#clary y jace
cds1234 · 6 months
❤️ CLACE ❤️
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"Te amé imprudentemente desde el momento en que te conocí. Nunca me preocupé por las consecuencias. Me decía que lo hacía, me dije que tú querías que lo hiciera, lo intenté, pero nunca me importó. Te quería más de lo que me importaba."
Ciudad de Fuego Celestial - Los Instrumentos Mortales 6 - Cassandra Claire
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purplehrts7 · 4 months
Chapter 2: The Hunt
For the first week in Forks, Talia eagerly explored the small town and made herself familiar with the area. She didn't know how she was going to ease her way in without any money or support but she was determined. Until then, she spent her nights sleeping in the trees and small burrows in the forest. No it wasn't comfortable, far from it actually, and the rain was abysmal. Still she managed to get a few precious moments of sleep. Well, that is when the barking of dogs in the distance and yelling men didn't wake her. She wondered what they were even doing up so late at night. However, her sleepiness wouldn't allow her to dwell on it any further and she'd fall asleep.
One day, as she had settled down in her burrow, she felt a shiver run along her spine, as if her body was warning her of a looming danger. She tried to shake it off but couldn't. Her instincts were never wrong and that's all she had in such an unfamiliar territory. So, with that in mind, she took out a hunting knife that she'd "borrowed" during her trip and layed down with it in her grasp. She positioned her body so that she was able to attack easily. She waited and waited and waited, her eyes squinting in the dark of the night. Every whoosh of wind and crunch of leaf caught her attention. But, after a few hours, her eyes grew heavy and before she knew it, she was fast asleep. Her grip on the knife slackened as she succumbed more and more into her sleepiness and all the sounds around her melted into a soft hum. All was fine until louds whoops and laughter, and the beating of rushed steps jolted her awake. Talia retreated farther back into her burrow, hoping not to be seen, but it was too late. 
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"Well, well, well... what do we have here?" A smooth yet sinister for questioned. Talia watched as a pair of legs stopped in front of her hiding spot. "You guys smell that?"
The others agreed with a bout of cold snickers and laughs. She could here them audibly sniff the air and desperately hoped they weren't what she thought they were. 
" Come on out, bunny." The same voice cooed evilly. " You smell... exquisite. It's driving me crazy!"
Shit, shit, shit! Talia's heart sank. They definitely weren't human and she was in no state to fight Downworlders. 
"I can hear your heart pounding, bunny." the man said in a sing-song voice. "All that new blood running through your body. I just want a taste. Pretty please?"
"James, lemme just get them." A woman's voice pleaded. 
 "No, Victoria. This one's special. " The man, James, asked into the dark. His boots turned to face the opening of Talia's burrow. "You wanna play a game, little bunny?"
"James, the hunters. The dogs are coming closer, from the east."  Another male's voice warned. 
Ignoring the man, James continues, " How about I count to twenty... very slowly... and you run? Run as far and fast as you can. "
Talia gripped her knife and shifted herself so she could take off.
"James, we don't have time for this."
"Relax, Laurent," James chuckled. " This won't take long. It's dark out."
He backed away from the entrance of the burrow, giving a wide girth for Talia to run. 
"Ready, bunny?"
Soon as the first number rested on his lips, Talia shot out of the burrow and raced towards the sound of dogs, fear fueling her legs to pump faster. Twisting and turning through the darkness of the trees, trying not to trip. She just hoped she could get close enough that their presence would scare off the sadistic vampires. Behind her, she could hear their maniacal laughter and James' slow counting. Please, please, please, she chanted in her mind desperately. I can't die like this! 
She'd probably gotten a little over 2 miles in before she heard the snapping of branches and laughter gaining on her. What's worse, her lungs were screaming for air, her bones for rest, and her body for nourishment. Talia couldn't keep running for long.
"I'm coming, bunny!" James teased dangerously. "Isn't this fun?!"
I'm not going to make it, she thought even as she pushed her body to keep running. The barking had gotten closer but was still too far away to be a threat to them. She'd be drained and discarded in less than a second before they reached her. Just then, she tripped over a large root and fell face first into the dirt. She scrambled to get her but two large, cold hands twisted her around and she was forced to face her hunter.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Game over, bunny." James said. "I had fun though."
"Please.." Talia whimpered. 
James cocked his head. " Don't worry bunny. For you, I'll make it painless."
"No, no, no!" Talia screamed as James slowly loomed closer. " No, no, no, nooooo!!!!"
Still, she couldn't escape. He slowly yet mercilessly sank his fangs into her skin eliciting a ear piercing screech from her lips. Bit by bit, she felt the warmth being sucked from her body as she thrashed and clawed in his grip. No, I can;t go like this. I can't, I can't! 
Suddenly, a great force shoved off his massive weight and the sounds of growls, barks, and hisses. From the corner of her eye, Talia could make out the thrashing and wrestling figures. Werewolves, she thought. They're werewolves. Just then, Talia felt herself being lifted and quickly carried away from the scene. Her body was as heavy as lead and racked with shivers. Before she knew it, she'd blacked out.
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soulofapatrick · 6 months
Safe in your Arms - Alec Lightwood x female reader 
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Summary: You can’t sleep so you slip into bed with Alec
Words: 1.7K 
Warnings: none really 
Notes: This is written from female pov (my pov) however can be read as gender neutral so will put this story in both male and female reader 
The darkness presses in around me, suffocating and heavy. Another sleepless night grips me tightly, refusing to release its hold. With a sigh, I rise from the bed, the covers slipping off my like unwanted shackles. 
Padding down the familiar corridors of the Institute, my footsteps echo softly against the stone floors. The hushed whispers of the night greet me, a comforting presence in the solitude. Each door I pass I hesitate, unsure who I’m looking for comfort in. 
I barely pause outside Clary’s room as we’ve never seen eye to eye so I continue on, finding myself outside Izzy’s door. The familiar, faint scent of jasmine wafting though the air. She's always been a source of strength and support, but tonight, the idea of seeking refuge in her embrace feels somehow... wrong, too intimate. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something holds me back, a silent voice urging me to continue my search elsewhere.
Jace’s door looms ahead, a silent invitation beckoning me to seek shelter within his presence. For a moment, I hesitate, my hand hovering over the door handle as memories of shared laughter and whispered secrets flood my mind. But then, with a heavy sigh, I pull away, the weight of unspoken truths pressing down upon me like a leaden cloak.
My fingers ghost over Simon's door, the thought of seeking solace in his company tempting yet ultimately unfulfilling. We may share a bond forged in battle, but there's a divide between us that I can't seem to breach. With a sigh, I move on, the ache of loneliness gnawing at my heart with each passing moment.
And then, finally, I find myself standing outside Alec’s room, the door a silent barrier between me and the solace I seek. With a hesitant hand, I push the door open, the soft creak of hinges breaking the silence like a whisper in the night. 
Inside, the room is bathed in a gentle glow, the moonlight filtering through the curtains casting shadows across the floor. Alec lies asleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. For a moment, I simply stand there, drinking in the sight of him. Gone is the usual tension that seems to etch lines into his features during the waking hours. Instead, his face is softened by slumber, his expression serene and unguarded. The furrow of his brow, which often accompanies his deep concentration or stern demeanour, is smoothed away, replaced by an air of tranquility.
A small smile graces his lips, a sight so rare it’s almost surreal. It’s a stark contrast to the usual scowl that seems to be his default expression during the day. In this moment of vulnerability, his true essence shines through, a gentle warmth that draws me in like a moth to a flame. 
I find myself captivated by the peacefulness that radiates from him, the subtle rise and fall of his chest a soothing rhythm that lulls me into a sense of calm. It's as if all the worries and burdens of the world have been momentarily lifted from his shoulders, leaving behind only the purest essence of who he is.
In this moment, Alec is not the fierce warrior or the stoic leader. He is simply Alec, vulnerable and human, a reminder that even the strongest among us need rest and respite from the battles we face.
And as I gaze upon him, a small smile tugs at the corners of my own lips, mirroring the one that graces his face. I hesitate for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest, before I gently lift the duvet and slide into the bed beside Alec. The rustling of the sheets stir him from his slumber, his eyelids fluttering open blearily as he tries to make sense of the intrusion. 
“Wha—?" His voice is thick with sleep, the words trailing off into a soft murmur as he blinks owlishly at me. Confusion dances in the depths of his eyes, but there's also a hint of warmth, a flicker of recognition that warms my soul.
“What are you doing Birdie?" he mumbles, his words barely audible in the stillness of the room., the nickname he’s given me sending a shiver down my spine. Despite the grogginess that clouds his mind, there's a note of curiosity in his voice, a silent question hanging in the air between us. 
"I couldn't sleep," I confess quietly, my voice barely more than a whisper. "And... I needed to be near you.”
Alec’s expression softens at my words, a silent understanding passing between us. Without a word, he shifts around in the bed, making room for me to settle beside him. The duvet envelops us both in its warmth as we find our positions, his body fitting against mine like two puzzle pieces finally coming together. 
We settle into our newfound arrangement, a sense of peace washes over me, a warmth that seeps into my bones and drives away the chill of the night. In Alec's arms, I find sanctuary from the storms that rage within me, a refuge from the chaos of the world outside. And as sleep begins to claim me once more, I find solace in the knowledge that, for tonight at least, I am not alone. 
As the first rays of dawn  filter through the curtains, I gradually awaken from the depths of sleep, the heaviness of slumber clinging to my limbs like a comforting embrace. The warmth of Alec's presence envelops me, his arm draped protectively over my waist, anchoring me to the present moment.
I can feel the weight of his body pressed against mine, a comforting solidity that grounds me in reality. His unruly black hair tickles my cheek, a stark contrast to the softness of his lips pressed against my shoulder where my shirt has slipped slightly.
Alec emits a soft snuffle in his sleep as I gently begin to scratch his scalp, the motion soothing both him and me. His breath is warm against my skin, a gentle rhythm that lulls me back into a state of tranquility. 
He shuffles around as he begins to slowly slip from sleep, his brilliant blue eyes fluttering open, revealing a sleep-ridden expression that tugs at my heartstrings. There’s a softness in his gaze, a vulnerability that I've rarely seen in him before. And as his eyes meet mine, a flicker of recognition dances in their depths, as if he's just now realizing that I'm here, lying beside him. 
For a moment, we simply stare at each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between us. And then, slowly but surely, a small smile tugs at the corners of Alec's lips, a gesture so tender and genuine that it sends my heart soaring. 
Alec brushes the hair out of my face, his touch gentle, his fingers singing against my skin as if committing the moment to memory. I can feel the intensity of his gaze as he studies my face, his eyes searching for something, perhaps an answer to the question that lingers between us. 
And then, without warning, he moves forward, his face hovering just inches from mine. My breath catches in my throat as anticipation coils within me, every nerve in my body on edge with anticipation. 
And then, finally, his lips crash against mine in a kiss that sends shockwaves coursing through my veins. It’s everything I've ever imagined and more, his lips soft and plump against mine, fitting together with a perfect symmetry that feels like coming home. He rolls us from our sides so he’s leaving over me, his weight above me feeling right, perfect almost, as if we were always meant to be in this position. 
His kisses are a revelation, each one tasting of warmth and longing, a tantalising blend of sweetness and desire that leaves me breathless. I can feel the heat of his body pressing against mine, his warmth seeping into my skin and sending shivers racing down my spine. 
With every touch, every caress, I lose myself in the sensation of him, the feel of his lips against mine, the brush of his fingers against my skin. He smells of sandalwood and strawberries, a heady combination that fills my senses and leaves me intoxicated with desire. 
In this moment, with Alec pressed against me, every nerve in my body tingles with anticipation. It's as if the world around us fades away, leaving only the two of us in our own little universe, bound together by the intensity of our connection.
But, just as our passion threatens to consume us, a quiet knock at the bedroom door shatters the fragile bubble we've created. Alec lets out a quiet groan, his head falling to my shoulder in frustration before he clears his throat and calls out, "One second!” 
As he climbs out of the bed to open the door slightly, I sit up, the sheets rustling around me, betraying the fact that Alec's not alone. My heart races with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, unsure of what awaits us on the other side of that door. 
And then, as Alec peers out into the hallway, his expression unreadable, I catch a glimpse of blond meaning it’s Jace standing in the corridor, his presence casting a shadow over our moment of intimacy. With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I realise that our time alone together may be coming to an abrupt end.
Alec hisses something to Jace before closing the door and turning back to me, his eyes raking up my body, blue eyes darkening before he’s shaking his head and asking, “Breakfast?” 
“Clothes then breakfast?”
“You can wear some of mine, then breakfast.” 
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The Shadowhunters Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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dayque · 7 months
During breakfast at the institute after training
Jace: Clary, spell cute.
Clary: Cute? C-U-T-E
Jace: Wrong, it's Y-O-U.
Alec as soon as he gets home
Alec: Magnus, honey, can you spell Cute for me please?
Magnus: Sure, Y-O-U
Alec blushes like hell
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rottenroyalebooks · 1 year
It's a bad idea, right?
Series: The Mortal Instruments
Pairing: Jace Wayland x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst to Fluff, Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Possibly OOC Jace, slight description of Reader (mainly that Jace is taller than her), use of Y/N. All characters are aged 18+.
Y/N has a Warlock ex that seems to have her under his spell, metaphorically speaking, and every time he calls, she answers.
Jace has had enough of watching her go back to him repeatedly. Because they're friends, definitely not because he's in love with her or anything.
A/N: Guys, I have finally caved into my desires and am diving deep into the world of The Mortal Instruments. I watched most of the show a few years ago and saw the movie a few days ago, which led me to buy a box set of the 6 Mortal Instruments books. I am just about halfway through The City of Bones, so I still have a lot of learning to do. Forgive me if I need to correct something.
Also, I love all the show characters, but Movie Jace feels closer to Book Jace than Show Jace, so I am committed to Movie Jace for visual representation and Movie Jace only.
Does that make sense to you? Yes? Cool.
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"You were where last night?" Izzy asked her a bit too loudly as she and Y/N walked into the weapons room where Alec and Jace were working on cleaning their weapons used from the previous mission.
Y/N shushed her as the two boys looked over, "Seriously, whatever happened to private girl talk?"
Izzy rolled her eyes, speaking lower than before so the guys wouldn't hear, "What ever happened to cutting him out of your life? Finding a new guy to get in your bed to get over him, that's why we went to Pandemonium last night, remember?"
Y/N huffed in response. Of course, she knew that's why Izzy and Clary dragged her to Pandemonium. It was a plan that she had yet to be very keen on. Izzy had gone to powder her nose, and Clary went to dance when Demetrius Black approached her on the dance floor, convincing her to leave with him.
It never took much convincing. He never went to Pandemonium, so she thought it was safe, but alas, she woke up in his bed again with her favorite tea made just the way she liked it on the nightstand next to her. He was nowhere to be seen.
Izzy rolled her eyes at the lack of response, "I need to put a tracker on you, like an outdoor cat." She turned on her heels and walked away.
Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair before leaving the weapons room. She needed to punch something, so she soon found her way to the training room, where a punching bag sat calmly in the middle.
Then she beat the shit out of it.
"Stupid Demetrius and his stupidly charming attitude."
One Two.
"Stupid me for falling for it, again."
One Two Three.
"And stupid Mundane girl who couldn't keep her grimy hands to herself!"
With enough force of one last punch, the bag flew backward, hitting the wall as she let out a long groan of anger.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jace's voice appeared behind her making her jump out of her skin.
"Jesus Christ,"
"Not exactly." He smirked, but she ignored his comment.
"Do you feel the need to scare everyone or just me? Am I that special?" Sarcasm dripped from her lips as she began walking over to the punching bag so she could put it back in its usual location.
"Stop dodging my question. Do you want to talk about why you punched the bag across the room?"
She signed, letting the bag stand back up, "Will you try not to make fun of me for at least ten minutes if I tell you."
He chuckled, leaning against a pillar with his signature smug look, "I'll try my very best."
She couldn't look him in the eye, but she told him everything. From Izzy's plan to it failing when she left her alone for not even five minutes to waking up in her ex's bed again.
His expression was stoic throughout the entire time she was speaking; all of Jace's smugness and ego quickly flushed away as envy flooded his veins.
She didn't notice his change in expression because she refused to look at him.
"I know it's stupid, but it's like he put a spell on me."
"You have a permanent ruin to block any Warlock from using that magic on you."
She groaned, "I meant metaphorically." She plopped down on the bench and ran a hand through her hair.
"Well, I don't even know what you see in the Warlock-"
"Alec is with Mangus, and you never have anything to say about that, but when I date a Downworlder who has helped us just as much as Mangus has, you suddenly have an issue?"
He didn't have a chance to think before he spoke, blurting out, "I can't stand to see you hurting yourself with someone who doesn't deserve you."
Her head snaps to finally make eye contact; she lets her emotions talk without knowing what to think, "You don't get to decide who deserves me, Jace. You're not my father, and you're not my brother. Don't act like it."
He stepped closer to where she was sitting, "He cheated on you. Remember that? You cried to Clary and Izzy for days about it, then you cried yourself to sleep after all that," He saw the shocked look on her face, "We share a wall, remember? The same wall both of our beds are up against. I heard it all and witnessed you tear yourself apart from all the insecurities he gave you. So yes, I may not be in a position to say it, but I can say for certain that he doesn't deserve you."
The tension between the two shadow hunters was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Neither of them said anything else, just stared at each other until she stood up and brushed past him.
"Thanks for the reminder."
Jace only watched as she left the room, wanting to walk after her but feeling paralyzed where he stood. He cursed under his breath and looked down at his feet.
It was his turn to send the punching bag flying across the room.
That night, the group went on a mission to track down a Vampire, killing humans left and right. Clary had poked around through the different nests in the city with Alec and Izzy, but none of them seemed to be acquainted with the rouge Vampire.
Jace and Y/N were tasked with searching Pandemonium for the Vampire or any information retaining it.
Things between them were still tense, and the others could see it, but Jace had been the one to wordlessly follow her to Pandemonium. The music was loud and beating through her head, making the memories from the night prior resurface, but she shook it off as she looked around for any suspicious Downworld behavior.
She and Jace had split up in the crowd, which meant she was alone when she felt her phone buzz in her back pocket. She pulled it out seeing a text from Demetrius:
Demetrius: I can tell you're working from how you dress tonight, but meet me at the bar. I might have the information you are searching for. ;)
Tensing up, she looks over at the bar seeing Demetrius leaning against it in all his glory, smirking knowingly at her. She pushed her hurt deep down and walked over to him.
"Well, you look lovely tonight, darling." He said, reaching out to touch her hair when she stopped about two feet away, but she smacked his hand away quickly.
"No time for pleasantries, Demetrius. Do you know anything about a Rouge Vampire, or are you wasting my time?"
"Playing hard to get tonight? Let me buy you a drink." He said as he waved to the bartender to get his attention.
She scoffed, shaking her head, "I knew this was a waste of time--" She stopped speaking when she backed into someone's chest; she didn't even need to look up to know it was Jace. She didn't realize he found them.
Jace didn't move at the contact; he only stared at Demetrius, who noticed he was standing there because she had stopped speaking.
"Oh look," he commented, bored, "It's the guard dog. Don't you have anything better to do than following her around like a lost puppy?"
"We're working, Demetrius." She spoke as Jace opened his mouth, cutting him off before a fight could break out, "Since you don't actually have any information for me, I am going to leave."
She brushed past Jace, leaving the two boys at the bar and disappearing into the crowd.
Jace followed her with his eyes until he knew she was out of earshot. Looking back at Demetrius with a glare that could kill a thousand men, he said, "If you come near her again, I will not hesitate to track you down and kill you myself."
Demetrius smirked, taking a sip from his drink, "And break The Clave's precious rules? From what she told me, you are one of those who respect the Covenant more than anything."
Jace took two steps forward, standing toe to toe with the Warlock, a look of pure hatred in his eyes, "I would break a thousand rules if it made her happy. I would break a thousand rules to make sure she is safe. Don't test me, Warlock."
Demetrius took another sip of his drink, "I always knew, from the moment I had the displeasure of meeting you, that you were in love with her. I watched as you protected her like a lovesick puppy even though she was head over heels in love with me. Now that she is single, why haven't you swept her off her feet to prevent her from falling into my bed?"
He leaned close to his ear, saying just above a whisper, "Maybe it's because you know she will never love you back."
Jace shoved him away, stalking off to get back to work. Only to watch as she left the storage room and in his direction; as she passed him, she said, "Threat has been neutralized, let's get out of here."
She was annoyed. Mostly at herself for thinking he wouldn't come back to her favorite club to antagonize her, but also at the fact that she had to take on a Vampire by herself because Jace decided to have a little chat with her ex.
At the same time, she was proud of herself for finally avoiding Demetrius' charm like the plague. Progress is Progress.
As she exited Pandemonium, she pulled out her phone and started texting Clary to let them know the Vampire was found and taken care of, but Jace pulled her phone out of her hands.
"I'll take that." He said as he went to her contacts lists.
Her jaw dropped, "Jace! Give that back!" She snapped, watching him smirk at her phone as he tapped the screen a few times before giving it back to her.
"First step, blocking your ex's number."
She rolled her eyes and brushed passed him. Raising her hand, a cab drove up to her almost immediately.
"How do you always get cabs so quickly?" He muttered loud enough for her to hear as he stood behind her protectively.
"It's a gift," she said flatly, getting into the cab and scooting over so Jace could get in, even though she wanted him to get his own taxi.
"You cant just avoid me forever." He said into her ear once she got comfortable after telling the driver where to drop them off.
She crossed her arms, staring straight ahead, "Watch me."
"Jace, let you fight the Vampire by yourself?" Izzy asked her in the kitchen of the Institute, snacking on popcorn with Clary on the opposite side of her as the three girls usually did after a hunt.
"He didn't let me; he was at the bar talking with Demetrius. I thought he followed me into the crowd when I left the bar, but he wasn't behind me when I found the Vampire and pointed it out to him." She ran a hand through her hair and looked down, "I didn't want to lose him, so I followed the Vampire into the storage room, scared off the mundane that was with him, and killed the bloodsucker."
Clary laughed, "And you did it by yourself."
Y/N shrugged, "It was easy because he was a new Vampire who didn't have anyone to guide him."
"What did Jace say when you told him you took care of it?" Izzy tossed another piece of Popcorn into Clary's mouth, and she caught it successfully.
"He didn't react, just followed me out and got rid of Demetrius' contact on my phone."
Clary nearly choked on her popcorn before swallowing it, "He did what?"
Sighing, she nodded, "Yeah, talk about quitting cold turkey."
Izzy giggled, elbowing Clary lightly. "Maybe Jace will finally start courting her."
Y/N raised an eyebrow; Jace was into someone? That was new information, "Courting who? We don't come into contact with many shadow hunters unless he has a secret Mundane lover."
Blinking, Izzy looked from Clary to Y/N and back to Clary, "Is she serious?"
"I think she is."
"Okay, what are you two going on about?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest, blinking at the two of them.
"How do we put this nicely-" Clary began speaking, but Izzy cut her off, "Jace has been in love with you since we were thirteen."
Taken aback, all Y/N could do was laugh, "What? No! You guys are crazy. The only person Jace loves is himself." She rolled her eyes, grabbing a few pieces of popcorn.
Clary spoke up, "When I first learned I was a Shadow Hunter and Jace brought me to the institute, I thought he was cute, but then I saw the way he looked at you, and I thought you two were a thing for a whole month until I saw you making out with a mundane near Pandemonium."
"I remember that!" Izzy giggled, turning to Y/N, "Clary freaked out and came running to me saying that you cheated on Jace and that we needed to tell him. It was so funny trying to explain to her that the two of you weren't a thing."
"My point is," Clary interjected, looking at Y/N, "Jace Wayland has been pining over you for so long. He's extra protective of you. When you came home crying a few months ago because the dirtbag cheated on you, Alec had to stop him from hunting him down and killing him without a second thought."
Y/N sank in her chair, blinking, "I had no idea."
"You're just a little oblivious; it's okay," Izzy said, patting her head.
She shook her head, "It's late. I'm going to bed."
She exited the chair and said goodnight to the two girls before leaving the kitchen.
She was going to bed, but then her feet decided to take her to where she knew Jace would be at this time of night.
The garden.
She opened the door quietly, searching for the blond among the flowers and plants, when she spotted him sitting on a bench. He was reading a book that she couldn't read the title of because of how old it was. She walked over to him and placed her hands in her sweater pockets, "You know how to read?"
He looked up at her from his book, "Sneaking up on people is supposed to be my thing."
"You'll have to learn how to share. May I sit?"
He nodded, closing the book with a bookmark between the pages, and moved to one side of the bench to make room for her to sit, "Are you okay?"
She nodded, "I will be. Thank you for being there for me back at Pandemonium and in the training room earlier today. I needed to hear the truth. Even though my stance on the fact you need to work on your comforting skills stays intact." She teased him lightly, making him chuckle.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with the Vampire alone while I was defending your honor; it won't ever happen again."
"It better not." She chuckled, leaning back and relaxing on the bench, stifling a yawn, "Because I might just have to kill you myself, then."
"As if you would dare lay a mark on my greatest asset." He gestured to his face making Y/N roll her eyes and slapped his hand away.
"That ego of yours is going to be the death of me one day. Do I have to worry about you falling in love with your own reflection and drowning because of it like Narcissus?"
Letting out a laugh, Jace shook his head, looking up at the time on his watch, the very one she had gotten him for his last birthday, "It's getting late. You need rest."
"So do you," she fired back, standing up and glaring at him, "We need you at the top of your game, come on."
He chuckled, standing up and holding the book against his hip as they left the garden together and walked through the Institute.
"Do you need some tea to help you relax?" She asked, tilting her head up at him.
He smiled down at her, "No, I can manage."
They approached their rooms silently, he walked her to her door, and she nodded, "Goodnight, Jace."
He watched as she disappeared into her room, closing the door behind her, but he didn't move to his room next door, even though he should have.
No, he thought about how he realized Demetrius' words were true. He loved her and didn't know what to do with this information.
He raised his hand to knock on her door again, wanting to get the rejection over with, but just before his fist could make contact with the wood, the door opened, followed by her voice saying, "Jace, wait." before getting cut off by realizing he was standing there still.
The two stood there wordlessly, staring at each other. No one knew who made the first move that night, but soon Y/N felt his hands cupping her face as their lips touched.
It felt right, kissing Jace; he was gentle yet passionate, as if he were making up for the lost time, which he was. As it turned out, so was she.
When they broke apart for air, nothing could stop their mutual smiles from appearing on their faces as Jace rested his forehead on hers.
"Sleep in my room tonight? We can talk about this in the morning."
He nodded, picking her up over his left shoulder, causing a light squeal to leave her lips as he walked into the room, closing the door with his foot.
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zodiyack · 1 year
Little Loner
Pairing(s): Jace Wayland x fem!reader
Warnings: clary being jealous but then cupid??, I wrote this while sleep deprived, fluff at the end, Clary x Simon if you squint.
Words: 1,743
Author's Note: I finally finished the requests. Now have some drafts while I work on sequels and stuff <3
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Masterlist | The Mortal Instruments Masterlist
Taglist: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read it,  @simonsbluee,  @thewarriorprincessxo,  @sebastianstanslefteyebrow,  @livlaughquinn,  @bubsonnobx,  @bunnyweasley23
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Jace leads Clary to Hodge, but hesitates when he sees an open door. He finds himself pausing to admire the scene, leaning on the door frame with a crooked smile. Clary moves to get a better view and is confused.
A girl sits in a windowsill, her pencil hitting the paper lightly as she sketches out the scenery outside the window. The light appears to angle just right, giving her an almost angelic presence. Black runes cover her skin, some disappearing to hide under her clothes.
Clary leans over to Alec and whispers. "Who is that?"
Alec simply nods a little. "Y/N. Jace has a thing for her, but he's never acted on it." Clary feels her heart break a little. "Shame, really. She likes him too, but they're both too stubborn to be the one to confess."
"My advice," Alec looks between her and the room, "stay away from Jace."
He moves on before she can ask much else, walking along the halls and calling to Jace quietly. Jace is brought back to reality as he gives one last look into the room before venturing on.
"So, Y/N..." Clary tries.
She doesn't miss when Jace blushes slightly, "another Shadowhunter. She's been here a long time, however she really only talks to me."
"Why's that?"
He chuckles a little but shakes his head. "That's none of my business to tell. She's a great person when you get to know her though." That's all the information he gives before they reach their destination. He opens the door and gestures inside with a nod.
His expression stays neutral, stoic as he explains, "You may find Hodge a little eccentric, but he's one of the greatest Shadowhunters that's ever lived." He looks down at the cloth in her hand and his brows furrow. "Here, give me that."
She walks inside of the giant room, her body and eyes exploring. The two boys walk in after her. They watch her carefully. Despite her distance, Clary can still hear Jace and Alec by the door.
"Don't lead this one on while you pursue your little loner. You'll get her hopes up, and if she decides to stay...the rune to fix a broken heart is the most painful one." She could practically feel Jace roll his eyes.
"I'm not leading her on."
"Oh? Is that so? Because I don't normally go around flirting and being handsy with random people, Jace." Alec warned. "It's obvious, the way Clary looks at you. I'd tone down your 'lack of leading her on' before she gets the wrong idea."
The doors shut suddenly, causing Clary to flinch, and Alec storms off down the hall, leaving Jace to think over his words. The more he thought about it, the more he tried to deny it.
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Jace opens the door, "The Silent Brothers are ready for her."
When Clary and Jace set off for their next location, she noticed a new companion had replaced Alec. It was the girl from before. The girl that Jace liked.
"I didn't expect you to be joining us..." She tries to make conversation, but Y/N barely acknowledges her.
"I admire your attempt, but she won't talk. Not unless she's comfortable with you." Jace smiles at the girl in question, who smiles to herself but stays quiet.
"How long would that take?"
"Patience is a virtue, Clary." Jokes Jace. "I suppose I was the first person who ever really tried, so there's not much to go off of. She's coming with us because I asked her too."
The redheaded girl can't help but glance between the two every now and then. She isn't sure whether she feels jealous or wants them to be together, but she can say one thing for sure; The tension was nauseatingly strong.
"Why didn't Hodge come with us?"
"He hasn't left the institute in years." Jace shrugs as he continues walking. "Some say it's a spell."
"He's agoraphobic." Y/N giggles at Clary's bluntness, leading to the ginger giving her a small smile. One she returned. They stop and turn, Jace crossing his arms while he waits.
"Is that him?" Clary asks.
Jace follows her gaze and shakes his head. "No, that's Harold, the groundskeeper." He tilts his head, leaning in a bit, "that's him."
She looks up a little and feels a small shiver of unease crawl up her spine. A comforting hand is felt on her shoulder, and she's met with Y/N's smile when she turns her head. The action leaves her wondering how obvious her discomfort was, but she still is thankful.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Clary looks to the two as though asking for help, but nods regardless. "We will help you to remember."
The trio follow the tall robed man, Clary a little more hesitant. Y/N turns, kind smile still standing, and lifts a finger to the middle of her lips. Clary nods and follows behind.
Along the way she trips, "Ow!"
Jace turns his head instantly, shushing her. "You'll wake the dead."
Clary rolls her eyes. She catches Y/N giving her an apologetic shrug, the girl nodding with her head to continue.
"I can't believe this place is just outside of the city..."
She follows the duo to the window like ledge they looked through. Jace's voice catches her off guard, "Welcome to the City of Bones." His breath is right next to her ear, sending her hairs to stand on their ends.
"This is where the Silent Brothers draw their power, from the bones and ashes of Shadowhunters."
"All of them are buried here?"
"Yes." Jace looks to the wall, "One day," he taps a skull, making Y/N giggle, the sound eliciting a smile to slide upon his pink lips, "that's gonna be me."
Clary stops to look at the skeleton. Sensing her unease, Y/N urges her forward with a light touch. Clary stops a few steps forward, inspecting the room from entryway.
"This is as far as we go." She looks at Jace, and he assures her, "You'll be fine."
"So you've done this before?"
Y/N and Jace exchange a glance. She dawns an apologetic look as shakes her head and Jace replies, "No."
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Clary decides to continue to try and talk to Y/N, "Have you ever met Magnus Bane?"
The girl only shakes her head.
"You know... I'm quite jealous of you." Clary admits with a laugh. Y/N tilts her head in confusion, prompting Clary to continue. "I thought Jace was into me, and if I'm being honest, I'm really into him but... I'd be stupid to stand in your guys' way."
Her brows furrow, even more confused than before. Clary's hopes range from high to doubtful, there's a chance Alec was wrong, that she didn't have feelings for him, but she saw the way the two looked at each other. She might've been naïve and clouded in her conflicting feelings, but she wasn't blind.
"Jace likes you too. And honestly...you should go for it." She looks away, ashamed of her own assistance in helping the guy she liked be with someone else. However, she doesn't have time to mope, when a voice she hasn't heard before causes her to snap her eyes back to Y/N's face.
"Is it that obvious?" A shy expression, laced with a little embarrassment, greets her.
"I talk, yes." She chuckles. "Jace wasn't lying. I mostly talk to him, but after I realized my feelings for him, I started to confide in Alec. My only problem was that I didn't realize Alec also had feelings for Jace... But, Alec saw how much I love Jace, and told me that he had found interest in someone else. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but, my feelings for Jace have always been around since then. I'm just...not too sure what to do about it."
Clary nods understandingly, and places her hand atop Y/N's. "Talk to him."
Y/N thinks about it for moment, and then nods. "Thank you."
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"Hey. Can we talk?" Jace turns, nodding when he realizes it's Y/N. The blond looks around the infirmary, making sure Simon and Clary are accounted for one more time before he returns to facing her. He follows her to the study, sitting beside her on the piano seat.
"What's wrong?"
Her fingers press into the keys, a slow recollection of a piece by Bach. "It's nothing... I spoke to Clary-'
"You talked to Clary?" Y/N giggles at his dumbfounded expression. "M'sorry, that just caught me a little off-guard, you don't normally talk to anyone else."
"That's fair. Basically, she gave me some advice to a problem I have, not that I asked her for it- she actually noticed it- anyways, after Simon and the vampires and everything- I guess- my point is, Jace..."
"Yes?" His eyes were laced with concern, no longer amused by her sudden socializing.
"I like you. Like, really really like like you." She bit her lip. "Like...I'm in love with you."
Y/N stared at Jace, waiting for his answer. She grew nervous as time started to feel slower. The seconds felt like they were snail's paced, so close yet so far away. Sweat dripped down her forehead and her heartbeat rang in her ears. It was all so overwhelming until-
"I'm in love with you too."
"You what?"
Jace smiled shyly. "I'm in love with you too. I've been for a long time now." His eyes trace over her lips, the distance between them closing gradually. He hovers above her lips when his eyes meet hers again.
It's all in slow motion and superspeed at the same time. She lets go of control and lets her instincts take the reigns. Her lips crash into his and he lets out a surprised groan. Their eyes both close as they kiss one another, their lips partaking in a dance they somehow know. By the time they pull apart, they're out of breath and their eyes are blown.
"How long?"
She blinks. "Pardon?"
"How long have you been waiting to do that?"
"If I'm being honest, a month or so after we met. What about you?" Y/N giggles.
"Since we first met."
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Clary leans against the door, heart half broken and half full, yet content with herself. Maybe she should look into what Simon's benefits are.
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aleswiftgron · 1 year
For the people who keep making weird tiktoks about how Cassie like incest bc she's used the trope
(first of all, have you really read all the books right?? Because it never seems like she's using it in a romanticizing it way, but in a way of showing a power abuse and violence)
I just want to say that she's CAREFUL AS FUCK when picking the couple right
Because thanks to TLH we kind of have an idea about the family tree.
The Blackthorns and Jace's Herondale line, are related, Tessa being their great great grandma i think??, Also the Lightwoods are there too
She really said: i'm not going to stay here and be acused of SHIT,
Alec, is paired with a 400 y/o indonesian warlock, safe✅
Julian and Emma's line are not intertwined, safe✅
The Fairchilds never mixed with the main families, so Jace and Clary, safe✅
Mark, he is half faerie, so he mixes with a faerie prince, and a mexican girl, he really said, not in LA, safe✅
Simon's a jewish mundane, Isabelle a Lightwood, safe✅
Diana and Gywn (the hunter), safe✅
Aline Penhallow, and Helen Blackthorn, Aline is not really one of the mains, safe✅
As for new possible couples:
Kit and Ty, Blackthorn and Herondale, yes, buuuuuut, its the LOST Herondale line😌, safe✅
Dru and Ash, well he is a prince of faerie and son os Sebastian Morgenstern/Fairchild, safe✅
She really brought back Jem from the (practically/mentally gone inmortal state) dead, Jem and Tessa, safe✅
I mean practically everyone is mostly related, the Blackthorns and Jace have the same great great grandma, and Jace and Emma are kinda related because of Cordelia, and the Lightwoods were cousins with the Herondales in TLH sooo she really thought about it
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readwithlivvy · 1 year
rating the shadowhunter main girlies by how horny they are
was kinda incest-y with multiple guys so that has to count for something
banged jace for the first time in a CAVE in HELL
created the birth control rune😭😭
overall 7/10
found out her fiancé died and decided to fuck his best friend on the same day!!
still managed to wait for marriage with will though (which i find sliiiiightly unbelievable)
not incredibly horny because it is the victorian era and she would've been stoned or whatever idk
the first shadowhunter girlie not to lose her virginity to the love interest 🎉🎉
attempted to do the tango with julian right afTER HIS SISTER DIED?!?!
they also fucked in the first book which is record speed for shadowhunters
feels like 9/10
hehehe did some light bondage on james
made out with matthew on the streets of paris and was fully prepared to have sex if james didn't show up
always thinking about james' hair and eyes in a way that has some sexual undertones?? am i the only one seeing it like that??
overall 7/10
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mikqls0n · 2 years
He’s mine||jace wayland x fem!reader
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Warnings: jace being the perfect boyfriend, swearing, jealousy, use of y/n, slight smut
Summary: you and jace are inseparable but now clary comes to the institute and gets interests in jace
Extra: this is placed in 2009 instead of 2007 so jace’s 18 and reader too
“It’s a demon bite!”
After jace had brought this girl into the institute cause he thinks she isn’t a mundane because she saw him killing a demon with Alec and Isabelle made you quit angry.
If you could you would just throw her out of the institute, by just the way she looks at jace. Your boyfriend.
“Look she’s awake” the glass boy said while this girl slowly wakes up.
Jace arms was wrapped around your waist from behind and his chin resting on your head.
“Ah, shit what is that?” Red-head said as she touched the protection rune which cause her pain.
Jace wanted to say something as he got interrupted by glass-boy.
“That’s a rune, you can use them for anything, healing, protection, can yourself visible and invisible which Is so cool! And when you’re hung-“who was not getting cut off by jace.
“No! We weren’t sure but when I draw the rune on you and you didn’t die, we definitely knew you had shadowhunter blood in you” jace explained.
“Ok so here are clothes you Could wear. It’s not everyday we get girls here” Isabelle came in and put the clothes on the table next to red-head.
Jace knew you didn’t liked when other girls would come here so he said.“Alec, could you take clary to hodge? Me and y/n are going to our room”
“Yeah I guess”
“You don’t have to be jealous of here love,you know I love you” jace said as he could literally feel your death stares towards clary.
“I’m not, jealous” you tried to hide the fact that, if looks could kill clary would be dead the second you saw her with jace.
“Hmm, my love’s jealous over some girl I don’t know” he teased you with a smirked you absolutely adored.
“Fine. I was. So what I’m not the one giving you the look as she wants to marry you right now”
“But you do”he whispered in you ear.
“Some day”you closed the space between you, as you lips met where he immediately kissed you back.
His hands found you waist as he pushed you against the wall as you make out.
“So, this y/n and jace. They seem close” clary said as hodge told her about her mother being in the clave.
“Y/n and jace? Yeah, couple of 6 years, never thought they would truly love each other” clary’s body was filled with jealousy as she listen to hodge.
“And do they fight often?”
“No, at least I never knew or saw a fight between them, they’re always together. Inseparable”
“Hmm, okay..”
“Did you lock the door?” You moaned between the sentence as jace’s hands went to unbuckle your belt.
“No, but who cares?”His lips on your neck again, and as Jace was about to pull your pants down you hear a knock from your door.
“NOT NOW” jace yelled as the door opened anyway which revealed clary.
You rolled your eyes as you pulled up your pants.” Hodge said that these silent brothers are ready”
“Yeah uhm, wait downstairs ok?” Jace said as he put on his shirt again.
Clary whispered a “ok” as she closed the door.
“One person gets here and now we don’t even have privacy anymore?”
“I know love but I’ll be back as soon as I am ok? I love you” he quickly kissed you ok the lips before going downstairs.
“I can’t believe we’re going to Magnus just because of that stupid girl” You said annoyed as Isabelle did your hair.
“What did we say about being nicer to people?”you rolled your eyes as you and Isabelle went out the door downstairs to the Main door where alec, jace and clary were already standing.
“You look beautiful as always” jace said as kissed you head.
“Thank You” You smiled even wider when you could see clary staring at you two, eyes filled with jealousy.
“Well. I haven’t seen you in years shadowhunters” mag is appeared from behind.
“Though,I do kinda need to talk with clary”
“Wait how do you know her?-“simon- the glass boy was cut off by Magnus.
“Come with me”
“I still don’t get why we’re here”You mumbled.
You were even more pissed when Simon was kidnapped and you had to safe him because of clary.
That’s why You’re always told “don’t do anything with mundanes” .
But now you’re back and You’re in the library since jace is in the shower anyway.
“What is your problem with me?” You heard a voice behind you.
You turned around and saw clary.
“What do you mean?”You said innocently.
“You always give me these looks”
“Well, then stop staring at my boyfriend”now clary’s face got darker as she stepped infront of you.
“We both know this relationship won’t last forever. People come and go you know tha-“ you cut off clary by pushing her against the wall coming closer to her face.
“If you, ever say that again I will kill you clary fray. And you know why? Because he’s mine” you whispered the last sentence.
@angelst4re @acecampbellbower
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lurafita · 3 months
Going Commando
Izzy: "Ugh! This is so frustrating!"
Alec: "What?"
Izzy: "I'm want to know why not wearing underwear is called 'going commando', but the internet has about 8 different origins for it and none of them have a definitive verification."
Clary: "… Maybe it's more comfortable? For soldiers? I mean, it does stem from military usage, right?"
Izzy, turning to the guys: "So? Is it more comfortable, or does it just swing around down there and chafe more?"
Alec, Jace and Simon, red in the face and stuttering: "Y-y-you can't just ask stuff like that!"
Magnus: "Barring any strenuous activity, you don't really notice the swinging. It depends on what you are wearing, mostly. Tracksuits and other softer material pants are fine. Jeans can get a little chafy. And then there are some pants where you just don't want to have any underwear lines showing through. Like silk pants."
Alec: "… You are wearing silk pants right now."
Magnus, smirking: "I am."
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angelst4re · 2 years
King of My Heart- Jace Wayland/ Herondale/ Lightwood x Reader
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summary: jace had always had a crush on you, yet you would always reject him out of fear of losing your best friend, but when a new girl arrives at the institute you find yourself feeling jealous.
warnings: NSFW!! light smut :)
note: yes the title is another taylor swift reference... i've spent the last five days reading city of fallen angels and city of lost souls... i've just started heavenly fire today :) all i can say is malec <3 magnus is definitely one of my favourite characters right now!!
For as long as you could remember, Jace had always had an interest in you. When you arrived at the Institute at 12 years old, he had been the one you had first trusted. You were a scared, worried child who had just lost both of her parents, and he was always there for you no matter what. On a chilly February night, you had woken up from a terrible nightmare, and found yourself at Jace’s bedroom door. He had welcomed you into his room, wrapped you in a blanket and let you open up to him about your family and your past. You had fallen asleep by his side that night, after he had read you a story. 
As the two of you grew up, it was obvious he had a crush on you. He would constantly ask you out and every time you would reject him he would only ask you again. Of course you liked him back, but the two of you were very… different. Jace was fearless, he acted from his heart and not his brain, he didn’t have a care in the world about what anyone thought of him. You, on the other hand, were wiser, thought logically and never took risks. 
Jace loved to tease you, to watch you blush as he would compliment you, when his hands would be placed on your waist as he moved around you, when he would clean up your injuries from a battle. His favourite way of teasing you, however, was asking you out. He would catch a small smile beginning to form on your lips before you would shake your head, ‘no, Jace!’. 
6 years passed and it was clear to you- and everyone for that matter- that he wouldn’t settle for anyone except you, and everyone believed that one day you would give in. But everything changed when a new girl arrived at the institute. Clary Fray. 
It wouldn’t have bothered you, but Jace seemed to spend a lot of time with her. You found yourself feeling slightly jealous. 
Jace stopped visiting your room at night to read together, instead you could hear him laughing with Clary in his room. Alec had also become aware of this new bond, and he didn’t really approve either, he wasn’t sure if they could trust her, yet Jace insisted they could. 
Stupidly, you and Isabelle had gotten drunk one night at one of Magnus’ parties, and you had told her about your feelings for Jace. 
“Really?” Her jaw dropped, “so you’re telling me you’ve been rejecting him all these years when in fact you actually liked him back?” 
“Stupid, I know.” You sighed, nodding your head, “and now he’s found someone else, my chance has gone! Ugh, I knew I should have said something sooner.” 
“But you didn’t want to ruin your friendship! It’s totally understandable, and I’m sure if Jace really loves you like we all think he does, he would want you to tell him.” 
Something clicked in your brain and you scrambled to get up from the floor of the spare bedroom. You reached in your pocket for your phone and pulled it out, finding Jace’s contact in a heartbeat and pressing the call button, rushing out of Magnus’ apartment. 
“Y/n?” Jace answered in a matter of seconds. 
“Jace… hi! I’m coming back from M-Magnus’ party… I need to tell you something…” You slurred, stepping down the stairs one at a time to make sure you didn’t trip. 
“Are you with someone?” 
“Wait outside, I’m on my way. I’m not letting you walk home by yourself.” He said before hanging up. 
You wanted to argue back, telling him you’re a shadowhunter, you can walk home by yourself! 
But it only took a matter of minutes for him to arrive. 
“Oh my- y/n, how much have you had to drink?” He sighed, watching you stumble as you walked towards him. 
“...I don’t know. Ask Izzy.” Your voice slurs as you trip on the side of the road, yet Jace is there to catch you. 
“Trust me, I will.” 
Jace had walked you home, asking you about your evening. You had told him how Magnus’ cat was the cutest thing you have ever seen and how a vampire had tried to get your phone number. 
“But I didn’t tell him, Jace.” You whisper as he helps you to take off your boots, sitting you down on your bed, “because I love you.”
Jace’s face went blank for roughly two seconds, trying to process what you had just said. 
“You’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying. Get some rest, okay?” Jace smiled softly, helping you get tucked into bed. 
“I mean it, Jace.” You tell him, “I think I’ve always loved you, but I’ve been afraid… afraid we’ll lose our f-friendship.”
“Let’s talk about this when you’re sober, okay?” Jace’s tone had a hint of seriousness to it. "It's not that I don't trust you or believe you, but you're drunk."
“Okay… thank you, Jace.”
“No worries. Sweet dreams, love.”
* * *
“She’s alive!” Jace laughed, imitating a zombie’s voice as you sat down for breakfast. 
“Oh, shut up,” you chuckle, “I’m never drinking again.” 
“You’ve been saying that for the last… year.” Alec says, taking a bite out of his pancake. 
“I know, but I mean it this time. Where’s Iz?” 
“I think she slept at Magnus’.” Said Jace
“Yeah, he called me to let me know she’s there and that she’s safe. She fell asleep in one of his spare bedrooms.” 
“Typical Izzy,” Jace scoffed, “I’m surprised you didn’t stay.” He said to Alec, who explained they had gotten into an argument. 
Jace placed a plate in front of you, he had made pancakes for everyone. Everyone including,
“Hi guys!” 
Jace sent her a smile, passing her a plate too. You watched her with evil eyes as she tried to involve herself in the conversation- but failed terribly. It was very clear Alec didn’t like her much, either. 
“Jace,” you began after finishing your pancakes, standing up, “I think we need to have that talk, don’t we?” 
Jace’s eyes lit up and Clary sent him a glance of confusion. He didn’t say anything, instead he led you to his room. Shutting the door behind him as you sat on his bed. 
“I don’t like her much.” You say with a sigh, looking down at the bag of her things at the bottom of Jace’s bed. 
“I got that impression,” Jace smirked, “why’s that?” 
“I dunno. I feel like ever since she got here we’ve… drifted.” 
“Drifted? Us?” Jace waved his hand as if to dismiss what you had said, “nobody will come between us, okay? She’s just having a tough time right now, she needs somewhere to stay and-”
“So you let her stay in your room? Jace, there’s hundreds of bedrooms here,” that was a bit of an exaggeration, “surely she’d rather have her own space.” 
“Is someone jealous?” He raised an eyebrow, smirk plastered on his face, “it’s okay, we can create a router, you can stay on Mondays and-”
“Jace!” You interrupted, “you just don’t get it, do you?” 
He crouched down in front of you so he was at your level. 
“I thought, because this is how you treated me that maybe I was… I don’t know, special? God that sounds stupid.” You shake your head, resting it in your hands before Jace takes your wrists, forcing you to look at him. 
“You are special to me, y/n. Like I said, Clary is only here temporarily, okay? If you’re upset that I’m not spending as much time with you-”
“It’s not that, Jace!” You huff, “the way you treat her, it’s just like how you treated me. You then tell me you love me- for years! And as soon as I realise I’ve maybe possibly felt the same way all this time, you’ve already moved on. I feel terrible, Jace. I feel like I’ve-” 
He shut you up, placing a hand on the side of your face and pulling you into a kiss. His lips were soft against yours, and felt much nicer than the back of your hand. Your right hand came to the back of his head, pulling him closer. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for that.” Jace said as he pulled away for air. “Do you remember what you told me last night?” 
“Oh, I know what I said. And yes, Jace, I meant it.” You say before pulling him back in, his lips on yours felt like heaven. 
His hand came down to your waist, helping you move further up the bed as he leaned over you, setting his body between your legs without your lips parting for the slightest moment. 
“Can I?” His hand was on your bare stomach underneath your jumper, wishing to move higher, but he needed your permission. 
“Please.” You panted, your back arching involuntarily against his touch. 
His hand snaked up and rested on your breasts, squeezing them through the fabric of your bra as his kisses moved down towards your neck. You were glad you still wore your strapless bra from last night as Jace reached behind you and took it off with ease, throwing it to the floor before tugging on one of your nipples, causing a gasp to leave your lips.
“Jace…” You moaned, your fingers tangling into your hair. 
“Hmm.” He hummed against your skin. 
“I need… I want more. Please.” 
He began to nibble on the delicate skin on your neck, sure to leave some marks, as his hand slid down, his fingers resting under the waistband of your jeans. 
“You sure?” He asked, pulling back so he could scan your face for any signs of hesitation. 
“Yes… I’ve never been more sure.” 
He smiled gently, retracting his hand so he could unbutton and unzip your jeans, pulling them down to where your knees were hanging off the mattress. 
His hand cupped your clothed heat as you gasped against his mouth. Two of his fingers began rubbing over your clothed clit, causing you to grip onto his shoulders. He slipped his fingers under your panties and groaned at the feeling of your arousal. 
You let out a small moan followed by his name as he prodded a finger into your hole, his thumb playing with your clit when suddenly, 
“Jace! Can I come in!” Clary knocked on the door. 
Your eyes widened as Jace slipped his finger inside you and curled upwards, the pace of his thumb increasing as he kissed your neck. Not caring that Clary was at the door and that it was unlocked. 
“Not right now, Clary. Why?” Bastard, you thought as Jace replied, wishing he would have just sent her away. 
You felt a pressure building in your lower belly as Jace slipped a second finger into your pulsing cunt. You let out another small moan, your grip on his shoulders tightening as his hand clasped over your mouth. 
“Oh I just wanted to get my pencils… Is someone in there with you?” She asked innocently. 
The pressure continued to build and soon you came undone on Jace’s fingers. He worked you though your high, until your hand came down to grab his wrist. As he pulled his slick covered fingers from you, he slipped one into his mouth, moaning at the taste before leaning down to press a kiss against your lips. 
“That’s okay, you can come in now.” Jace grinned at you as he helped you button your jeans back up. You moved and sat beside Jace, your thighs still slightly trembling from your orgasm as Clary opened the door slowly. 
Jace placed his hand on your thigh and sent Clary an innocent smile as she rummaged through her bag. 
“Found your pencils?” He asked, watching as her face screwed up.
“Yes… but this isn’t my bra?”
taglist! @missyviolet123 @lov3rsl4ke @batmvx @papivolturi @munsonsquinn @boweryara @sea040561
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allinestarr · 1 year
Competitive Part 6
Alec Lightwood x Fem reader
You watched in horror as Valentine held the mortal cup triumphantly in the air while your friends dead bodies surrounded you. A sharp pain from behind had you fall to your knees and when you looked up, Maziken was smirking down at you. Your vision blurred and you struggled to stay conscious as he kneeled down and whispered into your ear, “ I told you I had plans. To bad you won’t be around to see them through.”. You jolted yourself awake and as you tried to get up, you couldn't move. In a panic you looked around just to see you’re in an unfamiliar room but you weren't alone. The figure of a man sitting across the room alarmed you but the smell of cedar and leather confirmed who it was, Alec.
Alec POV- 4 hours ago
She walked past me and her eyes lingered for a couple seconds and it’s like I’ve seen a ghost. Those eyes… I’ve seen them before. But it can’t be...Y/n?. I have to find out. I noticed Izzy’s reaction and knew she felt the same. As soon as she left and we stepped outside I looked at Izzy with the same question in mind.
“ Did you see it?”
Clary and Jace didn’t understand but Izzy did and nodded.
“ What are you guys talking about?” Jace asked.
“ That woman.. there’s something familiar about her.”
Jace and Clary were still confused.
“ You’re right. She’s hiding something. When she shook my hand I felt a weird spark crawl up my arm. I think we should find her and get some answers cause I can’t help the feeling that she knows something about Y/n. This is the first real lead we’ve had in a long time and I’m not letting it slip. Let’s go before we lose sight of her.”
Everyone agreed and we began tracking her down. We lost track of her for a little bit, but caught up when she was about to cross past an alleyway. Izzy ran up to her first and pushed her into the ally.
“I won’t ask again. Who are you!?.”
Before she could answer the strangest thing happened. Her skin glowed and her appearance shifted from this women we’ve never seen, to Y/n. My heart beat so fast and a feeling of relief passed through me. I never realized how her presence affected me and how I’ve actually…missed her. Truth be told, since she’s been gone nothing has been the same. Everything seems more quieter and dull…No!, I can’t do this right now!. Just as she was about to collapse I ran to her side and held her up against me.
“Y/n?” I whispered.
She was unconscious but still held a strong pulse. Now comes the hard part, what do we do?. I looked over to Izzy as she was wiping away tears from her face. Clearing her throat she said,
“ We need to take her to Magnus. He’s the only one who will know what to do.”
A phone call later we were rushing over to Magnus’s place. He said the only way to purge the elixirs from your system is to give a concentrated dose of an antidote he would prepare. The worst part was it would be painful, perhaps even worse then when he searched through your memories. The thought of you in pain made me uneasy, but i knew it was a necessary.
When we finally arrived at Magnus’s he directed me to set you down onto the bed while he secured your arms and legs to the frame. When he double checked you were secure he turned toward us and said,
“ No mater how much she screams, do not intervene.”
As he finished his sentence he brought the syringe to your neck and emptied its contents. We watched in anticipation, but nothing happened.
“ Why didn’t it work?.” Izzy asked.
“ I’m not sure. I followed the recipe just as it was written. I’ll have to console with a fellow warlock friend of mine. Stay here but don’t remove the restraints. We still don’t know how she’ll react once she’s awake. I’ll be back in an little bit.”
Magnus portaled off while Jace and Clary headed back to the institute to not raise any suspicion. Ever since the institute has been attacked and Jace and Clary have been going off unsanctioned to look for her mom, the Clave sent over an envoy to oversee everything. There just waiting for a slip up to take control and that can’t happen. If it does, I don’t know if I can protect my family anymore. Izzy was pretty tired so I told her I’ll keep watch till Magnus comes, so she went off into the living room to take a nap. As I stared at Y/n, I couldn’t help but wonder what she's been up to all this time and why she left in the first place. Suddenly her face scrunched in discomfort and I heard a strangled whine as she jolted up in a panic and looked around until her eyes landed on me.
“ Alec..?.”
You stared at each other for a few seconds as he hesitantly got up and walked up to you keeping a few feet of distance. He looked the same as when you last saw him but there was something different about him.
“ Um… why am I tied down?..”
“ We had to make sure you weren’t going to hurt any of us. Last time we saw you, you did promise to kill us if we got in your way.”
“ Oh… right. Well... you don’t have to worry, Im not going to hurt any of you. Would you please take these off me?.”
“ How do I know your telling the truth?. We know what those elixirs did to you but we don’t know if it’s permanent. Magnus injected you with the antidote but there was no reaction.”
“ First of all, I don’t appreciate being injected with whatever snake juice Magnus concocted while I was unconscious and secondly, I stopped taking those elixirs months ago. So, again, please take these off of me.”
Alec hesitated but agreed and removed the restraints. When he was done I decided to lay a little longer and try to reel myself back in after the nightmare I just had. Alec broke the silence and said,
“ Why?. Why would you leave and not say anything?. Do you know what you put me… I mean us through?. We looked everywhere and this whole time you cloaked yourself."
“ I did what I had to do. I was in deep on Valentines trail. I had to leave, they were catching on to me. I couldn’t let you all be used as collateral against me. I wouldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to any of you. My friend cloaked me so none of you could find me but she still knew where I was in case anything happened. I caught wind of Valentine causing havoc in the institute so I came back.”
Alec tilted your chin up to look at him and held onto your face and your heart skipped a beat as you were frozen in place.
“ You should have told us. This wasn’t your burden to bare alone. We’re a team. I can’t say I accept what you did, but there’s more pressing matters at hand right now. Just…. promise you won’t do it again.”
Unable to speak, you nodded your head. He was still holding onto your face but when Izzy cleared her throat he quickly let go. He excused himself and Izzy took his place next to you. Instead of saying anything she just hugged you.
“ I can’t believe it’s really you. I’ve missed you so much. I’ve felt so lost without you. Please don’t ever leave again!.”
“ I won’t I promise. So I assume you heard everything Alec and I said?.”
“ Yea. I also didn’t miss how you were practically frozen while he held your face. Is there something I should know?” Izzy teased.
I smacked her arm playfully and we laughed. God I missed these moments so much. Magnus walked into the room covered in mud holding up a vial but upon seeing you up looking perfectly fine he shook his head in disbelief.
“ Well I guess I tracked through mountains and ruined my favorite pair of ferragamos for nothing. I’ll be sending you my dry cleaning bill.”
You and Izzy laughed as he walked away saying he was going to take a bath. Eventually Izzy and you left the room to go back to the institute with Alec. Jace and Clary greeted you and while you filled them in, you noticed Alec had walked off at some point. Before you could ask them where he went, he was walking toward you. The closer he got you realized he wasn’t alone. A woman walked up to you and held out her hand as she introduced herself.
“ Hi, I’m Lydia Branwell. The Clave sent me to oversee the institute. I’ve heard a lot about you. We have much to talk about but it’s late, It’s best you rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”
She was charming, that you couldn't deny. But the atmosphere changed once she and Alec walked away so you knew something was up.
" Um, what's going on?."
" Well... she's not just the envoy... She and Alec are engaged."
A sudden tightness washed over your chest and a wave of panic followed. Why were you feeling this way if you and Alec are just friends?. Its not like you ever thought of Alec in that way, but his sudden change toward you had you questioning if there was something there. Either way, you couldn't change the past, only accept the present.
" Well, I hope the best for them. I have to call my friend and let her know I'm back at the institute. Ill see you all in the morning."
You hugged everyone and bid them goodnight. After calling Sookie to catch her up you decided a bath was well needed. When the tub was finally full and warm to your liking, you got in and laid down instantly relaxing. You managed to doze off at some point but was awakened by footsteps in your room. Immediately you were on high alert. You wrapped yourself in a towel and grabbed your knife that was on the sink. Quietly you cracked the door to the bathroom and peeked out. There was someone siting at the edge of your bed.
"Its me."
You instantly knew who it was.
" Alec?. What are you doing here?."
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Taglist: @babygirl2022​ @zealouspursecowboydeputy​ @melaniepeep​ @destielshipper88​ @abbiesxox​ @mrs-billyrussooo​
Competitive Masterlist
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soulofapatrick · 6 months
Broken Showers Aren't All Bad - Alec Lightwood x female reader
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Summary: You use Alec's shower as yours is broken
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: none
As I stumble back to the institute, my muscles aching and my clothes stained with sweat and demon ichor, I can’t help but feel a sense of exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders. The fight against the shax demons had been relentless, each blow and dodge taking its toll on my body and spirit. 
Dragging myself to my room, I’m grateful for the ensuite bathroom, the promise of a hot shower offering a small sliver of comfort amidst the chaos and danger that constantly surrounds us. But as I step into the shower and turn on the water, my relief quickly turns to frustration as the pipes splutter and the flow of water comes to an abrupt halt, leaving me standing there in disbelief.
With a groan of frustration, I pound my fist against the tiled wall, feeling a surge of pent-up anger and exhaustion bubbling to the surface. It's the last straw in a long line of setbacks and challenges, and I can't help but feel like I'm at the end of my rope. They said they had fixed my shower earlier today but it’s still fucked.
Desperate for a solution, I run through a mental checklist of every member of our group, trying to determine who might be willing to let me use their shower. Clary and Jace are out of the question—they're probably lost in each other's embrace, lost in their own world of love and passion. And Izzy, well, she doesn't know the meaning of privacy, likely to barge in without warning at any given moment.
That leaves Alec—the one person in our group who values his privacy above all else. It's a long shot, but I'm left with no other choice, especially as he’s out on a mission currently. 
As I tiptoe through the dimly lit corridors of the Institute, my heart races with anticipation and a tinge of nervousness. I know I shouldn't be doing this, sneaking into Alec's room while he's away on a mission, but my own shower has been malfunctioning for days, and I can't stand the thought of going another day feeling unkempt.
The door to Alec's room creaks softly as I push it open, praying that no one hears. Stepping inside, I quickly make my way to the bathroom, feeling a rush of relief wash over me as I shut the door behind me. The warm steam soon envelops me as I strip off my clothes and throw my towel aside, longing for the hot water. 
As I step into Alec's shower, the warmth envelops me like a comforting embrace, easing the tension that had been coiled tightly in my muscles. The steam fills the small space, wrapping around me like a gentle cloud, washing away the lingering remnants of fear and adrenaline from the encounter with the shax demons.
I close my eyes, letting the water cascade over me, each droplet a soothing caress against my skin. The scent of Alec's shampoo and soap fills the air, a familiar and comforting aroma that helps to ground me in the present moment.
With each passing second, the tension begins to melt away, replaced by a sense of relaxation and relief. The hot water works its magic, easing the ache in my limbs and soothing the bruises that litter my body from the fight. 
I tilt my head back, letting the water cascade over my face, feeling the weight of the day's events slowly lift from my shoulders. In this moment, there is nothing but the sensation of warmth and cleanliness, a temporary reprieve from the chaos and danger that constantly surrounds us. 
As I stand under the warm cascade of water in Alec's shower, a sense of tranquility washes over me, momentarily banishing the worries and fears that had plagued me earlier. But as the sound of footsteps approaches the door, my heart lurches in my chest, and panic sets in like a suffocating wave.
Alec’s footsteps are unmistakable—steady and purposeful, devoid of the usual warmth or joviality. My mind races with the worst-case scenarios, imagining his stern expression and sharp reprimands as he discovered me here, intruding upon his private space and using his stuff. 
With trembling hands, I reach for the shower curtain, hastily pulling it closed around me as if it could shield me from the impending confrontation. My breath comes in shallow gasps, the steamy air feeling suddenly stifling as I await Alec's inevitable discovery.
The moment the bathroom door creaks open, my heart feels as though it’s lodged in my throat, and I shrink back against the tiled wall, desperately trying to make myself as small as possible on instinct. Through the opaque curtain, I can vaguely make out Alec’s silhouette, his presence looming like an impending storm. 
“Who’s there?” His voice pierces through the heavy silence, sharp and authoritative, sending a shiver down my spine. 
I swallow hard, my throat feeling dry and constricted. "It's me," I manage to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper, my words muffled by the fabric of the curtain. 
Alec’s footsteps draw nearer, and I can feel the weight of his gaze boring into me, even through the barrier of the shower curtain. Every nerve in my body is on high alert, bracing for the inevitable backlash of his discovery. 
“What are you doing here?" His voice carries a note of incredulity, mixed with a hint of confusion.
I bite my lip, my mind scrambling for an explanation, any excuse that could possibly justify my presence here. "My shower... it's broken," I stammer out, my words coming out in a rushed tumble, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.
There’s a moment of tense silence, broken only by the sound of water cascading from the showerhead. I brace myself for Alec's anger, fully expecting a sharp rebuke for my audacity. 
But, to my surprise, when Alec finally speaks, his voice carries a note of understanding, his tone softer than I had anticipated. "Well, I suppose you can finish up here," he says, his words tinged with a hint of amusement.
Relief floods through me like a tidal wave, and I let out a shaky breath, feeling the tension in my muscles slowly begin to ebb away. 
As I finish my shower, hastily drying off with a fluffy towel, a sinking feeling settles in the pit of my stomach as I realise my oversight—I forgot to bring clean clothes with me. With a frustrated sigh, I wrap the towel tightly around my body, hoping it provides at least some semblance of modesty as I prepare to face the inevitable embarrassment of leaving Alec's bathroom in just my towel.
Steeling myself for the inevitable, I take a deep breath and push open the bathroom door, my cheeks burning with embarrassment as I step into the room beyond. My eyes dart nervously around the familiar surroundings, searching for any sign of Alec's presence.
And then,  I see him—standing by the window, his back turned to me, his gaze focused intently on something outside. Relief floods through me at the sight, grateful for the temporary reprieve from the awkwardness of the situation.
But as if sensing my presence, Alec turns, his eyes widening in surprise as they travel the length of my body, lingering for a moment longer than is strictly necessary. A flush of crimson creeps into his cheeks, and he quickly averts his gaze, clearing his throat in a feeble attempt to disguise his embarrassment. "Uh, sorry," he mumbles, his voice slightly hoarse, his eyes fixed resolutely on the floor. "I didn't realise you were... uh... here.”
I swallow hard, feeling the heat rise to my own cheeks as I struggle to find the right words to break the awkward silence that hangs between us. "I, uh... forgot to bring clean clothes," I mumble sheepishly, feeling like a fool for my forgetfulness.
Alec nods awkwardly, his cheeks still tinged with a faint blush. "Right," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "Well, um... I can, uh, go get you something to wear... if you want.”
Instead of leaving the room to head to mine he moves to his chest of drawers, searching for something for me to wear. I feel a mix of gratitude and nervous anticipation, never expecting Alec to share his clothes with me let alone his shower. When he returns with a black t-shirt in hand, I accept it with a grateful smile, clutching it tightly against my chest as I wait for him to realise that he needs to turn away.
For a moment, Alec seems to falter, his gaze lingering on me expectantly until the realisation dawns on him. With a slight cough, he quickly averts his eyes, turning away to give me the privacy I need to pull the shirt over my head. As I slide the shirt on, I'm struck by how it drapes loosely over my frame, reaching down to mid-thigh and resembling more of a short dress than a typical t-shirt. The fabric is soft against my skin, imbued with Alec's scent, a comforting reminder of his presence.
When Alec finally turns back around, his eyes widen in surprise at the sight of me in his shirt, his gaze lingering on the way it hugs my curves and falls to the length of my thighs. A faint blush creeps into his cheeks once again, but this time, there's a hint of something else in his expression—a mixture of admiration and something deeper, more intimate.
"You, uh, look good in that," he stammers out, his voice slightly hoarse, his eyes flickering uncertainly as they meet mine.
I can't help but smile at his awkward attempt at a compliment, feeling a warmth spread through me at the genuine sincerity in his words. "Thanks," I reply softly, feeling a flutter of excitement in the pit of my stomach at the realisation that Alec's gaze lingers on me a moment longer than necessary, his eyes filled with a warmth that sends a shiver down my spine.
As I stand there in Alec's room, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air, I can't shake the feeling of reluctance that settles in the pit of my stomach. Despite the lingering warmth of Alec's gaze and the newfound connection between us, I know that I can't stay here forever.
With a soft sigh, I muster up the courage to break the silence, clearing my throat awkwardly as I glance towards the door. "I should probably get back to my room," I say softly, the words feeling heavy on my tongue.
Alec nods in understanding, his expression unreadable as he steps aside to let me pass. "Yeah, of course," he replies, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation.
As I make my way towards the door, a pang of regret washes over me, aching in my chest like a physical weight. Part of me had hoped that Alec would stop me from leaving, that he would reach out and pull me back into his embrace, unwilling to let me go.
But as I glance back over my shoulder, Alec's expression remains stoic and unreadable, his gaze fixed resolutely on the floor. With a heavy heart, I push open the door and step out into the hallway, the sound of it closing behind me echoing in the silence.
As I return to my room, the echoes of Alec's presence still lingering in my mind, I quickly slip on a pair of panties before reaching for the black t-shirt he lent me. With a momentary pang of guilt, I peel off the shirt, feeling a sense of loss as I momentarily remove the comforting fabric from my skin.
But the need for cleanliness overrides my reluctance, and I hastily pull on a clean bra before slipping Alec's shirt back over my head, the familiar fabric enveloping me once again in its warmth. Bringing the collar to my nose, I inhale deeply, breathing in the scent of Alec that lingers there, a mixture of soap and sweat and something uniquely him.
Lost in the comforting embrace of Alec's shirt, I'm startled by a sudden knock at my door, the sound jolting me back to reality. Swinging the door open, expecting to see Izzy, my breath catches in my throat as it’s Alec standing there instead. His expression is wrought with anxiety and before I can even utter a word of inquiry, he closes the gap between us in two swift strides, his hands reaching out to cup my face in a surprisingly gentle yet urgent grip. 
The world seems to tilt on its axis as Alec's lips crash against mine, stealing the breath from my lungs and sending my heart into a frenzied rhythm. His kiss is passionate and breathless, a whirlwind of emotions and desires unleashed in a single moment of raw vulnerability. 
I'm momentarily stunned, my mind struggling to catch up with the sudden turn of events. But as Alec's lips move fervently against mine, a surge of warmth floods through me, melting away any doubts or reservations I may have had.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him closer, losing myself in the intoxicating sensation of his touch. His hands are rough and calloused against my skin, a stark contrast to the softness of his lips as they trail a fiery path along my jawline and down my neck.
In that moment, there is nothing else but Alec and me, lost in the dizzying whirlwind of passion and longing. The world outside fades away, replaced by the electric intensity of our connection as we become entangled in each other's embrace.
And as Alec finally pulls away, his chest heaving with exertion, I'm left breathless and exhilarated, a million thoughts and emotions swirling through my mind. “Do it again,” I s all I can breathe, Alec’s response immediate and impassioned. With a hunger that matches my own, he presses me against the nearest wall, his lips claiming mine with a fervour that leaves me dizzy with desire. In that moment, it feels as though we're the only two people in the world, lost in the intensity of our connection.
His hand finds its way to my bare thigh beneath his shirt, hitching my leg around his waist, pulling me impossibly closer as if he can't bear to be apart from me even for a moment longer. The sensation of his touch sends a shiver of pleasure coursing through me, igniting a fire that threatens to consume us both. Every caress, every kiss feels like an affirmation of the bond between us, a silent promise of things to come.
But our stolen moment of passion is abruptly interrupted by the unmistakable sound of someone clearing their throat. Reluctantly, we break apart, our breaths coming in ragged gasps as we turn to find Izzy standing in the doorway of my room, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of her lips.
"Welllllll" she says, her voice laced with amusement. “Sorry to interrupt this but I need to steal Y/N,” she adds with a wink, "you two can continue this later. Preferably with the bedroom door closed this time.”
I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment at being caught in such a compromising position, burying my face in Alec’s shirt who's gaze remains unwavering as he meets Izzy's teasing grin with a smirk of his own.
“Later Izzy," he replies smoothly, his tone laced with amusement. “10 more minutes.”
With that Izzy snorts and closes the door on her way out, a fond smile on her face and Alec pulling me into his arms, a hug that has me nuzzling into the crook of his neck not sure what this is between us. 
“I never thought I’d be happy about a broken shower.” 
“Me neither.”
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The Shadowhunters Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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statticscribbles · 1 year
Summary: Alec lightwood/ftm reader; Alec gets injured and reader helps him out
TW: Smut at the end
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You'd been sparring when Alec and Jace had come in, you can tell by the way they’re walking, rushing past everyone something is wrong. You don’t like the idea that something is wrong but you’re in the middle of fighting Clary so you can’t really move away from her.
You manage to finish the sparring quickly enough, Clary is also nervous about Jace so you’re at least not being a bother to everyone else. It had taken weeks for them to accept that you were a hunter like them. You knew they had issues with how Clary had found you; a similar story to her and Jace, although you had the added complication of identifying as male; even if everyone had only seen you as a girl before; your family never bothered changing anything when you’d run away.
Alec had been the one to help you start to transition; and the two of you had grown much closer after that. It was easy to open up to him; something that terrified you as you’d never thought about having someone like that in your life. It was probably the reason you’d fallen so hard for him. If the rest of the Clave were to be believed he’d also fallen just as fast and hard for him.
“Y/N it’s not a big deal!” Alec winces and you scowl.
“It’s a huge fucking deal! Your wrist is sprained!!! That means you can’t train or fight if we need! We’re down one man because of you, and you know we can't afford that.” You snap, you know you’re being harsh but as the team's main strategizer you know you can’t account for a man down without giving everyone else more work.
You grimace as you explain to everyone what’s going on, how training has been modified, how Alecc can still do certain things but making sure everyone knows exactly what he’s not allowed to do. You know if he does something he’s not supposed to do the sprain he has will end up becoming a break and you know everyone doesn’t want that. Everyone knows what it means to have a man down, how dangerous it is.
“You can’t just sprain your wrist and keep fighting!”
“If I didn’t fight then we’d be dead!”
“I had it under control.” Jace scowls.
“You would have been-” Alec cuts himself off biting his lip when you pull his wrist straight suddenly.
“Back to my room; I have a med kit there.” “Not like the infirmary is right there.” Jace teases and Clary laughs.
“Like you want either of us to be sitting in the infirmary, know what they’ll be doing..”
“I was trying to avoid thinking of that.” Jace grumbles.
Alec is sitting on your bed and you grin at him before crossing over to lean to kiss him.
“I thought you were supposed to be healing me?” He laughs as you pull his shirt off and he does the same to you.
“Sex can be healing right?”
“It can be, but I thought you said I need to keep off my wrist.” He wiggles the fingers you’ve bandaged into the splint.
“I did, this is practice to improve your other hands skills. More training.” You wink and he laughs as you straddle his lap.
You moan as he kisses you and can feel his no injured hand pulling you close.
“Be a good boy and help me get undressed; I can’t risk making my hand worse.” He winks and you roll your eyes as you start to unbutton his pants.
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zodiyack · 1 year
Pregnancy (A drabble)
Pairings: Jace Wayland x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, pregnancy
Words: 526
Author's note: Just a little idea. I can make this a full fic / miniseries. Only Y/N and Clary have gone in to see Magnus in private.
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Masterlist | The Mortal Instruments Masterlist
Taglist: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read it,  @simonsbluee,  @thewarriorprincessxo,  @sebastianstanslefteyebrow,  @livlaughquinn,  @bubsonnobx,  @bunnyweasley23
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Magnus hesitates when he passes Y/N. His expression shifts to one of concern and curiosity. "I'm surprised you're here."
Her brows furrow. "I'm a Shadowhunter, of course I'm here."
"Not that." He chuckles. "Given your predicament, I wouldn't expect you to join them on this journey."
"Why's that?" She asks, genuinely curious.
Magnus looks at her with amusement, then hovers his hand over her stomach. "You're with child."
Clary gasps in place of Y/N, who is too in shock to even react.
"No- I'm not... I mean, I've been sick lately, just... I'm not pregnant." She shakes her head, in denial.
"Y/N, I may not like your kind, but I would not deceive you. You. Are. Pregnant. I recommend that you withdraw from any strenuous missions, avoid putting stress on you and your baby, as well as putting yourself in danger if you wish to keep your child." He orders her. The topic is simply dropped when he returns to Clary.
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(After the fight with the vampires)
"You really shouldn't have come, after what Magnus told you?" Clary announces to the group, but directs to Y/N.
Y/N widens her eyes and whips her head in Clary's direction. "Don't."
Jace looks at the two in concern and tilts his head. "What did Magnus tell you?"
Clary opens her mouth to speak. Y/N quickly replies, warning the redhead. "Don't. It's not yours to tell."
Izzy and Alec look at each other with confusion, but wait for Jace to reply. "What did the warlock tell you, Y/N?"
"Do we really have to do this right now?"
Clary rolls her eyes and speaks up, "How long are you gonna hide the fact that you're pregnant? They'll notice eventually! I mean, what about Jace?"
The three's eyes all widen at the reveal. Jace looks upset, but Y/N is livid. Seeing her reaction, Alec's expression darkens and he steps forward.
"Even if that is a concern, it's none of your business, Clary." Her name drips with venom when it comes from his mouth. "You've been ogling Jace since you got here. Your jealousy cannot hide forever either."
"But- Jace, she lied to you!" Clary averts her gaze in shame when he doesn't acknowledge her.
"Alec is right. Though I'm upset Y/N hid it..." Jace looks toward her with a sorry nod, "I still wish it would've been her to tell me, especially since it's between us. I've tried to brush off your advances, but I suppose I must be blunt now. I plan to stay with Y/N and my unborn child. The fact that you've known of our relationship and continued to pursue me has made me question whether I want to train you or not."
It's Izzy's turn to step forward. "We can talk about this later. For now, we need to get back to the institute and put Simon in the infirmary."
"Yeah." It's the only word Y/N lets out before she walks past Clary, bumping her shoulder on the way. Jace follows, also ignoring Clary. The girl can only watch and realize how much she's hurt him.
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The Break Up
Jace x Reader / Raphael x Reader
Summary: Being jealous of Clary and Jace finds it hot, and finds ways to make you jealous so you break up with him and eventually start dating Raphael Santiago
Warnings: Jealousy, break up, angst, no happy ending (yet)
Word Count: 2192
Part 1 of the series: The Vampire and the Hunter
Everyone knew that being Jace Wayland's girlfriend was hard. Y/N knew better than them though, she never got jealous of everyone that flirted with him because she trusted him and knew that he was hers. She truly believed they were it for each other. Until Clary Fairchild entered.
Now, Jace spends all his time with Clary making Alec and Y/N both upset and jealous. "I just don't see why he has to be with her all the time. We haven't had time alone in days! And he hasn't even noticed I sleep in your room!" Y/N cries to Alec who's heart is breaking for her. Y/N  was the only one who knew about Alec's sexuality and his complex feelings for Jace, and she understood, she sympathized with him, she was the only person who saw behind Alec's walls. And now here they were, both  upset, eating ice cream and venting to each other. "I know! He's been more reckless than before and has  done everything for her and only her!" Alec says as he grabs another spoonful of ice cream. "I don't even want to go back to our room" she sighs and lays down on Alec's bed,  he lays next to her, they cuddle. It's completely normal because Y/N was very cuddly with family, especially when she was upset. Alec quickly texted Magnus and asked if they could rein check their date, again. The next morning, Y/N woke up and realized that Jace didn't even notice she wasn't in their room. She walked over to their room to get clothes and shower, there was Jace, sleeping peacefully. She just sighed and walked to the showers.
It's been hours and Y/N was walking next to Izzy. "I know you don't like her but maybe give her a chance?" Izzy tries to play the mediator. Y/N rolls her eyes and they walk past the gym, there she sees Clary flirting with Jace while they train, "hey babe!" Y/N yells over at him, to remind Clary he's taken. "Hi princess" he says and walks over and gives her a kiss on the head, sighing contently, she notices the way Jace is looking between both girls. "I have to finish training with Clary but want to get dinner later?" He asks with a smirk. He's never seen his girlfriend get jealous and as much as he loved how secure they felt in the relationship, it was nice to see her checking out the competition. Not that Clary was actual competition, Y/N was it for Jace, but she never showed signs of jealousy and he liked that she did, maybe she'd get possessive and they'd get kinky, it's been a while, they hadn't had sex since Clary's arrival, Jace hadn't pieced together that it was in fact his fault. Y/N nodded, smiling her usual warm smile instead of the fake one she always had in front of Clary, Jace was starting to realize that they didn't get along because of his girlfriend's jealousy and Clary's need to flirt with Jace. He let her flirt but he didn't flirt back unless Y/N was there, only so he could see her jealous. Training had gone on for longer than he anticipated, Clary was not cut out to be a shadowhunter, that was obvious. He'd had texted his girlfriend while she was out on a mission and told her to be ready for their date at 7pm and he'd pick her up at the common room after his training and shower. It was now 8:45pm and Clary kept telling him she needed more help. Jace with his stupid god complex wanted to end the session with her being much better than when she started, so he didn't check his phone and just kept sparring with her. He hadn't noticed the many texts and calls from his girlfriend, his parabatai, or his sister. At some point, he has Clary pinned down and telling her what needed improvement when all of a sudden Alec walks in, he looks angry at Jace, Jace simply gets up and starts to go over to Alec, assuming they just got back from the mission. Alec puts his hand up, Jace can feel something's wrong through their bond, Alec pulls out his phone and calls someone, "Found him Iz" "Is he with her", Izzy whispers, not wanting to upset Y/N who had after 8pm walked to their room after waiting in the common room for an hour. "Yeah he's with Clary. Just take Y/N to her favorite mundane restaurant, I'll go to their room and grab some of her pajamas so she can sleep tonight with me again and won't have to see him until tomorrow" he hears her comply and they hang up. "What? Our date isn't until 7" Jace asks confused, suddenly Clary is next to him, her arm wrapped around his and she's giggling. "It's almost 9" Alec sighs and walks away. Jace couldn't believe he let Clary distract him and miss his date with his girl. He decides to just walk back to his room and sleep, he'll fix everything tomorrow.
The next day, Jace goes to Y/N's favorite mundane coffee shop, Mila's, and buys her some coffee and a bouquet of flowers. He gets back to the institute and realizes it's still early and Y/N is probably still asleep. He begins to walk over to Alec's room when suddenly Clary's in front of him and taking the cup of coffee. "Thanks for the coffee, just what I needed" she says and takes a sip. Sighing, he realizes he let this go to far, "Clary listen, I don't like you like that. I took you in because you're a shadowhunter but that's it. I have a girlfriend I really love and hope to marry soon. I only let you flirt and flirted back because before you, she was never jealous or possessive. She gets jealous in front of you and I just wanted to mess with her because I liked seeing her jealous. But I'm starting to see it's getting to extreme, you made me miss our date, which now that I'm putting the pieces together, yesterday was actually our 3 year anniversary. So you can keep HER coffee but I'm done giving you attention. I'll tell Alec that you need a new training partner" he finishes and before she can reply he keeps walking. Knocking on Alec's door, Jace gets nervous. Y/N opens the door, Alec had left early in the morning and she was just laying on his bed watching a mundane tv show. She lets Jace in, "Baby I'm sorry! I didn't realize this would get out of hand. I didn't mean to miss our anniversary, let me make it up to you" Jace begins. "You let her flirt with you and you flirted back. Before her, anytime someone flirted, you never flirted back. Do you like her or something" Y/N begins to let her insecurities get the best of her. "No baby! I just had never seen you get jealous and I thought it was cute!" "Wait! You purposely tried to make me jealous? You let her flirt and you flirted back because you wanted to see me get jealous? You purposely inflicted emotional pain onto me? Are you mad at me for something" Y/N begins to get angry. Jace realizes his mistake, Y/N never got jealous because she trusted him, she never got jealous because she knew she owned his heart, and this had just crushed her. Him letting Clary flirt and him flirting back wasn't just a little game, it meant Y/N clearly began to get insecure in her role as his girlfriend. "Baby-" Jace begins and goes to hold her hand but she just pushed his hand away and walked out into the hallway. She walked to their room and began to pull her stuff out of their closet and drawers, "I'll make sure all my stuff is out of here by the afternoon, so you can move your little fling in. How many nights did you bring her to the room? Because I don't know if you noticed but I haven't slept in this room since you brought her," Y/N says and realizes she's breaking up with Jace. Her hands begin to tremble so she stops putting her clothes in bags and sits on the bed, trying to catch some air as she begins to panic. "Baby, I didn't do anything with her I promise, I just figured you wanted to spend more time with Izzy and Alec but every night I slept on our bed alone, I wanted to just go get you and bring you back, you're my love" Jace says and tries to sit next to her on the bed, as soon as he sits she jumps back up and although her hands are still shaking she grabs one of the bags but it slips out of her hand, "Fuck". Jace tries to hold her, "Don't" she barks out, finally looking him in the eyes, "We're over Jace, go fuck your little bitch because I'm done" she immediately walks out of the room and shuts the door on his face. As she begins to walk to Alec's room, she bumps into Callie, one of the older shadowhunters, who doesn't go in the field anymore but focuses on keeping the institute clean and occasionally helps in the kitchen. "Y/N you ok" she asks holding the girl in front of her, who won't stop shaking. "I need Alec" is all she manages to get out between her few gasps of air, Callie immediately grabs Y/N's hand and begins to pull her straight to Alec's office, Underhill is at the door, "he's in a meeting" he begins to explain but once he sees the condition Y/N is in, knocks on the door, "boss it's an emergency" he tries to explain, afraid if they don't get Y/N to one of the few people that can help her through the attacks, she will faint. "I just texted Isabelle and Jace to come and see if they can maybe help" Callie explains as she still holds onto Y/N. Upon hearing her ex's name, she begins to shake even more and can barely stand, Underhill just knocks harder.
The door finally opens. Alec is standing, slightly mad he was interrupted, you could see Magnus sitting on Alec's office chair, buttoning his shirt back up. Once he sees the condition his friend is in, Alec's demeanor changes and he grabs her and hugs her, she hugs back and just lets her body go limp against him. Alec quickly puts his arms under her knees and carries her into his office, "please leave us" he tells Underhill and Callie as he sets Y/N on the couch, Magnus begins to leave but Alec looks at him, pleading him to stay. Thanks to Y/N, Alec had been able to build something with Magnus. She had convinced Maryse to hold on in the marriage that was going to happen between Alec and Lydia and had said it would be best to wait until the whole Valentine's daughter situation was fixed, therefore letting Magnus and Alec explore their relationship, having time to figure out how to tell Maryse once the war is over.
"He was purposely trying to make me jealous," she tells Alec, once she's calmed down. Magnus is sitting by her side, "I'm sorry" he says, genuinely upset as this is one of the few shadowhunters who treats him with respect, Y/N simply shakes her head and keeps crying. Suddenly there's a knock at the door, Alec slightly opens it and notices both Jace and Izzy, he also notices Clary is somewhere in the background trying to not laugh. He goes up to Jace, slamming him against the wall, "ALEC" Izzy yells and tries to separate her brothers, "What the fuck is wrong with you Jace. You really throwing away your relationship for Valentine's daughter" Alec growls at Jace who actually looks afraid of his parabatai. Izzy gasps as she finally notices Y/N exiting the office with Magnus behind her, murder also in his eyes. "Let him go Alec please, he can date whoever he wants now" Y/N states exhausted from all the crying, Izzy then whips around to look at Clary who comes out of the shadows, smiling. Alec lets Jace go and pushes him towards Clary, "you're being benched, I only want you on cleaning weapons duty until I finish rearranging patrol groups so you're not with Y/N/N anymore" he says and begins to walk back into his office with Y/N and Magnus. Izzy just continues to look at Jace who looks absolutely broken and when Clary tries to grab his arm he pulls it back harshly and glares at her before walking away. "You just ensured a smart way to make the entire institute hate you, women may flirt with him but at the end of the day every single person here loves Y/N" Izzy told Clary as she looked shocked, Izzy had never been rude to her before. Izzy then begins to walk away to train and find a way to convince Y/N to go out with her.
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