#chronicle of a town
no-passaran · 1 year
In writing all of this, I fear that the modern reader, who doesn't know it, might scorn it or consider that reading it is useless. But, nevertheless, he who forgets the arts and customs of old forgets life itself, made of the struggle of men and their hard work. The history that books write to be read in schools is nothing compared to the sweat that men poured daily on their tools and work materials to fill the world with rich and beautiful things. Each one according to his possibilities —this one with his carpenter's bench, that one with the anvil or the potter's wheel, the other one with the hammer, the needle, or the distaff— increased mankind's heritage, it was beneficial to himself and it was also more beneficial to the others than the spiteful warrior, who spends without producing anything and lives off the others' effort. For this reason, with just talking about the arts and tools of our ancestors I feel like I return to their times, I enter their lives and I enter their souls like no war history would allow me to do. This is where I want to drag the reader and that [the reader] doesn't get mad at me, because my intentions are good.
Pantelis Prevelakis (Παντελής Πρεβελάκης), Chronicle of a Town (1937).
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its-bread-bitch · 9 months
Because tumblr doesn’t let me make more than 12 options on a poll, other notable Santas in the fuckability contest include:
Miracle on 34th street Santa, Christmas Story Mall Santa, Rudolf Santa, and Christmas Chronicles Santa
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Lord Death Man:
Lord Death Man: Hi.
Red Hood: Hello... who are you again?
Lord Death Man: I am Batman's nemesis, Lord Death Man and you-
Red Hood (sighing annoyed): I remembered your voice. The voice is back in my brain.
Orphan: Hi, Death man, good to see you again. All in one piece this time.
Lord Death Man: Good to see you as well. Thanks for sewing me back up after you tricked me into stepping on the land mine.
Orphan: It's the least I can do... even though you're incredibly annoying.
LDM: You are such a kidder. Now where is Batman! I am ready to fight him for he is my-
Red Hood: I fucking can't with this voice!
Red Hood shoots LDM in the chest and walks off. Orphan follows behind him.
Orphan: What do you think he wants?
Red Hood: Don't care, let's hurry before he revives himself.
Lord Death Man standing a few seconds later.
LDM: Hey, hey get back here and take me to Batman!
Red Hood: Run!
Orphan: On it!
The two run away as LDM chases them.
Orphan: Wait, can I borrow your gun?
Red Hood: Uh, sure.
Orphan takes the gun and shoots Lord Death Man in different fatal (but can't kill him) spots while counting: Un, deux, trois, quatre et cinq.
Lord Death Man drops to the ground, twitching.
Orphan: We have five minutes because I shot him in the throat and crotch, which takes longer to bounce back from. You have to shoot him more than once and I used all your bullets.
Orphan tosses Jason his gun back and walks off, humming. Red Hood looks at his gun and then Orphan. He follows behind her half impressed, but confused.
Jason: How did you figure out the crotch thing? Orphan, I need an answer to this.
Hours later
Beast Boy: Don't freak out, but there is a man with a skull watching us from a distance.
Dick Grayson sighs and continues drinking his coffee.
Dick: Not even turning around.
Beast Boy: Hey.. Hey buddy? Grayson pinches the bridge of nose. Dick: Don't wave at him. Beast Boy: Shush, skull guy, who are you?
LDM: Um... Larry.
Beast Boy: Larry?
Dick Grayson's eye twitches and he crushes his coffee cup in his hand.
Beast Boy: Okay your reaction makes me want to ask him more. Hey, Larry... why the heck you spying on us?
Larry: Not you, the other one. He knows Batman and I am his nemsis!
Beast Boy: He's not in disguise, how do you know it's Nightwing?
Larry: ... Cause I have eyes. The eye mask doesn't hide much.
Dick lifts his head, enraged. Larry said his trigger word.
Dick: You're about to find out why he's called Lord Death Man. Larry, let's talk!
He stands and walks over to Lord Death Man and pummels him in the thankfully empty diner.
Beast Boy: Yeah, he doesn't like people insulting the eye mask.
Lord Death Man (barely) remains hidden behind a tree. Stephanie (in Spoiler disguise) spots him while apprehending Kite- Man.
LDM: 'Scuse me, have either of you seen Batman!
Spoiler: Oh Christ not you again.
Kite-Man: Who is he and why does he sound like skeletor? Great show, btw. You should check it out.
LDM: I am LORD DEATH MAN and I am Batman's nemesis!
Kite-Man: Nemesis?
Spoiler: Rival, he means rival.
Kite-Man: Oh like us?
Spoiler: Everyday I know you I regret my life choices. Lord- I can not call you that name, I'll just say Skeletor. Skeletor, Batman is not around... he fell into a portal and won't be around for a while. Long while. Leave Gotham while. The guy you've seen isn't the Batman... he's uh...
Kite-Man: A man bat! Who has no idea who you are. The real Batman won't be back for a week or so. Right, rival?
Kite-Man elbows Spoiler with a smile. She sighs then nods.
Spoiler: Yup, man bat and he doesn't know you. I can call Red Hood, Orphan or Nightwing instead. Nightwing especially wants to deal with you again.
LDM backed away terrified, running off at such a speed it leaves a dust cloud.
Spoiler (regret in her voice): Thank... you.
Kite-Man: No prob, rival. Thanks for saying Skeletor. Does he talk like that all the time?
Spoiler (nodding): His voice is stuck in my head like a mind numbingly catchy song. The skull is his head too. Kite-Man: If his head is nothing by a skull how does he speak clearly? Spoiler: Nobody has figured it out yet. He makes me appreciate the villains I have. Kite-Man (happy): I needed that compliment, Spoiler. Thank you.
Spoiler: The moment I said that I regretted it. Let's get you to jail so I can go home.
Spoiler finishes locking the cuffs and turns Kite-Man around to walk him to a precinct.
Spoiler: You got a venue you for the wedding yet? Kite-Man: Yes, the church we attend. Well she goes there more than me, but it's a nice set up. You want me to send you the invitation or hand it to you when we meet up again? Spoiler (sarcastically): Oh hand it to me when we meet up I totally won't use it to have Batman track and arrest you.
Kite-Man (missing her tone): Good looking out. Glider says 'hi'.
Spoiler: Fan-tastic.
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Ohhh. Now that is striking. This frame in particular.
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You could read as many metaphors as you like into how this matches the general Watanuki narrative here - Watanuki mirrored against a distorted image of himself. Is that his past self? Or Lava Lamp? Or the hole in the universe he's causing? His grief? The general weight of his existence? The influence he has on other people's lives? They all work well, especially with one Mokona being black and one being white.
But also (Bad Apple plays softly in the distance)
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It doesn’t even matter which Sakura is his mother, honestly it’s such a Sakura move. For his new name to be a literal promise that they will see him again. 
So, that way, his an existence proof of their promise. Every moment ‘Kimihiro Watanuki’ exists that means their promise lives on. And every time someone says his name, it’s like their words are reaching him all over again.
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And that’s such a cute way to round it off! Watanuki hears Lava Lamp’s voice echo through the universe, making him promise not to vanish. And this time Watanuki can accept it honestly, because he’s already decided to do the same - for the people around him and for Lava Lamp.
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awillowdryad · 2 years
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I've always been dying to know what it was that Aslan said to Edmund in this conversation. Guess it's one of those things we'll just never know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway I did this a little while ago but have been thinking of painting it again with brighter colours... maybe... then again I probably won't be bothered to. We'll see.
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I tried my hand at a “moodboard”! I haven’t made one of these before. Did I do it right, Hatchetfield tumblr users? Pictures aren’t mine, I found them on pinterest!
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olivefishcake · 9 months
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Manga I read in 2023 ... I'm gonna start reading more new and classic manga this year !^ω^✨
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actual-haise · 4 months
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I hope the writers know that calling someone Bielefeld is extremely funny
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fandom-cove · 6 months
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Here is where I, Cinn, talk/post about the fandoms I'm in!
I think this is mostly gonna be for things that aren't turtles unless they're just silly doodles
...until I move away from them and properly add them to the archive 👍
(updated 3-23)
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vgtrackbracket · 4 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Herlock Sholmes - Great Detective of Foggy London Town from The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
Baba Yetu from Civilization IV
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Herlock Sholmes - Great Detective of Foggy London Town:
you’ve just been sholmed
Baba Yetu:
How many game songs can say they've won a grammy AND ALSO go on to be popular pieces for choirs to perform?
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ephemxras · 1 year
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winter and summer 💫
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Lord Death Man pt 2 (Tim Drake and Damian Wayne)
Damian Wayne stares at Lord Death Man. Lord Death Man stares back at him. Damian pulls his sword out of the sheath.
Damian: How you been... Larry?
LDM: Not bad, your older siblings have gotten stronger since we last met.
Damian: You pointed out Grayson's eye mask?
LDM: Yes.
Damian, chuckles: That is his trigger let me tell ya. Orphan told me she shot you in after Hood shot you as well.
LDM: That happened as well. I'm not here to harm you, just wondering when my nemesis will be back?
Damian looks at his phone for the text from Stephanie.
Damian: He's going to be trapped in the phantom zone for another week.
LDM: All right I'll take my leave then.
Damian, puts his sword back in the sheath.
Damian: Smart man, tell Flatline I said hello.
LDM: Haven't gotten used that yet, but okay. Farewell.
LDM runs out of a closed window, breaking the glass as he slams into the ground.
Damian: You could've used the door, but second story floor works too.
Damian sighs, dialing his father's number.
Damian: Father when are you going to be back from your anniversary trip with Kyle?
Bruce, on the phone: Is he still searching for me?
Damian, annoyed: Yes, but I said you'd be in the phantom zone for another week.
Bruce: A week then.
Bruce ends the call.
Damian: God dang it, father.
Red Robin and Bernard are getting coffee together when Bernard spots Lord Death Man.
Bernard: There's a man with a skull head like a few feet away from us.
Red Robin: Oh this is not my day. Go the other way.
The two attempt to walk down the opposite street, but LDM runs over to them. Bernard startled that the man's head is a real skull, nearly screams.
Red Robin: Yeah, it's a shocker to see up close.
Bernard: How are you alive?!
LDM: Because I am lord death man and I am deathless!
Bernard: That's not his real name is it?
Red Robin: Apparently it's also Larry, but Spoiler calls him Skeletor.
LDM: Hey, I don't sound like him!
Bernard: You're right, your voice is worse.
LDM: I have no time for you, Robin, I need to fight Batman he is my nemesis!
Red Robin: How do you talk like that and not want to punch yourself in the throat.
Bernard: Does he even have a throat?
Red Robin: Do you?
LDM: Y- yes! Now take me to my nemesis or I will harm this friend of yours.
Bernard: If you touch me I'm legally allowed to kick you in the balls you might have.
LDM: Fool, I feel no pain-
Bernard nods and kicks the man in the crotch and he does fall to the ground in pain. Red Robin kisses Bernard on the cheek.
RR: Childish, but I would've done the same thing.
Bernard: That's why I love you.
RR: Oh my god you're so cute, we can go, he's not getting up for a while after that.
Red Robin and Bernard step on the man as they walk past him.
Pt. 2
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Excuse me this is genuinely too much for me I have to immediately lie down
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midnight-love-song · 5 months
*helicopter going over*
Me: helicopter!!! *runs out my house and down the street in pyjamas to see it*
Another islander: “hello love, I was just coming to see what’s happening! Is it the air ambulance?”
Me, out of breath: “I dunno I’m just here cos I really like helicopters.”
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(You’re right though!)
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edward-hydes-letters · 10 months
I am Mr. Edward Hyde! The rot in your souls, the darkness crawling within your minds, the spirit of London at night!
I was told by my associates that I had some letters from all my adoring fans addressed to me, that the people of London would love for me to answer some questions! Now I normally wouldn’t give any of you the time of day, but since you all love me so much I’d be happy to oblige!
So ask! Ask away!
-Mr. Edward Hyde
(The pinned tags! I suggest reading them in chronological order from top to bottom-
Plot Thread: Poison the Squible — Hyde gets a hit to poison a person named ‘Squibleton’.
Plot Thread: Tickle the Hyde — Hyde gets ambushed with a tickle attack, then gets his revenge when Jekyll is ambushed as well.
Plot Thread: A Talk with Lanyon (and Ito) — Lanyon has found a way to contact Hyde, and it goes as well as expected. Ito knows the secret and is here to console, but what happens when Lanyon is persistent? (This tag starts after Tickle the Hyde, stops for a bit, then picks back up after Can They Purr.)
Plot Thread: A Talk with Ito 2 - Electric Boogaloo — A conversation that branches off from the last tag, and somehow morphs into Pot vs Kettle.
Plot Thread: Can They Purr? — When Hyde is asked if he can purr, the tables turn on Jekyll when he’s asked the same.
Plot Thread: The Chase — It seems Countess Camilla has found Hyde…
Plot Thread: Face the Music — Hyde gets asked about his musical preferences.
Plot Thread: To the Countryside — Lanyon takes Jekyll (and by extension Hyde) out to the country. What could they be up to?
The Paul Chronicles — Paul has found Jekyll and Hyde. Nobody is happy with this.
Plot Thread: Leggington Comes to Town — A Leggy Leggington keeps sending Hyde little trinkets! What gift could he receive next?
Plot Thread: The Glass Shards of a Broken Mirror— Hyde mentions someone named Zenith in one of his letters, and this leads to a discussion about the other residents living in Jekyll’s mind.
Lore — The only tag that jumps around the timeline. Just my general headcanons about how Jekyll and Hyde function, and the early days after that first night.)
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