#and then I brought this up in a discord group
aroaceleovaldez · 17 hours
i'm so happy you brought back up the topic of rick's shitty writing of anyone even remotely non white / "white passing"
with that being said, do you think the shitty script he gave to annabeth in the show has to do with him just being deeply uninterested in adapting his story to include characters of color? bc it seems like once rick encounters a character that cannot be easily erased all ethnic or racial identity of to fit them into an usamerican specifically white ass narrative, he gets lost.
i just keep thinking how the only thing that "changed" about annabeth as presented in the show was her race but her plot relevance and her characterization got downgraded severely. meanwhile percy, whiter than before (wheres the mediterranean god look......................................), got half her functions. like i just look at rick in context and i wonder if he just gives so little fuck about characters of color he cant even write a decent character arc for an adaptation of a very established persona
thoughts? thank u!
I wouldn't be surprised if it's Rick (and the writer's room, since it actually seems Rick isn't all that heavily involved if much at all with the script itself based on some interviews) just has internal biases that he refuses to reflect on. It would be a consistent trend with the uptick in offensive writing in the books themselves (see: the troglodytes in general, all the Jewish kids in CHB being in Hermes cabin, etc etc). Rick seems to want to engage with these topics but refuses to actually assess how he's approaching it and his own biases while also overemphasizing his engagement with the topics. It's a kind of big talk/words vs actions type thing to me.
[this got a wee bit long so throwing it under a cut]
I was having a couple of conversations about this topic recently - one being group reading/discussion of WottG and how, allegedly, the slightly different characterizations in that book are inspired by the actors in the show. Annabeth is repeatedly and frequently described as motherly and maternal in the book, plus some other misc characterizations that make you tilt your head and go "Wait, what about Leah made you want to write Annabeth this way?" and concerns about it leaning into stereotypes. (It's also strange, because in the show Sally is MUCH more aggressive and less maternal, and this is painted like it's supposed to be a girlboss thing cause her being too soft and motherly was too weak or something? But now book Annabeth is now being described as all soft and maternal??? What. What is happening.)
Another conversation that i had with my therapist (cause we talk about pjo a lot lol) and later repeated and discussed more with other folks on discord more specifically regarding the show was a lot of discussion about the casting. Particularly casting choices and how the writing either is refusing to take casting into consideration to respectfully approach how things would be changed to avoid problems or are actively changing the script for characters in a way that is potentially if not downright offensive. Clarisse is the number one example i bring up because a lot of people say that the reason a plus sized actress wasn't cast for her was to avoid the "fat bully" trope. The thing is, there is ALSO a POC bully trope that is just as bad if not worse, so if they were actually taking offensive tropes into consideration one would expect them to avoid that too (especially since Percy was cast as a pasty white boy - which just makes it all look worse)? (Also other plus-sized characters like Dionysus and Gabe were also cast as skinny, same with Tyson. So it just seems like they don't want to cast plus-sized actors either.)
But also they're rewriting stuff that actively puts the casting decisions into worse tropes. Like hey, why is Percy (a white guy) the one who knows the "real" versions of all these myths and is expositioning them to Annabeth (a black girl), who in the books is supposed to know more than him? Why does he know better than her for some reason and have to guide her? Why is Percy teaching Annabeth about pop culture and how to be a kid? Not to mention stuff like the show constantly encouraging the viewer to doubt or distrust characters like Grover and Clarisse and Annabeth as red herrings as to who the traitor is. Plus there's no adjustments to stuff from the books like Annabeth initially being somewhat aggressive/antagonistic towards Percy, or Clarisse's aggression and bullying towards Percy to try and circumvent those being bad tropes in the contexts of the casting.
And there's an ongoing trend of characters who are antagonistic towards Percy in the books being divided into two groups: those who continue to be antagonistic towards Percy in the show, or those who are tweaked to suddenly become kinda silly-goofy and significantly less threatening. Gabe, Dionysus, Ares, and Hades are all examples of characters that should be antagonistic towards Percy but are softened SIGNIFICANTLY and played for laughs in the show. Echidna is played as a twist antagonist because she initially because she approaches the kids as very sweet and helpful. And they're all cast as white! Meanwhile other characters like Clarisse, Luke, Zeus, etc, are still antagonistic towards Percy (plus also like Annabeth initially and again, Grover being painted as a major red herring). Plus some new additions like Hermes, Mr. Lin Manuel Miranda himself, being wholly introduced into the plot when he's not supposed to appear until book 2, and all he does is sabotage the quest. Like, it's weird! That's a weird writing decision!!!! I get wanting to get that sweet sweet LMM cameo money, but, why is Hermes an antagonist here???????? he's not even supposed to be here yet!.
We also have stuff like Poseidon (who, like many of the god/major kid pairings so far seems to have been cast to match each other appearance-wise) saving the day for Percy and being this weirdly good dad, versus the books where we get the iconic "I am sorry you were born" line and Percy and Poseidon's tension is part of their arcs. Notably, Poseidon does this by ceding to Zeus, who is actively about to start a war. While Gabe is rewritten to be a total loser, Sally is MUCH more aggressive and her yelling and screaming at young Percy is supposed to be sympathetic for some reason? If Gabe were acting like Sally does in the show, he would actually be significantly more like his book counterpart! The show is making active decisions to paint these characters the way they do!
Admittedly, part of it may just be they got overzealous with their casting (not inherently a bad thing! diverse casting is good!) and then proceeded to not consider how that casting affects the way the characters are perceived. It also doesn't bode well for certain guesses we can make going further into the show - Thalia is very at odds with Percy initially. She's a very aggressive character. They fight a lot! Also Annabeth's description already implies that they're tweaking Thalia's character to be more "tough love" versus the books where she's significantly more of a bleeding heart when she first meets Annabeth. Like, I'm very happy about Thalia's casting, her actress seems amazing, but also I'm VERY concerned with how they're going to approach her character to make sure it doesn't end up wildly offensive. Athena is similar - we can guess based on casting decisions so far that they're going to try and cast Athena as similar in appearance to Annabeth/Leah. The show has already painted Athena has antagonistic and uncaring towards her daughter. If projected trends continue, these things are not gonna be great.
And the show does seem to rarely want to engage with these topics - like the scene with the cop in the train. You can tell what they wanted to address by having Annabeth be the one to confront him. The thing is they were too cowardly to actually have that conversation! They paint the kids as being unreasonable and getting unnecessarily upset when they aren't directly being accused of destroying a room, therein painting the cop as the one in the right in that situation. The implication seems to be a little bit they were going for "Oh, this is Annabeth's hubris getting them into trouble" but. that's such a bad way to do it! That's like the worst way you could have done it! (This is also a trend in books from HoO onwards, more or less - Rick tries to engage with certain topics, often using characters of specific demographics, and then proceeds to do a really bad job of it.)
There are also some aspects that are just like - in the books, Luke being a middle-class blond-haired blue-eyed pretty white boy is relevant! Because the fact that he has privilege from that particularly in how he's perceived is part of how he came to where he is and why he acts the way he does. Percy not having those same privileges, and having aspects like constantly inherently being labeled as a trouble-maker just based on his atypical (neurodivergent) behavior and coming from a lower socioeconomical background play heavily into his character!!! Percy being both a poor and disabled kid (and implied potentially POC) plays DIRECTLY into why he feels so strongly about standing up for other disenfranchised kids (in SoM, explicitly including other disabled kids and kids of color). It directly relates to his experiences and standing up for kids who are like him because he didn't have that, versus Luke whose perceptions and goals are very self-oriented. Now, in the show, we've essentially swapped Percy and Luke's appearances, and that paints a very different narrative. And that's important to acknowledge!
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lurafita · 3 months
Going Commando
Izzy: "Ugh! This is so frustrating!"
Alec: "What?"
Izzy: "I'm want to know why not wearing underwear is called 'going commando', but the internet has about 8 different origins for it and none of them have a definitive verification."
Clary: "… Maybe it's more comfortable? For soldiers? I mean, it does stem from military usage, right?"
Izzy, turning to the guys: "So? Is it more comfortable, or does it just swing around down there and chafe more?"
Alec, Jace and Simon, red in the face and stuttering: "Y-y-you can't just ask stuff like that!"
Magnus: "Barring any strenuous activity, you don't really notice the swinging. It depends on what you are wearing, mostly. Tracksuits and other softer material pants are fine. Jeans can get a little chafy. And then there are some pants where you just don't want to have any underwear lines showing through. Like silk pants."
Alec: "… You are wearing silk pants right now."
Magnus, smirking: "I am."
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yardsards · 1 year
you know what would have been really cool in taz ethersea?
if using prestige salts to cast magic had physical magic effects on the body, kinda the same way prolonged exposure to ethersea water itself had caused physical effects on some people's bodies
because like, it's basically the magic equivalent of nuclear waste bonded to sea salts. it would be cool if bringing that kind of pollution into your body had more tangible negative effects
you could identify experienced magic users in this world by how not-quite-human they look
and perhaps most effects would be more long-term, but if you use more than you can handle of it in one day, you'd have some pretty nasty acute effects.
and that would be a fun way to tie the mechanics of spell slots into the worldbuilding (at least, in a way i personally find more interesting than just simply tying it to having to acquire sufficient quantities of this resource). and getting more spell slots as you level up could be like your body building up a bit of a tolerance.
(maybe you would even able to push yourself to cast one last spell in an emergency even after you run out of slots; you can try and cast that extra spell but you'll have to deal with some pretty bad acute effects of prestige overdose: have your hp painfully reduced to almost 0 and maybe have to roll some sort of altered wild magic table to see what else it does to you)
and this is not even getting started on the Implications that would have on devo as a character
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its-stupidhours · 7 months
hey smallcrow/general Smantblr nation. what if we made a discord. would you guys be down for that
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
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Welcome to the Bad Books Book Club, a discord server for all things bad books! We discuss modern literary and publishing trends, especially in the YA world and what that means for the future of both YA and Adult literature, the over-saturation of booktok and trope marketing among other things. We are also welcoming of new readers and people trying to get back into reading!
Features include:
Channels dedicated to specific books and authors to discuss their flaws, what went wrong, what they did well, and our thoughts on them. Many people are also (re)reading these books and discussing them here
A good books channel where we discuss books we enjoy! We also have channels dedicated to book of the month if that's something you're subscribed to and a channel for books you aren't sure about yet
Two video channels, one for booktoks, one for booktube videos and discussions about them and their trends
A buddy reading channel where you can find people to read with and create a private thread to discuss your thoughts
A reading challenge for the year of 2023! Since z-lib is no longer an option and not everyone has access to the same books, we decided to vote on some general themes to read about instead and have created a spreadsheet to log everyone's choices for ease of access. The themes for January, February, and March are pinned in the appropriate channel
Several other media channels dedicated to games, webtoons, photos, movies/tv, anime/manga, and more!
Does this sound like a community you'd like to be a part of? Join our discord!
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gayymomgod · 3 months
i can't b the only one experiencing a feeling of otherness when trying to interact w others in an online social space. joining a discord server? playing online games? participating in online social events? interacting w other accounts? it always feels so hard to connect with others on my end oh goodness
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kasugas · 4 months
never underestimate the ways that people think abt you. even in obscure ways
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Okay so idk if my other post is gonna eventually show up or not but I got to play jackbox with a group of friends who have just assimilated me into them without hesitation and its been amazing seeing as I have been feeling like there might be a reason no one is my friend.
I'm pretty sure they're all a bit older than me but that's fine lol cause their humor is just as broken (if not worse) than mine!
And like I said we played Jackbox (the one with survive the internet, monster seeking monster, and the spray painting the drawing game) and these motherfuckers love their dirty jokes! Like I have been in a game of nothing but teenagers and it wasn't this bad!! It was hilarious! Especially since the #1 perp was an ace guy (let's call him... Wild) who makes all kinds of kink jokes (literally how I found out he was ace was the first time we were hanging out he made like 3 vore jokes followed by a couple pet play jokes only to realize how it sounded and in a worried panic turned to me and went "Oh No! I'M Asexual! These are just jokes!") And 1- hes the first Ace I've met who has identified that way since before meeting them. 2- typical me fashion I have some sort of feelings for him that I can't tell if it's a crush or a squish yet.
And as my luck would have it none of them had played monster seeking monster and I had so after I gave a quick explanation they wanted to play and as my delelu brain would have it the first message I get is from Wild and for the first like 3 or 4 rounds (even if he didn't say anything to me in game) he would pick me to date in the game. And I know I'm just looking to far into it but like oof.
He ended up being the vampire and turned me and I nearly fucking said "I'd let you bite me anytime." But thankfully I still have some filter around them cause idk if they know me well enough yet to assume thats a joke. Especially since this time I wore my choker that kinda looks like a prong dog collar so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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samuraiko · 5 months
CR's BEACON and a bit about it
So of course I had to get in on this because I'm all for discounts and early access and NOT giving money to Twitch and YT if I can help it.
And yes, the site is getting SLAMMED at the moment, but I've now managed to get in, and it's working great.
Couple notes:
If you have the same email address for the CR shop and for Beacon, once your Beacon account is created, it auto-applies the discount to the shop. You will see the price crossed out and a discounted price next to the item (limitations do apply, they go over that).
I gather there is some wonkiness going on with the Discord, so I'd suggest waiting a day or so on that one.
Cooldown (the immediate after-show filming) IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. Listening to them conspiracy theorizing and Matt answering a couple things (or in more cases, "You don't know!") is just great to watch.
Yes, there is subtitles/captioning, and it looks like it's done by the same folks they have doing the main eps.
Re-Slayer's Take is *NOT* the main cast -- it is run and played by other people. I gather this is in a similar vein to Midst, but them allowing other groups to "play" in Exandria. It is also all-ages-friendly.
There is an app in the Apple store and Android store -- IT IS CALLED POCKET BEACON. HOW FUNNY IS THAT?!
UPDATE: I've seen a couple of Twitter posts about the app possibly being geolocked -- cannot confirm or deny as I live in the United States and thus cannot check (and am reluctant to dick around with my phone).
UPDATE: Someone brought up in the replies that captioning/subtitling is not yet on everything, and in a couple cases, it's a bit wonky. Again, hopefully to be straightened out sooner than later.
UPDATE: Someone else in the replies wondered about whether coming in on a live broadcast late means you can still start from the beginning or not.. IF SOMEONE CAN CONFIRM OR DENY THIS WITH TONIGHT'S BROADCAST, DROP ME AN ASK AND LEMME KNOW, PLEASE!
I'll add more to this post as I encounter things!
you can join late and start at the beginning, it looks like they upload the whole episode rather than doing a live broadcast.
however, it DOES NOT have subtitles, though the speed and quality can be adjusted.
there is also no break material, just a quick fade in and fade out.
also no ads
In a rare non-Apple access win, can confirm that Pocket Beacon does not appear to be geolocked for Android, at least here in Australia!
Re: captioning, 4-Sided Dive does not appear to be captioned/subtitled (yet).
The Android version does appear to support Chromecast
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ohdeerfully · 6 months
Spoilers ahead for the final episode!
Imagine reader being a healer for others but is cursed to not being able to heal themselves.
Like during the final battle, their skills are heavily relied on while they also fight along side them. Afterwards they rush to find their lover Alastor to heal the wound on his abdomen. Poor thing was so worried about healing him that they forgot about patching up themselves.
hello everybody im alive........... hello hold your applause /j
i got two very similar requests so i combined them into one! hope thats alright with the two anons! hugs and kisses
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alastor x reader (fluff) TW: nothing serious, just some briefly graphic(ish) descriptions of violence/gore, reader referred to as female but doesnt influence plot
join my discord!
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It was supposed to be “no big deal” for him; that’s what he had promised you. You worried, of course, but knew better than to pester and beg for him to change his mind. Plus… of all demons to hold back Adam, Alastor seemed like the most capable. You had to trust him. He promised.
You were in the midst of slaying an Exterminator of your own, cutting it down with a sword lined in angelic steel, but you couldn’t help that your train of thought kept returning to the Radio Demon, who was currently on the roof of the Hotel maintaining a forcefield that prevented more angels from joining the battle.
You allowed your eyes to glimpse up towards said roof even though you knew it’d be impossible to see him from your position on the ground. You had looked just in time, however, to see the shield that surrounded the battleground begin to dissolve, an opening blooming around the figure of Adam. 
A sickly cold feeling of dread churned down your spine and into your stomach, but you forced yourself to stay focused. Alastor would be fine, surely. It’s not like he said it was an invincible shield. You had other things to worry about, anyway, when you realized a wasp-like swarm of Exterminators had made their way in from the dissolving forcefield, their glittering white wings and shining angelic weapons molding together in a blur.
You fought along a small group of demons from Cannibal Town, providing aid and healing when possible. It seemed to go on for hours; stab an angel, tear one away from a companion, heal, stab, save, heal… it somehow began to feel monotonous and repetitive. Your whole body stung, littered with wounds ranging in extremity, but you couldn’t stop. Not if you were going to win this thing.
That monotony was broken when the chaos halted for a brief moment—not even a second. You had seen Charlie looking up in… fear? Shock? So, you looked, and your breath hitched. It took you a moment to process.
Why was Adam flying above, looming, grinning, analyzing… Why, when Alastor was supposed to be keeping him occupied? The immediate answer that came to mind brought back that sickening feeling from earlier, but increased a hundredfold. It seemed that Charlie also had a similar idea.
You couldn’t ignore the feeling this time and, against your better judgment, took off towards the crumbling Hotel, abandoning your position as healer. They could wait, honestly. The pounding in your ears and anxiety in your body clouded the sensation of angelic spears grazing past you, filling your already burdened body with more gashes.
You were halted by a powerful beat of wings, wind pushing you backwards onto your back. You scrambled into a sitting position, leaning on your arms. All of the aching, stinging pain from the night seemed to rush in all at once because of the interruption, and you could barely keep your eyes steady on the man in front of you.
The first man, at that—standing all too high-and-mighty above you, a twisted grin curling up his mask. 
“Hey, bitch,” He said almost casually, grabbing you by the hair and lifting you up to be eye level with him. You stifled a pained cry at the sensation, though your eyes filled with tears, betraying both your fear and pain. You hated yourself for looking so weak in front of Adam, but you were almost too exhausted to mask it.
“The fuck did you do to Alastor?” You talked through a mouthful of blood. You spat some out in his face, to which the grip on your head tightened but he seemed otherwise unbothered. You did see a glint of madness in his eyes, though.
“So you’re that fine babe of his?” Adam mocked, looking up and down tastelessly. You didn’t expect much more from the ‘dickmaster’ but you couldn’t help but feel disgusted. “Satan’s daughter told me all about you when she was trying to tell me you gross fucks could be redeemed.”
He started rambling out a multitude of insults and curses. It seemed fitting, you thought, that the stuck-up first man would be too full of himself to keep his guard up and just start going off on a tangent about how cool and awesome he is versus how gross and weak your kind is.
“I mean, the fuck? You all sucked ass at being alive, so why the shit would we let you up into heaven? And, quite frankly, too fucking ugly to live up th—” He choked on the last few words he had, his eyes widening in shock and pain. He dropped you to the ground.
During his rant you had managed to use your heel to kick up a stray spear from beneath you. His tirade had given you enough time to balance the weapon between your feet, aim, and jam it forward into his stomach. The robe he wore darkened, glistening gold seeping into the fabric and from the hole you punctured into him.
“You–” He spat, hovering his shaking hands around the impaled spear. He gingerly pressed a hand against the wound, lifting his bloody palm to his face to look at the mess. He looked up, down, up again, and took a quivering step towards you. There were a million expressions in his eyes all at once; rage, fear, pain, disgust… 
“You fucking bitch,” He took another step, reached a hand out towards you. “You can’t kill me! Nobody can kill Adam! You’re just a worthless, sick, good-for-nothing sinner that couldn’t—fuck!” He stumbled and fell forward, and you jerked away as his fist nearly closed around the hem of your shirt. As much as you hated the guy and wanted him dead, you still cringed at the sight of him falling onto the spear and impaling it completely through his body.
You heard a distant cry of his name, but you didn’t hesitate to see who it was. You took off into the hotel, albeit slowed by a painful limp, and made your way up the stairs towards the radio tower.
There was an ominous feeling in the air as you ascended the ladder into the nearly demolished tower, slowly opening the hatch into the room. An intense, static-y feeling smothered your senses, hair raising and skin prickling at the sensation. You ignored the uncomfortable feeling and peered around the dark room. 
Claw marks and a trail of blood caught your attention, leading your eyes towards a corner where the demon you wanted to see most sat against. He had been wordlessly watching you with glowing red eyes since you entered.
“Al,” You said almost breathlessly as you rushed forward, ignoring the way your leg shot pain throughout your body in protest. You fell gracelessly to your knees in front of him.
“I don’t want you here,” He said rather plainly, a hiss in his voice as he spoke through his teeth and a grimace of a smile. You ignored the comment, eyes traveling over his body before settling on his palm, which was pressed against his abdomen. There was a still-growing patch of dark blood seeping through his shirt and between his fingers.
You reached your hand out towards him, flinched to a halt for a moment when his claws tightened around the fabric of his shirt, but continued. He made no move otherwise to stop you, but you could feel the tension in the air growing as the static ambience got louder.
“I can take care of myself,” He said, his other hand suddenly snatching your wrist. His grin widened, but his eyes narrowed. You frowned at him.
“Yeah, but it’d be a lot easier for me to just fix you now,” You retorted, trying to jerk your hand away from his grip. He didn’t yield. “If you stop being so damn stubborn.”
“I’ve dealt with much worse, my dear,” He continued to convince you to leave him alone, his voice smooth with that manipulatively suave voice he put on sometimes. Unluckily for him, though, you were just as stubborn as him.
“But I’m here this time to help you,” You finally managed to free your wrist from him, your sharp expression unwavering from his own, which seemed equally aggravated. Maybe he was too weak to actually stop you, or maybe he actually did want your help and just wouldn’t admit it, but he didn’t stop you from lifting his bloodied hand from his wound.
You pursed your lips at the grizzly sight, but said nothing. You ignored the stinging smell of blood that flooded your nose. You hovered your hands over the wound, channeling the energy in your body that granted you the ability to rapidly heal others. A faint light flowed from your palm and into the gash across Alastor’s torso, forming glowing stitches that weaved throughout the damaged skin.
Periodically glancing up at his face as you worked, you watched for any sign that told you to stop, but it never came. He stayed silent the whole time, which was… rare, from him. You would never admit this out loud, but Alastor seemed almost… pitiful, in this silent, weakened state. The Radio Demon himself, reduced to a bloodied, passive husk of himself.
After healing so many demons during the battle outside, you had spent so much energy. You were already so weak and exhausted, but you pushed yourself to force just a bit more—
“There,” With a weak sigh, you sat back, admiring your own handiwork. Even though it was magic, it did take some mental ability to know how to use your power. “Was that so hard?” You chided him jokingly.
He gingerly drug a clawed finger down the stitches, analyzing it for himself. 
“I have to admit,” He began, looking up at you. “It would have been nice to have you in my early years as— dear?”
You barely heard what he was saying as all of your senses seemed to get foggy all at once. Your vision blurred and speckled, you ears felt muffled, and you swayed with lightheadedness. You pressed a hand to your face, trying to steady your breath.
“I’m good,” Your voice came out in a quiver. “I think I just—”
You don’t necessarily even remember fainting, but reason that you must have as you stared at the ceiling above you. You woke up ten minutes ago, and spent the time piecing together everything that happened. How much time has passed since then? A couple hours? Days? It was hard to say. Though, you thought as you looked around. The hotel looks… damn good all things considered. 
The door creaked open and your ears perked at the sound of a familiar voice humming some tune that you couldn’t recognize. Considering the atmosphere wasn’t tense, you actually welcomed the prickling, static-like sensation that Alastor’s presence brought. 
“Ah, the sleeping beauty awakes!” He announced pleasantly, setting a plate rattling with two neat little glasses of warm liquid on the bedside table. You eyed them and quirked your eyebrow.
“Seems you were ready for it,” You said, commenting on the fact that he brought two cups.
“Well, what kind of man would I be if I wasn’t au fait to my darling’s status?” He explained, clasping his hands behind his back and leaning over you. He would never admit that he brought up two cups every time he checked on you just in case. 
His overall demeanor seemed appropriately confident and indifferent, but his eyes held an uncharacteristic look of tenderness and worry as he looked over you, analyzing your condition. He sat at the edge of the bed, picking that plate up again and offering you a cup.
You sat up against the headboard and took it with a light smile, warming your hands on the smooth surface. You enjoyed the aroma of the tea, and you realized it was your favorite. How sweet.
The room was silent, save for the quiet sound of a radio that seemed to just… radiate from him… but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Now that you were sitting up, you took the chance to look down and over yourself. Bandages were wrapped tightly over your arms, chest, stomach, legs… basically everywhere. You were suddenly all too aware of the dull ache that afflicted your entire body.
When you looked up, you noticed Alastor had been looking at you rather intensely. His expression was weird and unreadable. You tightened your lips awkwardly at the strangely passionate look in his eyes, looking into random directions to try to ignore it. You tried to concentrate on taking another sip from the cup in your hand, bu, to your dismay, it was already empty. You sat it down on the plate.
“How’s my stitchwork holding up?” In an attempt to dissipate your own awkwardness, you reached towards his abdomen. He caught your hand gently, directing it away from himself. But he didn’t let go.
“No doctor in all of Hell could have done better,” He complimented. He still had a hint of that weird expression. “If only you could fix yourself up the same. Fortunately I have some experience from my time alive…” He trailed off.
You couldn’t contain yourself anymore, jumping forward and tightening your arms around his neck. The static in the air sharpened for a brief second, matching the tenseness in his body, but slowly returned to a normal frequency. After a few more seconds, you felt him slide his own arms around your waist, pressing you against himself.
“You scared the fuckin’ shit out of me,” You said, voice muffled by his coat. “I thought Adam killed you. I thought I was going to find your body buried under the rubble.”
“So you avenged me by killing Adam yourself? I appreciate it,” He remarked lightly, a slight chuckle rumbling from his chest. His voice was low, breath tickling your ear as he held you with a feather-light but somehow still firm grip. 
Alastor was quiet for another moment, and you realized the static in the air had completely dissipated. You also realized the pressure of his arms wrapped around you was getting increasingly tighter.
“You worried me as well,” He said finally. “You were out like a hibernating bear for days. You worried everyone.” You pulled your head out from the crook of his neck and met his gaze.
“Can’t a gal get her beauty rest?” You joked softly, bumping your shoulder against him playfully. He swayed for a moment at the contact, but the eye contact never broke. Wait, was he getting closer? 
Instinctually your eyes closed, and the briefest kiss was placed on your lips, then your nose, then your forehead. Before you could open your eyes, Alastor placed his hand on your head and pressed you back against his chest. He then began rubbing his hand gently on your back in a soothing motion.
Despite being in bed for apparently days, you still felt tired. You sank into him as his claws drug gentle shapes against your skin, careful to avoid bandaged spots. He hummed a quiet tune, and you noticed his microphone of a cane, which was laying against the bedside table, emitted an accompanying song.
“Maybe redemption isn’t all that,” You commented with a sigh, lazily picking at the hem of Alastor’s collar.
“Hmm?” He prompted you to continue.
“Is Hell really so bad if you’re with your favorite soul?” It felt corny to say, but you couldn't really find a better way to phrase it. Plus, you couldn't take this rare moment of tenderness for granted.
His hand paused for a moment, and he gently squeezed your arm in response. You felt him press another light kiss to the top of your head.
“I know, now,” He finally replied. “Just the feeling.”
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spiderlandry · 1 year
Love Language — ethan landry
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Description: You regularly hugged all of your friends besides Ethan. He wonders why.
Pairing: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
Warnings: reader is shorter than ethan, some teasing, confessions, no ghostface, mention of a dead childhood pet once, lmk if theres anything i should add !!
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s note: is this very specific to me? yes.
When Ethan first met you, he thought you and Chad were dating.
The first time he met Chad’s friend group and inevitably became a part of it, there was talk amongst them of a link in their friendships currently studying a semester abroad, which he quickly found was you. They talked greatly of you, and Chad said you’d known them since freshman year of highschool besides Sam. The Woodsboro murders only brought you five closer together.
Safe to say Ethan had quite high expectations. There were photos he’d seen, and you were…attractive, to say the least. (If Ethan was honest, he’d say hot.) And by the way everyone talked about you like you were an angel, he wasn’t actually expecting you to be the closest thing to a deity he’d ever seen—but he was proven wrong.
You were introduced when you finally came back for the spring semester, and Quinn teased him afterward for being reduced to a bumbling idiot at the mere sight of you. (It was even worse when you talked to him.)
But after a week or so, your intimidation levels went down significantly. You weren’t just an angel by looks, you were an angel by character. Even if Ethan hadn’t known you for long, the thing that stood out most was your compassion. How you cared so deeply for others that it only inspired those around you, including him.
What made him contemplate your relationship with Chad were the hugs.
Ethan was there when they picked you up at the airport. You hugged your friends from Woodsboro and Anika (since you’d known her over Facetime), then waved an awkward introduction with Ethan as he desperately tried not to stutter out his name.
He thought, okay, that was normal. Hugging your friends you hadn’t seen in a long time.
But as time progressed he noticed that every time he happened to see you, either on campus or when some of them would grab a bite to eat and you were invited, you would always be hugging Chad.
Ethan’s data was only gathered during this short week after you arrived, and he realized he was completely wrong when he began to hang out more with the rest of the group, not just Chad.
You hugged everybody.
He put it together when he spotted you at a popular lunch spot with Tara, embracing her for a good minute or so. He also went to Quinn’s place of residence which happened to also be the Carpenter sisters’, and Sam was holding you in the kitchen while something was cooking.
He started noticing it every single time. There was Mindy and Anika, who you drunkenly hugged at a lame party (in which he’d never admit that he attended just to see you), then Quinn at some point when he ran into both of you on campus.
Throughout the next few weeks, he accepted that it was just your way of showing you loved your friends. And he wasn’t close to you yet, but he was looking forward to the day he would be.
The diner a few blocks from your place became familiar with you and your friends constantly hanging out there, and even if it could get rowdy, the staff couldn’t help but appreciate that you all tipped well despite being college students.
Ethan didn’t put much thought into the hugs a year into knowing you, his thoughts were replaced by how much you spent time with him. You asked him to hang out. You texted him. You even did study calls over discord, and you’d be able to hear Chad teasing him in the background and you always laughed it off.
Soon enough, you consumed every corner of his mind, and every good thing he saw would come back to you. He saw the moon come out every night and was reminded of how much you loved it. Whenever he encountered a stray cat, he thought about stories you told of your childhood cat, a picture of her still in your wallet though she died years ago. At a store, he would remind himself to grab the chips you liked.
You occupied places in his psyche so much that it felt like he was drunk on you. He guessed that’s why he forgot about the hugs pretty quickly.
At least, he forgot about them until you were at the diner with him, Chad, and Tara. They were always the most available, often down to do whatever when you’d text to the groupchat if anyone was free.
Chad was frowning at his phone, brows furrowed.
You were sitting across from him, next to Ethan, when you noticed.
“What’s wrong, C?” You inquired, putting a piece of fry dipped in milkshake in your mouth.
Ethan was focused on his milkshake, and how you occasionally would dip your fries in—without double dipping, of course—it made his heart flutter even if it was the simplest of actions. The domesticity of it. He may as well be your boyfriend, he fantasized.
“This quiz is wrong.” Chad scowled.
Tara, right next to him, peeped at his screen. She laughed. “Why are you taking this?”
Chad shrugged exaggeratedly, almost reminiscent of a moody kid. “I was watching this video essay about love languages last night, so I got curious.”
You smiled, taking in the context. “Did you do a quiz on what your love language is?”
He nodded.
“Can I see?”
He handed you his phone, and it read Physical Touch. Ethan scooted closer next to you to read it and you tried to ignore the faster beat of your heart when you thighs began to touch.
“Y’know what? It’s kinda right,” Tara chimed in.
“Really?” Her boyfriend turned to her.
“You have your hand on my thigh right now.” She chuckled, a soft sound as she leaned in closer to him.
Reading further, it also said Words of Affirmation was a close second.
Ethan finally spoke, “You should listen to your girlfriend, Chad.”
You handed the phone to Tara when she motioned for it. “Words of affirmation also seems right,” she added.
“Seriously?” Chad asked, his tone lifting to showcase disbelief. “Does everybody know this but me?”
Ethan pulled a memory from his brain. “You always hype me up at parties. Remember when you kept calling me a snack at that Halloween party last year?”
His roommate gave it a moment, then responded, “Alright, fine. I guess you’re right.” He looked to Tara with an unsaid question that only she knew how to read. A question that was ‘are they actually right?’
“Well, I can’t exactly say it at the table.” She said it teasingly at Chad, but with a lilting tone that told you it was, to say the least, inappropriate.
Ethan put a hand on his face, “Please have some decorum, guys.”
“Yeah, come on.” You joked. “I’ve had enough of you two lovebirds.“
Chad glanced at you, feigning offence. “Don’t act like you’re not the same!”
“Woah, woah—“ You interrupted. “With whom?“
He pressed his lips into a thin line, eyes going to Ethan, who had a panicked look.
“What? What makes you think that? Why are you looking at me?” Ethan said a tad too quickly which made Tara almost snort.
“Let’s not…” You shook your head slowly, “start this.”
Now, what did you mean by that? Ethan thought.
Chad shrugged. “What about you, roomie? What’s your love language?” He asked, moving away from the subject of you and Ethan which you were eternally grateful for. But the question still plagued Ethan, unbeknownst to you.
“Um…” He thought for a second. “What are the love languages?” He asked when he realized he didn’t actually know the other ones.
“I think yours is acts of service,” You interjected. You were looking him up and down, as if you were scanning him for something. He couldn’t help but almost cower under your wandering eyes, but he stood his ground, a mental battle inside his head of which you were completely unaware.
“Is it?”
“Yeah,” Tara agreed. “Yeah.” She reiterated, more sure of it.
“Listen to your partner in crime, roomie.” Chad smirked.
You tilted your head at the partner in crime part, you’d never heard yourself be referred to with that regarding Ethan. Not that you minded.
Ethan shot him a very stern look, as if they had a silent conversation. (To your obliviousness, it was because Ethan referred to you as his partner in crime to Chad a few days ago, giving his roommate more ammo to use.)
“Why do you guys think it’s acts of service?” Ethan shifted the topic back.
“Well,” you began. “You always bring me chips when you come back from a store.”
“He only does that to you, though.” Tara said.
“Does he?” You turned to him for an answer.
“Well—I do stuff for other people too.”
“Like what?”
“I do the dishes at our house. I mop the floor, I do stats homework for Anika.”
“That’s all true,” Chad agreed. “Okay, so yours is acts of service. Y/N, what about you?”
“Definitely physical touch.” Tara nodded, certain of it.
“Oh, for sure, for sure.” Her boyfriend concurred.
“Wait, what makes you guys so sure?” You smiled regardless of your questioning tone, appreciative of the way your friends paid attention to your actions.
“Do we even have to start?” Tara asked, “The hugs?”
“Yeah, you’ve been doing it since high school.”
“Within two days of knowing me, you hugged me in Ms. Thompson’s class,” She added.
“Okay, you’re right, but—“ You started.
“What else could there be?” Chad interrupted.
It was then that a quiet voice piped up from next to you, so quiet a whisper you could’ve missed it if the diner weren’t empty. “You’ve never hugged me.”
Ethan sounded so dejected, so…defeated?
It broke your heart.
He regretted it even before he said it, and judging from everyone’s faces apparently he needed to rid himself of the habit of saying things out of turn.
Tara’s eyes were a little wide, while Chad puffed air from his mouth.
He refused to look at you.
“Never—nevermind,” He waved it off.
“I was just getting to that,” You furthered. “My love language is different for certain people!” You exclaimed.
“Is it?” Tara questioned, eyes narrowing. (You’d realize later how much of a bait this was.)
“For you guys, I’ve known you for a while so I’m comfortable touching you.”
Chad had the same expression as his girlfriend, “But you do the same to Anika and Quinn.”
It dawned on Ethan that they were pretty much backing you both into a corner. “Guys—“
“But—that’s—that’s different,” you insisted.
A long pause. Nobody could decide if it was awkward.
“…Is it?” Ethan finally spoke, a piece of courage in exchange for dignity. He needed the answer.
You fidgeted in your seat, not knowing how to say it. But you wanted to, badly. The answer was etched into your bones, weaved into your DNA.
“Fine,” you shrugged. “Wanna know the truth? I was going to say, before you interrupted me, that my love language changes when it’s romantic, okay?”
The answer was Ethan.
You didn’t know what was going to happen next. At this point, your heart was in your feet and you’ve scooted away from Ethan.
He was breathing shallowly as if he’d just ran a marathon. “Can you…elaborate?”
You took a deep breath, “Do you seriously not know?”
He shook his head.
Then you did something he never expected.
You reached for his arm and guided him out of the booth, heading for the door and ignoring your friends’ looks when you exited the diner.
Chad and Tara were left to anticipate.
Right outside of the dimly lit diner, on sidewalk, you positioned yourself right in front of him.
You stared right into his brown doe eyes, and hugged him. You put your arms around his torso, under his arms, your head on his upper chest.
It took him a good second to reciprocate, but it was worth it. The warmth that radiated from his touch was one you never forgot, even if you couldn’t feel it again for a thousand years. (But you’d never let that happen.)
You were hugging him because you couldn’t face him while you said what you were about to say.
“I don’t hug you because if I did, it would mean different.” Your voice was muffled by his jacket. “I don’t love you the way I love my friends.”
With your head where it was, you felt his breath hitch. “What—what do you mean?”
You laughed, and Ethan revelled in the rumble of your joy in his chest.
“I mean…I spend my time with you differently because I love you differently. I hug my friends, but I spend time with you, because I…”
He didn’t know if he had the strength to keep himself upright.
“Because I’m in love with you.”
He was silent.
“And—and you don’t have to even…feel the same, but I didn’t want you to wonder if I loved you or not because I couldn’t let me being scared take that from you. Because you deserve to know. I think.”
Your voice was so unstable that it tapered off by the end, as quiet as Ethan was.
His embrace tightened, trying to pull you closer. He leaned down and put his head on your shoulder.
“I can’t believe you’d say that—that I don’t have to feel the same.”
Now he felt your breath hitch.
He continued, “I think I already loved you when we met. Is that weird?”
You laughed. And he memorized that sound.
“It’s not weird. I think it happened to me too.”
The biggest weight on both of your shoulders were lifted, something you thought wasn’t possible.
He breathed you in, memorizing the edges of your body as you kept talking.
“I’m sorry they kept teasing you because of me. Tara knew, so Chad probably knew, too.”
He pulled away slightly, looking at you.
“I thought they were teasing me because Chad knew.” His eyebrows were pinched, and you put two and two together at the same time.
Your eyes snapped to the window of the diner, seeing Chad and Tara’s heads disappear from the view when they ducked down, trying to avoid you from spotting their peeping. But you saw it anyway.
You focused back on Ethan, and while he was still looking at the window, you put a soft hand on his cheek and guided his head to face you again.
“It was a set up,” He sighed.
“It was.” You nodded.
“Should we be mad?”
“Are you?”
“Not when you’re in my arms.”
You grinned. “Since when did you have game?”
“I have you, don’t I?”
You playfully slapped his arm. “Wanna go back to my place?”
“If I ever say no to that, kill me.”
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bunnys-kisses · 8 months
closeness above all else - astarion ancunin
pairing: astarion ancunin x fem!reader rating: 18+ summary: Astarion was obsessed with you. There was something about you that he found so appealing. Maybe it was your leadership or your ability to fight? Maybe it was your ability to maintain the group. You were a lovely woman to be around and Astarion found it so appealing. Maybe that was why when you were speaking to the innkeeper and smiled up at the man, Astarion felt a surge of jealousy. tags: pwp, breeding kink, darker themes, possessive behaviour, alcohol & drunkenness, unprotected sex, smut, pregnancy kink, wife kink, he just loves you so much, 3.4k words a/n: i did minimal research if astarion could even get someone pregnant, but don't think about it too hard, okay?
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Astarion was obsessed with you. There was something about you that he found so appealing. Maybe it was your leadership or your ability to fight? Maybe it was your ability to maintain the group. You were a lovely woman to be around and Astarion found it so appealing. Maybe that was why when you were speaking to the innkeeper and smiled up at the man, Astarion felt a surge of jealousy.
The vampire always wondered if he could sire children, while the logistics weren’t clear he enjoyed the fantasy. The idea of their fearless leader having a piece of him always with her. As if it wouldn't be your shadow, to make sure that you were always safe. And once you got too swollen with a child, then you two could settle down somewhere.
The thought made him aroused, but the rush was cut short when he saw you talking to the innkeeper. It made something else flood the man’ system, a spike in jealousy as he watched. And when you leaned over and nudged the man’s shoulder, the vampire saw red. He knew he’d have to act on his desires soon, he was growing weak without his feast of blood and your sweet body. Maybe it was time to leave his little surprise as well.
He came up beside you and grabbed the key from the innkeeper, “Shouldn’t you be tending to other guests, not bothering our dear leader?”
The innkeeper’s eyebrows knitted together. He looked around and saw no one else except for the pair in front of him. He gave your partner a strange look as Astarion turned away with you with keys in hand. The vampire gave one last look to the innkeeper almost like a threat to not come near you.  His hand was on your lower back, his fingertips were threatening to sneak under the bottom of your shirt.
There was no one who would get in his way. You were HIS. He’d make sure no one bothered you once he got you pregnant. You’d make such a wonderful mother to his child or maybe even children if he was lucky. A little human wife all to himself. The thought excited him. As you both walked to rejoin the group, he leaned over and kissed the top of your head lovingly.
Tonight was going to be an interesting night.
But that first meant having dinner and you had your fill. The alcohol brought red to your cheeks as you went for another glass which made Astarion take you by the wrists and sit you back down beside him. He said quietly, “Now, now. You know alcohol makes your blood taste sour.”
You were a mess of giggles and tried to get out of his gasp. But he just brushed his nose further up against your neck and he smiled to himself. He ended up with a bun to the face from a fellow party member to stop practically having sex with you at the tavern. The action made you laugh harder and cuddle yourself up in his arms.
  “Don’t be meeeeeean.” You said, “He’s trying to be nice. You know how rarely that happens!” You then dissolved into another mess of giggles.
He chuckled and had another sip. His hand was on your back as he held you close, “Next time we have to make sure she doesn’t get into the wine. She’s as red as a strawberry. Isn’t that right, darling?”
You peeked up at him and nodded. You held onto the front of his shirt. You looked so innocent. It made him smile more. He could feel tightness in his pants. He reached over and fed you a small piece of the meal you were all sharing, “I don’t need you to get sick on me now.” You nodded once more.
Astarion smiled, this was going to be easier than expected.
He took you back to the room you were sharing. It only made sense that you two would share, at some points you were practically attached at the hip. Plus if someone else slept in the room with you, Astarion would never shut up about it. Even though he didn’t need sleep the way most species did, he wanted to make sure his darling slept soundly.
You stumbled over yourself in the short walk back to the inn. He helped steady you and encouraged you to keep going with kisses. You giggled at jokes you made up in your head and tried not to lose your breath from laughing so hard.
 “Darling.” He said as he attempted to keep himself composed, “Do you want me to carry you?”
  “Nah!” You giggled, “I can get by on my own two feet.” And as soon as you said that you tripped over a rock on the cobblestone road and fell over. With his quick thinking, he grabbed you to prevent a face plant.
He sighed and picked you up bridal style. He looked in your eyes, “You need to watch where you’re going. I can’t have our fearless leader getting hurt because of a rock.”
You laughed, “Why are you being so nice, Astarion? Did you get swapped with someone else and didn’t tell anyone?”
He smiled and kissed your cheek, “No, no, I’m all me. I’m worried about my love, there was a lot of wine that you had. I worry someone would try to hurt you. There are many cruel men who would take advantage of you.”
You beamed at him, “You just want a taste, huh?”
  “Would you allow me?” He asked softly.
  “I mean, the bruises have healed on my neck. I wouldn’t mind having new ones.” You smiled and kissed him, not the cheek. You felt light headed and dizzy, you were thoroughly drunk. But you believed that your loving partner would take care of you.
  “Good girl.” He whispered and smiled when you burst into giggles again. He felt warm in a way, a rush of anticipated pleasure through his body as he got the door to your room open. He stepped inside and let the light of the town shine through. He lit the lights in the room and got you undressed.
  “It’s embarrassing when you see me naked.” You admitted as you covered your face.
He pulled his hands away from your face and gazed down at you. He smiled and you saw the glint of his fangs. “There’s no need to hide, my love. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I’m drawn to you like a moth to a flame. And I want you to burn me alive.” He leaned forward and grazed his fangs against your neck.
His hands made their way through every button, snap and strap on your body. He left you in nothing but the undergarments you wore. His hands were placed back on your hips as he sank his fangs into your neck. You moaned and gripped onto his shoulders. Your nails dug into the meat of them as he happily drank from his beloved.
The blood was a little sour from all the alcohol but he’d never say no to having his teeth on you. He knew it would leave an ugly mark in the morning. But that way fine, he’d say it added to your charm. He then held your chin so you didn’t move your head while he fed. He groaned against your skin, his cock twitched in his pants.
Eventually he pulled away when he decided to not drain you dry. He licked the wound to ensure that it would stop bleeding. He moved further away and looked over on you, with red painting his mouth and chin. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly. Your legs were practically wrapped around his waist. He was still dressed while you were almost nude.
He wiped his mouth on his wrist and gazed at you with those stunning red eyes. He smiled down at you and rubbed his clothed cock up and against you, “I can feel how aroused you are.”
  “Astarion.” You moaned.
  “I know my darling, I know how you feel about me. I see it every day. You look at me like I raise the sun every morning. Despite all that tough exterior, you need someone to protect you. And I’ve found that I’d be willing to do anything to keep such a precious gift safe.” By any means, he thought.
You laid there in the mess of pillows and blankets. You got your undergarments off to show off your curves to your loving partner. You felt his heated gaze on your body. You rubbed yourself up against him and he chuckled.
  “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. All this time on this earth and yet you are the most beautiful thing I’ve laid my eyes on.” He started to get undressed. He felt your drunk gaze on his body. Usually he’d do it slowly to show off. But he had a mission in mind.
Your figure was missing something. Not a sword or armor, but rather something softer. A nice slope to your belly with the promise of new life. He brushed a hand down your front and gave extra attention to your abdomen. You didn’t notice his intentions as the touch made you giggle. There still was a drunken throb in your head. It also didn’t help that your pulse was racing.
Astarion’s gaze remained on you as he got undressed. Soon he was bare as you were. His hands were on your breasts, his mouth was on your right nipple. His fangs carefully grazed the nub. You almost kicked out your legs from the sensation of it all. You yelped and felt a shiver down your spine.
However, he kept you pinned to the soft bed you shared. He was going to make sure you felt good, he read somewhere that if you made a woman orgasm multiple times she was more likely to get pregnant. And Astarion had to take all the advice he could get. His bare cock brushed up against your sweet pussy which made him shiver. Over a century on this earth and there was no feeling like his cock inside of you.
He massages your breasts further, it was almost a little painful. He moved to the other nipple and you moaned loudly into the night air. Your heart raced as you felt yourself drown in the pleasure of it all. You felt more sensitive with all the alcohol in your system. You seemed louder as well with the more he touched you. He rubbed hi cock up against your pussy, he knew you were getting hotter from the sensation of it all. He groaned against your chest as he continued to play with you.
  “Good girl.”
He thought you were divine. He thought there was no one else quite like you. He moaned into your skin as he nipped at it. He left small bruises around your chest which only made you moan louder. He stimulated you further as he felt you try to fight against him. He knew he was making you feel good.
It wasn’t long before you felt the pleasurable tension become overwhelming. You held onto him tightly as he made you feel good from touching on your breasts. He knew exactly how to drive you crazy. You arched your back as much as you could with him on top of you and climaxed. A sharp moan left your lips and then your hips dropped back down on the bed with a ‘thud’.
Astarion thought he was going to finish as well from the sight of your pleasure. You were going to be such a sweet wife for him, and he couldn’t wait to drag every orgasm out of your sweet body.  He kissed your skin and mumbled, “I can’t wait to get you pregnant, Make you my wife.” But his voice was so quiet that you couldn’t hear him.
You relaxed against the bed and basked in the feeling of his hands all over you. When he touched your sex it felt like lightning through your body. It was an overstimulation but you loved the feeling. Your face felt hot, and your head was swimming.
  “Beautiful girl.” He praised me.
You rubbed your thighs together and he thought you were perfect. But even perfection could be improved on. He brushed you in the middle again, he wondered how the child would take after. He hoped they looked like you, except with their father’s fangs.It wouldn’t be easy to carry a vampire child, but he believed in you. You’d care for the being as well as being a wife for him.
It was a sick part of him, to trick you into becoming his bride. But he couldn’t contain himself. He moved back to being on top of you, he moved your legs to be around his waist. He brushed his cock up against your sweet pussy. You moaned and held onto the pillows under your head.
  “So beautiful.” He said.  “Astarion.”
Even the way you said his name was appealing. It sang to him like a siren song. It only made him want you more. His sick desire to keep you as his until the end of both your days. To be a wife and mother, to leave behind the age of adventure. To become domestic with him. To get away from the madness. It excited him and made his large cock twitch. He groaned as he continued to fondle you as you tighten your legs around his waist.
Soon he had enough of the foreplay and groaned through grit teeth as he pushed his cock into you. You tensed and he groaned louder, he held onto the bed under you and moved all the way inside of you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held him tightly as he started to thrust. You moaned into his skin as he moved against you.
Your body felt numb but in a pleasurable way. You could only lie there and accept all the pleasure that he was giving you. He kissed your soft face, he could feel your racing heartbeat under your skin. His face went back to your neck where he left more bruises on the flesh. He felt heat through his body as the pleasure coursed through his veins. It was arousing, he couldn’t deny what he was feeling.
  “Good girl.”
  “Astarion, please. It feels so good.”
  “That’s what I like to hear. That you’re feeling so good for me. I like making you feel good, my darling. Keep it up, beloved.” He purred as he picked up the pace. His hands laid back on your hips as he got at the right angle that made you tense up with every heavy thrust.
The future with you looked bright. A nice home far away from anyone else, some privacy for the both of you and the growing family. The sight of your pregnant form aroused him, to know that you laid with him. That no other man could do what he did. You’d be his forever. And he promised in return to worship you.
He wanted to fuck you with your swollen belly. Worship it as he thrusted into you. The thought of that possibly happening made his stomach flip. He gripped onto the covers tighter and continued to thrust into his beloved. You made a beautiful ‘o’ with your lips as he hit all your sweet spots. The buzz in his body made his head spin. He groaned into your skin before he pulled away and gazed down at you.
  “Beautiful. So, beautiful. Gods, you are perfect.” He growled as he sank his teeth into your neck again. He lapped at more blood which only made you more light headed. You clung onto him and he happily feasted as he fucked you.
He knew what was best for you, you’d be happier being protected by him. To have a family with him. It was what would make you happy. You needed to TRUST, Astarion. He grunted against your neck as he finished his feast. His cock twitched inside of you. The sounds of sex filled the room and the old bed creaked against the wall.
Your neck and chest were covered in his bites, in his love. And soon your insides would be covered in a different kind of love. He panted wildly as he pulled away and looked down at you. You with the faint lights of the room, he knew your face was flushed from all the commotion.
  “Astarion.” You said.
  “I know. I know. You feel so tight. You are a dream to me, my darling. I’ve waited for this for a long time. To feel your body against mine. You’ve made me an addict to your body, I only want more and more of it as time goes on. You wouldn’t deny me your sweet love, right?”
  “No, no.’ You panted as you felt the pleasure surge in your body once more. You dug your nails into his shoulders as you laid there in a swirl of your own pleasure. You felt the pressure again in your gut and your body started to go stiff. You groaned wildly into the night air then buried your face into his neck. You felt his skin against yours.
He held onto you tightly and pushed as deep as he could inside of you. It was messy, both of you were running hot with blood on his face. You both felt intoxicated for different reasons. He started to kiss you, you felt your blood in your mouth as he passionately made out with you. His fangs grazed your bottom lip, not enough to make them bleed but enough to turn you on.
You looked disheveled with blood smeared on your lips, bites on your neck and a heat that radiated from your body. You held onto him and continued to kiss him. You clenched onto him and moaned into his mouth. The feeling erotic and you couldn’t keep it together for much longer. Your pussy tightened around his cock as he thrusted into you as fast as he could.
He pulled away from the kiss and gazed at you. He felt on the tip of orgasm. With another hard thrust, he shoved his cock as far as it would go and then he finished inside of you. At that moment you finished as well.
You laid limp on the bed as he finished inside of you. He shiver ran through his body, this could be it. He slowed down his pace until it was a full stop and held your face in his hands. You were out of your mind from all the intense factors. He smiled down at you. He kissed you once more.
  “Beautiful.” Then he pulled away and held onto your thighs before he thrusted his cock inside of you until he got erect again. He smiled, there was no harm in doing it again. He had to take extra measures to make sure that it all took. A drop would not spill.
  “Darling. I see he’s gotten bigger since the last time I measured you.” He smiled up at you as he pulled the measuring tape away from your swollen middle.
You placed your hand on your lower back and rubbed it, “I don’t know how he could get any bigger.” You had given up on adventuring months ago, living off your treasure out in the wilderness.
He got up to his feet and rubbed your swollen belly. He smiled down at you. He’d never have to worry about you being unsafe ever again. You’d be safe here in the home you two lived in. And soon you’d have an addition to your little family. You rubbed the mound too and he leaned in for a soft kiss.
  “I was wondering.”
  “Yes, my love.”
  “Could you… Maybe, do what you did the other night to me? On my side.”
He smiled and placed the measuring tape down, “Of course, but let’s get you comfy in bed.” He placed a hand on your lower back. Things were different now, away from all the madness lived a former adventurer and her rouge husband. And soon their many children.
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thequeer07puss · 2 months
Pagans need community!
And I don’t mean the stuff we do on Tumblr or in Discord servers of whatever. I mean real life, face-to-face, communal practices that can be done in public. This is the only way we can get stuff like state recognition and temples to pray in.
Community is how the Abrahamics stay alive, community is what brought Wicca and neopaganism to the light, community is what we need. In the olden days the gods would be worshipped by whole states, cities, villages and households, but today it seems that we mainly have household worship, making ourselves content with the individualistic and private (hence relatively hidden) nature of our respective practices. But this won’t further any hope we may hold of getting back the temples and stuff.
Find other pagans in your area, form group chats, meet up and discuss, do rituals together, found and grow your community together. Pagans are closer than you think, and we are here when you least expect it. You just need to ask the gods to help you find them, or to help them find you, and they will steer you towards the right path. Ask and you shall receive.
Community starts with us. May the gods be with you
[P.S: I’m only speaking about what I’ve observed within Hellenic and Kemetic pagan spaces. I don’t know about other traditions but I think it’s a pretty universal message for those of us who yearn for temples and a blooming pagan community.]
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Physically Unable To Love
Jiyan x Reader
Notes: Reader based off of oc (written with reader inserts), gn reader, they/them used, gnc Rover (uses any pronoun), Chixia being the worst wingwoman, extreme romantic pining, unresolved feelings, possible ooc Chixia (I'm going off of vibes from what I've played)
Yet again this man has invaded my head and so I shall write more. Also title is more dramatic then what's actually written lmao.
"Come on! It can't be that hard to just ask him on a date!" Chixia exclaimed, frustration evident on her features as she stared at the person across from her. "The worst he can say is no, [Y/n]!"
"And that's the problem! I can't handle a no!" They yelled back, keeping their hands gripping their hair. "I'm self aware enough to know that! It's better if I just get over-"
"Oh hey there he is." Rover casually announced, looking over in the direction of where the general was. [Y/n] was quick to slam their head into the table, cursing as the pain flooded their system.
"Now's your chance!"
"Chixia no-"
"Hey General!! Over here!! We have room if you need a table to sit at!" The redhead called out excitedly, gaining the attention of the man. He carefully walks over, studying [Y/n] who refused to put their head up in greeting.
"Sorry if I'm barging in."
"Not at all." Rover quickly replied, nudging his elbow into [Y/n]'s side. They hissed, glaring at them before sighing as they lifted their head to meet Jiyan's eyes.
"You're fine, General."
"You alright? Are you having one of those moments again?" He asked, sitting down across from them. His eyes studied their tense muscles, brows furrowed in concern. "If you want I can-"
"I'm fine!" [Y/n] interrupted, raising their voice a bit. They flinched once they felt eyes of the other patrons on them, gently resting their head on the table again. "You don't need to do that thing again."
"That thing again?" Both Chixia and Rover asked, their eyes moving back and forth between the two. [Y/n]'s cheeks burned at the memory, practically being cuddled by the general when they grew overwhelmed one evening. They didn't want to remember it, for it only made their heartbeat even more rapid around the man.
"Anyway!" They quickly said, moving the conversation along. "It's a rarity to see you in the city Jiyan! Means times are a bit more peaceful huh?"
"Yes, there's not as many Tacet Discords showing up lately. It's good for the soldiers morale too, since many weren't able to see their families during the threat of the Threnodian's rewakening." The conversation then drifted off, with [Y/n] barely interacting with Jiyan. Chixia and Rover both tried to make them join, but it was to no avail. After some time the general said his farewells and left the group.
"What was that?!" Chixia yelled. "You literally only talked to him like once!"
"Well sorry! Once the food got brought in I suddenly grew overwhelmed!"
"What she means," Rover began, placing her hand on the redhead's. "Is that we just want to help with you-"
"Look I just can't!" They screamed, slamming their hands on tbe table. They flinched once everyone around them grew quiet, sitting back down. "It's not that simple guys. I just...I'm not ready to hear a rejection okay?"
"And what makes you so sure it will be a rejection?" The dark haired person asked, raising his eyebrow.
"Because why wouldn't it be? Even if it's not because he doesn't see me in that way, which he totally doesn't by the way, it's because he's too busy with being a general. I know he would just see himself as a burden like I do with myself and think a rejection is better than a potentially dead partner!"
The two look at them in silence, digesting their words.
"You really thought about it that much?" Chixia asked softly, narrowing her eyes in concern. "I mean I'm sure-"
"I know you're trying to help, but please. Just let me...get over it. It's better than experiencing heartbreak. Besides I have my own as to why I can't be in a relationship." [Y/n] smiled sadly. "I have to find some way back home to my world after all."
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WIBTA for dumping a guy because of a throwaway comment to my friend? (TW: NSFW statements)
I'm using BG3 character names for this because I don't want to use letters. The name assignments have nothing to do with personality, it's based off of an inside joke.
Important characters- Me, 18ftm. My S/O, Minthara, 21ftm. My friends (Halsin- 22m, and Astarion- 22neu)
I started dating Minthara a few months back. A month or so before we started dating, and a month after I turned 18, I introduced Minthara to my D&D group (Halsin DMs, and Astarion is one of the players.)
Halsin and Astarion are in a long-term relationship, and because my home life... sucks, to be frank, they're basically my surrogate family.
It's important to note that I am a CSA survivor. They've known me since I was 16, know I'm uncomfortable with sex talk most times, and am an incest survivor. I'm really grateful I have them, and when I introduced Minthara, it seemed like everything was going perfectly. He got along with everyone super well, aside from a few hiccups and bumps.
However, yesterday-as-of-writing this, we were talking about our D&D characters for a campaign Minthara wasn't present for, one we were thinking of adding him to once it got off of hiatus.
Astarion is a big fan of a certain character. Jokingly, I asked if that character and their D&D Character would get along. Minthara jumped in and stated that he thought the comfort character would eat the D&D character's ass.
I cannot state enough that this was out of nowhere, and made Astarion very uncomfortable. They and I tried to play it off and continue the conversation, and Halsin deleted the message in the discord. We checked in in a separate discord server, and Halsin brought up he was a little concerned.
Minthara is very sexual. As in, before we started dating, he sent me NSFW-explicit-noncon art of his D&D character sexual. I know he's recovering from purity culture/deconstructing, so I never minded other than asking him not to try and show his porn art to my D&D group with no warning and to stop talking about his kinks in public when we were out on dates, but when he did it to Astarion I was a little disconcerted.
One thing led to another, and a lot of friends are telling me to leave him. But on the other hand, he genuinely does love me. He's very romantic, and when we spend time together IRL I always come out feeling happy. My mom likes him, and I've met his parents, and I don't want to break his heart or anything. He sends a lot of long voice messages comparing me to nice things and talking about how much he loves me.
I don't want to hurt him, but I also don't want to be with someone who treats my friends like this- this isn't an isolated incident, just the first time it's affected someone other than me.
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tf-bigbang · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Sign-ups for the event open in less than a week! Curious about what a Reverse Bang entails? The Decepticon Disinformation Division has put together an infographic just for you. Feel free to check out our Big Bang infographic from last year as well if you want to learn more.
Full text under the cut:
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Reverse Bangs and You: An Infographic, featuring: Josh Boyfriend, corporate shill’. Brought to you by the mods of the TF Big Bang.
What is a Big Bang?
Big Bangs are fandom events where writers and artists are paried up to create a fic and art collaboration. They’re meant to generate an ‘explosion’ of new fanworks, hence the name. In traditional Bangs, the writer comes up with a fic concept, and the artist illustrates the resulting fic.
So… What’s a Reverse Bang?
In a Reverse Bang, the format is flipped. The artist comes up with a concept for their piece, and the fic writer uses that art as their prompt. This is what we’re doing this year!
Why a Reverse Bang?
1) A different dynamic. This year, artists get the chance to come up with their own prompts, and collaborate with a writer on a short fic. It’s an opportunity to approach your ideas a little differently!
2) Meet the community. Embrace the opportunity to become involved with the wider Transformers creative fandom!
3) Collaborate. Make something fun and exciting together with new friends! This is a chance to broaden your creative horizons.
How Does this Work?
Sign-ups: Artists have until March 24th to join. Writers have until April 7th to join. You must join the discord to participate. Remember- if you sign up, you’re in!
Artists' sketch submission: Artists submit their initial sketch to the Big Bang mods on April 28th. Sketches are shared with writers, who’ll then rank their selections for match-ups.
Pairings!: The mods will use our special algorithm™ to assign each writer one (1) artist from their top choices.
Creation period! Artists and writers will be set loose into their team channels. You’ll have from May 6th - June 30th to finish your fic and artwork. At the end of it all, it’s time to post your work and say “Whoa, I did that!”
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2024 Logistics:
Want to work with someone new?
Meet new friends! Work with a prompt you might not have thought up on your own! Random pairs aren’t exactly random. Writers will rank a set number of artworks they would be interested in using as a prompt for their fic, and the mods will algorithmically assign teams based on this.
Already have a collaborator?
Pre-paired groups come into the event knowing they want to work with each other. When applying to the event, there will be a line where you can request a partner. In order to be accepted as pre-paired, both the artist and writer must request each other. The second section is about the size of the event.
This year we go mini!
Smaller commitment: Lower requirements, lower stress. We’re requiring one (1) full illustration from our artists and 5,000 words from our authors.
Faster timeline: This year, our turnaround from sign-ups to posting is only four months. It’s a smaller commitment!
Bitesized fun: Get a little taste of collaborating with a new friend in the fandom!
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