#claws and chaos
vee-isaweirdartist · 3 months
Oh wow, y'all really liked Shadow having a cat..
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Ofc credits to all the og images, I just found them on Google lmao.
I'm seriously thinking about doing a fanfic about this being a emotional support cat for Shadow.. but idk, y'all tell me!
Edit: The fanfic is out already! Click here for the first chapter!
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swordsandstitches · 5 months
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The wolves are killing members of their own pack
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sunnydayaoe · 4 months
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kinda shitty but I didn't want to give up till it was at l east. presentable. guys being friends yippie ! yippie ! yippie! In series with This and This
[ID in ALT Not ship X] ]
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hayweerc · 3 months
"Bound by Chaos" AU. Chapter 16 Spoilers ⚠️📖
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Darn it. So close
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swan2swan · 4 months
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There were worse things she could see on the way out, but this one's just Disappointing.
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
Total Drama AU/Headcanon: Where everything is the same, except Noah is just as crazy/insane as Izzy and Eva, but he's much better at hiding it (with a sarcastic calm personality) ... Only Izzy, Eva and Owen know his true unhinged colors (and that's why they get along with him so well) .../// Duncan briefly saw it during the Total Drama Island Special Finale, when Duncan grabbed Noah's leg, but Noah escaped, and we didn't see HOW Noah escaped... In this AU, Noah bit Duncan's hand then gave Duncan a silent psychotic grin, which shocked Duncan and gave Noah time to escape (Noah basically pretending the bite and grin never happened) ... In TDWT, imagine if Alejandro ever found out that the sanest one on his Team is only PRETENDING to be sane! 😅
I've seen that one Scary!Noah AU floating about in the main tag lately, and I love the concept. There's so much that could be done with having someone like Noah (scarily smart, mostly motivated by either spite or The Bit, nerfed by his own laziness/apathy/hubris) have the added bonus of Going Apeshit sometimes. Either as a treat to himself, or as the natural consequence of his hidden nature.
It's like that "Izzy Isn't Crazy" theory, but in reverse. "Noah Is Crazy, He's Just Good At Masking".
In this AU, he and Izzy would get on like a house on fire.
Like recognises like, after all; Izzy would clock him as just as unhinged as herself at their first meeting, and probably confront him about his 'game plan' at the first chance she could (maybe that's why she was so quick to swap with Katie? A bid to get herself on the same team as Noah?). Noah would try to deny it at first, because he's supposed to be the 'lazy genius'- slipping from his allotted persona this soon into the competition would jeopardise his strategy!- but Izzy would reassure him that she can practically smell the crazy on him.
He'd live up to his title as 'The Schemer', by means of plotting pranks and other such events with Izzy. She'd use her status as the overt crazy girl to pull them off, and Noah would either help behind the scenes to abate his hunger for chaos, or live vicariously through Izzy's blatant mania whilst revelling in the fact that their plan(s) play out perfectly every time. Imagine how much better Izzy's bear suit prank would've been with a man on the inside- and now imagine how much better it would've been if Noah pretended to get eaten/mauled by bear!Izzy (using smuggled ketchup packets and A Lot Of Screaming to convince the Gophers of his demise)! (He'd play off the incident by blaming the whole thing on Izzy- saying she was the one who used the ketchup, and his screaming was just him being Rightfully Terrified of being eaten. Gotta keep up the charade!)
No one would suspect him either! Who would ever assume that slothful, apathetic Noah who complains about the trials and tribulations of 'hard work', 'effort' and 'physical activity' could be a friend and an accomplice to the unstoppable force of nature that is Izzy? He's always too busy shoving his nose into his book to ever consider befriending the crazy girl, there's no way Noah would even tolerate her! (/s)
I think he'd eventually reveal his true colours to Team E-scope plus Owen once their friendship is cemented off-screen. Noah isn't the trusting type (I'd clarify, but I'd end up writing a whole unrelated essay- maybe another time) and he's habitually secretive- his non-answers in the WT Character Interview and his Sierra-given title of "The Man of Mystery" attest to this- so he'd need to know that his friends are really his friends before letting himself be vulnerable/transparent with them, since any 'friendships' made on Total Drama always run the risk of being a ploy/fake. It is a social game, after all.
As for the Duncan Incident. Having Noah bite people is going to turn into a running gag for me at this point, because it's so fucking hilarious to imagine him in a scenario where he's forced/pressured into violence and immediately starts chomping down on someone. This weasel boy wasn't built for punches and kicks but On God can he use those pearly whites to cause some damage. (The human jaw has a surprisingly strong bite force. Noah absolutely knows this.)
I'd also like to suggest that Noah rips himself out of his cargo shorts after biting Duncan, leaving the punk with a bleeding handful of nerd shorts and an open wound for his troubles. He'd already let go of Noah by that point too; it's hard to maintain your grip on anything when you've got a manic bookworm tearing away at the tendons in your hands. So he's just sat there, terrified and concerned, nursing the throbbing, sluggishly bleeding bitemark on his hand and wondering how Noah managed to contort his usually stoic facial features into a grin so wild and feral.
And Noah races back to Izzy and Eva, face and teeth splattered in Duncan's blood, sans cargo shorts. Neither of them question it; Izzy has an idea of what he's done, since Noah's smugness levels have risen at least three tiers and he's smiling almost contentedly to himself, and Eva has learned how to Mind Her Own Business when it comes to Izzy and Noah's eccentricities (though she often shoots inquisitive looks towards Noah's red-painted face).
Then in World Tour? Alejandro is suffering. Noah's the only person on his team who isn't lacking braincells and/or completely unhinged (or so he thinks), and as such he's the latino's only lifeline to sanity on the forsaken jet. So when Duncan returns in London and seems scared of the harmless bookworm? That's concerning.
Assuming that Noah's a wee bit more savvy in this AU thanks to his subterfuge experience in Island, he probably wouldn't be as outwardly apparent in his distrust of Alejandro during the challenge- either that, or he'd be enjoying torturing Tyler too much to think about how much of an eel Alejandro is. So Alejandro wouldn't have any reason to want to eliminate him, if anything he'd be motivated to keep him around, if only to act as a buffer between himself and the idiocy of Team Chris.
Duncan's re-introduction and allocation to the team would be Alejandro's first inkling into the fact that Noah is more than he seems. When the delinquent is ushered to stand next to Alejandro and Noah, his pupils contract into pinpricks or terror, and his attention flickers between the aloof cynic to his side and an oval-shaped scar on his hand. The cynic shoots Duncan a friendly smile (Alejandro ignores how the smile doesn't quite reach Noah's eyes) and the punk turns sheet white.
Alejandro doesn't know what to make of it.
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inkpotsprite · 5 days
I saw this post on here about an immortal who could share their gift with only one other being, they love and lose many throughout the centuries, then they fell in love and their partner asked why they wouldn't share their immortality and they confessed that they gave it to their cat. At first I laughed, but after thinking about it for a minute it seems pretty valid actually.
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hrng heres a design for soul. feet are hard to draw. and hands
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And today on "how edgy can a 9 year old make a robot" we present a new discovery...
So basically, i've been working on a drawing of beepo and shadic, which means that i looked up images of them as references, it's then that i realize something different between the two...
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now, look at this guys hands, notice how the fingers are kind of boxy(? but still clearly try to look like normal hands. And now, let's look at shadic's...
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...yeah, that's right, not only did Nine change his scheme color to black and red, of all things, not only did he change his design in a way that make him look like Shadow, change his personality completely to be a silent and serious fighting machine and then named him fucking Alpha Grim Sonic, he also just had to give him claws, they're not even like, huge claws that give him a lot of reach or something, im convinced they're just there for the aesthetic
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anerol152 · 11 months
Blorbos of the week trully
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question for my yugioh likers: if you had to make another duel monster/spell/trap card your URL which would you pick? tell me in the tags :3c
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vee-isaweirdartist · 26 days
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Chapter 2 for Claws and Chaos it's out now on Ao3!! I really hope y'all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! and, if ya haven't read this fanfic yet, I hope you do! Nobody can deny Shadow and cats are the best mix<33
Go give it a read everyone!
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[Che’nya has reentered the Tulgey Wood.]
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angeltannis · 27 days
I don’t think I’ve ever had this many hyperfixations running concurrently before. It’s so loud inside my brain
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canisbeanz · 8 months
The tiny menace's turn to be equineified
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I love Uran a lot so I was very excited to make her and I think I did a pretty good job if I may say so! She's pretty simple but I think she looks very cute :) I tried to make her look like Astro but also different enough so you could tell she was built by somepony else. I HC (in normal Astro boy not just this au) that Ochan is a lot better at making organic-looking robots than Tenma, so I think Uran would pass a lot better as a pony (/human) than Astro. I gave her a pink band in her tail to match Astro's, his was meant to be reminiscent of his belt which ik Uran doesn't have but I thought she looked a bit bland with no other colour on her and it helps them look more related.
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Ochanomizu built her with a cutie mark on her already but she ended up earning one on her own that just kinda replaced her old one lol.
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da-janela-lateral · 6 months
For some reason I really want to write a fanfic in which Reigen, Serizawa and Dimple go to Rio de Janeiro out of all places to solve a weirdly complicated case (maybe the Black Opala urban legend). The client paid for all trip expenses so why not have some fun while they're there?? There is so much comedy potential in there with linguistic differences and cultural clashes. Spirits and Such's international travel...
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