun; son of Jasper ( Diego Tinoco )
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Jordan; daughter of the Genie ( Maitreyi Ramakrishnan )
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Mad Maddy; granddaughter of Mad Madame Mim ( Peyton List )
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Rick Ratcliffe; son of Governor Ratcliffe ( Noah Schnapp )
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Ruby Fitzherbert; daughter of Rapunzel & Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert ( Sydney Sweeney )
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Yzla; daughter of Yzma ( Isabella Gomez )
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Zevon; son of Yzma ( Alberto Rosende )
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jamietaylorenthusiast · 2 months
hi guys, taking requests for tvdu, the haunting of bly manor, marvel and harry potter! my inbox is open <33
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
 The Lost Revenge
Captain: Uma Triskelion
First Mate: Harry Hook
Quartermaster: Gulliver ‘Gil’ LeGume
Master Gunner: Ivy de Vil
Medic: Bronwen ‘Bonny’ Callahan
Main Cook: Claudine Frollo/ Desiree Marinos
Boatswain: Desiree Marinos
Assorted Members: Jonas Marinos, Ethan ‘Gonzo’ Blakeslee, Clement ‘Clay’ Clayton, Maighread ‘Maggie’ Mim
The Lost Revenge is one of two gangs that run the docks and surrounding territory. Unlike other gangs, The Lost Revenge and The Shattered Hope prefer to settle territory and other disputes between themselves, never bringing in any outside gangs.
The Lost Revenge, while rarely challenging themselves, is most often assisting others in territory disputes, especially when the opposing party is the Dragon’s Blood. 
The Lost Revenge has a reputation of being one of the most loyal of the gangs, with members rarely leaving on their own accord and willing to defend their captain for any reason.
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jhsharman · 4 months
everyone wants detention
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Jughead making his way to the detention session he scheduled for himself. One interesting thing on this one, beside that they added a single jagged line, is that counter to the usual they swap a red sweatshirt for a blue one for Jughead.
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Jughead's motivation is oddly pure -- a nice quiet relaxing place to get his homework done. Archie's motives will be different -- first two times out he wants to avoid Moose's fist after chance meetings with Midge. And so comes the physical comedy in his failed attempts to work Mr. Weatherbee's ire.
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The difference between these two stories come at the conclusion, one where Archie gets out ahead and frames Moose for punishment and the next where Weatherbee sends Archie into Moose's orbit-- though narrative logic wise I am not sure the former works -- wouldn't that just make Moose madder? I suppose we are in the universe where everything just resets at the end of the story and if Archie was away unscathed he is permanently unscathed.
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Enter Betty -- a Dexter Taylor Little Archie version and the mainline version and we have that premise I would generally ascribe to as -- for good or ill -- typical Archie fare, where the character is trying to get detention in order to get with their love interest. And there Little Betty is scaring Little Jughead.
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Naturally the attempts are deflected.
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In the next go around with Archie, he is wanting to disrupt Veronica's detention time with Reggie, and them wanting to get out of the two dates at once jumble.
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The Rule of 3 comes in, with the fourth one tossed in from a couple decades later. Actually oddly the fourth one succeeds -- that story is going on a different direction.
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The Little Betty and the 80s Archie story are aligned in basically being the same from start to finish. The O'Henry-lite ending -- once things change and they no longer want detention, they accidentally step in it and get punished. Apparently the janitor has a bit of authority in the decision.
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The 1994 Betty story deviates with a different ending with Mr. Weatherbee doing a solid in accommodating Betty. Weird decision for him, or anyone in his position, and in the real world I would question a principal's meddling.
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jazzdailyblog · 9 months
Jimmy Jones: A Maestro's Odyssey in Jazz
Introduction: This article pays homage to the exceptional talent and influence of James Henry Jones, better known as Jimmy Jones, an American jazz pianist, and arranger. From his early days in Memphis to gracing the grand stages of New York City, Jones’ journey through jazz is nothing short of remarkable. Early Years and Musical Prowess: Born one hundred and five years ago today on December…
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
make the yuletide gay (M) fred/fp
i could either burn (or cut off my pride) (T) gladys & hiram
it breaks me to stay alive (T) fred/fp
blood on his skin, dripping with sin (M) fred/fp
happy golden days of yore (T) fred/fp
if i only could, i’d make a deal with god (and get him to swap our places) (E) fred/fp
tabula rasa (T) riverdads
wild thing, i think you move me (E) fred & hal, hal/alice, fred/fp
papa (T) fred
parentdale tumblr drabbles (various) fred/fp, alice/gladys, fp/gladys, fred/fp/hiram
fall from innocence (T) fred, fp, hal, hiram
hot as a fever, rattle of bones (E) fred/fp
dead man’s town (M) fred, fp, mary, alice, hiram, hal, harry
‘til i hear it from you (T) all parents
gather ye rosebuds while ye may (T) fred, fp, hiram, hal
pictures of you (T) all parents
talk about a dream, try to make it real (T) fred, fp, gladys, mary, hal, alice, hiram, penelope, tom, sierra
call it off (M) gladys/alice
these lines were here long before we came around (T) fred/fp
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graphicpolicy · 8 months
Preview: Killer Queens 2: Kings Not Wings #4
Killer Queens 2: Kings Not Wings #4 preview. Alex faces her father in the battle arena while Max plans a daring escape #comics #comicbooks
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