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momochimchim · 2 years ago
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DIBUJOS CON MI AMIGA @momochimchim !
Contexto: muchos kedamonos, O ZI O ZI
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yahyabkheet-blog · 1 month ago
Palestine will remain the issue of honorable people only đŸ‡”đŸ‡žđŸ‰
400 days of killing children, women and the elderly, destruction, hunger and fear
400 days of living in tents that do not protect against heat or cold
400 days of missiles, bombing and destruction
Save us, world, save my family in Gaza
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lesbians4armand · 3 months ago
Mentioned a little on twitter earlier about IWTV characters and what element they correspond to but didn't elaborate so I will here and screenshot this post.
Louis - Fire
Maybe this is a little obvious but there is no way it doesn't fit. Beyind his arsonist tendencies (burning down the Theatre Des Vampires, and two other buildings in the book) and Claudia's beginnings and end, Louis has always been tied to fire. He is a very firey sort of character but not in the usual loud, bright sense, in the natural, destructive sense. And it's everywhere in his story. He describes Lestat as his coal fire, when he is made there is fire-the burning pews, he and Lestat dispose of bodies in an incinerator, when he kills the Alderman the rioters start fires, leading to him saving Claudia, "his redemption", from.In s2, one of his first scenes is sitting around a fire, he almost dies by burning twice, once in the Paris sewers and once on stage. It's all fire.
Lestat - Air
Now the most obvious connection here is Lestat's ability to fly, defying and mastering air, but the air goes back even to before Lestat is made a vampire and connects to his desire for freedom. Whether it was the cold, lonely air of Auvergne that he desperately wanted to escape, where he flew off with a troupe of actors only to be dragged back, grounded by his father and brothers; The bustling air of Paris where he finally felt free with Nicki, working in a theatre, free to spread his wings and feel the air, where he also was dragged again through the air to vampirism, then setting free his mother, then the Children of Darkness. Lestat is tied to the air because he is tied to freedom.
Armand - Water
How could Armand be anything but? So old, like water wearing down at a stone, but water has always been his since he was young, mortal. From the oceans and seas beneath the barely remembered boat from his homeland, to Venice, the city of canals he drifted through, fell into, and undeniably many of his first kills as a fledgling came to rest. Then, Rome, Paris, Dubai. All close to water, with rivers or seas or aqueducts so close. He sometimes lingers when boats come in to harbour, he would linger in the shipyard in Venice in his youth. He's always been so close to water, as his identity was as fluid as it, flowing and changing and growing and shrinking, drinking and being drunk from.
Daniel - Earth
Daniel, the mortal boy-reporter turned old man young vampire, the iron-strong link for the vampires to the world they no longer know, the ground they don't recognise beneath their feet. So sur of himself, going everywhere on the globe to find a story because he is the earth listening to it's creations, keeping the most untethered of them grounded. He is a grounding force, challenging Louis' memories, beliefs, embellishments, before coming to concrete truths. That is what makes him fascinating.
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superiorkenshi · 4 months ago
Something about Louis and the false illusion of choice he always have in his relationships. How everything with Lestat feels wanted by both side and maybe it was but from the start it was always Lestat who wanted Louis and Louis reciprocated with tought of equality in their love but was it really that equal between them?
And there is Armand who offer him a relation where he has the upper hand exept he did not have the upper hand. Armand wanted Louis to want him and he did but the relationship was based on a lie and so was his feelings for Armand.
And finally here is his fascinating boy, the first time no one found him, it was him who found his special boy. And he did not repeat the cycle of love trapped in lie. Louis let the boy leave and he make sur he will be alright giving him the key to believe in what he's capable to do.
I don't say that Louis didn't loved Lestat or Armand but I think his relationship with Daniel was almost as important as the one with Claudia cause he wanted it first and it's the first times he wanted something and was someone outside his relationships.
I love Daniel/Louis in a romantic way but I think the most important thing is their friendship. They are soulmate to me like I ship more devil's minion but I know that if Daniel souls has to meet someone again and again to feel complete it's Louis souls and they are so queer platonic coded to me-
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greedandenby · 6 months ago
Transcript of the French dialogue in IWTV S2 Ep6 - Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before He Made Light 
Attack at Madeleine’s shop:
[The song the attackers are singing here is the "Chant des Girondins", which was the short-lived French national anthem under the Second Republic (1848-1852). Here are the lyrics sung in this portion of the show:
"La France appelle ses enfants, – Allons dit le soldat, aux armes ! C’est ma mĂšre, je la dĂ©fends.
Mourir pour la Patrie"
Which translates to:
"France calls to its children,
- Come, says the soldier, to arms!
She is my mother, so I shall defend her.
To die for the motherland"]
Woman attacker: Bonsoir, Madame Éparvier !
Madeleine: Allez-y ! Faites vos dessins trÚs ingénieux !
Bald attacker: ArrĂȘte de les laver et on arrĂȘte de revenir, hein !
Woman attacker: On l’a ! On l’a, la pute !... Madeleine est pas bien, elle a attaquĂ©, t’as vu ?... Crie tout ce que tu veux, hein. Tes voisins s’en fichent.
Madeleine: ArrĂȘte ! Non !
Bald attacker: On va voir ce qu’elle a donnĂ© Ă  l’Allemand !
Madeleine: Tu suces du sang
 T’es un v

Armand and Madeleine discuss her turning:
Armand: Tu aimerais ĂȘtre l’une des nĂŽtres ?
Madeleine: Non, je veux ĂȘtre avec elle. Et toi, tu peux aller te faire foutre.
Armand: They always think they’re different. Stronger. Superior. Jusqu’à ce que la solitude arrive.
Madeleine: Monsieur, ça fait longtemps que je suis toute seule.
Armand: Tu seras un monstre.
Madeleine: Si tu fais de moi un monstre, tu feras que me transformer en ce que je suis déjà.
Armand: Tu vas manger des humains comme tu manges ta pomme ? Un par nuit, aucune pitiĂ© pour l’enfant, la mĂšre, l’invalide ?
Madeleine: Je suis un humain et j’aime ma nourriture. Quand je serai un vampire, est-ce que j’aimerai ma nourriture ?
Armand: Comment choisiras-tu qui tuer ?
Madeleine: Je tuerai sur les bords. Les faibles d’abord, et occasionnellement je me livrerai Ă  mes appĂ©tits.
Armand: Et quand les derniers vestiges de ton époque auront disparu ? Les voitures, les coiffures, les croyances ? Comment continueras-tu ?
Madeleine: Jeune homme
 There’s been a war. Claudia! He thinks there’s something left of my era!... Mais quel con ! [not captioned, but she’s basically calling Armand a dumbass.]
Armand: Comment vas-tu survivre Ă  l’éternité ?
Madeleine: L’homme qui vivait en face
 La Gestapo est venue le chercher. On a entendu un coup de feu quand la voiture a tournĂ© au coin de la rue. Et la femme qui habitait plus bas, elle est morte de faim dans sa chambre. Elle portait des vĂȘtements trĂšs chics. Elle devenait de plus en plus maigre jusqu’à ce qu’un jour, je regarde par sa porte et elle Ă©tait lĂ , un squelette dans des vĂȘtements chics. Parfois, je le voyais dans leurs yeux, quand ils Ă©taient sur le point d’abandonner. Et moi, j’ai survĂ©cu. Moi, j’ai suivi mes instincts. J’ai trouvĂ© l’amour dont j’avais besoin, mĂȘme quand c’était un amour dangereux. And I have again.
Armand: Et que feras-tu dans quelques dĂ©cennies quand elle se jettera dans le feu ? Parce qu’elle le fera.
Madeleine: Peut-ĂȘtre qu’elle le fera pas. T’en sais rien. Peut-ĂȘtre que je suis ce dont elle a besoin pour survivre.
Louis and Armand at the SacrĂ©-CƓur:
Okay, this is a subtle one.
While Loumand kiss on the steps of the SacrĂ©-CƓur, you can hear a man taunting them in the background.
He says: "Hé ! Mais vas-y hé ! Mais suce-le, tant que t’y es ! Sale pĂ©dé !"
Which translates to: "Hey! Well go on then! Why don’t you suck him off while you’re at it! Fucking faggots!"
This explains why Louis turns his head around for a second after kissing Armand...
Madeleine’s turning:
Madeleine: J’arrive pas Ă  croire que mon dernier verre de vin soit un Chardonnay. J’aurais dĂ» en prĂ©voir plus.
Madeleine: La piùce tourne

That's it for this episode! See you in a week for the next one!
Ep. 2 here
Ep. 3 here
Ep. 4 here
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justforbooks · 4 months ago
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IcĂŽne du cinĂ©ma français, Alain Delon s’est Ă©teint ce dimanche 18 aoĂ»t, Ă  88 ans. De sa rĂ©vĂ©lation sur le grand Ă©cran au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1960 Ă  son CĂ©sar du meilleur acteur, retour sur sa carriĂšre en sept films emblĂ©matiques qui ont campĂ© son style.
Il Ă©tait l’un des acteurs qui a enregistrĂ© le plus d’entrĂ©es en France, totalisant plus de 136 millions de spectateurs avec l’ensemble des films qui l’ont mis en scĂšne. Alain Delon est mort ce dimanche 18 aoĂ»t 2024, Ă  l’ñge de 88 ans, ont annoncĂ© ses enfants. La star du grand Ă©cran a marquĂ© le cinĂ©ma français de son empreinte avec 90 longs-mĂ©trages, qui ont façonnĂ© sa rĂ©putation de lĂ©gende et son style caractĂ©ristique. En voici sept particuliĂšrement marquants.
« Christine » (1958) : sa rencontre avec Romy Schneider Alain Delon n’a que 23 ans et a fait ses premiers pas au cinĂ©ma un an plus tĂŽt, dans Quand la femme s’en mĂȘle d’Yves AllĂ©gret, lorsque l’actrice allemande Romy Schneider le choisit sur photo pour tourner avec elle dans Christine, de Pierre-Gaspard Huit. Il y incarne le lieutenant Franz Lobheiner, amant d’une riche baronne autrichienne dont il veut rompre, qui tombe follement amoureux de la charmante Christine Weiring, jouĂ©e par la jeune star du cinĂ©ma qui n’a alors que 20 ans. La premiĂšre rencontre entre les deux acteurs, Ă  la descente de l’avion, deux mois plus tĂŽt, n’était pourtant pas des plus concluantes. La barriĂšre de la langue les sĂ©pare et le duo ne s’entend absolument pas. Ils finiront pourtant par tomber amoureux et former un couple connu comme « les plus beaux fiancĂ©s d’Europe ».
« Plein soleil » (1960) : la rĂ©vĂ©lation d’un « jeune premier » Deux ans plus tard, Alain Delon est choisi par le rĂ©alisateur RenĂ© ClĂ©ment pour jouer dans une adaptation du roman Monsieur Ripley, de Patricia Highsmith. Alors qu’il devait jouer le deuxiĂšme rĂŽle masculin, il parvient Ă  convaincre l’équipe de rĂ©alisation qu’il serait plus adaptĂ© dans le costume du personnage principal, Tom Ripley, qui colle plus Ă  son caractĂšre un peu « voyou ». Avec ce rĂŽle, Alain Delon se rĂ©vĂšle sur le grand Ă©cran et pose les jalons de ce qui deviendra son style, charismatique et un peu rebelle. « Personne ne savait qui j’étais. Le film qui a fait le tour du monde, a Ă©tĂ© la base de ma carriĂšre », avait d’ailleurs reconnu l’acteur.
« Le GuĂ©pard » (1963) : la palme d’or Ă  Cannes Alain Delon y incarne TancrĂšde Falconeri, le neveu du prince Fabrice de Salina (Burt Lancaster) qui se lie d’amour avec une bourgeoise, Angelica Sedara (Claudia Cardinale), dans une Italie du milieu du XIXe siĂšcle marquĂ©e par le dĂ©clin de l’aristocratie traditionnelle. AdaptĂ© du roman Ă©ponyme de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, cette fresque obtient la Palme d’or au Festival de Cannes en 1963 et devient un succĂšs commercial et critique dĂšs sa sortie. Alain Delon, au sommet de son Ă©lĂ©gance (moustache fine et raie sur le cĂŽtĂ©), y est l’incarnation de la noblesse. Le couple qu’il forme avec Claudia Cardinale entre dans l’histoire du cinĂ©ma. Le film comporte notamment une scĂšne de bal devenue iconique, qui marque la victoire de la bourgeoisie sur la noblesse et oĂč les trajectoires du trio principal trouvent leur aboutissement.
« Le SamouraĂŻ » (1967) : la consĂ©cration du « genre » Delon Cette premiĂšre collaboration avec Jean-Pierre Melville donne l’un des chefs-d’Ɠuvre de la filmographie de Delon, qui incarne le tueur solitaire Jef Costello. Fantomatique, inexpressif (son personnage n’a quasiment aucune rĂ©plique), obsĂ©dĂ© par la maĂźtrise, avec son regard bleu froid, son imper et son chapeau : ce personnage est Ă  la base du mythe Delon. L’esthĂ©tique de ce polar glacial influencera nombre d’autres cinĂ©astes, dont John Woo ou Quentin Tarantino. La collaboration Delon-Melville accouchera d’un autre chef-d’Ɠuvre, Le Cercle rouge (1970, avec Bourvil), avant Un flic (1972).
« La Piscine » (1969) : les retrouvailles avec Romy Schneider Mi-drame, mi-polar, ce film de Jacques Deray marque les retrouvailles entre Alain Delon et Romy Schneider, avec qui il a formĂ© un couple mythique du cinĂ©ma français. Il n’y aura pas de retour de flamme entre eux mais la carriĂšre de l’actrice allemande, alors en demi-teinte, redĂ©colle. Plus de 3 millions de spectateurs plongent dans la piscine au-dessus de Saint-Tropez, frĂ©quentĂ©e par le couple mais aussi par Maurice Ronet et Jane Birkin. Delon dira plus tard : « Ce film, je ne peux plus le regarder. Trop douloureux de revoir Romy et Maurice (morts en 1982 et 1983, N.D.L.R) rire aux Ă©clats. »
« Borsalino » (1970) : son duo iconique avec Belmondo C’est encore grĂące Ă  Jacques Deray qu’Alain Delon connaĂźt un vrai succĂšs populaire avec Borsalino, oĂč il forme un tandem iconique avec Jean-Paul Belmondo. Le film, histoire de deux jeunes voyous qui tentent de devenir les caĂŻds de la pĂšgre marseillaise, marque le point d’orgue du duo entre Delon et son rival, mais aussi ami. « Heureusement qu’il Ă©tait lĂ . Ni l’un ni l’autre n’aurait fait la mĂȘme carriĂšre sans l’autre. Il y avait une compĂ©tition mais aussi une sorte de stimulation entre nous. Ça m’aurait vraiment emmerdĂ© qu’il ne soit pas lĂ . Qu’est-ce que j’aurais foutu sans lui pendant cinquante ans ? » Le succĂšs est au rendez-vous : le long mĂ©trage enregistre plus de 4,7 millions d’entrĂ©es et une suite, Borsalino and Co, sort au cinĂ©ma quatre ans plus tard.
« Notre histoire » (1984) : son seul CĂ©sar du meilleur acteur MalgrĂ© son immense carriĂšre, Alain Delon n’a dĂ©crochĂ© qu’une seule fois le CĂ©sar du meilleur acteur obtenu en 1985 pour son rĂŽle dans Notre histoire, de Bertrand Blier, sorti l’annĂ©e prĂ©cĂ©dente. Cette comĂ©die dramatique, parfois absurde, parle de solitude et d’amour, autour de la rencontre dans un train, entre Robert, la quarantaine fatiguĂ©e, et une jeune femme dĂ©sabusĂ©e, incarnĂ©e par Nathalie Baye. Le public ne suivra pas, mais la critique a majoritairement aimĂ© ce film dans lequel Delon a pris des risques pour camper un personnage fragile, un ivrogne, bien loin de celui qu’il interprĂ©tait dans le SamouraĂŻ.
Alain Delon, qui avait commencĂ© sa carriĂšre Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 1950, Ă©tait l’un des derniers monstres sacrĂ©s du cinĂ©ma français.
NĂ© le 8 novembre 1935 Ă  Sceaux (Hauts-de-Seine), Alain Delon fait ses dĂ©buts sur le grand Ă©cran Ă  la fin des annĂ©es 1950, dans Quand la femme s’en mĂȘle, d’Yves AllĂ©gret.
Ces premiers pas au cinĂ©ma, il les doit Ă  un « scout » qui les repĂšre, lui et son charisme, lors d’un casting sauvage rĂ©alisĂ© en marge du Festival de Cannes, Ă  une Ă©poque oĂč le jeune Alain Delon enchaĂźne les petits boulots. Quelques mois plus tĂŽt, il Ă©tait revenu d’Indochine, oĂč il a servi dans la Marine, avant d’ĂȘtre renvoyĂ© pour avoir, selon la lĂ©gende, « empruntĂ© » une jeep pour aller faire la fĂȘte. Un beau gosse un rien rebelle. Tout Delon est lĂ , dĂ©jĂ .
Ce personnage de voyou magnifique, auquel sa nature semble le prĂ©destiner, Alain Delon va l’étrenner, le perfectionner durant une bonne partie de sa carriĂšre.
TrĂšs rapidement, on le verra ainsi incarner un tueur Ă  gages dans Le SamouraĂŻ (1967), dans l’une de ses nombreuses collaborations avec Jean-Pierre Melville. Puis, dans Borsalino (1970), oĂč il partage l’affiche avec son meilleur ennemi, Jean-Paul Belmondo, il prend les traits d’un Ă©minent membre de la pĂšgre marseillaise.
Toujours en 1970, dans Le Cercle rouge, il joue un autre bandit de classe, traquĂ© par un Bourvil Ă  contre-emploi. Mais, plus tard, les Français le verront passer de l’autre cĂŽtĂ© de l’insigne, dans Parole de flic ou Pour la peau d’un flic, film qu’il produira, comme une trentaine d’autres.
La rubrique des faits divers, celui qui ne cachera jamais ses attaches Ă  droite la cĂŽtoiera Ă©galement dans le civil. À la fin des annĂ©es 1960, alors qu’il est au faĂźte de sa gloire, il sera ainsi entendu dans le cadre de la mĂ©diatique affaire Markovic, du nom de son ancien homme Ă  tout faire yougoslave, retrouvĂ© assassinĂ©. La procĂ©dure, dans laquelle un ami d’Alain Delon, François Marcantoni, Ă©tait le principal suspect, avait dĂ©bouchĂ© sur un non-lieu pour preuves insuffisantes. Elle aura nĂ©anmoins perturbĂ© le tournage du Clan des Siciliens, dans lequel il partage l’affiche Jean Gabin et Lino Ventura. Rien que ça.
Puis, au tournant des annĂ©es 2023 et 2024, il sera l’objet d’une brouille entre ses enfants, Anouckha, Alain-Fabien et Anthony, sur fond d’hĂ©ritage et de prĂ©sence d’une « dame de compagnie », Hiromi Rollin. La dĂ©couverte, quelques semaines plus tard, des dizaines d’armes que possĂšde l’acteur dans sa rĂ©sidence de Douchy (Loiret), finira d’alimenter une chronique qui aura quelque peu terni l’image de l’acteur.
Mais, entre-temps, Alain Delon aura peaufinĂ© son autre facette, celle du sĂ©ducteur Ă  la gueule d’ange. Celle-ci crĂšve l’écran dĂšs 1960, dans Plein Soleil de RenĂ© ClĂ©ment et dans Rocco et ses frĂšres, oĂč Delon donne la rĂ©plique Ă  Claudia Cardinale, sous les ordres de l’un de ses mentors, Luchino Visconti.
Ce sĂ©ducteur patentĂ©, les spectateurs le retrouveront rĂ©guliĂšrement par la suite. Dans Le GuĂ©pard (1963), film-fleuve issu de l’Ɠuvre de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, par exemple. Mais aussi, et peut-ĂȘtre surtout, dans La Piscine (1970), film sensuel dans lequel Delon donne la rĂ©plique Ă  Romy Schneider, son ex-compagne.
Plus que ceux qu’il forma avec Nathalie Delon, Mireille Darc ou, un temps, avec Dalida, le couple mythique qu’Alain Delon forma avec l’interprĂšte de Sissi, contribuera Ă  le faire entrer dans la lĂ©gende du cinĂ©ma français, celle Ă  laquelle, diront ses dĂ©tracteurs, il Ă©tait si conscient d’appartenir. Difficile toutefois, en regardant dans le rĂ©troviseur, de le contredire sur ce point.
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kilfeur · 5 months ago
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Mon avis sur la magie profonde c'est qu'il est l'origine de la magie primale et de la magie noire. Dans la scĂšne oĂč Viren la retrouve, il croit qu'Aaravos a menti. Mais Claudia a utilisĂ© le sort d'Infantis Sanguine sacrifiant Monsieur Bavetout mais aussi le sceptre de Viren. Ce sont des ingrĂ©dients pour le sort d'Infantis Sanguine. En revanche la scĂšne de l'exĂ©cution de Leola me fait demander si c'est vraiment un sort des Ă©toiles ou bien un sort de magie profonde.
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Car cette lumiÚre, ça vient à l'intérieur d'elle, est ce qu'ils ont utilisé sa connexion l'arcanum des étoiles pour la tuer ? Ou bien en utilisant un sort de magie profonde pour commettre son exécution ? Donc les elfes des étoiles auraient utilisé la magie profonde pour créer la magie primale mais qu'aprÚs Aaravos aurait utilisé la magie profonde pour créer la magie noire.
My opinion of deep magic is that it is the origin of primal and dark magic. In the scene where Viren finds her, he believes Aaravos lied. But Claudia has used the Infantis Sanguine spell, sacrificing both Sir Sparklepuff and Viren's scepter. These are ingredients for the Infantis Sanguine spell. On the other hand, the scene of Leola's execution makes me wonder whether it's really a star spell or a deep magic spell.
Because this light, it comes from inside her, did they use her connection the arcanum of the stars to kill her? Or did they use a deep magic spell to commit her execution? So the startouch elves would have used deep magic to create primal magic, but then Aaravos would have used deep magic to create dark magic.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months ago
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Women Religious Crossing between Cloister and the World: Nunneries in Europe and the Americas, ca. 1200–1700
This book is recommended to advanced scholars of medieval and early modern religious history. This collection of essays focuses on how women participated in and were shaped by monastic and religious life. The contribution this book makes is to examine medieval and early modern gender history through a transatlantic lens.
Women Religious Crossing Between Cloister and the World: Nunneries in Europe and the Americas, ca. 1200-1700 is the result of a collaborative research project focused on the relationships between women and the “religious.” Edited by art historian Mercedes PĂ©rez Vidal, a research fellow at Heinrich Heine University DĂŒsseldorf, this collection of essays analyzes religious women from the Middle Ages through the Early Modern period through a transnational lens. The SociĂ©tĂ© d’Études Interdisplinaires sur les Femmes au Moyen Âge et Ă  la Renaissance (SEIFMAR) organized the research project, and its goal was to examine how women participated in and were shaped by monastic and religious life. As a transnational undertaking, the volume also takes a comparative geographical approach to women and religious life in Europe and America.
The collection originated as SEIFMAR conference papers that were developed into articles. There are seven essays in the collection. Each essay addresses one or more of the four themes from the conference including studying religious women across time, space, and category; examining women’s agency within and outside the cloister; analyzing race and social class among religious women and studying material objects through cultural networks as a mode of creating and extending power. The essays were written by European and Latin American scholars, and each essay concludes with findings and an extensive bibliography. Chapter One by Sylvie Duval examines “Female Dominican Identities” while Chapter Five by Doris Bienko de Peralta is titled “Transatlantic Circulation of Objects, Books, and Ideas in Mid-Seventeenth Century Mexican Nunneries.” The last chapter by Annalena MĂŒller is in French and focuses on class-based feminine power at the convent of Fontevraud in the 17th century.
Vidal makes a convincing argument that scholarship spanning continents focused on religious women, agency, and the transmission of ideas expands the historiographies of empire, nation, gender, and class. The book illustrates that religious women were political and powerful purveyors of information and played a role in shaping religious identity inside and outside of the convent both in Europe and the Americas.
This is not a collection aimed at a wide readership. It is a text aimed at medieval and early modern scholars. While the whole collection could be beneficial in a graduate classroom setting, it may be too advanced for undergraduate students. There are individual chapters such as Claudia Sutter’s piece, "In Touch with the Outside: The Economic Exchanges of the Observant Dominican Convent of St. Catherine in St. Gallen," which would work well in a European medieval course illustrating the economic exchanges of the time through the lens of gender. Miguel Garcia-Fernandez’s article, "Beyond the Wall: Power, Parties, and Sex in Late Medieval Galician Nunneries," would be interesting to those studying gender and sexuality in a medieval history course. I would recommend this collection to scholars who are interested in the intersection between medieval and early modern gender dynamics concerning religious history. The book is part of a series focused on Western and Eastern Christian communities from 500-1500 CE and could be of interest to a broader readership to those who have some prior knowledge of medieval and early modern history. In other words, this is not a book for those new to the subject. Transnational academic histories of medieval and early modern women are rather limited in terms of scholarship, and this collection contributes to understanding women’s agency, the transmission of information, and power structures through the lens of the "religious" in a new and worthwhile way.
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divinefqces · 4 months ago
⭑ 1980’s names!
name master list ☀ this list consists of (fem) names that were majorly popular during the 1980s. i will most likely be making a similar post to this eventually including sur names, if you have any suggestions you think would fit well in this list please lmk!
A ; amanda, ashley, amber, amy, angela, april, alicia, allison, alexandra, alexis, alyssa, anne, annie, angelica, angel, angeline, ana, audrey, aubrey, autumn
B ; brittany, britney, brittney, britanny, brandy, brandi, bianca, brooke, beth, brenda, barbara, bridget, bonnie, bonnabel
C ; christina, cristina, crystina, cristinna, christine, courtney, crystal, cindy, cyndi, cassandra, chelsea, catherine, cynthia, carrie, caitlin, caitlyn, cait, casey, candace, christy, colleen, carolyn, caroline, cassie, carla, claudia
D ; diana, dana, dawn, desiree, divine, destini, destiny, deanna, dominique, deborah, danielle, debbie
E ; elizabeth, emily, erin, eren, erika, erica, ebony, evangeline, elsie
F ; fallon, felicia, fern, francine, franchesca, faye, farrah, felicity, fiona, fiora, flora, freya, frey, frida, fatima, florence, frances
G ; gemma, gwen, gwenny, gabrielle, gabriella, gen, genevieve, genette, genesis, gem, georgina, giana, ginny, giselle, gina
H ; hannah, hazel, harriet, heather, hallie, hayley, hailey, holly, hope
I ; isley, ivy, imogen, isla
J ; jess, jessica, jessy, jessie, jessyca, jen, jenny, jenni, jennifer, jacqueline, jackie, jill, joanna, jaclyn, jaime, jamie, jordan, jordy, jordyn, jass, jas, jasmine, jasmin, jazz, jazzmin, jazzmine, jenna, jade, jayde
K ; krystal, kim, kym, kimberly, kymberly, katherine, kathryn, kathy, kat, katheryne, krystina, krys, kryssie, krissie, kristen, krysten, kristyn, katie, kate, kaitlyn, kaitlin, kathleen, katrina, kelsey, kara, kendra, kelly, kelli, kari, kourtney
L ; lydia, lindsey, lindsay, laura, lauren, loren, lauryn, latoya, leslie, les, lesley, leah, linda, lynda, laury, laurie, laurey, lori, latasha, liv, leigh-anne, lacey, lacy, laci
M ; maria, mariah, moriah, melissa, melyssa, michelle, michele, mychelle, mary, marie, monica, monyca, megan, meghan, megyn, megin, melanie, misty, margaret, molly, morgan, monique, miranda, melinda, marissa, meredith, merida, meagan, mallory
N ; nicole, nichole, nycole, nicol, natalie, natalia, nat, natasha, nancy, nina
O ; octavia, odette, odessa, olivia
P ; perrie, priscilla, patricia, pamela, payton, paige, paisley
Q ; quinn, quinnie, quinni, quincy, queenie, quen
R ; rachel, rachael, rachyl, rebecca, rebecka, rebekah, renee, reneé, regina
S ; sara, sarah, steph, stef, stefanie, stephanie, stefani, stephani, samantha, sam, shannon, sharon, stacey, stacie, staci, stacy, susan, susanne, susanna, sandra, sabrina, sheena, shauna
T ; trina, tiff, tiffany, tifany, tifaney, tiffaney, tiffani, tara, tracey, tracy, traci, tina, teresa, theresa, tara, tonya, tamara, tabitha, tasha, tammy, tamika, taylor
U ; unqiue
V ; vera, veronica, vanessa, victoria, vic, vickey, valerie, val
W ; willow, whitney, whit
X ; xandra
Y ; yasmine, yessica, yazzmin, yazzmine, yasmin
Z ; zara, zarley, zarlee, zarli, zarhlee. zoey, zoe
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senig-fandom · 2 months ago
como tomo centro la llegada de Claudia Sheinbaum y como se encuentra ahora??? Saludos👋
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-Ante todo, estoy intentando arreglar algunas cosas, Sur tiene que saberlo...
Dejemos que pase un poco...
Aunque desde mi humilde opiniĂłn, antes tenia fe en MORENA, pero ahora lo veo igual que otros partidos de MĂ©xico, igual de hipĂłcritas y habladores, como si cambiaran algo cuando todo siguen en la misma.
Así que le doy un año a la vieja, si no cambia algo para bien, no quiero saber nada de ella y lo que pase no me importara, ya no quiero mas justificaciones.
(En estos tres meses centro anda de rosa mexicano VwV)
Un saludo igualmente đŸ’šđŸ€â€ïž 👋
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indelicateink · 5 months ago
dreams, perversions, and desires continue on the Interview with the Vampire kink meme.
so many thanks to @vampire-dove for maintaining this anon kink meme for us.
sharing some of the prompts going on over there. to play: click on the form link on the left side of the page. please go add more. please fill prompts. have you anonymously wrecked your fav today?
Prompts [7/?]:
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Gentle Sex, Tender Sex, Exploration, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Dominance, Bottoming
after over 70 years of topping and domming, louis is ready for someone else to take the reins when he starts over. finding his way back to being vulnerable doesn't come easy.
Armand/Daniel Molloy, Armand/Marius de Romanus, Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Intrigue, Courting Rituals, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Historical Fantasy, Power Imbalance, Sex Work, Fish out of Water
Courtesan Armand has broken with Duke Marius de Romanus over his recent infidelity (well. His recent marriage of convenience. Very inconvenient for Armand). He’s not taking him back this time. Definitely not.
Knowing Armand’s weakness for older men, Armand’s former patron and good friend Marquis Lestat de Lioncourt introduces him to a lowly but charming scholar, Daniel Molloy, for a summer diversion.
Lestat’s close gentleman friend Louis thinks this is a disaster: for all that he’s a courtesan, Armand is not great at casual.
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Accidental Stimulation, Accidental Sex, Oops, Love/Hate, Bad Decisions, Regret, Simultaneous Orgasm, Chemistry, Huddling For Warmth, Naked Cuddling, Tight Spaces, There Was Only One Bed
Strangers Louis and Lestat are each surprised and pissed to discover there’s another vampire on board their trans-pacific voyage, and spend most of their time avoiding each other. When the ship has an emergency and goes down mercifully close to a deserted coastline, luckily Lestat is able to bring one of his coffins to shore, though it’s worse for wear.
The sun is coming up fast on their freezing spit of land, but Lestat is gentleman enough to share his shelter. Louis really, really wishes Lestat had brought a bigger coffin. Or dry clothes.
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Consensual Non-Consent kink: biological imperative
someone casts a curse on the hated inhabitants of the rue royale townhome not knowing they're actually vampires, not some other kind of supernatural creatures. the spell misfires into a fuck-or-die delirium.
lestat and louis are two years into their post-claudia depression era when they suddenly have to set their grudges with each other aside when hit by a misguided curse
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Period-Typical Racism. Forbidden Love, Segregation, Racism, Power Imbalance, Breaking Up & Making Up, Secret Relationship, Fear of Discovery, Closeted, Internalized Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Homophobic Language
Human AU — In 1963 New Orleans, Lestat and Louis are teachers at a desegregated elementary school where, despite his excellence, Louis is fighting to hold onto his job when more and more of his fellow Black teachers are losing their jobs to white teachers. He can’t afford to hand them any ammunition, which is why the heady adrenaline of his affair with fellow teacher Lestat de Lioncourt is NOT worth the risk—on too many levels to count.
Three times Louis broke it off with Lestat—for real this time—and one time Louis admitted this insecure devoted histrionic fool might be it for him.
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Teasing, Pining
high school au. desperate for his attention, theater kid lestat grows increasingly obnoxious in his bids for pending valedictorian louis to notice him before they graduate.
he slept with louis's boyfriend (before they broke up), he backed his car into louis's, he embarrassed louis while he was giving a report in class to relieve the tension, he dedicated his performance of hamlet to him, he made sure louis received more flowers on valentine's than anyone else, and he had a very public whirlwind seduction of the salutatorian to make sure her grades were too derailed to compete with louis's. lestat honestly doesn't know what it's going to take.
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Full Shift Werewolves, Werewolf Sex
lestat doesn’t reveal himself to louis as a vampire in the church—he reveals himself as a werewolf. he’s not looking to turn louis, but feeling freaked out about louis’s rejection of lestat and louis’s suicidal ideation, lestat has a strong need to claim louis in lestat’s werewolf form.
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kafkasapartment · 2 years ago
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Claudia Cardinale sur un tournage, (Claudia Cardinale on a film set), 1961. Marc Riboud. Silver gelatin print.
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travelella · 1 year ago
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Moulin Sur Mer, Saint Cyr, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Claudia Altamimi
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jgmail · 8 days ago
Consideraciones sobre la RepĂșblica Libre de Fiume
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Por Georges Feltin-Tracol
TraducciĂłn de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
El armisticio del 11 de noviembre de 1918 puso fin a la Gran Guerra, pero no detuvo los combates. Tampoco permitiĂł volver a la Ă©poca anterior. Los tratados de paz de 1919-1920 impuestos a los vencidos cambiaron el mapa polĂ­tico del continente europeo y dieron lugar a nuevos y violentos conflictos.
En 1974, Dominique Venner publicĂł Baltikum, una sĂ­ntesis dirigida al pĂșblico francĂ©s sobre los combatientes alemanes en los Estados bĂĄlticos y Silesia. Tres años antes, Jean Mabire habĂ­a escrito la historia del Ășltimo general ruso blanco contra el EjĂ©rcito Rojo, el barĂłn von Ungern-Sternberg. En cambio, no lejos de Francia, la apasionante aventura de Fiume ha estado durante mucho tiempo rodeada de misterio, ya que este golpe de fuerza desconcertĂł a todos los defensores de la mĂĄs rĂ­gida taxonomĂ­a polĂ­tica.
Situado hoy en Croacia con el nombre de Rijeka, en la costa del mar AdriĂĄtico, el puerto de Fiume se abre al golfo de Carnaro, hoy conocido como bahĂ­a de Kvarner. Ciudad pintoresca poblada por italianos, hĂșngaros y eslavos (croatas y eslovenos), antes de 1918 Fiume pertenecĂ­a al Imperio de Austria-HungrĂ­a, en concreto al Reino de HungrĂ­a (o Transleithania), en el que, al igual que los territorios croatas, gozaba de una autonomĂ­a especial.
Antes de que Italia entrara en la guerra del lado de la Entente en 1915, desafiando su pasada alianza con los imperios centrales, los nacionalistas italianos ya la reclamaban. Al igual que las vecinas Trentino, Istria y Dalmacia, Fiume era considera como una tierra irredentista. Sin embargo, las negociaciones de paz impuestas por los vencedores, el eje Washington-Londres-ParĂ­s, privaron a Italia de la mayorĂ­a de estas reivindicaciones territoriales. Sin embargo, los vencedores no asignaron Fiume al nuevo reino de serbios, croatas y eslovenos (la futura primera Yugoslavia). Como en el caso de Danzig, la ciudad recibiĂł un estatus internacional que no satisfizo a nadie.
El sentimiento de «Victoria mutilada» y la terrible crisis socioeconómica que asoló la Península alimentaron el descontento popular. Los italianos se sintieron repudiados y abandonados por sus recientes aliados occidentales. En un ambiente lleno de tensiones políticas y sociales, el escritor y héroe de guerra Gabriele D'Annunzio (1863-1938) asumió el papel de condottiere.
A la cabeza de un grupo de voluntarios motivados, los «legionarios», D'Annunzio tomĂł Fiume y sus alrededores el 12 de septiembre de 1919. Fue el comienzo de una larga prueba de fuerza con el gobierno italiano, los Aliados y Belgrado. Criticado por los polĂ­ticos italianos que desaprobaban su iniciativa militar, Gabriele D'Annunzio proclamĂł la RepĂșblica Libre de Fiume o Regencia Italiana de Carnaro. NingĂșn otro Estado reconociĂł el nuevo Estado. El Fiume se convirtiĂł asĂ­ en un «Estado fantasma», uno de los primeros de este estilo en el siglo XX. En 2021, todavĂ­a existen varios Estados de este tipo en los cinco continentes, como Transnistria, Artsaj, Osetia del Sur-Alania, Abjasia, las RepĂșblicas Populares del Donbass y, mĂĄs recientemente, Sealand, la plataforma independiente frente a las costas britĂĄnicas, y el Principado de Hutt River, en Australia Occidental.
Para sobrevivir al bloqueo impuesto por el ejĂ©rcito italiano, los fiumanos no dudaron en recurrir a un original sistema econĂłmico. Claudia Salaris lo denomina «economĂ­a pirata». El anarquista estadounidense Hakim Bey, teĂłrico de la Zona AutĂłnoma Temporal (ZAT), asocia sin reparos la experiencia de Fiume a las «utopĂ­as piratas» de los siglos XVII y XVIII que estudiĂł bajo su verdadero nombre de Peter Lamborn Wilson. En su opĂșsculo subversivo, recuerda que las exiguas unidades navales de la repĂșblica del Danubio tomaron «el nombre de Uscochi de los extintos piratas que vivĂ­an en islas de la costa local y asaltaban barcos venecianos y otomanos». Los modernos Uscochi dieron algunos golpes de efecto: ricos barcos mercantes italianos ofrecieron de repente un futuro a la RepĂșblica: ÂĄdinero en las arcas! Claudia Salaris confirma que «la extraña economĂ­a de la Fiume refleja las grandes lĂ­neas del antiutilitarismo», el antiutilitarismo que Alain CaillĂ© desarrollarĂ­a siete dĂ©cadas mĂĄs tarde en Francia en el seno del MAUSS (Mouvement anti-utilitariste dans les sciences sociales).
Gabriele D'Annunzio sabĂ­a que Fiume simbolizaba la «naciĂłn proletaria oprimida». CreĂł la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores, que denunciĂł la Sociedad de Naciones en manos britĂĄnicas. Esta organizaciĂłn alentĂł la formaciĂłn de una Liga de Fiume abierta a todos los pueblos agraviados, ocupados y colonizados. La Regencia italiana de Carnaro apoyĂł a los alemanes fuera de Alemania, a los irlandeses, a los flamencos, a los malteses, a los egipcios, a los indios, etc. «Esta actitud», señala Claudia Salaris, «prefiguraba con excepcional claridad la idea que abrazarĂ­a la generaciĂłn que crecerĂ­a en los años sesenta con respecto al Tercer Mundo, los “condenados de la tierra”, frente al imperialismo y la supremacĂ­a econĂłmica y cultural de Estados Unidos».
Estos sonados golpes militares y diplomĂĄticos no impidieron el fin de la Regencia. El 30 de diciembre de 1920, tras un potente cañoneo de la flota italiana, Gabriele D'Annunzio y sus legionarios abandonaron la ciudad. La ciudad se convirtiĂł en el Estado Libre de Fiume hasta 1924, cuando Italia logrĂł finalmente anexionĂĄrsela. La «epopeya de Fiume» dejĂł una huella imborrable. El joven movimiento fascista adoptĂł el decoro (discursos-diĂĄlogos con el pĂșblico), los sĂ­mbolos, los eslĂłganes («¥A nosotros!») y ciertos ritos de los legionarios. Sin embargo, serĂ­a un grave error considerar la expediciĂłn de Fiume como una repeticiĂłn de la marcha sobre Roma. Mientras que muchos legionarios se unieron a los arditi con camisas negras, otros adoptaron una decidida postura antifascista.
La ideologĂ­a de la RepĂșblica Libre de Fiume o Regencia Italiana de Carnaro era, por lo tanto, compleja y, sobre todo, muy heterogĂ©nea. En ella influĂ­an nacionalistas conservadores, futuros fascistas, veteranos del futurismo, sindicalistas revolucionarios, socialistas intervencionistas, anarquistas, partidarios tempranos del bolchevismo ruso y corporativistas. Sabedor de que el futuro de Fiume descansaba Ășnicamente sobre sus hombros, Gabriele D'Annunzio, que concibiĂł aquĂ­ su obra cumbre, demostrĂł ser un poeta clarividente (Vate) y un lĂ­der muy deficiente. EncargĂł a su jefe de gabinete (el equivalente a primer ministro), el sindicalista revolucionario Alceste De Ambris, la redacciĂłn de una constituciĂłn. Promulgada el 8 de septiembre de 1920, la Carta Carnaro se inspiraba en la antigua Res Publica romana y en las comunas libres italianas de la Edad Media. Representaba un audaz compromiso entre monarquĂ­a, aristocracia y democracia. Hombre de la izquierda intervencionista, Alceste De Ambris fue testigo de cĂłmo el propio Vate reescribĂ­a gran parte del texto antes de su publicaciĂłn oficial.
El aspecto monårquico es inequívoco, dada la primacía ejercida por Gabriele D'Annunzio. El texto preveía también la posibilidad de nombrar un «dictador» en caso de crisis grave. Como comandante del Estado, el hombre de letras italiano lo supervisaba todo. Su gobierno constaba de siete ministerios (Guerra, Asuntos Exteriores, Policía y Justicia, Trabajo, Economía, Hacienda y Educación). Llama la atención el caråcter democråtico del gobierno. Se concede la ciudadanía a todos, incluidas las mujeres, que por fin tienen derecho a votar y a presentarse a las elecciones. El habeas corpus las amparaba en teoría. El Fiume dannunziano era también una democracia directa, basada en la autonomía local y funcional, por un lado, y en el trabajo productivo, por el otro. Es a través de las tareas productivas donde aparece el aspecto aristocråtico, una aristocracia del y por el trabajo. Ademås de un salario mínimo garantizado, el mundo del trabajo se organizaba en nueve gremios (trabajadores industriales y agrícolas, marinos, técnicos industriales y agrícolas, gerentes y directores de empresas privadas, personal administrativo y secretarios privados, profesores y estudiantes, abogados y médicos, funcionarios y trabajadores de cooperativas), mientras que el décimo, informal, reunía a artistas y creadores (¿el propio D'Annunzio?).
ÂżCĂłmo funciona este Estado democrĂĄtico-corporativista o nacional-libertario? El Parlamento tiene dos asambleas:
- el Consejo de los Mejores, elegido por sufragio universal para un mandato de tres años y responsable de los asuntos de soberanía;
- el Consejo de los Gremios, compuesto por sesenta miembros elegidos por los propios gremios para un mandato de dos años, que se ocupa de las cuestiones econĂłmicas, el comercio, los asuntos sociales, los servicios pĂșblicos, el comercio y los transportes.
Por Ășltimo, el poder judicial se dividĂ­a entre el Tribunal Penal, el Tribunal Civil, el Tribunal Laboral, el Tribunal Municipal y el Tribunal Supremo.
ÂżNo remite este Estado-ciudadano a las instituciones de la repĂșblica mĂĄs antigua del mundo, San Marino? AĂșn vigente en 2021, su constituciĂłn data de principios del siglo XVII. La «Serenissima RepĂșblica» tiene un sistema asambleario. Elegido cada cinco años, el Gran y General Consejo nombra cada seis meses a dos Capitanes Regentes, los jefes de la RepĂșblica. Gobiernan con el Congreso de Estado (un gobierno de diez SecretarĂ­as de Estado).
Recordamos que en la Carta de Carnaro se dice que «la mĂșsica es el principio de organizaciĂłn». Gabriele D'Annunzio comprendiĂł instintivamente la importancia de «la mĂșsica como factor social revolucionario». «La ConstituciĂłn de Carnaro era mucho mĂĄs, como le gustaba señalar a D'Annunzio, que un sĂ­mbolo, un mito, una prefiguraciĂłn poĂ©tica e imaginaria de una sociedad futura. Es cierto que nunca tuvo la oportunidad de aplicarse plenamente, ni siquiera en la ciudad de Fiume, pero en el clima de la Ă©poca representĂł quizĂĄs la sĂ­ntesis mĂĄs interesante y siguiĂł siendo un punto de referencia para los especialistas en derecho corporativo y constitucional a lo largo de los años de la Italia fascista primero y democrĂĄtica despuĂ©s». Recuperada por cierta extrema izquierda, reivindicada por cierta ultraderecha y examinada por algunos partidos no alineados, la breve tentativa polĂ­tica y humana de Fiume sigue siendo, sin embargo, un bello ejemplo de vanguardia polĂ­tica y estĂ©tica. MĂĄs que nunca, es una lecciĂłn sobre la que merece la pena reflexionar.
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alt-bluesman · 10 months ago
Animal Crossing memories, part 3
I think this is the final part!
My Joy-Cons haven't completed their journey yet, but in the end I decided that I'm not going to put much faith in them & grabbed a set of used Hori controllers in the meantime. Gave Pan a final tour today. Didn't want to invest in a capture card, so a couple of screenshots is the best I can offer!
Sadly there's no way in heck I can stuff all of them into a single post, so I'll just narrow it down to my favourites & the ones I have something to say about!
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First, the map. My villagers were Gruff the goat, Kitt the kangaroo, Sprinkle the penguin, Kyle the wolf, Ione the squirrel, Olaf the anteater, Al the gorilla, Jambette the frog, Fang the wolf and Fuchsia the deer. I liked them all, fuglies included. I like a lot of the ugly ones now!
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Naturally my biggest dream was to invite Shrek to the island. Shrek never showed up. I had to resort to home-brew methods!
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Frample's home. I couldn't fit the big-ass yard in the frame, but there was a little islet with a snapping turtle living on it. A homage to Jacksepticeye's Tortellini, forever jammin'!
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The Zen Garden that my villagers never really cared for, haha. I found out they aren't very eager to interact with any objects that aren't close to their houses or the plaza. They sometimes goof around on the southern beaches, but that's pretty much it!
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(At least those lads were having a time of their life)
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Ione's yard was the bane of my existence - the laggiest part of the island. I was never able to pinpoint the cause, there was no water and not even that much foliage. Some folks say that snow causes the game to get quite choppy, but it lagged during the other seasons too. Maybe it was all the custom paths?
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Sprinkle lived close to Ione. Her yard was a bit more spacious, so I could build Snowboys there. Some of them still ended up in the river!
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The main road with 5 frickin' waterfalls. Not visible here, but there was another one on the left. A good place to be if you want your eardrums to explode!
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This cliff served no particular purpose, but I liked the view! This was my stargazing hideaway.
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The campsite was pretty dang huge and placed right next to the island entrance. A decision I came to regret after some time. Now I prefer them tucked away in a secluded spot!
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Isle of Spooks! My villagers never visited it except for that single time when Gruff decided to sneak in and investigate. Gruff was an absolute legend.
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The beach next to the campsite was one of the few decorated beach areas that I was actually quite happy with!
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The entrance. Nothing too fancy, but there were so many failed attempts at making a decent entrance, lmao. Makes ya finally settle with whatever ya have!
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Kitt's yard! I remember feeling very proud of it once, but it doesn't really appeal to me anymore, especially that blob of a path.
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Farmlands. That rainbow flower garden was a convenient way of keeping most of the flower breeds & colours in one spot, without them overtaking an entire island, but probably not something I'd build today. I hated when balloons flew over it because I couldn't shoot them down from there!
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This yard was between the farms. First it was Tasha's, then Claudia's, then Fang's. I never bothered to redecorate, haha.
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And here were the crops. Leif has failed me & never brought the carrots!
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The woods behind the farms. (Wayyy too much clutter for my current tastes, but at least my main man Gruff was there)
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The pirate bay! One of my oldest builds, but still very much up my alley!
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(What if I told you that Pompom never really moved away?)
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Alrighty, that's most of the western side of Pan covered. Here's a land bridge that connected the main cliffs behind the plaza. Waterscaping around it was absolute hell! Admittedly, I'm still quite proud of it & it's something I'd like to build again, but most likely without the dang river.
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The road leading up to the Museum. Museum was an important building for me because of my first job, but I never quite got the surrounding area to look right. I do like the stone lion-dog statues, though!
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Jambette's yard was my absolute favourite spot on the entire island. Minimalism was the name of the game. With a frog model from Jim!
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Kyle's yard had a bit of a side business in the top left corner!
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Eastern river mouth. I was all about putting those little islets on my rivers and lakes. It's fun and games till a special character or a fossil decides to spawn on them..!
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Moving back to the eastern cliffs: here are some hungry gnomes and Olaf's yard. I always gifted all of my dresses as well as dumbest pieces of furniture to Olaf. He took it all like a champ!
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I gave Mr. Resetti an extra job on Pan. (And a lazy bear compadre)
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A seasonal icy drink bar - with Al's ass cheeks in the background for everyone's viewing pleasure. Al was the very first villager I found on a mystery island on a rainy day. Seeing his silhouette in the rain, I legit thought he was some kind of zombie. I didn't invite him back then, but when I bumped into him again on my last villager hunt, I decided to take him. Mad lad has finally made it!
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Fuchsia's yard. A bit funky, but I still like it!
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And that's it! There's a bunch of other screenshots I wasn't able to fit in, like the absolutely glorious board drawings from my best friends. Don't worry though, they are safe and sound with me! Farewell, Pan. You were my introduction to Animal Crossing and even though I'm ready to move on, I will always remember you very fondly!
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kilfeur · 3 months ago
Ce qu'un enfant ferait pour ses parents
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Lors de l'Ă©pisode 8 de la saison 3, Rayla dĂ©cide de rester Ă  la flĂšche de tempĂȘte pour payer le prix de la faute de ses parents et Callum voit sa raison de rester comme une fiertĂ©. Dans l'Ă©pisode 9 de la saison 6, Callum a fait un bracelet de phoenix de lune pour qu'elle puisse revenir dans le monde des vivants. Dans le nid de Zubeia, Callum a utilisĂ© un sort de lune pour connaĂźtre la vĂ©ritĂ© sur ce qui s'est passĂ© ! C'est grĂące cette information que Rayla a pu dire que c'est grĂące Ă  ses parents que l'oeuf est en sĂ©curitĂ© et qu'ils ont pu le ramener Ă  sa mĂšre. Malheureusement, elle se sĂ©pare d'eux et bien que ça lui brise le coeur. Ses parents comprennent mais ils savent qu'elle aura une bonne vie. Ce qui contraste avec Claudia qui retrouve Viren car elle a besoin qu'elle lui montre le bon chemin, que c'est grĂące lui, qu'elle a pu se construire. Mais Terry essaie de la raisonner car un mort ne peut pas donner de rĂ©ponses. Viren Ă©tait son phare qui s'est Ă©teint dans les flammes.
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Rayla dĂ©cide de sauver Runaan lui rappelant qui il Ă©tait, l'assassin mais aussi le pĂšre qui l'a Ă©levĂ©e. Et par son amour et celui d'Ethari, elle le ramĂšne dans le monde des vivants auprĂšs de Callum. Tandis que Claudia en apprenant le passĂ© d'un pĂšre aimant sa dĂ©funte fille. Cela lui permet de retrouver l'amour nĂ©cessaire, celui malsain et auto destructeur, pour exĂ©cuter le sort. Encore une fois leurs amours envers leurs parents se confrontent Ă  nouveau (J'en parle plus ici). Rayla peut enfin tourner la page concernant ses parents. Elle avait quittĂ© Callum pour traquer Viren, qualifiant mĂȘme de vengeance dans la saison 4 pour avoir des rĂ©ponses concernant sa famille. Alors que Claudia qui voit son modĂšle dĂ©truit, elle trouve du rĂ©confort avec Aaravos en sympathisant avec sa peine. Quand Ă  Terry, il trouve que cette histoire d'amour est devenu tordu par la suite. Aaravos la manipule en choisissant les bons mots pour dĂ©crire Leola mais aussi Viren. Il le qualifie d'un pĂšre aimant, un grand homme qui Ă©tait prĂȘt Ă  tout sacrifiĂ© quitte Ă  ĂȘtre mal compris. Ce qui se complĂšte avec la phrase "peu importe si c'est ignoble ou dangereux".
En parlant avec mon ami, il trouve qu'il y a un contraste entre ces deux lĂ , sur comment elles gĂšrent leurs deuils :
Claudia a longtemps Ă©tĂ© dans le dĂ©ni en Ă©tant obsĂ©dĂ© de ressusciter son pĂšre que quand ce dernier voit toute les erreurs qu’il a faite et qu'il dĂ©cide d’en subir les consĂ©quences, dans la paranoĂŻa, sa fille croit que tout le monde l’abandonne pour au final essayer d’accepter la vĂ©ritĂ©.
Rayla se rĂ©signe Ă  la mort de ses parents au dĂ©but car elle les voyait comme des traĂźtres. Avant que Claudia lui donne les piĂšces deux ans plus tard pour qu'au final elle accepte qu'ils se soient sacrifiĂ©s en hĂ©ros. Ramener ses parents aurait Ă©tĂ© Ă©goĂŻste de la part de Rayla, alors qu'Ethari attend toujours le retour de Runnan. Donc au final c’est Claudia qui a agit par Ă©goĂŻsme et Rayla par abnĂ©gation.
What would a child do for their parents
In episode 8 of season 3, Rayla decides to stay at the storm spire to pay the price for her parents' wrongdoing, and Callum sees her reason for staying as pride. In episode 9 of season 6, Callum made a moon phoenix bracelet so she could return to the world of the living. In Zubeia's nest, Callum used a moon spell to learn the truth about what happened! With this information, Rayla was able to say that it was thanks to her parents that the egg was safe and that they were able to return it to his mother. Unfortunately, she's parting ways with them and although it breaks her heart. Her parents understand, but they know she'll have a good life. This contrasts with Claudia, who finds Viren because she needs him to show her the right path, that it's thanks to him that she's been able to build herself. But Terry tries to reason with her, because a dead man can't give answers. Viren was her lighthouse, which was consumed by flames.
Rayla decides to save Runaan, reminding him of who he was, the murderer but also the father who raised her. And through her love and that of Ethari, she brings him back to the world of the living, back to Callum. Claudia, on the other hand, learns of the past of a father who loved his deceased daughter. This allows her to regain the love she needs - the unhealthy, self-destructive love - to carry out the spell. Once again, their love for their parents collides (more on that here). Rayla can finally turn the page on her parents. She had left Callum to track down Viren, even calling it vengeance in season 4 to get answers about her family. While Claudia sees her role model destroyed, she finds comfort in Aaravos, sympathizing with his grief. As for Terry, he finds the love affair twisted in the aftermath. Aaravos manipulates her by choosing the right words to describe both Leola and Viren. He calls him a loving father, a great man who was ready to sacrifice everything even if it meant being misunderstood. This is complemented by the phrase “no matter how vile or dangerous”.
Talking with my friend, he finds that there's a contrast between the two of them, in terms of how they deal with grief:
Claudia has long been in denial, obsessed with bringing her father back to life, but when he sees all the mistakes he's made and decides to face the consequences, in paranoia, her daughter believes that everyone has abandoned her, and finally tries to accept the truth.
Rayla resigns herself to her parents' death at first, seeing them as traitors. Then, two years later, Claudia gives her the coins, and she finally accepts that they sacrificed themselves as heroes. Bringing back her parents would have been selfish on Rayla's part, while Ethari is still waiting for Runnan's return. So in the end it was Claudia who acted out of selfishness and Rayla out of self-sacrifice.
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