#xxxholic 87
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Ohhh. Now that is striking. This frame in particular.
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You could read as many metaphors as you like into how this matches the general Watanuki narrative here - Watanuki mirrored against a distorted image of himself. Is that his past self? Or Lava Lamp? Or the hole in the universe he's causing? His grief? The general weight of his existence? The influence he has on other people's lives? They all work well, especially with one Mokona being black and one being white.
But also (Bad Apple plays softly in the distance)
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It doesn’t even matter which Sakura is his mother, honestly it’s such a Sakura move. For his new name to be a literal promise that they will see him again. 
So, that way, his an existence proof of their promise. Every moment ‘Kimihiro Watanuki’ exists that means their promise lives on. And every time someone says his name, it’s like their words are reaching him all over again.
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And that’s such a cute way to round it off! Watanuki hears Lava Lamp’s voice echo through the universe, making him promise not to vanish. And this time Watanuki can accept it honestly, because he’s already decided to do the same - for the people around him and for Lava Lamp.
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therandomtapes · 1 year ago
Last week, in the middle of a pretty trash week in general we learned that Sakurai Atsushi, lead singer of legendary Japanese rock band Buck-Tick passed away on Saturday October 16th.
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I'm not sure how much I've spoken about them on here.
I found them in late 1998. When I got that X/1999 fansub in Brooklyn where I first heard X-Japan, it sent me down a rabbit hole. I would find out the fandom and the country were reeling from the passing of X's guitarist hide earlier that year, in Spring, and I would find a stream of a tribute album. Hide tribute spirits.
This is where I first heard Buck-Tick. Their cover of "doubt" left me wanting more.
I would then learn that they had been around since 1983 (i was 3).
(this is from 87)
They evolved through many eras, from new wave to goth (?) to cyberpunk to rock'n'roll to a combination of all eras. Their influence can be felt even in modern visual kei. They are probably the band that made everyone in that scene wanna have at least one jazzy swing type song on their albums. Hell, Acchan's the reason Kyo is Kyo. Sakurai's look inspired many anime character designs (and I'm pretty sure Benimaru Nikaido from King of Fighters is based on 80s Buck-Tick....yes...they ALL had that hair).
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In fact, a lot of their music was in anime (especially if said anime was about vampires. It always amused me that during the era where Acchan looked like a vampire, B-T were the band you called if you needed a theme song for your vampire anime.) Nightwalker, XXXHolic, Trinity Blood, and the very best one, the one that is actually scary, SHIKI!!
If you're not up on vis kei, you probably still have heard of him since he and Imai were in SCHWEIN with Raymond Watts from Pig and Sacha Konietzko from KMFDM.
He also had a band called The Mortal which did a pretty amazing Siouxsie cover.
I recommend Buck-Tick and the Mortal's entire catalog, most of which is on streaming now. I should make a bloody playlist.
I will add the playlist to this post later.
R.I.P. Sakurai Atsushi
one of the greatest vocalists ever, and condolences to the band.
I cannot stress enough how awful I feel for those guys.
This band was together for THREE FUCKING DECADES. No lineup changes.
Atsushi and Imai had the kind of vocal interplay you only get if you're basically best friends.
It's a terrible loss.
. . . and, . . . . no.
I can't end the post like this.
It's too sad.
This band brought too much joy to end the post like this.
I am leaving you with the saga of the paper mache head people.
in the 80s, for the album Seventh Heaven (an album I might actually like better than Sexual XXXX, I can't decide), B-T did videos for quite a few songs (they did PVs for pretty much every song on Sexual XXXX), and 3 of them feature Atsushi having nightmares about/seeing people with large fake paper mache heads. Then in the video for In Heaven they are playing a show for them.
They had something I think is crucial to every band now and forever: WEIRD ASS MUSIC VIDEOS.
You think it was jus the 80s?
no no no
check out UTA
Just your average performance video? No. They dressed up like rock icons, with ridiculous wigs.
This is what I'm talking about. Joy, kids.
Atsushi and Buck-Tick brought JOY, dammit.
I'll post a playlist later, I guess.
Atsushi Sakurai, rest in power you legend!
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writtenonbone · 2 years ago
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It’s been years and I am still haunted by xxxholic. I want it to have a reboot. I want it to have its own independent storyline/ending separate from trc. I want a happy ending. I want more spooky philosophical mythological stories. I want better animation for the show. I want the characters to be happy. Clamp, pls im begging you
57 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
Hi, theres a major crisis in sri lanka ‼️‼️‼️
This thread is made by a moot on twitter
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See the full post
144 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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Jason 😭
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Hasan Minhaj did a really good segment on billionaire philanthropy and i thought its a good time to bring it back
1,004 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
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I want to make out with whoever is in charge of tumblr staff’s twitter
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1,150 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
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weather449 · 6 years ago
1 ジン(王ドロボウJING)
2 シャノン・カスール(スクラップドプリンセス)
3 明日葉 郁(保健室の死神)
4 桑原 和真(幽☆遊☆白書)
5 相良 佐之助(るろうに剣心)
6 クルツ・ウェーバー(フルメタルパニック)
7 デュオ・マックスウェル(ガンダムW)
8 黒桐 幹也(空の境界)
9 福部 里志(氷菓)
10 セッツァー・ギャッビアーニ(FF6)
11 マリベル(DQ7)
12 フクロウ(ノエイン)
13 李 紅蘭(サクラ大戦)
14 テッド(金色のガッシュ!)
15 白澤(鬼灯の冷徹)
16 レット(RAVE)
17 ディードリット(ロードス島戦記)
18 響 良牙(らんま1/2)
19 竹本チエ(じゃりン子チエ)
20 パプリカ(パプリカ)
21 エルミナ(ぷちぷりユーシィ)
22 美墨 なぎさ(ふたりはプリキュア)
23 カノン(WA2)
24 湯水スグル(鉄鍋のジャン!)
25 佐倉 京四郎(京四郎)
26 ルシオラ(GS美神)
27 ニギハヤミコハクヌシ(千と千尋の神隠し)
28 ライオ(冒険王ビィト)
29 煙(ドロヘドロ)
30 川奈 昴(君は淫らな僕の女王)
31 奈良 シカマル(NARUTO)
32 タマ(たまはな)
33 鋼棍のシェル(中華一番!)
34 無免ライダー(ワンパンマン)
35 坂本ジュリエッタ(エアマスター)
36 水野 燕(大好きが虫はタダシ君の)
37 メロー・イエロー(ブギーポップシリーズ)
38 オマリー(おしゃれキャット)
39 ドジャー(オリバー)
40 宮園 かをり(四月は君の嘘)
41 上杉 景子(レッケン!)
42 乙姫 タロウ(ドラゴンドライブ)
43 黒神 くじら(めだかボックス)
44 アルノー・G・ヴァスケス(WA4)
45 タップ・オセアノ(機甲戦記ドラグナー)
46 オレルド(パンプキンシザーズ)
47 R(ロケットマン)
48 坂口 亜梨子(僕の地球を守って)
49 フロルベリチェリ・フロル(11人いる!)
50 ガルフォード(侍魂シリーズ)
51 水原 可奈(Q.E.D.証明終了)
52 百目鬼 静(XXXHOLiC)
53 スバル・リョーコ(機動戦艦ナデシコ)
54 ピンク(PINK)
55 ラム(うる星やつら)
56 パイク(エリア51)
57 一乗寺 賢(デジモンアドベンチャー02)
58 ナイツ(NiGHTS)
59 グウェンドリン(オーディンスフィア)
60 バティド・バランタイン(グリムグリモア)
61 ジタン・トライバル(FF9)
62 シーブック・アノー(ガンダムF91)
63 シシド(逢魔ヶ刻動物園)
64 マフリー・チェットリ(ポストガ��ル)
65 黒百合 空亜(12DEMONS)
66 風間 美利(爆球連発スーパービーダマン)
67 矢村 大一(ぼくらの)
68 中山 りあ(侵略する少女と嘘の庭)
69 新島 良次(地獄堂霊界通信)
70 上杉 秀彦(ペルソナシリーズ)
71 宮城 リョータ(スラムダンク)
72 ロム(マシンロボ クロノスの大逆襲)
73 ポップ(ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険)
74 フェニックス一輝(聖闘士星矢)
75 宮ノ下さつき(学校の怪談)
76 素敵なお兄様(学校怪談)
77 衝撃のアルベルト(ジャイアントロボ)
78 クラース・F・レスター(TOF)
79 エルメス(キノの旅)
80 ミニス(サモンナイトシリーズ)
81 伊達 京介(The Soul Taker)
82 ノロイ(ガンバの冒険)
83 朽木 冬子(殻ノ少女)
84 小金井 薫(烈火の炎)
85 フィー・カーマイケル(プラネテス)
86 伊集院 炎山(ロックマンエグゼシリーズ)
87 プリシス・F・ノイマン(スターオーシャン2)
88 黒き風(FF:U)
89 我妻 善逸(鬼滅の刃)
90 卑怯番長(金剛番長)
91 マース・ヒューズ(鋼の錬金術師)
92 トッペマ・マペット(クレヨンしんちゃん)
93 チーク(シリウスの伝説)
94 ブラック羽川(化物語)
95 間 黒男(ブラック・ジャック)
96 広瀬 康一(ジョジョの奇妙な冒険)
97 萩原 子荻(零崎シリーズ)
98 ゲイン・ビジョウ(キングゲイナー)
99 モラン・シェトランド(LAST EXILE)
100 結城中佐(ジョーカーゲーム)
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alyssabaratheon · 7 years ago
100 Temas para 2018 (Carol)
1. Acampamento
2. Anjos
3. Aquário 
4. Azul 
5. Balanço 
6. Bar 
7. Biblioteca 
8. Caçada (Mya e Robert - A Song of Ice and Fire) 
9. Café 
10. Camareira
11. Câmera 
12. Campo
15. Coroa 
16. Corda 
17. Creme
18. Delinquente 
19. Diário 
20. Disfarce 
21. Empurro 
22. Enterro 
23. Entrevista
24. Escada 
25. Escritório 
26. Espada (Harry/Domeric - A Song of Ice and Fire) 
27. Estrada 
28. Estrelas 
29. Euforia 
30. Fantasia 
31. Fantasma
32. Fogos de Artifício (Raven/Chelsea - Raven’s Home) 
33. Fogueira 
34. Garras 
35. Gelo 
36. Guarda-Roupa 
37. Hierarquia 
38. Hospital 
39. Ídolo 
41. Incêndio 
42. Informal 
43 Insônia 
44. Irreconhecível 
45. Irmãs 
46. Isolação 
47. Janela 
48. Jantar 
49. Jardim 
50. Julgamento 
51. Lã 
52. Lago 
53. Lanterna 
54. Lareira 
55. Leve 
56. Luar 
57. Madeira 
58. Madrugada
59. Maternidade
64.Noivo (Albus/Scorpius - Harry Potter) 
70. Outono (Doumeki e Kohane, xxxHolic) 
71. Paralelo 
72. Pedras (Penélope/Odisseu, Mitologia Grega) 
73. Pirata 
74. Pizza 
75. Porta 
76. Praia   (James/Alyssa (The End of The F***ing World)
77. Quase 
78. Quatro
79. Queda (Lyanna Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
80. Reflexo 
81. Rival 
82. Sacrilégio 
83. Salto 
84. Selado 
85. Seleção (Evgenia/Wakaba, Figure Skating RPF) 
86. Separação
87. Soco 
88. Tarde 
89. Taxi 
90. Tela 
91. Tempestade 
92. Teoria 
93. Terra 
94. Textura 
95. Traição 
96. Trio 
97. Último 
99. Véu
100. Vinho
0 notes
doumekiss · 8 years ago
Desafio Fanfics 2018 - 100 Temas
1. Acampamento
2. Anjos
3. Aquário (Bran/Jojen, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
4. Azul (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire)
5. Balanço (Doctor e Narvin, Doctor Who) 
6. Batom (Karolina/Nico, Runaways)  
7. Biblioteca (Jeeves/Bertie, Jeeves & Wooster) 
8. Caçada (Mya e Robert, A Song of Ice and Fire)
9. Cela (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire)
10. Câmera (Lyanna/Howland, A Song of Ice and Fire)
11. Cereja (Mark/Jeremy, Peep Show) 
12. Cochichos (Howard/Vince, The Mighty Boosh) 
13. Concessão (Hermes/Hestia, Mitologia Grega)
14. Convite (Ginny/Neville, Harry Potter) 
15. Coroa (Julieta, Romeu e Julieta) 
16. Corda
17. Creme
18. Delinquente (Ted/Dougal, Father Ted) 
19. Diário
20. Disfarce (Rimmer e Arlene, Red Dwarf) 
21. Empurro (Arlene e Girl!Ace, Red Dwarf) 
22. Enterro
23. Entrevista
24. Escada
25. Escritório
26. Espada (Harry/Domeric - A Song of Ice and Fire) 
27. Estrada
28. Estrelas (Percy/Oliver, Harry Potter) 
29. Euforia (Alex/Piper, Orange is the new black) 
30. Fantasia
31. Fantasma (Helena/Salazar - Harry Potter) 
32. Filhas (Percy/Oliver - Harry Potter) 
33. Fogos de Artifício (Raven/Chelsea - Raven’s Home) 
34. Fotografias (Dan/Georgina, Gossip Girl) 
35. Gelo
36. Guarda-Roupa (Howard/Vince, The Mighty Boosh) 
37. Hierarquia (Jeeves/Bertie, Jeeves & Wooster) 
38. Hospital (Luna/Ginny/Harry, Harry Potter) 
39. Ídolo (Ron/Viktor, Harry Potter)
40. Ilha (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
41. Incêndio
42. Informal
43. Insônia (Dan/Jones, Nathan Barley) 
44. Irreconhecível (Enid/Rebecca, Ghost World) 
45. Irmãs (Claire + Dan/Jones, Nathan Barley) 
46. Isolação (Loras/Tommen, Loras/Renly, A Song of Ice and Fire)
47. Janela (Reid e Zach, Criminal Minds e Bones) 
48. Jantar
49. Jardim (Edric/Shireen, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
50. Julgamento (Percy/Oliver, Harry Potter) 
51. Lã
52. Lago
53. Lanterna
54. Lareira
55. Leve (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
56. Luar (Harry e Luna, Harry Potter) 
57. Madeira
58. Madrugada (Michael/Lindsay, Arrested Development) 
59. Manipulação (Jeyne/Robb, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
60.Mensagem (Nico e Amy, Runaways) 
62.Música (Maleficent/Aurora, Maleficent) 
63.Natureza (Betha/Egg, A Song of Ice and Fire)
64.Noivo - (Albus/Scorpius - Harry Potter) 
66.Óculos - (Doumeki/Watanuki, xxxHolic) 
70. Outono (Doumeki e Kohane, xxxHolic) 
71. Paralelo (Kochanski e Lister, Red Dwarf) 
72. Pedras (Penélope/Odisseu, Mitologia Grega)  
73. Pescoço (Davos/Stannis, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
74. Pizza (Jessica/Trish, Jessica Jones) 
75. Porta (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
76. Praia  (James/Alyssa, The End of The F***ing World) 
77. Quase (Gert/Chase, Runaways) 
78. Quatro
79. Queda - (Lyanna Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
80. Reflexo (Harry e Teddy, Harry Potter)
81. Rival (Ryan e Shane, Buzzfeed Unsolved) 
82. Sacrilégio (Sansa/Jon, Sansa/Robb, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
83. Salto (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
84. Selado (Simon/Alisha, Misfits) 
85. Seleção (Evgenia/Wakaba, Figure Skating RPF) 
86. Separação (Howard/Vince, The Mighty Boosh) 
87. Soco
88. Tarde (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
89. Taxi
90. Tela
91. Tempestade
92. Teoria (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
93. Terra
94. Textura (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
95. Traição (Nico/Alex, Runaways)
96. Trio
97. Último (Romeu/Julieta, Romeu e Julieta) 
98.Verdade (Howland/Jyana, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
99. Vídeo Game (Takiya/Fafnir, Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon) 
100. Vinho (Lyanna/Howland, A Song of ice and Fire) 
0 notes
completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Ohoho Egg Time!
Or at least Egg Explanation Time. 
I can’t remember exactly how much xxxHolic told us about where the Egg came from, but we see a little glimpse of it in the first frame here - in Acid Tokyo, when Sakura had her solo mission in the desert and brought back the monster egg that split into two when given to Yuuko. 
It’s a lovely parallel to what happened with Lava Lamp and Watanuki. 
And I’m sure Yuuko is just about to explain which two people the egg is for, but it’s Watanuki and Himawari! Or like, Himawari and Doumeki, but the Doumeki egg is specifically to save Watanuki, so that’s basically the same thing.
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Yeah here we go!
With an addendum of ohhhhhh! So the different names and appearances was a deliberate choice in an effort to keep them both existing and not erased by the vague timeline rules!
That’s very fun. 
Also you could also draw a parallel between one egg that was born to be raised (Lava Lamp) and one egg that gave birth to nothing (since Watanuki was originally intended to vanish). That’s slightly less fun!
Also if Yuuko opening the locket is the going to reveal the actual faces of the parents I’m going to scream.
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And their parents giving Watanuki an auspicious name designed to protect him from his fate - which has worked so far! And even the word itself is about a process of conversion!
The meaning behind it all!
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Oh here we goooooo! Here’s the xxxHolic equivalent of Tsubasa's explanation moment! Where Tsubasa had a huge dramatic arc where we saw it all happen, here Yuuko just privately explains to the xxxHolic audience where Watanuki came from, just in case they haven’t been reading Tsubasa as well. And boy, what a lore to drop without any further context. 
The little black Butterfly box is… I think, off the top of my head, Watanuki’s memories? That he paid to Yuuko for a mystery wish we haven’t had explained to us just yet? I don’t think we’ve actually seen inside it yet, so it's wonderful to see the item itself - a little pocket watch detailed with two tiny birds. 
And how lovely that is! Two birds for the two twin Syaorans - they share the surface of the locket as they were both born from the same existence, and its vaguely shaped in a way that almost resembles the yin yang symbol (which is the shape of Lava Lamp’s soul). Except here they face each other, beaks touching in the middle with wings stretched out to either side, as if both are trying to protect the other which is what they have both done, several times. 
I love it I love it I love it
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Here we are in xxxHolic: Chapter 87ish!
And eeeeee we have the moment of Watanuki’s creation! The moment where Lava Lamp’s wish resulted in Watanuki’s sudden existence! A moment that we already saw happen in Tsubasa, but would be wild to try and figure out without that.
And most importantly we see the moment of Yuuko defending him. She has her arms outstretched to either side of him, sheltering him within her grasp. He is in soft greys, while she is in stark black. His eyes are closed, head slightly tilted, while Yuuko looks directly ahead, her gaze firm. Both of their existences are abnormal - he has only just been born, but she uses her strength to shield him from the forces that would use him for their benefit and leave him with nothing. Yuuko has made a place for Watanuki within existence itself, just as her gesture here shows that he has a place with her in this moment (as well as later). And her little smoke trails wind around her and Watanuki both, showing that their fates are wound together and intertwined. 
It’s a 10/10 moment, no notes no flaws, only endless admiration.
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
Ok the narrative takes a bit of a turn towards ideas like suicidal ideation, so if you don’t want to deal with that today you can safely avoid this post. The pages are safely under the Read More.
There's also blood.
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See this is the other thing that undoes the Cardcaptor Sakura dance - I don’t think CLAMP would write that Cardcaptor Sakura was murdered. It’s just a bit dark for what the series is. 
I call shenanigans. Something else is at play here that will make sense later, but for now CLAMP are cackling as they watch at least some of the fandom 15 years ago genuinely believe that Cardcaptor Sakura and Syaoran grew up to be murdered by Evil Wolverine. IT’S SHENANIGANS.
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OH, poor Watanuki. 
He doesn’t properly remember but on some level he blamed his own existence for the death of his parents, and felt that he didn’t deserve to live after that. That explains a lot about the version of Watanuki that Doumeki saw in the past - he wasn’t just alone, he was alone and genuinely thought he didn’t want to be alive anymore, because of what his existence has caused. 
It’s so heartbreaking I don’t even know what to say about that. 
Except that the difference lies in the detail of him being so attractive to spirits because of all the dark hurt inside him. When we first meet Watanuki he is hounded by spirits, even without his memory, because his body remembers and his heart is still broken he becomes self-sacrificing as a result. 
UNTIL things start to change. We heard in the previous chapters that Watanuki doesn’t see spirits like that as much anymore. He has begun to heal. He isn't alone anymore. He doesn't think he would be better off never existing, and knows that there are people who are happier now that he exists.
Watanuki has decided to keep living, and so the pain the spirits found so delicious is nowhere near as strong as it was before.  It’s so interesting to me that his character arc matches the supernatural arc around his existence. ‘He wasn’t supposed to exist and was meant to disappear’ becomes ‘he has a place he is loved and that sustains him’ - and ‘he wanted to die from guilt’ becomes ‘he wants to live for the people he loves now’. It’s a wonderful parallel arc that you can’t even spot happening until afterwards, because even Watanuki himself doesn’t know it's happening.
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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We can see the edges of the store’s reality are beginning to fade away. Time is running out. 
Time has been running out for a while but it appears that they’re really on the edge of it now, if the very fabric of it is wearing away even with Yuuko right there. 
She is also giving away feet pics, for free. In this economy. Which is surely another sign of how bad things are getting.
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OHH OHH OHH. ITEMS? I'm in heaven.
Yuuko mentions that the treasure storage room should be especially protected, and we know these are the items that were critically important in granting significant wishes. My question is whether they need to be protected for their emotional worth, or if they will be used again at some unknown time in the future? Or if their continued existence is important for the reality of the wishes they have already granted? I guess we'll find out eventually!
But let’s see what we have!
-Fai’s power limiting tattoo, that he traded away to run from Ashura
-What looks like one of the dolls from Angelic Layer, still in its egg (which, like, thematically appropriate. Because egg.)
-What also looks like a little framed picture of one of the fox spirits?
-In the next frame we have Ginryuu - or like, the replica Ginryuu that Kurogane traded to get back to Tomoyo
-Next to it are two swords that I think must be the swords from Yasha and Ashura in the Shura/Shara arc, that helped pay for Yuuko’s assistance with Ashura
-A bird in a cage with ivy growing around it. I don’t recognise this at all, so maybe I've forgotten something
-Next panel over we have Fai’s staff, traded away so that they could enter the castle in Koryo
-And then we have xxxholic items! The water vase is the one from when Watanuki went to visit the Ame Warashi
-The little things below it look like the Chobits ears Watanuki was wearing when they investigated the school rumour very early on
-The decorated tube on the little stand I think is the Monkey’s Paw
-The tube below it looks like the container that held the noodle fox spirit, which I’m only just noticing we haven’t seen in a while
-And a fan! Oh, the fan that tengu traded to Yuuko so that Watanuki would save her from the spider? 
What a great selection of items! It's a fun way to showcase the connections between the various past arcs and storylines, while also reminding us of all the characters we've met and the wishes that tie things all together. The only thing I don’t recognise is the bird, so let me know if that's something I should know about!
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Oh! Oh ok! We’re right back into the customer of the week and secretly I was a little right after all? She IS, sort of, psychically poisoning the food with her resentment, but the resentment is for herself. 
I didn’t see that one coming, but very on theme with the earlier notes of this chapter.
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And perhaps it’s not even directly at herself, but more about the process of knowing? She hates the burden of knowledge? She finds knowing the finer details of anything completely repulsive, and so she hates everything she herself does, because by default she knows every little step she’s taken? 
In which we find she isn’t so much a parallel to Watanuki but the polar opposite - she hates knowing everything, and Watanuki doesn’t know anything, especially about himself. 
Or… will this be about the past Watanuki? Who ALSO despaired with what he knew about himself, and so traded away that knowledge and eventually became happier? Will she be prompted to do the same? I guess we’ll see!
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Ohoho, in the space of one conversation Watanuki has cut right to the core of it all! 
The customer’s position is essentially Ignorance Is Bliss. What she doesn’t know can’t hurt her. Anything she doesn’t know, she can pretend doesn’t exist at all. 
And present day Watanuki knows all too well that that isn’t the case. Both in terms of what he knows about Body Memory, but also in the way that he doesn’t know anything about his past, but he knows that it happened, and he knows NOW that he was still loved even if he can’t remember it. 
So the customer’s facade is flawed and would lead to disaster if she invested in it too heavily, once she realised how flimsy it was, so Watanuki’s going to get to the real problem for her instead. 
Which we will see… NEXT TIME! Probably?
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Ooooh! I didn’t expect that if Watanuki knew his original name, Evil Wolverine would have been able to manipulate him back to whatever Evil Wolverine intended of him, but it makes sense at least. If Watanuki doesn’t even know his birth name then it can’t be used against him. And so Evil Wolverine has no idea where he is. 
Which makes you think a bit doesn’t it. Is all Evil Wolverine needs to track someone… their name? Specifically their birth name? It would make sense why he was still able to track the Tsubasa Family even after they deviated from his course and started doing things in a new order. If he knew even just one of their birth names, he could find them - and like, Fai is a great candidate for that. Fai was the mole, so it would track that he was also there secondarily so that Evil Wolverine could always watch them. 
I don’t think Evil Wolverine would have access to Lava Lamp or Kurogane’s original names. He might have had Sakura’s, since he’s in the Clow Kingdom, but then again maybe it was Clone Syaoran as well? Due to the technicality of his name being given to him at the moment he started existing? At the very least Fai is the only one that seems like an easy Yes and not a Maybe. 
Also, in hindsight, Evil Wolverine not knowing where Watanuki is shines a bit of light on the fact that whenever Yuuko has been seen interacting with Evil Wolverine in any way (ie, spying on him, commenting on his plans, or even that one time she tracked his location) Watanuki has never present. She always did that without Watanuki around, so that even if it backfired, Evil Wolverine did not get a glimpse of where Watanuki was. I never knew any of that before but it all connects so well!
And that chilling panel on the left there! With Evil Wolverine above the sky filled with souls he stole from innocent people. Especially since it’s these souls that he used to create his replica people, and we’ve seen what’s become of most of them now. 
And! I really like the wing! The single solitary wing rising from the bottom left corner, pointing straight towards Watanuki in the next frame over. It’s a good call back to the iconic wing behind the Tsubasa logo, in a series all about wings and feathers, and how Watanuki was secretly central to that storyline all along. 
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Oh! Yes ok, confirmed: the items are being stored for future usage. Or perhaps even just one future usage, on The Big Future day? Trade them all in for a good result maybe?
OH and we can see the Mokona cases! The two little glass domes to Yuuko’s left are what the Mokonas were stored in at the start of the series. That’s a fun touch. 
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So Yuuko is talking about the time very very early on (volume 1 even?) when Watanuki found the Clow Staff in storage, which she explained even then was just a replica - and apparently that’s still true, but Yuuko has THE ACTUAL
I am going completely off the rails in my own brain here but oh my goodness. Crossover event of the century. Sakura left her actual staff here in exchange for a wish. 
You can see AGAIN how Clamp are always always shining a spotlight on the suggestion that 'Cardcaptor Sakura might be the mother of Lava Lamp and Watanuki' even if some of the details don’t quite match up. Like, Yuuko said that she had never actually met Lava Lamp’s parents, and yet she has Cardcaptor Sakura’s staff. I suppose she doesn’t directly say that she met Cardcaptor Sakura, and the staff could have been left here by other means - or both statements are true, and Cardcaptor Sakura just isn’t related to Lava Lamp and Watanuki. 
I am going to be completely consumed by this mystery until they finally give the real answer because they’re so careful with how vague it is every single time. AND THEY DO IT ON PURPOSE FOR THIS EXACT REASON.
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
Oops there's a bit more of the blood and dark themes in here as well, so be warned!
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Watanuki falling out of the window at the same time that Lava Lamp was fighting Syaoran has been pointed out to me by quite a few people over the years, so that’s not a surprise at this point. But I DO love that the joined narrative event was not only intended but is highlighted here and explained a but further - Watanuki was, unconsciously, trying to rectify the balance of his existence. And with Lava Lamp out there fighting yet another Syaoran across the universe, perhaps the universe thought that was one Syaoran far too many and tried to tie it back together. 
What I didn’t catch before is what Yuuko says here - that Lava Lamp returned to where Evil Wolverine was. And that’s kind of true isn’t it? He left Evil Wolverine’s lair, went to Yuuko, and then went straight back to Evil Wolverine's lair - but in the far distant past, as Acid Tokyo. That’s wild.
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Yeah there we go! That’s a good conclusion of the sentiment that leads back into the present. Watanuki has learned how to want to stick around because of all the people who care for him - and also this will help change the future. Which is also nice! But Watanuki would be worth it even without that. 
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Gosh, was that their final goodbye?
That’s a much more grounded moment. Yuuko gives them the glimpse of the future that they need, and they give her a promise that they’ll take care of Watanuki while Yuuko is gone. 
And it means a great deal to Yuuko to hear that. Even as their voices drift away into silence and Yuuko is left alone.
I mean I could absolutely be wrong about Maru and Moro disappearing, but if this is their final "on screen" moment then it's at least a very sweet send off, and surprisingly with that final two panels.
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