#chris allison
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miniyo · 10 months ago
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Chris Allison, en Toon Hole [web]  [instagram] [facebook, Toonhole]  [facebook, Toonholechris]
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thisworldisablackhole · 2 months ago
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Obverse. Obverse
Do you know the Muffin Man? How about Harp Lady, the internet's busiest harpist and effect pedal aficionado? Emily Hopkins (aka Harp Lady aka emilyharpist aka emilyharpist2) has teamed up for a surprise collaborative EP with Chris Allison, most notably recognized for his work with jazz-fusion outfit Plini, and Dan Briggs, the low-end groove technician of Between the Buried and Me fame. Together, this harp, bass, and drum trio offers up a fresh and ethereal take on instrumental progressive-ambient-harp-jazz... metal? Yeah.
Obverse certainly does not aim to overwhelm with distortion or speed. In fact, I often found myself pining for a bit more growl in Briggs' bass tone, but the rhythms in which Obverse (the entity) create still exhibit a knotty sense of technicality that seems obvious considering two-thirds of the members' progressive metal backgrounds. Fingers are swift and precise; time signatures tend to leave you holding on a second longer than you expect, but it's all so chillllll. Playful really is the key word here. Briggs' and Allison's rhythm work is astute in its virtuosity, no doubt, but they are here first and foremost to set the stage and provoke reactions from Hopkins' electric harp, and they don't make it easy for her. Briggs and Allison collapse entire suns for Hopkins to dance around like a butterfly with wings made of cosmos. She does so with grace and fluidity.
Hopkins' harp is a technicolor joy that takes on many forms throughout these four movements. Of course, such a wide array of frequencies combined with the ability to run specific note ranges through separate effect chains would create such a diverse and shimmering show of lights. This is where Hopkins' extensive pedal collection absolutely comes in clutch. The tones on this EP are just dripping in boutique reverbs, fluttering echos, and sunburst fuzz. Special shout-out to those ASMR popping sounds near the middle of "Obverse II” that sound like the rippled implosions of tiny stars; you'll know when you hear them. Hopkins' harp lays atop the rhythm like a living, breathing organism, exhaling atoms into the breeze, and Briggs, who sounds equally opportunistic in his shapeshifting, must have also shared in the plunder of Hopkins' pedal stash. Allison's drumming speaks for itself, of course; his dance is intricate and plays a vital role in linking the pieces of Obverse together, but sometimes a perfectly timed and warbled string pluck over a cymbal hit does give the impression of mutual metamorphosis.
Obverse does have a large improvisational component to it, but you would hardly know it. These four songs are set up with a series of well-defined crux points to give them each a sense of shape and direction, some of which are just too dang clever and smooth to not be planned. Like the many catch-and-release moments where the trio gets hung up and flung in unison, coalescing into an organic mass of noise and refracted light before a sudden rhythm shift sends them skittering back to their respective corners of the galaxy. Chris Allison, Dan Briggs, and Emily Hopkins have created a wonderful proof of concept here that shows just how well they can play off of each other, and I sincerely hope they don't stop here. There is so much more that could be done with this formula.
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twinkbutchblog · 11 days ago
House md is such a trip because House and Wilson are standing cock to cock, tip to tip, packer to packer, emotionally and physically. House's employees have a polyamorous codependent relationship while also being at each other's throats constantly. Foreman's so represssed they think he's gay, Chase is so sexually active that he can't possibly be straight, Taub and Kutner scissored, Cameron's probably gay but she has a job to do so she isn't going to think about it too hard, Thirteen is bisexual and went to jail once. Everyone has used drugs recreationally at least once. They break into everyone's home then insult the state of their home and then diagnose the patient based on a "That's so Raven" vision that House has. They shouldn't have been doctors, they would all thrive better as Waffle house employees that leap over the counter to fight customers.
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thankstothe · 4 months ago
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desire-mona · 1 year ago
house in 2024 bc i see ppl post this
- chase makes "lol americans experience gun violence" jokes
- cameron engages in online discourse and starts a lot of arguments with "as a doctor..."
- foreman uses 4chan but just to sit in shock at the things he sees on there
- house is a mod and frequent poster on r/newjersey of all things. only wilson knows, not because house keeps it a secret, but because its so weirdly out of character that nobody would ever bring it up
- wilson sends reels of edgy standup comedians to house on instagram
- cuddy frequents gentle parenting forums, occasionally uses tactics on house
- taub used to run a food review channel on youtube but stopped when people called his videos "mukbangs"
- thirteen introduces herself with her name and pronouns, everyone makes a joke about this at least once
- kutner is a hamilton fan
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cheezy-whizz · 10 months ago
Shout out to dysfunctional teenage friend groups from 80s movies, gotta be one of my favorite genders
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houseswife · 1 year ago
people who aren’t in the house md fandom assume that the batshit craziness of these plotlines starts and ends with the old man yaoi and the malpractice. you all think you understand? [grabs you by the face] listen to me closely. these patients specifically seek out house because he’s known as the capital-G God of diagnostics. on MULTIPLE occasions someone has come in with seizures, coughing up blood, in multi-system organ failure and the team is like “it says here in the chart that you’ve had sex before?… yeah so we have concluded that ur allergic to cum :/ sorry.” and then are genuinely shocked when their treatment of “no more taking big fat loads from peanis” doesn’t reverse sepsis. this is a medical drama. about medical mysteries
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soultragedy · 1 month ago
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i just spent so long on this because i rewatched the ep where wilson rolls a joint.
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heph · 8 months ago
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Camping trip
Loosely inspired by this fic! Do mind the content rating.
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miniyo · 11 months ago
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Chris Allison, en Toon Hole [web]  [instagram] [facebook, Toonhole]  [facebook, Toonholechris]
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florida3exclamationpoints · 18 days ago
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House MD + text posts pt. ∞
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fireguardianblog · 6 months ago
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House slipped away to take a nap in the lounge room, woke up some time later to this. He then notices framed pictures of this in both Wilson's and Cuddy's offices and tries to incinerate them.
Rough week for the Diagnostics department...
Also hello to this... nice site, I think it'll be okay here
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noahwylle · 3 months ago
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HOUSE M.D. • S4E10 ↳ “It's a Wonderful Lie”
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grepepkin · 4 months ago
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This unironically goes hard.
House stands out from the rest, not just by his physical manifestation (refusal to wear a lab coat, his unprofessional and messy clothing, the cane (as he perceives it to be), his stubble and unstyled hair, etc) but also through his unorthodox methods of medicine and his unique perception of life and the medical field as a whole. The light being on him, the only figure wearing dark colors in a group of people in white scrubs, is like saying (in Wilson’s own words), despite all the prickly takes on medicine and people and life, and despite his misery which he often pushes onto others, “he’s a net positive force on this world.”
He looks, and is, angry. But he’s not just angry. Sometime in season six, when Marcus was hired, Wilson spends an episode claiming House has nice motives despite playing it off to be rude and antagonistic. But when Wilson leaves the office at the entrance of two fellows, he says, “Your boss is secretly a nice guy.” And Taub, instantly, says, “I know.”
There’s no debate that House is different, that he’s an asshole, that his approach to medicine hurts as well as helps. But that’s what makes him so good. Wanting pure motives out of everyone is naive, and House does not have pure motives throughout most of the show—again, the only one wearing dark colors in this image—but he does good. He stands with the others doctors, but he’s the only one looking into the screen. He doesn’t conform, and that’s why everyone hates him, and that’s why he’s so necessary. He challenges beliefs and he is offensive and he makes mistakes but he does good. It’s almost more impressive that he’s such a positive influence on others despite lacking completely innocent intentions (not to be confused with good intentions).
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housemdfever · 4 months ago
Somewhat correct House MD text posts to make you want a cupcake!
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I need the House MD tbh
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theking-mustdie · 1 year ago
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how it feels to be a teen wolf fan in the year of our lord 2024
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