#RIP random customer you would have loved Uber Eats
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Oh! Oh ok! We’re right back into the customer of the week and secretly I was a little right after all? She IS, sort of, psychically poisoning the food with her resentment, but the resentment is for herself. 
I didn’t see that one coming, but very on theme with the earlier notes of this chapter.
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And perhaps it’s not even directly at herself, but more about the process of knowing? She hates the burden of knowledge? She finds knowing the finer details of anything completely repulsive, and so she hates everything she herself does, because by default she knows every little step she’s taken? 
In which we find she isn’t so much a parallel to Watanuki but the polar opposite - she hates knowing everything, and Watanuki doesn’t know anything, especially about himself. 
Or… will this be about the past Watanuki? Who ALSO despaired with what he knew about himself, and so traded away that knowledge and eventually became happier? Will she be prompted to do the same? I guess we’ll see!
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Ohoho, in the space of one conversation Watanuki has cut right to the core of it all! 
The customer’s position is essentially Ignorance Is Bliss. What she doesn’t know can’t hurt her. Anything she doesn’t know, she can pretend doesn’t exist at all. 
And present day Watanuki knows all too well that that isn’t the case. Both in terms of what he knows about Body Memory, but also in the way that he doesn’t know anything about his past, but he knows that it happened, and he knows NOW that he was still loved even if he can’t remember it. 
So the customer’s facade is flawed and would lead to disaster if she invested in it too heavily, once she realised how flimsy it was, so Watanuki’s going to get to the real problem for her instead. 
Which we will see… NEXT TIME! Probably?
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gay-spaghetti · 6 years ago
My Experience watching Stan the Water man + Favorite Moments
Okay! Everyone’s been talking about how great this is. Let’s binge it!! Time to see how @markiplier roleplays OwO
(Tags: @markired @dorkskittles @stanthewaterman)
oof. Love the immersion 👌 ️
okay so I already ship Stan and Jimmy.... dammit.
Characters with kids they’re not allowed to see anymore and divorced wives is a common trope with these types of characters, huh?
STAN’S SON IS NAMED ROY THE WATER BOY???? That is.... that is good, I love that.
Frankly, I would die for Alan. That sweetheart ❤
(THERE’s A LOT MORE. Click Keep Reading!) (This is a journey of emotion. watch the damn stream, it’s hilarious. Spoilers ahead!!)
Didn’t catch his name but that weird Italian/Asian guy with the long hair and black moustache is amazing 👌 Good wacky voice 👌 ️
DIDN’T GET HIS NAME EITHER BUT I LOVE THE BLACK GUY AT THE CAR PLACE;;;; Uber eats....Uber food.... the Uber driver eats half of the food and gives the rest to the customer...brilliant!!!
I love the fwoosh sound that happens every time Mark goes in and out of character.
FUCK!! I mean-- FUDGE;;;
Stan is the embodiment of typing: “;;;;;;;” and “ASDGHLIGF”.
rip parking meter.
*The back of the delivery truck slowly closes on Stan’s head* “AAH!! WAH!!! WOAHHH WAHHH! W-WAHH AHH!”.
That girl in the hospital hearing Mark’s mumbling to himself haha omfg. She’s like “what the fuck was that”.
Stan: *touches counter at the hospital* *teleports and death-drops onto a hospital bed*.
EMT Lady: Haha I like this guy! :3 | Stan: O///_///O
Stan: *panting and grunting angrily* | “Voice in Head”: It’s only game. Why you have to be mad?
Jimmy, To Stan: “I’m not selling you crack today. I’m getting you out of debt.” ASFKDFGJPPHF And then he goes on to say how he doesn’t want Stan getting involved with and addicted to crack!! ❤ That’s so fuckin’ cute.
Jimmy, to Stan: “Just don’t fuck me over, okay?” >:( (hmm cheesy headcanon: Jimmy once had a past partner that ratted on him or cheated him in some way!!!)
Jimmy lying to Stan to make him feel better, saying that the guy he stabbed was a “crazy murderer”, and Stan being like: “Oh, whew! Okay, haha”.
Jimmy: “You think I’m a narc? I just stabbed a guy” *laughs* (Jimmy is my favorite character;;;;)
Jimmy’s knife is nicknamed “Sharp and Pointy”.
Jimmy repeatedly not understanding Stan’s code words.
Jimmy, to Stan: “Y’know... I don’t like this call you got”. Friendly J worried about his bromantic friend Fanny Pack ;)
Jimmy, to Stan after his customer cancelled his order: *places hand on Stan’s shoulder* Stan? I’m sorry.
JIMMY’S A FORCED PROSTITUE WHO’S NOT GREAT IN SOCIAL SITUATIONS;;;; Aww Jimmyyyyy! Poor baby has little confidence 💔 (Also I love how they’re just opening up to each other so quickly).
Jimmy, to Stan after he told him about Brie, the pretty EMT: “It’s not about your looks, it’s about your personality”.
Stan: “Women don’t usually uh--say words in my direction UHM;;”  | Trooper Emma: “Hello, hi! Hello in your direction, sir UwU” | Stan: O///_///O
Stan, trying to impress Emma: “You... boots...good”. | Trooper Emma: “You... Fanny Pack... alright” | Stan: “Th-Thank;;;” | Trooper Emma: “Ayy, you’re welcome buddy!” :D
 Jimmy calls Stan’s moustache “Killer”.
Jimmy finds out that Stan’s son.....isn’t his biological son. Denice is a cheating bitch who had a son with another guy behind Stan’s back. Holy shit. Also, Stan’s a virgin.
Stan is a closeted homosexual, and Jimmy is 100% supportive of his “”straightness””.
Stan: “Maybe I should say that the next time I flirt with a woman. ‘Heyy, you want me to eat your ramen? *disgusting slurping sounds*” | Jimmy: “NO. NO. STAN, NO! STANIEL! No. Just don’t”.
I’m fuckign dying. Kiki: “I’m gonna go ahead and read you some of your rights, okay? You have the right to remain stylish, anything you wear can and will be used against you in the court of fashion, you have the right to an attorney...”.
Kiki getting KNOCKJED THE FUCK down “BLARBB! BUUHHH! AHH! OFFICER DOWN” *gross sobbing*
Okay, the weird Asian, Indian, Italian guy, whatever the heck he is, his name is “Lang Buddha” and I love him.
Mugger: “Look, the last thing I wanna fuckin’ do is pop a fuckin’ water boy and his boyfriend”.
Stan: *accidentally punches Jimmy* “OH MY GOD!! I’M SORRY. I’M SORRY!” … You can hit me... I’ll gladly take a hit | Jimmy: That’s the difference between you and me, Stan. *teary eyed, getting choked up* I don’t hit my friends! *sadly walks away* | Stan: “OHHH;;; JIM!! JIMOTHY!!💔  I’M GONNA MAKE THE PHONE CALL NOW... | Jimmy: AND I’M GONNA BE SOBBING IN THE CORNER!”.
Kiki’s constant garbling of words and screaming is amazing.
Kiki calling Jimmy “banana”.
Jimmy being terrified of Kiki.
Kiki, and a total complete fucking stranger pointing at Jimmy and saying “shame”. Stan joins in because he wants to be included.
Kiki screaming at the top of her lungs and Trooper Emma walking up to her and shushing her quietly and calmly “Kiki, Kiki. I need you to calm down, alright?”.
Kiki calling Jimmy “Mr. Happy Banana”.
Kiki: “Let me just tell you, Stan. I'm startin’ to feel real thirsty. I think I might need some Stan water right from the tap” *voice gets deeper and manlier*
Stan, to Kiki: “OH, UH! Stan the Water man; here to get you wet!” | Kiki: “Oh~ I’m already moister than an oyster~”  *disappears into the hospital*
Stan’s car wire song, omfg 💔
Stan, to Kiki: “Is this our date?” | Kiki: “Ohho ho heh.. you’ll know when our date is starting” *says in a manly voice* “Believe me~”.
Kiki: “Say ‘silk’ five times in a row” | Stan: silk, silk, silk, silk, silk | Kiki: What do cows drink? | Stan: …..water? | Kiki: GAAAAAAAHHHH!
Kiki calling Jimmy “Johnny Banana”.
yeah, stranger. you punch Stan. KARMA, BITCH.
(heartfelt moment while Kiki screams in the background fighting) Jimmy: “I’m getting you out of here”. | Stan: “I’m sorry I took out all my pent-up aggression on youuu! It wasn’t your fault! Just..mad at myself”. | Jimmy: *carries Stan out of the bar*.
Trooper Emma returns! :D
 Stan: *choking up tears* I’M A CRIMINAL!! I PUNCHED A MAN | Jimmy: “You’re anything but a criminal”.
Stan in the back of the cop car, getting driven to the hospital, crying to Emma about how he hurt his only friend Jimmy.
 Emma is so fuckin’ sweet omg. “You’re gonna be just fine, he’s gonna forgive you. We’re gonna get you medical assistance, okay?”.
*at the hospital* “Oh, the fanny pack guy! :D”
Stan calling Jimmy’s hair “a lovely teal”.
Trooper to Stan, who’s laying in a hospital bed: “Did you call him ‘Friendly J’?” | Stan: “Yeah! Friendly J! You know him?” | Trooper: “He’s here, he’s looking for you”. | Stan: “really??”.
Jimmy falling through his seat and then the floor.
❤ ❤ ❤ BRO HUG!!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤
Jimmy: “Stan, you say hi to your son for me”. | Stan: “I will. I’ll tell Roy that I might the nicest crack dealer in all of Lo Santos” | Jimmy: “Ok may, ..keep the last part very..” | Stan, already walking away: “the nicest crack dealer in all of Lo Santos”.
HOLY SHIT THAT STREAM WAS AMAZING. It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed this hard while watching Mark’s stuff. What a fun ride all the way to the end! Definitely an emotional roller coaster.
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ecotone99 · 5 years ago
[HM] A random (hopefully funny/entertaining) tale about a young man, a Chevy Spark, a few life lessons, and a car accident.
So this was about a year and a half ago. I was 21 and desperate to get CHEAP/new car. First of all let me start off by saying I was young and dumb (still young and dumb). I tend to make irrational and quick decisions when i’m excited about something. For personal reasons that I don’t wanna get into I was not able to receive a license until I was 21. So when I finally got my license I needed, let me re-phrase that...had the biggest urge/desire to buy a car like the day before my license came in the mail. Also getting a car would allow me to start a new career.
Now for financial, and impatient reasons I was going to finance the car. Now when I say finance I really mean have the LOWEST monthly payment possible. My job requires me to drive 100-200+ miles a day mostly highways so leasing was out of the question. I also did not, and still do not want to buy used. Which is a whole separate argument for a whole different day. Anyway I was literally looking for the cheapest 2018 model car ever created.
It’s a week before fourth of July and the cheapest car I could find was a 2018 Chevy Spark for around 13k. I figured what the hell I’ve waited 21 long years on my skateboard I can wait another week to try and get the “fourth of July deals” to increase my wheel size from 59mm to 200mm.
Boom after checking “cars.com” everyday, on July 7th 2018 I pull up with my dad to a chevy dealership 90 miles away from home. Me, feeling like a Russian mobster (I’m Russian haha) on the outside, and as excited as a young school girl on the inside walk inside with my dad. I pull out my phone and show the sales guy the ad I saw. 2018 Chevy Spark for $10,001 in a lightish blue.
Keep in mind I did NO research. I read NO reviews. My mind was set on this Chevy Spark. You could tell me 9/10 Chevy Sparks are reported to have a mind of their own and drive off of cliffs at 50k miles and I would still buy it without a second thought.
Now I’m sure all of you can relate to a certain degree. You know the feeling of being so damn excited for something. The feeling of wanting something so damn bad that you would do irrational things to get it. In that moment you don’t want to hear anything negative about your decision. You just want IT. At the time it was the only thing I could afford so in my mind it was either the Chevy Spark or never drive a car again in my whole life.
Back to the dealership, the sales guy asked if I wanted to test drive it, and for that 90 second circle in the parking lot (I didn’t even take my time I just wanted to get back and sign the paperwork) I fell in love what felt like for the first time. I didn’t even fall in love with the car I fell in love with the feeling of driving hopefully my neat future car.
This is a Chevy Spark LS. I’m talkin manual windows, no power locking, no center console, cheap speakers, feel ever pebble on the road, get blown off the highway when a gust of wind or even ANY car passes by. I’m talkin a car that teaches you what claustrophobia is. A car that feels like you’re sitting inside one of those electric cars for toddlers. You get the point this was a bare skeleton with a piece of plastic around it. But I loved it.
I had pretty good credit at the time so I was able to finance my first big purchase. 7.9 APR at 178 a month. At the time thats literally all I could afford. Ya know with insurance being so stupidly expensive if you’re young. So after a long day of paperwork and the sales guy telling us he literally can’t even drop a penny off the price I drove my baby home.
Fast forward to January 1st 2020 around 5pm: “DAD I NEED YOU TO COME TO ME I JUST SLAMMED INTO A PARKED CAR GOING 60”
Okay okay I know you’re excited to hear what happens next but let me back up a little.
For my job I spend A LOT of time on the road and in my car. 200+ miles/6+ hours a day is not uncommon. I’m about 5’7 and 150 pounds so I’m not the biggest guy. I’m a nice guy, but the Chevy Spark taught me what it feels like to be uncomfortable. It taught me what anxiety is. It taught me that you can have road rage at yourself.
A little insight on my job; Im an in home sales man for home improvment. The owner of the company I work for (he took a liking to me because he is also Russian) knew I was planning on getting a car. He told me when I get a car he will train me in becoming a sales rep. Promoting me from my position as a telemarketer. So knowing this made me that much more in a rush to buy a car. We drive to appointments everyday, and sometimes just sit in the car to wait/chill in between appointments. So basically 2/3 of the work day is spent in the car, and the work days can sometimes be 9am to 11pm.
Me being naive and irrational did NOT think about these things when purchasing a car. I did NOT realize how important comfort is when sitting in the car all day. Sure the first 6 months I was so excited about having a car that I did not think about these things, but things quickly changed.
I started to get really angry and started to despise working. I would wake up KNOWING I’m about to be very uncomfortable and annoyed inside of my car.
Every detail about the car is horrible. My left elbow rested on what felt like rough old cement, and the rigid surface would leave marks on my arm. My right arm would always be itchy from the cheap cloth armrest. My left leg literally had no where to go. THE WORST PART ABOUT THE CAR THOUGH, my left knee would literally almost ALWAYS be touching the manual window roller handle. Half the time the handle was either directly on top of my knee or directly in front of my knee. I had nightmares about crashing the car only because I knew when I did that handle would be the end of my knee.
There was no storage compartments in the car. I had no where to put my phone, my change, my wallet, anything else comfortably. Because it’s a tiny hatchback my back seats would ALWAYS have to be pushed forward to fit all of my work stuff (giant bags). MEANING I could not push/lean my seat back enough. It was the equivalence to those people in the asian countries that live in the tiny apartments that look lime walk in closets.
Now I’m a music guy so listening to music is a must. Not even a year and my speakers started to blow... The speakers sounded like an old nokia phone in the first place. Or a better description would be when your earphones break so you have to pull out the old trusty $9 backup earphones from ross. Constantly I would think about installing better speakers but just never got around to me
There are 2 lessons to be learned from this pointless post, but one of them is how important comfort is when picking a car to own. I will now NEVER sacrifice comfort in the future. Not just in a car, but in anything.
Okay now....January 1st 2020 at about 4:30pm on a very main road. My new years resolution was to stop smoking cigarettes so this was day one!
So around that time of year it can get slow for my job. So as a side hustle I started doing Uber Eats. Let me take a quick second to say CHEVY SPARK DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR RIDE SHARING BECAUSE IT DOES NOT HAVE 5 SEATBELTS. I was EXTREMELY mad when I found that out AFTER I bought the car.
Since the car is so uncomfortably small it took many many attempts to find a phone mount/holder that was just okay. I finally found one that required my phone to be right in the middle. Keep in my mind this is my first day using it. Also keep in mind I am Russian and it was just new years. RIP to my liver the night before.
Here I am driving 60 on a very main road. My phone is right in the middle and I’m looking at it trying to figure out where I’m supposed to deliver this burger to. Uber eats; pick up food from restaurant and deliver to customer As I’m looking at my phone in the middle, while singing along to my music, most likely thinking about life, 100% hoping my headache would go away, wondering what my girlfriend is doing, admiring how warm my new north face jacket that I just bought is. Basically doing everything but paying attention to the road (And I’m sorry my grammar is getting worse as this post is going its 3am and I stopped caring as much LOL). I’ve been driving for a year and a half now I’m so confident in my self I can drive with my eyes closed using my feet.
Anyway, BAM I look up and my car is basically inside of an Audi SUV. “FUCK!!!!!!” “Fuck fuck fuck fuck” close my eyes cause its a dream open them cause I’m waking up after a nightmare “FUCK”
This is my first accident. I was going 60mph, at this point I’m completely speechless and very shocked. Every one always told me that car was a death wish but after about 5 seconds of stating in front of me I immediately climb over the airbags and exit the smoking, pulverized hunk of plastic.
I slammed into a parked car on the right side of the road. Really horrible too, thank you seatbelt. I don’t even know what to do in this situation so I’m dumbfounded. Witnesses are asking if I’m okay I was so all I could say was “yeah I’m okay”
I called my dad, and after what seemed like a minute he shows up. The owners of the parked car came out of the restaurant all normal accident stuff. I had a sprained finger, bruises yada yada.
Now my insurance wanted nothing to do with is since I was doing uber. I filed a claim through uber’s insurance and they said I’ll be covered. Awesome, score, BUT I didn’t know what gap insurance was at the time. I failed to do my research which I always end up having to learn a lesson cause of sometimes heedless decisions.
I had 8 thousand left to pay off my car loan and 40k miles on the car. I for sure thought it was over. I was done, game over. Every one told me the insurance would pay me 5 MAYBE 6 thousand for the car leaving my to pay off the rest.
Now I’m not religious but by some kind of mystical higher power I was blessed. I pretty much hit the jackpot. My payout was $11,200...
I purchased the car for $10,001...
I got my loan payed off AND received about 2k.
Now if that doesn’t scream second chance I don’t know what does.
To wrap up this long long meaningless story I just want to say a few things.
If you read up to this point I applaud you. It wasn’t a hell of a ride to read this story. It wasn’t the script to the next big summer blockbuster. It was more like, a carnival ride for children ages 3-6.
But there are some important lessons and morals to be taken from this. 1. Fuck the Chevy Spark 2. Comfort in a vehicle is very important 3 Do your research and please get a car that you will love even 2 years down the line. Get something you like. If you cant afford it wait until you can if you can be patient 4 GAP INSURANCE 5 Don’t make hasty decisions like me
After lots of research I am getting ready to finance a 2020 Toyota Corolla SE next week, and I’m very excited!
We live and learn. We make mistakes and we learn from them. I know when it comes to stubborn minds like myself we won’t listen/pay attention to advise that much until we have to pay the consequences. I try to listen more and look things into a different perspective as I get older because the older you get past 18 the more bad decisions screw you over. The consequences weren’t as bad as a teenager but now wrong avoidable decisions can really change your life for the worse. Adulting isn’t easy but thats just the game we call life. Goodnight ya’ll I have to be up in about 4 hours to drive my rental 100 miles to go sell some windows.
Ps: Still haven’t smoked a cigarette
submitted by /u/socialdisease818 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/31DTzYW
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burgaholic · 7 years ago
AJ Bombers
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Currently listening to “20 Years From Now” by New Found Glory.
After spending a small chunk of my life in Chicago, this Texas boy slowly became very fond of the Midwest. Actually, while in Wrigleyville they say, my heart grew three sizes that day. Since then, I’ve embraced their cold winters, insane accents, and the fact that inhaling fried cheese curds and pop is simply just a way of life. This newfound glory of adoration lead me straight to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Coming in, the only thing I knew about this city is that the French missionaries and explorers were coming to Milwaukee as early as the late 1600’s to trade with Native Americans, and it’s actually pronounced “Mill-e-wah-que”, which is Algonquin for “the good land”. Schwing! All jokes aside, Milwaukee is a super fun, sports loving town with a ton to offer. The downtown area is host to many unique restaurants and bars, including one of my favorite place to pop in to eat local cheese and drink local beer, Uber Tap Room & Cheese Bar. Keep in mind, this is all just a stones throw away from the headquarters and brewery of the holy beer mecca, Pabst Blue Ribbon, which definitely deserves a visit of it’s own. After all this day drinking I definitely needed to put something in my stomach, and the only thing that would fit the bill was a burger of epic proportions. After a quick scan of the land, I settled on a popular burger joint called AJ Bombers. Check it out!
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Right when you walk into AJ’s you feel the warm, fun, welcoming environment. The walls are covered in aviation décor, which is a nice compliment to the industrial look of the exposed bricks, wooden booths, and painted steel tubing. On this particular Sunday, the game was blaring, the hungry patrons were chattering, and the explosive, crashing sound of bombs filled the room. Okay, I know you’re ripping your hair out and furiously yelling at your screen right now. “WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THESE BOMBS YOU’RE SPEAKING OF? DID DONALD TRUMPSTER FIRE ALREADY START WWIII WITH ROCKET MAN??”. No. Not yet at least. These signature bombs are what makes this place unique. The bartender fills up these torpedo-like contraptions with peanuts and sends them soaring over to to random tables on a track system, all throughout this multilayered burgatory. Once it reaches the table and hits it’s target, the trap doors on the bottom open up and drop the cargo, sending them through a chute and into a bowl for your peanut eating pleasure. After I had soaked all of this in, I plopped down at the bar and knew I needed something delicious and local to quench my thirst. I settled on Green Bay’s very own Hinterland Maple Bock, which had a rich roasted malt flavor and a subtle hint of maple. It was perfect for the cool weather outside. After a few of those I decided to switch gears, put on my racing gloves, and enter myself into the Day Drinking 500. For longevity, I needed something lighter and cheaper with a bit of pizzazz. Enter Stage Right: The Schlitz Tall Boy. As far as food goes, I had done a bit of research before coming to AJB and I knew exactly what I was in store for. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present the Bomber Burger.
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They say the Bomber Burger is 100 foot tall and could win a fist fight with King Kong. Just kidding. No one has said that, but I’d be willing to start the rumor. The BB was loaded with a 1/4” pound custom blend of freshly ground beef, American cheese, bacon, lettuce, fresh jalapeno, mayo, and a fried egg, all topped with a jaw dropping (literally) deep fried mushroom / cheese bomber patty, in between two super soft buns. This is by the far the biggest burger that I have ever encountered. After I squashed the burg and unhinged my mouth from my face, I was able to bite into the beast. The first bit of shrapnel I tasted from this explosion of flavor was the bomb itself. This cheese stuffed shroom tasted like every bit of comfort food wrapped into one. Perfectly fried and crunchy on the outside, and a gooey, savory mess on the inside that consisted of portobello, Wisconsin cheddar, and Muenster cheese. The ¼ pound patty was tender and flawlessy seasoned. In Wisconsin, more cheese is always welcomed. The American cheese on top combined with the thinner style patty sends you straight into classic burger nostalgia, combining the best of past and present fun between buns. The bacon added a smokey layer that helped to intensify every bite. The fresh jalapenos are always a must in my book. The snap and the spice have become an old friend of mine that has an almost permanent residency in my mouth house. I might have got a little too carried away when I added the fried egg. It’s always a great addition to any meal, but this burger might as well be playing for FC Barcelona because it was Messi. I think the onion straws as a side weren’t really my favorite, but this insane sangwich and fried cheese curd appetizer are something I am constantly dreaming about. The Bomber Burger is getting air raided with 5 of 5 burgz.
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I’m just scaling the tip of the iceberg when it comes to knowing my way around Milwaukee, but I always have a fantastic time while I’m here. I know I’ll be back to try and drink all the PBR in the city, and I know I’ll be back to AJ Bombers to dine like a king. I suggest you do the same!
AJ Bombers
1247 N. Water Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
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