#chart fraud
akkivee · 1 year
skimmed thru the guidebook myself!!!! here’s what i thought was neat about it!!!
the book cover was warning text all over it lol and it reads:
‘hypnosis mic has the power to interfere with people’s minds. when handling it, please be mindful of the extent to which its users’ influence can reach. furthermore, possession of a hypnosis mic that is not authorised by the chuuoku is subject to strict legal penalties’
within the pages, there’s another warning that’s partially blocked off by the graphics, but is advising to thoroughly read thru the guidelines for optimal functionality for failure to do can cause errors, malfunctions and other issues lol
pretty sure said pages are of the box the hypnosis mics are delivered in lol
the current era relationship chart is insane lmao like there are so many arrows. if it’s important, there’s probably an arrow for it lol
a handful of timeline events were removed in favour of including info about everything all the way up to the music festival. most of these removed events were when individuals met each other, eg dohifu meeting, rei and otome meeting
i think it’s just funny lmao but the section in bb’s story talking about jiro and saburo’s jobs to get ichiro to consider making a team with them, they included a silhouette of some woman to represent hifumi’s stalker LOL
did they update the official site with rei’s blood type??? if they didn’t, he’s type a 🤔
according to dh’s most important persons page, rei and otome stopped seeing eye to eye about the true hypnosis mic and the ramuda clones
the explanations for nagosaka’s abilities are neat!!!
🎋: makes the other person laugh, weakening their abilIties (tho interesting to note it’s not written with the english word ability to imply the hypnosis abilities)
🍮: informs allies, strengthening their power
0️⃣: manipulates any number of people to his own advantage
📿:enters a meditative state that increases concentration to block the opponent’s ability (ability here is written in english to imply it’s the hypnosis abilities)
🌙:gathers courage that restores own power (parallels jakurai’s ability to restore to normality when tled literally)
⚖️:with a shout, repel all attacks back at the opponent and away from allies
otome’s likes are gardening, tea, and antiques. she doesn’t like bugs or coffee. her favourite foods are pasta and risotto and she doesn’t like meat
ichijiku’s likes are ribbons, general goods, and fashion magazines. she doesn’t like pigeons or roller coasters. her favourite foods are sweets and she doesn’t like curry
nemu’s likes are making sweets and aquatic sports. she doesn’t like tobacco or lizards. her favourite food is hamburgers and she doesn’t like shellfish
the guidebook says the effects a person experiences after the true hypnosis mic is used on them varies from person to person. there are plenty of unknowns about it, including why hypnosis abilities disappear once under its influence.
the guidebook actually doesn’t have those pics of shakku and co we got in arb lmao. tho to that point it’s kinda interesting the people’s photos they do include are yotsutsuji and hanabi
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iersei · 11 months
easiest decision ever
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for doodle requests maybe just a scary please :)
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maybe the real scare was the teenage girlhood we found along the way
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theygender · 11 months
I just found out that the majority of the music I used to listen to back in my "emo phase" was actually nu-metal. I don't know what to do with this information
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leavingautumn13 · 10 months
tonight i'm wrestling with the fact that i've always listed hrissock as being lawful evil on their character sheets but they have the aura of someone who has absolutely committed tax fraud and i don't know if that tracks.
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beccasafan · 2 years
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utahimeow · 1 year
!!! leo venus??? what’s your moon rising n mars??! Σ(°ロ°) (only if you’re comfortable with saying! you can ignore this otherwise m sorry for bothering you!!)
capricorn moon + sagittarius mars !! idk my birth time so i dont have a rising 😭
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theleafwarden · 16 days
On one hand, I'm forever grateful in meeting so many people online and offline who have just a vast array of experiences that help shape my world view. On the other hand, not being in the positions to also have a vast array of experiences literally limits my entire existence as a human being and it's depressing. It actually cripples my ability to take chances and heightens my anxiety on life. The constant pull of wanting to be alone all the time and wanting true friendship and companionship of a lover is maddening.
While I often have fleeting thoughts and feelings of departing from this realm, on meds or off, the feeling and ideas still stand. I'm exhausted. I'm tired of being exhausted. The only way to stop being exhausted is to stop breathing, but the first inhale and exhale of a cold fresh winter's day is exhilarating and I would miss that if I stopped breathing.
The sounds of youth laughing, the sounds of the elderly stubbornly persevering and laughing, people generally enjoying their own personal happiness. Whether it's delusions of grandeur or pure honest bliss, it's is always interesting to observe and it generally warms the soul.
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immunobiz · 7 months
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Not responsible for the PCRE program frauds
Not responsible for the PCU program frauds
Not responsible for SNC & WE files
Not responsible for ARRIVESCAM frauds
Not responsible for the lack of respect for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Not responsible…
Everything blamed on Covid to keep us alive LOL with a 0.07% death rate LOL
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Pas responsable des fraudes du programme PCRE
Pas responsable des fraudes du programme PCU
Pas responsable des dossiers SNC & WE
Pas responsable des fraudes d’ARRIVESCAM
Pas responsable du non respect de la charte des droits et libertés
Pas responsable…
Tout sur le dos du Covid pour nous maintenir vivant LOL avec un taux de 0.07% de décès LOL
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snugglyporos · 11 months
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Pete has been told humans like the pictures! So Pete has the pictures. Pete wishes to make sure humans understand the difference between good and bad.
One of these pictures involves something called a 'bank' which Pete is told has many metal circles, and has been around for many moons and which has many many metal circles all over the world.
One of these involves something involving imaginary metal circles which then resulted in what Pete is told is a legendary fall from grace and lots of humans losing lots of metal circles.
Now, Pete is but a simple pumpkin poro! Grows the patch! Does not particularly need all the metal circles, or even most. Are not interesting to Pete.
However, Pete would like to point out that it should be very worrying if anyone tried to explain that the picture on the right is your plan. Pete is a poro and just looking at that makes Pete wonder just what they're trying to hide! Would not give his snax too. Clearly, is not good.
Pete hopes that this has been informative. Do not give your snax to humans whose idea of structure looks like a nightmare.
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ao3topshipsbracket · 6 months
now that it's been five months, can I point out something really funny that I don't think anybody noticed?
so you may remember that round 2 was notorious for the voter fraud that happened in blackbonnet vs stucky. some people (on both sides!) found the whole thing hilarious; some people (again, on both sides!) got really, really unreasonably angry.
the graph looked like this.
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now, that's a very sudden and noticeable spike there at the end; this was definitely a coordinated effort and it was definitely to some degree fraud. there's screenshots of a job listing on sproutgigs to prove it. but look at the rest of the graph! that's fairly natural-looking— no enormous spikes, no stopping and starting. there's bumps, of course, because sometimes you get reblogged by someone with lots of followers, and there's upsets, but there aren't cliffs. for the most part, except for that sudden bend at the end, this is pretty normal voter behavior.
people joked about the fraud in this poll for weeks afterwards. "hey, where's the award for most voter fraud?" people said.
the award for most voter fraud does not go to stucky vs blackbonnet. it goes to this absolute fucking nonsense:
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like, look at that. look at those long stretches where almost nobody was voting crimeboys. look at the sudden jumps, and look at how suddenly they end. in the earlier sections you can see the little pauses where whoever was frauding took a break to rest their wrists and get a snack.
I don't know what I think the takeaway here is. you could say this is a story about how accusations of voter fraud don't track voter fraud, they track controversy. you could say this is a story about how if you don't have a graph right in front of you, it is significantly harder to identify voter fraud than you think it is. both of those are even true.
but personally, I like to look at it as a post about how if you really try, you can chart human passion. and I think that's beautiful.
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moonchild033 · 8 days
Astro Observations -5💃
Here we go with part-5!!! My schedule is getting hectic, I managed some time to make this finally 😭😭❤💫
(These observations are based on the whole sign system, sidereal charts and all obs are subject to change with other aspects in the chart, so don't conclude anything with a single placement) ❤
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1. Mercury in Capricorn/Aquarius or in Saturn ruled stars- Could've got late admissions in educational institutions or had academic gaps or breaks. This could also be true if Saturn is in Gemini/Virgo or in mercury ruled stars.😌
2. Jupiter in 10H esp in fire/air signs- They could have the tendency to change jobs frequently, mostly because their interests are diverse or they like the concept of exploring, taking a long time to settle down.😊
3. Having same ascendant in both D1 & D3- The person will be courageous, they could get benefits and significant help from siblings. Their source of motivation in life could come from their friendships, a close knit of circle who always motivates them to move forward.💫
4. Virgo mercury - Can be prone to losing money in share market, due to online frauds etc. These ppl should be careful with their money. You could even lose it carelessly, like forgetting the money purse somewhere. 🤧
5. Jupiter in 7H for Gemini ascendant - Even though Jupiter is in own house in this placement, it can give late marriage to the person if it's alone in 7H or doesn't receive any aspects from other benefic planets.😇
6. More planets in Leo house in D2- You will attain wealth by your own hardwork and independently. This placement can also make the person to start earning earlier than their peers or simply have more earnings regardless of what age they started going to a job.💃
7. More planets in Cancer house in D2- You will be blessed with extravagant lifestyle and wealth after marriage. Your partner will play a significant role in determining your wealth---you could either have a joint bank account with your partner OR after their arrival in your life, you could've experienced significant rise in your salary.🤩
8. Mars-moon conjunction in D4- The property you buy in your name could be located near water sources or you can be inclined to buy agricultural lands or at least buy a commercial plot with a countryside environment. If it's in a water sign, you would buy properties in your name near coastal cities.💙
9. Ashlesha/Jyeshta/Revati Moons- No matter how manipulative or cold they might appear due to moon in mercury star, they can fall in love easily. Even if they're slow, they're as obsessive, deep and consuming as Scorpio moons when in love. Some ppl might have had obsessive crushes or a long relationship for years during school days itself.💖
10. Mars-Sun conjunction in D4- House in your name could be placed near government owned buildings or in a colony where many government officials reside. You might construct a house in warmer places (by temperature in surrounding) than the ones you grew up in.🌡
11. Cancer Venus in a woman's chart- Female friends can get jealous of them, after wedding, even the female family members of the groom could do so. It's because of their perfect embodiment of feminine self, it can make other underdeveloped females insecure. Might not be the case for everyone, just observed this in few.💜
12. Placements and the type of house construction/aesthetics you may like & build:
(This doesn't mean you will end up building your house like this for sure, these placements should make aspects to the 4H/4H lord, 4H shouldn't be afflicted, favorable mahadasha should come and many more other aspects, so take the below ones as a fun read!)
Venus in Taurus/Libra/Pisces- Lots of interior designing & unique architecture. They want their house to be very aesthetically pleasing and appreciated by others. They have a eye for beauty.😍
Rahu in 4H- House constructed in an extravagant manner, has many rooms🤭
Mercury-saturn conjunction - Likes building staircase inside the house and basements having those spiral steps like in the horror films lol.🤫
Aries Sun - Grand entrance, the main gate or the house door will be big both in terms of height and width. They could like adding glass elements that reflect light on top of house door or any architecture near that.💅
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction - Loves unique and high class wooden sculptures and furnitures. These could be the people who would import specific type of wood to make their study table hehe.💪
Taurus/Cancer Moon- Water flowing architecture inside the house. You may also be fond of having fish tanks. This placement along with taurus or libra venus can give (for ex.) unique statues and water flowing from it or glass floors and fish maintenance below it.🤪
Leo Moons- Most probably likes having their own swimming pool in their house, especially purva phalguni moons.😻
Mars-moon conjunction - Loves doing indoor gardening. Rahu in the mix can give technological advancements in this, like having hydroponics system or any specialized type of gardening.🌱
Venus-rahu conjunction - Prefers different colored lighting settings, can even have home theatre setups. They like aesthetic light works with multiple colors and all shiny at least in one room for recreation.✨
Venus-Mars conjunction - Highlights strong security systems. They could appoint a watchman or have CCTV cameras surrounding their house. Mars in rahu's star having this conjunction, they might have advanced touch or face recognition type of security systems.😼
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Let's Learn and Grow Together!💋💅
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
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Masterlist 💖
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crishayle · 1 year
Pluto in the houses
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Disclaimer. This article touches on unpleasant topics for conversation. Please don't be sad when reading it. Thank you:)
Pluto is responsible in astrology for transformations, death, destruction, power, sex, crises. This planet is one of the most difficult to interpret the natal chart, because it shows skeletons in the closet.
Pluto in 1st house:
1.This is an indicator of mental endurance. Such people have experienced many terrible and difficult situations. For example, the death of loved ones,fire,drugs,alcoholism,depression,suicide attempts. Their life is filled with stages to which they try not to return. What's gone is gone.
2.I noticed that such people always have some unusual scar or birthmark, a mole on their face
3.Such people can really be a leader in a group or is in authority. The paradox is that they are most often not very talkative and energetic and don't like attention, but the people around them respect their opinion and often ask them for advice.
4.They love sarcasm and self-irony, as well as making fun of friends.
5.They have a high sense of empathy for people, so they feel lies or hypocrisy of the interlocutor well. This is a great placement for psychologists, tarologists or astrologers.
6.Most likely, such people have heard more than once that they have a heavy or tired look.
7.Pluto in the 1st house in the aspects with Mars, Mercury or the Sun can indicate manipulativeness, imperiousness and aggressiveness. Before doing this, please also analyse the other placements of the natal chart.
Pluto in the 2nd house:
1.An indicator of a great love for material things. Of course, everyone loves money, but not like people with Pluto in the 2nd house.Many of these people have deposits, are thinking about buying real estate or investing. Don't forget, Pluto is a planet of other people's money, so people with this placement are good in business and sales.
2.With tense aspects with other planets, this placement can mean greed, wastefulness, unwillingness to earn money on their own. Such people like to dream and do nothing.
3.Such people love antiques. I noticed that they can keep memorabilia, postcards and gifts from friends in a box for many years.
4.They always know how to save money. If you want to know where you can buy something at a discount, then ask them. Perhaps such people like second-hand shops.
5.I noticed that such people have faced fraud or theft.
6.Their thoughts often become material. I'm not talking about global dreams, for example, about buying a car. Such people may think about a new bag and get a bonus or an opportunity to earn extra money the next day.
7.Pluto loves change, so it's not surprising if people with this placement can move to another city to earn money. Such people could face difficult choices or risks to succeed.
Pluto in the 3rd house:
1.Good analytical skills. This is a good placement for people working in IT, engineering, economics and psychology.
2.With tense aspects with other planets, it may indicate poor memory, short temper and rebelliousness, problems with focusing attention.
3.My personal observation. This is an indicator that in childhood a person could be bullied, change schools, study martial arts. In general, such people are more likely than others to encounter toxic people.
4.This is a very good placement for speakers. Firstly, they know how to convey their message to the audience. Secondly, they have a pleasant voice (but you also need to look at other placements).Thirdly, such people don't like to be silent. For the same reason, I would advise them to keep a diary or write their thoughts and ideas in notes.
5.This is an indicator of an honest person. He will not lie out of courtesy or for selfish purposes. Ask him anything and you will hear his true thoughts.
6.This is a lover of heart-to-heart talk :)
7.Of course, you need to look at the other placements of the natal chart, but most often such people's brains work better in the afternoon or at night.
Pluto in the 4th house:
1.The 4th house in astrology represents family, childhood and mother. For an accurate interpretation, look at the sun and moon in your natal chart. This is an indicator of parents' divorce, constant moving, strained relations in the family. Such a person could receive insufficient love and attention from his parents. Often this is an indication of strict upbringing.
2.Good intuition. Perhaps someone on the maternal side had esoteric abilities.
3.He likes to do the interior of the house. The house for this person is the personification of his personality. The very type of people who start cleaning if they have a lot of stress or anxiety.
4.It is very important for this person to make friends with his inner child in order not to succumb to his desires. For example, you need to determine what is home and a sense of security for you, what is love and attention of loved ones for you, etc. Until you answer these questions, you will unknowingly create problems in your life.
5.This is a possible indicator of an inheritance or a precious family heirloom (but you also need to look at the 8th house in the natal chart)
6.If the other placements in the natal chart don't indicate a bad relationship with parents, then Pluto in the 4th house may indicate that a person had a strong mother. The child could admire her stress resistance, diligence, integrity.She is a complex, but very interesting person.
7.Such people have matured early. In childhood, they were wise children, with whom adults were surprised.
Pluto in the 5th house:
1.'Sorry,I'm anti-romantic".With tense aspects with other planets (especially Venus) this is an indicator of complete aversion to love. A person is afraid of relationships because of possible betrayal or low self-esteem (you need to look at the rest of the placements of the natal chart).
2.A great placement for actors. People like to watch their emotions and listen to them. Emotionality and a high level of empathy is expressed in artistry, which is noticeable even in ordinary conversation.It is not surprising that this placement is really found in many famous actors (Milla Jovovich, Robert Pattinson, Jon Voight, Lady Gaga)
3.Such a person can really select and create a new personality and image for a particular person, which causes problems in his personal life.For some, he is a cheerful extrovert, for others a homebody, for others an ambitious workaholic.
4.Most often, such people are jealous and demand passion and emotions in a relationship (but you need to look at Venus and the Moon in the natal chart)They want to literally get under their partner's skin and breathe the same air. Their love is constant, but very demanding.
5.Pluto is a planet of change, and the 5th house embodies creativity, so such people can be music lovers, often change their style of clothing and their appearance.
6.I notice that the language of love for such people is a physical touch.
7.A man who loves competitions. Firstly, they know how to win.Secondly, they have good endurance.Thirdly, they do not see obstacles.The only disadvantage is that a person can go against the rules and cheat.It's better not to argue with them.
Pluto in the 6th house:
1.Good immunity.A person rarely gets sick and he is physically hardy.(but you need to look at the rest of the placements)
2.The very kind of employee who wants to improve working conditions. He will not be silent if he is not allowed to go on vacation or on sick leave, not to agree to work overtime without additional pay. Responsible, but very demanding employee. Treats colleagues with respect, but tries not to start a friendship at work.
3.With tense aspects with other planets, this is an indicator of workaholism to your detriment. A person can harm his health due to lack of rest and sleep.
4.An indicator that a person may think too much about their health and body. Often Pluto in the 6th house is found in hypochondriacs, people with an eating disorder.
5.Often such people experience impostor syndrome, as they cannot fully accept their achievements.
6.This is a great placement for leadership positions.Such people know how to manage and motivate people.The only downside is that they can go too far and be too overbearing and demanding of their employees.
7.Their emotional state is stronger than that of other people, affects their health.The stomach and skin are especially vulnerable.
Pluto in the 7th house:
1.This placement is most often found in the natal charts of people who have experienced an unpleasant experience in love (divorce, toxic relationships, infidelity, death of a partner)
2.Many of them have a person who can unsuccessfully seek their hearts for several years.
3.With tense aspects with other planets, this is an indicator that a person can be sacrificial in a relationship. Sometimes I find this placement in the natal charts of people who have been subjected to domestic violence.
4.This is one of the indicators of late marriage.
5.The 7th house represents not only a partner, but also enemies. Such people could survive betrayal from the closest people, after which they began to experience trust problems.
6.A person who gives good relationship advice, but doesn't follow it himself.
7.Such people tend to fall under the influence of a partner. (but you also need to look at the other placements in the natal chart).It is important for them to learn to appreciate their hobbies, their character and their dreams, and not to change them because of a partner.
Pluto in the 8th house:
1.Fatalist. This man has been convinced more than once in his life that everything that is not being done is for the best.
2.An indicator of high libido (but you also need to look at Mars and the Sun).They are active and good at sex.
3.I noticed that these people always had a case when they almost died. Many of them had an accident.
4.They understood what karma is from birth. All the bad things always come back to them, as well as the best. Their enemies always get what they deserve.
5.Strong energy (somewhat similar to Pluto in the 1st house). During a conversation with them, you can be filled with energy for the rest of your life.They seem to be out of this world.
6.Possible mental problems.As well as psychological diseases (depression, ocd, adhd, etc.), and diseases of the central nervous system.Many of them suffer from insomnia, seizures or panic attacks (but for this you need to study the natal chart in detail)
7.Such a person is prone to hyperfixation on something. It is important for him to develop comprehensively so that his thoughts are not limited to one idea.
Pluto in the 9th house:
1.A person who likes to study other cultures.Perhaps he listens to a lot of foreign music, learns languages and watches travel shows.
2.There are two extremes here (you need to look at the natal chart).Or a person completely denies higher education and believes that it is not necessary in the modern world.Or on the contrary, he considers it the most important and seeks to get several.
3.A person who thinking on your feet.His mind is very active, but long-term memory can often be confused.
4.This is a person who is able to get information out of the ground.A good placement for detectives.
5.I often meet this placement in the natal charts of lawyers, police officers, people from social services.They try to change the world for the better because of a high sense of justice.Often there are philanthropists among them.
6.With tense aspects with other planets, such a person could be forced to move to another country or city because of poor living conditions.
7.A very inquisitive person. He's easy to learn on his own, so don't be surprised if he acquired most of his skills from the internet.
Pluto in the 10th house:
1.This placement is most often found in the natal charts of people whose profession literally saves someone's life (doctor, military, firefighter, etc.)
2.They are very purposeful and stubborn people. If they argue, they argue to the end. If they work, they definitely go for a promotion.The type of person who doesn't listen to someone's advice.
3.Such people tend to postpone some savings until old age.For example, to purchase additional real estate or find a source of passive income.In matters of finance, they think very big.
4.They respect reputable people, but they are not afraid of them.They don't care about your position, job and income, you will always be an ordinary person.
5.I noticed that these people are often stalked on social networks.People admire and envy them a little.
6.Their thinking is very practical.(but you need to look at the natal chart) Their logic gets the better of their emotions.They are not cold-blooded, but rather realists.
7.Such people are more likely than others to face rivalry at work or when applying to university.
Pluto in the 11th house:
1.Such people stopped communicating with people more often than others because of changes in their lives.
2.With tense aspects with other planets, such a person may fall under the influence of bad company or toxic friends.
3.This person believes in lifelong friendship and is looking for someone with whom he will be himself, but instead he is even more horrified with other people.
4.This placement is often found in the natal charts of volunteers, school/university activists. Such people like to work in a team and are often led by them.
5.Such people don't really like to express their opinions in a group (but you need to look at Mercury and the Sun).They would rather choose a compromise than defend their choice.
6.A good placement for influencers. Such people have more chances to gain popularity.
7.Also, with tense aspects with other planets, this is an indicator of a social phobe.A person does not trust and is afraid of people.He is comfortable in his loneliness because of trust issues.
Pluto in the 12th house:
1.A person who is used to asking for advice from others.It is easier for him to ask the opinion of several people, think about everything and only then make a decision.
2.This is a good placement for psychologists and psychiatrists. These people are interested in the human soul from a scientific point of view.Perhaps they are fond of philosophy and have read the works of famous psychiatrists and philosophers.
3.The people who keep secrets the best.And their own too:)
4.Such people need to periodically restore their energy while alone and turn off the phone. So don't be surprised if this person disappears for a week, he's just resting.
5.In such people, intuition works most strongly through dreams and signs. Pay attention to information from the outside.
6.Life seems to deliberately confront these people with their fears. Although these people do not seem at first glance brave and courageous, in fact they are very strong.
7.I noticed that such people prefer to work alone.
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hajimedics · 19 days
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relationship charts between my fop ocs and their respective groups
tsubaki's whole deal at school is that she lied about being an esper and has to rely on kira to back up her frauds despite her reluctance on making wishes. hazel's hot on her tail. she suspects that girl genius might have a magical being on her side. tsubaki suspects the same with hazel and forms this one sided rivalry with her. hazel thought tsubaki was kind of mean and thinks she's flaunting her academics. however as they spend more time together and get caught in supernatural situations, they began supporting one another and telling each other to think about what she wants for her own benefit (tsubaki to hazel) or relax for a bit and not think everything and everyone's out to get her (hazel to tsubaki). also tsubaki hangs out with the hazel gang when she doesn't have cram school for the day
tsubaki and dev did not get long. they both came from harsh home lives (obsessive parents, neglectful dad) but they don’t see eye to eye because they have opposing attitudes and values in life. tsubaki thinks you only deserve good things if you work for it while dev gets everything handed to him on a gold platter. she also thinks dev doesn't deserve his godparent or anything good in life (words that later push them to understand each other better). dev looked genuinely upset, she later apologized, and they became.... frenemies? rivals? they still throw jabs at one another but tsubaki wants to put in effort to make more friends thanks to hazel's encouragement. when they're older they became close friends and catch up on how each other's doing despite not going to the same schools after elementary. it's cool.
kira believes the fairy world is hypocritical. he doesn't have world domination plans (that one goes to irep) but he wants to change fairy world for the better and make the fairies realize the flaws in the godparenting system, and what better way there is than through peri?
peri's both a fairywinkle and a cosma, he's the first fairy to be born in 1000 or so years, he's incredibly powerful and harbors massive potential, yet his powers is kept under control in that glass orb. peri is also new to godparenting while kira has thousands of years of experience. kira's witnessed many things that gave him such views (kids with abusive parents, homeless kids, sickly kids, mentally ill kids, etc), and he also noticed that peri is struggling with his first godkid and is such a stickler to da rules that it strains his relationship with dev. he must've noticed it too, right? how he and dev are at odds due to peri's reluctance to give him the things he wanted, how he and irep aren't really as close as they were when they were children. kira knows peri's naive, not stupid.
kira's not going to manipulate peri or straight up force him to do anything but he does want to become a presence in peri's life so he can open his eyes and change fairy world for the better ("a good godparent wants to see their godkid happy, right?"). he wants to guide peri in the path that he thinks is right. unfortunately they don't see eye to eye often so most of their conversations are at benches outside the school while their godkids are in their classroom
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shitswiftiessay · 5 months
Taylor sees her protégé out-charting her for the first time ever, so naturally she puts out a new fortnite single CD because she can’t stand not being #1.
and she also never has enough MONEY from her fans.
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Also, the swifties on twitter are SOOO ANGRY about it!! They’re accusing Sabrina of fraud, saying she only has a bit because of autoplay, acting like Taylor’s a victim because she might not win all the big awards, as if she isn’t a BILLIONAIRE who doesn’t already have ENOUGH fucking awards!!
They’re blaming spotify autoplay for Sabrina out charting Taylor, because it’s not possible that people would rather listen to a fun, upbeat, catchy song like Espresso instead of a 34 year old woman with “teenage petulance” moaning about the loss of her love with a racist ugly shit, and talking about k wording herself and others.
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GONE are the days of swifties creepily claiming Sabrina as Taylor’s daughter. Now that she’s getting too successful, she’s an enemy now. Just like another young female pop vocalist that they hate.
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baileypie-writes · 9 months
💕🩷hello ! I wanted to ask if you could possibly do more velvet and venner with a younger sibling?
Ok so how will velvet and venner react to their younger sibling (who was born with actual talent of singing) being use by another famous singer just as they use the trolls to become famous, like, the singer is stealing the younger sibling's talent to have a beautiful voice and keep getting famous and the younger sibling is becoming pale and weak (just as Floyd was) and maybe velvet and venner getting along with the trolls to save their younger sibling.
Hope you could understand, sorry if I'm sending this in the wrong time. Take your time and hope you could do it, if not then it's completely ok!
A/N ~ Omg, I love this idea! I decided to make this into multiple parts, since one would be too long. Part 2 should be out pretty soon. Hope you enjoy!
~I Want to Break Free~
Velvet and Veneer + Younger Sibling!Reader
Part 2 here!
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Familial
Synopsis: Velvet and Veneer find out that your talent is being stolen by a famous singer. So they team up with the trolls to save their little sibling.
Warnings: Reader being tortured(not detailed/graphic), cringe
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Veneer noticed it first. You were pale, and seemed weaker. He told Velvet, and both were concerned. Of course they asked you what was wrong, but you just claimed that you were tired.
This wasn’t exactly a lie. You were very tired. But the reason why is what you couldn’t tell your siblings.
You were born with a natural singing talent, unlike Velvet and Veneer. You always viewed this skill as a blessing. But for the past week, you wish you didn’t have it.
It all started when you posted a video of yourself singing a song by your favorite artist, Lemon Pop, on the internet. You went viral, and even got noticed by her. You were lucky enough to meet her in real life, and you even thought you became friends. Unfortunately, you were very wrong.
Lemon Pop was a fraud, just like your siblings were. She was inspired by how they stole the talent of trolls, and wanted to do the same. But after using a troll, she decided that it wasn’t enough for her. So after she saw your video, she knew immediately that she wanted your talent. She lured you in with her friendly facade, and when she finally had you close, she let her real personality shine. She’s a rude, manipulative and straight up abusive person. Way worse than how Velvet was in her glory days.
She forces you to attend all her performances, and stealing your talent before going on stage. She always threatens to ruin your life if you refuse or tell anyone. So not knowing what else to do, you play the role as her friend.
It’s so painful when everyone calls you lucky. You’d think that being best friends with a pop star would be the greatest thing in the world. But after feeling your talent leave your body in a painful, exhausting process for what felt like the millionth time, you wish you’d never posted that video of you singing.
“Where’s (name)?” Veneer asked.
“They’re with that ‘Lemon Pop’ girl again.” Velvet responded. Almost like that summoned her, the channel that was playing on the TV started mentioning her.
“Once again, Lemon Pop’s song is at the top of the music charts!” The announcer stated. It went on to show a clip of Lemon Pop receiving an award. You were there in the background, but anyone who knew you could tell that you were not well.
“Did (name) dye their hair?” Veneer asked.
“Uh, I don’t think so. Why?” Velvet responded.
“Because there’s some white in it.”
Velvet turned to the TV, and saw that he was correct. But your hair wasn’t the only odd thing about you. You looked exhausted, way worse than you seemed before. And for some reason, you were wearing long sleeves, long pants and gloves. It was warm in Mount Rageous, so your outfit was strange. Even more so, because you were visibly sweating a lot.
Before Velvet and Veneer could question your state to each other, loud knocking could be heard from outside their window, followed by a familiar voice.
“Velvet! Veneer! It’s us, Brozone!”
They thought they’d never see those faces again. It was the trolls. The ones that ruined their careers, and sent them to prison. They were banging on the window frantically.
Velvet stomped over to them. “What the hell are you doing here? Come to ruin our lives again?” She spat.
“Ah, Velvet. That was our fault. We tortured some of them, remember?” Veneer placed a hand on her shoulder, attempting to calm her down.
“I know I remember…” Floyd mumbled.
“Whatever! What do you want?” Velvet slapped her brother’s hand away.
A small, weak troll suddenly emerged from the group. Their hands and feet were sparkly and transparent, and they had a large ponytail of previously red hair, which was now mostly white. “It’s about your sibling, (name).”
Velvet and Veneer’s eyes softened, and their expressions changed to ones of worry. “What about them?” Asked Velvet, defensively.
“What you did to Floyd… they’re going through the same thing.” The troll said.
The twins looked at each other, then back at them. “What? What do you mean? Who even are you?” Velvet snapped.
The troll sighed. “I’m Rosetta. I used to be Lemon Pop’s prisoner. She stole my singing talent, just like you did to Floyd. But I wasn’t enough for her. So she tricked (name) into becoming friends, so she could steal their’s instead. I got Brozone to help me find you, and get you to help them.”
Velvet and Veneer were speechless. They looked back at the TV. You were still visible in the background. Now your appearance made sense. They looked at Lemon Pop, smiling and waving to all their fans. And even though they did the same thing she was doing, they couldn’t help but be pissed. You were their sibling, and she was torturing you.
They turned back to Rosetta, pure rage clear on their faces.
“Let’s go save them.”
(To be continued…)
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kremlin · 4 months
I do computer work but it's not very hard and kind of boring. How do I get to do hard computer work? Do I have to go to grad school?
hi i tend to miss these because of slipshod ublock custom filters im too birdbrained to fix.
i worked for a large american technology company which sold business machines internationally for close to a decade until laid off in successful accounting fraud scheme a few years ago. started as developer, erm, pardon me, i started as
junior developer
which is a role similar to routinely-executed court jester and human meatwave conscript meant to soak up enemy bullets to cause exhaustion of enemy bullet supply and finally guy that comes in big gross truck with a pump and a tank and a big hose used to suck the shit+piss out of portable toilet/malfunctioning sewer etc. this is for when you are 20 years old or so and they hit you with this work to calm your ass down a bit. my case was cloud bullshit on ancient rickety php stack. 5% keystrokes/clicks are php, 95% remainder is jira and other members of the axis of evil. LOT of dick sucking and butt fucking. Going into men's bathroom and making eye contact with cubicle neighbor before entering stall and fearlessly making disgusting noises. microwaving fish lunch thrice daily. you get the idea. meager paycheck but six figures takehome technically
next is staff dev, wait, god damn fucking tumblr, you can't adjust fonts mid-paragraph, and Big Text is just another type of font, in case you wanted Big Specific font. fucking fuck hold on. next step is
staff developer
no effective change besides greatly increased workload (click those motherfucking jira buttons!! suffer coworker's asinine bad-faith code review comments that HE AND HE ALONE must manually accept your responses to, on HIS time, before you are allowed to click the jira buttons that start the human meat sausage factory to get your 20 line maximum change into an RC and then release and then push candidate and then prod push!! pay raise one thousand dollars annually (lol). Emails. Now you deal with project manager too. speculate as to what sorts of grievous head injuries that man must suffer daily to describe his logic. his job is like the guy from office space that brings documents from one desk to another but he randomly reorders the words on the page in-flight. make plausibly-deniable wife fucking jokes about his wife in earshot. you're almost at the top of the suffering function. next is, no fucking cute font this time, senior developer, sounds cool right, lol, lmao, "senior" "developer" is like "tallest" "midgit".
no pay increase no workload increase but now manager emails you about extremely, extremely personal issues he's facing and also makes his most difficult problems from his boss your problems. one week will pass and then they will hit you with the "we're considering you for a team lead position". answer:
answer no as this is the prescribed path, you take that role, you are maxxed out in workload, you are dealing with forty employee's worth of bullshit, another one thousand dollarinos a year raise, employer has solved efficiency problem with your sanity and burnout as variables. you're supposed to quit or kill yourself within seconds of hitting 30 y/o. don't fall for tricks. say "NO" in a creative way such as "i have tabulated some data and made it into excel pie chart quantifying diff. departments work output and am considering sending it to whoever Dave is, the guy that is one or two or three report levels over your boss' head, you know, his boss' boss' boss or whatever. or say "you are harassing me sexually, racistly" that kind of shit. make threat clearly.
was worth mentioning before, throughout all of this make as many friends and as much of a splash for yourself as possible as its time to trade on that goodwill, tell your boss you want an open relationship and you're going to fuck and suck other managers, and then find the good one with the good team of old fucking geriatric guys who could never be fooled into working more than a reasonable amount daily and also can kill people with their minds since they have been sitting on the bleeding edge of computing since 1969. their boss will usually be, suspiciously, one report rank higher than everyone else. e.g. their boss has a whole other boss + his reports under him. usually small team. go to their boss, say, hi, look at me, look at my beautiful plumage and captivating mating dance, please hire me, pleassseee. his team will say no, they will say things like "I don't know about that kiddo", "That guy seems like a candy-ass", they will read your papers and look at you in the eyes and say it is not compelling, the boss will kind of hire you anyway. if he doesn't you're fucked. if he does you're now a
for fifteen minutes and then
and the suffering is over. no code minimal jira + squad of gremlin zerglings under your boss whom you can rank-pull and delegate bullshit to, they will be mostly suckers, take advantage of this. 80% of keystrokes/clicks will be in production of beautiful wonderful lovely .docx and .xlsx's, what a godsend, only in an emergency are you allowed to fuck with your zergling's code, usually in a cool way with bullshit procedure removed.
i worked on high performance computing shit. "what the fuck do you mean 2PB or so in and out a day on flash memory", "what the fuck do you mean special infiniband intel MPI library on CD-R stored in Craig's filing cabinet???". Meetings with company people: webcams off, responses optional, snideness allowed. Meetings with client: you must have your dress shirt starched and white glove the shit out of those motherfuckers. timezones = skill issue. i don't care where germany is, i don't give a shit, wake up at 3am for a 20m meeting i take on the toilet or while eating a boiled lobster complete with cracker + lobster bib. customers countable on one hand, invoices to customers not countable with 32 bits. no fucking mistakes ever allowed except for like whitepaper drafts, you cannot fuck the pumpkin on this one, your actual job relies on your ability to hit a button and suck down a week's worth of compute and millions of dollars, boiling swimming pool's worth of TDP, one mistake that leads result data to being able to be characterized as flawed and your balls are getting ripped off. Quarterly IRL meetings = normiepilled normiemaxxing. Dress sharp. leave at 5pm on the dot, go to bar with Old Fucker coworkers, drink wrecklessly with them, have a blast, let them give you a tour of a lab you are absolutely 100% not allowed to be inside, buildings that have posted weight limits per sq. ft. exceeding 250lbs, such a blast. every paycheck a FORTUNE every dinner a banquet every meeting an email every keystroke life or death. you get to meet /lib/doug mofos too one of whom i wrote a very poor kind of poem thing about. thats about it. hope this helps
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